Riddles about table manners. Fun etiquette

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor
He tells him: “...”
(Hello! )
And his neighbor is big-eared
Answers: “Hedgehog,...”
(Hello! )

To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She told her: “...”
(Goodbye! )

Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..."

Wagtail from the shore
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “...”
(Thank you! )

Fat cow Lula
She was eating hay and sneezed.
So as not to sneeze again,
We will tell her: “...”
(Be healthy! )

Fox Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: "..."
(Please! )

Hippopotamus and Elephant, believe me,
They won't fit through the door together.
The one who is more polite now
He will say: “Only...”
(After you! )

Mukha Zhu, although she didn’t want to,
Flew into a fast train.
She wants bugs Flo and Fti
They will say: "..."
(Bon Voyage! )

Tsar Gundey gave Ivan
Five nails for salvation
And Ivanushka to the Tsar
Speaks: "…"
(Thank you! )

Kicked out the cuckoo Roma
A strict nanny from home.
To everyone who will pamper,
To the house...

Mom and dad are sitting
Eat cake with sweets.
The polite daughter will say:
“Allow me...”
(can I help you! )

Crocodile from the swamp
Didn't go out for the longest time.
Members of the toad council
They gave him a prize for this -
Awarded with a parrot
And they shouted: “...”

The bull mowed down the daisies
And he invited the ram.
He alone ate the treat,
But he said: "..."
(Sorry! )

Discovered at dawn
That the dew got caught in the net,
Spider Shudra-Vudra
She told her: “...”
(WITH Good morning! )

Deer at two o'clock
The fox came to visit.
Fawns and deer
They told her: "..."
(Good afternoon! )

Moth at sunset
Flew into the light.
We are, of course, glad to meet you.
Let's tell the guest: "..."
(Good evening! )

Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Speaks: "…"
(Good night! )

Children Dasha and Egorka
Pizza cheese is grated.
The mice are asking from the hole:
"Give! Be..."
(so kind!)

The monkeys saw
An elephant eats bananas under a palm tree
And they shout to him:
"Tasty? At least give me a hint!”
The elephant is polite, no doubt about it
He will tell them: “...”
(Help yourself!)

Met a wild boar in the forest
An unfamiliar fox.
Says to the beauty:
“Allow me...
(introduce yourself!)
I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink!
I really love acorns!”
The stranger will answer
"Nice …"
(познакомиться! )

Girl Rita near the path
The table is set for the dog and cat.
Having arranged the bowls, Rita will tell them
“Eat! Have a nice day..."

Maia. Mayan. Bakulina. Bakulina.
"Etiquette". Summary of the lesson-conversation on moral education

"Etiquette". Summary of a lesson-conversation on moral education

Explanatory note:

Etiquette- an important part of universal human culture, morality, morality, in goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement.

Unfortunately, some people have to learn norms of behavior already in adulthood. And sometimes this becomes a real problem. Therefore, it is my firm belief that it is better to master the basics of etiquette from kindergarten. Especially today, when children and their parents actively travel around the world. Knowing the rules of behavior will protect you from awkward situations and all sorts of absurdities.

From the early childhood the child enters into a complex system of relationships with people around him (at home, in kindergarten etc.) and gains experience social behavior. Forming behavioral skills in children and cultivating a conscious attitude towards their actions must begin from preschool age. As is known, preschool age characterized by increased susceptibility to social influences. A child, coming into this world, absorbs all human ways of communication, behavior, relationships, using his own observations, empirical findings and conclusions, and imitation of adults. And moving through trial and error, he can eventually master the elementary norms of life and behavior in human society.

A special place when teaching preschoolers the rules of etiquette can be given to conversation. The conversation helps to clarify the level of knowledge and understanding by children of norms and rules of behavior, encourages children to understand actions, phenomena, and situations of a moral nature.


