Tamara's age. Tamara Gverdtsiteli - biography, personal life, songs, photos of the singer

As one amazing pop artist said, a woman should be able to wear her age with pride. The author of this quote is the incomparable Tamara Gverdtsiteli. The biography of this stately and bright woman is filled with a musical “aroma”. She is one of the most beautiful and talented singers of the post-Soviet and modern pop scene. She is admired. She is loved. She is worshiped by millions.

Childhood and early years

The main tool for tracing a person’s rise to the top of his career is a biography. Tamara Gverdtsiteli was born in the homeland of cognac and wine - Georgia. There, on a winter day on January 18, 1962, in the city of Tbilisi, the future artist was born. Her mother instilled a love for music in her. Thanks to her, Tamara sang from an early age, and already at the age of three she was zealously practicing on an old home piano: selecting notes for famous compositions. The daughter's talent did not go unnoticed, and the girl entered the music school.

Victory at the musical talent competition “Golden Orpheus” (1988), performances in Poland and Italy - bright events Her biography begins to expand. Tamara Gverdtsiteli a year later becomes an honored artist in her homeland. In 1991, the performer was already known to the public as the People's Artist of Georgia. Her concerts and performances attract audiences of thousands.

World fame

In the same year, the talented performer met Monsieur Legrand (composer, author of music for the famous film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg”). This meeting gave Tamara a contract with an amazing musician. This was followed by a concert in one of the most famous concert halls around the world - Olympia.

Four years later, Tamara Gverdtsiteli performs at Carnegie Hall in the USA. After which she decides to stay in America. First, the performer lives in New York and then moves to Boston. In 1996, the singer’s first album, “Thank you, music, to you!” was released.

After some time, Tamara returns to Russia, where she continues her concert activities, records albums and, at the same time, acts in films and participates in performances. Success throughout the country was marked by the awarding of the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation to the talented singer. This happened in 2004.

A year later, she made her debut on the stage of the Russian Army Theater, where she successfully played Dulcinea in the production of “Man of La Mancha.” As a film actress, she first appeared on screen in the film “Stalin’s Wife.” This was also the debut of the director of this film, Mira Todorovskaya.

Personal life

An audience of millions looks with silent adoration at creative success that this brilliant performer, Tamara Gverdtsiteli, achieves. Biography, personal life and family are sometimes more interesting to the public than their mistress. Journalists need sensations, and ordinary people- feeling that the stars are ordinary people with the same troubles as everyone else. Although the performer has achieved high results and worldwide recognition in the creative field, her personal side of life cannot please her.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli was married three times. With their first husband, Georgiy, they had a son, Alexander. The second marriage “knocked on the door” of the performer in the USA. Her husband was businessman Dmitry, who died in 1998. Tamara lived with her third husband, cardiac surgeon Sergei Ambatelo, for 4 years. Then came the divorce.

This is Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Only she wears dresses, already according to European habit, no longer black, but bright. But this, however, does not matter.

Tamara says that the further she goes from her homeland, the more she feels her roots and her Georgian blood. And she really goes further and further. Route of life: Tbilisi - Moscow - Paris - New York - Boston - Moscow... At the same time, Tamara is not yet forty, so - obviously - everything is still ahead.

It so happened that her name - even if from afar, by hearsay - is familiar to everyone (maybe it is unfamiliar to some, but I have not met such people). This exactly happened because Tamara herself did not do anything special for this, and, probably, never aspired to this. I just always sang.

She was born and raised in sunny Soviet Georgia. This kind of Georgia can only be seen today in film magazines: winemakers lovingly tying up vines under the unbearable sun, flocks of sheep on the mountain slopes, May Day demonstrations, an all-Union health resort on the Black Sea - we now will not know whether everything was really so happy. Tamara Gverdtsiteli is also from these film magazines. She was ten years old when her mother brought her to the Mziuri children's ensemble. Even then her voice was special - strong, beautiful, recognizable. "Captain, captain, pull yourself up!" - sings small, short-haired Tamunya, captured on black and white film of a Soviet film magazine.

