Riddles on the topic of etiquette for children. Riddles, proverbs and sayings for the table etiquette project

The riddle about the knife and historical information about the origin of the knife.

If sharpened well, it cuts everything very easily.

Bread, potatoes, beets, meat, fish, apples and butter.

The most ancient tools found by archaeologists during excavations were hunting and fishing tools. Among the oldest weapons, the most important place occupied by flint knives, which served both as weapons and a means for cutting food. So the knife appeared at the dawn of humanity. It took hundreds of thousands of years for primitive knives to acquire handles, which then turned into bronze and iron. At first, the knives were in the form of daggers, but Napoleon at the end of the 17th century banned the production of knives with a sharp end, since murders often took place on the streets. It was unsafe to keep dagger-shaped knives on the table, since they could become military weapons at any moment. As soon as passions flared up at lunch and dinner, a peaceful conversation could turn into an argument. It was not for nothing that venerable knights, entering the banquet hall, left their swords at the entrance. From a formidable weapon of hunting and war, knives turned into peaceful devices with a rounded end. Which we are currently using.

Over time, several types of table knives were developed. Knives appeared - files for cutting cheese, special knives for removing oysters from shells, wide knives for fish. A special etiquette also developed that regulated the rules for using knives for serving items.

The riddle of the fork and historical information about its origin.

They don't count crows when they see food,

They rush together from both sides:

One - cuts,

The other one is catchy

Both have enough work on their plate.

Fork - cutlery With interesting fate. Needless to say, it was a useful object, but it was not destined to play the important role in the history of mankind that the knife played. Therefore, they “thought of” the fork 5000 years after the invention of the knife.

Perhaps the predecessor of the fork was the fishing trident, which became the regalia of Neptune.

In the 11th century, the fork had one prong, and from the beginning of the 20th century there were four. The first fork in the form of a golden awl on an ivory handle was made for a Byzantine princess at the beginning of the 11th century. In the 16th century, the French queen had one fork with 64 spoons, which she kept in a special case. Wider use of the fork occurred when puffy collars came into fashion. It turned out to be impossible to put food in the mouth, so I had to lengthen my arms.

In Russia, the fork came into use under Peter I. Forks are common in our everyday life different types, they differ in size. There are special fish forks with indentations for separating bones from the pulp, and forks - blades. The smallest - with two teeth - for lemon, with three - for sweet dishes, with four - for lunch and for snacks.

The riddle about the spoon and the history of its origin.

It is more difficult to do without a spoon than without a fork, which is why almost all nations have known it for a long time. This is how large spoons were invented - scoops (ladles) and spoons for eating. They were given different shapes: hemispherical, oval, oval with a pointed end. Used to make spoons different materials: wood, bone, metal and even ceramics.

Spoons were known already 2000 years ago. In Ancient Novgorod, spoons decorated with carvings and paintings were in use. The center of spoon production was the Novgorod province.

Our ancestors loved hot food very much. Serving almost boiling cabbage soup on the table was a matter of honor for the owner. It is no coincidence that Catherine II, inviting Lomonosov to visit, told him: “I hope that the cabbage soup will be as hot as yours.” The wooden spoon didn't burn my lips. The second reason: wood is a very plastic material. In the hands of a craftsman, a wooden spoon turned into a work of art. When Peter I traveled around Europe, his hosts were surprised that he used only his own cutlery and constantly carried a spoon, fork, and knife with him.

Rules for using napkins and historical information about it.

“Napkin is a foreign word.” This name is borrowed from German language, into which it passed from the Italian “napkin”.

IN Ancient Greece more than 3,000 years ago, fig tree leaves served as napkins, with which slaves wiped the lips of their masters. Then the ancient Romans came up with asbestos napkins, which were not washed, but thrown into the fire to clean. But later they disappeared from use, and in most European countries napkins appeared in the middle of the 16th century. Before that, a piece of bread served as a napkin, at worst - a sleeve of clothing, and then, when tablecloths appeared, then its edge. Back in the 16th century, etiquette manuals recommended wiping a used spoon with a tablecloth. Napkins were especially popular in countries where men wore beards.

In Russia, even under Peter I, napkins were rare and became widespread only in the 18th century. In the beginning they were intended only for selected guests. Nowadays, a napkin is a mandatory element of table sorting. They can be of different sizes, but should be square and lightly starched.

There are many ways to fold a napkin, but in all cases you must follow the rules:

Touch the napkin with your hands as little as possible

Choose a form so that the guest can easily and quickly unfold it

Fold all napkins the same way

You can also put paper napkins.

Rules for using napkins:

    you should not take the napkin from the plate until it has been served;

    they place it, folded in half, on their knees with a bend towards themselves;

    It is not customary to place a napkin in one of its corners behind the collar

    fingers accidentally stained while eating are carefully wiped with the top half of the napkin; you can wipe your lips with the same napkin if you don’t have paper ones

    lips are wiped by dabbing them on the top half of a napkin; it is unsightly to wipe your lips with sliding movements

    Do not use a napkin as a handkerchief

    You shouldn’t sit down at the table and look closely at the cutlery and then wipe it with a napkin if you notice something

    after eating, you don’t need to carefully fold it, you need to put it to the right of the plate

    If a napkin falls on the floor, ask for another one.