1. Introduce the concept of “etiquette”.

2. Strengthen children's knowledge of polite words.

3. Practice using polite words.

4. Cultivate such qualities as responsiveness, desire to help others; the desire to please others with good deeds.

Preliminary work:

1. Riddles about etiquette.

2. Memorizing poems about etiquette and polite words.

3. Guest etiquette rules.

4. Speech etiquette.

Material for the conversation:

Order of Kindness and Politeness for each child, made of colored paper.

Progress of the conversation:

Children enter the hall.

Educator: Hello, dear children!

You are the most beautiful in the world.

Children: (Hello).

Educator: The first words we start the day with are “ Good morning" What are we saying with these words, guys?

Children: We wish you fun, happiness, Have a good mood, we want the whole day to be joyful, bright, kind.

Educator: It is extremely important for children to know the rules of communication with others, here are some rules of speech etiquette.

1. Greet acquaintances when meeting, say goodbye when parting;

2. Use polite words in your speech: “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”;

3. Address adults respectfully, using “you”; do not insult other children;

4. Ask for forgiveness for a wrongdoing;

5. Do not discuss the behavior of strangers, do not snitch;

6. Do not interrupt someone else's conversation;

7. Be able to restrain your negative emotions.

Educator: Children, now let's solve riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette:

1. I was in a hurry to get to kindergarten,

I forgot to say hello:

With my best friend and my neighbor,

And in conversation with a passerby.

Hurtful consequences

Kohl didn't say.

Children: (Greetings)

2. When I was about to leave,

You must be polite.

The words "bye" and "goodbye" -

Those are words.

Children: ( Farewells)

3. If I'm wrong,

Then immediately, without a doubt,

I'll ask for forgiveness

Children: (Apologies)

4. I say “thank you”

So it's me.

Children: (Thank you)

5 . The bull mowed down the daisies

And he invited the ram.

He alone ate the treat,

But he said: "..."

Children: (Sorry!)

6. Mom and dad are sitting

Eat cake with sweets.

The polite daughter will say:

“Allow me...”

Children: (Can I help you!)

7. Fat cow Lula

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We will tell her: “...”

Children: (Be healthy!)

8. Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking from the hole:

"Give! Be.”

Children: (So kind!)

9. Met a wild boar in the forest

An unfamiliar fox.

Says to the beauty:

“Allow me...

Children: (Introduce yourself!)

Educator: Well done boys! You made me very happy.

And you know, there are many poems about politeness and polite words, and we will learn some of them, but first, a moment of physical education.

Physical education minute:


Vanka-Vstanka, ( Jumping in place)

Sit down. ( Squats.)

How naughty you are!

We can't handle you! ( Clap your hands.)

Up hand and down hand

Up hand and down hand.

They pulled them lightly.

We quickly changed hands!

We're not bored today. ( One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)

Squat with clapping:

Down - clap and up - clap.

We stretch our legs and arms,

We know for sure that it will be good. ( Squats, clapping hands above your head.)

We twist and turn our heads,

We stretch our neck. Stop! ( Rotate your head right and left.)

Educator: Now let's learn some poems.

1. What is "etiquette"?

We will give the answer now.

These are the rules

You need to know them from an early age!

2. What is etiquette?

It's possible,

Etiquette like a label

And a good mark

But not only in the diary,

On people's tongues...

It is very easy to live culturally.

Everything is fine,

Which is not bad.

2. Don't take candy to kindergarten

After all, other children feel hurt.

See your mom off in peace

And behave with dignity.

Listen to the teacher

Sleep and eat without orders.

3. If we bake cookies,

Treat all your friends,

We will tell them: “Don’t be shy,

Help yourself to your health!”

4. It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

5. What is "hello"?

The best of words.

Because "hello" -

It means “be healthy.”

6. Unearthly beauty,

Take your finger out of your mouth!

Girls and boys,

Don't suck your fingers.

Dear children,

Fingers are not candy.

7. If you become polite

And be educated

They will always and everywhere be

Respect and love you!

8. These words are most wonderful

Everyone is very happy to hear,

Adults and children are getting healthier

And they rush to smile at you.

