Who are people with disabilities? People with disabilities or limited ability to live

To refer to people with disabilities In our country they use the word “disabled”. This word has long migrated from medical terminology to the class of almost insults. It is unlikely that anyone has illusions that people with disabilities have a good life in Rus'.

People with disabilities: life with obstacles

The main obstacle for people with disabilities is infrastructure. Social advertisement And public figures raise the question of creating necessary conditions at least for the movement of such people. However, ramps and lifts (even where they exist) run up against steps that are almost insurmountable for wheelchair users. Special paving slabs for the blind (most often yellow color, consists of “striped” and “dotted” squares and helps to navigate in space) is only in major cities, and even then it fits in with errors, apparently due to the creative approach of the workers to this process. High curbs and underpasses are also not conducive to movement.

Another problem is employment. According to 2013 data, 77% of people with disabilities want to work, about 61% have professional education. How many people actually work? Only 7%. Finding a job for such people takes on average about a year. And improvements in this direction are not yet expected, because... employers are not ready to bear the costs of providing the necessary conditions and perceive such people not as disabled people, but as potential employees. Just like society as a whole is not ready to give up the label “disabled”.

Spirit Without Borders

It is important to understand that “person with disabilities” is not a death sentence. History proves that strength of spirit can overcome physical illnesses. Womie presents the list famous people disabled:

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt - 32nd President of the United States from 1933 to 1945. (ruled the country while chained to wheelchair- He was president 4 times, led the United States out of the Great Depression, participated in the anti-Hitler coalition and managed to normalize relations with the USSR);
  • Ludwig van Beethoven - the great German composer(being already famous, he completely lost his hearing, but it was at this time that he created his most famous works: the Heroic Symphony, the Solemn Mass and the Ninth Symphony with choir);
  • Miguel Cervantes is a Spanish writer, best known for his novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” (he was seriously wounded in the battle of Lepanto, which is why he lost left hand; he later wrote that in connection with this “God made his right hand work even harder”);
  • Louis Braille - creator of a raised dot font for the blind - Braille (at the age of 3 he injured his eye with a knife, and soon went blind; also developed sheet music for the blind);
  • Sarah Bernhardt is a French actress (after an accident in 1914 her leg was amputated, but the actress continued to act until 1922);
  • Ray Charles - American musician, legend jazz music(blind at the age of 7, but became one of famous musicians 20th century; included in the list of 100 greatest artists of all time, according to Rolling Stone magazine).

People with disabilities don't need pity. They need opportunities. Opportunities to live life to the fullest, work, create, relax. They say that the maturity of a society is determined by its attitude towards children, the elderly and people with disabilities. But each of us shapes this very thing. A little more attention and participation on our part - helping up or down the stairs, holding the door open in a store, just smiling kindly - and life will become at least a little easier for someone.

And here we have prepared even more interesting materials for you!

Helping people with disabilities can be a goal that unites many. Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma, regional coordinator of the United Russia party project “Equal Opportunities” Vladimir Zimnev is sure of this. This unifying idea will allow us to concentrate the efforts of people, society and the state to achieve them. Doing good is both a priceless gift and a need for humanity.
It's good where people care about each other

There is an old parable about how a sinner asked to be shown the difference between heaven and hell. He was led into a hall in which around big boiler There were a lot of people crowding around with boiling soup. Each of them held in their hands a huge human-sized metal spoon, scalding hot, and only the very end of the handle was wooden. Thin, greedy, hungry people greedily shoved spoons into the cauldron, with difficulty removing the soup from there and trying to reach the cup with their mouths. At the same time, they got burned, swore, and fought. “This is hell,” they told him and led him to another room. It was quiet there, the same pot, the same spoons, but everyone was full. Because they split into pairs and fed each other. “And this is paradise!” - they told him.

This parable, like the experience of human development, shows that life is good where people unite, take care of each other, and help in trouble. There is peace, harmony and prosperity. Otherwise, it's a disaster.

