“Is everything natural?! Well, well...” Surgeons evaluate Russian stars and determine which of them had plastic surgery. Otoplasty: description, indications and how it is performed The most famous theatrical productions with the participation of Priluchny

Many people who have external flaws (including small ones) experience discomfort and are embarrassed. It seems to them that those around them laugh at them and always pay attention to their shortcomings. Today plastic surgery helps solve such problems with minimal trauma, including through otoplasty.

Video - Otoplasty: the story of one patient

Pavel Priluchny and otoplasty

Pavel Priluchny – talented actor, who became popular by starring in a number of TV series and films. His career has always been about his appearance. WITH early childhood Pavel Priluchny experienced discomfort due to the fact that his ears were protruding. Protruding ears interfered with Pasha both in work and in his personal life.

But this was Priluchny’s personal opinion. Many of his fans believed that this was his charm, and thus emphasized the extravagance of his person. Pavel Priluchny himself was sure that because of this defect he was often given only minor roles. Sometimes he had to be content with just promotional videos. Looking at the photo before and after otoplasty, you can see a big difference.

In 2011 he got married. And in 2012, Pavel Priluchny underwent plastic surgery. Now, after otoplasty, Pavel Priluchny’s ears have lost their defect. It is quite possible that for this reason they began to give him leading roles in TV series and films more often. However, his fans point out that his protruding ears were his highlight.

What is otoplasty?

This procedure is a method of ear correction. In total, there are approximately 200 types of such operations that change the shape of the auricle, eliminate protruding ears, and restore an injured ear. Otoplasty methods do not affect hearing in any way, but simply eliminate external defects.

Types of procedure

This procedure has been practiced for several decades, and during this time plastic surgery has made serious progress in this issue. Types of otoplasty:

  1. Reconstructive – otoplasty of the ears, aimed at eliminating acquired or congenital defects. The latter can be triggered by various factors, for example, injury or hearing problems.
  2. Aesthetic – this type is usually used to correct the shape of unattractive ears.

Based on the methods used, otoplasty is divided into the following types:

  • laser otoplasty – a laser beam is used;
  • classic - a surgical scalpel is used.

Of course, laser otoplasty now has big amount advantages, unlike the classic one. Its main advantages:

  • blood loss is minimal;
  • there is practically no risk that this type of otoplasty will cause complications;
  • high-precision execution of the procedure;
  • minimal risk of infection;
  • speed of execution.

Another advantage is that laser otoplasty is performed under local anesthesia; general anesthesia is not needed, unlike the classic procedure where a scalpel is used.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for surgery are ear defects, such as:

  • irregular shape;
  • large sink funnel depth;
  • excessively long lobe;
  • lack of shell relief.


  • oncology, hepatitis, diabetes;
  • menstruation;
  • blood coagulates poorly;
  • AIDS, syphilis and some sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Somatic diseases.

As for children, their ears are fully formed by the age of four. Otoplasty is prohibited for children under this age. Only after four years of age can doctors diagnose the following problems in a child and perform otoplasty:

  • ear deformation;
  • protruding ears;
  • protruding ears;
  • various deviations, etc.

Preparing for surgery

The procedure belongs to the category of light operations, but, nevertheless, you need to properly prepare for it. The patient must be examined and undergo all necessary tests. The anesthesiologist will select anesthesia, identify contraindications, hidden infections, if any.

A prerequisite is that two weeks before the procedure you need to stop taking medications that have a blood-thinning effect. Before the operation itself, you need to wash your hair, dry it, comb and remove your hair so that it does not interfere with the specialist. If the doctor performs the procedure under general anesthesia, then you should not eat or drink 5 hours before the procedure.

To avoid complications, the doctor prescribes the following tests before surgery:

  • blood for hepatitis B and C;
  • blood for syphilis and AIDS;
  • blood clotting test;
  • Rh factor;
  • It is possible to prescribe other tests at the discretion of the doctor.


