What rules of conduct exist to prevent violence. Organizing time. Attack at the entrance

A special group of negative impacts are represented by social dangers that are widespread in society and threaten people’s lives and health. The existence of these dangers is associated with the state of demographic processes and behavioral characteristics of individual people social groups. Social dangers are very numerous. These include wars and military conflicts, terrorism, criminalization of society, diseases, etc.

Similar protection automatically applies to items in all grants funded by the Department of Justice. Leaders refer buyers to sellers, advertise clients to sellers, male policemen transport money and drugs between buyers and sellers who never meet, guards and men provide protection and security, lookouts warn of approaching police or enemies, and runners transport drugs from one language to another. Such people do not become subjects of research.

Rules of behavior in situations criminogenic nature

Criminal, criminogenic - means criminal. Compliance with basic rules safe behavior: to anticipate dangers, avoid them whenever possible, act competently and decisively - allows you to protect yourself from crimes.

It is much easier to anticipate a crime situation than to act in it.

The installation can be unattractive and even messy by normal standards. Most sites are not organized for the convenience of crack users or researchers. Adolescents and young adults who grew up in foster care or with emotionally distant parents, with high probability will seek affection and support from any adult and expect them to behave like fictitious relatives. In Search of Horatio Alger: Culture and Ideology in Crack Economics. Typology of drug-related homicides. Drugs, crime and the criminal justice system. Issues of access and risk in drug surveillance. University of California; Berkeley: Exploring Crack Users and Their Criminal Careers: The Scientific and Artistic Aspects of Finding Hard-to-Find Objects and Interviewing them on Sensitive Topics. The state of the street and the drug researcher: Issues in participant observation. In: Lambert Elizabeth, editor. Collection and interpretation of data from hidden populations. Volume of cocaine use and violence: A comparison between men and women. Frequency of cocaine use and violence: A comparison between men and women. College of Teachers; New York: The Political Economy of Crack Violence. The political economy of drugs. Simulation: contexts for smoking cocaine and sex for drugs in the inner city and what they mean. John Jay College; New York: Manuscript. Living with Heroin: Voices from the Inner City. Surviving field work: report Advisory Group on health and safety issues in field work. The remaining outsider: Membership as a threat to research relationships. Marijuana users and drug subcultures. Drug abusers and non-drug abusers: Comparing drug use, drug sales, and crime in relation to nondiscrimination. National Household Survey on Substance Abuse, New York: Division of Substance Abuse Services; Taking care of business: The economics of heroin abuse crime. New models of crack distribution. Drug addiction in the inner city: Impact on difficult drug users and communities. Selection of ethnographic informants. Cocaine: white gold escape to Peru. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, New York Newday. Taking care of business: heroin user life on the street. Jocularity, sarcasm and relationships. Observing participants in violent social contexts. In the area of: Readings on field research. Behind the scenes at an ethnographic field station. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology; Chicago. Gender issues in field research. Field learning: A guide to experience. City University of New York; Cocaine culture in hours.

  • Membership roles in field research.
  • Participant observation: analysis of qualitative field data.
  • Research on human organization: Field relationships and methods.
  • Ways to overcome heroin addiction.
Cheapest and effective method One thing you can do to protect yourself from crime is to adopt a safety-oriented lifestyle.

The main condition for the safety of each of us is the ability to avoid direct contact with a person who can cause you any injury: physical, mental or spiritual. Most often, the criminal inflicts several criminal injuries on his victim. For example, wanting to take possession of property, a criminal intimidates the victim, humiliates her and can cause physical harm. It is necessary to follow the rules of safe behavior: anticipate and avoid dangerous situations and, if necessary, act wisely and decisively. In order to avoid becoming a victim of hooligans, robbers and maniacs, you must follow a number of rules.

