“Still pregnant!”: Nyusha’s fans congratulate her on the imminent addition to the family. Nyusha is preparing for the birth of her first child. Is Nyusha pregnant?

The singer spoke about her strict father, her calling as a woman and her desire to protect her personal life [photo]

The name Nyusha sounds very gentle and reflects my inner state well,” says the singer.

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Nyusha makes an appointment for us at a coffee shop on Kutuzovsky Prospekt in the capital. A fragile little singer enters the establishment with a security guard. The broad-shouldered man, having looked around and made sure that nothing threatens his ward here, returns to the car to wait for her. Nyusha sits down at the table, orders halva-flavored coffee and, without taking off her dark glasses, offers to start a conversation...

- How should I address you? Nyusha?

That's my name.

- What do your relatives call you?

The family addresses me as “Nu”, “daughter”. Sometimes my parents call me Anechka, but only they are allowed to do so. Previously, my name was Anya. To my friends I am also Nude. Nyusha sounds somehow stern and official.

- Surely you have already thought about what you will do at 40 - 50 years old? If you continue to sing, will it also be under the name Nyusha?

I don't know. In general, I have enough time to think about it. Now I'm living mine wonderful life and I think that problems need to be solved as they arise. So far I don't have such a problem.

- Agree, it sounds strange: “Singer Nyusha is invited to the stage of “Song of the Year 2034”...

So what? The name Nyusha has already become a brand.

- But it is more suitable for a young girl.

I wouldn't say that. First of all, it sounds very gentle and reflects my inner state well - I really am a very delicate, gentle and vulnerable person.

- When in last time did you cry?

Most often my tears are associated with some unexpected discoveries. It can be very unpleasant to be disappointed in people. Sometimes, apparently, I expect too much from close people and friends. In general, crying is even useful. I am not ashamed of this and believe that tears are a wonderful expression of emotions. Just the other day I watched a film made by Beyoncé. I recently went to her concert in Paris, and as a bonus I was given several more accessories from the singer - including a DVD with a film that talks about her personal life. And I can say that I cried when I watched it. Beyoncé shows her amazing life, sharing both her joy and her sorrow. The most difficult moment of the film was the episode when the singer talks about losing her child. She found out she was pregnant, but two weeks later the doctor said during an examination that her baby’s heart was no longer beating. This was one of the most serious shocks in her life. And she shared this intimate moment.

- In the West, the stars are more open. In the US, Tom Cruise jumps on the sofa on Oprah Winfrey's talk show, shouting about his love for Katie Holmes. It’s hard to imagine this in Russia.

I think there are many reasons for this. First of all, of course, Western show business is radically different from ours. Unfortunately, there is a huge gap between them, which we are only now slowly filling. But the most important thing, it seems to me, is that for some reason our people are very distrustful. We quickly accept gossip and rumors, but we don’t believe in some good news, because we think that these are miracles, this does not happen. It happens that artists still share pleasant moments in life, say that they fall in love, that children are born. No matter how much I pay attention to comments on the Internet, I see that people are very rarely happy for them. And personally, I simply no longer have the desire to share intimate stories from my life - it doesn’t matter whether they are good or bad.

- Do you read what they write about you on the Internet?

Sometimes I accidentally come across some stories and rumors about me, sometimes friends or fellow artists tell them to me. I don't take it seriously, I don't suffer or get depressed.

“I struggled with fear for 10 years”

- Nyusha, have you dreamed of being on stage since childhood?

To be honest, yes. As long as I can remember, I was always convinced that I would become a famous artist. At the same time, since childhood I had stage fright, fear of the public. And I understood that if I passed this test, somehow overcome myself, then everything would definitely work out. For about 10 years I struggled with this fear and anxiety. I realized that all the recipes for outside help - taking a pill or 50 grams of cognac - do not work. Therefore, you need to work on yourself, look for strength within. The situation was complicated by the fact that I, like any normal teenager, had complexes about my appearance - and this also did not contribute to a sense of self-confidence. I didn’t like the way I looked, I didn’t even like my voice - when I recorded it somewhere and then listened to it, it seemed that it sounded very funny and ridiculous. I was embarrassed that my mother and I drove an inexpensive car, that we had no money. In general, there were many different moments that confused me. But then I realized that if I want to make music and become successful, then I can’t give up and that I have to work hard, first of all, on myself. In fact, like many, I was lazy child. I didn’t want to get up early for school, I didn’t like doing homework. But when it affected the work of my whole life, I realized that if I don’t force myself now, then I simply won’t succeed.

