Everything you need to know about Sagittarius. General description of the sign

Sagittarius Planet

The patron saint of Sagittarius is Jupiter - the father and king of the gods. Those born under this sign are generous and fair. They constantly strive for knowledge and are sincere in their beliefs. Perhaps their unwavering optimism is to blame.

Sagittarians are endlessly self-indulgent, and their charm and outgoing nature make everything easy for them.

Sagittarius element

Sagittarius is a Fire sign. But the fire of Sagittarius is not like the ardor of Leo and Aries. This is a fire smoldering under the ashes, the embers of inner passions. On the other hand, like fire that moves quickly and cannot be controlled, Sagittarius fluttering from one thing to another, never looking back. For Sagittarius, action and adventure are the most important thing. They have a lot of vitality. They are full of enthusiasm and tend to push their limits.

Fire is also the element of inspiration. Sagittarians always look forward. They are curious and spiritual. It is not surprising that they easily attract people's sympathy, especially with their ability to have fun and have a good time.

They are very sociable and friendly people, characterized by directness in relations with others. Sagittarius is straightforward, but behind his tactless manners hides a rather deep mind and high moral qualities. With a rare combination of wit, resourcefulness and fiery temperament, Sagittarius usually becomes the center of attention in any society. He does everything sincerely; falsehood and deception are alien to him. Sagittarius simply does not know how to lie. Lying is contrary to his nature, and, naturally, any attempt to lie ends in complete exposure. That is why he strives for the truth and absolutely cannot stand it when he is accused of dishonesty.

Despite their straightforwardness, Sagittarians are good friends and are always ready to give you good advice.

Sagittarians are sincerely convinced that they are the most diplomatic people, but there is something childish about them: they do not want to see seriousness in life. As a rule, these people are always happy and cheerful. Sagittarians do not like to take responsibility and try with all their might to avoid it. They can easily get out of any difficult situation.

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, so people of this sign are talkative and extravagant, friendly, but quick-tempered. Sagittarians know how to protect themselves perfectly.

These are avid travelers. They are distinguished by restlessness and desire to change places. They are always running somewhere, hurrying, striving. They love driving fast. Sagittarians are attracted to danger, physical and emotional risk.

However, Sagittarius must beware of the innate desire for speed and adventure, which in our age can result in a tendency to dangerously drive cars and engage in extreme sports. His impulsiveness only increases the risk, and by nature he is prone to accidents.

Routine and mediocrity are not for them. Sagittarians love to play an important, significant role; their character is best demonstrated in leadership positions. They do not like too hard work, although they usually stick to what they have chosen and devote themselves to work with enthusiasm. They work best in a team than alone.

If Sagittarius does not ruin his health through exceptional frivolity, he has every chance of living to a ripe old age with sound mind and strong memory. Diseases usually affect the lungs, liver, arms and legs.

Sagittarians do not like to be in the hospital. They succumb to illness with difficulty and recover quickly. In general, life rarely defeats these people. They always believe that tomorrow will be better than today and yesterday.

They fall in love quickly, but instantly cool down as soon as they hear the word “marriage.” They think for a very long time about whether to join their destiny with someone, but they just can’t make up their mind.

Many Sagittarius men may lend you money without even asking why you need it. Every Sagittarius is a gambler and spender at heart. Among the shortcomings characteristic of Sagittarius are increased temperament, gluttony, love of drinking, which can lead to alcoholism, caustic sarcasm and the inability to keep secrets.

Sagittarians have a fantastic memory. They remember dates, events, various little things in life well, but at the same time they are extremely absent-minded and always lose something - gloves, an umbrella, keys, a wallet.

Sagittarians are incorrigible optimists, since fate often bestows them with gifts. These people are cheerful and happy, extremely lucky. Whatever Sagittarius is, his true nature is that of a generous and cheerful idealist. And he will never, ever change his habits, his individuality, his freedom.

Sagittarius man

Men born under the sign of Sagittarius are frank and talkative. True, these conversations are not always pleasant, but Sagittarius is not distinguished by tact. On the other hand, if he gives his word, you can rely on him. He is an easy, tolerant, understanding friend.

Such a person is almost always surrounded by a crowd. He is a wonderful storyteller and a charming guest. Sagittarians love only those who have a quick reaction. They have a great sense of humor, so they avoid people who are reserved and unable to carry on an interesting conversation, and they always look for the true value in a person.

Sagittarius is so optimistic that he may not be offended by insults from his enemies. At the same time, it cannot be said that he had no enemies at all, but still there are much fewer of them than other signs.