IN last years There is a lot of talk about the consolidation of society. Processes of unification of citizens on one basis or another have always occurred and are occurring in Russia. At all times, people were united by different things - ideological beliefs, practical considerations, patriotic feelings and much more. In the 20th century, the enthusiasm of the masses performed miracles: people built a country, created an industry, studied, won a war, and flew into space. The older generation remembers Komsomol construction projects and the development of virgin lands, the friendship of peoples and high morality. Construction of powerful state district power stations and nuclear power plants, development of deposits in Siberia, construction of new cities. People were full of enthusiasm and involvement in a great and common cause - the development of their country. They were proud of their personal achievements and the achievements of their homeland. They lived in a great power to achieve common goals, and they achieved them. They were a great creative people.

What unites people today? Many things, for example, the desire for social justice and personal well-being of citizens. Processes associated with helping the weak and defenseless also live within society, often coming to the surface in certain actions, formations, ideas, embodied in real good deeds. Like, for example, the actions of volunteers during the liquidation of the consequences of the flood in Krymsk. People from all over the country came to help the victims. The Russians organized collection points for things and food and brought tons of humanitarian aid to Krymsk. Events in Ukraine this year stirred up and united people around the idea of ​​patriotism, pride in their Motherland, and the desire to help their Slavic brothers. And there are many such examples - both in the past and present.

IN modern conditions, when political, economic, public life countries have undergone and continue to undergo transformation, social justice and equality confidently act as moral principles society. The principles of respect for human dignity, regardless of the state of physical and mental health, age, gender, religion and social status also mean respect for human rights, including the right to health care, education and work. Solving the problems of disability and disabled people is becoming one of the priority areas social policy states. Problems that must be solved in the interrelation of both power structures and society as a whole, that is, in a consolidated manner.

Accessible Environment Program

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, there are 13 million disabled people in Russia, which is 9.2 percent of the total number of Russian residents. There are 109 thousand of them in the Tyumen region. Today, authorities at all levels are doing a lot to promote the implementation civil rights disabled people, helping them to live with dignity and fullness. An effective mechanism for implementing state policy in solving the problems of people with disabilities in Russian Federation targeted federal and regional programs have become, combining the efforts of various departments. Operating in the Russian Federation since 2011 Government program"Accessible environment". The questions formulated in the program affect almost all structures and all regulatory legal acts that are related to human life. The main issues on creating an accessible environment are aimed at regions and municipalities in order to bring the solution of the problem closer to the territories, to the people.

The comprehensive program “Accessible Environment” has been formed and operates in the Tyumen region. She puts main goal create conditions to ensure that people with disabilities and other low-mobility groups have equal access to the physical environment, transport, information and communications, social facilities and services. The program creates conditions for the sustainable development of an accessible environment, ensures interdepartmental interaction, coordinates the work of government agencies and public organizations when creating conditions for the accessibility of priority facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities, increases the availability and quality of rehabilitation services for people with disabilities, helps to overcome social disunity and barriers in society.

With the participation of representatives of public organizations of disabled people, many activities to implement this program are being successfully carried out in the region. Issues are being considered about equipping courtyard areas, parks and squares so that a disabled person in a wheelchair can get literally everywhere he needs to go. Measures are being taken to increase the accessibility of medical buildings, residential buildings, schools and other social facilities for people with disabilities. Funds are being formed to support disabled people - both children and adults. Effective implementation of the program is facilitated by responsible work to improve interdepartmental relations, the introduction of control mechanisms and responsibility for performers.

People with special needs

Currently, the accessibility of the environment for people with disabilities is not yet at its best. high level. The practice of domestic urban planning, design and construction of housing, civil and industrial facilities, organization of transport and information services, until recently, did not take into account the specific needs of people with disabilities and was largely aimed at creating an accessible living environment in the system of inpatient specialized institutions social services. That is, it developed as the only and traditional form, characterized by the creation of comfortable conditions for people with disabilities in boarding homes, orphanages, special residential buildings for invalids. Formed in Lately government system measures in the field of urban planning and production of auxiliary technical means, public passenger and individual transport, communications and computer science is aimed at the gradual creation of an accessible living environment for people with disabilities.