- Did you understand this yourself or maybe your musician dad suggested it?

“I’m afraid of scaring away my happiness”

- Well, since you and Beyoncé are so similar, all you have to do is find your Jay-Z - the famous rapper and her husband.

Yes, that's right! Jay-Z, by the way, is also a producer.

- Well, yes, again all the money is in the family.

People who live public lives are certainly very strong. Nobody likes it when neighbors look at him askance and discuss his personal life. Can you imagine that there are millions of such “neighbors”? You are condemned, judged not even by your actions, but by rumors and gossip.

- And that’s why you hide your personal life?

I'm protecting her. I usually don't say anything because I'm afraid of scaring away my happiness.

- But there is some kind of, let’s say, official information for fans - is Nyusha single or does she have a boyfriend?

When I have a man with whom I want to spend my whole life, start a family, give birth to a child, my fans will definitely know about it. I just can't hide it from them.

- And since there is no news, it means young man Same?

Accordingly, yes.

- Have you ever heard the phrase: “Nyusha, marry me!”?

- How many times in your life?

Besides the fact that my fans periodically talk about it...

- No, that doesn't count.

Well then, three times in my life, each time it was in all seriousness. It's not like: " Good morning! Come on, marry me,” but real proposals that came consciously. But for me it was still not serious. I believe that a person asking such a question should be 100 percent sure that you will reciprocate. But in my situation, this proposal came, rather, out of some kind of desperation.

- And that’s why you never answered “yes”?

Apparently so. Everything was arranged very beautifully and romantically, but still, I think, subconsciously the person felt that this was not the moment. I don't even know what they were expecting. In this regard, I am a very responsible girl. I definitely won’t be able to spontaneously decide to get married, I won’t be able to do anything stupid.

- That is, you won’t do what Britney Spears, who flew to Las Vegas, signed with a friend there, and then divorced him a day later?

No, this is definitely not for me! If you are going to get married, then once and for all.

- IN Lately There is such a trend: girls make a career in show business, then get married, have children - and music becomes something like a hobby. What will you do?

Firstly, of course, all girls on this planet are created in order to give birth to a child, to leave offspring behind. But I consider myself one of the people who have another calling in life. Music will never become a hobby for me. And the person I marry must understand this 100 percent. There is no need to give me an ultimatum: either family or music. I still can't refuse work. I sincerely believe that I have no right to give up my creativity. Music helps us all get through the most difficult and happiest moments in life. Without her, everything would be dull and boring. And I can’t imagine myself outside the stage and creativity. I think it would be a betrayal to my fans.

- Do you have an ideal, a model among artists - a singer who managed to combine stage and family?

Yes, definitely. This is my favorite singer Alicia Keys. She, like me, is an author and composer. Now there is just such a period in her life when she recorded an album, gave birth to a child, and recorded another album. And looking at her, I understand that this is real. I want it to be the same for me.

- Do you like to plan your life?

To be honest, I can't follow through with plans. I encountered this as a child: as soon as I try to build some strategy, calculate something, set goals, everything immediately turns out differently. Eventually I accepted it as a way of life. Now I just go with the flow.

"I was a small, stupid girl"

- Do you have any guidelines, like “I don’t give more than three concerts a week”?

Yes, there is something similar. Lately I have begun to think more about health. The schedule that I had a couple of years ago is very difficult to endure. I can safely say that I am a person who works a lot, but now I am trying to slow down. First of all, I am a woman, I have yet to give birth. I have to think about my future.

- What happened a couple of years ago, after which you thought about it?