Educator: It is extremely important for children to know the rules of behavior when visiting. You should know that when you are in someone else’s house, you must follow the rules of guest etiquette:

1. Come to visit only at the invitation of the hosts;

2. Greet the owners of the house;

3. Do not be late for the appointed time;

4. Follow the rules of communication;

5. Do not touch objects and things in the house without asking;

6. Do not insist on your desires;

7. Follow table manners;

8. Do not run around the apartment, do not shout, do not litter, do not throw things around;

9. Do not stay at a party for a long time;

10. Thank the hosts for their hospitality before leaving.

Educator: I know that all polite people are never evil, they are always smart and good people and I am sure that you will also become the same, and I want to award each of you with the Order of Kindness and Politeness. ( I take out and hand over to each child the Order of Kindness and Politeness).

Instead of a conclusion:

A person’s position in society and the course of his life directly depend on how others perceive him as a person. Achieving a respectful, kind attitude towards oneself is possible only for those who follow the rules accepted in society - cultured, educated, polite people. Parents must help the child, at each stage of his development, in mastering the elementary, but necessary, norms of etiquette. It is important to do this with love and kindness, so that the child knows that he always has the support of loved ones.

Summary: A selection of poems about the rules of etiquette. Poems about etiquette teach children what the rules of etiquette are and how a truly polite and cultured person should behave.

We offer you specially selected poems for children on the topic of etiquette: getting to know each other, going to visit, bon appetit, apologizing, magic words, talking on the phone, saying goodbye.

All the poems are distinguished by the fact that they are written with a great sense of humor, and, at the same time, teach what the rules of etiquette are and how a truly polite and cultured person should behave.

Ideas about the rules of behavior may differ from person to person. different nations, V different countries.

And here’s how, for example, the Rabbit from the fairy-tale story by Lewis Carroll imagines etiquette (translated by B. Zakhoder) "Alice in Wonderland":

Gloves are missing
And the fan disappeared!
Well, what now?
Should I come to the ball?!
After all, I can’t violate etiquette!!!
Everyone will say it's Rabbit
Undressed and naked!..

Mastery of speech etiquette involves the ability to correctly choose polite words in different situations. Politeness is an expression of good relations between people. The rules of etiquette have been developed over many centuries. In the old days, people might sound politely differently than they do now, for example, in Pushkin’s fairy tale “About Tsar Saltan”:

“The prince then said to them:
“Good journey to you, gentlemen!”

Failed acquaintance.(V. Levin)

Billy and Doll
We climbed onto the table -
Meet a new cat.
Bill was the first.
He hit a bump.
And then Dolly fell down.

From Winnie the Pooh songs.
Morning song
(B. Zakhoder)

Who comes to visit in the morning,
He acts wisely!
Taram-param, taram-param -
That's why it's morning!

In the evening - it’s time to sleep soon,
The owners yawn...
Now, if the guest came in the morning -
This doesn't happen!

Yes, if the guest arrived in the morning
He doesn't need to rush.
The owners shout: “Hurray!!!”
(They're U-terribly Ra-dy!)

No wonder the Sun comes to visit us
Comes to visit in the morning!
Taram-param, taram-param -
Come visit in the morning!

A very polite turkey.(B. Zakhoder)

Showed up
In the house
All of a sudden
Very Polite Turkey.

Thirty times a day
At least,
He shouted:
- Hey, you ignoramuses!
Come on in for a visit -

“I myself,” shouted the Turkey, “
Doctor of Polite Sciences,
And my wife is an example
Wonderful manners:
Even when she sleeps
It's obvious that she's well-mannered!

Don't be shy, Donkey!
Come in and sit at the table!
why are you silent
how's the fish?
Say: “I’ll come, thank you!”
Don't be a pig
My family is waiting for you!
If only earlier
You are your own pig's snout!

No matter how hard he fought,
So no one came -
Neither Cow
But the Dog
Neither Khavronya,
Neither Donkey!

