The whole truth in house 2 revelations. The whole truth about d2 from Cassandra Milevskaya

About voting:
Most often, participants do not know who will leave in the vote. Even when a conspiracy is being assembled, there is no certainty that the participant will be able to be escorted out of the gate, since they may be given immunity. However, conspiracies are collected by naive, still new participants. They aren't even shown on air. The conspiracies you see are most often staged. Rastorguev gives his associates the command “front” and a conspiracy is formed. It often happens that a participant leaves the project himself, but agrees to play the role of an exile for the sake of intrigue. This is what those who plan to return to the project do.

About fights:
Fights are most often staged too. Some participants fight to show off, others, in agreement with Rastorguev. Those who fight without approval are sent out of the gate. This was the case with Barzikov when he returned on the same day as Zadoinov. Both were drugged, Barzikov was on drugs and got into a fight. They sent him out of the gate, but they left Zadoynov, even though they saw that he was on drugs. When top guys fight, they are treated leniently, but top guys fight as a last resort. Liberzh attacked Tanya because she knew that she would not be kicked out because of her script history with Rudnev. They already had a script written out from the wedding to the divorce. Where should we take her? So she became insolent and took advantage of her immunity.

About the return former members We do not know. This is being decided behind the scenes after lengthy negotiations with Rastorguev.

About CHG:
The CG is carried out according to the script. The participants come up with skits themselves, but stage what Rastorguev gives them. Voting in last years sluggish. This year especially few people voted. The true number of votes is hidden. Only the company knows about this, but according to the contract with the project, it provides information only to the project, and not to ordinary people.

About Pynzary
They don't mess with Borodin. Pynzari project participants. They don’t leave because they are very friendly with the producers and Borodina. They are kept by connections. Perhaps Dasha will replace Borodina for some time, she would like it that way, but this is decided by the TNT management. And the management of TNT even abandoned Mikhailovsky’s wife.

About Abrikosov:
Much of what Mai wrote about the project is true, but it is impossible to comment on their personal relationship with Mikhailovsky. I did not witness their conversations.

About Tregubenko and Yakunina:
Yakunina loved Tregubenko, but he is a player and in complete subordination to the orgs. Tregubenko is looking for rich brides. Yakunina is from a rich family, but Tregubenko wanted to sit on two chairs: to receive all the benefits from the organizations for trashing the couple, and to keep Anya. Anya saw that the orgs were in charge of him and quarreled with Rastorguev for unfair intrigues against their couple. She still did not understand that the problem was not with the organs, but with Tregubenko. I understood when she was kicked out, and Tregubenko disappeared and did not follow her. I have the impression that he only loves himself. For the sake of profit, he easily suppresses any feelings within himself.

Viewers' opinions:
There are rating agencies that work with real people on the streets, in organizations, companies, etc. Surveys are also conducted by telephone and on social networks. Surveys are conducted at the request of the project to determine the project’s rating, the percentage of viewer coverage by age groups, by gender and social status. Based on this data, images of project participants are created. When creating images, organizers always know which audience they are working for. This is how scripts are born. For example: the project is watched a lot drinking people. Kolyan is designed for their tastes. On social networks, the project itself tries to shape the opinions of viewers and influence them with the help of its groups. Project writers write nasty things about the participants in groups, and the audience reacts. Thus, the viewer also partially participates in writing the script of a particular story. Their opinion, however, is Lately less and less is taken into account due to the fact that new owners do not always trust the results of surveys. They themselves are covered creative process and impose their vision, which sinks the project.

About tears:
Participants cry both at will and according to the script, and some just like to cry)) More often it happens that according to the script you have to cry, but they cry so much that Rastorguev grabs his head. Liberzh cried well under the vodka. And she couldn’t cry without vodka, so recently the management allowed her to drink. She played the role of an abandoned woman, you have to cry))

: According to him, the editors of the television program themselves come up with a scenario for the development of events. So, Alexey had to lie that he had an intimate relationship with Rita Agibalova, as well as with her mother Irina Alexandrovna.

Following Samsonov, I decided to tell the truth about “House-2” former member project Ekaterina Korol. On her Instagram, the girl wrote that she witnessed that unpleasant situation with the Agibalov family.


