What a man should do is different. My man has another one

I read it, it’s very useful.

2 months ago I met a man on the Internet from our region. We met, everything was fine. I already thought that maybe he was my soul mate. The truth was afraid to admit to myself. He recently went to a sanatorium; he had received a voucher from the company a long time ago, so it was a shame not to go. He called me every day, saying that it was bad without me. And in the second week I met a woman. We walked with her day and night until 3 am (he told me later), although he called me all the time.

Upon arrival, I still felt some kind of change. He will say, “that he was in a fairy tale and cannot get away from it.” He would distance himself from me on the street when I wanted to kiss him when we met. Then I posted her photo at the disco (21 pieces) on my website. I started a conversation with him, I even wanted to break off all relations at once. But he reassured me that she was 850 km away. And I'm better.

This didn’t really reassure me, because while he was already dating me (I thought we were serious), he was calmly flirting (and maybe more) with someone else away from me. To my question: did they have sex, he did not answer directly.

Now on the site she is one of his new friends. Are they communicating? What should I do? History repeats itself. It annoys me. Every picture of him is in the guest room for her. He doesn't refuse me either. He calls every day. We are dating. He says that there is nothing criminal in the fact that they correspond. One consolation is that he removed the photo from the disco from the site. He probably realized that he had gone too far.

Svetlana, here again is my next dating story. Please advise what I should do in this situation. It still hurts a little, I started to get used to it.
I will wait for advice and help from you, since in my mind I want to break up with him. I cannot forgive when people cheat on me in front of my eyes (even in my thoughts). Am I right or wrong?

Sincerely, Elena.


Hello, Elena. Yes, it looks like your next acquaintance is leading you into a love triangle.

Therefore, don't throw him away. Instead, start fighting for him with another woman. Write her a letter. Say you have a connection. Tell him that you care about him. Everything you feel towards him.

It's very scary. And at the same time, without this it is impossible to become a wife. The wife does exactly that. She doesn't miss hers. Raise this energy within yourself. Fight for your man. And most importantly, take care of ONLY yourself in this relationship.

I really hope that you will be able to keep it with you. And receive all the benefits that a man can give. Sex, money, love, attention, respect, joy, understanding. Feeling like a real woman.

Masha! Tell me what to do? We dated a man for 5 years, everything was fine for 4 years, and then suddenly a woman called from his phone with a complaint against me! There were long conversations with him, as a result of which we quarreled! He said that he had known this woman for 10 years, he was missing something in her and then I appeared, but he couldn’t part with her, he didn’t say the reason. He didn’t call for a week, and then he called, but the relationship had already deteriorated, she called periodically during our meetings, I was nervous, but I was patient, I thought she would understand and appreciate it! One more thing, my breasts were cut off 3 years ago, I have a slight complex about this. There were men on my way who, when they found out, simply disappeared! So I decided to accept her presence. But 10 days ago I saw them together in the store! It was the last straw and I told him that I couldn’t do this anymore - either me or her! He replied that it was his fault, but we were both “cool,” and since I was prettier and younger, let’s break up! 10 minutes later he called back and said that he was already feeling bad! I answered, fight yourself! And now he hasn’t called for 10 days! It's terribly hard for me White light not happy! What should I do? How to get rid of pain! Fight for him or let him go? What will you advice me? Thank you in advance!

Elena, Russia, Rostov, 40 years old

Sincerely, Elena.


Hello, Elena.

