What to do if you find yourself in a crime situation. Robbery is an attack with the purpose of stealing property, combined with violence or the threat of violence that is dangerous to the life and health of the person attacked. try to remember the signs of the criminal: how he is dressed, age

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Rules of behavior in the situation criminogenic nature and in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack Completed by 10th grade student Victoria Yakushenko Teacher: A. Yu. Morozov

A special group of negative impacts are represented by social dangers that are widespread in society and threaten people’s lives and health. The existence of these dangers is associated with the state of demographic processes and behavioral characteristics of individual people social groups. Social dangers are very numerous. These include wars and military conflicts, terrorism, criminalization of society, diseases...

Criminal, criminogenic - means criminal. Compliance with the basic rules of safe behavior: to anticipate dangers, avoid them whenever possible, act competently and decisively - allows you to protect yourself from crimes. Anticipate crime situation much easier than acting in it.

The main condition for the safety of each of us is the ability to avoid direct contact with a person who can cause any injury: physical, mental or spiritual. Most often, the criminal inflicts several criminal injuries on his victim. For example, wanting to take possession of property, a criminal intimidates the victim, humiliates her and can cause physical harm.

It is necessary to follow the rules of safe behavior: anticipate and avoid dangerous situations and, if necessary, act wisely and decisively. In order to avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, you must follow a number of rules.

Some important rules Do not be alone on the street at night. Choose a safe route. It is safest to walk close to the edge of the sidewalk towards traffic and see approaching cars. Never, under any circumstances, get into a car with strangers or people you barely know. Never enter other people's houses and apartments, even if they convincingly ask you for help. When approaching the entrance of a house, be as careful as possible, especially late in the evening or at night. Make sure no one is following you. Don't get into an elevator with strangers. Do not stand directly in front of the elevator door, move a little to the side so that they cannot drag you into it. If you notice that someone is following you, ring your neighbors' doors and call for help. If no one is home, never open the door to strangers. If you find yourself in an emergency situation, you need to try to remember the signs by which you can detain the criminal.

Terrorism Currently, unfortunately, terrorism, both individual and organized, poses a particular danger. This form of aggression has a variety of methods and techniques and primarily causes fear and panic in people. Innocent people become victims.

Terrorism is a threat to society Terrorism is violence or the threat of its use against individuals or organizations, as well as the destruction (damage) of property and other material objects, creating the risk of death. Terrorism as a phenomenon political life practically did not ignore any country in the world. In the last 15 years alone, more people have been killed by terrorists than have died in all of history. Napoleonic wars. People in all corners of the earth have suffered to a greater or lesser extent from terrorism.

Terrorism is sweeping the planet Almost every broadcast news release does not shy away from this malicious topic, describing the facts of organized terror in almost all corners of the planet. Terrorism is a method of forceful influence on a formed group of people or a certain party that uses systematic attempts at violence in order to achieve declared goals by any means. To intimidate, arson and explosions of shops, administrative and residential buildings, hostage-taking, armed attacks, aircraft hijackings are used...

Rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack It is recommended to be psychologically prepared for self-defense in the event of possible danger and always take precautions, especially in in public places. Instructions for the threat of a general terrorist attack: You need to pay attention to the behavior of people around you. Persons arousing suspicion should be immediately reported to law enforcement agencies. Do not leave your belongings unattended and do not accept other people's belongings. strangers. Organize a watch for the residents of the house, which consists of regularly walking around the building and observing the behavior of others. Have a thoughtful and discussed plan of action for family members if there is a threat of terrorist attacks. It is necessary to strengthen the basements in the house, empty the stairwells of things in order to quickly evacuate in the event of a possible threat of a terrorist attack. In case of a possible fire, explosion, or earthquake, do not use the elevator under any circumstances.

Actions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack It is very important to be as vigilant as possible and to be wary of ownerless things in any place. Appearance an abandoned item can be deceptive and disguise the internal contents as a harmless box, toy, discreet package or ordinary bag. The rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack stipulate that the most correct action is to cross to the opposite side of the street and move in the opposite direction.

Rules of conduct during evacuation If information about evacuation is received, the instructions in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack provide for the following actions: Prepare money, documents and valuables. Disconnect the apartment (house) from the energy, gas, and water supply. When leaving, lock the front door to protect your home from looting. Assist in the evacuation of elderly and seriously ill people. Collections should be carried out in an organized manner, without the presence of panic. You can return to the premises only after permission from those responsible for the evacuation, when the threat of a terrorist attack has passed. The coordination and clarity of everyone’s actions directly affects the saving of lives and the preservation of the health of many people.