“I’m glad that Lesha Samsonov, a few years later, told the truth about the script on House 2 and admitted that he did not have sex with I. Agibalova and her daughter. The woman was simply slandered for the sake of ratings and the prosperity of the show! This happened before my eyes, a lying detector in the city and sincere tears adult woman on the forehead! Her futile attempts to convey the truth to the viewer and her departure after cruel humiliation!” - said Ekaterina (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author's. - Note edit.).

The king also said that the project actually has a script and the actions of the participants largely depend on the producer of the TV show.

“Yes, there is a script on the project and everything is cyclical! Only what management needs gets broadcast! I, too, was forced to sit on a false detector before I left, to accuse me of alcoholism, a non-existent debt of 400,000 and mythical intimacy with a man who was just a script partner in the game! Realizing that I would be accused, like I. Agibalova, of all non-existent mortal sins, I decided to leave this place so as not to participate in the absurdity! The producer knew about my departure in advance, because I refused to move in, fight and spit with the freak!” - Ekaterina shared.

The king said that she always treated the project as a show where everyone plays their role. According to the girl, she had relationships outside the perimeter, she wanted to live a real life.

“There is no point in being in a place where the director says: “I am the king and god here, and you will do as I said!” But this is not in my case! It's better to leave with dignity and on time! It's no secret that Dom2 is a quick way to become famous by 45 million! Material resource I wasn’t interested because I was earning enough before the project! Plus, I was the only person who worked directly in front of the cameras for the entire existence of the show! I had my own workshop, during the day I lived on the project, and at night I created costumes for the group. “Vintage” and many other artists. For an increased salary (more than 150,000), you need to keep the airwaves! For example, being Rapunzel, Tweedledum, or really getting pregnant and bringing a family (to humiliate your parents and bring dirt out for everyone to see). The format has changed a lot in recent years! What was previously kicked out and condemned for is now encouraged! I do not undertake to condemn or criticize the project, there are no offenses, this is a show and to each his own! I just told the truth!” - concluded Ekaterina.

Attendance official website of House 2 breaks all records! Project Dom-2 measured out (it’s scary to think!) 10 years of existence on the air. Request House-2 watch online enjoys considerable popularity in the Internet space. Young people see on a daily basis House 2 fresh episodes. All these above facts forced the Anonymous Truth team to pay close attention to the essence of this phenomenon.
The analytical department of our socio-political portal tried to comprehensively cover such a phenomenon as the popularity of topics that are relevant to many people like house 2 news and rumors, next fights in project house 2, records evening broadcast of the project House 2 etc. There are also people who are interested only in that substance that can be called “Loot” - such people are interested, first of all, in how much does one hour of filming the TV project "House 2" cost?.

The whole truth about the show "Dom-2"

How many copies have been broken on forums about the fate of one or another boorish member of a highly intelligent TV project House 2 or someone who wants to quickly have sex under the cameras with a wild participant Houses 2! A lifetime can be spent in heated discussions on forums dedicated to House 2 new unsuccessful outfit, candid photo, the fate of one or another participants after leaving House 2.

Goals and objectives of the Dom-2 project

Interest in this phenomenon of millions of our fellow citizens who have strange and even unnatural desires download free new episode house 2 or watch online house 2 latest episodes- causes concern for the future of our country. Fans of the long-running show "House 2" hardly provide intellectual assistance in the global battle of competing states for a place on the planet. Watch online the latest episodes of evening broadcast House 2- You don’t need a lot of intelligence, no matter what you say.
- Russian television reality show airing on the TNT channel... scary to think about! more than a dozen years - namely, from May 11, 2004 to this (unfortunately) day. Our socio-political portal states: The time has come to reflect on the origins of the popularity and durability of Houses 2. And about what features Russian people led to the long-term existence of this particular project, as well as the reasons for the failure of other similar Home 2 television projects.

By authoritative opinion leading conspiracy theorists of the country, TV show Dom-2 is part of the modern continuation of the Dulles Doctrine, this sinister plan of the CIA, which involves a series of actions aimed at destroying the moral capital and intellectual potential of no longer the Soviet Empire, but Mother Russia.
Saner people say that project Dom-2- not more than, effective remedy distracting the population from what is happening in the country, from the champing of various oligarchic-bureaucratic groups sawing off the wealth of our long-suffering Motherland.