"Mziuri" traveled not only throughout our big country, he traveled all over Europe. In Georgia, the name Tamriko Gverdtsiteli was known to everyone, she was recognized on the streets, and from that time her star status began, in which she lives all her life. We do not have exact data on how the child’s psyche adapts to “stardom” (as for the adult psyche, we can definitely say that in 90 cases out of 100 “stardom” disease begins), Tamara, apparently, got used to and learned to live a normal life human life. Which is probably not so easy when everyone knows your last name, even by hearsay.

Then Tamara entered the conservatory. Piano and composition class.

Of the girls who sang with her in Mziuri, almost none became musicians. It would be incorrect to say that Tamara was the most talented and therefore... It’s just known that talent is not only talent, it is talent and work. And working, bringing your art to perfection - this is about Tamara. Another thing is that singing for her is like living. She always sings, not only on stage, in the studio or at rehearsal, but even when she is cutting some salad or just relaxing.

However, luck was also on her side. At the age of 19, Tamara received first prize at the Red Carnation competition in Sochi. Then there were more competitions, more victories - festivals in Dresden, in San Remo, "Golden Orpheus" in Bulgaria - there were tours, there were recordings of a young, very young singer with symphony orchestra. Records: beautiful songs about love in the Georgian language and very few Soviet, patriotic songs that don’t sound vulgar or funny today, but in such a way that you involuntarily begin to feel nostalgia for that Soviet Georgia, in which gardens somehow especially bloomed and somehow especially people spoke different languages. There were performances for soldiers in Afghanistan, when the bombing began during a concert, and Tamara sang with candles lit in the hall.

Best of the day

There was also a wedding. Tamara married the chief director of the Georgian television drama studio. Margaret Thatcher was at their wedding - however, not because Tamara was already so well known in England, but because it was during their registration that Thatcher was brought to show the best registry office in Tbilisi.

And then Sandro was born, main man in Tamara’s life, as she herself says.

Of course, Tamara is a real Georgian woman. But probably not typical. Because a simple Georgian woman is always next to a man, she does not create her own destiny, and almost certainly lives in Georgia all her life. Once, in a television program, Nani Bregvadze, the most recognized Georgian stage performer, was asked about Tamara. “She gave up everything and left here, I couldn’t do that...” and, after thinking, she added, “But I understand her, she’s obsessed with music.” This may seem strange to us, but not everyone in Georgia understood it. Some also believed that Tamara abandoned her homeland - when her fate, career, luck called her to other countries and capitals, to the most famous halls of the world. And when tanks rolled across Tbilisi, along Rustaveli Avenue, she took her mother and son and sent them away, away from the war - to New York.

1991 Tamara is a well-recognized, successful young singer, who lives, however, somewhat separately from the entire world of show business. She is not an ethnic singer, not a “performer from a union republic,” although she sings songs in Georgian, incomprehensible to the majority of the population of the Soviet Union, she is simply a different breed, too aristocratic to be in the mainstream. Too delicate a taste to sing popular music. Only the song “Vivat, King!” becomes a hit, which to this day immediately appears in people’s memory as a reaction to the name Gverdtsiteli.

So, 1991. Tamara's agent sends her tape to Paris famous composer Michel Legrand. As they say, dozens of similar tapes arrive at the composer’s office every day, and despite this, three days later Tamara received a call and was told that Monsieur Legrand would be happy to see her in Paris. To this day, when Tamara talks about this, a genuine sense of miracle can be heard in her words. It’s strange, while it doesn’t seem strange to us at all that talented singer invited to work in Paris (if not her, then who?!), Tamara seems to not fully believe in the reality of this time spent in France. Parisian streets, chestnut trees, Parisian accordions, the city of Edith Piaf, her beloved since childhood, her repertoire, which, performed by Tamara, brings the Parisian public into ecstasy... Every morning, meetings in the studio with Legrand, the author of "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg"... The climax Parisian life: concert in Olympia, the main hall of the country. He and Legrand played two pianos, four hands, improvised: “Umbrellas of Cherbourg” - jazz, blues, rap (first and last time, when Tamara worked in this style), “Umbrellas of Cherbourg” - gypsy... Then she sang, and the audience went into applause. Tamara laughs when she remembers how the entertainer, sweaty from the intensity of passions, shouted into the audience: “Tamara... Tamara...” here he tried several times to pronounce her last name, but to no avail, then he waved his hand, “Remember this name - Tamara!”