Sometimes I had six concerts in a row with flights. And this is a strong load - going up into the sky, coming down, giving a concert. Constant pressure surges. Besides, my concert is like two aerobic workouts, because I dance and sing at the same time. I can’t feel sorry for myself, work half-heartedly, I don’t have the right to say: “Today I won’t strain myself that much.” Otherwise, all this will lose its meaning. While I'm young, I do my best. But now we need to switch to a new rhythm.

- If you manage to be at home in Moscow, what do you do first?

Hard to tell. When I have a free evening, my head explodes with thoughts; I want to do everything at once: see loved ones, chat with friends, go to the movies, go to the country, or just take a walk. I really miss this - I don’t go for walks at all.

- Why?

No time. Although I really want to. I also need to be inspired, look for new ideas, just breathe. It's like rebooting your computer. He can't work forever. That’s why from time to time I need a rest, a pause.

- Do you often see your parents?

- Is it difficult to work with your family?

In my case no. In general, we have a very friendly team. I consider myself very lucky in this regard - we are a team of like-minded people. My father and I have the same worldview, the same views on music.

- When ordinary person problems happen at work, he may complain to his family about his harmful boss. Who do you go to to cry to?

My mother is not in business, so you can always come to her. But in fact, I can also come to dad. We are not silent at all, we are not afraid to get bullied for something. I'm not afraid to quarrel, I'm not shy to argue. Now this does not happen as often as when I was 17 years old. Then I was a little stupid girl and didn’t realize many things. Now it’s much easier for me to communicate with my father. Italian showdowns happen between us less and less. We try to understand each other.

- Is dad generous with praise?

Since childhood, I have gotten used to my dad being critical. And he always scolded me more than praised me. But he didn’t scold in the sense of “you’re a terrible child,” but spoke to the point. And it always made me move forward. I will raise my children the same way, because love is love, care is care, but if you want your child to be happy, he must have an incentive to move on.


Singer Nyusha (Anna Shurochkina) was born on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Dad - Vladimir Shurochkin, musician, former member group "Tender May". At the age of 5, Nyusha first went to the studio, where she recorded “Song of the Big Dipper.” At the age of 11 she began performing on stage as part of the Grizzly group. At the age of 14, she tried to audition for the “Star Factory”, but did not get there due to her age. At the age of 17, she won the television competition “STS Lights Up a Superstar.” Performer of such hits as “Howl at the Moon”, “Don’t Interrupt”, “Choose a Miracle”, “Higher”, “It Hurts”, “Alone”, “Only”.

IN modern world There is not a single person who does not know the singer Nyusha. Her name can be heard more and more often on charity concerts, on radio stations and television. This beautiful woman makes the hearts of millions of men beat faster, and girls strive to sing like her.

Nyusha – most talented singer, actress, television show host, composer, author of beautiful songs that are sung in moments of happiness and love.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nyusha Shurochkina?

Currently, people are at a loss as to who Nyusha Shurochkina is and how old she is. And also how much she weighs, whether she has children and who her husband is. On numerous websites on the Internet you can often see queries about the size of the singer’s breasts.

Nyusha or Anna Vladimirovna Shurochkina was born in 1990, which means she was only twenty-six.

It is very interesting that Anya did not let slip in any interview about her height. We can only assume that the girl, remaining without heels, looks at her true fans from a height of at least a meter and sixty centimeters.

Out of her weight Nyusha big secret doesn't. It constantly fluctuates between 50 -54 kilograms. Currently, the girl’s weight has reached 54 kilograms.
By the way, to satisfy the requests of male fans, we will inform you that the girl’s chest volume is 86, and her waist is 58 centimeters. It is worth noting that the beauty’s hips are 87 centimeters.

Biography of Nyusha Shurochkina

The biography of Nyusha Shurochkina is absolutely musical and incredibly happy. This is the story of a little girl who was able to achieve everything on her own.
Little Anechka appeared on August 15, 1990 in Moscow. Her parents were famous musicians.
Nyusha’s mother, Irina, sang in a rock band, and her father and future producer, Vladimir, performed as part of the popular “Tender May.” He wrote the lyrics and music for some of this group's songs.

Her parents separated when Annushka was two years old, but she did not consider herself an unhappy and unloved child. The father always found time for the baby, and it was he who noticed the musical talent in his daughter.