Judging by the statistics of Russians’ appeals to the topics of the popular reality show, hundreds of thousands of individuals of both sexes are monthly interested in such vitally “important” things as House 2 last news or for example video sex in the house-2, as well as inquisitive minds are occupied with equal interest by the new fight in project house 2 and frank sex in show house 2. Who makes our contemporaries watch house 2 new episodes online in pursuit of life details person of the year at home 2?!
Scientific institutions should, in our opinion, carry out comprehensive sociological research Doma-2 and everything that happens around him. Why doesn’t anyone ask obvious questions: how many man-hours are spent in Russia watching fresh episodes at home 2?! Why is there so much passion surrounding behavior? new members of House-2(not particularly different from the old ones, however), changes in the presenter's hairstyle project house 2 or a photo from a bad angle?!
But they don't ask. Coincidence? We don't think so! It is possible that behind-the-scenes action is preventing the study of this putrid phenomenon.
But let's look at the history of the appearance Houses 2 to the light. More precisely, on domestic television screens.

History of the show Dom-2

The program is broadcast daily at 9:00 (“. Lite”) (previously at 15:30), at 23:00 (hourly evening episodes), and also at midnight (half-hour nightly episodes called “Dom-2. After sunset"). The delay in showing from the moment of filming is 6 days. Hosts House 2- and - since December 30, 2008 - Olga Buzova.

Until July 6, 2012, she was also the leader of the project (and then they wonder why the current liberals are perceived by the people as clowns and profaners), who, after the expiration of the contract, refused to cooperate with TV project Dom-2.

" - a follower of the reality show "Home", which aired on the TNT channel from July 1 to November 2, 2003. The author of the idea was United Russia deputy Valery Komissarov. Married couples built a house, which at the end of the project was played among them using the method audience voting. The project leaders were Nikolai Baskov and Svetlana Khorkina, the foreman was a certain Alexey Kulichkov.
On July 28, 2009, the Presnensky Court of Moscow issued a ruling banning the broadcast of a television program during “children’s time” - from 16:00 to 23:00. The TNT television channel appealed this decision, and on October 20, 2009, the Moscow City Court confirmed the ban on broadcasting the reality show “Dom-2” during the day.

From October 21, 2009 to October 18, 2010, the program was published only in the form of evening and night editions, then the daytime edition was restored. The reality show has been produced by Comedy Club Production LLC since 2009. Filming one hour of the show at cost can be 50-60 thousand dollars, experts said (however, it is worth considering that the figures were quoted taking into account the old exchange rate).

Criticism of the television project Dom-2

This reality show is perceived by most of the public, many journalists and writers, experts and religious figures negatively and periodically is the object of harsh criticism, but not everyone shares this point of view. On the show House 2 Conflicts often occur between participants, which often develop into fights, although they are prohibited on the project and are often the reason for the exclusion of the instigator of fights from the project. It is suggested that participants of House 2 are specially selected by experienced psychologists (freelance project consultants) so that the show contains as many provocations and conflicts as possible.

Other grounds for criticism Houses 2- imitation of love, playing for the camera and using a partner in order to stay on the project. The show is often ridiculed in various comedy programs.
What else immediately catches the eye of a person who sees for the first time, say, night broadcast of House 2? Speech that is so illiterate that it seems that an ordinary student expresses himself much more correctly than the average House 2 participant!

And also, regarding the typological features of the speech of the average participants and participants of the show Dom-2- envy and criticism towards others prevails in it; and the speaker himself demonstrates with every phrase (of course, without noticing it) his own stupidity, lack of culture, and lack of education. Yes, and by the way, at the same time participants of House 2 at the same time, they consider themselves to be great psychologists and philosophers, reasoning about the actions of others and constantly giving advice to their roommates. Agree, it’s very strange to hear from one of participants of House 2 exclusively some speeches of a paranoid nature, from another - the market abuse of a stupid person.
Uneducated little girls dump tons of glamorized “wisdom” on the masses. Men are at the same level (which is why they are often fights in the house-2). It’s extremely difficult to describe, but it’s reminiscent of those degenerates who, in a drunken stupor, instead of arguments, support their speech with the words “I’m a man, I said so!..”.