If a hostage situation occurs, a hostage situation can occur anywhere. In the current situation, it is important not to attract attention to yourself and not look the aggressors in the eyes. At the same time, you should try to quietly remove all jewelry, and women should short skirts It is advisable to cover the exposed parts of the legs. You can try to distract yourself from what is happening, for example, by reading or doing crossword puzzles. Behavior in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack must be deliberate, every movement well-weighted. An unnecessary display of courage and heroism aimed at disarming the bandits and trying to get out of the trap will be superfluous. This can only make them angry and provoke them to take negative actions. When hijacking a vehicle, it is not recommended to: move around the cabin; open bags without terrorists' permission; respond to the challenging behavior of aggressors. When attempting an assault by special services, you are required to lie on the floor between the chairs and remain in this position until the end of the operation. After liberation, it is advisable to immediately leave the bus, as there is a possibility of it being mined and exploded.

How to behave one-on-one with captors A reminder in the event of a threat of a terrorist act says: if a person is taken hostage, he must remain calm, avoid panic and hysteria in order to avoid aggravating an already tense situation, which can provoke terrorists to use weapons. You cannot argue with the invaders, object to them, it is better to calmly fulfill all their demands, trying not to look the aggressors in the eyes - nervous individuals perceive this as a challenge. In case of possible injury, you need to limit your movement as much as possible to avoid blood loss. You need to be careful, trying to remember the signs of the invaders, names, nicknames, tattoos and scars, and behavioral patterns.

“Russian terrorism” for Europe In the conditions of modern geopolitical situations, in the West there are increasingly loud cries that Russia is a great danger to the whole of Europe, but in fact, all these statements are dictated mainly from the United States, and despite all the statements about completion cold war, in fact, she simply went into a more acute state. Moreover, such statements sound against the background of the activities of such terrorist organizations as ISIS, which execute several Europeans or US citizens every month. Not to mention the fact that in this terrorist organization itself, in addition to Muslims, there are a large number of European citizens. On this moment Russia is just as susceptible to such aggression as the rest of the world, and to deny this is, to say the least, cynical. Thus, if you know the minimum rules in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack, you can protect yourself, those around you, and the entire country as a whole.

Conclusion Unfortunately, at the moment everyone already knows the concept of terrorism and a terrorist act. These phenomena are called the “plague of the 21st century,” which is directed against almost the entire population of the planet. In fact, terror has been around for quite a long time, and if the medieval crusading knights, at the time when they were attacked by Muslims in Palestine during the “liberation of the Holy Sepulcher,” knew the rules of behavior in the face of the threat of a terrorist attack, then everything could have ended less tragically.

Unfortunately, in modern society human life and health are exposed to various kinds of dangers, including criminal ones. These include the criminalization of society, military conflicts, terrorism, etc. Experts believe that it is much easier to prevent danger than to act in conditions of real risk. Therefore, for wide knowledge, specialists have developed rules of behavior in situations of a criminal nature, the observance of which will allow everyone to avoid trouble. It is impossible to foresee all the dangers to which a person may be exposed. And yet, compliance with the general rules given above will allow him to greatly protect his health and life.

How not to become a victim of hooligans, maniacs, robbers

To avoid becoming a victim of street criminals:

- you should not be alone on the street at night;

- when choosing a route home, give preference to a crowded road;

- do not talk to strangers on the street;

- You should move along the sidewalk facing the direction of traffic. If an approaching car stops nearby, quickly move to the opposite side of the sidewalk

- you cannot agree to get into a stranger’s car, or enter an unfamiliar house, even under the pretext of providing assistance;

- late in the evening, when entering your entrance, you should make sure that there are no pursuers;

- Under no circumstances should you enter an elevator with a stranger. You can't stand in front of the elevator door waiting: an attacker could push you in. You need to wait a little to the side;

— if you detect persecution, you must ring your neighbors’ doors and call for help. You must try to attract attention in any way - you can break glass or shout: “Fire!”;

- you cannot open the door to a stranger if at that moment there is no one else in the apartment;

- if you find yourself in danger, you must try to remember the signs of the criminal, immediately give the money upon request, and not get into an argument. When dealing with a criminal, you should not show fear.

How to avoid becoming a victim of a crush in a crowd

If you are in a crowd at a time of danger, there is a risk of being crushed by the onslaught of panicked people. To avoid this, you must:

- assess the situation, make a plan;

- if you are carried away by the crowd, you need to fasten all the buttons, hide or throw away everything that interferes with the movement. You should try not to fall, you need to move by tilting your body back, clasping your hands on your chest and spreading your elbows;

- if you fall, you should definitely try to get up (crossing your legs, jerking, in the direction of movement), if impossible, bury your head in your knees and cover it with your hands.

On the rules of conduct in the event of a terrorist attack

Unfortunately, in modern society people are threatened by a danger of a special magnitude - terrorism, the victims of which are innocent people. This aggression can sow total panic and horror in society. Among its most common types: explosions in crowded places, poisonings, fires, airplane hijackings, kidnappings and murders, hostage-taking.

Experts have developed rules of behavior for widespread use in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack, as well as recommendations for ensuring maximum protection of people in the conditions of its immediate implementation.

