War and peace of quest by Pierre Bezukhov. The life quest of Pierre Bezukhov - essay

May 01 2015

The first time we meet Pierre Bezukhov is in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. Appearing at an evening dominated by hypocrisy and unnaturalness, clumsy and absent-minded, Pierre is strikingly different from all those present, first of all, by his sincerely good-natured expression on his face, which, as in a mirror, reflects both his reluctance to take part in conversations that do not interest him and his joy at the appearance of the prince Andrei, and delight at the sight of the beautiful Helen. Almost everyone in the salon is condescending, or rather even dismissive, towards this “bear” who “doesn’t know how to live.” I am only truly glad to meet Pierre, whom he calls the only “alive” among this society. Bezukhov, who does not know the laws of high society, almost becomes a victim of the machinations of Prince Vasily and stepsister, who do not want Pierre to be recognized as the legitimate son of the old count and are trying in every possible way to prevent this. All rights reserved and protected by law © 2001-2005 olsoch.

ru But Pierre wins with his kindness, and the count, dying, leaves an inheritance to his beloved son. After Pierre becomes the heir to a huge fortune, he cannot help but be in society. Being naive and short-sighted, he cannot resist the intrigues of Prince Vasily, who directed all his efforts to marry his daughter Helen to the rich Pierre.

The indecisive Bezukhov, only subconsciously feeling the negative side of his relationship with Helen, does not notice how he is becoming more and more entangled in a network of circumstances, one way or another pushing him towards marriage. As a result, guided by etiquette, he is literally married to Helen, virtually without his consent. It does not describe the life of the newlyweds, letting us understand that it does not deserve attention.

Soon rumors spread in society about love affair Helen and Dolokhov, Pierre's former friend. At an evening given in honor of Bagration, Pierre was driven to fury by far from ambiguous hints about Helen’s affair on the side. He is forced to challenge Dolokhov to a duel, although he himself does not want this: “Stupid, stupid: death, lies...

“Tolstoy shows the absurdity of this duel: Bezukhov does not even want to protect himself from a bullet with his hand, and he himself seriously wounds Dolokhov, not even knowing how to shoot. Not wanting to live like this anymore, Pierre decides to break up with Helen. All these events leave a deep imprint on the worldview. He feels that “the main screw on which his whole life was held” has turned in his head.” After breaking up with the woman he married without love, who disgraced him, Pierre is in a state of acute mental crisis.

“What's wrong? What well?" - these are the questions that concern the hero.

It was during this period of searching for answers to the questions posed that he met Bazdeev, a member of the brotherhood of free masons, thanks to which he became imbued with the idea of ​​​​changing life for the better and truly believed in the possibility of this: “He wanted to believe with all his soul, and believed, and experienced a joyful feeling of calm , renewal and return to life.” The result was Bezukhov’s entry into the Freemasonic lodge. “Rebirth” Pierre began by deciding to carry out transformations in the village, but the clever manager quickly found a way not to use the money of the unlucky Pierre for its intended purpose.

Pierre himself, calmed by the appearance of activity, still led the same riotous life. Having stopped by his friend Prince Andrei in Bogucharovo, Pierre expresses to him his thoughts, imbued with faith in the need for a person to strive for virtue, and for Andrei this meeting with Bezukhov “was the era from which, although in appearance it was the same, but in the inner world his new life" In 1808, Pierre became the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry.

He gave his money for the construction of temples, and supported the house of the poor with his own funds. In 1809, at a ceremonial meeting of the lodge of the 2nd degree, Pierre made a speech, which was not received with enthusiasm; he was only made a “remark about his ardor.” Circumstances, as well as the “first rules of a Mason” force Pierre to make peace with his wife.

In the end, Pierre understands that for many Freemasonry is not a desire to serve the great idea of ​​virtue, but only a way to win a place in society, and, disappointed, he leaves Freemasonry. Arriving in Moscow and seeing her, Bezukhov realized that he loved her. He helped bring Anatoly Kuragin to clean water, thereby preventing the spread of rumors about the relationship between Anatole and Natasha in the light. Pierre wanted to come to the site of the upcoming battle in Borodino. After the battle, on the way back, he eats “a mess” with the soldiers, which seemed to him tastier than anything in the world, and thinks that he would like to “throw off all this unnecessary, devilish stuff” and be “just a soldier.”

This is the moment of real spiritual unity between the hero and the people. He is trying to unravel the mystery of the soldier's character. Why do soldiers calmly go to their death, without fear of being killed? “He who is not afraid of her belongs to him everything.” With such thoughts, Bezukhov returns to Moscow. At the time when the French almost reached the quarter in which Pierre lived, he was “in a state close to madness.”