What can be called characteristic features new episodes of House 2? The very first point for us was the illiterate speech of literally all participants TV project House 2. And not just one person spoke like that, it was heard everywhere. Members of House 2 could not cope with expressing their own thoughts (consisting mainly of complaints against each other, which also speaks of their cultural level).
All these unspoken thoughts House 2 participants gave reason to wonder whether the experimental subjects were suffering project House 2 mental disorders.
But as participants of House 2 They talk about love!.. But what kind of love lives in their thoughts? Behind their own base instincts and needs, behind the selfish desires of their own superiority, there is no soul, the tongue would not dare to call them Personalities, and how can they possibly have access to the feeling when you are ready to sacrifice for the sake of another person, and happiness comes from the realization that he has everything? okay, without remembering your troubles?

Truly - if only Houses 2 did not exist, it would have been worth inventing." This is the logical logic of those who make the country dependent on new episodes of House 2, forcing them to look with all their eyes in the present former participants of the show House 2, escaped into free spaces from the cramped corridors of the project. And, worse than that,
- a phenomenon generated by consumer attitudes and sowing discord in society. The viewer sees these people, described in detail above, but at the same time not devoid of self-esteem, having everything they need, hence arrogant, which further enhances the consumer approach to everything. Psychologists say that if a person considers it normal, for example, to celebrate a birthday on mall in order to feed the guests there, and then everyone can go shopping together and choose clothes, saving him will not be so easy, because he is already deeply zombified.

Having started watching such a creepy program as Dom-2 evening broadcast, such a person will begin to copy the participants, and will become like these unfortunate ones...
leads to the degradation of society, the disintegration of the family; promotes “consumerism”; one resourceful person expressed the opinion that the fact that such an aspect of life is put on public display is already an abnormality that can interest people who are no longer completely healthy, and then, in general, followed what I had already listed. There were also those who watch this program regularly.

Horned Goat is coming© /Official group/™(House2)
THE WHOLE TRUTH ABOUT D2 from Kassandra Milevskaya.

Shaban Kakhaev
Question for Cassandra, Lera Frost wrote that she fought with Katya behind the scenes of House 2, when the cameras weren’t filming. Were there a lot of fights that we didn’t see? who fought with whom?

If the cameras weren't filming, how do I know who fought who?

Nana Shermadini
And the situation of Gleb, Ermakova and Rimma is also a script? Was Ermakova pining for Gleb also according to the script? It seemed very plausible.

Ermakova is a loving girl. For many, it was drying up there))) The situation you write about was provoked by orgs, and the participants lived in it, cursed, suffered. They were pitted against each other in private conversations. Judge for yourself whether it is a script or not.

Sveta Vicherka
Cassandra, read a book by Roman Tretyakov, where he wrote that Lyuba, who lived with Rustam, became pregnant by him (Rustam). Is it really true?

Nonsense. Rustamchik loves to surround himself with such secrets. Tretyakov probably wrote it from his words)) I haven’t read the book.

Svetlana Pavlova
Orgies want Alian back? And how do the people behind the scenes, the editors, and and do they really like her, that they pushed her everywhere, and how do you feel about her, Cassandra? Did she demand a lot from the project?

Orgi parted with Ali very badly. She was kicked out. She's been crazy lately from fame, alcohol and drugs. I don't like Aliana. It is unlikely that she will be invited in the near future.

Svetlana Pavlova
Does Kasandra have any favorites among the former participants? or who they treat well? and who is your favorite now and in the entire history of the project?

Organizations have favorites. They usually sleep with them)) I can’t write to whom I sympathize, so as not to get burned.

Olga Tretyakova
How do debtor participants whose names appear on the bailiffs website travel abroad? Rudnev, Zadoynov?

The project has connections through which participants are released even with debts. Through connections, the bailiffs lift the travel ban. But they didn’t impose it on them.

