A comedian with a nasal voice. Victor Koklyushkin

Viktor Koklyushkin was born on November 27, 1945 in Moscow. His parents were simple workers, and the boy himself, at the age of fourteen, got a job at a factory as a mechanic, and in the evenings he attended a school for working youth.

After military service, he continued his education at a printing college and at higher theater courses. Russian Institute Theater Arts, where he received a diploma as a “pop playwright”. Since the family was in need, Victor had to constantly earn extra money. Before he gained a certain popularity, Koklyushkin changed several specialties. The future writer worked as a laborer, proofreader, commandant at the military registration and enlistment office, and editor. He endured all difficulties with his characteristic humor.

At the age of twenty-three, Koklyushkin was assigned to write his column in Literaturnaya Gazeta. Soon, articles by a promising author entitled “The Twelve Chairs Club” began to be especially popular among readers. A few years later, Victor’s monologues were first performed on stage by pop artist Evgeniy Kravinsky.

Lyrics young author gained some popularity among performers, they brought success and were liked by the public. His best monologues entered the repertoire of Klara Novikova, Evgeny Petrosyan, Vladimir Vinokur, Efim Shifrin, but the author himself remained behind the scenes for a long time.

Only at the age of 38 did Viktor Koklyushkin decide to make a public appearance with his own story. This happened on the air of the “Around Laughter” program. The author with a nasal voice immediately fell in love with the audience, and his jokes quickly became popular among the people.

Real triumph came to the satirist after Yefim Shifrin performed the monologue “Hello, Lucy!”, which became one of the most popular performances of the pop artist. As the author himself claims, he takes all his stories from life observations, and this is the reason for their popularity among the people.

For the entire period creative biography Viktor Mikhailovich wrote more than ten books, among which the most popular were “Hello, Lyusya, it’s me!”, “Killer Reprise” and “Wait, who’s coming?!”. The writer created texts for four full-length solo concerts, participated in writing the script for the cartoon “The Magnificent Gosha”, which was filmed at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in the late 80s.

The work of Viktor Koklyushkin


1988 - “It’s good when the sun shines” (Moscow, publishing house “Iskusstvo”, circulation 50 thousand copies)
1993 - “Humorist” (“Children’s book”, 1993, circulation 100 thousand copies)
1999 - “208 selected pages” in the golden series of humor (Moscow, “Vagrius”, circulation 30,000 copies)
1999 - “Shine” (Moscow, “Agraf”)
2002 - " funny life"(Moscow, "Veche")
2004 - “There were fun days!” (Moscow, Imperium Press)
2007 - “My Coat” (Moscow, “Zebra-E” AST)
2007 - volume 52, “Anthology of satire and humor in Russia of the 20th century” (Moscow, “EXMO”)
2008 - “Tears of a Pterodactyl” (Moscow, “Zebra-E” AST)
2009 - “Hello, Lucy, it’s me!” (MOSCOW, “AST”)
2010 - “Deadly Reprise” (MOSCOW, “AST”)
2010 - “Wait, who’s coming?!” (MOSCOW, Eksmo)
2014 - “We’ve arrived!” (Moscow, “Algorithm”)


1976 - The Last Trick (film magazine “Wick” No. 170) (cartoon).
1983 - Magnificent Gosha. The eighth story (cartoon).
1984 - Magnificent Gosha. The ninth story (cartoon).
1986 - Magician (cartoon).
1987 - Portrait (cartoon).
1987 - “Uncle Vanya and others” (TV film).

Victor Koklyushkin Awards

1972 - first prize at the All-Union Comedian Competition
1976, 1982 - Laureate of the “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
1985, 1989 - Prize of the All-Union Competition for conversational genres
1987 - literary prize magazine "Youth"
1999 - “Literary Newspaper” “Golden Calf” award

Family of Victor Koklyushkin

First wife - Lyubov Sepp, Estonian.
Daughter - Elga Viktorovna Sepp (born June 1, 1972) - a psychologist by profession, worked as a fashion model in Milan, starred in videos for Vlad Stashevsky, the groups “Nogu Svelo”, “Moral Code”, “Crematorium”, in 2005 she married a TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

Grandchildren - Daniil Solovyov (born October 12, 2001), Sofia-Betina Solovyova, Emma-Esther Solovyova (born December 2006), Vladimir Solovyov (born February 14, 2010), Ivan Solovyov (born October 6, 2012).