Pierre had long been occupied with the thought of the predetermination of his fate, of his highest destiny to kill Napoleon; “a feeling of the need for sacrifice and suffering” lived in him. Waking up one day, he took a pistol, a dagger and left the house with the intention of finally doing what he was born for, but in fact only to prove to himself that he “does not renounce” his intention. On the street, Pierre met a woman begging to save her child.

He rushed to look for the girl, but when he found her, scrofulous, a feeling of disgust was ready to prevail over the spiritual need to be needed. But still, he takes her in his arms and, after many attempts to find her parents, gives the girl to the Armenians. Pierre is captured after standing up for Armenian woman. During the execution of prisoners, Pierre experiences a terrible feeling of the collapse of everyone life beliefs: Nothing mattered in the face of death.

After his release, Pierre was ill for a long time, but was full of joy in life. He became friends with Princess Marya, where he met Natasha, and the long-lit flame of his love flared up with renewed vigor. In the epilogue we meet Pierre, living a calm, happy life: he has been Natasha's husband for 7 years and the father of four children. Arguing with Nikolai, Pierre defends the ideas of the revolutionaries - the need for transformation.

Thus, we see that Tolstoy brings his hero to the beginning of the path of hardship in the struggle for the people, the path of Pyotr Lobazov, the Decembrist, who was originally supposed to be the hero of Tolstoy’s novel.

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“Be quite good” - Pierre Bezukhov is guided by this principle in life, and he strives for this ideal.

Like Prince Andrei, Pierre is not satisfied with everyday activities and does not want to follow the beaten path through life leading to ranks and titles. “An intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look” distinguished him “from everyone” in Anna Pavlovna Scherer’s living room. In Pierre's life, the leading role is played not by a clear mind and a strong will, but by feeling.

Pierre is not rich. The illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, from the age of ten he was sent abroad with a tutor, where he stayed until he was 20 years old. According to the will of Count Bezukhov, Pierre becomes the sole heir to his father's entire estate. The new position, wealth and honors did not change his character. He remained as responsive, good-natured and trusting as before.

Unlike Prince Andrei, he lacks insight, cannot immediately correctly assess people, often makes mistakes in them, his sincerity, gullibility, and weakness of will become the cause of many of his mistakes. This includes participation in the revelry of Kuragin and Dolokhov, this and marriage to the depraved Helen, this and a duel with Dolokhov.

After breaking up with his wife in a state of deep moral crisis, Pierre met the freemason Bazdeev on the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg. The Masons did not let go of the rich man. Pierre joined the religious and philosophical society. What attracted him to the Freemasons? The Masons said that their goal was to correct the members of their society, “to correct their hearts,” “to purify and enlighten their minds,” “to correct the entire human race,” and “to resist the evil that reigns in the world.” It seemed to Pierre that such activity would bring him moral satisfaction. He wanted to believe in the possibility of achieving brotherly love between people. Having joined the Masonic lodge, he strives to improve the situation of the peasants on his estates, opening schools and hospitals for them. He's even going to free them. However, there were almost no results from his activities. Clever estate managers deceived the young count. His plan to transform the Masonic order also did not materialize. Having become the head of St. Petersburg Freemasonry, he soon realized that most members of the Masonic Order were very far from correcting themselves and the entire human race - “from under the Masonic aprons and signs, he saw on them the uniforms and crosses that they sought in life.” . Pierre realized that “moral peace and agreement with oneself,” which were necessary for his happiness, were unattainable in Freemasonry.

Suffering from internal discord, from the inability to resolve issues that were intertwined in a “tangled, terrible knot,” he encountered the formidable events of 1812. The fate of Russia and the position of the army worried Pierre. He gathered a militia from his peasants. During the Battle of Borodino, he found himself at the Raevsky battery and witnessed fierce fighting. Here, on the Borodino field, another world opened up to him, where people do not think about personal glory and danger. Pierre was shocked by the enormous moral strength and heroism ordinary people who stood to the death. Surrounded by soldiers, he is freed from the fear of death, he wants to become just like them.

After the Battle of Borodino, Pierre felt that he had to stay in Moscow, meet Napoleon and kill him, in order to either die or end the misfortune of all of Europe, which, as Pierre is now sure, came from Napoleon alone.