Svetlana Pavlova
Cassandra and here’s a question, do you think the orgs understand that earlier participants and conflicts were much more interesting, for example Ermolaeva, Feofilaktova, Bushin, etc7

Yes, they understand. The project is in dire need of personalities, so they take whatever they can get.

Maria Ionova
Which boy smokes?

I don’t want to answer this question!

Alexander Ivanov
I don't agree with the answer. Or maybe I asked the question wrong. that house 2 has no competitors. a girl from Odessa, a Barbie doll, she has many young fans. take such a project as Safari Hunting. Golden Rain. they had offices for this program in many cities. he even sold tickets to his show. there were many people who wanted to attend this Safari Hunt show. Well, he also had other transfers from Martsenkevich. Well, then he was imprisoned for political affairs. in Novosti they showed for him. tanks game online. The game, as far as I know, is from Belarus. the whole world is playing. Russia Ukraine Belarus. Kazakhstan. even Americans play this game. They are of course moving in a different direction. but they have no fewer fans than at home 2. and maybe more. young people watched these programs watched they played these games they played. competitors to the house is clear competitors to the house 2.

What kind of competitors are they to D2, if they appear and disappear, and D2 is broadcast on the air for 3 hours every day? What other shows take up so much airtime? And broadcasts without ratings do not broadcast any programs.

Olga Tretyakova
What is the reason for the fact that for some participants they make goodbye videos when they leave, while others simply leave. Naturally, we are not talking about newcomers who had no stories on the project. For example, they showed Liberzh leaving, but Ali did not. Although Hasratyan was the headliner, the performance was crumpled somehow

Because Aliana left with a scandal. They kicked her out, who will give her a nice farewell if she had a fight with the authorities?

Yana Lazarenko
You can ask, did Artyomova and Kuznetsov have a fiction? And she knew about his connection with Lisova before the exposure?

They had a fiction, but there was sex between them. Artemova was the last to find out about her connection with Lisova.

Vitaly Bliznets
Kasandra, thank you for your answers! You are lifting the curtain on the secrets of the project, it’s very interesting, but how do you know all this?

I'm working on a project.

Yulyashka Tkachenko
Kasandra, I have a question. Why does it air after 5 days? Why can’t they be released sooner, at least in a day? It would be more interesting.

Vitaly Bliznets
Yulyashka, you don’t have to be Kasandra to answer your question😊
The broadcasts are filmed like a series, edited, cut, sometimes they add sound (this is why sometimes the mouth doesn’t get into the sounds)!
They can’t keep up with filming and editing, you know?

The answer to Yulyashka’s question is quite accurate, there is nothing to add.

Liliya Amirova
Why wasn't Kalganov made the presenter? He practically was one and it’s impossible not to notice that he did a good job, but he was never given the status of a presenter

Yes, they can’t drag him to Olim. He demanded to be paid, was refused and stopped going to Olympus. Rustam values ​​himself much more than the presenters are paid. The project won't pay him that much. Rustam knows how to earn more money than the project pays. He came, promoted himself and took off.

Lily-Liluroz Christmas
Since I am a meticulous journalist, I will allow myself a small check for Cassandra, if possible?!))
old New Year's story with Gleb Zhemchugov - is this a scenario or reality?
Let me remind you... The participants were drunk. Gleb attached himself to the sleepy girl and performed certain actions that were very similar to sexual contact.
How was it really?
And one more thing... Is it true that Gleb was not invited for so long, because this story could have very bad consequences for him and for the project? Is it true that they waited until everything was forgotten...
Thank you!

I had a hard time even remembering this story, it was so insignificant in the life of the project. Of course reality. Drunk Gleb is playing the fool! What a surprise! He was like a rabbit fucking with everything at parties. It's all nonsense. I'll tell you how it really happened. In fact, Nadya Ermakova willingly gave to everyone on the project who did not refuse, both to the participants and to the project employees. And in the treasured closet, and wherever necessary.
She was very annoying to Gleb. While sober, he somehow smoothed out the corners, and then Gleb started drinking. He's a drunk. And the drunken Gleb began to extinguish Ermakova very harshly. He insulted her and even assaulted her. For this he was kicked out, because Nadyushka, who gave to everyone, had many defenders.

