Yuri Koval wormwood tales. Wormwood tales Yuri Koval wormwood tales

It was…

That was a long time ago.

This was when I still loved being sick. But just don’t hurt too much. Not to be so sick that you have to be taken to the hospital and given ten injections, but to be quietly sick, at home, when you are lying in bed and they bring you tea with lemon.

In the evening, my mother comes running from work:

My God! What's happened?!

Yes, nothing... Everything is fine.

I need tea! Strong tea! - Mom is worried.

You don’t need anything... leave me.

My darling, my darling... - my mother whispers, hugs me, kisses me, and I moan. Those were wonderful times.

Then my mother would sit next to me on the bed and begin to tell me something or draw a house and a cow on a piece of paper. That's all she could draw - a house and a cow, but I have never in my life seen anyone draw a house and a cow so well.

I lay and moaned and asked:

Another house, another cow!

And a lot came out on the leaf of houses and cows.

And then my mother told me fairy tales.

These were strange fairy tales. I have never read anything like this anywhere else.

Many years passed before I realized what my mother was telling me about her life. And in my head everything fit like fairy tales.

Year after year passed, days flew by.

And this summer I became very ill.

It's a shame to get sick in the summer.

I lay on the bed, looked at the tops of the birches and remembered mother's tales.

The Tale of Gray Stones

It was a long time ago... a very long time ago.

It was getting dark.

A horseman was racing across the steppe.

The horse's hooves thumped dully into the ground and got stuck in the deep dust. A cloud of dust rose behind the rider.

There was a fire burning by the road.

Four people were sitting by the fire, and to the side of them some gray stones lay in the field.

The rider realized that these were not stones, but a flock of sheep.

He drove up to the fire and said hello.

The shepherds looked gloomily into the fire. No one answered the greeting, no one asked where he was going.

Finally one shepherd raised his head.

Stones,” he said.

The rider did not understand the shepherd. He saw sheep, but did not see stones. Having whipped his horse, he rushed on.

He rushed to the place where the steppe merged with the earth, and an evening black cloud rose towards him. Clouds of dust were spreading along the ground under a cloud.

The road led to a ravine with deep slopes. On the slope - red and clayey - lay gray stones.

“These are definitely stones,” the rider thought and flew into the ravine.

Immediately an evening cloud covered him and white lightning stuck into the ground in front of the horse’s hooves.

The horse rushed to the side, lightning struck again - and the rider saw how the gray stones turned into animals with sharp ears.

The animals rolled down the slope and threw themselves at the horse’s feet.

The horse snored, jumped, hit with his hoof - and the rider flew out of the saddle.

He fell to the ground and hit his head on a stone. It was a real stone.

The horse rushed off. Behind him, long gray stones trailed along the ground in pursuit. Only one stone remained on the ground. With his head pressed against him, there lay a man who was rushing to an unknown destination.

In the morning he was found by silent shepherds. They stood over him and didn’t say a word.

They did not know that at the very moment when the rider hit his head on the stone, a new person appeared in the world.

And the rider rushed to see this man.

A minute before his death he thought:

“Who will be born? Son or daughter? A daughter would be nice.”

A girl was born. She was named Olga. But everyone simply called her Lelya.

A Tale of Huge Creatures

It was a hot July day.

A girl was standing in the meadow. She saw in front of her green grass, on which large dandelions are scattered.

Run, Lelya, run! - she heard. - Run quickly.

“I’m afraid,” Lelya wanted to say, but she couldn’t say it.

Run Run. Do not be afraid of anything. Never be afraid of anything. Run!

“There are dandelions there,” Lelya wanted to say, but she couldn’t say it.

Run straight through the dandelions.

“So they’re ringing,” thought Lyolya, but quickly realized that she would never be able to say such a phrase, and ran straight through the dandelions. She was sure that they would ring under her feet.

But they turned out to be soft and did not ring underfoot. But the earth itself rang, the dragonflies rang, and the silver lark rang in the sky.

