Waves in a dream from the side. Calm and peaceful waves

Seeing waves in a dream means obstacles in business, efforts and struggle for success.

If the waves are clear, it means you will gain new knowledge that will help you make better decisions in life.

Dirty waves portend a mistake fraught with irreparable consequences.

River or lake waves - for peace of mind and self-confidence, sea waves - take a trip.

Sea waves rolling onto the shore during a storm - you will be overcome by anxiety and a gloomy mood.

Sailing through stormy waves in a dream means taming the unbridled temper of someone who will then begin to worship you.

Drowning, choking in the growing waves - will soon get rid of danger.

The blast wave that lifted you into the air and threw you away predicts that friends will violate your rights by abusing the trust you placed in them.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Wave

Wave - there will be a desire to gain more knowledge and improve in your professional activities.

Clean, small waves - fate will help you fulfill your dreams and desires.

Storm waves - difficulties and problems on your way.

Interpretation of dreams from

Huge waves in a dream often foreshadow changes, difficulties, problems, difficult circumstances. However, in the dream book you can also find positive meanings for what they mean in dreams: successful overcoming of troubles, triumph over enemies.

You can achieve a lot

Seeing huge waves on the sea in a dream means: you need to control your emotions so that excessive sensitivity does not cause harm.

Did you dream that the sea was raging, and you admired its view? The dream book says: thanks to your own energy you can achieve a lot.

Prepare to overcome difficulties

Why do you dream about how the sea powerfully hits the rocks where you are standing? In reality, various difficulties await you on the way to your goal.

A storm in a dream and huge waves, which the sleeper watches from afar, according to the dream book, foreshadow trials. It is advisable to go through them steadfastly, then the experience gained will make a person wiser and stronger.

Did you dream of being caught in a storm? Difficulties will begin at work, at home, in personal relationships. You should think through your actions in difficult situations.

Be careful - there's serious trouble ahead

Did you manage to escape from the waters of a storm in a dream? The dream book tells you: even under the most difficult circumstances you should not give up, you should fight.

Large waves on the river symbolize impending disruption. You will have to work hard to overcome them.

Why do you dream about how they cover you? If they are cloudy and seething, this is an unfavorable sign. You may make a mistake at work and miss a good chance in business.

Does the mass of water completely cover the sleeping person? In reality, serious interference will arise that will be very difficult to overcome.

New love, favor of Fortune

Did you dream of seeing how it covers your head, but you swim without fear? The dream book tells you: there is a new love ahead, which will bring a lot of positive emotions.

If in a dream huge waves overwhelm the dreamer, but they are clean and transparent, this is a good sign. Fortune will help him in carrying out his plans.

Why do you dream of a tsunami? Ahead is a stormy social life, strong experiences, mental turmoil.

For men and women, the interpretation of a dream about a tsunami is different. For a man, seeing him from afar means a promotion at work. The dream warns a woman: a rival will try to take her lover or husband away.

Success, victory over enemies

Did you dream of looking at the azure ocean with huge waves? The dream book promises a long-awaited victory over enemies.

If the water carries it away, serious changes will begin. Did you manage to surface? The changes will be positive. Swimming in huge waves in a dream means you will defeat your enemies in reality.

Seeing yourself on a large sea ridge and rushing towards the shore is a wonderful omen. The vision portends success and prosperity.

Why do you dream about how a seething, terrible mass of water is approaching right at you? The dream book explains: difficulties lie ahead. You should remain calm and not panic.

Vision details

The meaning of the dream depends on the details:

  • to see while standing on the shore - you will participate in a situation that will not directly affect you;
  • swimming in them means difficult times ahead;
  • a big wave approaches and overwhelms - failure of plans;
  • run away from it - make every effort to avoid trouble;
  • has covered you - there are difficulties ahead, from which it will be difficult to get out.

If in a dream you were covered by a wave, then some event will happen in life that will require maximum concentration. However, this same dream can have a completely different interpretation. The dream book will tell you why such an extraordinary incident occurs in dreams.

Need control!

To get a reliable interpretation of a dream, the dream book advises first of all to consider the main image. A big wave symbolizes your own feelings and emotions.

If a large wall of water terrifies you, then you need to control yourself to avoid trouble.

Did you dream of a large, but at the same time beautiful and clean wave that did not frighten you at all? Your energy and determination will help you achieve a lot.


A huge wave covering everything in a dream signifies the negativity that you are throwing out into the real world.

The dream book claims that an event will occur during which you will not be able to control yourself. Did you dream of a huge water wall? This is a sign of the inexorability of events and even fate.

