What feelings does a guy have for his girlfriend? Unclear feelings for a girl

First of all, a man who has feelings for a woman will give himself away as if accidental touches- at the slightest reason, he will try to touch the object of passion. In addition, a man in love in the company of his beloved woman is always in high spirits: he can smile with or without reason, not take his eyes off the lady of his heart, joke awkwardly and even feel embarrassed.

Also, the man will agree with her in everything and will definitely show increased attention to every detail, which the woman will voice. For example, if in the company of a loving admirer you casually mention your passion for dark chocolate with sea salt, he will certainly treat the woman to it at the first opportunity.

You can identify a man in love by one more sure sign - he often finds himself in in public places where the object of his affection happens to be. At the same time, the man is feignedly surprised and pretends that he was just passing by, but at the same time invites the woman to drink coffee, “since the meeting has already taken place.” Therefore, if someone from the male environment became to you meet more often, it is worth thinking about this state of affairs.

In addition, when meeting, a man in love will try to take woman's hand with both palms, subconsciously adjusting tactile contact. You don’t even need to mention kissing your hand; this is an obvious expression of male sympathy.

Additional signs

Very often, even self-confident alpha males who are overtaken by a sudden love, in the company of the woman they love, begin to act quite strange. This may manifest itself in excessive talkativeness or vice versa - confusion of words, shortness of breath, sweating, blushing, shifting from foot to foot and restlessness of the hands. At the same time, the man avoids looking the woman in the eyes, but constantly admires her when she is not looking: he examines her face, figure, hair, and so on. This is due to the fact that men are afraid to reveal their true feelings with their eyes, which, as we know, do not lie.

Also, a man who is not indifferent to a woman will praise all the time her because he likes everything she does, says, looks like, and so on. It is important to pay attention to the voice: in a man in love, it becomes lower and hoarse, as it increases in his blood. In company, he will try to sit to the left of the object of affection and as close to him as possible - this is a subconscious reaction of protecting a woman from others. Also, a man will look for any reason for a woman to touch him: he may ask to straighten his tie, hand him something, brush a speck from his clothes, or straighten his hair.

If you have doubts about the sincerity of your significant other’s feelings, you should not ignore them and let the situation go. After all, when something goes wrong, you will begin to reproach yourself for carelessness, but it will be too late to correct the mistakes. We decided to make sure that close person, really loves you? Then do not put off this question, but study the guide to action.

How to test a man's feelings

The easiest way to find out how a man feels about you is to ask him a direct question. However, the answer may not reflect the real state of affairs. Perhaps, out of delicacy, your boyfriend will not admit to the absence of deep feelings, or he will be frightened by such feminine assertiveness, because any representative of the stronger sex wants to be a hunter and conqueror. Therefore, do not rush, pay attention to the actions and attitude towards you.

One of the options for checking the feelings of a loved one can be an objective look from the outside. Girls often turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of their partners and cannot correctly assess his behavior. Close people, looking at your relationship from the outside, will say everything they think about it. It is important that these are friends or relatives who are not interested in your separation.

You should be especially careful with your friends, there is no guarantee that they will tell the truth, even parents are not always objective if they want for their daughter not a simple but decent guy, but a prince on a white horse. If you do ask someone else's opinion, be prepared for different assessments and different opinions.

How you can check a man’s feelings yourself:

How a man tests a woman's feelings

Having achieved the object of desire, sooner or later men think about starting a family. Most of them have a whole list of requirements and criteria for a potential spouse. And the first thing in him is, of course, loyalty, because it is more important than a good appearance, erudition and good upbringing.

As soon as a guy has his first, the world collapses for him and subsequently it will be very difficult for him to trust other women. Some especially suspicious people even arrange loyalty tests for their lovers, asking, for example, a womanizer they know to hit on their lady; an ardent and romantic fan on social networks can also be a trap. In any case, the new fan will carefully observe how the woman communicates with her competitors, and how acceptable her behavior is in this situation.

No less than fidelity, men are interested in the number of affairs that their other half had before him. When asking questions about exes, your loved one may appear quite calm on the outside, but this impression is deceiving, because subconsciously he will still compare himself with past boyfriends. Don’t allow this, don’t go into details, but try to convey to the guy that he is still the best.

Some male representatives test jealousy to find out whether his beloved is ready to share him with other women. If you frequently mention former passions, you should still delicately hint young man that this topic is unpleasant for you.

What other cunning tricks do men use to check?