Lyolya ran for a long, long time and suddenly saw that a huge white creature was standing in front of her.

Lelya wanted to stop, but she couldn’t stop.

And the huge creature beckoned with an unfamiliar finger, deliberately pulling me towards itself.

Lelya ran up. And then a huge creature grabbed her and threw her into the air. My heart sank quietly.

Don’t be afraid, Lelya, don’t be afraid,” a voice was heard. - Don't be afraid when they throw you into the air. You can fly, after all.

And Lelya really tried to fly, flapped her wings, but didn’t fly far, and again fell into her arms. Then she saw a wide face and small, small eyes. Little black ones.

“It’s me,” said the huge creature, Marfusha. You will not know? Run back now.

And Lelya ran back. She ran through the dandelions again. They were warm and tickled.

She ran for a long, long time and saw a new huge creature. Blue.

Mother! - Lyolya shouted, and her mother picked her up and threw her into the sky:

Don't be afraid. Do not be afraid of anything. You can fly.

And Lyolya had already flown longer and, probably, could have flown as much as she wanted, but she herself wanted to descend quickly into mother's hands. And she descended from the sky, and mother with Lelya in her arms walked through the dandelions to the house.

The Tale of Some Thing with a Golden Nose

It was... it was a long time ago. This was when Lelya learned to fly.

She flew every day now and always tried to land in her mother’s arms. It was safer and more pleasant this way.

She flew when she went outside, but sometimes she wanted to fly at home too.

“What can you do with you,” my mother laughed. - Fly.

And Lyolya took off, but it was no fun to fly in the room - the ceiling was in the way, and she couldn’t fly high.

But still she flew and flew. Of course, if it is not possible to fly outside, you need to fly inside the house.

“Okay, that’s it, stop flying,” my mother said. - It’s night outside, it’s time to sleep. Now fly in your dreams.

Nothing can be done - Lelya went to bed and flew in her sleep. Where will you go? If it is not possible to fly on the street or in the house, you need to fly in your sleep.

Stop flying, my mother once said. - Learn to walk properly. Go.

And Lelya went. And she didn’t know where she went.

Go boldly. Don't be afraid of anything.

And she went. And as soon as she walked away, something rang dully above her head:

Don! Don!

Lyolya was scared, but she wasn’t scared right away.

She raised her head and saw something with a golden nose hanging high on the wall. She shook that nose, and her face was round and white, like Marfusha’s, only with a lot of eyes.

“What is that thing with the golden nose?” - Lelya wanted to ask, but she couldn’t ask. The tongue somehow hasn’t turned yet. But I wanted to talk.

Lyolya plucked up her courage and asked this thing:

Are you flying?

“Yes,” the thing answered and waved its nose. She waved a bit scary.

Lelya got scared again, but then she wasn’t scared again.

“If you don’t fly, that’s fine,” Lyolya wanted to say, but again she was unable to say it. She simply waved her hand at the thing, and it responded with her nose. Lyolya again with her hand, and she with her nose.

So they waved for some time - some with their noses, some with their hands.

“Okay, that’s enough,” said Lelya. - I went.

She walked further, and it became dark around her. She stepped into the darkness, walked two steps and decided not to go further. Still, it was awkward in front of this thing that doesn’t fly, but only shakes its golden nose. Maybe she still flies?

Lelya came back, stood and looked: no, she doesn’t fly. He shakes his nose - that's all.

And then Lelya herself wanted to fly up to this thing and grab it by the nose so that it wouldn’t dangle in vain.

And she flew up and grabbed his nose.

And the golden nose stopped swaying, and Lelya sank down into her mother’s arms.

This is a watch, Leles, you can’t touch it.

“Why do they talk with their noses all the time?” - Lelya wanted to ask, but her tongue did not turn again. But I wanted to talk about watches.

Do they fly? - she asked.

No, they don’t fly,” Mom laughed. - They walk or stand.