The second wife - Olga Yakovlevna Zlotnik (pseudonym - Elga Zlotnik), worked as a film critic, writer, graduated from MISS and the film studies department of VGIK.
Son - Yan Viktorovich Zlotnik (born 1984) - graphic designer, studied at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Viktor Koklyushkin, one of the most famous satirists in the post-Soviet space, the viewer knows from such monologues as “Fool” and “Democracy”, which, during the author’s speeches, made people think about a lot. Well, the performance in the style of his special “Nast” allows any of his fans and lovers of creativity to immediately recognize the writer and comedian from the first lines! But here's what he was like in Everyday life, in contrast to his image at performances, almost only a few people know, and we will try to correct this today.

Childhood and early career

Born in 1945, the then young satirist grew up in the capital of our country, Moscow. No one can work famous writer started from an early age, however, this had absolutely nothing to do with his work known today. Young Koklyushkin did not even plan to put pen to paper. Fate forced him to go to a factory at 14, but he did not give up his studies, continuing to receive his education at a special school for working youth. After graduating from school, the satirist did not go to study to become a writer and did not start anything related to this activity. On the contrary, he went to repay his debt to his Motherland and gain the richest experience for future jokes and reflections by joining the ranks Soviet army. After returning to his normal life, Koklyushkin again began to combine work and study in order to make ends meet.

The first steps on the path to fame

Our hero first appeared in the newspapers, as he says himself, by an absurd accident, being published in the last page of Literator. There he was given the authorship of the then popular page “Twelve Chairs”. However, these were only echoes of impending success. A real boom occurred when the satirist finally managed to appear on the stage. In 1972, the stories written by our hero were voiced by Evgeny Kravinsky, who performed them at big stage. After which the monologues created by Koklyushkin became quite popular, since they were voiced by young artists. Long years his words were heard from the lips of Klara Novikova, and even Petrosyan, but Victor himself appeared on television only in 1983. This happened thanks to the TV show “Surrounded by Laughter,” where Victor Koklyushkin’s story was first voiced by himself. The same year was marked by the performance of one of the most famous monologues throughout the world, “Hello, Lucy,” but this time the performer was Efim Shifrin. It was from that time that our main character begins to appear on the TV screen constantly, almost the whole country is talking about him, and any comedy concert is not complete without his participation. Koklyushkin’s monologues became jokes that were told from mouth to mouth, and phrases managed to acquire the status of “winged”.

World recognition and fame

Since Victor performed for many years, and his monologues and stories were really liked by an audience of thousands, he managed to receive the nickname “Russian Carlin” from foreign admirers of his work, although most of his satire was much softer than that of the above-mentioned comedian George Denis Patrick Carlin. During his career, Koklyushkin managed to accumulate a large number of various awards, one of the most prestigious among them was the prize of the All-Union Competition of Humorists, awarded to the satirist in 1972.


Today, the comedian still performs on stage, is still famous and lives happy life family man. Also, his work can be seen in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, where the satirist daily covers current events with everyone’s favorite irony.

For Efim SHIFRIN (right), Viktor Mikhailovich wrote the famous monologue “Hello, Lyusya” and four solo performances

The satirist dad beat the future wife of the TV presenter with a ruler

The satirical writer Viktor KOKLYUSHKIN is ending his anniversary year. Last November he turned 70, but this did not affect his usual way of life. Koklyushkin did not shave his beard or write less, but he appears on television less and less often. We found out why first hand.

- Viktor Mikhailovich, what is happening in your creative life?

It has become more difficult for artists and comedians of the older generation to get on TV. But I am not going to turn into a member of the Politburo, who before last breath We were sitting on Old Square. On the other hand, it is not for nothing that the Bible says that water does not flow under a lying stone, but the one who walks will overcome the road. Now I’m finishing an ironic novel. I don’t know in what form it will come out - paper or electronic.

- Since your youth, have you decided to conquer the heights of satire and humor?

Entered military school, but they didn’t take me there. And if it had turned out the other way around, it would be impossible for him to become the Minister of Defense now and peace would reign throughout the world. Then fate brought me into humor: the artists asked me to write for them, and then I went on stage myself. In 1983, I came to Ostankino for the first time, in the “Around Laughter” program. There, next to the television center, stands the Trinity Church, where a hundred years ago my grandparents got married, met and quickly found mutual happiness.

Vladimir SOLOVIOV affectionately calls his wife Elga Lyalya

- If I’m not mistaken, you are now married for the second time?