In case of explosion threat

- Everyone must be extremely careful. If you detect suspicious persons or objects, you should, without giving in to panic, call the intelligence service;

— unfamiliar parts in a car or in the yard can be explosive and suspicious; explosive devices can also be cynically placed in children’s toys, in beer cans, in milk cartons, in all kinds of packages;

- you should pay attention to stretched wires, a cord peeking out from under the car, dirty footprints of unknown origin, etc. You should not walk past a fresh pile of earth, traces of unexpected repairs at the door of an apartment, an unfamiliar box (bag) next to a car, housing should be suspicious and so on.

In case of explosion

— you need to calm down and assess the situation;

- move with caution, do not touch damaged structures, electrical wires, do not light a fire, do not turn on the lights - gas leaking from damaged pipes and accumulated gas may explode;

- in case of smoke, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief soaked in water;

— it is necessary to check the communication system;

- when evacuating, you should take clothes, documents, money, close the doors and windows, call the special services or the police, inform your neighbors, help the sick and disabled get out;

— if evacuation is impossible, you need to call for help from the balcony or out the window.

When taken hostage

To avoid unnecessary risk, you should:

- Avoid contact with criminals. Demonstrate peacefulness and complaisance with all your appearance;

- do not try to free yourself if this did not work out during the capture;

- do not panic;

- use the slightest opportunity to let relatives and competent authorities know about your whereabouts;

- do not give in to provocations, do not look the invaders in the eyes, ask their permission for everything, try to be inconspicuous;

To exclude rash actions is fraught with unnecessary risk for others.

During forceful liberation (assault)

You should take cover behind objects to protect yourself from bullets;

- if possible, lie down on the ground;

- move away from entrance doors, windows;

- follow all orders of the special forces commander;

- do not touch the weapons of terrorists, so as not to be mistaken for one of them;

— efforts should be made to prevent terrorists from posing as hostages;

- remember that the success of freeing hostages largely depends on their ability to control themselves and navigate difficult situations

During a shootout

How to protect yourself as a civilian if you find yourself in a firefight:

- move away from windows, even if shooting occurs at a great distance from the house. It is advisable to hide in the bathroom, lie on the floor there;

- in the event of a fire and continued shooting, you should crawl away from the burning room, close the door behind you, and hide in some niche;

- on the street you can hide behind the ledge of a building, steps, a monument, etc. You should get to the shelter by crawling, in no case by running, as there is a risk of being mistaken for the enemy;

- a car cannot be a reliable shelter due to the presence of a fuel tank and thin walls, but at least some shelter is better than its complete absence.

About the rules of conduct during an earthquake

Modern scientific and technical progress, unfortunately, provided the opportunity to use means of enormous destructive power when carrying out terrorist acts. The consequences of their use can be comparable to the consequences of natural disasters, such as an earthquake.

For own protection, to protect the life and health of others, you need to remember the rules of safe behavior during an earthquake:

- turn off gas, water and electricity;

- if the earthquake is weak, wait it out in place; if it is strong (over 5 points), you should stand in the safest place (near the doorway, in the corner, near the inner wall), or lie on the floor in the bathroom;

— keep a distance from massive furniture, do not use the elevator, avoid downed wires, destroyed buildings;

- if a building collapses, you need to leave it as soon as possible, taking everything you need. This eliminates the use of an elevator;

— you should stop panic, crowding, and encourage those present;

— you cannot be on the street near collapsing buildings;

- it is necessary to cover children;

- if you find yourself overwhelmed, you should not panic, but, having provided yourself with medical assistance, wait for rescuers. It is necessary to look around, look for a way out, as well as an object that could be used to give a signal.

Unfortunately, no one on earth is immune from disasters. The safety and security of life and health of participants in any emergency situation, and even more so in a criminal one, largely depends on their ability not to panic, to orient themselves in time and to help themselves and others. In the current political situation in the world, as well as in conditions of increased criminalization of society, everyone should have an idea of ​​the rules of behavior in difficult life circumstances.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature was last modified: December 17th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

Outline open lesson

Lesson topic: “Rules of safe behavior in situations of a criminal nature”

Lesson type: Practice-oriented lesson.

Lesson objectives:

Educational - consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior with stranger on the street, in the entrance of a house, in an elevator; rules for communicating with a stranger on the phone. To consolidate knowledge of how to avoid fraud, its main types, knowledge of the main features of fraud, rules for ensuring the safety of personal belongings and protection from fraudsters.

Developmental - develop thinking, long-term memory, oral speech.

Educational - to develop in students the ability to behave safely in situations of a criminal nature.

Equipment: poster - “Criminogenic situations”. Computer presentation slides.

Lesson Plan

Organizing time.(1 min.)

Updating knowledge. Examination homework.(3 min.)

Formation of basic skills based on their application in standard conditions..(3 min.)

Formation of differentiated generalized skills. (7 min)

Creative application of generalized knowledge, skills, abilities in conditions that are constantly changing or close to life. (21 min.)

Summing up (3 min.)

Setting homework.(2 min.)