It should be noted that society has also until now suffered from an unconstructive approach to people with disabilities and disabilities. After all, the loss of the enormous potential of disabled people significantly impoverishes the world. History and modernity give us a lot of evidence of how much disabled people can do if they have the conditions for this.

Many people with disabilities have made significant contributions to society. Among them are those who successfully ruled the country, famous military leaders, scientists, and musicians. Here are just a few examples: Mikhail Kutuzov (1745–1813), Russian commander, Field Marshal General (1812) (blindness in one eye); composer Ludwig Van Beethoven (lost his hearing with age); Alexey Maresyev – pilot, Hero Soviet Union. Our disabled athletes at the 2014 Winter Paralympic Games gave a clear example of courage and skill, winning 80 medals, including 30 gold, far surpassing all other countries in the world. There could be many more similar examples.

But those that are in the memory and lives of many people (according to a sociological survey conducted among residents of the Tyumen region, 75 percent of respondents have friends or relatives with disabilities) convincingly indicate the formation in society of a kind-hearted, respectful, responsible attitude towards people with disabilities possibilities. And to be more precise - to people with special needs. We need to solve their problems together with them, acting together, peacefully, legitimately, decisively. After all, no matter what happens in Russia now, we, Russian citizens, are responsible for all of this.

By doing good, we become richer ourselves

In recent years, we have seen many examples of citizens uniting to help people with disabilities. This is, for example, the formation and activity charitable foundations and programs, festivals of social Internet resources, holding charitable cultural and other mass events. “Lessons for Good” are being conducted, volunteering is being developed as a system for the formation of not only the necessary service to provide assistance to different categories of the population, but also the formation of a new consciousness of modern youth, and much more. The public, together with the authorities and business, participates in the support and organization of medical institutions, orphanages and shelters, provides assistance to children with physical and mental disabilities, orphans and persons without specific place residence, attracts and accumulates voluntary donations.

This is an important matter for every citizen, every public association, each non-profit and commercial organization can contribute. Everyone can find something to do according to their capabilities and skills, regardless of their position in society. The main thing is a burning desire to help the weak and infirm in any way possible: by deeds and simply kind words. So that they can live, study, work, gain true independence and independence, find their place in life and become full members of society.

And what is important is that helping people with disabilities becomes a unifying idea that allows, without any politicization, to concentrate the efforts of people, society and the state to achieve them. There comes an understanding that doing good is both a priceless gift and a need for humanity.

There is nothing more valuable on earth than the good we sow into the lives of other people. They say that good is the “currency” of heaven, our “asset” in eternal life. By doing good to people, we enrich ourselves immensely. Increasing many times over, goodness returns to our lives. Maybe that's why charity at all times was considered a noble and godly deed. There have always been people who were ready to spend time and energy for the benefit of society, absolutely voluntarily, for the sake of a lofty idea and without counting on monetary reward. Such people still exist today.

“Good is written in the sand, and evil is written in stone,” says the proverb. This folk wisdom confirms the need for long, persistent, sincere work in favor of the cause. As a result, goodness makes both a person and the whole world beautiful. The world is not just “not without good people“, people fill him with kindness. And if, without expecting fame and wealth, we join even a little in the creation of good, it will multiply. We'll be a little kinder friend to a friend, and the world will become a better place.


Vladimir Dmitrievich ZIMNEV,

Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma Committee.

■ Born on January 21, 1949 in Yalutorovsk. In 1977 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Water Transport Engineers with a degree in “Ship Machines and Mechanisms”, qualification – “Mechanical Engineer”. ■ Candidate of Sociological Sciences. State Advisor of the Tyumen Region III class. Deputy of the Tyumen Regional Duma of the fifth convocation.