Expanded interpretation

If you are covered by a wave, then the current case has reached its climax. However, it is very important to take into account exactly what it was like in appearance and condition.

  • Dark, black - to quarrel, conflicts.
  • Light, transparent - for a fateful meeting.
  • Dirty - to a protracted illness.
  • Foamy - to a long enmity.
  • Stormy - to making a fatal mistake.
  • Lake, river - to confidence, poise.
  • Oceanic - to creative upsurge.
  • Sea - to tears, sadness.
  • Air - to injustice.

Be ready!

Why do you dream of a raging sea or ocean? If you happen to see a stormy element, then the dream book believes that troubles will cover all aspects of life. A storm at sea can dream of losses and ruin, sadness and failure.

At the same time, a strong sea surf promises a favorable course of affairs. And a wildly flying sea surf in a dream warns that something very significant and important is approaching.

Longing or joy?

Why do you dream of a tsunami? The dream book considers it an indication of a vibrant social life, extreme recreation and sports.

If you dreamed of a tsunami, then you will probably be overcome by an all-consuming melancholy or, on the contrary, unbridled joy. Seeing a tsunami from afar means repentance for a mistake.

Show yourself!

In a dream, were you literally covered over your head by a wave? The dream book believes that some business will have to start from the very beginning.

A huge wave covering your head means that you will be overwhelmed by inspiration and creative fervor.

If you are completely flooded, then soon you will be drawn into an unfamiliar activity in which you will be able to show all your best qualities.

Miller's interpretation

Why do you dream about this same vision according to Miller’s dream book? If the water turns out to be cloudy, dark and dirty, then make a fatal mistake and harm not only yourself.

Did you dream that in a dream you were covered by a light, transparent and warm wave? You will gain great knowledge that will help you grow spiritually.

Get ready for change

Seeing from the outside how another person is covered by a wave means that a global incident will occur in life that will disrupt the usual order and old principles.

If you decide to interpret the meaning of your dream, try to remember all the smallest details of the dream. Any little things, even the most insignificant at first glance, play important roles; they can sometimes turn the meaning of a dream upside down. You should not ignore personal information, if there is one.

Most often, waves indicate anxiety, excitement and worry. Small waves, as a rule, signal your excitement regarding some important events in life. After a dream in which you are standing on the shore of a pond watching big waves, most likely something may disturb your soul in the near future.

You can cope with this by going to church or simply praying.

To dream about watching the waves means that you want to improve your skill level in a particular activity. If the water is clean and the waves are small, then fate will help fulfill your desires and bring your ideas to life.

What are the dangers of dreams with big waves?

Watching a storm means life's difficulties and problems. If after a storm the water becomes calm, the difficulties will be short-lived and you will successfully cope with them. But having seen in a dream that someone has suffered from a storm, it is better to do everything to avoid possible troubles; the likelihood of winning the fight against fate is small.

A tidal wave is a harbinger of misfortune awaiting you. Often a person who has such a dream feels unable to control the situation and sometimes feels the desire to start over from scratch.

If you see dirty waves, be extremely careful in making decisions, as there is a high risk of making an irreparable mistake.

A dream in which you are completely covered by a large wave with dark, dirty water threatens big troubles - from quarrels with loved ones to deteriorating health. In addition, such a dream can signal a waste of time (money, effort). However, if in a dream you are carried away by a large wave of clear water and the situation does not scare you, then all your undertakings will be crowned with success.

Seeing in - to scandals, losses and despair. Married people should especially be wary of such dreams.

The wave is a hypostasis of the water element, which is associated with intuition, the subconscious and the emotional sphere of a person, therefore the interpretation of a dream about waves is influenced by:

  • Water purity.
  • Character and height of waves.
  • The impression that the waves made on the dreamer.
  • Details of the dream accompanying the appearance of waves.

Miller's Interpreter

The dream book compiled by psychologist Miller interprets waves as a warning, so in reality it is important to make a decision taking into account the content of the dream.

1. If the rolling sea is transparent, you will make the right decision (especially if it concerns education). The choice you make will bring you recognition or financial success over time.

2., which raises all the turbidity from the sea or ocean bottom and crashes large muddy green waves onto the shore, warns of the possibility of making a fatal mistake. Therefore, in reality, the dreamer must either take into account all the circumstances, or postpone making a decision until a better moment.