Proverbs and sayings.

Do not put your fingers into the salt shaker, do not bring dirt into the salt shaker.

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

Bread is the head of everything.

Without salt the table is crooked.

They can't have lunch without bread.

Without salt, bread is not food.

Without lunch there is no good conversation.

Not in our honor, not for us.

Bread and water are peasant food.

Eat the pies, and save the bread ahead!

Without salt, without bread - half a meal.

Without salt it is not tasty, and without bread it is not satisfying.

If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

Lie down after lunch, walk around after dinner!

If the hunger goes away, you will begin to eat what God gives.

Without bread and without porridge, our labors are worthless.

Grabbing it in the heat of the moment means you won’t get full, but you’ll get burned.

Eat the mushroom pie and keep your mouth shut!

I want to eat the pie, but I don’t want to go underground.

Riddles about cutlery

Younger sister rake,
She has four teeth.
But her life is in the kitchen,
And he only knows his own business!

If sharpened well,
He cuts everything very easily -
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.

They can cut bread
And sausage for a sandwich,
And butter the bun.
It is good for many jobs!

From one huge stack
They scattered to the tables;
Come on, stop stomping children,
Lunch is served to you!

We're standing side by side in the closet,
We shine with our purity.
We invite you for tea.
Do you know us? So answer!
(Tea cups)

They cook cabbage soup in it,
Compote and porridge
For the whole family
Our big one!

They never cook in me,
Baked - sometimes
And usually they just fry
The way I...

I am the “son” of the samovar,
And also with water.
And I will whistle
While young.

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor.
He tells him: "..." (. Hello.
And his neighbor has big ears.
He answers: “hedgehog, …” (hello).
I met a boar in the forest.
An unfamiliar fox.
Says to the beauty:
"Let me... (introduce myself).

I'm a boar! The name is oink-oink!
I really love acorns! Stranger.
"Nice to meet you).
To the octopus flounder. Monday I swam, and on Tuesday I said goodbye.
She said to her: “…” (goodbye).
Clumsy clumsy dog ​​Kostya. The mouse stepped on its tail. they would, but he said “…” (sorry).

Wagtail wagtail from the shore. a worm, and a fish for a treat.
She gurgled: “…” (thank you).

He sang wonderfully and wonderfully among the branches. nightingale, and to him throughout the oak grove.
The sparrows shouted: “…” (bravo).

Fat fat cow Lula. I was eating hay and sneezed. didn’t sneeze again, we’ll tell her: “…” (be healthy).

Fox Matryona says:
"Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t! You, fox, don’t complain, but say: “…” (please).

A hippopotamus and an elephant, believe me, will not fit through the door together.
The one who is more polite now.
He will say: “only...” (after you).

Fly Zhu, although she didn’t want to, flew into the fast train.
She wants bugs flo and fti.: ​​"..." (bon voyage).

Tsar Gundei gave to Ivan. salvation is five nails, and Ivanushka is the king.
He says: “…” (thank you).

Kicked out kicked out the cuckoo Roma. a strict nanny from home. , who will pamper, into the house... (welcome).
Mom and dad are sitting, eating cake and sweets.
The polite daughter will say:
“Allow me...” (to help you).

A crocodile from the swamp. I didn't go out for the longest time. members of the toad council. his prize for this is...
They were awarded with a parrot. shouted: “…” (congratulations).

The bull mowed down the daisies. invited the ram.
He ate the treat alone, but said: “…” (I beg your pardon).

The doe meets the doe at two o'clock. The fox came to visit. fawns and deer. They said: "..." (good afternoon).

A moth at sunset. flew into the light. Of course, we are glad to meet you.
Let's say to the guest: "..." (good evening).
Katya Katya little baby Ignatka. sleep in the crib -.
He doesn’t want to play anymore, he says: “…” (good night).

Children children Dasha and Egorka. grate pizza cheese. mice from the hole:
"Give" give! .be. (so kind)? The monkeys saw an elephant under a palm tree eating bananas, and they shouted to him: “Is it delicious? Just give me a hint! The elephant is polite, don’t doubt it, he will tell them: “...” (help yourself)? A girl, Rita, near the path, is setting a table for a dog and a cat. Having arranged it, Rita will tell them “Eat! Have fun..." (appetite) education@Derinat.

We all know that the easiest way to raise a child to be polite and cultured is to by example. But why not add mysterious education to your daily routine? We have already talked about etiquette and polite poetry, today I invite you to plunge into riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette

Politeness is an excellent quality that helps people interact with each other and be, strictly speaking, people))) The rules of behavior at the table, at school, in society were invented for a reason and they undoubtedly must be followed!

We will find out whether our children know the basic rules of etiquette by asking them polite riddles about manners and rules of behavior.

Exactly, we are sitting straight,
If at the table... (eat).

If we go to visit,
We carry it with us. (Present)

To be very nice
Let's wrap it up nicely
We'll tie it with a ribbon,
Let's say congratulations! (Birthday gift)

We're on a birthday
We won’t come without... (invitation).