Turkey turned blue with anger:
- Don’t go visiting, impudent people!
All the work wasted in vain
They are all idiots!

Sunday breakfast.(V. Levin)

One Sunday morning
The fly sat down to eat the jam,
But suddenly
How he'll come running! -
Spoiled the fly's mood
And killed her appetite.

Polite conversation.
(V. Levin)

The story is very polite and not too short.

One Englishman pushed an Englishman
and immediately said:
"Sorry, by accident."
The second Englishman kindly replied:
"Sorry, but I didn't notice anything."
“No, no, it’s you, for God’s sake, forgive me.”
“Excuse me, but what should I forgive, explain?”
“Like, ‘what should I forgive?’ Isn’t it clear?”
“Sir, you’re worried, really, in vain.
I would be glad to forgive you, but I don't understand
What exactly should I apologize to you?

and immediately said:
"Sorry -

To which the interlocutor kindly replied:
but I didn't notice anything."
"No no,
For God's sake, forgive me."

but what should I forgive?
“How - “what should I forgive”?
Isn't it clear?"
"Sir, you are worried, really, in vain:
I would be glad to forgive you,
but I don't understand
What exactly
I must excuse you!"

the Englishman pushed
and immediately said:

What does the interlocutor care about?
"Sorry, but -
I didn't notice anything!"

"No no!!!
It is you,
For God's sake, forgive me!"
But what should I forgive?!
“How - “what should I forgive”?
Isn’t it clear?!”
"Sir, are you worried?
right, in vain:
I would be glad to forgive you,
but I don't understand
What exactly
I must excuse you."

And he immediately said:
But then the interlocutor answered differently:
but I’ll probably give you back.”
And politely, politely
two Englishmen
each other
till night
were hanging out

Reflections after a very polite conversation.
(V. Levin)

It's worth adding some salt
Both breakfast and lunch.
A little bit
You can fool around
There's nothing wrong with that.
Sometimes it is necessary -
For the weak, for example.
Even politeness
When you forget the measure.

(A. Kondratyev)

Cancel or something?
the word "Please"?
We repeat it every minute.
Perhaps that
Without "Please"
We are becoming

Hello, is this the sea?
(R. Seph)

This is the Sea?
This is the Sea?
You hear,
Black Sea,
I took the shell
And I'm standing in the corridor,
And I'm very worried
Calling to the shore.
I recognize you
In this echoing
I hear
Crispy surf
On the sand.
It's the wind
Shakes the tops
Gray eucalyptus trees
In a coastal forest.
This is a sail
Flies in the open air.
This is a fish
Floating in the depths.
Answer me
Black Sea!
To me!

Mr. Snow.
(V. Levin)

Mister Snow! Mister Snow!
Will you come visit again?
- In one hour. I give you my word.
- Thank you, Mr. Snow...

Dutch songs.
Bon Voyage.
(I. Tokmakova)

The carriage crawls somehow,
A tired horse carries her, -
Bon Voyage!

A tired man walks
He wipes the sweat from his face with his hand, -
Bon Voyage!

And there are ships in the oceans,
Far from your homeland, -
Bon Voyage!

Let whoever goes, whoever goes,
He will always find his way home, -
Bon Voyage!

Based on the book by T.S. Reznichenko and O.D. Larina "Russian language - from play to knowledge."

- "The best educational games for children online"

Polite words (riddles)

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor
He tells him: “...”(Hello!)

And his neighbor is big-eared
Answers: “Hedgehog,...”(Hello!)

To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She told her: “...”(Goodbye!)

Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..."(Sorry!)

Wagtail from the shore
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “...”(Thank you!)

Fat cow Lula
She was eating hay and sneezed.
So as not to sneeze again,
We will tell her: “...”(Be healthy!)

Fox Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: "..."(Please!)

Hippopotamus and Elephant, believe me,
They won't fit through the door together.
The one who is more polite now
He will say: “Only...”(After you!)