Life Safety, 10th grade Textbook for general education - Latchuk

ed.-M: Moscow Publishing House, 2010 .- page 56.:

humanism/ education/kurses/practical_thinking/practical_thinking_theme4/

The teacher enters the classroom and greets the students. The students stand up and greet the teacher. The teacher announces the topic of the lesson: The topic of our lesson: “Rules of safe behavior in criminal situations.” The topic includes such aspects as:

Rules for safe behavior with a stranger on the street, in the entrance of a house, in an elevator.

Rules for communicating with a stranger on the phone.

Frauds most common in Everyday life fraud.

Rules for ensuring the safety of personal belongings and protection from fraudsters.

The purpose of our lesson is to consolidate and practice the rules of safe behavior with a stranger on the street, in the entrance of a house, in an elevator; rules for communicating with a stranger on the phone. To consolidate knowledge of how to avoid fraud, its main types, knowledge of the main features of fraud, rules for ensuring the safety of personal belongings and protection from fraudsters.

When communicating with a stranger:

Never engage in conversation with a stranger on the street.

Do not agree to go anywhere with a stranger, do not get into his car. No matter how much he persuades you or offers you.

Never trust a stranger if he promises to buy or give you something. Answer that you don't need anything.

If a stranger is persistent, takes you by the hand or tries to lead you away, break free and run away, scream loudly, call for help, kick, scratch, bite.

Be sure to tell your parents, teacher, and adult friends about any such incident that happens to you.

A stranger is a person you don't know, even if he says he knows you or your parents.

A stranger rings the doorbell:

Never open the door until you have looked through the peephole. If the person behind the door is unfamiliar to you and asks you to open the door under various pretexts, call your neighbors and report it.

Do not engage in any conversation with a stranger. Remember that under the guise of a postman, a locksmith, or a REU employee, intruders are trying to enter the apartment.

If a stranger tries to open the door, urgently call the police at tel.02. state the reason for the call and the exact address, then from the balcony or window call your friends or neighbors for help.

Remember! Under no circumstances should you open the door to a stranger if you are home alone.

Stranger at the entrance of the house:

Do not enter the entrance if a stranger is following you. Pretend that you forgot something and linger at the entrance.

Do not approach the apartment or open it if someone you don’t know is in the entrance. Leave the entrance and wait until the stranger goes outside, then call your neighbors and ask them to check if there are strangers on other floors.

If there is a threat of attack, make noise, attract the attention of neighbors (whistle, break glass, ring and knock on doors, shout “Fire!”, “Help”), try to jump out into the street.

Once you are safe, immediately notify the police, tell your neighbors and parents.

Show attention and vigilance. Try to notice possible danger and avoid it.

Stranger in the elevator:

If there is a stranger in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin.

Move away from the elevator and call the elevator again after a while.

If you do enter the elevator with a suspicious stranger, press the “Call dispatcher” and “Stop” buttons simultaneously so that the cabin stands still with open doors. After the dispatcher answers, press the button for the desired floor and start a conversation with the dispatcher. The dispatcher hears you and, if necessary, will call the police and the elevator operator.

Do not stand in the elevator with your back to the passenger, watch his actions.

If you try to attack, raise a scream, make noise, knock on the walls of the elevator, defend yourself in any way. Try to press the “Call dispatcher” button on any floor.

If the doors open, try to run out and call your neighbors for help. Once you are safe, immediately call the police and report the identity of the attacker.

Remember! Enter the elevator, making sure that there is no stranger on the platform.

Outdoor safety:

Try to get home before dark.

If you are delayed, be sure to call home so they can meet you.

Move along illuminated, crowded streets, preferably in a group of people.

Avoid vacant lots, parks, stadiums, dark courtyards, gateways, and tunnels.

If there is a threat of attack, make noise, shout, call for help, and boldly use self-defense.

Refuse strangers' offers to accompany you or let you down.

If you notice that someone is following you while watching him, cross to the other side of the street; if your guess is confirmed, run to a lit area of ​​the street or to where there are people.

How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers:

Never accept an offer to make a transaction that you think is dubious, even if it seems very profitable.

When purchasing a scarce item secondhand, meet the seller where you can calmly and without haste examine or try on the item you are purchasing.

When purchasing, before handing over your money, look at the item again and pay without letting it go.

Don't trust your things to strangers.

Do not take part in dubious prize draws and lotteries, especially on the street, in passages, near the metro, at train stations, and markets.

Never play gambling, even with friends.

Don't enter a game whose rules you don't know well enough.

Never agree to violate ethical and legal standards.

Let's offer students the following task: Find the actions of the red riding hood that are incorrect in terms of criminogenicity. famous fairy tale Charles Perrault:

    Alone, unaccompanied, she went to her grandmother through the forest.

    She attracted attention with her clothes, pies, singing, etc.

    I was talking to a stranger.

    I lost my vigilance.

Select from the options provided your further actions in the required logical sequence:

1. Wait for parents on the staircase.

2. Go to a friend's house and call your parents.

3. Ask workers from a nearby construction site to open the lock.

4. Wait for your parents at a friend’s place.

Answer: 2;4.