The Tale of the Porch and the Heap

And this was when Lelya stopped pulling the wall clock by the nose.

She decided to walk and stand now. Like a clock.

And all the time she walked and stood, walked and stood. It will reach the clock and wait.

I walk and stand,” she said. - I walk and stand.

The clock ticked in response, waving its golden nose, which was called the pendulum. But Lelya forgot about the pendulum, she now thought that it was not only a nose, but also such a golden leg. A kind of nose-foot. So the clock walks with this nose and foot. But you can’t pull your nose or leg - the clock will stop. And I want to pull. Okay, let's move on.

Very FALSE tales. This is what a child's life is like. This is the first knowledge of the world.
And the most important thing is to “get to where you want to be.”
Yuri Koval gave everyone a journey to childhood, to the beginning, with these fairy tales.
Yes, everyone has their own porch. I also have a coincidence with lilacs in the third window.
The window simply opened and the rooms were filled with delicious and happy air, which meant the birthday was coming soon.
It's impossible to get enough of a book. How spacious Polynovka is.
And why is a person alone with this universal nature not alone?! and no melancholy in this circular beauty!
And there is enough for everyone here. Especially kindness.
Yes, and it’s been a while since we looked at the sky.

This one is addictive village prose, children's, almost without “struggle of struggle with struggle” (of course, the author mentioned the wolf Evstifika - but of course, such was the time).
Strong sower - Yuri Koval.
It’s a pity that the pristine nature of fairy tales was violated back in 1987.
And in 1990, only one came out - a lonely wormwood (crossed out from the book, it is not in this edition either)
“And there was also a huge house nearby.
He was visible through Lelya’s third window, but she didn’t see him for a very long time. He was too big to see him right away, and Lelya looked at the lilacs that grew near the fence of the house.
When you can look at lilacs in bloom, then you really don’t want to look at anything else. Even on a house near which lilacs grow.
And the house itself seemed to grow. That’s what it seemed to Lelya when she finally saw him one early morning.
For a long, long time she raised her head, but still could not see where this house ended. And it seemed to her that it did not end anywhere, and disappeared into the high clouds.
But that was not the case. The house ended, as any house built on earth always has an end. And at the very top, almost in the clouds, bells hung and pigeons lived.
And as soon as the senior bell struck, a flock of pigeons rose into the sky, and Lyolya knew that a magic pigeon lived there among the pigeons. Nobody told her about it, she knew about the pigeon herself.
Someday he will fly to heaven and bring her happiness from there. She did not yet understand that the magic dove had brought her happiness long ago.
The bells were loud and drawn out, and the eldest of them spoke in a bass voice. He could be heard for many miles around, and his name, of course, was Ivan.
He beat thickly, softly, as if he were pronouncing his simple name:
- I-wan! I-wan!
And he had middle brothers - Stepan and Martemyan, and, of course, little bells - Mishki and Grishki, Trishki and Arishki.
And when all the bells rang, the ringing of the bells spread unheard wings over the surrounding steppes:
-I-van! I-wan!
- Bears and Grishki,
-Trishki and Arishki.
“I have a bell brother there,” Teddy Bear once told Lela. - He just calls: - Bear! Bear!
- How is it - the bell brother?
- And it’s very simple. He's like me. Only I live as a person, and he lives as a bell.
- Do I have anyone there?
“I don’t know,” the soldier doubted. - You're too small.
And just then the bell rang. Huge wings of bell ringing spread over the steppe.
Lyolya stood and listened, and it seemed to her that she heard her little bell brother pronouncing her name:
- Lelya-Leles! Lelya-Leles!
“No, it’s unlikely,” the soldier doubted. - You're still young.
The soldier was, of course, wrong. Because every person who lives on earth has his own bell brother.
You just have to listen and you will definitely hear him calling you.”