Having survived all the horrors of captivity, a military trial, the execution of Russian people, in a state of terrible moral shock and despair, exhausted mentally and physically, Pierre met with the soldier Platon Karataev in a barracks for prisoners of war. The kind, sociable Karataev found a kind word for everyone, helped people endure severe suffering in captivity, love life even in these conditions and hope for the best. Under the influence of Karataev, Pierre’s new worldview developed: “As long as there is life, there is happiness.” But Karataev’s passivity, non-resistance to evil, his religiosity and faith in fate did not become the guiding principles in later life Pierre.

Having married Natasha Rostova, Pierre feels like a happy husband and father. However, he remains interested in social life. In the epilogue of the novel, we see him as a member of the secret Decembrist society, which sharply criticizes the reactionary policy of Alexander I.

Lesson summary:
“The Path of Quest of Pierre Bezukhov”

The path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov
To live honestly
you have to be torn, confused,
struggle, make mistakes...
L.N. Tolstoy.
Main stages of the lesson:
1. Determining the objectives of the lesson, motivating learning activities.
2. Updating of basic knowledge.
3. Based on problematic questions and tasks, organizing a discussion “Did Pierre Bezukhov find the meaning of life?”
4. Summing up the lesson.
5. Homework.
1. Summarize the acquired knowledge about the moral quest of the heroes of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”.
2. Reflect on the question of possible ways development of Russia in the 2nd half of the 19th century and determine the attitude of L.N. Tolstoy to this issue, analyzing the images of the main characters of the novel.
3. Continue developing students’ ability to work with text work of art. Continue development monologue speech students, the ability to think analytically, compare concepts, images, draw conclusions based on facts. Continue training in discussion skills.
4. Cultivate interest in literature, in the work of the great classic of Russian literature L.N. Tolstoy. Develop the ability to work in a team, active life position students, a sense of patriotism.
Lesson type: Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

During the classes
Introductory conversation.
-Today we are conducting another lesson on L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” The topic of today's lesson is “The Path of Quest of Pierre Bezukhov” (slide 1). (Students write down the topic in their notebooks).
Epigraph to the lesson:
“To live honestly, you have to rush, get confused, ..., start and give up, and give up again... And calmness is spiritual meanness,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy.
The purpose of today's lesson is... Summarize the knowledge gained about the moral quest of the hero of the novel L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” by Pierre Bezukhov
I. Updating knowledge.
According to Tolstoy, living with dignity means struggling, getting confused, making mistakes, trying to resolve eternal questions: “What’s wrong? what well? what should you love? what to hate? what is life? what is death? What force controls everything? (slide 2)
The throwing of such people eternal search, continuous spiritual work is a sign of the inner nobility of the Personality.
- Which heroes of the novel answer moral ideal Tolstoy, can you name him? (Of course, the writer gives the love of his heart not only to ordinary people, but also to the best representatives of the nobility, who were still separated from the serf peasants by a whole social abyss. But they consciously or spontaneously were drawn to the people, felt in them the main moral support and vitality. Especially Dear writer Pierre and Prince Andrey, who walk along difficult roads in search of “simplicity, goodness and truth.”
Pierre Bezukhov is one of Tolstoy’s most beloved and dear heroes. He is the illegitimate son of a rich and noble nobleman of Catherine, recognized as the legal heir after the death of his father. (Slide 3)
The writer shows him in constant movement, in doubts and searches, in continuous internal development. Tolstoy traces how Pierre’s character changes and how his worldview is formed advanced person era - Decembrist. But Pierre's life path, full of discoveries and disappointments, is not the typical path of the Decembrist, but only a special, Tolstoyan version of this path.
- Do you remember Pierre’s first appearance in the novel? Where did it happen? How? Draw an oral portrait of our hero.
(At the beginning of the novel, we see a fat man with a cropped head, glasses, light trousers, a high frill and a brown tailcoat. A massive young man with an intelligent, timid and observant look. Pierre Bezukhov is emotional, soft, pliable, easily susceptible to other people's influence, he stands out among other visitors to the secular salon with his naturalness, sincerity, and simplicity.
that he has “an intelligent and at the same time timid, observant and natural look”, “an expression of good nature, simplicity and modesty.”
-How they met Pierre in secular society, in Anna Scherer's salon?
(Anna Pavlovna greeted him with a bow, referring to people of the lowest hierarchy in her salon.” The beautiful Helen does not notice him, although she lives in the same house with him (Pierre settled in St. Petersburg with Prince Vasily, a relative of his father). And Prince Vasily speaks of he casually: “Teach me this bear.” Only Andrei does not care whether Count Bezukhov is in front of him or who the other is. He loves Pierre for who he is...
Text. When the non-secular Pierre Bezukhov appeared in the living room of the socialite Anna Pavlovna Scherer, the gloomy, dissatisfied face of Prince Andrei suddenly lit up with an “unexpectedly kind and pleasant smile.” The sparkle of his joyful and friendly eyes encouraged and inspired Pierre. .)
– What is the friendship of Pierre and Andrei Bolkonsky based on? (slide 4) (the friendship of the heroes is built on common interests. At first, this friendship is surprising: they are so different! And seven years of difference is a lot when one of the friends is twenty. These seven years are reflected in the “ You,” which Pierre says to Andrei, and in Andrei’s “you,” strange in the mouth of this reserved man. The relationship between Prince Andrei and Pierre is an example of a demanding friendship.
unchanged, carried through all trials. This is what Tolstoy meant when he said in his novel: “I would like you to love these children of mine. There are nice people there. I love them very much"