His imagination can cause him a lot of trouble, but fate always lends him a helping hand in time. Sagittarius is so lucky that sometimes it seems unfair. And naturally, with such luck, he quickly recovers from the blows of fate, if they do overtake him.

The sin of Sagittarius is tactlessness and inattention, but not deliberate cruelty. You certainly can’t blame him for cruelty. His speech is as straight as an arrow. He can say whatever he thinks, but if he sees that you are in love with him, he can pretend that he doesn’t understand anything.

Sagittarius men are very amorous and flighty, love to flirt and strive for variety. No matter how many times Sagittarius is disappointed in women, his optimism does not diminish. He believes that every day gives him new opportunities.

Sagittarius has a very superficial love life, but at the same time he is very honest. He is sentimental and has a sensitive heart. He enjoys being in love, but is very cautious about getting involved. None of his hobbies last long, as he is naturally inclined to create problems out of nowhere. He needs an easy relationship. Sagittarius always wants to be your friend, and it's up to you to decide whether you want your relationship to go further.

Sagittarians are passionate in love, but when it comes to marriage, they are ready to turn back. Marriage ties frighten them. Nevertheless, Sagittarians are very loving and treat women with great tenderness and warmth.

Women often misinterpret the attitude of a Sagittarius man. They view relationships as more serious than they actually are. Sagittarius resists getting too close and does not like jealous women. He prefers connections with those who tend to perceive love as easily as he does. For the most part, Sagittarians look at every pretty woman. They are in love with a certain ideal, a beautiful dream and look for it everywhere, and his luck usually helps him get out of difficult situations.

The Sagittarius man is not ready for a long-term relationship. He takes love too easily. When falling in love, she does not take on obligations and always retains the opportunity to retreat. He must always have an escape route, since he never clearly knows what he really wants.

Give him freedom if you want to keep him near you. Be generous, kind, don’t make scandals for him, but at the same time make it clear that he cannot completely control you, that you are also a free spirit. Don't stop him from bringing his ideas to life. Do something else while he shoots his arrows into invisible distances.

You will not be burdened by new relatives, since Sagittarians generally do not attach much importance to family ties. But you shouldn’t force your relatives on him either—it’s better to go and visit them without him.

In alliance with Sagittarius, you will have to travel a lot. The endless change of landscapes, new faces, contacts, impressions perfectly suit the inclinations of Sagittarius. Sagittarians love risk and some extravagance.

Find something to do and give him the opportunity to feel free. A woman marrying a Sagittarius must remember that this man, whether he is married or not, always remains a bachelor at heart. If you hold him, he will escape, despite any locks.

Usually, Sagittarius wives have to put a lot of effort and tact into correcting mistakes caused by the straightforwardness of their husbands, and for this they need to be attractive.

When he does wrong, he will always tell you so. Practice listening to his frankness and convince yourself that he still loves you, instead of listening to rumors and gossip.

Subject to moods and easily depressed, he may become irritable. Fortunately, this doesn't last long. Sagittarius hates scandals like no other and avoids them in every possible way.

Be, like him, economical in the manifestation of feelings, and you will be surprised how strong the love that grows in such soil can be.

Sagittarius is very practical in financial matters. He comes across as a generous person. Loves luxury and gives expensive gifts.

Sagittarians love comfort, a certain atmosphere of lightness and choose a woman who not only improves their opinion of themselves, but also runs a good household.

Sagittarius has almost no interest in small children, but over time he will become more and more involved with them. He loves children more when they are older. He goes hiking with them and plays sports. For children, he is more of a friend than a father.

Sagittarius woman

A friendly and outspoken Sagittarius woman usually entangles your heart with her unique charm that you simply have nowhere to escape. Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway and sense of humor will delight any man.

She is always somewhat straightforward because she sees the world as it is.

First of all, like men, the Sagittarius woman loves to tell the truth. She will never lie to you.

She behaves quite openly with men and is not prone to coquetry; she speaks and acts as she feels.

Few people, like her, know how to use logic in any situation and at the same time maintain the happy ability to believe in the best. She is unpretentious in choosing a lover. A man can attract her with one trait - enthusiasm, sense of humor, and she will not pay attention to his less desirable qualities. Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A man with a good tongue can easily win her heart.

Like the Sagittarius man, she is difficult to persuade to marry. You need to have a lot of patience to get her as your wife.

She is in constant motion. The Sagittarius woman loves to entertain and participate in fun.

