Why they closed the program while everyone is at home. Timur Kizyakov after the closure of “While everyone is at home”: They got rid of us as dangerous competitors interfering with their business

The host of the program “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov, told RBC that the creators of the program themselves terminated the contract with Channel One. Kizyakov said that the working methods of the channel’s management have become “unacceptable” for the project team

Timur Kizyakov (Photo: Sergey Kuznetsov / RIA Novosti)
The host of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov, told RBC that the Dom television company, which was producing the program, itself decided to stop collaborating with Channel One.
According to him, official letter The Dom television company sent a message to Channel One on May 28 about the termination of cooperation. “[The letter] is official. We have it in our outgoing papers, with an outgoing number registered when received by Channel One,” he clarified.
“The brief content of the letter can be formulated as follows: the methods that the management of Channel One began to adhere to are unacceptable to us, so we are stopping cooperation,” Kizyakov said in a conversation with RBC.
He also added that the decision to no longer film the program for Channel One was made due to the fact that “it became unbearable to work.” “We made this decision, it’s not my personal decision, the team supports it,” said Kizyakov.
Earlier, RBC reported that Channel One decided to stop showing the program While Everyone Is Home, which has been airing since 1992, due to a scandal involving the financing of filming videos about orphans, in which the Dom television company was involved, as well as its owners Timur and Elena Kizyakov. " main reason- damaged reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” said RBC’s interlocutor.
At the same time, Timur Kizyakov, during the preparation of the material, told RBC earlier today that he knew nothing about the termination of cooperation with Channel One. “I don’t have such information, I’m away,” he said during his first conversation with RBC.
Later, in a conversation with RBC, Kizyakov said that he had a “different” interpretation of the “story” that the channel made its decision “on the basis of some scandals.”

“I interpret it differently. The channel now needs to save face at all costs and find reasons so that the reason is in them,” said the TV presenter.

Airtime: long-lived programs on Russian television
According to Kizyakov himself, in December 2016 he and his colleagues became victims of a “colossal hoax” that they were making money by filming videos about children in need of adoption.
He noted that at that time Channel One simply stepped aside and pretended not to know them, and only now found a way to “somehow save face.”
The fact that the companies Videopassport of the Child LLC, Videopassport-Tula LLC and the Videopassport charitable foundation, which belong to the creators of the While Everyone Is Home program, received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. for the creation of videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016.
The videos, which were called video passports, were shown in the “You’re Having a Baby” section of the “While Everyone is Home” program and posted on the Channel One website. The section talked about children from orphanages in need of adoption.
According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles. Vedomosti also found out then that the creators of “While Everyone is Home” were suing other charitable organizations that tried to use the term video passport and obtain government contracts for their production.
The representative of Channel One Larisa Krymova then stated that the channel did not know that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. Krymova also added that the TV channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract.
In June 2017, Dom LLC entered into a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science for 10 million rubles. for the production of at least 100 new videos about children in need of adoption. The contract stipulates that at least 100 videos lasting 30 minutes must be posted on an Internet site “dedicated to the family arrangement of children without parental care,” with an average monthly traffic of at least 15 thousand unique users. Another “at least six” videos, each with a running time of at least six minutes, must be shown “on a federal television channel.”

Who else wanted to produce videos?

In addition to Dom LLC, the competition included Studio Morning LLC, registered in 2015, whose owner is listed as Marina Vladimirovna Romantsova. In addition, she is a co-owner of New Company Master LLC, New Company TV Plus LLC and New Company Image LLC. The New Company television group is part of the Transcontinental Media Company of Alexander Mitroshenkov. On the website of the Academy Foundation Russian television"It is said that Marina Vladimirovna Romantsova works for a television company" New company"and participated in the creation of the program "Subbotnik" on the TV channel "Russia 1", the plot of which is reminiscent of the plot of "While everyone is at home": the presenters come to visit the star and talk about life over breakfast. Studio Morning LLC is engaged in the production of the program “Business Morning” about the global economy, the family budget and exchange rates on the NTV channel. In March 2017, VTB Bank entered into a contract with Studio Morning LLC for the placement of sponsorship advertising in the Business Morning program for 130 million rubles.
When asked by RBC about where 100 new videos about orphans, the production of which is provided for by this contract, will now be broadcast, Kizyakov explained that according to the contract, only a small part of the stories are aired. “According to the agreement, we do not have to show 100 passports, but we have to show a much smaller number on air and make an on-air version. According to the agreement, the Ministry of Education pays for the production of video passports, we undertake information support for video passports, which includes broadcasts, but not necessarily in the program “While everyone is at home”, the main thing is that it reaches a large audience. And we guarantee it. We will definitely show [the video clips provided for in the contract], they will go on air,” Kizyakov explained. Kizyakov could not answer the question about which channel the stories would be broadcast on. “We’ll think about it now,” he said.