Mukha Zhu, although she didn’t want to,
Flew into a fast train.
She wants bugs Flo and Fti
They will say: "..."(Bon Voyage!)

Tsar Gundey gave Ivan
Five nails for salvation
And Ivanushka to the Tsar
Speaks: "…"(Thank you!)

Kicked out the cuckoo Roma
A strict nanny from home.
To everyone who will pamper,
To the house...(Welcome!)

Mom and dad are sitting
Eat cake with sweets.
The polite daughter will say:
“Allow me...”(can I help you!)

Crocodile from the swamp
Didn't go out for the longest time.
Members of the toad council
They gave him a prize for this -
Awarded with a parrot
And they shouted: “...”(Congratulations!)

The bull mowed down the daisies
And he invited the ram.
He alone ate the treat,
But he said: "..."(Sorry!)

Discovered at dawn
That the dew got caught in the net,
Spider Shudra-Vudra
She told her: “...”(Good morning!)

Deer at two o'clock
The fox came to visit.
Fawns and deer
They told her: "..."(Good afternoon!)

Moth at sunset
Flew into the light.
We are, of course, glad to meet you.
Let's tell the guest: "..."(Good evening!)

Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Speaks: "…"(Good night!)

Children Dasha and Egorka
Pizza cheese is grated.
The mice are asking from the hole:
"Give! Be..."(so kind!)

The monkeys saw
An elephant eats bananas under a palm tree
And they shout to him:
"Tasty? At least give me a hint!”
The elephant is polite, no doubt about it
He will tell them: “...”(Help yourself!)

Met a wild boar in the forest
An unfamiliar fox.
Says to the beauty:
“Allow me...(introduce yourself!)

I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink!
I really love acorns!”
The stranger will answer
"Nice …"(познакомиться!)

Girl Rita near the path
The table is set for the dog and cat.
Having arranged the bowls, Rita will tell them
“Eat! Have a nice day..."(appetite!)

Grade 1 "Rules of Politeness"

Lesson objectives:

1. Repeat polite words used in different life situations: greeting, farewell, gratitude, apology, request, telephone conversation.

2. Teach children to observe the rules of politeness in relationships between boys and girls; children and adults.

3. Cultivate polite behavior and a friendly attitude towards others.

The lesson begins

It will be useful for the guys.

Try to understand everything

Good to remember.

The weather is clear.

There is no precipitation.

There is a slight wind blowing.

Air temperature -15 C.

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is missing

And it’s like a sin,

It is said most often.

This word follows

For a gift, for lunch,

This the word is spoken,

If you are thanked.

Think about what word Masha lost?

Have you ever lost such words?

- Guys, today we will talk about magic words. These are ordinary, simple, smart, useful and kind words, and they became magical because you simply cannot live in the world without them. You must not only know these words well, but also be able to pronounce them magically, and learning such magic is not difficult, you just have to want to.

You have become schoolchildren. Many glorious things await you. You will graduate from school and begin to work in factories and mines, build houses, pave roads to the stars, drive powerful nuclear-powered ships across the seas and oceans, grow new varieties of wonderful plants, and defeat diseases. You will be builders, captains, divers, astronauts, artists. But first of all, you must grow up to be real, good people: kind, brave, responsive, polite. And this also needs to be learned.

Friends, here you go just in case

Poems about a schoolboy alone.

His name is...but by the way,

We wouldn't call it better here.


He's not used to pronouncing it.

A simple word SORRY

His tongue did not overcome him.

He is often lazy

Say GOOD AFTERNOON when you meet!

It would seem a simple word,

And he is shy, silent,

And at best HEALTHY

He says HELLO instead.

And instead of the word GOODBYE

He doesn't say anything

Or say goodbye

Well, I'm off, bye, that's it...

What advice would you give to this boy on how to heal?

Maybe someone recognized themselves in him?