Can we say that Tolstoy idealized his favorite heroes? (And the prince
Andrei and Pierre are shown as people of their time, their environment, with many
their inherent shortcomings. It is enough to recall the love of popularity, the
aristocratic prejudices that were characteristic of Prince Andrei, or about the wild youth of Pierre, who paid tribute to the habits of the St. Petersburg “golden” youth...
The most attractive thing about Tolstoy's heroes is not that they
the characters are not without flaws, but the fact that both Bolkonsky and Bezukhov are able to overcome their shortcomings is that they thinking people who are not afraid to pose and solve the most thorny issues from yours and common life
Pierre is one of those rare people (“one living person among
of our entire world,” Prince Andrei says about him), for whom moral
purity and understanding of the meaning and purpose of life are necessary above all.)
Teacher.- So: Scenes in A.P.’s salon. Scherer (Pierre's preaching of freedom-loving views) and the entertainment of secular youth represent a psychological beginning in the development storyline Pierre.
– Why did Pierre marry Helen? (slide 5) (On the one hand, this marriage was arranged by Prince Vasily, because Pierre was a very rich groom. But this marriage was natural for Pierre, because not only he had to be deceived, but he himself had to be deceived This was the act of Pierre himself.)
– Name the main distinctive features Pierre's character. (Pierre is characterized by true kindness and humanity).
Message. ""

After this, Pierre experiences spiritual crisis: “What’s wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why do you need to live and what am I? What is life? What is death? What force controls everything? - he asks himself.
Pierre and the Masonic Society. (6 slide)
Teacher: After breaking up with his wife, Pierre wanted to find a new truth.
Pierre's entry into the Masonic society occurred during a difficult period of his life associated with his marriage to Helen Kuragina. He considered himself guilty for marrying without loving... And later, the fact that he almost killed Dolokhov because he himself was to blame for marrying without loving puts Pierre into the deepest crisis.
Message by Shajin Sayan “Pierre Bezukhov in the Masonic Society”
– Why does Pierre, being an atheist and considering religion “unfair,” join the Masonic society? (Pierre was attracted by the formulation of the goals of this society: by purifying and correcting the heart and mind of individual members of society, thereby correcting the human race. Pierre perceived in Freemasonry not religion, but its moral side. (6 slide) This decision gave him for a time the illusion of a way out of the impasse , caused by the feeling of the purposelessness of existence. It opened the way for him to do the activity for which he yearned.)
– Why did Pierre become disillusioned with Freemasonry? (He is convinced that the majority achieve their personal goals in Freemasonry: uniforms, crosses, connections in society. He suspected that Russian Freemasonry had gone down the wrong path and was going abroad. And when he returned and offered his brothers his program, he realized that it will not be accepted.)
Teacher: It was no accident that Tolstoy brought his hero into Freemasonry. Progressive people of this era looked for more advanced standards in Freemasonry public life, tried to create organized prerequisites for the social restructuring of society on a reasonable basis. But Freemasonry did not live up to the hopes placed on it by the leading nobility.
Another step taken by Pierre almost simultaneously with his entry into the Masonic order was an attempt to “completely liberate” the peasants of his estates from serfdom. However, this attempt not only failed, but also revealed Pierre’s complete incompetence in practical matters. (7 slide)
Here Tolstoy leaves the hero on the eve of the events of 1812 in the same impasse of unresolved issues as at the time of his break with his wife. The entire path he made independently during these years (1805-1812) did not lead to anything.
But this does not mean that the problem of Pierre Bezukhov’s life was completely insoluble. The revival of the hero was possible, but not on the path of personal self-improvement and liberal activity...
1812 Borodino in the life of Pierre (8 slide)
Malakshinova Tanya "(Message “Pierre on the Borodino Field”)