The teacher gives creative task: divide into pairs at will, come up with skits, and perform them at the next lesson. Skits on the topic of crime situations.

Students are divided into random groups of 3-4 people. There is a lively discussion of the assigned task. Students come up with skits.

The first group comes to the board: communication with a stranger. One of the students portrays a child, two more play unfamiliar adults who are trying to lure him into the car. The “child” says that he doesn’t need anything, that he doesn’t know them, and doesn’t want anything. The “child” begins to call for help, and as quickly as possible goes to his parents, and immediately tells them everything.

The second group comes to the board: situation - unfamiliar the man rings the doorbell. The distribution of roles is the same. Unfamiliar “adults” knock on the apartment. The “child” comes to the door, looks through the peephole, and if there is no peephole, asks: “Who’s there?” Adults are trying to get into the apartment under various pretexts. The “child” calls the neighbors and tells them everything. If strangers try to open the door, urgently call the police on tel.02. names the reason for the call and the exact address, then calls friends or neighbors for help from the balcony or window.

The third group comes to the board: a stranger at the entrance of the house. One of the students plays a child, the other plays an unfamiliar adult. A student who plays a child, noticing a stranger behind him, does not enter the entrance of his house pretending that he forgot something. The “child” does not approach the apartment and does not open it if a stranger is on the site, he goes outside and waits to leave. Then he tells his parents.

Fourth group: stranger in the elevator. The distribution is the same as in the third speech. If a stranger is in the called elevator, the “child” does not enter.

Fifth group: behavior on the street. Distribution: one student-child; second parent; the third is a stranger. The “child” was late returning home before dark for some reason. He (she) calls one of the parents with a request to meet. He/she moves along illuminated streets in a group of people, avoiding vacant lots. If he (she) notices that someone is following him, watching him, crosses to the other side of the street; if the guess is confirmed, he runs to the illuminated part of the street or to where there are people.

Summing up, grading.

Setting homework: children, you must find out what kind of criminogenic situations your parents found themselves in, or witnessed such a situation. Take notes from your parents' story.


Conducting a 10th grade lesson

Subject: " Emergencies criminal in nature. Criminal liability of minors."

Lesson type: combined

Number of hours: 1 hour

The purpose of the lesson:


    to form students’ theoretical knowledge on the topic “Emergency situations (ES) of a criminogenic nature. Criminal liability of minors";

    familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in situations of a criminal nature and the basics of self-defense.


    to cultivate in students attentiveness, caution, diligence and endurance.


    develop analytical and logical thinking in students;

    develop the ability to anticipate a crime situation, avoid it and act correctly and decisively.

Lesson Plan

    Organizational moment – ​​3 min.

    Introductory briefing – 5 min.

    Current briefing – 25 min.

Question 1: Dangerous situations of a criminal nature. Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature.

Question 2: Basics of self-defense.

Question 3: Criminal liability of minors

    Final briefing – 7 min.

Induction training:

The topic of today's lesson is “Criminogenic emergencies. Criminal liability of minors."

During the lesson you should:

    Familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in situations of a criminal nature and the basics of self-defense.

    To consolidate knowledge of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation about the criminal liability of minors.

During the lesson we will use the presentation “Emergency criminal in nature", Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Federal laws.

Before we move on to the topic of the lesson, let’s remember or think.

Question: What criminal emergencies do you know?

Answer: Fraud, hooliganism, robbery, theft, robbery, extortion, racketeering (blackmail), vandalism, kidnapping, rape, attempted murder, murder, slave trade.

Question: Who can add?

Current instruction:

Question 1: “Dangerous situations of a criminal nature. Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature."

Using the presentation “How to Protect Yourself,” we consider emergencies of a criminogenic nature. Let's get acquainted with the criminal liability of minors in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Let's write down emergencies of a criminal nature: fraud, hooliganism, robbery, theft, robbery, extortion, racketeering (blackmail), vandalism, kidnapping, rape, attempted murder, murder, slave trade.

Why are we considering these situations today, because it is no less evil than epidemics and natural disasters brings crime to humanity.

Life and experience show how important it is to follow the basic rules of safe behavior: anticipate dangers, avoid them if possible, act wisely. This will save you from many possible dangers related to crime.

Using a presentation. Let's consider (reveal) each situation separately and give examples.

    Fraud - open seizure of your property through deception or abuse of trust;

    Hooliganism – gross violation public order expressing clear disrespect for society;

    Robbery – open seizure of property (without violence or with violence not dangerous to life and health);

    Theft – secret theft property;

    Robbery – assault for the purpose of stealing property, combined with violence or threat of violence, dangerous to the life and health of the person attacked;

    Racket (blackmail) – extortion material resources, through threats and violence;

    Extortion – demand for the transfer of property under the threat of violence against the person under whose protection this property is located, violence against his relatives, disclosure of disgraceful information, etc.