I understand how difficult this situation is for you, I really want to support you, but I cannot give you specific advice, because... This is your life and only you should make a decision. A psychologist, alas, cannot give advice; he must guide a person to make his own decision, which is correct for him. Let's try to get closer to your decision. 1) Your man treated you very badly. The first time I actually entered into a relationship, but was not free. The second time, when you found out about his second woman, he did not take any steps. And the third time when I didn’t choose you. Are you ready to forgive him and accept him as such? Are you ready to understand his actions? Do you have a sincere desire to fight for it? 2) You did very right. You endured a certain period, did not express your dissatisfaction, giving the person time and the opportunity to resolve the situation. You behaved in such a way that he would not have unnecessary reasons for his nerves, and would not have feelings of guilt or irritation. Then you clearly voiced your position when you realized that your man never did anything: she or I. Again, you gave him a chance, you didn't just leave by slamming the door. 3) Apparently, all this time your man did not particularly value your relationship in terms of sincerity and devotion to your partner. He did not hold on to you, but on the contrary, he felt that you were holding on to him. Perhaps he feels that you are in some sense dependent on him, since he allows himself to do such things. 4) The fact that you had such a difficult operation for a woman, but you do not give up, are not afraid of meeting men - this deserves great respect. Rest assured, weak and dishonest men come across to everyone, such people will run away from extra kilos your woman, and because you don’t like the hair color. You don't need those. This is not your shortcoming, it is not your fault that the disease happened to you, this is your sad feature, and it deserves support and understanding. The disadvantage is when a woman is too lazy to wash her hair and do a manicure. And everything else is nature and life. A normal man will understand this, but do you really need an abnormal one? 5) You have the right to love and want a relationship with this person if he is dear and interesting to you, even if he did not act very well towards you. You also have the right to search worthy man, open up to new relationships, think about the future with a new person. Elena, analyze all these points in order, thoughtfully, slowly, analyze your feelings and deeper thoughts on this matter. You may have a rough idea of ​​what is best for you to do. You should not be afraid of your love, if it exists, and fight, no matter what your chosen one is, if he is the only one dear to you and needed for the future. You should not be afraid to leave him if you feel offended, if you do not need an insincere relationship, you will be worthy good man, you will have a chance to meet him. In addition, I can say that you don’t have to be afraid to do both at the same time (after all, your man has been doing exactly this all this time). Good luck and patience!

Sincerely, Maria Pugacheva.

Many girls perceive the question of how to return ex-boyfriend, if he has a different one, it sounds like “what if you died?” Using the experience of many women and my own, I want to say: getting a guy back, even if he has started a new relationship, is real! Take this as a fact, backed by practice.

If you feel the pain of losing a loved one and really want to get him back, however, this is even the only thing you can think about, then there is a way out! It is enough just to plan the course of action correctly.

"When did it all go wrong?"

First of all, you should calm down and think about when the problems started in your relationship, and what was the impetus for the separation? Find out how much of this is your fault. What might you have been doing wrong? Girls, getting a guy back without understanding the reasons for his departure is extremely difficult. No one wants to experience the same thing several times. You can carefully ask his close friends. Yes, men gossip too, didn’t you know?! Having clearly understood and identified the reasons for the breakup, you can move on!

By the way, girls, you can prevent separation, or at least be prepared for it. How? Our article will tell you. I hope that this will help you avoid a painful breakup. Well, with those who were unable to avoid this unpleasant incident, we move on point by point!

"I feel sorry for the bird"

It is worth discussing this point so as not to make an irreparable mistake. Never push for pity! Let only your pillow and your close friend know that you are bad. All! Don't ask or beg to come back, because everything will change! Yes, it will change. But your gentleman is not yet ready to realize this. The only thing you will achieve through prayer and “begging” is the image of a weak, beaten and pathetic woman. Do you need it? And who would want to come back out of pity? And, if anyone expresses a desire, it will certainly not be for long.

"I love you more than life"

Here's another fatal mistake. Thoughts like “He just forgot how much I love him.” get it out of your head. “How could he refuse me, because no one will love him that much again! We need to remind him of this!” . Yes, and immediately say goodbye to him forever.

The truth is that a man has not forgotten about your feelings and remembers how much you adore him. Considering these facts, he nevertheless came to separation. Kilometer-long love letters will not help you save the situation. In fact, you will simply smother the person with your love and push him away even more. Your ex-boyfriend will not only be convinced of the correctness of his decision, but will also want to run away from you to hell, along with his new passion.

"Don't call me, don't call..."

Heavy, but important stage in moving towards our goal. Disappear from his life for at least a month, or better yet, several. What a horror, you will think, because he will so definitely forget about me. He won't forget! This break will only give him time to take a break from you, to calm down all the negative emotions after the breakup, and maybe he will even have time to get tired of his new girlfriend. No messages, no calls, no social networks, much less cases like "I'm waiting for you at the entrance". It is unlikely that he will write to you himself. And if it does, then you need to answer carefully, without giving in to flights of love.

