Yulianna Karaulova and Andrei Chery again postponed their wedding date. Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny: a love story from the first person Andrey Cherny personal life

September 29, 2016

The singer said that she can’t get married yet, although deep down she dreams of trying on a wedding dress

The singer said that she cannot get married yet, although deep down she dreams of trying on a wedding dress.

In October of this year, it will start on Channel One, where Yulianna Karaulova will be paired with Maxim Trankov. Her entire family and her beloved man, producer Andrei Cherny, will be cheering for the girl. The lovers met several years ago, at first they were friends, then they dated and even broke up, but the feelings turned out to be so strong that Yulianna and Andrey reunited again to get married in the future. True, how soon will this come? happy event in the life of the couple remains unknown, because now Karaulova pays all her attention to her career. She admits that her boyfriend is sympathetic to her wishes and is in no hurry to get married.

“When girls say that a wedding is not important, it means they are flirting and pretending. Every girl wants to try it on Wedding Dress and then live happily ever after. But this is a big responsibility. I’m very glad that Andrey and I are from the same field and we understand that now that everything has started to work out with my career, we can’t step back,” says the artist.

Recently Yulianna presented new clip to the song " Broken love", where she starred in a very explicit sex scene for the first time. In the frame, Karaulova depicts passionate feelings with a handsome young man. Andrey calmly perceives these types of work moments and does not express his jealousy openly.

“It’s unpleasant for Andrey, I’m lying in the same bed with some strange man. And on top of that there are tours, late concerts or rehearsals. I come home and, of course, don’t have time to do some household things. He turns a blind eye to this for now, thank God. And I am very grateful to him for this,” admits Yulianna in an interview with the Peopletalk portal.

Let us remind you that Yulianna Karaulova first appeared on stage in the project “Star Factory -5”, then she performed as part of the group “5sta Family”, replacing Loya. Already more than a year young singer is practicing solo career and apparently, she still has something to surprise listeners and viewers.

Yulianna Karaulova wanted to formalize her relationship with her lover, music producer Andrei Cherny, in the spring. Moreover, they even named a specific date – April 22. However, the lovers canceled the wedding. It turned out that Yulianna and Andrey simply did not have time to organize everything by this date.


“We really wanted to get married in April, but many organizational issues arose. They need to be resolved, and we are unlikely to have time before April. Therefore, we will most likely postpone our wedding to the summer,” Sobesednik quotes Karaulova.

In the meantime, the singer manages to combine preparation for the main event in her life and work. Recently, the artist performed on a sphere from which she almost fell. “My fatal mistake was that I rehearsed my number without heels. And since the structure was unstable, while I was singing, I was forced to catch my balance every second. I was afraid of staggering and falling. I grabbed the sphere with both hands. But I think this: if you want to live, You won’t get so excited!” – noted the popular singer.

Let us remember that at the end of 2016 Yulianna Karaulova received a marriage proposal from music producer Andrei Cherny during the filming of a New Year's program at the VDNH skating rink. According to the singer, she did not expect that at a working moment Andrei would invite her to become her wife.

According to Andrei Cherny, he was very worried that Yulianna would refuse him. “She’s a creative person, and when she’s working, it’s better not to touch her, but here I am with a ring, in front of the cameras... I was ready for anything,” noted the producer.

Fragile in appearance, Yulianna Karaulova has strong character. She always believed in her dream, and Andrei Cherny supported her.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

When Julianna was five years old, she first appeared on stage, and at fourteen she was already singing professionally as part of the group YES. As soon as the fifth set was announced at the Star Factory, all three members of the team decided to try their hand. But only Karaulova passed the competition. At the end of the project, the producers created a group called “Netsuke,” which, in addition to Yulia, included two more girls. They even shot a video for one of the group’s songs, but fame passed the girls by. “We can say that I had to go through a period of peculiar withdrawal,” the singer now recalls. “Then, when I adapted to my new life, it became much easier.” But it was already completely different, adulthood, which she decided to start with journalism.

“In fact, even before the Factory, I was thinking about entering the journalism department of Moscow State University. I hesitated for a long time, could not make a decision, and then, in last moment, changed her mind and took the documents to Gnesinka, where the pop-jazz vocal department had just opened. But still, journalism continued to interest me.” And then the opportunity just presented itself to get a job as an editor at YES! magazine. Yulianna did interviews with stars, during one of the filmings she met the guys from the R’n’B group 5sta Family, and when a place became available there, she was invited to the casting as a soloist, which she successfully passed.

“No matter what I did, I always dreamed of singing. This was probably passed on to me through my mother’s milk,” Karaulova jokes. “My parents have nothing to do with creativity or art, although my mother wanted to be a singer since childhood, but when the time came to choose a profession, she decided to become a doctor.”

Photo: DR

Apparently, your mother projected her love for music onto you.

Yulianna: Yes, probably. ( Smiling.) When I started to worry that I wouldn’t succeed, my mother always said: “No, you will succeed, you’re talented.” Since childhood, my parents sent me to some competitions, and the fact that I got into the “Star Factory” is also their merit! I didn’t want to go to the casting, it seemed to me that everything was done by connections, I didn’t want to spend the whole day just standing in line. Upon learning that I had changed my mind, my dad literally took me by the hand and took me to the casting.