When your vehicle is unoccupied

There are certain habits you can incorporate into your daily routine that will make you and your family less vulnerable. The best prevention is precaution. This video demonstrates some tips for preventing robbery. One of the most successful deterrents to street crime is the buddy system. Personal alarm, visible in a person's hand while walking, is a visible barrier against attack or robbery. Be aware of your surroundings and don't use unfamiliar shortcuts to save time. Plan a safe route and stick to it. Don't wear restrictive clothing or flashy jewelry. Stay on busy, well-lit streets. Walk in the middle of the sidewalk. Set boundaries and keep a safe distance from strangers on the street. Walk through traffic to see approaching cars. If you are being escorted, change direction and head into a populated area. Always carry emergency money and keys separately from your purse or purse. Never accept rides from strangers or people you don't know well. When you run or cycle, change your route and use populated paths. When you leave home to go shopping, only carry the payment methods you will need. You dramatically reduce your chances of being the victim of a robbery by carrying a belt pouch, fanny pack, or purse instead of a wallet. Before you leave the house, ask yourself if you really need to take your wallet. Most chicks are not aggressive. Do not engage with the frother unless they ask for money. Then you have to do eye contact and politely refuse them. If you offer them something, they are more likely to return to the same place the next day. Try to use bus stops that are convenient, well lit, and frequently used. Make sure you are not alone at an isolated bus stop during long period time. If you have to walk home late at night from the bus stop, try to arrange a meeting with you. All buses in Winnipeg are equipped with two-way radios and can quickly call the police if they are needed. If you are verbally or physically harassed while riding a bus, get the attention of the driver and other passengers by speaking loudly and shouting. Report this incident to the driver immediately. Simply ask the bus driver to stop and let you go at the nearest location on his route to your destination. Be careful who is with you and the bus. If you feel uncomfortable, immediately go to a public place where there are people. When riding a taxi, sit on back seat. Make sure your vehicle is in good working order and mechanically sound before leaving for your destination. Keep your car doors locked at all times, not just when driving on rough terrain. Make sure you know the correct route to your destination to avoid having to stop to ask strangers for directions. If you feel like you are being followed, go to a lot of well-lit businesses. If a vehicle follows you, remain inside your locked vehicle and sound the horn until someone can help you. If you observe a vehicle driving carelessly or erratically, do not try to pass it to get away from it. Slow down so he gets ahead of you and, if possible, write down the license plate number. Just open your window an inch to allow someone to talk to you and ask them to call the police for you if you don't have cell phone. If you see a motorist who needs help, call the police for them from a nearby phone, do not get out of the car to try to help. When you are involved in a minor car accident, quickly assess the damage, then remove damaged vehicles from the roadway and exchange data in a safe location. When emergency vehicles approach you with their lights and sirens on, pull to the right and come to a complete stop. When pulled over by the police, pull to the right and stop in the first available safe place. Remain in your vehicle and wait for instructions from the police officer. When parking your car, look for a busy, well-lit parking lot and park as close to the entrance as possible. This is important both for your personal safety and for the protection of your vehicle and its contents. When your vehicle is left unoccupied, all doors should be locked and windows closed. Keep your car clean and free of personal items that could attract thieves. Keep any documents containing personal information, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers, from the vehicle. This includes your vehicle registration, which must be carried with your driver's license. Other drivers of the vehicle must have a photocopy of your vehicle registration. Never use your name on a license plate or key fob, it indicates strangers. Never hide an additional vehicle key under the hood or on the vehicle. Car drivers know all the places to see. When approaching a parked vehicle, have your key ready. Inspect the car carefully to make sure it is not damaged or broken and no one is waiting inside, then quickly open the door, enter the door and close the door immediately. When carrying children and groceries in your vehicle, place the children in the vehicle first, then load the groceries. As an added precaution, ask a store employee to accompany you to your vehicle. Do not start the car until you are behind the steering wheel. Purchase and use one or more of the following anti-theft devices.

  • Only person- the best target for a criminal.
  • Travel in pairs or with a group whenever you can.
  • Know where you are going, where you need to transfer and how to get back home.
  • Store the gas cylinder at least ¼.
  • Always try to park in well-lit and busy areas.
  • This is an open invitation to the car enthusiast.
  • Do not leave packaging or property visible inside your vehicle.
A visible deterrent, a steering wheel lock increases the difficulty of vehicle theft, but does not prevent the theft of items inside your vehicle.

1. Do not be alone on the street at night. If you must return late at night, call home and have an adult meet you.

2. Choose a safe route, without tempting yourself with the desire to “slip” through passageways or deserted streets.

3. It is safest to walk closer to the edge of the sidewalk towards the traffic and see approaching cars. If a car starts moving nearby, it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street.