As a rule, such a woman is independent and leaves her father’s house early to lead an independent lifestyle. Both sexes of this sign have an aloofness from family ties.

If you want something from her, you need to ask, but not demand. She likes to be protected, but she hates being ordered around. At the same time, she absolutely cannot stand weak men.

The Sagittarius woman is incapable of deep emotional feelings and is not going to lose her individuality for the sake of any man, even the most beloved. But she likes to know that you treat her with love.

She is one of those people who act first and think later and never listen to outside advice or warnings.

Although it seems that she is able to solve her problems on her own, this is only an appearance.

Having truly fallen in love with a man, she experiences a severe mental crisis. But this is a very strong-willed woman. She is often considered cold and heartless, but this is not true. Like any Sagittarius, she becomes indignant when her honesty is doubted.

She openly flirts without any intention of turning it into an affair. She is usually surrounded by many men. She considers herself equal to a man, can copy men's manners, wear men's sweaters, just like men, and loves sports. Although by nature she is very feminine.

The Sagittarius woman is smart and can stand up for herself in a critical situation, but her heart is defenseless. She is a trusting child by nature and an incredible idealist.

Sagittarius loves good food, wine, clothes, first class travel and easily spends their money on this.

She doesn't know how to hide her feelings. Direct and frank, she is also friendly and generous. She loves her freedom and nothing should stop her from traveling. She needs variety. This is a source of inspiration for her. But she cannot be happy alone; her happiness must be shared by those around her.

She never sits still. Her apartment usually looks like she just moved in or is about to move out. She is tired of having to endlessly wipe the dust, put things in order, and clean up. She hates the routine of household chores. Although she may also do some improvement in her home. Pride makes Sagittarius do a lot of housework. She must be surrounded by beauty and purity, and besides, she understands that if she does not do this, no one will do it for her.

Most Sagittarius women have little desire to cook.

She is a good listener, a good companion for the adventurous man, and a wonderful hostess who can liven up any party.

She is surrounded by interesting people. Her friendliness gives people the feeling that they are being greeted with pleasure, and she easily extinguishes any conflicts.

True, she is unlikely to be able to get along with a melancholic person. She physically cannot stand gloom and pessimism. When she's in a bad mood it can be terrible, but luckily it's rare.

The Sagittarius wife is better than other zodiac signs at receiving and entertaining guests; in her house they feel very comfortable thanks to the kindness, friendliness and cordiality of the hostess.

Sagittarians are usually not very hot parents. Mothers, having overcome the initial feeling of increased responsibility, behave like good older sisters, taking an active part in all the fun of their children. Children adore such mothers.

Mutual compatibility


They are well compatible, they like to be together. They have a lot of friends. Both enjoy active recreation and sports. The marriage is promising.


The practical homebody Taurus will not be suitable for the restless Sagittarius who is looking for adventure. Even short-term relationships require self-discipline, let alone marriage.


Both love fun and are content with each other's company for a while. However, Gemini will definitely begin to criticize their partner, and Sagittarius will not stand it. For a marriage to last, you will have to make an effort.


Cancer needs security and stability. Sagittarius strives for freedom and seeks adventure. Cancer is overly sensitive to accommodate the open Sagittarius. They may be good friends, but the marriage is hopeless.


Both are distinguished by great straightforwardness and love of freedom, they have a common love of adventure, they easily overcome difficulties. A great connection that just might turn into one of those marriages made in heaven.


The pedantic Virgo, prone to a simple life, has little in common with the reckless, impulsive, freedom-loving Sagittarius. In turn, Sagittarius will find Virgo too much of a bore.


Libra's forbearance is exactly what Sagittarius needs. Libra will watch the extravagant antics of Sagittarius with enthusiastic amazement and will be able to find the best sides in their partner. Good hopes for both short and long-term relationships.


Scorpio needs a loyal partner who you can rely on. Sagittarius gets irritated quickly and soon cools down. Scorpio accumulates irritation and is ready to explode. They may be physically connected for some time, but their marriage will not be happy.


Their tireless, freedom-loving natures will sooner or later demand freedom from each other. The marriage is unlikely to be successful.


The cautious Capricorn is wary of the impulsive Sagittarius. Capricorn is tight-fisted. Sagittarius spends without thinking and wants to have everything they can buy. Apart from mutual dissatisfaction, it is difficult to expect anything from this marriage.


Aquarius can keep this connection in balance. They both like adventure. Both are not jealous and do not try to dominate their partner. A happy marriage can develop.