The Paris contract ended, she returned to Moscow, and soon left for America with her family. And again she had no intention of conquering New World, just living there, for some reason, was easier and more convenient for her than anywhere else. She toured America and Canada, performing mainly in front of Russian-speaking audiences, although when her concerts in prestigious halls were preceded by good advertising, English-speaking audiences also came (in Canada, French-speaking audiences). She came and left in complete delight, because in her repertoire Tamara is an absolute person of the world. She has a gigantic repertoire, where seven languages ​​are intricately mixed (in parentheses, we note that Tamara herself speaks English, French, Italian and a little Hebrew - this is not counting her native Georgian and Russian). She sings the ancients folk songs(under Hawa Nagila, the audience stands up), many composers write music specifically for her voice, she performs opera arias, French chansons and songs own composition(favorite ones are based on Tsvetaeva’s poems). She is invited to sing in musicals. And she honestly admits that she is embarrassed to sing jazz and blues.

So Tamara lived in America, and one day a man fell madly in love with her. He saw her somewhere at a party, and didn’t even know that she was a singer. He was a lawyer from Boston. He offered her everything he could offer and what is usually offered in such cases. And Tamara and her family ended up in Boston. However, this did not particularly change her life: in all the cities where she lives, her life passes in the same rhythm, and if someone asks Tamara “What are you doing?”, she answers “Still the same, naturally. Music , what else?"

A little more time passed, and in the summer of this year Moscow newspapers and magazines wrote in their gossip sections “Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s family is returning to Moscow.” And a photo - smiling, foreign Tamara in black glasses, her mother Inna Vladimirovna and Sandro, who has already grown to almost two meters. Tamara herself came here even earlier, and in anticipation of her family bought new apartment- in the very center, on Mayakovskaya, near the Peking Hotel, in whose room she lived for two years in her past life in Moscow. And again - the questions “how”, “why”, “why”? Probably only close people know why this really happened, but Tamara, as usual, laughs it off when asked by journalists. He says: “Fate!” In this, she is, of course, an unchanging Georgian who will never be frank in public (even Oksana Pushkina failed).

Although, what are we talking about? Have we forgotten that Tamara has long been a person of the world, and she doesn’t care what language her neighbors speak? She simply has no time to pay attention to it. “For the last 20 years, all I’ve done is go on tour: from plane to plane, from train to train,” Tamara says rather indifferently, and with some shudder I remember the schedule of her concerts for one month: Surgut - Baku - Baltic States - Tbilisi - Moscow - Chicago. Living like this for 20 years means not only thunderous applause (flowers, fur coats, diamonds, cars), but also poor health. Once in Odessa, before a concert, she lost consciousness, and if the doctors had not been on the spot almost at the same second (amazed that a person could live without feeling even a shadow of anxiety from the terrible danger within himself), God knows what could have happened . Then she became seriously ill, but even if the doctors had prescribed her a different way of life (who knows, maybe they did), she still would not have been able to live differently. How could it be otherwise?

Reason for moving. Wherever Tamara is, she calls home every day, to her mother and son: “Mom always raises me, even to this day. I call her from the ends of the earth, and she continues to raise me over the phone.” They are friends with fifteen-year-old Sandro, the best, and therefore they also suffer greatly from long separations. Today Tamara spends more time here, and it is not surprising that her family will be nearby.

Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer and actress, composer. People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1991) and Russian Federation (2004).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Biography

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi in the family of cyberneticist Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli and teacher of Russian language and literature Inna Vladimirovna Kofman. A year later, Tamara's younger brother Pavel was born.

The girl's talent for music manifested itself very early. According to her relatives, Tamunya (as her parents affectionately called her daughter) began singing before she learned to speak - when she was not even a year old. Absolute ear for music and her beautiful, deep voice left no doubt that Tamara would have a career as a singer, and she gave her first concerts at home, standing on a stool and performing fashionable novelties, old romances and folk songs for her loved ones.

Inna Vladimirovna tried in every possible way to support and develop her daughter’s talent: she often learned songs with her, accompanying her on the piano, she herself sang lullabies to her at night in different languages, and she brought six-year-old Tamriko to a special music school at the Tbilisi Conservatory.