The patient is given anesthesia and the process begins. It includes the following steps:

  • an incision is made on the outside of the ears;
  • excess skin is removed, a new position of the shell is modeled;
  • cartilaginous tissues are fixed;

The stitches are not removed after the operation; after a while they dissolve on their own. And the stitches that are placed on the skin must be removed after the wound has healed. This will happen approximately 5 days after the procedure. The operation lasts approximately two hours. Its result will depend on the rehabilitation process. In some cases, repeat otoplasty may be required.

Restoration activities

Recovery after otoplasty is simple. The patient is sent home 3-5 hours after the procedure, if there are no complications after otoplasty. In the first days, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • swelling;
  • discomfort;
  • Ears may hurt and ache.

After surgery, doctors recommend taking antibiotics to avoid the development of inflammatory processes and infection. Sometimes the doctor prescribes rehabilitation therapy, which involves taking anti-inflammatory drugs. You will need to wear a bandage on your ears for some time, under which anesthetic ointment is applied. How long should I wear it? You can remove it after about 5 days, but doctors recommend wearing a bandage after otoplasty at night for 25-30 days.

Otoplasty - the degree of intervention is determined by the surgeon


Rehabilitation after otoplasty is not always without complications. The latter can appear either immediately or after a certain time. Sometimes they are the result of a doctor’s mistake or the patient ignoring the doctor’s recommendations.

Early complications:

  • allergy;
  • swelling;
  • tissue inflammation;
  • perichondritis;
  • purulent otitis;
  • divergence of seams.

Late complications:

  • hypertrophic scars;
  • external deterioration (a return to the previous state is possible);
  • necrosis.

If these complications occur, repeat otoplasty is performed. It is worth noting that the percentage of complications is quite low - up to 1%.

Price policy

How much does otoplasty cost? The price is calculated based on several factors. Eg:

  • medicines used during surgery;
  • severity of the defect;
  • method of influence.

Approximate cost:

  • classical method – 20-50 thousand;
  • earlobe surgery – 5-40 thousand;
  • reconstructive method – 20-150 thousand;
  • laser method – 20-70 thousand.

Otoplasty - correction of the ear

    If you look at older paintings, and now in the Major series, then even without fortune tellers you will notice that the shape of the ears has been changed. But apparently Priluchny had too strong a complex, since he stuck them on so much.

    Indeed, Pavel Priluchny had plastic surgery on his ears in 2012. Thus, getting rid of the complex due to protruding ears. In my opinion, such ears do not spoil men. But Pavel really felt better after the operation.

    Even if you look at the photographs before 2012 and after, you will notice that actor Pavel Priluchny has undergone big changes - his protruding ears have disappeared, everything is neat. Of course, he had plastic surgery on his ears, it’s obvious, but he didn’t hide it himself.

    A young talented actor, not a dummy, that’s the main thing.

    Yes, actor Pavel Priluchny had surgery on his ears. Previously, they stuck out very much on him, but plastic surgery corrected this small, although noticeable, defect. You can read more about this operation on the website.

    It turns out that Pavel Priluchny actually had plastic surgery on his ears in 2012. He decided to take this step because he had a complex about his protruding ears. Now he has become a celebrity, he acts in films and Pavel is a great actor, now he is filming the film Major, which is shown on Channel One and his the main role. As for the ears, there are photographs on the Internet before ear surgery:

    He did, of course, the entire Internet is teeming with pictures of him with protruding ears. It seems to me that his ears were not damaged at all, but still, probably his own complexes forced him to have surgery on his ears. He's good enough anyway, in my opinion.

    And in the series Run, Pavel Priluchny’s ears stick out again... and how do you understand this?

    Almost all of us know the wonderful actor - Pavel Priluchny, who played leading roles in several popular TV series on the STS channel. Yes, indeed, Pavel had plastic surgery on his ears. We can see the difference in the film At the Game and, for example, in the series Lavrova’s Method.

    Pavel Priluchny, like many teenagers, was tormented by a complex about his protruding ears.

    And in 2012, Pavel was able to solve his problem with plastic surgeon.

    Many believe that he lost his charm after undergoing plastic surgery.

    I like him the way he appeared before us in the Major series.

    I'm more concerned about where his neck tattoo went?