4. Never, under any circumstances, get into a car with strangers or people you barely know.

5. Never go into other people's houses and apartments, even if they convincingly ask you for help. In such a situation, you can offer to call the police, rescue service or ambulance.

6. When approaching the entrance of the house, be as careful as possible, especially late in the evening or at night. Make sure no one is following you.

7. Do not enter the elevator with strangers. Do not stand directly in front of the elevator door, move a little to the side so that they cannot drag you into it.

8. If you notice that someone is following you, ring your neighbors' doors and call for help.

9. If no one is home except you, never open the door to strangers.

10. If you find yourself in emergency- came face to face with a criminal, you need to try to remember his signs, by which he can be detained. For security reasons, we recommend that you: give money at the first request of a street robber; do not pull your bag towards you if it is snatched, do not get into arguments. Speak calmly and slowly and be confident. If possible, change your route and try to go to a safe place.


When communicating with stranger:
Never engage in conversation with a stranger on the street.
Do not agree to go anywhere with a stranger, do not get into his car. No matter how much he persuades you or offers you.
Never trust a stranger if he promises to buy or give you something. Answer that you don't need anything.
If a stranger is persistent, takes you by the hand or tries to lead you away, break free and run away, scream loudly, call for help, kick, scratch, bite.
Be sure to tell your parents, teacher, and adult friends about any such incident that happens to you.
A stranger is a person you don't know, even if he says he knows you or your parents.

A stranger rings the doorbell:
Never open the door until you have looked through the peephole. If the person behind the door is unfamiliar to you and asks you to open the door under various pretexts, call your neighbors and report it.
Do not engage in any conversation with a stranger. Remember that under the guise of a postman, a locksmith, or a REU employee, intruders are trying to enter the apartment.
If a stranger tries to open the door, immediately call the police at tel. 02. state the reason for the call and the exact address, then from the balcony or window call your friends or neighbors for help.
Remember! Under no circumstances should you open the door to a stranger if you are home alone.

Stranger at the entrance of the house:
Do not enter the entrance if a stranger is following you. Pretend that you forgot something and linger at the entrance.
Do not approach the apartment or open it if someone you don’t know is in the entrance.
Leave the entrance and wait until the stranger goes outside, then call your neighbors and ask them to check if there are strangers on other floors.
If there is a threat of attack, make noise, attract the attention of neighbors (whistle, break glass, ring and knock on doors, shout “Fire!”, “Help”), try to jump out into the street.
Once you are safe, immediately notify the police, tell your neighbors and parents.
Show attention and vigilance. Try to notice possible danger and avoid it.

Stranger in the elevator:
If there is a stranger in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin.
Move away from the elevator and call the elevator again after a while.
If you do enter the elevator with a suspicious stranger, press the “Call dispatcher” and “Stop” buttons simultaneously so that the cabin stands still with open doors. After the dispatcher answers, press the button for the desired floor and start a conversation with the dispatcher. The dispatcher hears you and, if necessary, will call the police and the elevator operator.
Do not stand in the elevator with your back to the passenger, watch his actions.
If you try to attack, raise a scream, make noise, knock on the walls of the elevator, defend yourself in any way. Try to press the “Call dispatcher” button on any floor.
If the doors open, try to run out and call your neighbors for help. Once you are safe, immediately call the police and report the identity of the attacker.
Remember! Enter the elevator, making sure that there is no stranger on the platform.

Outdoor safety:
Try to get home before dark.
If you are delayed, be sure to call home so they can meet you.
Move along illuminated, crowded streets, preferably in a group of people.
Avoid vacant lots, parks, stadiums, dark courtyards, gateways, and tunnels.
If there is a threat of attack, make noise, shout, call for help, and also boldly use self-defense.
Refuse strangers' offers to accompany you or let you down.
If you notice that someone is following you while watching him, cross to the other side of the street; if your guess is confirmed, run to a lit area of ​​the street or to where there are people.


The purpose of the lesson: Discuss with students the recommendations of specialists on the rules of safe behavior in the most typical situations related to terrorism.

Lesson 4

Time: 45 minutes

Lesson type: combined

Educational and visual complex: life safety textbook, grade 10, PC, projector

During the classes:

I. Introductory part

* Organizing time

* Monitoring student knowledge:

List the rules for safe behavior in city transport.

What is the beginning dangerous situation pedestrian?