At the age of ten, the young singer became one of the soloists of the Mziuri children's ensemble, created in 1971 by Rafael Kazaryan, who was soon replaced as director by Guram Jaiani. IN VIA composition, which very soon won the hearts of listeners and became very popular, included about twenty girls who not only sang, but also accompanied themselves on various instruments.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli: “The managers invited me to Mziuri. One of them, Rafael Arkadyevich Kazaryan, asked his mother after our general meeting bring me to the audition so that there is common decision pedagogical council. The teachers were delighted. They expressed it with restraint, naturally. That’s when my stay at Mziuri began and this is how I grew up – on screen and on stage.”

The repertoire of “Mziuri” (translated from Georgian as “Sunny”) consisted of songs various directions: children's, pioneer, patriotic, folk, pop hits, which were performed in Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani, Russian, Ukrainian, English and even Japanese. Participation in this wonderful ensemble, awarded the title of laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize in 1976, became for Tamara a good school of performing skills, gave her the experience of her first tours (with the ensemble she traveled all over Soviet Union and visited one and a half dozen foreign countries) and recording in the studio.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli wrote her first song at the age of 12, dedicating it to her classmate, with whom she was very friendly. The girls sat at the same desk and sang together in the choir, but one day Tamriko learned that her friend’s life had been tragically cut short. In memory of her, the young singer, who was grieving the tragedy, wrote a song with the lines: “You were like a swallow fluttering through the meadows, but you hid yesterday in your heart, because today you are not with us.”

After leaving school Tamara Gverdtsiteli She entered the Tbilisi State Conservatory named after V. Serajishvili in the piano class, while continuing her vocal studies, and she also tried herself as a composer.

In 1980, upon returning from Moscow, where “Mziuri” participated in the cultural program of the XXII summer Olympic Games, Tamara becomes a soloist of the pop-symphony orchestra of the Georgian State Television and Radio.

In 1981 Tamara Gverdtsiteli becomes a laureate (2nd place) of the All-Union Competition of Young Performers Soviet song in Dnepropetrovsk and the winner of the international youth song competition “Red Carnation” in Sochi.

A year later, in 1982, the singer took part in a popular music competition in Dresden (GDR), as a delegate from Georgian Komsomol members, she went to the 19th Komsomol Congress and recorded her first solo single “Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli."

In 1985, the All-Union Recording Company “Melodiya” released the singer’s first long-playing record, “Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli Sings.”

In 1988 Tamara Gverdtsiteli with the performance of the song “Dedication to Edith Piaf” she became the winner of the first prize at the International Vocal Competition “Golden Orpheus-88” in Bulgaria.

In the second half of the 1980s, Gverdtsiteli performed as an invited guest at the International Song Festival in Sopot, at the Italian Song Festival in Sanremo, and also participated in many song shows as a jury member.

In 1989 Tamara Gverdtsiteli was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, and in 1991 - People's Artist of Georgia.

In the 1990s Tamara Gverdtsiteli actively tours the republics of the former Soviet Union and far abroad, performing both solo programs and in group concerts, and appears on television.

In 1991, they met Tamara Gverdtsiteli with the French composer Michel Legrand, author of the music for the world-famous film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” (“Les Parapluies de Cherbourg”). A trip to Paris brought the singer a contract with Legrand and her first concert at Olympia, one of the most famous concert halls in the world.

In 1992, Gverdtsiteli’s second long-play “Tamara Gverdtsiteli Sings Her Songs” was released. In 1995, a concert tour of the United States took place, which included a performance at the famous Carnegie Hall. Upon completion Tamara Gverdtsiteli lived in America for some time - first in New York, then in Boston. In 1996, the singer’s third disc, “Thank you, Music, to you!” was released.

Late 1990s Tamara Gverdtsiteli moved to Moscow. In the 2000s, the singer continues to lead touring activities, records music and songs for films, performs at concerts and on television, and releases CDs.

Theatrical debut took place in 2005 Tamara Gverdtsiteli. She appeared on stage as Dulcinea in the Russian Army Theater's play "Man of La Mancha", staged for the 90th anniversary of Vladimir Mikhailovich Zeldin by director Yuli Gusman.

Also Tamara Gverdtsiteli successfully acted as opera singer: in Dnepropetrovsk State academic theater she performs opera and ballet main role in the opera "Carmen".

In 2006, Tamara Gverdtsiteli played Maria Svanidze in the television film “Stalin’s Wife,” the directorial and screenwriting debut of Mira Todorovskaya.