The girl started singing at a fairly early age, namely at three. Took lessons from famous producer Viktor Pozdnyakov, who confidently said that the baby is very talented. The point is that she developed ear for music in just a year.

The girl recorded her first song in a real recording studio at the age of five, after which she began to sing literally everywhere, without hesitation. strangers. Dad gave her a synthesizer and hired her professional teachers.
At the age of eight, Anyutka began to sing English language and recorded her single. At twelve she captivated the audience in Cologne English songs, which she wrote herself, and in the purest pronunciation.

The girl was very athletic. She trained in Thai boxing.

At the age of 9 she attended the fashion theater for children, and from the age of 11 she toured as part of musical group"Grizzly". At the age of 14, the girl went to the Star Factory casting, but did not pass it due to her tender age.

Only in 2007 Anna passed television project“STS lights up a Superstar,” during which the laconic pseudonym Nyusha remained on her behalf. By the way, the girl changed the name in her passport to a sonorous stage name.
At eighteen years old, the talented girl took seventh place in famous competition « New wave" In 2009, she recorded the professional single “Howling at the Moon,” with which she was nominated for “Song of the Year.” Soon Nyusha’s debut album “Choose a Miracle” was released, which was rated very differently.

2011 is the year of rapid rise in musical career, when new compositions were being recorded, a duet with the Frenchman Gilles Luca was born and a nomination for the Muz-TV award occurred. Nyusha received the MTV EMA 2011 award and was included in the top twenty major musical events of the year.
2014 gave Anna a new one music album and popularity in films. She played in the TV series “Univer”, “Friends of Friends”, “Time He” and gave her voice to cartoon characters. Gerda and Smurfette, Gip Croods and Priscilla speak in her voice.

The girl is an excellent skater, so she showed herself well in the television show “ glacial period", where Max Shabalin became her partner. She took part in Ivan Urgant’s show, which is called “Moscow Evenings” and “9 Lives”.

In 2017 it became new mentor show “The Voice. Children”, replacing Pelageya. The girl showed herself to be a professional who can pass on her experience to even the youngest stars.

Personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina.

In many interviews, the young singer happily talks about plans for the future, tours and songs, but does not like to talk about her personal life.
The personal life of Nyusha Shurochkina is carefully hidden from fans, but some information about her still leaks out.

At the very beginning of her career, the girl dated the young actor Aristarchus Venes, but she did not take this relationship seriously. There is talk about Nyusha's affair with Vlad Sokolovsky, with whom the girl was vacationing in the Maldives, but this conversation turned out to be just an invention of the stars' managers.

Your first true love the girl names Russian hockey player Alexander Radulov, with whom she starred in the first video. However, these may only be rumors related to the promotion of the single.

In 2011 she dated rapper ST, and in 2014 with rising star Egor Creed. The couple broke up because Nyusha’s father wanted this, but she herself claims that she and Yegor have different views on life.

Nyusha is in no hurry to start a family, but often says that she constantly has romantic relationships.

Family of Nyusha Shurochkina

The fact that a girl does not have a permanent boyfriend does not mean that she is lonely. Nyusha Shurochkina’s family is her father and mother, half-sister and younger brother.

Stepsister Maria is a professional swimmer. She is the champion of Russia, the world, and Europe in this sport in the junior category.
Brother Vanya is also a very athletic guy who is mastering such an amazing sport as tricking. It combines several martial arts, on the basis of which various extreme stunts are performed.

These days, the young singer is completely dedicated to her career as a singer, actress and TV presenter. She has not yet found a life partner, so Nyusha Shurochkina’s children are not even in the project.

When the girl was dating Yegor Creed, he talked several times in interviews about future children. But the couple quickly broke up, their dreams of children were shattered due to insurmountable circumstances. There were even persistent rumors on the Internet about Nyusha’s pregnancy, but the singer denied them.

Looking at Nyusha’s touching treatment of the youngest participants in the show “The Voice. Children", viewers note the strong maternal instinct singers and sincerely wish her to become a mother as soon as possible.