3. If populated areas are covered in a dream by a seething but clear wave, this promises finding peace and prosperity after a fight with fate. And the tsunami promises serious changes in life (a possible change of job, etc.). If huge ridges of water do not cause harm in a dream, in reality the dreamer will overcome all the trials and tribulations prepared by fate.

Tsvetkov's interpretation

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, the sea and waves are a sign of strong emotions and feelings. Wherein:

  • Watching the rolling waves means an unexpected journey or a sudden trip.
  • Seeing a storm and watching how large muddy waves wash over the shore is a sign of a stormy showdown. This dream also requires you to take care of your health.
  • Seeing foamy surf and waves rushing onto the shore means a quick solution to business issues.

A huge wave that covers the sleeping person’s head speaks of the possibility of finding himself in a strange place or in an absurd position in reality. If a tsunami catches you, but the water around you is clean, financial well-being awaits you.

According to Freud

Freud believed that water represents the relationship between a man and a woman, and the circles on the water and the waves that cover the ocean or sea are a change in these relationships.

Huge waves of water or a tsunami portend a radical change in the relationship between partners, so in reality it is recommended to pay attention to your behavior and adjust your relationship with a person dear to you. In addition, if:

  • Waves on the water surface arose as a result of a flood, and a woman had a dream - in the near future she or her relatives will become pregnant.
  • A man dreamed of a flood, and in his dream he swam on the rushing waves - he has a craving for pregnant women.
  • Watching a rushing stream means you feel the need to have offspring.

National dream books

The Jewish dream book, in which the wave is considered as a harbinger of a large amount of work, echoes Solomon’s interpretation of this dream (according to his dream book, this dream promises a struggle for success and advancement in business matters).

According to the Ukrainian Dream Book, a storm and large waves of water symbolize deep feelings. And the ocean or sea with small lambs symbolizes an unexpected short road.

The Russian dream book indicates that:

  • Dark, seething water or a storm promise an emotional showdown.
  • Watching how transparent blue waves cover the pier or coastal area - you will soon meet your fate.
  • Watching how the expanse of the sea sways and shimmers in the wind is a spiritual delight.
  • Seeing waves rolling into the distance indicates the need to be careful when communicating with strangers.

In the Small Veles Dream Book, a shaft of water beating against the shore promises a solution to pressing issues in the near future. And storms, floods and streams of muddy water require in reality to pay attention to health and communication with loved ones.

A tsunami, according to this dream book, is a warning: you should be careful with fire. A light splash of water symbolizes minor obstacles or a nearby road.

Vanga associated the dreamed tsunami with strong unrest and anxiety, but at the same time noted that if you see the surf line covered in large waves in a dream, all problems that actually exist will disappear.

Details of the dream that influence its meaning

The British believe that the dreamer's profession influences the meaning of the dream. Thus, a good sign for sailors and traders delivering goods by water is a flood, promising a successful voyage and profitable trade.

As the dream book indicates, a wave that covers residential buildings promises entrepreneurs a deal that will bring substantial profits.

Affects the meaning of the dream and the emotional state of the sleeper. Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima note that:

  • Walls of water that frighten a person are a sign warning that in reality the dreamer needs to keep his emotions under control, since increased sensitivity and emotionality can cause damage.
  • If the ocean makes a breathtaking impression on you in a dream, and you watch with delight the raging water elements, in reality you will be able to achieve a lot thanks to your energy.

D. Loff in his dream book indicates that a high tide is associated with a feeling of loss of control over the situation, so a person who saw this symbol in a dream may feel the need to start all over again.

The interpretation of sleep is influenced by circumstances, as well as the height of the wave. If you dreamed like:

  • The sea hits the rocks - difficulties await you on the way to your goal.
  • Transparent water ridges run onto the surf - all your dreams will come true, and your health will noticeably improve.
  • Foamy crests of water lie at your feet - you are in fact surrounded by secrets and intrigue.

Sailing on a rough sea means joy and future pleasant events, success in the professional sphere. Swimming in a mild storm means resolving conflicts, problems and a harmonious existence with your other half. But if the water is cold, you need to realize your mistakes.

A flood, during which you are in a shelter surrounded by water, in reality requires an adjustment in your life plans. And quickly rising water promises a real struggle for your well-being.

If the water decreases in a dream, try to avoid bad influences in reality. A dream in which water carried you away along with the bed promises good luck or a pleasant find.

It is also worth paying attention to why you dream of a wave splashing noisily at your feet. According to Aesop's interpretation, such a dream promises gossip and conversations behind your back (the quiet rustling of water indicates the opportunity to change your life). Author: Marina Nosova

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