Yes. My first wife was Lyubov Sepp, a girl with Estonian roots. He returned from the army and got married pretty quickly. Our daughter Elga was born. Now she is already the mother of five children and the wife of the popular liar Vladimir Solovyov.

- Why does she have her mother’s last name, Sapp?

I didn’t want my daughter to struggle with my last name. After all, bobbins are not only what Vologda lace is knitted with. There used to be a saying: “to rattle bobbins” - which means to tell stories. So I have a professional last name, which is very suitable. And for my daughter, who, however, composed in childhood wonderful tales, when I didn’t even go to school yet, no. She grew up and became a psychologist, a fashion model, and, as I already said, an excellent mother.

- Are you a good grandfather?

No. I spend little time with my grandchildren. They are all very different, their parents do not hold them back, so their characters immediately appear.

- What was your daughter like as a child?

One day, when she was five years old, we were alone in the apartment. She ate little, I took a thin ruler and threatened: “If you don’t eat well, I’ll hit you.” And he hit him lightly on the butt. She immediately went into another room. And suddenly, after a while, the door opens quietly, and the daughter from there timidly asks: “Is it possible to hit people on the butt with a ruler?!” For some reason I remembered this phrase for the rest of my life.

- And while studying your biography, I noticed that your current wife’s name is also Elga.

It happened. I have been married to Elga Zlotnik for thirty-five years. She is the owner of two higher education: technical - after graduating from MISS and humanitarian - after graduating from the film studies department of VGIK. Published in newspapers and magazines, writes books. Our son Ian is 32 years old and not yet married. Ian studied to be a graphic designer at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio.

Children and numerous relatives of SOLOVYOV in his yard country house at a family celebration

Gray hair in beard

- How do you and your son-in-law Vladimir Solovyov get along?

He is a good presenter, but... Of course, many are vying for his place: going on air all the time, waving his arms and teaching people about life - what else can you dream of? Volodya and I, to be honest, do not communicate very closely. And all because I have been running my own column in one major newspaper for the last six years. Every week I laugh at the government, MPs and other key figures. And Soloviev is on the other side. So I don’t want to inadvertently disturb him. On the other hand, a satirist differs from an oppositionist in that the latter wants the government to change, and the former wants it to work well. But not all people look at me with a smile.

There was a case when I joked about Stas Mikhailov, and I paid for it. One day I was standing at a tram stop, and the woman driver, seeing me, looked at me furiously and rushed on without even slowing down. Her people didn’t leave, and others didn’t come in. They were simply stunned by this, and I immediately realized that she did not like what I wrote about Stas. Oh those fans. But I feel more sorry for the artists they worship. Not everyone understands that you quickly get used to success, but it passes over time. And then you see such a person with a frustrated look, who is perplexed that he used to collect stadiums, but now no one needs him.

The TV presenter's estate near Moscow is located in the famous writer's village of Peredelkino

- Yes, but many manage to make great money during this time. Is your son-in-law Soloviev a wealthy man?

Wealthy. But I don’t meddle in their lives, remembering very well that my childhood was spent on the roof with pigeons. And I was formed in a completely different society. Personally, I always had enough of everything. There were different children studying at my school. Including the son of a marshal, the daughter of a minister. But the doors of their houses were open, we went to visit each other and did not pay attention to the fact that some had six rooms and two ZIL cars, while others had nothing.

- But did you feel your moment of glory?

Thirty years ago I had my own TV show, where, for example, Lev Leshchenko and Tanya Vedeneeva sang the song “Tatiana’s Day,” and Boyarsky, performing his hit “Red Horse,” climbed onto the sculpture and wailed from there. Then I was criticized in many newspapers. Like, why do we need such a program? And people loved her and watched her... That year I turned 70. In connection with this, they began to call me to the screen again, but I basically refused. It’s just that there are about a hundred records of my numbers in the archives. I still look okay on them. Now I have a gray beard and a bald spot on the top of my head. And it’s more difficult to teach people about life. Although, in my opinion, we need to follow the example of animals - they know how to truly get along with each other and with humans. My cat and dog lived together and even slept in an embrace. By the way, Elga’s daughter also has several dogs. When there are small children, there must be animals at home; they teach kindness. He and Volodya big house, there is a lot to roam, of course, all their dogs are purebred. I give my grandchildren books and games for their birthdays, and I simply congratulate my daughter and son-in-law and say warm words. They have a different standard of living and don’t need anything special. Well, God forbid.

- And yours tour life do you remember often?