    Vandalism – senseless destruction of material and cultural values;

    Kidnapping - taking possession of a person, removing him from his location, moving the victim to another place against his will and detaining him;

    Rape – sexual intercourse with the use of physical violence, threats or taking advantage of the helpless state of the victim;

    Attempted murder - a deliberate act directly aimed at committing a murder, but not completed for reasons beyond the control of the perpetrator;

    Murder – intentional or reckless deprivation human life;

    Slave trade - capturing, buying or selling people into slavery.

Rules of conduct in situations of a criminal nature:

when attacked

    remember that not one material value is worth your life. Your living parents and loved ones need you;

    calm down, don’t panic, really assess the situation;

    create a calm environment;

    fulfill all the demands of the attacker (slowly);

    do not expect help from others;

    there is no need to show unnecessary heroism;

    if the attacker is a minor, do not rush to use force against him;

    try to avoid direct contact with the attacker, avoid the use of force from both sides;

    if the attacker has neither bladed weapons nor firearms, as well as improvised means for attack (metal pipe, rail, etc.), then the above cannot be used against him;

    try to remember the signs of the criminal: how he is dressed, age, hair color, its length, what the color and shape of the eyes are, whether they sit deep or protruding, what size his mouth, nose and ears are, tattoos, scars, etc.

Question 2: Basics of self-defense.

We talked about the fact that you cannot use against a person attacking you something that the attacker does not have. In the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in Chapter 8, Section II, Articles 37-41, it is clearly stated about your self-defense. Using the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, parts 1 and 2, we will dwell on the concept of “self-defense”, as well as exceptions:

    in case of unexpected attack;

    when attacked by a professional athlete;

    in conditions of extreme necessity.

Question 3: “Criminal liability of minors” (Section V of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

“Features of criminal liability and punishment of minors” (Chapter 14, Art. 87-96).

Question: Which person is considered a minor?

Answer: Minors are persons who at the time of committing a crime were 14 years old, but not 18 years old (Part 1 of Article 87 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Compulsory educational measures may be applied to them.

Write on record: “Types of punishments imposed on minors” (Article 88, part 1)

a) fine;

b) deprivation of the right to engage in certain activities;

c) compulsory work;

d) correctional labor;

e) arrest;

f) imprisonment for a certain period.

Article 88 part 2 The case of imposition of a fine is disclosed.

Article 88 part 3 Compulsory work (40-160 hours, 2-3 hours each)

Article 88 part 4 Corrective labor (for up to 1 year)

Article 88 part 5 Arrest (after 16 years for a period of 1 to 4 months)

Article 88 part 6 Imprisonment for up to 10 years in a correctional colony

Article 89 Imposition of punishment on a minor (what is taken into account).

Expand the concept of “a family in a socially dangerous situation.” Give examples.

Consider future fate minors in educational colonies who have reached the age of 18 years.

Final briefing

Today in class we looked at emergency situations of a criminogenic nature, and became familiar with the rules of behavior in the event of an attack on you. These rules are not a panacea for all ills, but by following them, you can avoid possible street dangers and protect your life and health.

Let's summarize the lesson. Especially active students are given grades.

Homework assignment.

"It's time to hit the road"

We'll get together for , pour glasses full,

And for his health we will sing a song:

It's time for us to celebrate

And meet this day

Even if you are not twenty or thirty, let them be!

Don't lower your level of vigor!

We will strictly monitor

You can’t hide from us, you know that!

    We see brave, brave, brave,

A slender, handsome and nice man!

Let the years go by, but we wish that always

Nicholas's soul remained young!

It's time for us to celebrate

It's time to celebrate, celebrate the glorious anniversary!

And meet this day

IN big company family, friends!

Even if fate is sometimes cruel to us, let it be!

In response to her, make your jokes!

Watches just as strictly

Don’t allow despondency around!

    Tonight, tonight, tonight.

Without Nikolai, let's face it, there is nothing to do.

We'll drink once, we'll drink twice, for the anniversary and for business,

But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

It's time for us to celebrate

It's time to celebrate, celebrate the glorious anniversary!

Song to the tune"A soldier is walking through the city"

1. We gathered today, all our relatives again,

And sat down to , we feel it is not in vain.

We gathered for a reason, the joy is not concealed,

Let's celebrate the anniversary, Kolya is with you, Kolya is with you!

Chorus: Today is a special day,

Birthday today.

And from the smiles of relatives the whole street is bright.

Don't be offended, guests.

The main thing for us today is

To make the owner joyful

I was always happy!

2. Well, we’ll eat a salad, let’s say another piece of toast,

Let's drink one for the good ones, for the friends.

Well, the music rings, beckons you into the circle of friends,

So let's go dance

Let's go quickly, let's go quickly!

Our cheerful hero of the day

(to the tune"Once upon a time there lived a brave captain" )

    Our cheerful Nikolai

I invited all my friends to my place,

He definitely ordered to have fun.

What should we, friends, do?

It's time for us to have fun

So, let’s shout our loud “Hurray!”