– Battle (fragment of the video film “War and Peace” directed by S. Bondarchuk. Disc).
Conversation on questions:
-Conclusion: He realized here that history is created by the most powerful force in the world - the people. Bezukhov approves words of wisdom unknown soldier: “They want to attack all the people, one word - Moscow. They want to make one end.” Pierre now not only observes what is happening, but reflects and analyzes. Under the influence of people from the people, he decides to participate in the defense of Moscow.
Teacher. A new stage in Pierre's quest was his stay in French captivity, where he ends up after a fight with French soldiers, where he meets Platon Karataev.
Conversation on issues.
– Who is Platon Karataev? In a wretched barracks, Pierre meets Platon Karataev, which brings the hero closer to ordinary people. .Platon Karataev is the embodiment of “everything Russian, good, round.” He loves and knows how to work. He treats everything with sincerity. He is characterized by selfless love for all people and patience.
-How does Platon Karataev appear on the pages of the novel? Let's open the textbooks on page 154 and read short excerpt(the words " Physical strength)
– Why is the meeting with Platon Karataev important for Pierre? Pierre became close to Karataev, fell under his influence and began to look at life as spontaneous and natural process. Under the influence of Karataev, Pierre's spiritual revival occurs. Like this simple peasant, Pierre begins to love life in all its manifestations, despite all the vicissitudes of fate. He comprehends the truth: happiness lies in the person himself, one must love life. Man was created for happiness. (slide 10) The meaning and purpose of each person is to be a part and reflection of the whole world. Close rapprochement with the people after his release from captivity leads Pierre to Decembrism.
Conclusion: “Pierre gains peace of mind and confidence in the meaning of life after experiencing the heroic time of the 12th year and the suffering of captivity next to ordinary people, with
Platon Karataev. (slide 9)
Teacher: Tolstoy's hero goes through a new moral test. They became real great love to Natasha Rostova. So, Pierre and Natasha Rostova.
-Describe the portrait of Natasha Rostova at the beginning of the novel (At the beginning of the novel, Natasha appears before us as a 13-year-old girl. “Black-eyed, with a big mouth, an ugly, but lively girl, with her childish open shoulders, which, shrinking, moved in her bodice from a quick running, with his black curls bunched back, thin bare arms and small legs in lace pantaloons and open shoes...")
-Tell us about the relationship between Natasha and Pierre. (Natasha also more than once will be tested in life. On her way she will meet Pierre. His “childish soul” was close to Natasha. He idolized her, and Natasha was grateful to him only for the fact that he existed in the world and that he was her only consolation.
-What can you say about Natasha? Do you like her? (Natasha Rostova is the most beautiful in a feminine way in Russian literature. The image of Natasha embodied the ideal of a woman for Tolstoy - a woman for whom family is the meaning of her whole life. She will become the mother of 4 four children).
- What is it like? further fate our hero in the epilogue? ( Happy husband and father. A man who, in a dispute with Nikolai Rostov, expresses convictions that allow him to be seen as a future Decembrist. Pierre, after a long and difficult search, found happiness in the merging of social activities and happy family life.
– Why does Pierre think that Karataev would not approve of him? (If the novel had been continued, it would have become clear that Pierre was again in error at that moment. Pierre’s closeness with the future Decembrists should not be exaggerated. Tolstoy’s goal, as already noted, is to trace the very process of the emergence of Decembrist ideas.
Relaxation(3 min.)
Lesson conclusion: Pierre was always looking for a solution to the question of the meaning of life: “He looked for this in Freemasonry, in absent-mindedness social life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love to Natasha. As a result of communicating with Platon Karataev, Pierre finds “that peace and self-satisfaction for which he had vainly strived before,” he “... learned not with his mind, but with his whole being, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself. Thus, it is Pierre Bezukhov who achieves spiritual harmony with the surrounding world and with himself in “War and Peace”.
- Let's remember the epigraph “To live honestly, you have to rush, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and quit, start again and quit again. And calmness is spiritual meanness.”
A person who is morally demanding of himself cannot calm down - he must fight, get confused, he must look for the meaning of life, his own and all people. This belief is one of the main and constant among Tolstoy himself (slide 11)
Intense intellectual search, nobility in love for Natasha Rostova, genuine patriotism, the desire to make society more just and humane, honesty and naturalness, the desire for self-improvement make Pierre one of the best people his time. (slide12)
Summing up the results of our work in the lesson today, I ask you to compose a syncwine on the topic “Pierre Bezukhov.” (Slide 13) will remind you of the rules for compiling a syncwine)
Line 1 – heading, which contains the keyword, the theme of the syncwine, the concept expressed in the form of a noun.
Line 2 – two adjectives.
Line 3 – three verbs.
Line 4 – a phrase carrying certain meaning.
Line 5 – summary, conclusion, one word, noun. For example:
Pierre Bezukhov
Smart, kind
Thinks, analyzes, searches
Calmness - spiritual meanness
Happiness. (Development (Personality)
Reading poems by students.