Still would! What didn't happen to us there? Once, one artist almost drowned in the Amur River in the morning, after he drank at a banquet the night before and, without really sleeping, went swimming. Or another time in Vladivostok some rock band performed before me, and their spectators broke all the chairs during the concert. So because of this, riot police were called to my performance to guard the property. I said something funny from the stage, and one listener began to roar so loudly that a policeman even hit him with a baton as a precaution. Or it happened in Novosibirsk. A journalist came to my concert, wrote down my jokes, published them in the newspaper, but then honestly sent me the fee. I went to the post office to get it. I was standing in line, and an old lady sat behind me. She looked at me carefully, and then declared: “Do you know that you look like Koklyushkin? We would definitely get first place in a look-alike competition.” And then she thought a little and added: “They would pay you good money for this and buy yourself something decent. Otherwise you dress like a tramp.”

Viktor Mikhailovich Koklyushkin is a famous Russian satirist writer. He fell in love with domestic television viewers after his performances with monologues “Oh, so!”, “It’s a shame,” “Stunned” and others. The writer’s works quickly scatter into quotes and become aphorisms. The humorist's ditties and anecdotes are also loved by the public.

Childhood and youth

Soviet satirist, author of popular humorous monologues Viktor Mikhailovich Koklyushkin is a native Muscovite. The future writer was born on November 27, 1945. The boy’s parents were simple workers, and Vitya himself, at the age of 14, got a job at a factory as a mechanic, and in the evenings he attended a school for working youth.

After serving in the army, the young man continued his education at the printing college and at the higher theater courses at GITIS, where he received a diploma as a pop playwright. Since the family needed money, Victor had to constantly earn extra money. Before the advent of popularity, Koklyushkin changed several specialties. The future writer was a laborer, proofreader, commandant at the military registration and enlistment office, and editor. Viktor Mikhailovich endured difficulties with his characteristic humor.


At the age of 23, Koklyushkin was assigned to write a column in Literaturnaya Gazeta. Soon, the author’s articles entitled “The Twelve Chairs Club” began to be popular among readers. A few years later, Viktor Koklyushkin’s monologues were first performed on stage by pop artist Evgeniy Kravinsky.

Only at the age of 38 did Viktor Koklyushkin decide to make a public appearance with his own story. This happened on the air of the “Around Laughter” program. The lanky (the satirist is 176 cm tall), bald author with a nasal voice and ridiculous glasses immediately fell in love with the audience, and the humorist’s jokes quickly went viral.

Efim Shifrin - "Hello, Lyusya"

Real triumph came to the satirist after Yefim Shifrin performed the monologue “Hello, Lucy!”, which became one of the most popular performances by the pop artist. Koklyushkin also wrote the text performed by Shifrin “Lie Detector”.

Victor Koklyushkin - "Lie Detector"

Over the entire period of his creative biography, Viktor Mikhailovich wrote more than 10 books, among which the popular ones were “Hello, Lucy, it’s me!”, “Killer reprise”, “Wait, who’s coming?!” and “How to become the life of the party.” The writer created the texts for four full-fledged solo concerts, and he also took part in writing the script for the cartoon “The Magnificent Gosha,” which was filmed at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in the late 80s.

Victor Koklyushkin - "Oh so"

Viewers were often interested in the question of the writer’s nationality; many of them suspected that real name the author sounds different. But Viktor Mikhailovich himself more than once declared his Russian origin and referred to the history of his surname, one of the meanings of which is “to rattle bobbins,” that is, to tell funny stories.

Since 2012, Viktor Koklyushkin has been a columnist for the Argumenty i Fakty newspaper. The satirist’s column is called “Koklyushkin’s Diagnosis.”

In 2015, the satirist celebrated his anniversary, but the event passed without unnecessary pomp.

In 2016, Viktor Koklyushkin, together with, former actress « Comedy Woman", participated in the game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire".

Personal life

Viktor Koklyushkin is married for the second time. The first wife of the future satirist in the early 60s was the young Estonian Lyuba Sepp, with whom Victor had a daughter, Elga. The girl graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, worked as a model, and acted in music videos.

Elga is married to a famous TV presenter, with whom she is raising five children: Daniel, Sofia-Betina, Emma-Esther, Vladimir and Ivan. Victor and Lyubov broke up when their daughter was still little.

In one interview, Koklyushkin shared that he considers himself a bad grandfather. The man spends little time with his grandchildren. According to Viktor Mikhailovich, Elga and Vladimir do not hold back their children, and they develop character from an early age.