It is worth noting that none of the whirlwind romances the singer did not lead to the creation of a family, so Nyusha Shurochkina’s husband is absent.

Recently, a girl wrote on one of the social networks that she might soon get married. She posted a photo of her engagement ring on her page. His future husband is called Igor Sivov. The guy is the General Advisor to the President of the ISSF, the couple knows each other for a long time.

The real feelings between them began in 2016, when a trip to Kenya changed her life forever.

Nyusha does not show the face of her chosen one. It is known that he was married and is the father of two children. The wedding of Igor Sivov and Nyusha Shurochkina is planned for 2017.

Nyusha's career began in a very at a young age, so the producers chose for her the image of a girl from neighboring yard.

Although the Internet is full of numerous photos Nyusha Shurochkina before and after plastic surgery, the girl denies that she did not make any kind of adjustment to her appearance. Numerous fans of the singer who followed her ascent to the top do not believe this. musical Olympus.

However, even fans can only follow the change in hairstyle and clothes, makeup and habits of the girl. Nyusha often said that she did not understand and condemned her music colleagues who constantly undergo plastic surgery.

Nyusha had very expressive eyes, but weakly defined lips. Now she can boast of beautiful plump lips. A slightly adjusted nose catches the eye. Nyusha herself denies rhinoplasty and other surgical interventions on her body.

Sometimes information flashes in the press that the singer has enlarged her breasts by at least two sizes. Documentary evidence This fact does not exist, so it is impossible to prove plastic surgery. Nyusha Shurochkina in a swimsuit looks very seductive both in her youth and in her youth. last years.

So, speaking about plastic surgeries, it is necessary to clarify that Nyusha either did not do them at all, or turned to real professionals in their field. Before and after photos plastic surgery does not exist, but fans are trying to judge its implementation by comparing pictures different years.

It is possible that the effect of a changeable appearance is achieved with the help of makeup artists who masterfully wield a brush. By the way, Nyusha practically does not use cosmetics, because she strives for maximum naturalness.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nyusha Shurochkina

Often appear on the pages of these popular social networks short messages and photos are updated. It is worth understanding that you can only believe those articles that appear on official pages singers.
Recently, Nyusha often posts videos from rehearsals and live broadcasts television show"Voice. Children”, in which she is a mentor.

Also, she often gives useful tips in the field sports training, introduces interesting people and inform about the premieres of new clips. Through Instagram, Nyusha Shurochkina will be happy to listen to the comments of her fans.
Nyusha is a wonderful singer and a generously gifted person who proves that you need to sincerely believe. And then all your dreams will certainly come true.

Nyusha's fans suspected that their favorite singer was pregnant, reports the publication "7 Days". The artist has already begun accepting congratulations on her a quick addition in family.

Nyusha posted a video on her Instagram of herself rehearsing a dance on stage. "We're rehearsing. An energetic dance! If you haven't noticed, there are four of us!" - the singer mysteriously signed the video, although only three people can be seen in the frame.

The star's followers decided that she was hinting at her pregnancy in this way. The day before, the singer stated that she was not at all against the birth of a child. Nyusha's fans began vying to congratulate her on the imminent addition to the family.

"Fourth in the tummy? How cute!", " Easy pregnancy, what wonderful news!”, “Hurray! Still pregnant! Congratulations!” fans wrote.

Singer Nyusha some time ago about her engagement to her fiance, showing fans wedding ring. The star plans to go to the altar in a dress from the Vera Wang brand.

As Ruposters Life, Nyusha’s fiance is the General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov. Despite the 10-year age difference, the man won the singer’s heart, giving his girlfriend flowers on every date and beautifully caring for her. Nyusha was also not embarrassed by the fact that the official had two children from a previous marriage.

Singer Nyusha has recently become a mentor on the popular television project “The Voice. Children”. An interesting pattern: all women who find themselves in the coveted red chair soon become mothers. For example, singer Pelageya recently gave birth to her first child, and Polina Gagarina, according to some information, will soon give birth to her second child.


“What’s wrong with that? I take it calmly. I’m a woman and I also want children! Maybe this was one of the reasons why I agreed to participate in the show “The Voice.” Children" - let me sit in the chair in the middle!" – the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes a laughing Nyusha.