IN last years The singer’s work schedule included filming in the TV series “House of Exemplary Maintenance”, in music programs“Two Stars”, “The Phantom of the Opera” and others.

In 2010, together with Dmitry Dyuzhev, the concert program “Winter Waltz” was prepared, which premiered at the Moscow International House of Music.

Tamara Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli is the winner of numerous prizes and awards, including the Order “For the Revival of Russia. XXI century", Order of Catherine the Great, 1st degree, Order of Diaghilev, 1st degree, silver medal named after Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "For contribution to the development of culture and art", Order of Honor, Einstein Prize (nomination "For outstanding contribution in the development of culture and art and strengthening the friendship of peoples”), the “Best of the Best” award and many others.

In 2004 Tamara Gverdtsiteli awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, in 2006 - the title of People's Artist of Ingushetia.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli. Personal life

Tamara Gverdtsiteli She was married three times. The singer's first husband was a director in 1984, later deputy chairman of the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Giorgi Kakhabrishvili.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli about her first marriage: “I was in Afghanistan. These words were spoken over the phone. The proposal sounded so convincing. Either it seemed to me, or this happens with people, when you feel that a person is far away, you don’t know what awaits ahead... I could only say in a modestly trembling voice: “Yes, I agree.”

In marriage with him in 1986, a son, Alexander, was born. In 1995, Gverdtsiteli and Kakhabrishvili divorced.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli’s son Alexander is studying at the Faculty of Mass Media and Culture at The University of the Arts London.

Second husband, an emigrant from the Soviet Union, a lawyer and businessman named Dmitry, Tamara Gverdtsiteli met in the USA in 1996. Soon after they met, the wedding took place, but the marriage did not last long - in 1998, Dmitry died of a heart attack. However, even after the death of her husband, Tamara, in her words, feels a connection with him and sings as if for him.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli still talks about her second husband as if she were her only one Great love: “In addition to great joy and surprise, I was filled with the feeling of this all-consuming love. You think you've been through so many trials that you should just enjoy the relationship. Dmitry agreed that Tamara would continue to pursue her career, and accepted that for this she would need to move to Russia... This man was ready to follow love.”

In 2001, the singer married for the third time - to a heart surgeon. Sergei Ambatelo, working at the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakuleva. The doctor saved her life. But this marriage did not last long. In December 2005, the marriage was officially dissolved.

As Tamara Gverdtsiteli said in an interview about her third marriage, “it would be better if I were not in his life, and he was not in mine.”

Tamara Gverdtsiteli rarely gives interviews and does not tell details about her personal life. The singer made an exception for the program “The Fate of a Man” on the “Russia 1” channel. In a conversation with host Boris Korchevnikov, Gverdtsiteli shared her most intimate secrets.

According to family legend, the Gverdtsiteli family received its surname in the 14th century. Distant Ancestor Tamara Mikhailovna, who selflessly fought with the Turks for the independence of his native Georgia, was wounded in one of the battles. The king, seeing one of his subjects who, despite being wounded, did not leave the battlefield and continued to desperately fight with the enemies, named the brave man Gvredtsiteli, which translated from Georgian means “bloody side” (literally “red side”).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli, like many artists, has her own superstitions: for example, the singer tries never to perform at a white piano, preferring a black one, enters the stage only from the left wing and carries talismans with her everywhere - two dolls she has loved since childhood.

When Tamara Gverdtsiteli got married for the first time, Margaret Thatcher, who was the Prime Minister of Great Britain at that time, honored her wedding with her presence. The reason for this was not that the “Iron Lady” was a fan of the singer’s talent - it was on this day that Thatcher, who was visiting the USSR, was taken on an excursion to the best registry office in Tbilisi.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli performs songs in more than ten languages: Georgian, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, German, etc.

For the first time about Michel Legrand Tamara Gverdtsiteli I found out 25 years before I met in person. Seven-year-old Tamriko was moved to tears by the film “The Umbrellas of Cherbourg” and the music written for it by a French composer.