We'll clean the apartment
And we'll put things in order.
If we are waiting for friends,
If we are waiting for... (guests).

Before eating
Let's wash our hands... (with water).

We'll dress decently
Neat, cute,
And we will take the gift,
If we go to ... (guests).

Riddles about the rules of behavior at school are a completely separate and big topic for discussion:

Be diligent in class
Be calm and... (attentive)

Write everything without falling behind,
Listen... (Without interrupting)

Speak clearly, clearly,
So that everything is... (Understood)

If you want to answer,
You need to hand... (Raise)

In mathematics they think
At recess... (resting)

If a friend began to answer,
Don't rush... (Interrupt)

And if you want to help a friend -
Raise your hand calmly... (Hand)

Know: the lesson is over,
If you heard... (Ring)

When the bell rang again
Always be ready for the lesson... (Ready)

So that doctors don't worry,
During breaks, don’t... (Shout)

Rules of conduct are a delicate area of ​​teaching and are best taught in game form. Through the prism of play and fun, the most important concepts become clearer and more accessible. And riddles and games about polite words will help with this.

Riddles about politeness and polite words

I'll give you flowers
And I'll give you a gift.
I'm sure you
Tell me... (thank you).

So the morning has come,
The garden shines with mother of pearl.
What will we say? (Good morning!)

There are many good words
Wonderful, kind words.
I know, son Alyosha
I'm ready to tell them!
One-two-three, one-two-three,
Tell me the words! (Thank you, hello, goodbye, thank you)

The bird met the bird.
What did she chirp? (Hello!)

When we go to bed,
What will we remember to say? (Good night)

When we return to the house,
Where everyone is familiar to us,
What we won’t forget to say
What if we are polite? (Hello!)

What will we tell grandma?
For delicious pancakes? (Thank you)

If we are at grandpa's
We ask for some bread for tea,
Then we thank him.
What word are we talking? (Thank you)

We come to kindergarten
Everyone here is very happy to see us.
What word will we not forget?
We will say it. (Hello!)

When we part
Until next time,
What word will we say?
Of course... (goodbye).

Don't be too lazy to tell your friends
(Good afternoon)

Saying goodbye to each other
We'll say...

Don't blame each other
Better soon...

How beautiful it is
Good word...
(Thank you)

When you are guilty, you are in a hurry to say
I beg you, please-

And you are better than adults...
(Do not interrupt)

Funny riddles and agreements can be used to complement children's parties and matinees. They always meet us very hospitably.

Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word...
(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears...
(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom...
(Thank you)

The boy is polite and affectionate
He says when meeting...

When we are scolded for our pranks,
Let's talk...
(Excuse me, please)

Both in France and Denmark
They say goodbye...

If a friend meets a friend,
Friends shake each other's hands
In response to a greeting
Everyone says...

I wrote a letter to my mother
yesterday in response,
And at the end he conveyed
To all friends...

If with a friend or girlfriend
The separation was long
When we meet we say:
“How old and...”
(How many winters)

If you met someone,
According to the laws of etiquette,
So that the conversation goes uphill,
We ask: “How...”

Don't be rude to older people
And don't be too familiar
Tell them when you meet
Not “hello”, but...

Our world is tired of evil,
So that he becomes kinder,
We are not too lazy to talk
At the meeting …
(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,
But one of them is missing
And it’s like a sin,
It is said most often.
This word follows
For a gift, for lunch,
This word is said
If you are thanked.
(Thank you)

Children Dasha and Egorka
Pizza cheese is grated.
The mice are asking from the hole:
"Give! Be..."
(So ​​kind)

Puppy Phil was walking in the yard,
Suddenly I met an old bulldog.
I ask you to quickly guess:
Who should say “hello” first?
(Puppy Phil, he’s younger, but younger ones first greet the elders)

Here comes the lapdog Zhulka,
Fashionista, imaginary...
And towards me - a gentleman,
Cute Scotch Terrier.
Can you guess it or not:
Who will be the first to say “hello”?
(Scottish Terrier, because he is a man, and a man is the first to greet women he knows)

Etiquette for children. Politeness Lessons

Lessons in good manners. Poems about etiquette

Table manners

Table etiquette for the little ones

Kind and polite children to you!

Riddle with the answer politeness. (riddles for children)