Pierre Bezukhov found his happiness - next to him was his beloved and loving woman, he found his place in life. But the main thing is still ahead. Because Bezukhov, like many other heroes of the novel, considers serving people as his main purpose. (slide 14)
Happiness illuminates his whole life with an even and calm light. The main conviction that Pierre learned from his long life quest and which is close to Tolstoy himself is this: “As long as there is life, there is happiness.”
I. Assessing student work.
II. Homework: p. 175, questions 3, 4, 7.

Messages (approximate)
Pierre Bezukhov in the company of “golden” youth
Pierre is sharply contrasted with those around him in the episode of the death of old man Bezukhov. Now he is the heir to his immensely rich father. Having received the title of count, Pierre immediately finds himself in the center of attention of secular society, where he was pleased and, as it seemed to him, loved. And he plunges into the flow of new life, submitting to the atmosphere big world. So he finds himself in the company of the “golden youth” - Anatoly Kuragin and Dolokhov. Under the influence of Anatole, he spends his days in revelry, unable to escape from this cycle. Pierre wastes his vitality, showing lack of will. Prince Andrei tries to convince him that this dissolute life really does not suit him.
Pierre's marriage to Helen Kuragina dates back to this time. He perfectly understands her insignificance and outright stupidity. . However, Pierre's feelings are influenced by her beauty and feminine charm, although real, deep love Tolstoy's hero does not experience. Time will pass, and Pierre will hate Helene and feel her depravity with all his soul.
In this plan important point became a duel with Dolokhov, which took place after Pierre received an anonymous letter at a dinner in honor of Bagration that his wife was cheating on him with his former friend. Pierre does not want to believe this due to the purity and nobility of his nature, but at the same time he believes the letter, because he knows Helen and her lover well. Dolokhov's brazen antics at the table throw Pierre off balance and lead to a duel. It is quite obvious to him that now he hates Helen and is ready to break with her forever, and at the same time break with the world in which she lived.
The attitude of Dolokhov and Pierre to the duel is different. The first goes into a fight with the firm intention of killing, and the second suffers from having to shoot a person. In addition, Pierre has never held a pistol in his hands and, in order to quickly end this vile business, he somehow pulls the trigger, and when he wounds his enemy, barely holding back his sobs, he rushes to him. “Stupid!.. Death... Lies...” he repeated, walking through the snow into the forest. So a separate episode, a quarrel with Dolokhov, becomes a milestone for Pierre, opening up to him a world of lies in which he was destined to find himself for some time.
Message. Pierre in the Masonic Society
Begins new stage Pierre's spiritual quest when, in a state of deep moral crisis, he meets the freemason Bazdeev on his way from Moscow. Pierre joins the religious and philosophical society of Freemasons. He is looking here for spiritual and moral renewal, hopes for rebirth to a new life, longs for personal improvement, and believes in the possibility of achieving brotherly love. He also wants to correct the imperfections of life, and this task does not seem difficult to him at all.
And so, under the influence of Masonic ideas, Pierre decides to free the peasants who belong to him from serfdom. He accepts the construction of schools, hospitals, orphanages as a radical improvement in the lives of peasants, while all this was ostentatious and burdensome for them. Pierre's undertakings not only did not alleviate the plight of the peasants, but also worsened their situation, because the predation of the rich was involved here.
Neither the transformations in the village nor Freemasonry lived up to the hopes that Pierre had placed on them. He is disappointed in the goals of the Masonic organization, which now seems to him deceitful, vicious and hypocritical, where everyone is concerned primarily with their career. Feeling the futility of Masonic ideas, which did not change him at all own life, Pierre "suddenly felt it was impossible to continue old life".