How to recognize love

The feelings they have for you can be understood not only by their actions, but even by external factors, gestures and facial expressions. An interested man in your presence will try to suck in his stomach, adjust his hair, straighten his back, trying to appear taller. All this indicates a great desire to be attractive. Confusion and excitement manifests itself in confused speech, its slow or accelerated pace. Light boasting or obvious demonstration of one's positive qualities also indicate interest in your person.

Other signs of love fever:

Is it worth checking your feelings?

It’s quite normal to be afraid of making a mistake in the feelings of your chosen one, but here it is important to decide what you need - to check whether he loves you, or to torment you endlessly. You should not take the matter too seriously, ask friends and acquaintances to arrange a test of fidelity, hire private detectives and thoroughly study the biography, this behavior will scare off the man and make him feel insulted.

Another extreme inherent in women is complete and categorical trust in their man. Don't be so sure you're a good judge of people. Ask your loved ones for advice, what do they think about your relationship? In this case, the opinion of strangers will not hurt; you will listen to them, but draw your own conclusions.

What checks should you not give to your significant other if you don’t want to end the relationship:

  • Don't try to provoke a person to give up his past life, favorite hobbies, friends and acquaintances, no one likes such manipulations. To develop the novel, the right choice would be to infiltrate his circle of interests and share his hobbies.
  • Don't try to change the person better side through lectures and reproaches. For example, you set a condition for your loved one to give up a bad habit for your sake - smoking. Most likely, the attempt will be unsuccessful if the person himself does not want to change something in his life. The maximum you will achieve is that the man will hide from you.

Question for a psychologist:

Hello. I am a boy. I met a girl. It's been dating for about 8 months now. After about a month, I was already confidently able to say that I love her and want to go to serious relationship. Everything was fine, but after a few weeks I began to have mixed feelings. Sometimes I felt that I loved her, and sometimes I even felt that she was a stranger to me. And I was not interested in communicating with her, and I stopped feeling love. She loves me very much, I'm sure of that. And he does everything to improve our relationship. I generally don’t like virtual conversations, so we talked very little on the phone. We met 2-3 times a month, I have a busy schedule, but to put it bluntly, I was too lazy to meet. But when we met, I didn’t want her to leave, and despite the fact that I had work, we said goodbye only when it was time for her to go home. I told her everything as it was. And she said that she felt that sometimes I was somehow different. We wanted to continue hoping that everything would work out. But nothing has changed, and I decided to leave. I just thought that this was probably not the right person, and I myself felt uneasy because she always loved me, and I “sometimes.” She is very good girl. I don't want to offend her further. I see that she also doesn’t like it when I’m cold. But what can I do, I can’t bring myself to pretend all my life. Therefore, I treat everything sincerely. So we just broke up. I feel very bad and so does she. She asked if I wanted her in my life, and I said no. It was very difficult to say that. But I don’t think this can continue. Right now I really want to see her, hug her and say that I love her, bring her back. But I know that in 2 days everything will be as before, love will disappear again. They tried to break up once, but they couldn’t, I couldn’t let go of her hands, although I myself decided that we had to break up. Therefore, he didn’t say anything, and she left. I want to always feel for her what I feel now. Love, miss, never let go. I don’t know what to do, why everything turns out this way, how to solve it. Help me please. Thanks in advance!

Psychologist Oksana Aleksandrovna Kryzhanovskaya answers the question.

Hello Feqan!

From your letter it seemed to me that you understand infatuation and love as one and the same thing. But actually it is not. Falling in love is a vivid feeling when you madly want to see your loved one, when you miss him and don’t want to part with him. And love is, first of all, responsibility. Confidence that you can be with this person all your life, no matter what happens.

Falling in love tends to end sooner or later. Love, on the contrary, comes with time. And perhaps this is what happened in your relationship with your girl. Falling in love has passed, but love has not yet come...

I agree that there is absolutely no need to pretend all your life. But before you break up completely, try to sort out your feelings. Because, as far as I understand, you have feelings for her, and you consider her a good girl. If there is definitely no love, then there is no love; you cannot make a mistake here. And you miss her, worry about her, think about her...

Perhaps you yourself are a closed person and not too emotional. Therefore, your feelings for the girl change - sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not. And this happens, and this does not mean at all that you do not love her at all. And the fact that you are not yet ready to make a decision to be with her all your life does not mean that there is no love at all...

You feel what you feel, and you cannot force yourself to feel differently. But in any relationship there is a law that the more you invest, the more you get in return. The more good we do for a loved one, the stronger our attachment to him becomes. Try to check this, and perhaps your feelings will open up to you from a new side.

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