Why do people become disabled?
What kind of help do they need?
What can people with disabilities achieve?
Disabled people

People with disabilities, people with disabilities, are everywhere. According to United Nations (UN) estimates, almost every tenth person on the planet is disabled.

Disabled people - people with spinal injuries, lower limb amputations, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, people with limited vision, hearing impairment, mental illness, etc.

It is not a person’s fault that he was born or became this way. It is not his fault that he cannot always work and provide for himself. The way of life of disabled people is to take daily medications that help maintain the body’s vital functions, but do not cure diseases.

Causes of disability

Disability is not always a congenital condition or heredity. Most often, the cause is an accident: in countries where there has recently been a war, children are maimed by mines left in the ground. Failure to comply with safety regulations at work causes injuries. It happens that people fall and break their legs.

Thus, daily actions and work activity can cause ill health and even disability.

Interesting Facts
International Day of Persons with Disabilities is celebrated annually on December 3rd.

Disabled people are the same as all people, although with their own characteristics. Who doesn't have them?! It is necessary that people with disabilities study and work together with ordinary people. They need understanding and equality.

What difficulties do they face in Everyday life people with disabilities? What helps you overcome them?

Help for people with disabilities

We must help people with disabilities.

The state helps people with disabilities as best it can. For example, in a number of cities there are special buses with yellow-green stripes on the sides that transport disabled people of groups 1 and 2 for free. The state provides medical assistance to disabled people. All regions of the country are trying to provide education for disabled children who need home schooling.

In our country there are many enterprises that produce high-quality products and employ people with disabilities.

Further Reading
People who are blind from birth are well oriented in space. They will never bump into a tree or fall off the sidewalk. But those who suddenly become blind sit at home for years, going out only when accompanied by their relatives. They cannot buy bread and cross the road on their own - there are few audible traffic lights in the country.
With certain training, which all visually impaired people receive in schools and special courses, they can move around quite freely and independently, travel to public transport, shop in a store, solve everyday problems and generally be no different from other people. There are a number of devices in the world that help you not to be dependent on others: from a banknote detector and a water level detector in a glass to a minicomputer that allows you to freely navigate the area. In addition, after special training and acquisition of skills, a person can independently navigate the terrain with the help of a cane or a guide dog.

What problems do visually impaired people face in everyday life? What devices help overcome them? How can you help visually impaired people solve their problems?

According to official statistics, about 10 million people with disabilities live in Russia. Deaf-blind children, i.e. both blind and deaf at the same time, in Russia

If you give up and don’t have the strength to conquer the next peak, remember the historical figures and contemporaries with physical disabilities who became famous throughout the world. It’s hard to call them disabled. People with disabilities who achieve success set an example for all of us of courage, resilience, heroism and determination.

World famous personalities

The numerous stories of people with disabilities are surprising and inspiring. Successful individuals are often known throughout the world: books are written about them, films are made about them. The German musician and composer, representative Viennese school- Ludwig van Beethoven. Already famous, he began to lose his hearing. In 1802, the man became completely deaf. Despite the tragic circumstances, it was from this period of time that Beethoven began to create masterpieces. After becoming disabled, he wrote most of his sonatas, as well as the “Eroica Symphony”, “Solemn Mass”, the opera “Fidelio” and the vocal cycle “To a Distant Beloved”.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga is another historical figure who deserves respect and admiration. At the age of 12, the girl was caught in a sand hurricane and went blind. At the same time, the so-called third eye opened inside her - the all-seeing eye. She began to look into the future, predicting the fate of people. Vanga attracted attention for her activities during World War II. Then a rumor spread through the villages that she was able to determine whether a warrior died on the battlefield or not, where the missing person was located and whether there was any hope of finding him.

People during World War II

In addition to Vanga, during German occupation there have been other people with disabilities who have achieved success. In Russia and beyond its borders, everyone knows the brave pilot Alexey Petrovich Maresyev. During the battle, his plane was shot down, and he himself was seriously wounded. For a long time got to his own, lost his legs due to developing gangrene, but despite this, he managed to convince the medical board that he was able to fly even with prosthetics. The brave pilot shot down many more enemy ships, constantly took part in military battles and returned home as a hero. After the war, he constantly traveled to the cities of the USSR and everywhere defended the rights of people with disabilities. His biography formed the basis of “The Tale of a Real Man.”