War of 1812. Borodino
The events of the War of 1812 produce a sharp change in Pierre's worldview. They gave him the opportunity to get out of a state of selfish isolation. He begins to be overcome by an anxiety that is incomprehensible to him, and, although he does not know how to understand the events taking place, he inevitably joins the flow of reality and thinks about his participation in the destinies of the Fatherland. And these are not just thoughts. He prepares a militia, and then goes to Mozhaisk, to the field of the Borodino battle, where a new world of ordinary people, unfamiliar to him, opens up before him.
Under the influence of people from the people, Pierre decides to participate in the defense of Moscow. He wants to kill Napoleon in order to save the peoples of Europe from the one who brought them so much suffering and evil. Naturally, he sharply changes his attitude towards Napoleon’s personality, his former sympathy is replaced by hatred of the despot. However, many obstacles, as well as a meeting with the French captain Rambel, change his plans, and he abandons the plan to kill the French emperor.
Borodino becomes a new stage in Pierre's development process. Seeing the militia men dressed in white shirts for the first time, Pierre caught the spirit of elemental patriotism emanating from them, expressed in a clear determination to staunchly defend native land. Pierre realized that this is the force that moves events - the people. With all his soul he understood the hidden meaning of the soldier’s words: “They want to attack all the people, one word - Moscow.”
Pierre now not only observes what is happening, but reflects and analyzes. Here he was able to feel that “hidden warmth of patriotism” that made the Russian people invincible.
An important stage in Pierre’s quest is his visit to the Borodino field at the time of the famous battle.
Pierre Bezukhov in the company of “golden” youth
Questions. – Did Pierre want a duel? How does Pierre cope with Dolokhov’s injury? After all, this was the first time he had shot at a person. (He is sad, melancholy. And he suffers not only because he wounded Dolokhov, but also because life in general is absurd, if you don’t want to kill, you can suddenly kill)
Conclusion: Pierre cannot see someone else’s suffering, someone else’s misfortune, even if they are experienced by a person whom he does not love, who is guilty before him.
An important stage in Pierre’s quest is his visit to the Borodino field at the time of the famous battle.
-Conclusion: He realized here that history is created by the most powerful force in the world - the people. Bezukhov approvingly perceives the wise words of the unknown soldier: “They want to attack all the people, one word - Moscow. They want to make one end.” Pierre now not only observes what is happening, but reflects and analyzes. Under the influence of people from the people, he decides to participate in the defense of Moscow.
- What is the further fate of our hero in the epilogue? (A happy husband and father. A man who, in a dispute with Nikolai Rostov, expresses convictions that allow him to be seen as a future Decembrist. Pierre, after a long and difficult search, found happiness in the merging of social activities and a happy family life.)
Lesson conclusion:
Pierre always sought a solution to the question of the meaning of life: “He looked for this in Freemasonry, in the distraction of social life, in wine, in the heroic feat of self-sacrifice, in romantic love for Natasha. As a result of communicating with Platon Karataev, Pierre finds peace and self-satisfaction, which he had strived for in vain before,” he “...learned that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself. Thus, it is Pierre Bezukhov who achieves spiritual harmony with the surrounding world and with himself in “War and Peace”.

List of used literature
1.Literature. Grade 10. Textbook for general education institutions. At 2 o'clock / p/r V.I. Korovin.. - M.,: Education, 2012.
2.N.V.Egorova. Lesson developments for literature of the 19th century century: 11th grade. In 2 parts. – M.: Vako, 2011
3. I’m going to a literature lesson, 10th grade M. “The First of September,” 2013.
3. Teaching literature in 10th grade. Book for teachers M. 2012.

One of the main characters of the epic “Warrior and Peace” is Pierre Bezukhov. The characteristics of the character in the work are revealed through his actions. And also through the thoughts and spiritual quests of the main characters. The image of Pierre Bezukhov allowed Tolstoy to convey to the reader an understanding of the meaning of the era of that time, of a person’s entire life.

Introducing the reader to Pierre

The image of Pierre Bezukhov is very difficult to briefly describe and understand. The reader needs to go through his entire journey with the hero.

Acquaintance with Pierre is dated in the novel to 1805. He appears at a social reception hosted by Anna Pavlovna Scherer, a high-ranking Moscow lady. By that time, the young man did not represent anything interesting to the secular public. He was the illegitimate son of one of the Moscow nobles. Received a good education abroad, but upon returning to Russia, he did not find any use for himself. An idle lifestyle, carousing, idleness, dubious companies led to the fact that Pierre was expelled from the capital. With this life baggage he appears in Moscow. In turn, high society also does not attract young man. He does not share the pettiness of interests, selfishness, and hypocrisy of its representatives. “Life is something deeper, more significant, but unknown to him,” reflects Pierre Bezukhov. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy helps the reader understand this.