    If you look at his old photographs, you will immediately notice a strong difference. Priluchny had plastic surgery on his ears. Previously, they protruded very much. Perhaps he did this for his career, he was given roles before minor characters or crazy, but now he plays heroes of lovers.

The actress decided to correct her appearance and - for starters! – installed veneers. Muceniece admitted that this was her long-time dream, but fans did not understand Agatha’s biased attitude towards herself.

Correspondent website contacted Agatha to find out what prompted her to change her already beautiful teeth. “I have an adequate attitude towards plastic surgeries that people really need. For example, the nose is a switch, it’s hard to live with it. I think it makes sense to change it when everything is really bad. If we talk about teeth, I recently installed veneers because I had medical indications - my teeth are not very good. So far I have not personally resorted to the help of plastic surgeons, but I do not rule out this possibility. Maybe something will fall out of me,” said the star of the “Closed School” series. .


Fans rushed to conclusions: “Goodbye, natural beauty, charisma. How can you want meticulously white and straight teeth? Actors, on the contrary, are in demand because they are different. Some are far from ideal, but are loved even more by the audience. Beauty comes from within. Tom Cruise, for example, has a slightly big nose and a little on the side, but that’s his personality, and he’s not a carbon copy from the catwalk.”

Let us remind you that Agata Muceniece and the star of the series “Major” Pavel Priluchny met during the filming of the serial film “Closed School”. Pavel admitted that he fell in love with a girl during a movie kiss and realized that she was the one. But before becoming the actress’s husband, he had to wait several months for the relationship between Agatha and her boyfriend to go wrong.

Despite the fact that plastic surgery is no longer something secret and expensive, Russian stars are still in no hurry to admit that they have corrected their appearance. They stubbornly deny the operations attributed to them, although an experienced doctor only needs to look at their “before” and “after” photographs. Here are 11 Russian stars who, according to surgeons, had plastic surgery.

Pavel Priluchny

If you compare photographs of Pavel from his youth, the changes will immediately become obvious. The actor decided to give up his protruding ears, but it seems he went a little overboard - now even the temples of his glasses don’t fit behind his ears. Take a closer look.

Pavel had otoplasty, the surgeons are convinced, looking at these “before” photos. By the way, many fans liked him with his “native” ears. But still, the film industry has its own standards, so he could not get the role of a macho man.

Olga Orlova

It is obvious that singer Olga Orlova has made a significant correction to her appearance, but she does not want to admit it.

— I will definitely use the services of plastic surgeons when necessary. Maybe in ten years,” the actress says in an interview.

But you can’t fool an experienced surgeon with words: it’s clear that Olga has had her lips and cheekbones corrected.

— It is enough to eat moderately, move more, lead healthy image life. And give up smoking and alcohol: all this makes you look very old,” Olga continues.

Alas, even the healthiest lifestyle does not change the face as dramatically as a plastic surgeon does.

Alexey Chumakov

One of the Moscow surgeons is 100% convinced that the singer corrected the shape of his nose. He sees with a professional eye that the tip of the nose has become more graceful and, perhaps, the septum has been straightened. True, rhinoplasty in this case is almost invisible.

Of course, the difference in this case is not so obvious. Maybe this is a sign of high-class surgery?

Sergey Zverev

The outrageous Russian stylist does not even hide the fact that he had plastic surgery. The surgeon noticed rhinoplasty and lip augmentation, obviously there could have been other operations. There is an opinion that Zverev was forced to resort to plastic surgery because of a car accident that disfigured his nose, and subsequent operations only corrected the unsuccessful consequences of the first. Others believe that Sergei deliberately changed his appearance, which did not suit the man since early childhood.

Elizaveta Boyarskaya

But in the case of Elizaveta Boyarskaya, the result of the plastic surgeon’s work is obvious. To do this, just study the filmography of the actress and look at her role in early paintings. There you can see that Elizabeth’s native nose was not as aristocratic as it is now. Experts say that there were at least two operations: first they made the nose snub, and then they worked on the shape.

In the “before” and “after” photos you can notice some unnaturalness: the bridge of the nose remained wide, and then the nose narrowed. Using old footage, you can reconstruct the chronology: apparently, the aspiring actress had rhinoplasty as soon as she became an adult.