“Time out for the benefit of the image”

Keep yourself busy. Change your image, transform yourself. Announce to the world and to your ex that you are ready for a new stage of life and got over the breakup with dignity. When people see you looking good, doing business, being interested in languages, for example, or playing tennis, they understand that your life is moving on, despite past failures. This will involuntarily hurt your ex-boyfriend. As a result, only changes in your image will attract him back. Or at least this will be the first step towards getting the relationship back.

"Second step or rapprochement"

Beautiful interesting girl, in a new image, proudly walking through life. Yes, ticked the box. A couple of months passed, no contact with my ex. Another tick. Now you can take the long-awaited step towards rapprochement. Start with friendly messages like "How are you?". Trite, but effective. After unobtrusive correspondence, invite him to meet, do not be afraid of these words. Argument that you just want to chat, find out what has changed in his life, just have a heart-to-heart talk, like old friends. I think he won’t refuse innocent gatherings. Be patient in communicating with him, do not persuade too actively if he does not want to meet at first. Everything has its time. Remember that your goal is to let him know that you are the one. Using easy communication, become a friend and helper for him again.

“Ugh, how are you dating her?”

And most importantly: Don't speak ill of his girlfriend. Not only will this elevate you as a person, but it will also give you the opportunity to learn about the difficulties your ex is experiencing in his current relationship. This information can be further used to your advantage. Don't miss it!

Getting a guy back isn't easy, but it's possible. To achieve a result, it’s worth working hard; our advice is provided to help you, both in this article and in a number of others: and

You have every right fight for love. And no one can stop you from doing this! And don't forget that new girl rarely happens long-awaited love. Your boyfriend is just confused and tired of being with you. A new passion is only a temporary hobby that should not affect your self-confidence and your own abilities.

If you broke up with a young man, but still feel affection for him and want to maintain the relationship, do not despair, perhaps the chance to return everything is not lost yet. However, before you get your ex back, think about why the breakup happened. Working on mistakes will help you in the future to avoid mistakes that influenced the cooling of a man’s feelings.

How to seduce your ex

If your loved one has left, but your feelings for him never go away, don’t waste time and start taking action. active actions upon his return, until he found a new passion.

Not every woman has the art of seduction, but true love capable of performing miracles. Think about your hidden or obvious abilities. Are you the happy owner of an attractive plastic body? Find a reason to invite your ex over and dance an erotic dance. Embody your literary talent in a love letter in poetic form or in prose.

What other methods of seduction can be used to get your ex-boyfriend or husband back?

How to get your ex back if he has someone else

Often a guy and a girl run away, believing that their romance is over and there will be no return to their old feelings. No matter who is to blame, sometimes it is the woman who waits for the first steps towards reconciliation, and imagine her disappointment, because men treat such situations more simply and quickly find a replacement ex-lover. On your side is experience and good knowledge of his habits, interests and common friends, on her side is the novelty of emotions and the romantic flair of first dates. Unable to see your ex-boyfriend happy with his pretty rival? There is always a chance, you just have to really want and competently carry out the “return operation.”

Is it worth returning?

When the pain does not subside even after a breakup with your loved one for a long time, you involuntarily begin to think, maybe the breakup was a mistake and you can return everything back? But before you dial the coveted number, think hard about whether it’s worth entering the same river twice.

If the reason for breaking up with your ex was insults, betrayal, or even assault, absolutely, you should not regret what you did. But there are other situations when people do not agree due to some misunderstanding, difference in temperament, or the decision was made in the heat of a heated quarrel. We cannot always give a definite answer to this question, so allow yourself to doubt and understand a simple thing - to experience care loved one It’s quite normal, it’s probably worth waiting a little longer until the period of adaptation to a new, free life ends.

Time can also play a bad joke on a woman in love - from a distance we tend to see only the good that happened in our relationship, and the negativity is gradually erased from memory. But if you decided to break off the romance, then there were compelling reasons for this and everything was not as wonderful as it seems now? Then does it make sense to step on the same rake?

In some cases, it may be worth giving the remaining feelings a chance, but it’s not often that the second attempt is more successful than the first. If people break up, it means that the needs of the man or woman were not fully satisfied. For example, for one, family and marriage are a unity of souls, respect and understanding, while for another it is only benefit and convenience. It’s difficult to change these principles; when you give a second life to old relationships, get ready for another failure.

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