Lena Petrova
Hello. They showed a program where Kolya D. and former Dom2 participant Yana Lukyanova were at the home of some actress named Orgazmova, she threw cake at this Orgazmova right during filming. And then after a while, she was found stabbed to death in own apartment. On the sites they wrote that suspicion fell on Kolyan that he was hanging up and was now hiding, and it was at this time that he came to Dom2. Have you discussed this? Is Lukyanova really that aggressive, or was it just an image?

I don’t know anything about Lukyanova; this topic was not discussed at the project. This is a duck. No suspicion fell on Kolya. He wasn’t hiding, he was just on a bender at the time)))

Tamara Tikhonova
Thanks for the interesting answers!!! I would like to know: was it true that Ermakova was very much in love with Strawberry, and he, in turn, suffered for Bushina? Telephone conversations on speakerphone - this is clean water installation?

Strawberry was in love with Bushina, but the story is greatly exaggerated. During this love, he fucked everything that moved)) And Ermakova was angry that Gleb didn’t want to fuck her. She suits everyone, but, you see, she doesn’t suit him. He drunkenly fucks her, and then freezes, and Ermakova suffers, and the orgies show it))

Tatiana Morozova
I’m writing for the 4th time, but there’s silence)) Cassandra, you write that Borodin is expecting a boy, but in fact a girl) how can I understand this?

Her relatives told me that it would be a boy. What I bought it for is what I sold it for. Why Ksyukha surrounded this pregnancy with such a secret, I don’t understand. It only attracts unnecessary attention. We'll see when she gives birth. If they show it.

Sevara Rai
Was the relationship between Dolzhansky and Polina real?

Dolzhansky has been impotent since his youth. He has an illness, a hormonal disorder. Polina is a freak. Dolzhansky came to an agreement with her. More precisely, she was trying to get to Dolzhansky. Just like Belyakova. She ran to him herself, they didn’t have sex, but with such beautiful stories Almost my wife came in. And she immediately burned out that she couldn’t even stand Dolzhansky.

Daria Eremeeva
How much did they pay Rapunzel for her marriage to Kolya?!? ​​And for the kiss??? Did they have sex?

She gets her salary, nothing more than that, even if you devour Dolzhansky))) What kind of intimacy? Dolzhansky's is not worth it!

Alisa Sinitsa
Cassndra, how do you feel about the fact that the editors of the site Dom-2 are trying to make fun of your posts, brazenly copying questions from TV viewers, and answering. The editors are also trying to prove that all this is the work of an “unscrupulous”
aunts Can you somehow answer my question? Thank you

We don't care! We knew in advance what and in what terms they would write about us and Milevskaya. Our networks do not shine with variety. We believe that the audience is not fools, they will figure it out! But I personally see that Rastorguev is a fool next to Milevskaya. She plays with them the way she wants, and he goes along with everything, like a boy. And he’s furious that everyone is laughing at him behind his back, that Milevskaya beat him up again))

Lena Petrova
please tell me who smokes on the project? and what kind of cars do the participants have?

I ask you from the bottom of my heart, don’t ask me such questions! You may also ask what kind of panties someone wears!

Liliya Amirova
Did Blumenkranz hit the girls according to the script or according to the blueprint?

On the island in blue. That's why he flew out.

Aigul Rafikova
Please tell me why Borodina and Varvina are not friends now? They were friends after all. Cherkasov is good friends with Borodina, was he at her wedding?

Borodina is a party girl! She has no friends, all drinking buddies! And Varvina now can’t party like she used to. Yes, they were never very close friends. You mixed it up with Bushina.

Svetlana Pavlova
Do the geese have their own apartment or do they rent like pynzaris? otherwise there were rumors that Anton’s parents gave them a gift, I think it’s unlikely they could have saved up for it so quickly

The Gusevs have their own apartment. They lived in a rented apartment while it was being renovated. The Pynzaris also have an apartment.

Anna Panteleeva
Tell me, what kind of phenomenon is Afrikantova’s mother? Or is their whole family just according to the script?)

No, the mother herself rushes into the frame))) She rapes Marina too. Marina would have run away from the project long ago if her mother had not kept her there.