Having met a bunny, the hedgehog is a neighbor
He tells him: “...”
And his neighbor is big-eared
Answers: “Hedgehog,...”
To the Octopus Flounder
On Monday I swam
And on Tuesday goodbye
She told her: “...”
Clumsy dog ​​Kostya
The mouse stepped on its tail.
They would quarrel
But he said "..."
Wagtail from the shore
Dropped a worm
And fish for a treat
She gurgled: “...”
(Thank you!)
Sang wonderfully among the branches
Vocal nightingale,
And to him throughout the oak grove
The sparrows shouted: "..."
Fat cow Lula
She was eating hay and sneezed.
So as not to sneeze again,
We will tell her: “...”
(Be healthy!)
Fox Matryona says:
“Give me the cheese, crow!
The cheese is big, and you are small!
I’ll tell everyone that I didn’t!”
You, Lisa, don't complain,
And say: "..."
Hippopotamus and Elephant, believe me,
They won't fit through the door together.
The one who is more polite now
He will say: “Only...”
(After you!)
Mukha Zhu, although she didn’t want to,
Flew into a fast train.
She wants bugs Flo and Fti
They will say: "..."
(Bon Voyage!)
Tsar Gundei gave it to Ivan
Five nails for salvation
And Ivanushka to the Tsar
Speaks: "…"
(Thank you!)
Kicked out the cuckoo Roma
A strict nanny from home.
To everyone who will pamper,
To the house...
Mom and dad are sitting
Eat cake with sweets.
The polite daughter will say:
“Allow me...”
(can I help you!)
Crocodile from the swamp
Didn't go out for the longest time.
Members of the toad council
They gave him a prize for this -
Awarded with a parrot
And they shouted: “...”
The bull mowed down the daisies
And he invited the ram.
He alone ate the treat,
But he said: "..."
Discovered at dawn
That the dew got caught in the net,
Spider Shudra-Vudra
She told her: “...”
(Good morning!)
Deer at two o'clock
The fox came to visit.
Fawns and deer
They told her: "..."
(Good afternoon!)
Moth at sunset
Flew into the light.
We are, of course, glad to meet you.
Let's tell the guest: "..."
(Good evening!)
Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Speaks: "…"
(Good night!)
Children Dasha and Egorka
Pizza cheese is grated.
The mice are asking from the hole:
"Give! Be..."
(so kind!)
The monkeys saw
An elephant eats bananas under a palm tree
And they shout to him:
"Tasty? At least give me a hint!”
The elephant is polite, no doubt about it
He will tell them: “...”
(Help yourself!)
Met a wild boar in the forest
An unfamiliar fox.
Says to the beauty:
“Allow me...
(introduce yourself!)
I'm a boar! The name is Oink-Oink!
I really love acorns!”
The stranger will answer
"Nice …"
Girl Rita near the path
The table is set for the dog and cat.

Riddles are good for the mind.

A riddle is a genre of folk poetry, an allegorical poetic description of an object or phenomenon, representing something mysterious, unknown, arousing curiosity and intended for the solution itself, testing the ingenuity of the guesser.

To make a guess is to conceive, to assume the unknown and decide for yourself.

Riddles about riddles

Making a wish is joy,

Guess it - sweetness! (Mystery)

How you do not know -

You're breaking your head

How can you guess -

You turn up your nose! (Mystery)

The smart one can guess -

Why click the seeds?

And let the other person guess -

What a field to plow! (Mystery)

If you test your mind, -

So make a wish for it!

Hello, dear readers!

We talked about how we can teach our children the rules of politeness. Today I will continue this topic and suggest reading poems about politeness to children, as well as solving riddles.

It is better to present the rules of behavior to a child in a playful way to make it clearer and more accessible.

And poems about politeness will be a good help. They will also help children develop artistic taste.

Poems should be colorful and memorable. A good example is Samuel Marshak’s poem “A Lesson in Politeness,” where the rules of behavior and how they must always be observed are explained using the example of a bear cub.

The poems have rhymes that are quickly and unobtrusively remembered by children. The child learns the rules of behavior easily and fun.

Now there are many different, colorful books that will help parents in raising children. The child does not always understand why to say polite words. Here the heroes of poems, fairy tales, and cartoons will come to the rescue and figuratively show why you need to be polite.

Poems about politeness for children

We all learned sometime

Walk, draw, talk.

Let's remember, guys,

How to be kind and polite.

Meeting friends and acquaintances,

I look into their eyes with a smile,

Being polite is very easy for me

I’ll say “hello” first.

Someone came up with a beautiful idea -

Thank you for your help,

The usual word "thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

Saying goodbye, we all "goodbye"

We always tell each other

"Please" - if desired

Or we want to fulfill the request.

There are so many useful things in the world,

Beautiful and affectionate words.

Please just be polite

After all, this is the basis of the basics.

And it’s very easy to be polite:

Be kind - the usual advice,

It doesn't matter how tall you are

And how old are you?

S. Marshak. "Politeness Lesson"

A bear about five or six years old

Taught how to behave:

When visiting, bear, you cannot roar.

You can't be rude or arrogant.

We must bow to our acquaintances,

Hats off to them

Don't step on paws

And don't catch fleas with your teeth,

And don't walk on four.

No need to slurp and yawn,

And who yawns to his heart's content,

He should cover it with his paw

A gaping mouth.

Be obedient and be polite

And give way to passers-by

And respect the old ones.

And grandma bear

In fog and ice

Accompany you home!

So Mishka is five or six years old

Taught how to behave...

Although he seemed polite,

He remained bearish.

He bowed to his neighbors -

Foxes and bears,

I gave up my place to acquaintances,

He took his hat off to them.

And strangers attacked

The whole heel is on the paw.

Sticking my nose where it shouldn't be,

He trampled the grass and crushed the oats.

Belly up

In public on the subway.

And the old people, the old women

Threatened to break a rib.

A bear about five or six years old

They taught us how to behave.