*To be polite, you need to use “magic words” as often as possible, which make you feel warmer, happier, brighter. There is great power in the word. A kind word can cheer a person up in difficult times, can help dispel Bad mood. But not only our words should be kind, but also our actions should be reasonable, clear, such that we don’t have to blush and be ashamed for them. Try to be useful people.

Understand and execute

The desire of another -

Pure pleasure,


* Now let’s all solve the following problem together: The boy shouted to a passerby: “Tell me, what time is it?” “When addressing a passerby, the boy made three mistakes.

– The boy should not have shouted, but calmly asked: Tell me, please, what time is it?

- “Not hours,” but what time is it?

– And after the adult’s answer, you must say “Thank you!”

*Now listen to one more question-task. An old man was walking down the street, leaning on a stick. He was very old and bent over with age, so he walked looking down at his feet. A boy of about 9 years old was walking towards him, his head raised up. The boy bumped into an old man and pushed him hard. The old man was very angry with the boy. But then the boy said something to him, and the old man immediately became better. What did the boy tell him?”

Excuse me, please.

Dad broke a precious vase

Grandmother and mother frowned immediately,

But dad was found: he looked them in the eyes

And timidly and quietly, “I’m sorry,” he said,

And mom is silent, she even smiles:

– We’ll buy another one, there’s a better one on sale

“Sorry” - it would seem that what’s wrong with him,

But what a wonderful word!

- Read and remember. See Appendix 1.

* Often guys show in every possible way that they are polite. Determine whether this is actually so.

Vitya offended the baby,

But in front of the school in the ranks

Vitya asks:

“Sorry, I admit I was wrong.”

The teacher came to class,

He put the magazine on the table.

Next is Vitya:

“Sorry, I'm a little late.”

The debate has been going on in class for a long time:

Is Vitya polite or not?

Understand our dispute

And send us the answer.

Is Vitya polite or not?

How should you enter class correctly if you are late for class?

*Game “Guys are polite guys”

Insert magic words into my story as needed:

“One day Vova Kryuchkov went to the theater. On the bus, he sat by the window and looked out at the street with pleasure. Suddenly a woman with a child entered the bus. Vova stood up and told her: “Sit down, please.” The woman was very polite and thanked Vova “THANK YOU.” Suddenly the bus stopped unexpectedly. Vova almost fell and pushed the man hard. The man wanted to get angry, but Vova quickly said EXCUSE ME, PLEASE. See Appendix 2.

Uncle Sasha is upset

This is what he told me about

“I saw Nastya the student

I'm outside now.

Nastya is a nice girl,

Nastya goes to first grade!

But long ago from Nastya

I didn't hear the word HELLO! See Appendix 3.

In the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. The meanings of the words are written down, read them out.

Hello - a greeting upon meeting and at the same time a wish to be healthy (we wish you health).

Please – expresses a polite address, request, agreement, response to gratitude.

Sorry - ask for forgiveness.

Thank you – Expression of gratitude.

Goodbye is a greeting when parting.

*I see that you know the magic words. Feel free to use them more often.

I love it when when we meet

We are friends and family -

"Good morning!",

"Good evening!"

“Good night!” we say.

I wish you well

Good night until morning,

I wish everyone good night,

Good deeds and kind words”.

- Guys, what word do you say as soon as you wake up?

- Good morning

– Even if the weather is bad, a snowstorm, rain, damp, dirty, you just have to say “GOOD MORNING!”, and you will immediately feel warmer and happier.


Let's cure ourselves of impoliteness. We pass the ball to each other, using a polite word or polite address.

*Now let’s watch the sketch “The Magic Word”. See Appendix 4.

– Why didn’t Lena give Pavlik paints?

- And why then did his grandmother give him the best pie, Lena gave him paints, and his brother promised to take him for a boat ride?

-What is this magic word?

– How should you say the magic word?


10. Guys, can you call Lenochkino PLEASE polite.

Helen was sitting on the tram. She kept spinning and swinging her legs. Her neighbor moved away. She was afraid that Lena would stain her coat.