Chorus: Nikolai, Nikolai, smile,

After all, a smile is a symbol of goodness.

Nikolai, Nikolai, pull yourself up,

We are ready to dance and sing until the morning.

    How many songs will we sing?

And we'll drink wine here,

We, Nikolai, will shake your pocket.

But it doesn’t matter to you,

Life is in full swing, as before,

After all, we drink wine to your health.

Your Honor, dear birthday!

You are beautiful, as always, for everyone to admire

So that the nightingales sing in the soul as before

We wish Kolya happiness and love.

Your honor, wise birthday!

Your life experience is surprising to everyone

So that smart thoughts don’t let you down

We wish Kolya knowledge and love.

Your Honor, good birthday!

Sometimes we miss fairy tales and luck

You catch the moment of luck on the fly

Let's wish Kolya a miracle and love.

Your honor, a well-fed birthday!

Everything they fed us here was simply delicious.

So that our finances don’t suddenly let us down

Let's wish Kolya money and love.

Your honor, friendly birthday!

We will be inseparable with you, without a doubt

In a year, call us all again

We wish Kolya friendship and love.


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Rules of conduct in criminal situations

Abstract on the topic:

"Rules of conduct in criminal situations"

The first actions of a person who finds himself in an extreme situation

Terrorist attack

General safety rules

Behavior in a crowd

Behavior in transport

Actions for different types of attack


Assault with intent to humiliate the victim



Assault with intent to kill

1. First actions when you find yourself in an extreme situation

In order to act adequately in an extreme situation, it is necessary to follow the following action plan whenever possible:

1. Before making any decision, analyze the situation in which you find yourself.

2. Try, as far as possible, to evaluate the person opposing you, paying attention directly to his physical and mental characteristics, mood and possible behavioral characteristics.

3. Put yourself in a state that will allow you not only to act, but also to think.

4. Determine the tactics of your behavior depending on the total amount of information received by you and behave in accordance with it.

Many people make one of two mistakes: they overestimate their capabilities or greatly underestimate them. Both of these make you a potential victim. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between real and imaginary dangers, correctly evaluate people and control oneself.

You need to choose the line of behavior that your attackers least expect from you:

Absolutely never provoke the enemy to escalate the conflict, do not respond with rudeness to rudeness, or with insult for insult.

Do not enter into any disputes or conflicts

You cannot underestimate the attacker and treat him leniently. Consider him a dangerous opponent and be prepared to defend yourself

Always look into the eyes of the person you are talking to. If you are shouted at, respond quietly and calmly. The tone must be firm, but at the same time not aggressive. Try to appear confident in yourself and your actions

If you have no chance of relying on your own strength or help, try to escape

Assess the scene of action, choose the most advantageous position for you (take into account possible escape routes, and also the use of improvised means - a bottle, a stick, heavy objects). When moving, try not to leave the enemy behind you. From a tactical point of view, it is more advantageous to turn your back to the wall.

2. Terrorist attack

General safety rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on guard. Particular caution should be exercised at crowded events with thousands of participants, in popular entertainment venues, and hypermarkets.

Pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials.

Never accept packages or bags from strangers, or leave your luggage unattended.

The family should have an emergency plan and all family members should have their phone numbers, email addresses.

You should designate a place where you can meet your family members in an emergency.

In case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents.

Always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are.

In the house, it is necessary to strengthen and seal entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, and clear stairwells and corridors of cluttering objects.

It is necessary to organize a watch for the residents of your building, who will regularly walk around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, and unloading bags and boxes.

If there is an explosion, fire, or earthquake, never use the elevator.

Try not to panic, no matter what happens, remember that panic can provoke terrorists and accelerate the attack, as well as prevent the authorities from preventing the crime or reducing its consequences.

Behavior in a crowd

Terrorists often choose crowded places for attacks. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people also die and are injured as a result of a stampede that arises as a result of panic. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following rules of behavior in a crowd:

Choose the safest place. It should be as far as possible from the middle of the crowd, stands, garbage containers, boxes, abandoned packages and bags, glass display cases, fences and fences.

If you panic, be sure to take off your tie and scarf.

When crushing, you need to free your hands from all objects, bend them at the elbows, and fasten your clothes with all the buttons.

You must not grab trees, poles, or fences.

We must try with all our might to stay on our feet.

If you fall, you need to curl up on your side, sharply pull your legs up, and try to rise in the direction of the crowd.

Do not attract attention to yourself with provocative statements and shouting slogans.

Do not approach aggressive individuals or groups of individuals.

Do not interfere in ongoing skirmishes.

Try to leave the crowd.

Transport safety

To avoid danger or reduce possible damage in the event

terrorist attack, you need to follow simple rules.

Notify the driver, police officers or

station duty officers about detected suspicious objects

or suspicious persons.

Those who are more likely to be targeted are

dressed too flashily, wears a lot of jewelry or

military-style clothing and camouflage colors.

To avoid making yourself a target for terrorist fanatics,

avoid discussing political discussions, demonstrative

reading religious or pornographic publications.