Alexandra Olegovna
When girls are fighting on air and there are no guys nearby, who can break them up? On the same island.. Editors, cameramen.. Why don’t they do this and everything ends up with broken lips and broken noses?

Are you joking? If the operators start to separate you, who will show you the show? The participants were given water to fight.

Ask new questions.

The whole truth about "House 2". Exclusive interview with Novgorod participant Na this moment, three Novgorodians have already visited the television project “Dom-2”: Madina Kuzaeva, Valery Tekel and Anna Mordvina. According to Novgorod participants in the reality show, there is no direct script. However, over the speakerphone, their behavior is directed in one direction or another, and also provoked into scandalous situations. For example, participants may be pitted against each other to create serious conflict: “Your girlfriend takes away your boyfriend, and you react to it so calmly? Come and pour something in her face,” or: “Do you understand that the whole country is looking at you? The audience concludes that you are a rag to wipe their feet on. Your main task now is to show your character and learn to defend and defend yourself. Show your emotions, fight back the offender.” All this “brainwashing” is needed in order to control the participants, teach them to sell their emotions and feelings for the sake of broadcasts and ratings of the “House 2” project. Also, newcomers are tested for strength. Something like an initiation takes place. “Old guys” can provoke new guys, put moral pressure on them, get personal: “What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Stand still and blink your eyes,” “You’re rotten and spineless, you don’t have your own opinion,” “You don’t deserve to be on the project, you’re not beautiful.” This time, we talked with Anna Mordvina. - Anya, what is your main motivation for coming to the project? - I went to the project to add a little drive to my life, I wanted to try something new, something I had never thought about before. And besides, “House 2” is the most popular project today, which makes the participants media personalities. In addition, I believe that good strong relationships can be built on a project. - How did it all start? You were informed that you passed the casting. What's next? - I went to the casting, which was conducted by Andrei Cherkasov. I left the casting with full confidence that I had passed, mentally already packing my suitcase. Two weeks later I received a call on my phone, the girl introduced herself as the casting director of the “House 2” project and invited me to come to Moscow the next day. I calmly answered “yes” and was there within 24 hours. - Tell us about your first impressions inside the reality show. - I was very disappointed in Sergei Zakharyash, whom I came to. From the screen he gave me the impression of being confident and strong man, but in fact everything turned out exactly the opposite. It’s a shame that 70% of our tête-à-tête was cut out. But in general, I would like to note that the people on the project are very angry, narcissistic and ill-mannered. On the project, everyone is for themselves, so the only way to stay and feel comfortable there is to come purposefully to the person with whom you communicated earlier. - “Everyone is evil, every man for himself.” It turns out that it’s like in war, it’s either you or you? - As it is said very loudly in war, the girls saw me as a competitor and immediately began to test my strength, hurt me, ask awkward questions and insult me. But I didn’t give myself offense, I answered. Although I felt uncomfortable, ordinary life I would just laugh, turn around and leave. The most interesting thing is that the project has female and male voting, that is, you need to maintain relationships with girls no matter what, because at the voting they will simply vote against you and you will leave the project. Therefore, sincerity on the project is not very welcome; in this case, you will not stay long. - How do they check and introduce you into awkward situations? Give an example. - They said that they were better than me, that I had no place on the project, that I beautiful girl etc. They gave different tasks, for example, the same dances, everyone started shouting: “Dance, dance!”, after which the music started playing loudly and they forced me to dance through pressure, which, naturally, made me feel uncomfortable. - Judging by the broadcasts, a top participant, the star of “House 2”, Nikita Kuznetsov, became interested in you. What impressions did you have from communicating with the “old man” of the project? - Nikita has been on the project for 11 years. I had the feeling as if he was constantly closed in on himself, in some kind of his own world. He walks like a zombie, all drooping, zero emotions. I think he deteriorated on "House 2". - Is there a chance of deterioration? How are their days going on the TV project? - The participants are always messing around and discussing relationships between each other. There, an hour goes by in three hours, because there’s really nothing to do at “House 2”. Also, there is absolutely no personal space on the project. You cannot freely call your parents and friends. Communication occurs only with the participants, and they do not shine with intelligence. They discuss hackneyed topics about relationships.

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