"While everyone is at home"

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been on the air since November 1992. As part of the program, its author and presenter Timur Kizyakov comes to visit families famous artists, writers, musicians and athletes. In addition, the program had several permanent sections. The “Crazy Hands” column was published in 1992–2010, but was closed due to the departure of the presenter Andrei Bakhmetyev. The section “My Beast” tells about the heroes’ pets.
Since September 2006, the section “You will have a child” was broadcast, which talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. It was hosted by the wife of the main presenter of the program, Elena Kizyakova.
In December 2016, it became known that companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” have received about 110 million rubles from tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities, since 2011. to create videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself told Vedomosti that since 2006, together with his wife and film crew“While everyone is at home,” they created about 3 thousand such videos.
The producer of the program is the structures of the Transcontinental Media Company Alexandra Mitroshenkov, Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the United state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities), 49.50% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.
The program is a three-time winner of the TEFI television award. In July 2017, it was included several times in the Mediascope ranking of the 100 most popular programs among Russians over four years of age, ranking 39-56 in it.

On Channel One, the exodus of TV presenters who have worked there for almost decades continues.

On Tuesday, news came that the television company would no longer buy the program “While Everyone Is Home.”

This is due to the scandal that began last year. The charitable part of Kizyakov’s program - the section “You will have a child” - was accused by critics of additional funding.

Channel One then expressed bewilderment about this.

“We are buying the “While everyone is at home” program from the Dom company (formerly TMK and “While everyone is at home”). Since we are not involved in the creation of the project, we do not know the details of the authors’ relationship with government organizations, including financial ones. We have always considered charitable projects important matter, and, of course, the section about orphans was welcomed by the channel. The information you provide is news to us. We’ll sort it out,” the kp.ru website quoted the response of the television company’s press service in December 2016.

“Happy work with and for children in the most different projects, films and television programs has been accompanying me for a long time. "You are super! Dancing" is a unique NTV project that you want to be involved in! For many years, being the host of popular television shows various formats, I always tried to become a protector, support, comrade and friend for the participants. Especially for children,” NTV.Ru website quotes Oleshko. — As a child, I myself, dreaming of becoming an artist, studied in a variety of studios and clubs, including dancing. And for some time he was part of the children’s group of the legendary dance ensemble “ZHOK”. Therefore, I know firsthand how important kind word and support. I want our young dancers to open up and show everything they are capable of. Each of them is super!”


On the evening of August 15became known, that the TV show “While Everyone is Home” will no longer air on Channel One. This was reported by RBC, Vedomosti and TVNZ"with reference to sources on the TV channel. Sources from RBC and Komsomolskaya Pravda linked the termination of the contract between Channel One and Dom LLC, which produces “While Everyone Is Home” (49.5% of the company belongs to presenter Timur Kizyakov), with the events of the end of 2016 - then journalists learned about government funding for video profiles orphans coming out of the program. At the same time, Vedomosti’s source clarified that the reason could be a drop in the program’s ratings over recent years, and the situation with video profiles became the “final point” for the channel.

“While Everyone is Home” has been broadcast on Channel One since 1992 (during this time the channel has changed its name more than once); Timur Kizyakov was the presenter all this time. In 2016, he joined the supreme council of the United Russia party, promising that he would be involved in the development children's television and placement of orphans.

Information that Kizyakov’s company receives budget money for filming video profiles of orphans appeared in December 2016; Channel One knew nothing about this. Since 2006, “While everyone is at home” there has been a column “You will have a child,” which is hosted by Kizyakov’s wife Elena. The section shows stories about orphans - “video profiles”, for each of which “House” receives 100 thousand rubles under a government contract (over three years the organization received 35 million rubles). At the same time, Kizyakov is suing other producers of video profiles and criticizing charitable foundations involved in placing orphans in families (for the fact that when they film their videos about children, they “cook up who knows what”).

In December 2016, Channel One promised to investigate whether the manufacturer violated the terms of the contract. Immediately after the publications, the First initiated an audit. “As a result, the information about the fraud was confirmed,” said RBC’s interlocutor.

An employee of the Channel One directorate, which oversaw the broadcast of the program (asked not to give his first and last name), confirmed this information in a conversation with Meduza: “After the New Year, proceedings began regarding the scandal with orphans, and that was the end of the story. But even before that, the channel had a million complaints against them [the creators of “While Everyone is Home”].”

“The channel systematically works with charitable foundations, but it turned out that we help them, and our program makes money from charity. It is also interesting that Kizyakov did not take part in a single charity event for children organized by the TV channel. Every year on June 1, the channel travels to one of the cities to visit hospitals and orphanages. And in the cities they always asked to bring Kizyakov, the friend of all children,” an employee of Channel One told Meduza.

"We understand that news about the First fiercely generates traffic, but no, we are not closing Let's Get Married," Fashionable verdict", "Test purchase" and "First Studio". For the future, we are not closing "Field of Miracles", KVN, "What? Where? When? AND " Evening Urgant"Everything is fine with Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. Feels great." Good morning"The Vremya program is still broadcast at 21.00. Smak has not run out of food. Dmitry Krylov is buying tickets for his next trip," the press service of Channel One told RIA Novosti.