If your vehicle is hijacked, try not to

attract special attention from terrorists.

In the event of an assault, it is safest to lie on the floor, and if

This is impossible, you need to stay away from windows.

Anyone who holds a weapon in their hands, anti-terrorism

the group perceives him as a terrorist.

Do not touch the weapon, or

other terrorist property.

If possible, try not


move until the operation is completed.

3. How to act in case of different types of attack.

During a robbery, it is better to calmly get everything valuable and hand it over to the criminal than to risk your life by causing aggression in him; this is the best plan of action if there is a group of criminals in front of you and there are no people around.


Assault with intent to humiliate the victim

Attacks aimed at humiliating the victim have been occurring more and more frequently lately. These are beatings and rapes that are committed by criminals to increase their self-esteem. Therefore, evaluate the attacker, try to understand what motivates him.

Western psychologists have identified three types of motivation for rapists: anger, power and sadism. If the motive for rape is anger, the offender is aggressive, angry, tries not to talk, and humiliates the victim.

This type will try to tie you up and beat you, suppress you, his goal is to hurt you, to avenge himself. Actions show that you do not respect the criminal, demonstrate calm and strength; Start teaching him about life, tell him that he is doing everything wrong, he needs to do it differently, etc.

And the evil and powerful rapists see you as a victim, behave in a different way, for example, be happy, start clapping your hands joyfully, say that you have dreamed of this for a long time, tell a couple of dirty jokes, and most importantly, do not show your fear, and the rapist will not be able to achieve his goal, he just won't be able to get aroused if the game is on not as he planned.

Sadism is an extremely rare motive, accounting for 3-2% of all rapes, but sadistic rapists rarely leave their victims alive. The main goal of a sadist is to cause pain; he can cut, burn with a cigarette. He takes pleasure in pain. Show that you feel very bad, and you cannot be an object for revenge. If a sadistic rapist attacks you, resist, your tears and screams only make him happy, so act, don’t be passive, two-thirds of girls who resist the rapist manage to avoid rape. Actions You shouldn’t be afraid to anger him with your actions; in this case, this is not heroism, but the need to fight for life.


resist, your tears and screams only make him happy, so act, don’t be passive.

You shouldn’t be afraid to anger him with your actions; in this case, this is not heroism, but the need to fight for life.

The first rule when confronted with an aggressive group is not to engage in discussion.

Don't think that refusing to resist will help you avoid bodily harm; an aggressive crowd does not distinguish between a man and a child, and the scum are unlikely to appreciate your compliance.

Therefore, try to provide all possible resistance and run, often this is the only way to save your life. But even here it is necessary to show restraint and prudence.

Try to identify the leader in the group and attack him, trying to inflict as much damage as possible.

The psychology of ultra groups is primitive, and when the leader is attacked, the entire group will unconsciously observe how the leader can cope with the offender; his authority depends on his actions.

This period of general confusion could save your life.

Assault with intent to kill

An attack with intent to kill is the most unpredictable of all of the above. But even in this case, your self-confidence can save your life. If a potential killer does not attack immediately, and commits violence “by threatening words,” it means that he still doubts, and it is in your power to make him doubt even more, or to verbally repel aggression.

The first thing to remember is not to show aggression, but at the same time show that if attacked, you can fight back. A passive person is a victim, and therefore an object of attack.

Don't act like a victim, look calmly, without lowering your eyes, behave calmly and confidently.

Act according to the circumstances, and remember, your main value is life, everything else does not matter.

Remember that there are simply no hopeless situations, so in the event of an attack, soberly assess the situation and act.


Life safety.

The presence of an odor of overheated substances and the appearance of smoke affecting the eyes are signs of a fire. Actions of people when a fire starts. Tips for a fire on the balcony, in the entrance, in multi-storey building, car. How to avoid panic in a public place.

Unfortunately, in last years Tragic events in our country occur with unenviable regularity and with an increasingly sophisticated variety: fires in schools in Yakutia and Dagestan, the collapse of Transvaal Park and explosions in and near the metro in Moscow.

Rules for safe behavior with a stranger on the street, in the entrance of a house, in an elevator. Communicating with a stranger on the phone. Fraud, its main types, main features, rules for ensuring the safety of personal belongings and protection from fraudsters.

Overcoming fear and stress in an autonomous situation. Mobilization of consciousness and will. Breathing exercises.

Preventive and protective measures. Actions of the population under the threat of a terrorist attack. Actions upon detection of an explosive device. Behavior of the victims. Responsibilities of officials in the event of a threat of a terrorist act.

An elevator, an entrance, a dark alley... There are many potentially dangerous areas. When defending yourself from aggression, you often have to rely only on yourself! IN last decades majority population developed countries the world is forced to place crime growth in second or third place among other socio-economic...

General recommendations on actions in extreme situations, precautionary measures aimed at preventing a possible terrorist act or reducing its consequences. Recommendations for actions in specific situations of a terrorist attack.

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