None of them can give the partner a feeling of reliability. It seems to Sagittarius that he is bound by the shyness of Pisces, and his energy and love of life are slowly drowning in the swamp of despondency. An extremely difficult relationship and an almost impossible marriage.

Sign period: (November 23 - December 21)
Sign property:
changeable, fickle, mutable

- This is a full-fledged representative of the fire element, and his explosive temperament becomes confirmation of this. This sign is an example of a harmonious combination of internal and external energy. Characteristics of Sagittarius shows that he is open to communication and friendly with others, which deservedly gives him the title of public favorite. At the same time, he is a rather freedom-loving type who is sensitive to any attacks on his own freedom.

A Sagittarius' kind heart and sincere attitude towards people cannot be taken away from him, but he is often ruined by excessive impulsiveness. In addition, this fire sign often affects the interests of others and, even trying to protect them, often encounters misunderstanding.

According to their characteristics, Astrologers, not without reason, distinguish two types of Sagittarius - noble, idealistic seekers of truth, vaguely reminiscent of Robin Hood, as well as greedy, resourceful financiers, ready to erase any obstacle in their path. The latter can be unbearable in their desire to achieve power and money.

Sagittarius, like other representatives of the fire element, hate any manifestation of criticism. These hot-tempered people will reject even sincere, kind advice in the most impartial way, offending the person who showed concern.

Sagittarius man - characteristics

This strong, cheerful man is endowed with the ability to remain frank and talkative even in the most awkward situations. Perhaps his tact leaves much to be desired, but such is the nature of a fiery man. The characteristics of a Sagittarius man also indicate that he can truly be friends, showing great patience and understanding for the shortcomings of loved ones.

Sagittarius enjoys public attention because he always starts interesting conversations. At times he is childishly spontaneous and carries a strong charge of positivity.

Among other things, this man has truly rare luck. He is very successful in business. Most likely, this is due to the fact that he easily finds a common language with people.

In relationships with others, the Sagittarius man seeks real interest in communication. This sign avoids closed and gloomy people, but it is always happy to exchange a few words with the same open type. His sense of humor invariably finds its connoisseurs. The fiery man has few enemies, but Sagittarius does not take even those seriously, because his endless optimism does not allow him to react to their malicious attacks. Many people consider Sagittarius to be cruel and tactless, but this comes from him unintentionally; at heart he is a very kind person, and he can only offend someone through his own carelessness.

The characteristics of a Sagittarius man indicate that he is characterized by some frivolity and a superficial attitude towards love affairs. It is difficult to discern deep sensuality and the ability to experience strong affection in this variety-loving nature. As a rule, before getting married, Sagittarius manages to be disappointed in many women, but this does not make him despondent: he, as before, is cheerful and cheerful. And, of course, full of hope to find the one and only one.

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius does not have a penchant for long-term relationships. The secret to conquering and keeping this fire sign close to you is to provide him with the necessary degree of freedom in everything. Then he will be gentle and attentive with his beloved. It should also be remembered that Sagittarius loves economical women who know how to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the home.

Sagittarius woman characteristics

Sagittarius Woman- the embodiment of friendliness. She is always full of enthusiasm and is ready to accommodate anyone who wants to initiate communication with her. Among the shortcomings that are identified characteristics of a Sagittarius woman, one can highlight excessive straightforwardness and lack of tact. This lady is by no means a flirt; she prefers to behave naturally with men and often acts as a combat friend or daughter of a regiment.

A fiery woman’s requirements for her chosen one are not high. She can fall in love not because of, but in spite of, clinging to one particular trait of a man - for example, an optimistic view of the world around him. However, it is not so easy to persuade this lady to marry. She is very independent and freedom-loving. While still a teenager, she most likely left her parents' home to support herself.

The Sagittarius woman does not like manifestations of weakness in a man’s character, and can even openly tell him about it. She likes strong, purposeful, interesting people, and there are quite a few of them around her, because they feel the powerful energy emanating from this lady.

The characteristics of a Sagittarius woman speak of her boundless kindness. She will never refuse help if you ask her for something. But you just need to ask, and not command, otherwise you can push her away from you.

Lady Sagittarius is not very economical; she would be more suitable not for a man inclined to house-building, but for a sensitive, friendly partner who loves freedom, just like her.