But, apparently, the teachers

Wasted time!

Here’s a funny poem from Samuil Marshak about politeness.


Offer your children riddles and let them complete the phrase.

Don't be too lazy to tell your friends

Smiling...(good afternoon)

Saying goodbye to each other

We'll say...(goodbye)

Don't blame each other

Better soon...(sorry).

How beautiful it is

Kind words...(thank you).

When you are guilty, hurry to say

"I beg you, please - (sorry).

Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

And you’re better than adults... (don’t interrupt).

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word... (thank you).

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears... (good afternoon).

The boy is polite and developed

He says, meeting... (hello).

When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's talk... (sorry, please)

Both in France and Denmark

In parting they say... (goodbye).

Proverbs and sayings

Learn good things - bad things will not come to mind.

Life is given for good deeds.

It’s bad to live without a kind word.

A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.

It is not clothes that make a man, but his good deeds.

Kind words are more valuable than wealth.

Don't look for beauty, but look for kindness.

Managed to do something wrong, and managed to obey.

Books to read to children

I would like to offer a list of books that would be useful for children to read so that they better understand the rules of behavior. Read, learn poetry, talk, play with children.

"Moidodyr" K.I. Chukovsky;

“What is good and what is bad” by V. Mayakovsky;

Russian folk tale"The Fox and the Crane";

“If you are polite” by S. Marshak;

“Rules of conduct for children” by O. Zhuravleva;

“The Magic Word” by V. Oseeva;

"Lessons in Politeness" by A. Usachev.


Play the game "Echo" with the kids. Tell us what an echo is. Let the mother say the words and the child repeat after you. for example, mom says hello, baby repeats, mom apologizes, baby repeats.

Game 'Learning magic words'.

Be sure to tell your child what polite words mean, what people different countries They greet each other in different ways, and all languages ​​have such magic words.

Learn magic words that are close in meaning - “Hello”, “Good afternoon”, “Goodbye”, “See you soon”.

For younger preschoolers, parents are the closest people whom he trusts. If the child does not yet understand why he needs to say hello, just explain to him. Read fairy tales, poems, watch an interesting cartoon together, the child will learn the rules of etiquette faster with examples. There is no need to hope that this will be taught in kindergarten, grandmother or nanny. Only parents themselves can teach their child by their personal example. And don't be stingy with your praise!

Memo for parents

"How to help become polite."

  • Strive to use polite words in your speech. Remember you are an example for your children.
  • Convince your family around your child that polite words are the norm.
  • Tell your child about the power of “magic words.”
  • Always say hello and goodbye to your child.
  • And don’t forget, when teaching your child, be polite yourself!

Happy lessons in politeness!

We also read:

1. Poems about autumn

2. Funny poems for children

3. Autumn riddles

4. Riddles for schoolchildren

Write comments, take part in the commentator competition. Share information with friends, click on the social buttons. networks.

Best regards, Olga.

Stories about politeness for preschoolers. A Tale of Polite Words

Marina Pozdeeva
A Tale of Polite Words

There are many words, very different in the world,

But these are familiar to both adults and children...

“Thank you”, “please”, “good morning”,

« Have a good day", we say to someone...

“Sorry,” we will say when we do something wrong,

When we suddenly become too naughty...

And in the evening we’ll say “Good night” to our friends,

And we'll whisper to mom: "I love you so much" …

Tulips bloom from polite words,

And moms and dads walk around happy...

And even the puppy sings loudly

In response to the girl’s friendly exclamation.

But the disobedient Seryozha lived among everyone,

He was a little different from others...

He said so: “Those words are nonsense!

I won't tell them! No one! Never!"

And then a big disaster happened -

Words disappeared in an instant without a trace...

Children cried, mothers were upset

And they started sending telegrams to all their friends -

“Save! Do you hear people, save me!

Find us a few kind words!”

Eight days have passed - the sun does not shine in the sky,

And a cold, piercing wind blows...

No one will say “thank you” or “sorry” to you...

The children are sad because of sad events...

No one will save, and no one will help...

And who is to blame? naughty Seryozha...

The children were offended, no one was with him friendly:

"Guys. What are you doing? Don't you need me?

“Forgive me, I won’t do this again,

I will never forget polite words.

Please believe that I will become polite

I’ll stop being stubborn forever!”

And suddenly the sun came out in the sky!

AND sunny bunny jumped on the roofs!

And all those words that wanted to be forgotten,

We're back to make faces happy!

And every child smiled again,

He touched polite notes with his soul...

Let everyone on the planet become polite!

Let there be more polite words in the world.

This article features Russians folk proverbs and sayings about politeness, goodwill and etiquette.