Julia, your journey from “Factory” to 5sta Family was quite long. Why did this happen?

During “Factory” I had a contract with producer Maxim Fadeev, and after the project he offered me to extend it for another seven years, but the conditions were so strict that I was forced to refuse. Max made it clear that I would not be able to combine career and study. Staying with a secondary education was an unpleasant prospect for me; after all, there are different situations in life and there must be a “parachute” that could insure you. Moreover, I am a woman, someday I will have children, I will have to teach and instruct them, but what can I teach them if I myself remain ignorant?

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

I wonder if you regretted it later?

Of course, I regretted it for a while, but now, looking back, I understand that I did everything right. To be honest, this turned out to be a very difficult period in my life. There was everything: tears, and serious nervous breakdowns... I had to decide so many things: sign a contract or go to study, and if to study, where? And in general, how to continue to live? Also in my personal life, everything did not work out as I would like. I was getting ready to get married then, but I had to break up with that young man. We realized that we would not get along together. I was very worried, and in the end I went to London for six months to concentrate on my studies and take my mind off bad thoughts.

Did you have any desire to stay in London?

It was, of course. But I realized: if I want to achieve something, then, of course, it will be easier for me to do it in Moscow, and if I stay in England for a couple more years, then my train in Russia will definitely leave, and the circle of acquaintances that I have appeared after "Factory", I'll lose it. Yes I'll be back with good education, but no one will need it. Because recommendations from serious people are much better than three honors diplomas. By the way, gradually all my friends began to forget about me. Everyone has their own affairs, worries... The most devoted and true friend, who supported me then turned out to be Andrey.

Andrey, you and Yulia met during the Star Factory, right?

Andrey: Yes, I was working in a recording studio, and this little 17-year-old man came to record a song.

Yu.: It’s worth saying that during the first seven years we were just friends.

A.: You see, I was waiting for her to come of age! ( Laughs.)

Seven whole years?!

A.: I thought to wait a year, but during this time we turned into very good friends. Each of us had our own personal life, which we, as close comrades, told each other about, of course. And two years ago, as usual, we met to chat, discuss what was happening on the personal front, and suddenly I was overwhelmed! And very strongly. I didn’t understand what was happening to me: it seems like we’ve been friends for seven years, but here it is! ( Laughs.) And then I began to look after Yulia.

Julia, did you immediately guess that Andrei fell in love with you?

Yu.: No, at first I didn’t understand what was happening at all.

A.: She just didn’t perceive me as a man! She joked all the time that I was kidding and that these were my games. But everything was serious and real for me, so I actively continued to pursue it.

Yu.: And all the time I tried to pretend that I didn’t notice it, because...

A.: Yes, tell me, tell me! It is very interesting!

YU.: ( Laughs.) I didn’t want to spoil my years-tested friendships with some kind of affair. I was afraid that we might meet for a while, and then what? Usually people don't remain friends after this. And of course, at first it was difficult for me to take Andrei’s advances seriously.

A.: Yes, that’s it! You didn't perceive them at all. ( Laughs.)

Yu.: Well, I even knew some of your girls.

Were you both single at that time?

Yu.: Yes, neither Andrey nor I had a relationship. I just broke up with my boyfriend, and Andrey with his girlfriend. In general, everything happened according to the classical scheme: first he supported me, and then I supported him. So they were further supported.

A.: Apparently, the stars aligned... ( Smiles.)

Andrey, how did you look after Yulia?

A.: How did I look after you? Yes, probably like all men: flowers, sweets...

So corny?

A.: But for her sake I accomplished a real feat. Yulia is snowboarding, and I decided to do it too! I called her friends and said: “Guys, I want to get on a snowboard.” Her best friend, a former professional snowboarder, quickly taught me everything. And a week later I call Yulia and say: “Well, let’s go for a ride?” In general, it’s worth saying that I intensively began to master everything that she was interested in. I needed to understand how she lives.

Yu.: He even began to be very active friends with my best friend!

A.: With all my best friends. Kindergarten it wasn’t, everything was serious right away.

Yu.: Of course, I was pleased. We spent a lot of time together: walked, hung out, went somewhere. It was all very cool, and at some point I thought: maybe it’s worth a try? I remember that you and I even agreed that if things don’t work out for us, we will still remain friends. I had a tour in Germany, and we agreed to go to Amsterdam and Paris after them.

A.: And after a trip to Paris, the city of love, we just started dating. And then we went to Amsterdam, and it was incredibly romantic...

Andrey, now that you have practically become a family, do you still continue to adapt to Yulia?

A.: Well, of course not! ( Laughs.) I adjusted only in order to win her.

Yu.: It seems to me that a man should still be more important than women.

A.: But a woman must be cunning enough to be able to control a man. We all know who is the head and who is the neck in the family. ( Smiles.)

A.: In my family it was customary that the man was in charge and the last word always belonged to him.