- Girl! Sit still, PLEASE. “You can’t behave like that,” the old woman sitting opposite remarked to Lena.

- What did I do? - Lena objected. - Just think! Please, I will sit quietly. And she, pouting, looked out the window.

What magic word did Lena use?

With what intonation was it said?

Did the girl do the right thing?

*You need to not only know polite words, but also use them in your speech, so as not to be branded as an impolite person and to be understood by your interlocutor. Otherwise, this is what might happen. Listen phone conversation heroes of our textbook: the parrot Ilya, the dog Ryzhik and Seryozha.

Was the conversation polite and understandable?

What rules must be followed when talking on the phone to make it polite?

You need to speak on the phone in a polite tone.

Use words of greeting, gratitude, apology, farewell.

You shouldn't talk for too long. See Appendix 5.

Situations (Talking on the phone)

The boy calls the girl. He wants to find out what program the cartoons are shown on.

A boy calls a friend and wants to ask him about his math homework.

The boy calls his friend. He wants to invite him to ski.

The boy invites his friend to visit. They bought him new game"Football".

It is always pleasant to communicate with polite people: they use magic words in their speech and perform polite actions. See Appendix 6.

*Game “Dictionary of Polite Words”.

Guess the riddles.

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word THANK YOU.

The old stump will turn green,

When you hear: GOOD AFTERNOON.

If you can’t eat anymore;

We will tell mom: THANK YOU.

A boy, polite and developed,

He says, when meeting, HELLO.

When we are scolded for our pranks,


Both in France and Denmark

In parting we say GOODBYE. See Appendix 7.

*Homework: pp. 54-57, know the rules of behavior, try to always use them when communicating with other people.

Lesson summary:

What kind of person is called polite?

Voice out the picture using polite words.

If you say magic words, then all your wishes will definitely come true.

Let's end the lesson with a song about friendship, because polite guys love to be friends!

It is better to teach the rules of behavior to a child in game form to make it clearer and more accessible. For this you can use riddles and games about polite words presented below.


Don't be too lazy to tell your friends


(Good afternoon)

Saying goodbye to each other

We'll say...


Don't blame each other

Better soon...


How beautiful it is

Good word...

(Thank you)

When you are guilty, you are in a hurry to say

I beg you, please-


Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

And you are better than adults...

(Do not interrupt)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...

(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom...

(Thank you)

The boy is polite and affectionate

He says when meeting...


When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's talk...

(Excuse me, please)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye...


If a friend meets a friend,
Friends shake each other's hands
In response to a greeting
Everyone says...


I wrote a letter to my mother

Yesterday I answered

And at the end he conveyed

To all friends...


If with a friend or girlfriend

The separation was long

When we meet we say:

“How old and...”

(How many winters)

If you met someone,

According to the laws of etiquette,

So that the conversation goes uphill,

We ask: “How...”


Don't be rude to older people
And don't be too familiar
Tell them when you meet
Not “hello”, but...


Our world is tired of evil,
So that he becomes kinder,
We are not too lazy to talk
At the meeting …

(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is missing

And it’s like a sin,

It is said most often.

This word follows

For a gift, for lunch,

This word is said

If you are thanked.

(Thank you)

Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking from the hole:

"Give! Be..."

(So ​​kind)


Puppy Phil was walking in the yard,

Suddenly I met an old bulldog.

I ask you to quickly guess:

Who should say “hello” first?

(Puppy Phil, he’s younger, but younger ones first greet the elders)

Here comes the lapdog Zhulka,

Fashionista, imaginary...

And towards me - a gentleman,

Cute Scotch Terrier.

Can you guess it or not:

Who will be the first to say “hello”?

(Scottish Terrier, because he is a man, and a man is the first to greet women he knows)

Below are some funny ones riddles about polite words by Olesya Emelyanova.


1. “Learning magic words”

Tell your child what polite words mean, that people in different countries greet each other differently, and all languages ​​have such magic words.