Proverbs and sayings about politeness, goodwill and etiquette

  • Politeness costs nothing but brings a lot.
  • They fear arrogance, but respect politeness.
  • Ask with thunder, they will answer with rain.
  • As it comes back, so will it respond.
  • Do you want to be good guest- praise the hostess.
  • The affectionate body sucks two wombs, but the gloomy one sucks none.
  • A kind word also pleases the cat.
  • A kind word and the beast understands.
  • A kind word is better than a soft pie.
  • An affectionate word, like a spring day.
  • Say a kind word and give a stick in your hand.
  • You can't buy education and politeness in a shop.
  • A kind word to a person is like rain in a drought.
  • Bowing will not break your lower back.
  • A homeless person is rich with a kind word.
  • Those who could not take with affection will not take with severity.
  • An affectionate word makes a bone ache.
  • Good word iron gate will unlock
  • A good word travels in pearls, but an evil word strikes like an arrow.
  • A kind word is more powerful than a club.
  • The big word is "please".
  • With a kind word you can melt a stone.
  • "Thank you" is a great thing.
  • Don’t regret your own “thank you,” and don’t expect someone else’s.
  • “Please” doesn’t bow, and “thank you” doesn’t bend your back.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about politeness, goodwill and etiquette.

We all know that the easiest way to raise a child to be polite and cultured is by your own example. But why not add mysterious education to your daily routine? We have already talked about etiquette and polite poetry, today I invite you to plunge into riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette

Politeness is an excellent quality that helps people interact with each other and be, strictly speaking, people))) The rules of behavior at the table, at school, in society were invented for a reason and they undoubtedly must be followed!

We will find out whether our children know the basic rules of etiquette by asking them polite riddles about manners and rules of behavior.

Exactly, we are sitting straight,
If at the table... (eat).

If we go to visit,
We carry it with us. (Present)

To be very nice
Let's wrap it up nicely
We'll tie it with a ribbon,
Let's say congratulations! ( Birthday gift)

We're on a birthday
We won't come without... (invitations).

We'll clean the apartment
And we'll put things in order.
If we are waiting for friends,
If we're waiting... (guests).

Before eating
Let's wash our hands... (water).

We'll dress decently
Neat, cute,
And we will take the gift,
If in... (guests) we will go.

Riddles about the rules of behavior at school are a completely separate and large topic for discussion:

Be diligent in class
Be calm and... (attentive)

Write everything without falling behind,
Listen… ( Without interrupting)

Speak clearly, clearly,
To have everything... (It's clear)

If you want to answer,
I need a hand... (Lift up)

In mathematics they think
At a break… (Resting)

If a friend began to answer,
Do not rush… (Interrupt)

And if you want to help a friend -
Raise it calmly... (Hand)

Know: the lesson is over,
If you heard... (Call)

When the bell rang again
Always be ready for class... (Ready)

So that doctors don't worry,
During breaks, don’t... ( Shout)

Rules of conduct are a delicate area of ​​learning and are best taught in a playful way. Through the prism of play and fun, the most important concepts become clearer and more accessible. And riddles and games about polite words will help with this. .

Riddles about politeness and polite words

I'll give you flowers
And I'll give you a gift.
I'm sure you
Tell me... (Thank you).

So the morning has come,
The garden shines with mother of pearl.
What will we say? ( Good morning!)

There are many good words
Wonderful, kind words.
I know, son Alyosha
I'm ready to tell them!
One-two-three, one-two-three,
Tell me the words! ( Thank you, hello, goodbye, thank you)

The bird met the bird.
What did she chirp? (Hello!)

When we go to bed,
What will we remember to say? ( Good night)

When we return to the house,
Where everyone is familiar to us,
What we won’t forget to say
What if we are polite? ( Hello!)

What will we tell grandma?
For delicious pancakes? (Thank you)

If we are at grandpa's
We ask for some bread for tea,
Then we thank him.
What word are we talking? (Thank you)

We come to kindergarten
Everyone here is very happy to see us.
What word will we not forget?
We will say it. (Hello!)

When we part
Until next time,
What word will we say?
Certainly, ... ( Goodbye).

Don't be too lazy to tell your friends
(Good afternoon)

Saying goodbye to each other
We'll say...

Don't blame each other
Better soon...

How beautiful it is
Good word...
(Thank you)

When you are guilty, you are in a hurry to say
I beg you, please-

Never get involved in someone else's conversation,
And you are better than adults...
(Do not interrupt)

Funny riddles-agreements can be supplemented. They always meet us very hospitably.

Even a block of ice will melt
From a warm word...
(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,
When he hears...
(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,
Let's tell mom...
(Thank you)

The boy is polite and affectionate
He says when meeting...

When we are scolded for our pranks,
Let's talk...
(Excuse me, please)

Both in France and Denmark
They say goodbye...

If a friend meets a friend,
Friends shake each other's hands
In response to a greeting
Everyone says...

I wrote a letter to my mother
yesterday in response,
And at the end he conveyed
To all friends...

If with a friend or girlfriend
The separation was long
When we meet we say:
“How old and...”
(How many winters)

If you met someone,
According to the laws of etiquette,
So that the conversation goes uphill,
We ask: “How...”

Don't be rude to older people
And don't be too familiar
Tell them when you meet
Not “hello”, but...