“Let Them Talk” with Dmitry Borisov collects excellent ratings. See an updated "Tonight" soon. (Vladimir) Posner, by the way, is also with us. But we are glad that our programs are so popular that the news about each of them rises to the top of Yandex. We advise our colleagues not to wishful thinking,” the channel added.

Earlier, information appeared in the media that the host of the “Let Them Talk” and “Tonight” programs Andrei Malakhov may leave Channel One. On Wednesday, the press service of Channel One RIA Novosti reported that on the initiative of presenter Yulia Menshova, the project “Alone with Everyone” is being closed in the new television season; At the same time, the channel is working with the TV presenter on two new projects, which viewers will see in the near future.

It also became known that another presenter of Channel One, Alexander Oleshko, moved to NTV and in the new season will host the competition “You are super! Dancing.”

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Channel One suffers only losses - after Andrei Malakhov and Alexander Oleshko, Timur Kizyakov left the channel.

Eminence grise

They say the sword is raised over such old-timers as “What? Where? When?" and “Test purchase”, and above those that have become familiar for last years projects - “Let's Get Married”, “Fashionable Sentence”, “First Studio”. None of the authors of these programs confirmed the information about the closure to Sobesednik. At the same time, concern about their own fate is clearly heard in their comments. Now everyone at First feels that a big cleanup is underway.

“Interlocutor” writes the third issue in a row about the new “broom” - producer Natalya Nikonova, who organized this whole thing. Judging by the scope of her activities, Nikonova can be compared with Tatyana Mitkova, who in her golden years on NTV was given the definition of “ eminence grise" - for the ability to weave behind-the-scenes intrigues and in the right way influence management decisions.

People who know Nikonova closely told Interlocutor that she was clearing the space. And they say her goal is to build such a vertical in which there will be almost no people left under her command (someone, for example Maslyakov, is still too tough for her) who are able to communicate directly with Ernst.

“While everyone is at home” temporarily homeless

Just a month ago, no one could have imagined that “Let Them Talk” would have a new presenter. But Nikonova proved: no one is irreplaceable. Malakhova will most likely appear in “Tonight”, having decided to close “Alone with Everyone.”

The holy place will not remain empty even after the departure of the “While Everyone is Home” program, especially since now on “First” there is an analogue on Sundays right in front of it - with Yuri Nikolaev. The departure of Timur Kizyakov, who drank tea and bagels while visiting the stars for 25 years in a row, became known only last week. But the notice of termination of cooperation, according to the presenter, was sent to the channel back in May. At the same time, Nikolaev also launched its guest project - apparently not by chance...

The departure of “While Everyone is Home” is mistakenly associated with an old scandal, when a number of media outlets accused Timur Kizyakov of fraud in receiving money from the state to produce video passports for orphans. These videos were shown as part of the “You’re Having a Child” section: the presenter’s wife, Elena Kizyakova, traveled to orphanages across the country and prepared half-hour stories about each child. Only a fragment was aired, but the material was posted in full on the Videopassport website - for these purposes, companies owned by the Kizyakovs received budget funds (approximately 100,000 rubles per video).

“Kizyakov makes money from orphans” is, of course, a loud headline. But deceitful. Timur himself calls the accusations just a convenient excuse that “First” used to get rid of the program with history. Charitable foundations that also deal with adoption issues do not consider accusations of fraud to be justified.

– We are grateful to the “While Everyone is Home” program for raising the topic of adoption at such high level, showed that orphans in orphanages can and should be filmed,” says Ekaterina Lebedeva, head of the program for creating video profiles of orphans in charitable foundation"Change one life." – I would like the topic of orphans not to be abandoned as a result of what is happening with the program.

And then there's politics

Why is Kizyakov leaving? In a conversation with Sobesednik, Timur refused to explain what he meant by “ unacceptable methods work of the channel management with producers.” According to our information, “First”, having learned about the “additional financing” of the program through government contracts, decided to take advantage of the situation and offered Kizyakov half the amount for the program.

- This is very effective tool squeezing out programs,” a TV producer shared with us, who asked not to name him, since he himself collaborates with “First”. - So at one time the channel got rid of the “One to One” program, as a result of which the project moved to “Russia 1”, and Ernst began to produce tracing paper on his own - “Exactly”. And with “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” figured it out. TV producer Sergei Kordo, who dispersed this locomotive, was removed from further creation of the show and handed over on a platter to the Red Square company, owned by Ernst’s wife.

In an interview with the Dozhd TV channel, Kizyakov dropped the phrase that “the reasons for his departure are similar to those that guided Andrei Malakhov.” And he was asked to switch to deputies, governors and show them as exemplary cute family men?

“I don’t think it’s a problem for the viewer to press not the first, but the second button on the remote control,” Kizyakov cheers, hinting at a possible appearance on the Russia 1 channel. On August 30, the presenter will turn 50 years old, and a new job will probably be the best gift for him.

However, as we learned, Kizyakov’s prospects are not very bright. The Supreme Council (Timur joined it last year) is going to expel him from its membership. Is it really for refusing to court the party in power?

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