Andrey, do you know Yulia’s parents?

I communicated with Yulia’s parents all those seven years that we were just friends. It was funny when we came to visit them as a couple, and not just friends, and Yulin’s dad, having learned about this, asked me only one question: “Well, what happened to you?” ( Laughs.)

Andrey, do you mind the fact that your girlfriend constantly goes on tour in a male company?

A.: And I have my own sent Cossack women in 5sta Family, who report everything to me. But seriously, we are all friends and it would be stupid to suspect anything.

Yu.: When I first joined the team, the guys showed me signs of attention. But over time it went away. When you spend so much time together on tour, it's hard to perceive each other as a man and a woman. We're just one big one creative family.

A.: Yulia and I work in the same field, and there are quite a lot of advantages in this. Besides the fact that we always have something to talk about, we live on the same schedule and understand well specific features each other's work. Julia before late at night I’m at concerts, events, filming, and I also have a lot of work in my studio. I am actively involved in sound production and spend a lot of time in my production center. Not long ago, Dima Bilan and I launched a joint music project called Alien24. So Yulia, as a person from the same field, understands that working day and night in the studio is normal.

Yu.: In general, it seems to me that this is how it should be. It is wrong to bend people close to you. If you love a person, then you accept him along with his passion for what he loves. For example, if a person loves to sing or dance, you should under no circumstances forbid him to do this, because sometimes such a hobby can turn into his life’s work. So the hobbies of the other half cannot be ignored.

That is, if Andrey wants to go to the bathhouse with his friends, then...

A.: ...I’m going to the bathhouse with friends. The last word, as I said, always behind me! ( Smiling.)

Yu.: Oh-oh-oh. Calm down, I'm gone!

A: Sorry, I liked it. ( Friendly laughter.)

Yu: We trust each other. At least I trust Andrey and know that he will never deceive me.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

AND Andrey Cherny They have been dating for more than five years, but only last year the sound producer proposed to the singer. The wedding was supposed to take place last spring in Georgia. But suddenly, 29-year-old Yulianna Karaulova announced that the celebration was cancelled. Both colleagues and fans decided that the couple had broken up. The singer denied the rumors, saying that the reason is different: she dreams of a luxurious wedding, which will be organized at this moment impossible due to busy work schedule. The 34-year-old groom and his famous bride decided to refuse the services of a wedding agency, but were unable to prepare everything on their own, so they postponed the celebration indefinitely. According to Julianna, they will return to this topic again when they have more free time.

“If we’re going to have a wedding, then a good, fairy-tale one. After all, I want to believe that she will be the only one in life. And so we began to meet with different agencies, negotiate with hotels... But the more we immersed ourselves in all this, the more we became convinced that organizing a wedding is a huge job. I’m not the kind of person to leave everything to an agency; I need to control it myself. Very respected, public people were supposed to come to us, and we could not lose face in front of them. But there was still no confidence that all our guests would be greeted with dignity, taken to their destination, accommodated and fed. In general, it became clear that the idea with the mountains of Georgia was a serious hassle. Besides, then I had just started collaborating with Yana Rudkovskaya, we needed to finish the album, shoot videos and so on. I understood that if I now began to work closely on organizing our celebration, I would simply be cured of creative process and from his tour schedule. It will not be possible to do everything well at the same time. In general, we decided to postpone the wedding for now. When we’re a little freer, we’ll be able to prepare her properly,” the singer said.

Yulianna Karaulova and Andrey Cherny

Yulianna also admitted that she had been waiting for a marriage proposal for more than five years and even began to worry and complain to her friends. And when the sound producer finally asked the cherished question in front of twelve cameras and a hundred people, she called him a fool. Later, the singer admitted that she answered that way because she was very nervous, and now she is glad that Andrei was not offended then.

“It all worked out because my friend organized this shoot. And about a month in advance, she asked me to post an announcement on my blog: if someone wants to surprise someone - to congratulate someone in an unusual way, to apologize for something or to ask them to get married - there is an opportunity to do so on New Year's show. And then, on the eve of filming, she told me that there was a guy who wants to propose to the girl. I believed that my role was to congratulate them. And then Andrei comes up to me... Then, when I found out all the circumstances, my heart completely thawed. It turns out that the day before he went to my parents and asked for their consent... That is, he took the proposal very seriously. Moreover, my dad said with humor: “Well, if we answer “no” now, what then?” Naturally, it was a joke. I also have two very close friends, Andrei consulted with both of them on which ring was best to buy so that I would like it,” the singer said in an interview with “7 Days” magazine.

Andrey Cherny proposes to Yulianna Karaulova

Let us remember that Andrei Cherny and Yulianna Karaulova first met when the singer was only 17 years old. For the next seven years, they were connected only by friendship, which gradually grew into a relationship. On December 23, 2016, Andrei Cherny proposed to Yulianna Karaulova right during the recording of the New Year's lights at VDNKh for the TVC channel. The wedding was supposed to take place on April 22. Now the singer is actively pursuing her career, touring Russia and serving on the jury for two seasons of the television project “

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