Many people wonder why the actress does not remove the scar on her cheek that she has since childhood. But plastic surgeons believe that such a scar emphasizes her individuality and adds mystery.

Alena Shishkova

Model and ex-lover Timati looks like an ideal illustration of modern beauty standards. The skillful hands of surgeons also played an important role here. Doctors are convinced that the girl had rhinoplasty, cheekbone contouring and lip augmentation. Alena Shishkova “adjusted” her appearance to modern beauty standards and practically ceased to look like her former self.

Paulina Andreeva

The fiancee of Fyodor Bondarchuk also did this. Surgeons just need to look at her teenage photo. It seemed to many that she changed almost everything about herself: the shape of her face, her eyelids, her nose, her lips. In reality, the changes are, of course, not so serious.

In 2017, one of the capital’s plastic surgeons agreed with at least one assumption that Paulina had blepharoplasty - correction of the shape of the eyelids.

Yulia Nachalova

A few years ago, the singer admitted unsuccessful plastic surgery breasts The operation took place in a Russian clinic. The singer herself explained that her breasts lost their shape after childbirth. The implants did not take root, and blood poisoning began. An emergency operation to remove it was already performed in California. Julia assures that the problem has since been resolved.

However, her latest March photo on Instagram horrified her subscribers. If you look closely at the neckline, the unhealthy color of the breasts is obvious. In addition, experts believe that since 2016, she has seriously taken up the task of remaking her face.

Moreover, it is more difficult to say what has NOT changed in it than to list the obvious metamorphoses. And in new spring photographs, 37-year-old Nachalova became completely unrecognizable.

Oksana Samoilova

Ideal facial features, a chiseled figure, luxurious hair and glowing skin... Oksana claims that training and a healthy lifestyle are to blame for everything. But the youthful photographs of the girl found by bloggers speak for themselves: the plastic surgeon clearly had a hand on the celebrity’s nose, chest, lips and cheekbones.

Polina Gagarina

The singer claims that she has never turned to surgeons and does not intend to do so in the future. Surgeons look at her childhood photos with skepticism. In their opinion, she corrected the oval of the face, narrowing the lower part and highlighting the cheekbones. Alas, such dramatic changes cannot be achieved only by losing weight and cosmetics. Some surgeons are convinced that Polina had “Bish’s lumps” removed, supposedly after this her cheeks became sunken.

But since now the procedure for removing lumps is considered outdated, it is most likely that Polina, like other stars with chiseled cheekbones, undergoes a lift with the finest silicone threads every 3-5 years. They are inserted under the skin through punctures, without incisions, lift the tissue upward and do not in any way affect facial expressions.

Oksana Fandera

In the mid-2000s, the actress was suspected of breast enlargement (just compare the photo above, and everything will become clear). Oksana wisely prefers not to communicate with journalists on these topics, so nothing is known for certain.

Surgeons note the fact that she corrected the shape of her lips. In this case, it’s not even an operation, but just an injection with hyaluronic acid.

Lera Kudryavtseva

Another celebrity who obviously had plastic surgery is Lera Kudryavtseva. In December 2017, having become a guest of her own program “Secret to a Million”, the TV presenter again swore that she did not do plastic surgery. Everything is attributed to genetics and the work of the stylist.

But you can’t fool an experienced plastic surgeon: they believe that Lera has had a Botox injection in the forehead and eyes, contour plastic surgery, fillers in the lips and nasolabial folds. Moreover, initially, back in the 90s, most likely, cheiloplasty was performed - an operation to correct the shape of the lips. So now they look old-fashioned "rubbery". At the same time, the surgeon denied rumors that Lera had rhinoplasty: old and recent photographs show that the asymmetry in the area of ​​the left wing of the nose is preserved.

Choreographer. Therefore, Pavel was sent to both boxing and dancing. But until he was 14 years old, he preferred boxing. He became a candidate for master of sports, and decided to start a career on this. According to Pavel, by this time he had already suffered ten concussions and the same number of broken noses, and he decided that this was enough - he might still need his head and face. And I got carried away with dancing. In the future, this hobby was very useful to him.