By the way, the artist will soon get married. The singer's chosen one is a graduate of the Skolkovo business school, general adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov. According to Nyusha, it was important for her to meet a man with similar views to hers.

“There is an inexplicable connection between us. The feeling that you have known this person for many years. When I, for example, want to write him a message, he calls me. Or something changes in my mood, and he already asks what happened. The fact that he feels and understands me so subtly was very important,” the singer admitted.

Nyusha and Igor often crossed paths at events, but were not introduced to each other. “How did I know that this was mine... He opened the door, gave me his hand. And when I touched his hand, I realized that there was no turning back. We can say that it was love at first sight,” concluded the popular singer .

Recently, the media began to write news that Nyusha is pregnant. Fans believe that after the singer married Igor Sivov, her figure changed a lot.

The girl's followers constantly have posts where they share their speculations about pregnancy famous singer. The media also did not leave the girl unattended, so Nyusha decided to comment on this situation herself.

Nyusha gave birth to a daughter, the wedding of the singer and Igor Sivov

In January 2017, Nyusha announced her engagement to Igor Sivov. In July of the same year, rumors appeared that the singer was expecting her first child.

The newlyweds' wedding took place in the Maldives. The couple officially got married in one of the registry offices in Kazan in mid-July, and it was decided to celebrate the occasion on the most romantic archipelago in the world.

27-year-old singer Nyusha for a long time hid from fans that she married the general adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov. Only recently the artist openly admitted that she and her lover got married.

A couple of days before the wedding in their in social networks the singer published a photo with her lover, which they had already taken in the Maldives, which caused an angry wave of comments from fans. Nyusha and Sivov, who is the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation, flew to the island to celebrate their wedding with relatives and friends. As it became known later, Igor is ten years older than the singer and has two children from a previous marriage.

The celebration smoothly flowed into Honeymoon couples. The wedding itself lasted for 3 days. The newlyweds decided not to change traditions and held a bride price right on the island, and at the wedding they danced their first dance as spouses.

On wedding ceremony the artist shone in a dress from the Enteley brand, which loves to work with the girl and often creates outfits for her on the red carpet. Naturally, the designers made sure that no other bride had such an outfit. But just one dress was not enough; Nyusha prepared as many as 4 outfits for the holiday.

But, unfortunately, Nyusha and Igor do not reveal much details about their wedding.

Nyusha gave birth to a daughter, journalists are spreading false rumors

In January 2017, the girl posted a photo on her Instagram showing a ring on ring finger right hand, this is exactly how Nyusha told her followers about her engagement to Igor Sivov.

Literally half a year later, comments began to pour in that the singer was pregnant and she and Igor were expecting a daughter. After all, the singer previously said that Igor is her person, and it is with him that she is ready to create strong family, in which there will be many children.

But the fact that the couple was shocked by the news of Nyusha’s pregnancy is an understatement. Therefore, the girl herself and her PR director Denis Vorobyov decided to comment on these rumors.

The first reason for such rumors was the hasty wedding of the singer and Sivov, after this news they immediately began to attribute pregnancy to her.

The second reason was the girl’s appearance at the Slavic Bazaar festival, where Vlad Sytnik won. The outfit in which Nyusha came to the event provoked rumors that they were expecting a child, which soon began to be discussed in all media.

That's why it's popular Russian singer didn't ignore this situation, and decided to contact fans with a message that she was not pregnant and even posted a photo.

But many followers did not believe it, claiming that it was an old photo.

Nyusha gave birth to a daughter, comment from Denis Vorobyov

After the scandalous breakup of Nyusha and Yegor Creed, the girl tries in vain to keep silent about her personal life. During the singer’s relationship with the young artist, she was also credited with the imminent birth of her first child.

Now the situation is repeating itself. Therefore, Nyusha’s PR director decided to put an end to this issue. He said that the news about Nyusha’s pregnancy is created by those journalists who no longer know what to write about and how to interest their audience. The couple is not expecting a child, so let this issue be closed and discussions regarding this topic stop.

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