Our world is tired of evil,
So that he becomes kinder,
We are not too lazy to talk
At the meeting …
(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,
But one of them is missing
And it’s like a sin,
It is said most often.
This word follows
For a gift, for lunch,
This word is said
If you are thanked.
(Thank you)

Children Dasha and Egorka
Pizza cheese is grated.
The mice are asking from the hole:
"Give! Be..."
(So ​​kind)

Puppy Phil was walking in the yard,
Suddenly I met an old bulldog.
I ask you to quickly guess:
Who should say “hello” first?
(Puppy Phil, because he is younger, and the younger ones are the first to greet the older ones)

Here comes the lapdog Zhulka,
Fashionista, imaginary...
And towards me - a gentleman,
Cute Scotch Terrier.
Can you guess it or not:
Who will be the first to say “hello”?
(Scottish Terrier, because he is a man, and a man is the first to greet women he knows)

Kind and polite children to you!

We invite you to watch a fascinating video on our video channel "Workshop on the Rainbow"

Hello, dear readers!

We talked about how we can teach our children. Today I will continue this topic and suggest reading poems about politeness to children, as well as solving riddles.

It is better to present the rules of behavior to a child in a playful way to make it clearer and more accessible.

And poems about politeness will be a good help. They will also help children develop artistic taste.

Poems should be colorful and memorable. A good example is Samuel Marshak’s poem “A Lesson in Politeness,” where the rules of behavior and how they must always be observed are explained using the example of a bear cub.

The poems have rhymes that are quickly and unobtrusively remembered by children. The child learns the rules of behavior easily and fun.

Now there are many different, colorful books that will help parents in raising children. The child does not always understand why to say polite words. Here the heroes of poems, fairy tales, and cartoons will come to the rescue and figuratively show why you need to be polite.

Poems about politeness for children

We all learned sometime

Walk, draw, talk.

Let's remember, guys,

How to be kind and polite.

Meeting friends and acquaintances,

I look into their eyes with a smile,

Being polite is very easy for me

I’ll say “hello” first.

Someone came up with a beautiful idea -

Thank you for your help,

The usual word "thank you"

We must not forget to speak.

Saying goodbye, we all "goodbye"

We always tell each other

"Please" - if desired

Or we want to fulfill the request.

There are so many useful things in the world,

Beautiful and affectionate words.

Please just be polite

After all, this is the basis of the basics.

And it’s very easy to be polite:

Be kind - the usual advice,

It doesn't matter how tall you are

And how old are you?

S. Marshak. "A Lesson in Politeness"‘

A bear about five or six years old

Taught how to behave:

- When visiting, bear, you can’t roar.

You can't be rude or arrogant.

We must bow to our acquaintances,

Hats off to them

Don't step on paws

And don't catch fleas with your teeth,

And don't walk on four.

No need to slurp and yawn,

And who yawns to his heart's content,

He should cover it with his paw

A gaping mouth.

Be obedient and be polite

And give way to passers-by

And respect the old ones.

And grandma bear

In fog and ice

Accompany you home!

So Mishka is five or six years old

Taught how to behave...

Although he seemed polite,

He remained bearish.

He bowed to his neighbors -

Foxes and bears,

I gave up my place to acquaintances,

He took his hat off to them.

And strangers attacked

The whole heel is on the paw.

Sticking my nose where it shouldn't be,

He trampled the grass and crushed the oats.

Belly up

In public on the subway.

And the old people, the old women

Threatened to break a rib.

A bear about five or six years old

They taught us how to behave.

But, apparently, the teachers

Wasted time!

Here’s a funny poem from Samuil Marshak about politeness.


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Maia. Mayan. Bakulina. Bakulina.
"Etiquette". Summary of a lesson-conversation on moral education

"Etiquette". Summary of a lesson-conversation on moral education

Explanatory note:

Etiquette- an important part of universal human culture, morality, morality, in goodness, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and about beauty, order, improvement.

Unfortunately, some people have to learn norms of behavior already in adulthood. And sometimes this becomes a real problem. Therefore, it is my firm belief that it is better to master the basics of etiquette from kindergarten. Especially today, when children and their parents actively travel around the world. Knowing the rules of behavior will protect you from awkward situations and all sorts of absurdities.

From the early childhood the child enters into a complex system of relationships with people around him (at home, in kindergarten, etc.) and gains experience social behavior. Forming behavioral skills in children and cultivating a conscious attitude towards their actions must begin from preschool age. As is known, preschool age characterized by increased susceptibility to social influences. A child, coming into this world, absorbs all human ways of communication, behavior, relationships, using his own observations, empirical findings and conclusions, and imitation of adults. And moving through trial and error, he can eventually master the elementary norms of life and behavior in human society.

A special place when teaching preschoolers the rules of etiquette can be given to conversation. The conversation helps to clarify the level of knowledge and understanding by children of norms and rules of behavior, encourages children to understand actions, phenomena, and situations of a moral nature.


1. Introduce the concept of “etiquette”.

2. Strengthen children's knowledge of polite words.

3. Practice using polite words.

4. Cultivate such qualities as responsiveness, desire to help others; the desire to please others with good deeds.

Preliminary work:

1. Riddles about etiquette.

2. Memorizing poems about etiquette and polite words.

3. Guest etiquette rules.

4. Speech etiquette.

Material for the conversation:

Order of Kindness and Politeness for each child, made of colored paper.