Another key figure of World War II is Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Thirty was also disabled. Long before this, he contracted polio and was left paralyzed. The treatment did not produce positive results. But Roosevelt did not lose heart: he worked actively and achieved amazing success in politics and in the diplomatic field. Important pages of world history are associated with his name: the participation of the United States in the anti-Hitler coalition and the normalization of relations between the American country and the Soviet Union.

Russian heroes

The list of celebrated individuals includes other people with disabilities who have achieved success. From Russia, we first know Mikhail Suvorov, a writer and teacher who lived in the second half of the 20th century. When he was 13 years old, he lost his sight from a shell explosion. This did not stop him from becoming the author of sixteen collections of poetry, many of which received wide recognition and were set to music. Suvorov also taught at a school for the blind. Before his death, he was awarded the title of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation.

But Valery Andreevich Fefelov worked in a different field. He not only fought for the rights of the disabled, but was also an active participant in the Soviet Union. Before that, he worked as an electrician: he fell from a height and broke his spine, remaining confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. It was on this simple device that he traveled across the expanses of a vast country, inviting people to help, if possible, the organization he created - the All-Union Society of Disabled People. The activities of the dissident were considered anti-Soviet by the USSR authorities and he and his family were expelled from the country. The refugees received political asylum in the German Federal Republic.

Famous musicians

People with disabilities who have achieved success with their own creative abilities, on everyone's lips. First, there is the blind musician Ray Charles, who lived for 74 years and died in 2004. This man can rightfully be called a legend: he is the author of 70 studio albums, recorded in the style of jazz and blues. He became blind at the age of seven due to sudden onset glaucoma. The disease did not become an obstacle for him musical abilities. Ray Charles received 12 Grammy awards and was celebrated in numerous venues. Frank Sinatra himself called Charles “a genius of show business,” and the famous Rolling Stone magazine included his name in the top ten of its “List of Immortals.”

Secondly, the world knows another blind musician. This is Stevie Wonder. Creative person had a colossal influence on the development of vocal art in the 20th century. He became the founder of the R'n'B style and classic soul. Steve went blind immediately after birth. Despite his physical handicap, he ranks second among pop performers in terms of the number of Grammy statuettes received. The musician has been awarded this award 25 times - not only for career success, but also for life achievements.

Popular athletes

People with disabilities who have achieved success in sports deserve special respect. There are a lot of them, but first of all I would like to mention Eric Weihenmayer, who, being blind, was the first in the world to climb to the top of the formidable and mighty Everest. The rock climber became blind at the age of 13, but managed to complete his studies, get a profession and, according to Eric's adventures, during his famous conquest of the mountain fiction film entitled "Touch the Top of the World". By the way, Everest is not the only achievement of a man. He managed to climb seven of the most dangerous peaks in the world, including Elbrus and Kilimanjaro.

Another one worldwide famous person- Oscar Pistorius. Having become disabled almost from the first days of his life, in the future he managed to change the idea of ​​modern sports. The man, having no legs below the knee, competed on an equal footing with healthy athletes-runners, and achieved enormous success and numerous victories. Oscar is a symbol of people with disabilities and an example that disability is not a barrier to normal life, including for sports. Pistorius is an active participant in the program to support citizens with physical disabilities and the main promoter of active sports among this category of people.

Strong women

Don't forget that people with disabilities who are successful in their careers are not exclusively members of the stronger sex. There are a lot of women among them - for example, Esther Verger. Our contemporary - a Dutch tennis player - is considered the greatest in this sport. At 9 years old due to unsuccessful operation on her spinal cord, but she sat in the wheelchair and managed to turn tennis upside down. In our time, a woman is a winner " Grand Slam"and other tournaments, a four-time Olympic champion, she became a leader in world competitions seven times. Since 2003, she has not suffered a single defeat, winning 240 sets in a row.