Sexual compatibility of the sign Sagittarius

Before the age of 30, Sagittarius will find a like-minded person in or. Their energy will merge together and create a powerful flow. In addition, partners will be quite independent. In later years, Sagittarius may meet or. Both signs have a strong intellectual basis. After forty years, Sagittarius can find happiness with or

Sagittarians are almost always active, intelligent to a great extent. Harmony reigns in them, and therefore they are often in a good mood. They value freedom and ease. Any restriction of freedom is met with hostility. The kindness and sincerity of Sagittarius, unfortunately, is balanced by excessive emotionality. In addition, they go to extremes, making enemies either by obvious frankness or by a useless fight for the truth. It is worth noting that Sagittarius more often defends the rights of others than their own; they feel considerable responsibility for those around them and often impose their guardianship on them.

Among Sagittarians, there are two types of people - noble idealists who strive to bring happiness and joy to everyone, and cunning greedy financiers who are eager to achieve a position in society at any cost. Sagittarians categorically do not accept criticism, turning a deaf ear to it. They treat those people who do not impose their opinions on them extremely positively.

Men - Sagittarius sociable and attractive to women. The rebellious spirit turns Sagittarius into an eternal fidget who can be rude or commit a hooligan act, or even get into a fight. It’s good that Sagittarius usually gets away with it and is supportive of a defeated opponent.

Women - Sagittarius- excellent mothers, faithful wives, but housekeeping is definitely not their strong point. They treat children with respect; they won’t just scold them. Also, representatives of the sign are distinguished by their special sensuality and romance.

Element of the sign

Sagittarius belongs to the element of Fire. Its flame burns steadily and strongly, and from wind fluctuations it only becomes better and brighter, but Sagittarius will never waste this flame in vain.

Like all people of the Fire element, Sagittarius loves adventures, but they do not rush headlong into them, unlike Aries, and do not indulge in material wealth and dreams instead of actions, which is typical for Leos.

Of all the elemental signs, Sagittarius is in the most advantageous position - its flame is quite bright, but at the same time, easily controlled. Sagittarians do not burn in the fire of their passions, like Aries, but they are not content, like Leos, with building castles in the air. Their flame burns clearly and brightly, providing energy for life development.

Work and career

Sagittarius’s career is like an amplitude of various fluctuations, and seems to contradict themselves: the ability to concentrate and do monotonous things all the time. At the same time, Sagittarius tries not to limit itself to one area of ​​activity, constantly starting their life from scratch. Hard work and passion help them achieve heights in almost any field, but the closer success is, the more Sagittarius is drawn to do something new or unknown.

For the most active and fearless Sagittarius, professions such as military, rescuers, firefighters, pilots are best suited, unless, of course, no one interferes with their choice. Most Sagittarians have a passion for music, so they become good composers or performers.

Sagittarians are gamblers and love excitement, and those who do not realize this quality in business usually become casino regulars or stock exchange players. Unfortunately, Sagittarians are often unlucky when gambling, and besides, the money they easily earn is immediately spent on unnecessary expenses. Sagittarians suffer from inactivity, so work is of great importance to them.

Psychological picture

Sagittarius is an active sign with a masculine beginning and it is difficult not to pay attention to this. It doesn’t matter whether he is a leader or a performer, he is always active to the point of restlessness, and besides, it is easy for him to commit a crazy act, although due to his innate fearlessness.

The weakness of Sagittarius is that people of this sign are able to do only one thing, but they devote themselves completely to it. They are not only unable to solve several problems at the same time, but simply cannot. It is worth noting that Sagittarians sometimes make decisions very quickly, without having time to realize their actions and the subsequent consequences.

Sagittarius must be confident in what he is doing. He does not care about generally accepted standards or tempting adventures, preferring to listen only to himself.

The caution characteristic of many representatives of the sign should not be confused with cowardice: among Sagittarius there are many representatives of dangerous professions and fans of extreme sports. Sagittarians have a natural resilience that allows them to avoid injury in accidents. Fearing boredom, Sagittarians willingly change their lives, and would like to do this as often as possible, if not for thoughts of a happy future and world justice.


Sagittarians are not prone to illness, but their biggest ailments are humidity and cold. They catch a cold quickly and take a long time to recover from the disease. It is especially difficult for Sagittarius who have bad habits, because they are powerless against their weaknesses, even during illness.

Sagittarius also suffer from rheumatism, which they get due to the habit of dressing lightly and often walking outside. Office workers - Sagittarians report complaints of pain in the shoulders and back.

Instead of leading a healthy lifestyle, Sagittarius needs a person who will guide him on the right path and tame his fiery energy.

