The background in the picture is seeing off the militia. Essay based on Yu's painting

At all times, the most basic and sacred duty for every person was to protect his land from the enemy. Living as a patriot and dying for the Motherland has always been great honor. The painting by Yu. Rak-shi “Seeing off the militia” is dedicated to the theme of protecting Rus' from Tatar-Mongol yoke. We see that the artist depicted on the canvas a militia emerging from the gates of the city, women and children accompanying their men to war.

On the left side of the picture, like a river, a people's river flows from the white city gates: the city's military men, peasants, ordinary townspeople, foot soldiers, horsemen - everyone goes to battle to stand up for the independence of their land.

In the center of the picture and on its right side, the painter depicted children, women: mothers, wives and sisters, who came out to accompany their husbands to a military battle. There are both commoners and noble women here. They stand close to each other: common grief erased the social boundaries between them.

One of the women crosses herself and bows to the army. She, like everyone who came to see them off, understands that many of the soldiers will not return home from this campaign, so she bows to them, as they bow to the great martyrs. Each of the women looks out for her husband, father, son as they walk, follows them with her eyes, and in her eyes there is anxiety, sadness, inexpressible grief. One of the women in a red sundress is depicted bare-haired, sitting on the grass, her head is slightly thrown back, her mouth is open - the woman is crying, wailing. Her whole pose suggests that she no longer expects to see the one she is seeing off alive, so she cries for him as if he were dead. Material from the site

In the center of the mourners is a beautiful young woman, with wheat-colored hair braided in a braid, with a hoop on her head. She is wearing a yellow dress with blue stripes. She is not a commoner, but a woman of noble birth. With her left hand she hugs the boy, her son, who stands with his head down. A woman sees off her husband, the boy's father. Most likely he leads the militia. The woman tries to be strong, sadness is frozen in her eyes, but she should not show her grief to her son - after all, if her husband dies, she alone will have to raise the future defender of her native land. Of course, she calls on her son to be proud of his father, the defender of the Fatherland, who goes to battle as a saint.

Viewers of the painting are struck by the extraordinary expressiveness color range painting, how amazing is the emotional depth of the experiences conveyed by the artist in this canvas. The images of women symbolize Rus' itself, which, leading its sons to mortal combat, mourns.

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