Progress of the conversation:

Children enter the hall.

Educator: Hello, dear children!

You are the most beautiful in the world.

Children: (Hello).

Educator: The first words we start the day with are “ Good morning" What are we saying with these words, guys?

Children: We wish you fun, happiness, Have a good mood, we want the whole day to be joyful, bright, kind.

Educator: It is extremely important for children to know the rules of communication with others, here are some rules of speech etiquette.

1. Greet acquaintances when meeting, say goodbye when parting;

2. Use polite words in your speech: “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”;

3. Address adults respectfully, using “you”; do not insult other children;

4. Ask for forgiveness for a wrongdoing;

5. Do not discuss the behavior of strangers, do not snitch;

6. Do not interrupt someone else's conversation;

7. Be able to restrain your negative emotions.

Educator: Children, now let's solve riddles about etiquette.

Riddles about etiquette:

1. I was in a hurry to get to kindergarten,

I forgot to say hello:

With my best friend and my neighbor,

And in conversation with a passerby.

Hurtful consequences

Kohl didn't say.

Children: (Greetings)

2. When I was about to leave,

You must be polite.

The words "bye" and "goodbye" -

Those are words.

Children: ( Farewells)

3. If I'm wrong,

Then immediately, without a doubt,

I'll ask for forgiveness

Children: (Apologies)

4. I say “thank you”

So it's me.

Children: (Thank you)

5 . The bull mowed down the daisies

And he invited the ram.

He alone ate the treat,

But he said: "..."

Children: (Sorry!)

6. Mom and dad are sitting

Eat cake with sweets.

The polite daughter will say:

“Allow me...”

Children: (Can I help you!)

7. Fat cow Lula

She was eating hay and sneezed.

So as not to sneeze again,

We will tell her: “...”

Children: (Be healthy!)

8. Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking from the hole:

"Give! Be.”

Children: (So kind!)

9. Met a wild boar in the forest

An unfamiliar fox.

Says to the beauty:

“Allow me...

Children: (Introduce yourself!)

Educator: Well done boys! You made me very happy.

And you know, there are many poems about politeness and polite words, and we will learn some of them, but first, a moment of physical education.

Physical education minute:


Vanka-Vstanka, ( Jumping in place)

Sit down. ( Squats.)

How naughty you are!

We can't handle you! ( Clap your hands.)

Up hand and down hand

Up hand and down hand.

They pulled them lightly.

We quickly changed hands!

We're not bored today. ( One straight arm up, the other down, change hands with a jerk.)

Squat with clapping:

Down - clap and up - clap.

We stretch our legs and arms,

We know for sure that it will be good. ( Squats, clapping hands above your head.)

We twist and turn our heads,

We stretch our neck. Stop! ( Rotate your head right and left.)

Educator: Now let's learn some poems.

1. What is "etiquette"?

We will give the answer now.

These are the rules

You need to know them from an early age!

2. What is etiquette?

It's possible,

Etiquette like a label

And a good mark

But not only in the diary,

On people's tongues...

It is very easy to live culturally.

Everything is fine,

Which is not bad.

2. Don't take candy to kindergarten

After all, other children feel hurt.

See your mom off in peace

And behave with dignity.

Listen to the teacher

Sleep and eat without orders.

3. If we bake cookies,

Treat all your friends,

We will tell them: “Don’t be shy,

Help yourself to your health!”

4. It's not easy to be kind

Kindness does not depend on height.

Kindness does not depend on color,

Kindness is not a carrot, not a candy.

If kindness shines like the sun,

Adults and children rejoice.

5. What is "hello"?

The best of words.

Because "hello" -

It means “be healthy.”

6. Unearthly beauty,

Take your finger out of your mouth!

Girls and boys,

Don't suck your fingers.

Dear children,

Fingers are not candy.

7. If you become polite

And be educated

They will always and everywhere be

Respect and love you!

8. These words are most wonderful

Everyone is very happy to hear

Adults and children are getting healthier

And they rush to smile at you.

Educator: It is extremely important for children to know the rules of behavior when visiting. You should know that when you are in someone else’s house, you must follow the rules of guest etiquette:

1. Come to visit only at the invitation of the hosts;

2. Greet the owners of the house;

3. Do not be late for the appointed time;

4. Follow the rules of communication;

5. Do not touch objects and things in the house without asking;

6. Do not insist on your desires;

7. Follow table manners;

8. Do not run around the apartment, do not shout, do not litter, do not throw things around;

9. Do not stay at a party for a long time;

10. Thank the hosts for their hospitality before leaving.

Educator: I know that all polite people are never evil, they are always smart and good people and I am sure that you will also become the same, and I want to award each of you with the Order of Kindness and Politeness. ( I take out and hand over to each child the Order of Kindness and Politeness).

Instead of a conclusion:

A person’s position in society and the course of his life directly depend on how others perceive him as a person. Achieve respectful good relations to themselves is subject only to those who follow the rules accepted in society - cultured, educated, polite people. Parents must help the child, at each stage of his development, in mastering the elementary, but necessary, norms of etiquette. It is important to do this with love and kindness, so that the child knows that he always has the support of loved ones.

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