Learn magic words that are close in meaning - “Hello” and “Good afternoon”, “Goodbye” and “See you soon”, etc.

Or you can learn polite words in different languages peace. For example, the word “Hello” or “Hello”.

Hello is the most popular and useful word for a traveler. And it’s the simplest thing, so it won’t hurt to know how to say hello in different languages ​​of the world. It is interesting to note that a greeting from another language is not always literally translated into Russian as “hello”; often it will mean “good afternoon” or “hello”, and sometimes even “peace be with you”.

Language What does it sound like
Azerbaijani Salaam Alaikum
English Hello,Hi
Arabic (Egypt) Ahlan wa sahlan
Arabic (East, North Africa) Marhaba
Afrikaans Hola
Belorussian Privitanne
Bulgarian Hello
Hungarian Jo napot
Vietnamese Chao
Hawaiian Aloha
Dutch Hallo
Greek Geia sou
Georgian Gamarjoba
Hebrew Shalom
Indonesian Selamat
Icelandic Godan Daginn
Spanish Buenas dias
Italian Buon giorno
Latin Ave
Latvian Lab dien, sveiki
Lithuanian Sveikas
German Guten Tag
Norwegian Goddag
Polish Dzien good
Portuguese Ola
Romanian Buna
Serbian Hello
Slovak Good day
Thai Sawatdi
Turkish Merhaba
Uzbek Salaam Alaikum
Ukrainian Hello
Finnish Paivaa
French Bonjour
Hindi Namaste
Croatian Zdravo
Czech Good day
Swedish God dag
Esperanto Saluton
Estonian Tervist
Japanese Konnichi wa

2. "Be careful"

This game is best played with several children. You need to ask the children to complete the task, but they must complete it only when you call the “magic word”. Below are examples of commands, you can use them, or you can come up with your own.
Stand up please!
Hands up!
Please clap your hands!
Jump please.
Please, hands forward.
Please put your hands down.
Please, tilt your head forward.
Tilt it back, please.
Please, please take your seats.

3. “Polite is impolite”

Rules of the game. If you read about a polite act, children clap their hands 2 times. When you read about an impolite act, children stomp their feet 2 times. You can also come up with other fun moves.

Examples of actions:

Say hello when you meet
Push and don't apologize
Whistling, shouting, making noise at school
Give way to elders
Do not stand up when asked by the teacher
Help climb the stairs
Say goodbye when leaving

4. “Polite watch”

This is a warm-up game that can be played with one child or several. Children pretend to be a clock. Two hands are arrows that move around an imaginary dial.

Leading: Tiki-tock, tiki-tock -

The clock goes like this.

The clock struck seven in the morning,

All the kids were woken up.

Children clap their hands seven times to imitate the striking of a clock: bom-bom.

Leading: The morning has come

The sun has risen...

Answer me guys

What should you say when you wake up?

Children: Good morning!

Game continues. The arrows are moving again; The clock is ticking and now shows twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Leading: The day has come, guys;

What should you say when you meet?

Children: Good afternoon

The game continues in the same way.

Leading: The arrows ticked and walked

And six o'clock struck.

Children clap their hands six times.

Leading: The evening has come, guys.

What should you say when you meet?

Children: Good evening.

Leading: Well done!

5. “Polite tram”

It's better to play this game big company. Because it involves the driver, conductor and passengers. Children line up one after another like a train, pretending to be tram passengers. The driver stands in front, holding a toy steering wheel. The conductor treats passengers generously, issuing tickets not for money, but for polite words (thank you, please, be kind, excuse me, hello, etc.). In this case, the same word should not be repeated twice.

Tickets can be made from paper, old postcards or calendars.

If one of the passengers finds it difficult to say a polite word, one of the passenger friends can buy a ticket for it. But at the same time, knowledge of the magic polite words is mandatory.

If no one can rescue the stowaway, the conductor sends him to the driver. The advantage of the driver is that he can say any polite words, even those that have already been spoken. When all passengers are satisfied, the polite tram departs.

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