A distinctive feature of the sign is optimism, which allows you not to lose heart in case of serious illnesses. By the way, Sagittarians' skin is not very good, and many of them suffer from dermatological diseases.

Sagittarius calendar

Select your birthday and find out the detailed characteristics of the Sagittarius born on that day!

Sagittarius zodiac sign characteristics: Sagittarius zodiac sign woman, zodiac sign Sagittarius man, Sagittarius child, Sagittarius health, Sagittarius stones, Druid horoscope

Sagittarius - who was born on November 22nd. to 21.12. Their planetary ruler is Jupiter, metal is tin, colors are blue, violet, blue, crimson; symbols are stars, a centaur with a bow drawn. His mascot is a salamander.

Element – ​​Fire. The Sagittarius flame is stable, even, bright. It does not scatter sparks, does not cover vast territories, but provides enough energy to move forward. Sagittarius fire is strong but easily controlled.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Sagittarius: mobile, active; honest, generous, sincere, religious, generous; independent, self-reliant. He is an optimist, an intellectual, a dreamer, a popular man, and a loyal friend. Thanks to activity, he is harmoniously developed and is in a good mood.

Possible negative qualities include: rashness, irritability, impulsiveness, rudeness instead of sincerity, absent-mindedness, having your head in the clouds, a desire to wander.

Values ​​freedom and is sensitive to any restrictions. He easily goes to extremes, makes enemies with excessive frankness and an eternal struggle for justice, often useless. He defends the rights of others more often than his own.

But among Sagittarius there are resourceful, greedy, power-hungry financiers who are considered snobs and flatterers, which does not bother them at all.

Believing in their own impeccability, Sagittarius does not tolerate advice or criticism. But if you don't try to change them, they are quite nice: there is a joke and a minute to chat.

Sagittarians are active and restless, but are able to do only one thing, concentrating completely on it. Decisions are made very quickly. They always believe in what they do, following only their own ideas. But they are fickle and can suddenly change their point of view.

Sagittarius's caution is not cowardice at all. Among them there are many representatives of especially dangerous professions and fans of extreme sports.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius man

Success is based on intuition, the birth of new ideas. Sagittarians are talkative, straightforward in speech and manners. They express their opinion without regard for anything. Astute observers, Sagittarians rarely refrain from making comments even about loved ones, but their statements are both critical and useful. Although Sagittarians should realize that good intentions are not always understood correctly.

The zodiac sign Sagittarius man is romantic, very passionate, honest, straightforward in intentions, in feelings, unfortunately, this is often taken as flattery, superficiality or emptiness.

Sagittarians are incredibly sociable, but are often very lonely due to their excessive idealism. But even after bitter experience, they believe in love, in friendship, they trust people again. This is an important secret to their success.

The spirit of rebellion makes them eternal teenagers, allowing themselves to be rude, hooligan antics, even getting into a fight. Sagittarians usually emerge victorious from battles, after which they do everything to console the defeated. In general, Sagittarians are always generous.

Sagittarius zodiac sign woman

The embodiment of the soul of a Sagittarius woman is lotus flowers.

Characteristic traits: cheerfulness, curiosity, thirst for new experiences, constant optimism. The Sagittarius woman participates in everything with enthusiasm. Loves sensation, variety, is very sociable, has breadth and excitement, enjoys sensory sensations (smell, taste, sound, image).

She needs to check the capabilities of the partner (physical and psychological) whom she sees as a husband. A man with an average (and even weaker) temperament is categorically not suitable for her: a divorce, a streak of adventures on the side, or neurosis are expected.

With a suitable partner, the Sagittarius zodiac sign is an excellent mother, a faithful wife, distinguished by nobility, ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of the family. She will not deceive her loved ones, she will not punish children without reason. Her only least favorite activity is running a household. But she can afford this weakness.

Sagittarius child

This is a little clown, a positive lively person. His openness gives him friends everywhere. This child is very affectionate, loves to hug and feel hugs.

The Sagittarius child is equally demanding of himself and of adults. He will not listen to moral teachings from those who themselves are “sinful.” In this case, the Sagittarius child can make a very painful remark. To have authority with a Sagittarius child, you must have intelligence, outstanding abilities, self-criticism, the ability to admit mistakes, ask for forgiveness and, of course, a sense of justice and honesty.

The Sagittarius child is extremely inquisitive, this becomes a problem at school due to endless questions that confuse teachers, or a love for unsafe experiments. He strives to receive a lot of information, but does not bother to store it in his head.

He has an extremely negative attitude towards restricting freedom. But all criticism and advice are carefully analyzed by him for his own conclusions.