Like many, I can’t imagine my bookstore without books by Yu.I. Kovalya.
I'm waiting for Suer-Vyer to be re-released.
The second edition of Kovalina’s book has appeared. Memoirs of the writer are no less interesting to read than his books.
And books are certainly from the publishing house V.Yu. Meshcheryakov.

It was...

That was a long time ago.

This was when I still loved being sick. But just don’t hurt too much. Not to be so sick that you have to be taken to the hospital and given ten injections, but to be quietly sick, at home, when you are lying in bed and they bring you tea with lemon.

In the evening, my mother comes running from work:

- My God! What's happened?!

- Yes, nothing... Everything is fine.

- I need tea! Strong tea! - Mom is worried.

“You don’t need anything... leave me.”

“My dear, my dear...” my mother whispers, hugs me, kisses me, and I moan. Those were wonderful times.

Then my mother would sit next to me on the bed and begin to tell me something or draw a house and a cow on a piece of paper. That's all she could draw - a house and a cow, but I've never seen anyone draw a house and a cow so well in my life.

I lay and moaned and asked:

- Another house, another cow!

And a lot came out on the leaf of houses and cows.

And then my mother told me fairy tales.

These were strange fairy tales. I have never read anything like this anywhere else.

Many years passed before I realized what my mother was telling me about her life. And in my head everything fit like fairy tales.

Year after year passed, days flew by.

And this summer I became very ill.

It's a shame to get sick in the summer. I lay on the bed, looked at the tops of the birches and remembered my mother’s fairy tales.

The Tale of the Wormwood Tongue

Polynovites often told fairy tales to their children. But the most amazing thing is that they told fairy tales and so simply spoke to each other in a special, wormwood language. It seemed that the words and the very sounds of their voice were permeated by the steppe wind, saturated with wormwood.

A long time ago, in ancient times, people came here from the North, from the rocky frosty mountains. They stopped in the middle of the endless steppe - they were amazed by the steppe, bathed in the sun, and were delighted by the smell of wormwood.

They remained to live in the steppe, and a village was born near the road - Polynovka.

And around there were Russian villages, Russian cities. The Russian land sheltered the Polynovites and became their native land.

This is how it happened that another people lived next to the Russian people - the Polynovtsy. The real name of this people was Moksha, and the land around them was Mordovia.

It was Tatyana Dmitrievna who found it a bit difficult. She was Russian and taught the Polynovites literacy and writing in Russian, because in those distant times there were no books in Polynovo.

For example, during a lesson Tatyana Dmitrievna asks a student:

-Where is your notebook?

And he answers:

- Roll the braid...

“What braid? - thinks Tatyana Dmitrievna. -Where should I take her? No, I won’t roll my scythe.”

And she had a braid - a large, beautiful braid, which she sometimes put around her head, and sometimes let it out over her shoulders.

- Where is your notebook? Where did you put her?

- Katya goat...

This was still not enough - to roll a goat!

And in the wormwood language, “Kati Kosa” means “I don’t know where,” and “Kati Koza” means “I don’t know where.”

There were many more strange and beautiful words among the Polynovites, and Lyolya understood all these words. Since childhood, she spoke two languages ​​at once.

And there was an amazing word - “loman”.

In the Polynov language this word meant “man.”

And Lelya thought: why is a person a “breaker”, because people don’t break down, they walk so firmly and proudly along the road?

One day she saw an old grandmother. The grandmother was completely hunched over, barely walking along the road, leaning on a stick.

“Grandma, grandma,” Lelya ran up to her. - Are you a liar?

- Break, daughter, break. I'm still human.

Lelya looked after her and thought for a long time and realized that life can really break a person, and the main thing is that it doesn’t break it.

This is how two languages ​​merged in Lelya’s head - Russian and Polynovsky, they helped each other. Sometimes Lyolya did not understand something in Russian, but she understood it in Polynovsky.

And what’s more, they’ll tell us: “Roll the goat,” and we’ll grab some goat and roll it to I don’t know where.

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