Why according to the Code Russian Federation about administrative offenses, in your opinion, have penalties for pedestrians and drivers who violate traffic rules been tightened?

Why is any vehicle a source of danger?

What do you think is the The best way improve personal road safety?

What role can cycling play in preparing a competent motorcycle or car driver?

II. Main part

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Explanation of new material : § 4 pp. 23-25

People become victims of violence due to their own carelessness and ignorance of personal safety rules. Unambiguous recommendations for all occasions when you get into crime situations no, as they depend on many factors. Therefore, it is advisable to use well-known examples that took place in your city, district, locality. Relying on known facts, develop your point of view on the rules of behavior in a given situation.

You can discuss any situations that you consider most relevant to you.

General rules for personal safety in crime situations:

    Do not go alone to remote and deserted places.

    Do not accept gifts or treats from strangers.

    Don't let strangers into your apartment.

    Don't get into someone else's car.

    Do not enter an elevator with a stranger.

    Know the rules of safe behavior in in public places and in the crowd.

    Be vigilant, do not touch unfamiliar suspicious objects.

Assault in the elevator.

    Enter the elevator only after making sure that there is no stranger on the platform who will follow you into the cabin.

    If there is already a suspicious person in the elevator you called, do not enter the cabin.

    If you enter an elevator with a stranger, do not stand with your back to him in the elevator and watch his actions.

    If you are attacked in an elevator, shout, make noise, knock on the walls of the cabin. Protect yourself by any means, using the right of necessary defense.

    Keep pressing the nearest floor button.

    If the elevator doors open, try to jump out onto the landing and call the residents of the building for help.

    Once you are safe, immediately call the police by phone “02”, report what happened to you, the exact address, as well as the signs and direction of the attacker’s departure.

Attack at the entrance.

    If the house is equipped with an intercom, call your apartment before entering the entrance and ask your parents to meet you.

    Don't go out onto the stairs late time. It is better to take out the garbage in the morning.

    If there is a threat of attack, make some noise, attract the attention of your neighbors, and try to jump out into the street.

    Try to stun the attacker to buy time until some help arrives.

    After the attack, once you are safe, immediately report the incident to your parents and call the police.

Safety on the street.

You should avoid shortest routes that run through backyards, vacant lots, construction sites, forest plantations and other sparsely populated places.

Know your way home well, have several driving options.

If you find yourself in a sparsely populated dark quarter, then walk down the middle of the street.

You need to know where the nearest police station is on your route.

If you need to return home after dark, call home to be met.

It is better to walk down the street in the dark in a group that has gotten off a bus, subway, or train.

It is better to cross the underground passage in a group.

It is safer to walk along the edge of the sidewalk, facing traffic.

If you see a group of people or a drunk person ahead, it is better to cross to the other side of the street or change the route.

If someone tries to talk to you, don't engage in conversation. Pretend to be in a hurry and walk towards a well-lit and crowded place.

If a car begins to move slowly next to you, then it is wiser to cross to the other side of the street.

Additional material.

In order not to be subjected to violence, it is necessary to follow a number of generally accepted rules.

Always let your relatives know where you are going and ask them to meet you in the evening.

Make a date only in crowded and well-lit areas.

Wear loose clothing and shoes. Don't provoke rapists by dressing provocatively.

Carry self-defense means (whistle, gas spray).

Avoid construction sites, vacant lots, and poorly lit streets on your route.

If you feel pursued, look back. Do not get involved in a conversation with strangers, go towards a lit, crowded place. If you decide to run, do it quickly and suddenly. Do not run into entrances, underground passages, or backyards.

From the nearest pay phone, report the attack to the police and ask for help, indicating the signs of the pursuer and your location (or pay phone number). Remember that the most common rape situation is not a street attack, but a love date. Be careful when making casual acquaintances. Don't get into a car with strangers. When going to visit, warn your parents. Behave decently when visiting. Remember that according to statistics, up to 55% of victims were drunk at the time of the assault.

III. Fixing the material;

Why is it necessary to walk along the sidewalk late at night on a deserted street, always facing

direction of street traffic and closer to the road edge?

What improvised means can be used for self-defense at home and on the street if you

attacked by a criminal?

IV. Lesson Summary

V. Homework: § 4 pp. 23-25; practical tasks on page 24.

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