Still from the TV series “Major”. Photo: Channel One press service

“Both funny and scary!”

In addition to concussions, Priluchny had plenty of serious injuries. Once, while studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, he severely damaged a ligament in his right leg during stage movement classes.

With Ilya Glinnikov. Still from the film “Love with Limits.” Photo: White Media press service

“I lived in a hostel at that time. The first week I lay flat. It just got better - a new misfortune: I dropped my crutch, leaned on my right, sore leg and tore the ligaments that were just beginning to heal. Mechanically, in order to somehow get rid of the pain, he made a strong swing with his left leg and ran into his foot kitchen knife, lying on the table, touched a large artery, lost a lot of blood... It was in the evening, I was alone in the dorm - it was both funny and scary! I crawled to my room, leaving a trail of blood along the way. But he managed to bandage his leg on his own and call a doctor. After that I couldn’t walk for another two weeks.”

Still from the film “Love with Limits.” Photo: White Media press service

At the same time, Pavel did not give up his studies and was carried onto the stage during sketches in the arms of a fellow student.

Hollywood Bride

Priluchny had a relationship with Hollywood actress Nikki Reed, known for her role as Rosalie in the film Twilight. One day Nikki came to Russia to visit a friend who studied at the Moscow Art Theater School, and Pavel began an affair with her. They flew to visit each other, Pavel introduced Nikki to his mother, and was determined in the most decisive way - he was going to get married. Nikki tattooed Pavel's last name on her wrist. And Pavel even quit studying at the studio school for the sake of marriage - he had to save money for America, and his studies took too much time. However, these plans were not destined to come true - Nikki suddenly stopped answering her groom’s calls. Priluchny still doesn’t know what happened. Now the relationship between the young people has improved, they are corresponding, Pavel congratulated the girl on getting married.

Wedding in black

A still from the series “Closed School”. Photo: STS press service

With my future wife Pavel met actress Agata Muceniece at film set series "Closed School". He carefully looked after the girl for six months. They got married in 2011. The wedding was a secret - only six people were present. The bride and groom dressed in black so that no one would guess the purpose of the event. “I came up with a surprise: the guests were taken to the wedding site blindfolded and taken up in an elevator. The music started playing, I took off the bandage from my beloved - Agata in literally I felt like I was in seventh heaven. Below us was the glass floor of the Ostankino Tower restaurant.”

While the birth was going on, I fed my wife “barberries”

In 2013, the couple had a son, Timofey, and in 2016, a daughter, Mia. During her first birth, Agatha was very hungry, and the doctor said: the only thing a woman in labor can eat at this moment is barberry lollipops. Priluchny flew at full speed to look for the treasured candies throughout Moscow. I found and all the time that the birth was going on, I fed my wife “barberries”, and told funny stories and supported her in every possible way. When his daughter Mia was born, Priluchny honestly admitted that he trusted his wife with all the upbringing, since he had no idea how to behave with girls. But over time I got used to my daughter.

White lilies and the holiday of the stomach

Pavel's marriage is already six years old, but he continues to treat his wife tenderly. “We almost always have white lilies at home - Agatha’s favorite flowers. I try, despite being busy and tired, to help her around the house. I can cut salad and fry meat. But usually this is not required. Agatha cooks so hard you could swallow your tongue. You come home from filming, and there a real stomach feast awaits you. My wife is good at soups and baking. She is constantly inventing something, looking for interesting recipes on the Internet and cookbooks.”

Photo: Yulia Khanina

Barcode on the neck

Pavel has several tattoos. One of them is the most noticeable - a barcode on the neck. It was made during the filming of the film “At the Game” and was supposed to complement the image of Priluchny’s hero, nicknamed Doc. “I felt that this role would be meaningful for me. And just like some actors lose 30 kilograms or shave their heads for the sake of a film, I also decided to change my appearance.” The filmmakers assumed that Pavel would get a temporary henna tattoo, which would come off after filming, but Priluchny decided to go all the way. “The tattoo has already become like a birthmark for me.”

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