Discography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli (1982) (minion)
Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings (1985)
Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs (1992)
Vivat, King! (1994)
Thank you, Music! (1996)
Best songs different years (2000)
Dedication to a Woman (2001)
Vivat, Love, Vivat! (2002)
I Dreamed of the Sky Yesterday (2002)
Favorites (2003)
Music is the temple of the soul (2004)
Blow a Kiss (2008)
Favorites (2008) (MP3 album)
The Best (2009) (2 CD)

Filmography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

  • House of Exemplary Maintenance (TV series) (2011)
  • Stalin's Wife (TV) (2006); role: Maria Svanidze
  • Griboedov's Waltz(TV) (1995)
  • Mziuri (TV) (1973)

The man was renovating the apartment of a 50-year-old singer, but he still lived there.

The man was renovating the apartment of a 50-year-old singer, but he still lived there.

For two years now, Tamara GVERDTTSITELI has been living in her elite apartment on Krasnoproletarskaya Street with a man of Caucasian appearance. We managed to find out who this mysterious stranger is.

After painful divorce with her third husband Sergei due to attacks of his furious jealousy Tamara Gverdtsiteli I was alone for a long time. It seemed that the singer decided to live only by music. But you can’t order your heart! Two years ago, Tamara Mikhailovna started renovations in her Moscow apartment near the Novoslobodskaya metro station. The pop star turned to a small construction company. The owner and part-time foreman turned out to be a handsome man, 53 years old - Novruz Mamedov. His sense of humor and easy-going attitude towards life won over the lonely woman. It so happened that the man was doing renovations in the apartment, and ended up living there.

Tamara Mikhailovna’s man rarely goes out for a walk,” the star’s neighbor at the entrance, Marina Nikolaevna, told Express Gazeta. - Except that sometimes in the evenings the three of them walk around: Gverdtsiteli, Novruz and the singer’s mother Inna Vladimirovna.

We managed to talk with the singer’s roommate when he answered the call to her instead of Tamara Mikhailovna mobile phone. “Tamara is now in the bathroom - washing, cleaning herself,” he explained. “Call me back in three hours.” When asked who answered the phone, the answer was given: “I’m a bodyguard, there’s a security guard and everything else.” - "What is your name?" “I won’t tell you, what if you are preparing sabotage against Tamara,” suggested a courageous voice with a thick accent.

Express Newspaper found out that in the past Novruz lived in Tbilisi, studied concert business- brought guest performers. However, several years ago the business “turned down” and moved from Tbilisi to Moscow. There are probably serious reasons for this.

The men in her life

* The singer married for the first time in 1984 to a famous sound engineer, later deputy chairman of the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Kahu Kakhabrishvili. Tamara Mikhailovna gave birth to his son Sandro, who now lives in the UK. The marriage broke up because Kakha was against his wife’s career.

* Tamara Mikhailovna met her second husband, Dmitry, a successful lawyer originally from Baku, in 1995 in Boston. Crazy love ended because sudden death spouse.

* Gverdtsiteli went down the aisle for the third time in 2001 with a cardiac surgeon at the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. Bakuleva Sergei Ambatelo. In a fit of anger and jealousy, he could raise his hand against the artist - so in 2005, Gverdtsiteli filed for divorce.

Tamara (Tamriko) Mikhailovna Gverdtsiteli (Georgian: თამარ გვერდწითელი). Born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi. Soviet, Russian and Georgian pop singer(contralto), pianist, composer, actress. Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of the Georgian SSR (1991), People's Artist of Russia (2004).

Tamriko Gverdtsiteli (better known as Tamara) was born on January 18, 1962 in Tbilisi.

Father - Mikhail Pavlovich Gverdtsiteli, cybernetics scientist, programmer, from ancient Georgian noble family. Gverdtsiteli is one of ancient surnames, consisting of two words: Tsiteli - red and gverd - side. According to family legend, the king gave the surname to the ancestors on the battlefield in the 14th century - their ancestor, fighting for the independence of Georgia against the Turks, was wounded and was nicknamed Red Side (bloody side).

Mother - Inna Volfovna Kofman (born in 1939 in Odessa), Jewish, granddaughter of the rabbi of the Odessa Choral Synagogue, who at the beginning of the war was evacuated to Tbilisi. By profession - teacher of Russian language and literature, teacher at the Tbilisi House of Pioneers, graduated from the philological faculty of the Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute. A. S. Pushkin.

Brother - Pavel, engineer, lives in Tbilisi, has two children.