The artist also does not get along very well with his son-in-law Vladimir Solovyov. Koklyushkin said that last years writes a column ridiculing the government, with her daughter's husband on the other side. Therefore, Viktor Mikhailovich is afraid of inadvertently interfering with the popular TV presenter, because not all people look at the satirist with a smile.

After breaking up with Love in personal life the writer a woman appeared with whom he found true happiness. Victor has been married to Elga Zlotnik for over 35 years. The couple's son Ian graduated from the Faculty theater artist at the Moscow Art Theater School. Koklyushkin’s wife graduated from two universities: MISS and VGIK. For a long time she worked as a film expert, and now she works literary work. She loves her husband very much and even placed joint photo with Victor on the cover of his last book“We are locals ourselves.”

Koklyushkin is a laureate of literary prizes at various literature competitions. Among them are the prize of the All-Union Conversation Competition, the literary prize of the magazine “Yunost”, the “Golden Calf” prize of the “Literary Newspaper” and others.

Victor Koklyushkin now

Today, Viktor Mikhailovich appears in Yevgeny Petrosyan’s programs, but does so less often due to his age. The writer spends more time at home in Peredelkino, where he does housework and writes books.

Due to the fact that the writer now speaks less in public, fans of Koklyushkin’s work are worried about the health of their beloved satirist. According to the writer, he tries to Lately"do not light up." And the man feels good.

Victor Koklyushkin - "The Billionaire's Daughter"

In April 2018 took place anniversary evening in honor of the 70th birthday of Vladimir Vinokur. Viktor Koklyushkin and others came to congratulate the comedian.

This fall, the popular Channel One program “Around Laughter” turns 40 years old. As part of the mini-anniversary, the humorous project plans to hold a gala concert in the Kremlin Palace. Viktor Mikhailovich is among the participants of the evening. In addition to him, others will perform at the event.


  • 1988 - “It’s good when the sun shines”
  • 1993 - “Comedian”
  • 1999 - “208 Selected Pages” in the Golden Series of Humor
  • 1999 - “Shine”
  • 2002 - “Funny Life”
  • 2004 - “There were fun days!”
  • 2007 - “My Coat”
  • 2007 - Volume 52, “Anthology of satire and humor in Russia of the 20th century”
  • 2008 - “Tears of a Pterodactyl”
  • 2009 - “Hello, Lucy, it’s me!”
  • 2010 - “Deadly Reprise”
  • 2010 - “Wait, who’s coming?!”
  • 2014 - “We’ve arrived!”

The satirical writer Viktor KOKLYUSHKIN is ending his anniversary year. Last November he turned 70 years old, but this did not affect his usual way of life. Koklyushkin did not shave his beard or write less, but he appears on television less and less often.

-Viktor Mikhailovich, what is happening in your creative life now?

It has become more difficult for artists and comedians of the older generation to get on TV. But I’m not going to turn into a member of the Politburo who sat on Old Square until my last breath. On the other hand, it is not for nothing that the Bible says that water does not flow under a lying stone, but the one who walks will overcome the road. Now I’m finishing an ironic novel. I don’t know in what form it will come out - paper or electronic.

- Since your youth, have you decided to conquer the heights of satire and humor?

I entered a military school, but they didn’t take me there. And if it had turned out the other way around, it would be impossible for him to become the Minister of Defense now and peace would reign throughout the world. Then fate brought me into humor: the artists asked me to write for them, and then I went on stage myself. In 1983, I came to Ostankino for the first time, in the “Around Laughter” program. There, next to the television center, stands the Trinity Church, where a hundred years ago my grandparents got married, met and quickly found mutual happiness.

- If I’m not mistaken, you are now married for the second time?

Yes. My first wife was Lyubov Sepp, a girl with Estonian roots. He returned from the army and got married pretty quickly. Our daughter Elga was born. Now she is already the mother of five children and the wife of the popular TV presenter and writer Vladimir Solovyov. Vladimir SOLOVIOV affectionately calls his wife Elga Lyalya. Photo by Anatoly LOMOHOV

- Why does she have her mother’s last name, Sapp?

I didn’t want my daughter to struggle with my last name. After all, bobbins are not only what Vologda lace is knitted with. There used to be a saying: “to rattle bobbins” - which means to tell stories. So I have a professional last name, which is very suitable. But for my daughter, who, however, wrote wonderful fairy tales as a child, when she didn’t even go to school yet, no. She grew up and became a psychologist, a fashion model, and, as I already said, an excellent mother.

- Are you a good grandfather?