Helen Adams Keller is another name to be proud of. The woman was blind and deaf-mute, but having mastered sign functions and mastered the correct movements of the larynx and lips, she entered higher education. educational institution and graduated with honors. The American has become famous writer, who on the pages of her books talked about herself and people like her. Her story formed the basis of William Gibson's play The Miracle Worker.

Actresses and dancers

People with disabilities who have achieved success are in the public eye. Photos of the most beautiful women tabloids often love to print: among such talented and beautiful ladies It is worth noting Sarah Bernhardt. In 1914 French actress her leg was amputated, but she continued to appear on the theater stage. Last time grateful spectators saw her on stage in 1922: at the age of 80, she played a role in the play “The Lady of the Camellias.” Many prominent artists called Sarah an example of excellence, courage and

Other famous woman, who captivated the public with her thirst for life and creativity, is Lina Po, ballerina and dancer. Her real name is Polina Gorenshtein. In 1934, after suffering encephalitis, she was left blind and partially paralyzed. Lina could no longer perform, but she did not lose heart - the woman learned to sculpt. She was accepted into the Union Soviet artists, the woman’s works were constantly exhibited at the most famous exhibitions in the country. The main collection of her sculptures is now in the museum of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.


People with disabilities who have achieved success have not only lived in modern times. There are many among them historical figures- for example, the writer Miguel Cervantes, who lived and worked in the 17th century. The author of the world-famous novel about the adventures of Don Quixote not only spent time writing stories, he was also a member of the military service in the navy. In 1571, taking part in the Battle of Lepanto, he was seriously wounded - he lost his arm. Subsequently, Cervantes liked to repeat that disability became a powerful impetus for further development and improving his talent.

John Pulitzer is another person who has become famous throughout the world. The man became blind at the age of 40, but after the tragedy he began to work even more. IN modern world he is known to us as a successful writer, journalist, and publisher. He is called the ancestor of " yellow press" After his death, John bequeathed the $2 million he earned. Most of this amount went to open the Higher School of Journalism. The rest of the money was used to establish a prize for correspondents, which has been awarded since 1917.


Among this category there are also people with disabilities who have achieved success in life. Just look at the famous English physicist Stephen William Hawking, the author of the theory of primordial black holes. The scientist suffers from amyotrophic sclerosis, which first deprived him of the ability to move and then to speak. Despite this, Hawking is actively working: he controls wheelchair and a special computer using your fingers right hand- the only moving part of your body. He now occupies a high position that three centuries ago belonged to Isaac Newton: he is a professor of mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

It is worth noting Louis Braille, a French teacher of typhology. As a little boy, he injured his eyes with a knife, after which he lost the ability to see forever. To help himself and other blind people, he created a special raised dot font for the blind. It is still used today all over the world. Based on the same principles, the scientist came up with special notes for the blind, which made it possible for blind people to practice music.


People with disabilities who have achieved success in our time and in past centuries can become an example for each of us. Their life, work, activity is a huge feat. Agree how difficult it is sometimes to overcome obstacles on the path to your dreams. Now imagine that their barriers are broader, deeper and more insurmountable. Despite the difficulties, they managed to pull themselves together, gather their will into a fist and begin to take active action.

It is simply unrealistic to list all worthy personalities in one article. People with disabilities who have achieved success make up an entire army of citizens: each of them demonstrates their courage and strength. Among them famous artist Chris Brown, who has only one limb, writer Anna McDonald, diagnosed with intellectual disability, as well as TV presenter Jerry Jewell, poet Chris Nolan and screenwriter Chris Foncheka (all three have cerebral palsy), and so on. What can we say about the many athletes without legs and arms who actively participate in competitions. The stories of these people should become a standard for each of us, a symbol of courage and determination. And when you give up and it seems that the whole world is against you, remember these heroes and move on towards your dream.

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