My paternal grandmother, Tamara Ivanovna, was a music teacher.

Her paternal great-grandmother, Khidirbegishvili-Amilakhvari, was a princess, studied in Paris and St. Petersburg, Tamara was able to find her alive when she was little.

Maternal grandmother - Sulamith Solomonovna Rosenshtekh.

Maternal great-grandfather - Solomon Rosenshtekh, rabbi of a synagogue in Odessa.

At the age of 7, at the insistence of her mother, she began to study music and entered a special music school at the Tbilisi Conservatory.

As a teenager in the early 1970s, she became a soloist in the children's pop ensemble "Mziuri", in which she toured the entire former Soviet Union and toured in 12 countries around the world. She was a singer, a pianist, and a guitarist. She performed Georgian, Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian and modern pop songs with the ensemble.

At the age of eleven she participated in musical performance“Our friend is Pinocchio” (music by A. Rybnikov) in the role of sad Pierrot.

In 1979, she graduated from school and entered the Tbilisi Conservatory to study piano and composition. She also graduated from a special college in vocals.

As a 3rd year student, she became a soloist of the variety and symphony orchestra of the Georgian State Television and Radio.

At the age of 19, she took second place at the All-Union festival in Dnepropetrovsk and won the international competition"Red Carnation" in Sochi. The songs “Music” (V. Azarashvili, M. Potskishvili) and “Blossom, my land” brought fame to the young singer.

In 1982 she took part in the popular music competition in Dresden, in 1988 she won the Golden Orpheus competition, and performed as a guest artist at festivals in Sopot and San Remo. Since 1987, the young singer herself has acted as a member of the jury of music festivals.

In 1984 she received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for concert programs 1981-1983.

In 1988, she won the Golden Orpheus Prize in the city of Sunny Beach (Bulgaria): 1st prize for the performance of the song “Dedication to Edith Piaf” (music by Otar Tevdoradze, lyrics).

In 1989, Gverdtsiteli became an Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR, in 1991 - People's Artist Georgian SSR, and in 2004 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

In 1991, Gverdtsiteli was invited by her French agent to Paris, where she met Michel Legrand and Jean Drejak. At the same time, a contract was signed with Michel Legrand and her first concert took place at the Olympia in Paris. Legrand, introducing Gverdtsiteli to the audience of three thousand, said: “Paris! Remember this name." And Tamara conquered Paris.

In the singer’s repertoire, civil-sounding songs (“Call of Icarus” by Yu. Saulsky, R. Rozhdestvensky and others) coexisted with elegiac and lyrical songs (“How young we were” by A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, “Autumn Romance” by Ermishev, A. Dementieva, “In Memory of Edith Piaf” by O. Tevdoradze, I. Reznik, “Vivat, King, Vivat” by Yu. Rybchinsky, G. Tatarchenko). Gradually, more and more songs of her own composition appeared: “Dedication to a Woman” on Art. M. Tsvetaeva, composition “My Love Piaf”.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli - Vivat, king, vivat

She sang accompanied by orchestras conducted by A. Mikhailov and M. Kazhlaev.

Among its significant milestones creative life- solo concert at Olympia (Paris, 1994) with A. Kozlov’s ensemble at Carnegie Hall (New York, 1995), “Michel Legrand presents Tamara Gverdtsiteli” (New York, 1996 - duets with Legrand, songs from /f “Umbrellas of Cherbourg”, Russian and Georgian folk songs, romances: “Only once in life are there meetings”, etc.).

In 2001-2003, a series of solo programs “Music Without Borders” was released, accompanied by the “Music” ensemble. She performed some songs with her own accompaniment on the piano.

In 2007, she became a laureate of the “Kremlin Grand” award (title “International Recognition”) and a diploma holder International festival music by Arno Babajanyan “For giving a new author’s sound to the music of Arno Babajanyan, the highest professionalism and personal contribution to the concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of this composer.”

The singer performs songs in more than ten languages: Georgian, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, English, Hebrew, Ukrainian, Armenian, German and others.

Performed the role of Carmen on the stage of Dnepropetrovsk opera house with Milanese baritone Giovanni Ribichiesu. Played at the Theater Russian Army in the musical "Man of La Mancha" with. Performed with solo concerts and a joint program with the actor.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Dmitry Dyuzhev - Love Story

In 2010 she made her debut in the genre of a one-woman show.