Sagittarians are incredibly amorous; fortunately, their optimism makes it easier to endure disappointments. With teenagers, especially with boys, we need to work through this topic so that they don’t “break the woods.”

Sagittarians need to be taught to be thrifty, because they are quite wasteful.

Sagittarius children early develop an interest in religion, even dreaming of being missionaries, priests, and monks. With age, everything passes, but the desire for justice, the love of truth remains.

Sagittarius Health

Sagittarians are not sickly, but their enemies - cold, humidity, overeating, fatty foods - lead to colds and loss of a positive attitude.

Typical diseases: disorders of the autonomic system, dislocations, rheumatism, sprains, liver diseases. Sagittarius catches colds easily, which often results in serious diseases of the throat and lungs. It is especially difficult for Sagittarius smokers: they tend to indulge their weaknesses. Those engaged in sedentary work are bothered by pain in their shoulders, back, and legs. Accidents are quite common. Sagittarians often have bad skin.

Sagittarius' anxiety affects mental health; in old age, nervous diseases will appear that are rarely treatable.

For Sagittarius to be healthy, he needs the help of a reasonable, calm person who will tame his energy.

Sports activities and optimism are necessary. Sagittarius is shown: iron, sage, sleeping with legs elevated on a bolster or pillow.

Sagittarius Stones

Sapphire (“Stone of nuns” protects virginity, the owner must be kind and chaste. “Royal stone” is a symbol of power, wisdom, victory, justice. Calms, tames passions. It is especially strong if, during cutting, 3 intersecting rays appear on the surface, associated with three forces - the great Faith, Hope and Love. A ring with a stone helps to feel a lie, overcome fear, inactivity, laziness, find the purpose of life, and awaken cognitive interest. Sapphire is a symbol of the eternity of the soul).

Amethyst (Stone of purity, stone of love. Symbol of happiness, health, sincerity, peacefulness. Calms insomnia, prevents intoxication; imparts insight, clears thoughts, extinguishes anxiety, promotes control. In a silver frame, an amethyst heart is the best gift for newlyweds: it brings them happiness, blessing, calmness.

Traveler's stone. Protection from dissatisfaction with superiors, protection from infection. Decorations should be placed under the pillow (for good dreams) and regularly cleaned of negative energy. Wear it periodically - the power of the stone will be better manifested).

Pomegranate- the most suitable stone for purposeful and ambitious Sagittarius striving for high (big) goals... It will give confidence and help you find the right path.

Druid horoscope

22.11.-01.12. (ash: powerful wood, pleasant, slender, elegant; like yourself; lively, demanding, independent, independent character; laughs at difficulties, creates the impression of being weak-willed and irresponsible, but this is only an appearance; selfish, proud of his own success, can trample on everything that interferes with him; but generous, not stingy; in love he is prudent, constant, knows how to choose, is successful, rarely makes mistakes; the mind is original, intuitive, insightful, loves to “play around” as a prophet; plays with fate, but is reliable).

02.12.-11.12. (hornbeam: handsome, but not particularly charming; intellectual, condescending to everything around him, appreciating form rather than content; in personal life he thinks of his own superiority; disciplined; dreams of honors, awards, admiration; he likes the established order, rarely takes initiative: make a mistake; responsible, fair; conservative, cautious of new ideas; in love he is decent, responsible, but if he has to make a choice between duty and love, he will choose duty).

12.12.-21.12. (fig tree (figs): expressive, delicate; with complexes, feels good not everywhere; requires space, warmth; fades, weakens in poor conditions; family feelings are very developed, the need for stability, but in many ways he is not constant, emotional, impulsive and indulgent; works diligently, can be relied upon; realistic, enterprising, businesslike; it is worth marrying him, but he is not a romantic, he values ​​simple feelings above “some kind of fantasies”; be careful, very touchy!)

21-22.12. winter confrontation ( beech : handsome, slender, young to old age: good shape, stately silhouette, flexibility of movement, well-groomed, some coquetry; under good conditions, successful in various fields; resourceful and dexterous; full of plans, knows how to implement them; prudent, accurately manages the budget, spends economically, materialist; decent, weighs everything; in love he lacks imagination; strives to organize a home and have children; intelligent, thoughtful, precise, organizational skills, common sense, realism).