No. I spend little time with my grandchildren. They are all very different, their parents do not hold them back, so their characters immediately appear.

- What was your daughter like as a child?

One day, when she was five years old, we were alone in the apartment. She ate little, I took a thin ruler and threatened: “If you don’t eat well, I’ll hit you.” And he hit him lightly on the butt. She immediately went into another room. And suddenly, after a while, the door opens quietly, and the daughter from there timidly asks: “Is it possible to hit people on the butt with a ruler?!” For some reason I remembered this phrase for the rest of my life.

- And while studying your biography, I noticed that your current wife’s name is also Elga.

It happened. I have been married to Elga Zlotnik for thirty-five years. She is the owner of two higher educations: technical - after graduating from MISS and humanitarian - after graduating from the film studies department of VGIK. Published in newspapers and magazines, writes books. Our son Ian is 32 years old and not yet married. Ian studied to be a graphic designer at the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio.

Gray hair in beard

- How do you and your son-in-law Vladimir Solovyov get along?

He's a good presenter. Of course, many are vying for his place: going on air all the time, waving his arms and teaching people about life - what else can you dream of? Volodya and I, to be honest, do not communicate very closely. And all because I have been running my own column in one major newspaper for the last six years. Every week I laugh at the government, MPs and other key figures. And Soloviev is on the other side. So I don’t want to inadvertently disturb him. On the other hand, a satirist differs from an oppositionist in that the latter wants the government to change, and the former wants it to work well. But not all people look at me with a smile.
There was a case when I joked about Stas Mikhailov, and I paid for it. One day I was standing at a tram stop, and the woman driver, seeing me, looked at me furiously and rushed on without even slowing down. Her people didn’t leave, and others didn’t come in. They were simply stunned by this, and I immediately realized that she did not like what I wrote about Stas. Oh those fans. But I feel more sorry for the artists they worship. Not everyone understands that you quickly get used to success, but it passes over time. And then you see such a person with a frustrated look, who is perplexed that he used to collect stadiums, but now no one needs him.

- Yes, but many manage to make great money during this time. Is your son-in-law Soloviev a wealthy man?

Wealthy. But I don’t meddle in their lives, remembering very well that my childhood was spent on the roof with pigeons. And I was formed in a completely different society. Personally, I always had enough of everything. There were different children studying at my school. Including the son of a marshal, the daughter of a minister. But the doors of their houses were open, we went to visit each other and did not pay attention to the fact that some had six rooms and two ZIL cars, while others had nothing.

- But did you feel your moment of glory?

Thirty years ago I had my own TV show, where, for example, Lev Leshchenko and Tanya Vedeneeva sang the song “Tatiana’s Day,” and Boyarsky, performing his hit “Red Horse,” climbed onto the sculpture and wailed from there. Then I was criticized in many newspapers. Like, why do we need such a program? And people loved her and watched her... That year I turned 70. In connection with this, they began to call me to the screen again, but I basically refused. It’s just that there are about a hundred records of my numbers in the archives. I still look okay on them. Now I have a gray beard and a bald spot on the top of my head. And it’s more difficult to teach people about life. Although, in my opinion, we need to follow the example of animals - they know how to truly get along with each other and with humans. My cat and dog lived together and even slept in an embrace. By the way, Elga’s daughter also has several dogs. When there are small children, there must be animals at home; they teach kindness. He and Volodya have a big house, there is room to roam, of course, all their dogs are purebred. I give my grandchildren books and games for their birthdays, and I simply congratulate my daughter and son-in-law and say warm words. They have a different standard of living and don’t need anything special. Well, God forbid.

- Do you often remember your touring life?

Still would! What didn't happen to us there? Once, one artist almost drowned in the Amur River in the morning, after he drank at a banquet the night before and, without really sleeping, went swimming. Or another time in Vladivostok some rock band performed before me, and their spectators broke all the chairs during the concert. So because of this, riot police were called to my performance to guard the property. I said something funny from the stage, and one listener began to roar so loudly that a policeman even hit him with a baton as a precaution. Or it happened in Novosibirsk. A journalist came to my concert, wrote down my jokes, published them in the newspaper, but then honestly sent me the fee. I went to the post office to get it. I was standing in line, and an old lady sat behind me. She looked at me carefully, and then declared: “Do you know that you look like Koklyushkin? We would definitely get first place in a look-alike competition.” And then she thought a little and added: “They would pay you good money for this and buy yourself something decent. Otherwise you dress like a tramp.”

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