Since 1973, she acted in films, making her debut in the Georgian short film “Mziuri”. She recorded a lot as a vocalist. In the 2000s, she played as an actress in the television series “Stalin’s Wife” (Maria Svanidze) and “House of Exemplary Maintenance” (Kora Sulkhanovna Zelenskaya).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli in the series "House of Exemplary Maintenance"

In 2007-2008 she was a member of the Supreme Council of the Civil Power party.

In 2014, Tamara Gverdtsiteli was a mentor vocal show“Voice of the Country” on the Ukrainian TV channel “1+1”.

Member of the public council of the Russian Jewish Congress.

In 2017, she won the “Chanson of the Year” award for her performance of the song “Across the Sky Barefoot.”

“I know very well how some artists make their way onto the stage and into the theater. This is not a profession. I have never had narcissism, but I have always demanded a lot from myself and set high goals for myself, without demanding the same from people in return ", - the singer said about the secret of her success.

Tamara Gverdtsiteli in the program “Alone with Everyone”

Tamara Gverdtsiteli's height: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

She was married three times.

First husband - Georgiy Kakhabrishvili (born 1947), director, served as deputy chairman of the Georgian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. They were married from 1984 to 1995. In 1986, the couple had a son, Alexander (Sandro) Kakhabrishvili, he studied in the USA, then moved to England, lives and teaches at the University of the Arts London (Faculty of Mass Media and Culture).

Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Georgy Kakhabrishvili with their son

The second husband, Dmitry, a lawyer, emigrated from the USSR to the USA, lived in Boston (where he later died of cardiac arrest). They met during the artist's American tour in the mid-1990s. She divorced her husband because of the distance - the family essentially lived separately, he in the USA, and she in Moscow.

Third husband - Sergei Georgievich Ambatelo, cardiac surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, employee of the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery named after. A. N. Bakuleva. We met when the singer turned to him for medical help after another tour. After some time, Sergei proposed to her. They got married in 2001 and divorced in December 2005 - due to the jealousy of their husband.

Sergei Ambatelo is the third husband of Tamara Gverdtsiteli

Later, the singer began an affair with the owner construction company Azerbaijani Novruz Mamedov. They met when Tamara started renovations in her Moscow apartment.

As the artist said, all her husbands were sympathetic to her career and never faced the choice of “family or stage”: “I have never met such stupid men. I think women are being disingenuous when they say that their husband forced them to choose. Well, what do you mean? If a man believes in his wife’s talent, he will only be happy for her. Another question is when men are afraid: will this woman combine hers. successful career with home life?

Lives in Moscow in an elite apartment on Krasnoproletarskaya Street (near the Novoslobodskaya metro station).

Filmography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

1973 - Mziuri (მზიური) (short film) - soloist of a young musical group
1984 - White Rose immortality (vocals)
1995 - Griboyedov Waltz (vocals, performance of romances)
2004 - It all starts with love (vocals - sings romances)
2006 - Stalin's wife - Maria Svanidze
2006-2007 - Love is like love (vocals - song " Eternal love"in a duet with Lev Leshchenko)
2008 - Vladimir Zeldin. Don Quixote in Love (documentary)
2010 - House of exemplary maintenance - Kora Sulkhanovna Zelenskaya
2010 - In the forests and on the mountains (vocals - romance “Shards of Love”)
2013 - Boulevard Ring - cameo, also vocals (uncredited)

Discography of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

1982 - Debut. Tamara Gverdtsiteli
1985 - Music: Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings
1991 - White crow(rock opera, role of Joan of Arc)
1992 - Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings her songs
1994 - Vivat, King!
1996 - Thank you, Music, to you!
2000 - Best songs of different years
2001 - Dedication to a Woman
2002 - Vivat, Love, Vivat!
2002 - Yesterday I dreamed of the sky
2003 - Favorites
2004 - Music - Temple of the Soul
2008 - Air Kiss
2008 - MP3 album “Favorites”
2009 - The Best
2016 - Tamara Gverdtsiteli
2017 - Momele (mommy, songs in Yiddish)

Video clips of Tamara Gverdtsiteli:

2000 - Don Juan
2006 - Air Kiss
2011 - Airless alert (together with Bi-2)

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