Personalities: Heinrich Heine, Jonathan Swift, Edith Piaf, Hector Berlioz, Chingiz Aitmatov, Lope de Vega, Alexander Eiffel, Fyodor Tyutchev, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Gennady Khazanov, Marie Tussaud, Dmitry Likhachev, Winston Churchill, Yuri Nikulin, Gianni Versace, Mark Twain, Bruce Lee, Rex Stout, Nonna Mordyukova, Walt Disney, Leonid Bronevoy, Ludwig van Beethoven, Tina Turner, Alisa Freundlich, Jean Marais, Steven Spielberg, Boris Grebenshchikov, Fyodor Konyukhov, Kim Basinger, Alexander Maslyakov, Afanasy Fet, Frank Sinatra, Andrey Makarevich, Alexander Suvorov, Pope John XXIII.

Orthodox names: Alexander, John, Anthony, Olympus, Rodion, Victor, Constantine, Vincent, Maxim, Theodore, Stefan, Nile, Nicephorus, Herman, Philip, Gregory, Dimitri, Matthew, Sergius, Plato, Roman, Eustathius, Anatoly, Mikhail, Peter, Jacob, Innocent, Vasily, Nektary, Andrey, Athanasius, Naum, Gennady, Savva, Nikolai, Pavel, Kirill; Maria, Catherine, Augusta, Varvara, Juliania, Anastasia, Anfisa.

These are only general characteristics of Sagittarius, and not something specific for people of this sign, everything is individual

Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. His symbol is an arrow and part of a bow. This zodiac sign denotes the embodiment of masculine strength and energy.

Element: fire

Planet: Jupiter

Stone: lapis lazuli, turquoise

Mascot: horseshoe, salamander

Color: all shades of burgundy and red

Characteristics of the sign

Sagittarius is a thinker and doer rolled into one. He is in constant motion, communicates a lot, and is interested in the world around him. Due to his dislike of restrictions and love of freedom, he often opposes the “system”. This sign is full of ideas and the desire to implement them. Due to impatience and the inability to concentrate on one thing, he is not always able to complete things.

Sagittarius is unique in communication. Despite his generosity and kindness towards others, his straightforwardness can easily spoil the impression of him. He is able to tell the truth to his face, regardless of age and status. Therefore, he has enough ill-wishers. Sagittarius has many acquaintances, but he rarely meets people who are truly close to him in spirit.

Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman is distinguished by her independence, lively manners and visual attractiveness. She prefers freedom and often remains an “old maid”, although this does not bother her. She is not characterized by sensitivity and gentleness. She is straightforward and never softens the blow when speaking her mind.

Sagittarius Man

The Sagittarius man is an addicted person. He is constantly busy inventing something new, studying the structure of the world around him. What matters to him is his personal freedom and the opportunity to live the way he wants. Therefore, Sagittarius is often left alone and accepts only love relationships without obligations. He is able to alienate others with his directness and categorical judgments.

Love and family

Sagittarius is an amorous sign. The object of his love becomes a bright, elegant personality, kindred to him in spirit. An interesting and versatile Sagittarius easily achieves reciprocity. But even if this does not happen, he quickly forgets about the love failure and continues to go about his daily affairs.

Sagittarius is freedom-loving and has a negative attitude towards marriage. It seems to him that his family could interfere with his creative plans. In addition, he is afraid of commitment. Therefore, he is in no hurry to create his own nest. In marriage he proves himself to be an honest spouse and a good father.


Sagittarius goes well with the representative of his zodiac sign, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Difficult relationships develop with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Career and profession

It is important for Sagittarius that at work he can show his sharply honed mind and creative streak. He needs independence in completing tasks, although he is often not against teamwork. This sign is recommended to choose a profession with a variety of functional responsibilities and the ability to use a creative approach.

The Sagittarius subordinate copes well with his duties if the task interests him. The boss should listen to his advice on optimization, praise and reward him for professionally done work.

Sagittarius the boss is a bright head. He is democratic and at the same time demanding of his subordinates. Under his leadership, work is never boring or monotonous.

A prestigious profession is suitable for Sagittarius, where he can fully demonstrate his abilities. Representatives of this sign are not recommended to become teachers or low-level employees.


Sagittarius pays little attention to health. He believes that there is too much going on around him to waste time on boring trips to the doctors. Therefore, he often “triggers” diseases and carries them “on his feet.” In order to maintain a naturally strong state of health, he needs to engage in prevention.

Sagittarius is prone to injuries, joint diseases and colds. He is not recommended to overeat or drink a lot of alcohol. It is advisable to eat foods high in iron. To unload the nervous system, it is good to take a walk or do a mini-cardio workout every evening.

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