Moscow life

The change of residence did not affect the image of Pierre Bezukhov. By nature he is a very gentle person, easily falls under the influence of others, doubts about the correctness of his actions constantly haunt him. Unbeknownst to himself, he finds himself in captivity of the idle with her temptations, feasts and revelry.

After the death of Count Bezukhov, Pierre becomes the heir to the title and his father's entire fortune. Society's attitude towards young people is changing dramatically. A famous Moscow nobleman, in pursuit of the young count's fortune, marries his beautiful daughter Helen to him. This marriage did not foretell a happy family life. Very soon Pierre understands his wife’s deceit and deceit; her debauchery becomes obvious to him. Thoughts about his violated honor haunt him. In a state of rage, he commits an act that could prove fatal. Fortunately, the duel with Dolokhov ended with the wounding of the offender, and Pierre’s life was out of danger.

The path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov

After the tragic events, the young count thinks more and more about how he spends the days of his life. Everything around is confusing, disgusting and meaningless. He understands that all secular rules and norms of behavior are insignificant compared to something great, mysterious, unknown to him. But Pierre does not have sufficient fortitude and knowledge to discover this great thing, to find his true purpose. human life. The thoughts did not leave the young man, making his life unbearable. a brief description of Pierre Bezukhov gives the right to say that he was a deep, thinking person.

Passion for Freemasonry

After parting with Helen and giving her a large share state, Pierre decides to return to the capital. On the way from Moscow to St. Petersburg, during a short stop, he meets a man who talks about the existence of the Masonic brotherhood. Only they know true path, they are subject to the laws of existence. For Pierre's tormented soul and consciousness, this meeting, as he believed, was salvation.

Arriving in the capital, he, without hesitation, accepts the ritual and becomes a member of the Masonic lodge. The rules of another world, its symbolism, and views on life captivate Pierre. He unconditionally believes everything he hears at meetings, although much of his new life seems gloomy and incomprehensible to him. The journey of Pierre Bezukhov's quest continues. The soul still rushes about and finds no peace.

How to make life easier for people

New experiences and searches for the meaning of life lead Pierre Bezukhov to the understanding that the life of an individual cannot be happy when there are many disadvantaged people around, deprived of any rights.

He decides to take actions aimed at improving the lives of the peasants on his estates. Many people don't understand Pierre. Even among the peasants, for whose sake all this was started, there is misunderstanding and rejection of the new way of life. This discourages Bezukhov, he is depressed and disappointed.

The disappointment was final when Pierre Bezukhov (whose description describes him as a soft, trusting person) realized that he had been cruelly deceived by the manager, his funds and efforts had been wasted.


The alarming events taking place in France at that time occupied the minds of the entire high society. excited the consciousness of young and old. For many young people, the image of the great emperor became an ideal. Pierre Bezukhov admired his successes and victories, he idolized the personality of Napoleon. I didn’t understand the people who decided to resist the talented commander, great revolution. There was a moment in Pierre's life when he was ready to swear allegiance to Napoleon and defend the gains of the revolution. But this was not destined to happen. Feats and achievements for the glory of the French Revolution remained only dreams.

And the events of 1812 will destroy all ideals. The adoration of Napoleon's personality will be replaced in Pierre's soul by contempt and hatred. will appear irresistible desire kill the tyrant, avenging all the troubles he brought to his native land. Pierre was simply obsessed with the idea of ​​reprisal against Napoleon; he believed that this was destiny, the mission of his life.

battle of Borodino

Patriotic War 1812 broke the established foundation, becoming a real test for the country and its citizens. This tragic event directly affected Pierre. The aimless life of wealth and comfort was abandoned by the count without hesitation for the sake of serving the fatherland.

It was during the war that Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization had not yet been flattering, began to look at life differently, to understand what was unknown. Getting closer to soldiers, representatives common people, helps to reevaluate life.

The great battle of Borodino. Pierre Bezukhov, being in the same ranks with the soldiers, saw their true patriotism without falsehood and pretense, their readiness to give their lives for the sake of their homeland without hesitation.

Destruction, blood, and related experiences give rise to spiritual rebirth hero. Suddenly, unexpectedly for himself, Pierre begins to find answers to the questions that have tormented him for so many years. Everything becomes extremely clear and simple. He begins to live not formally, but with all his heart, experiencing a feeling unfamiliar to him, an explanation for which at this moment he cannot yet give.


Further events unfold in such a way that the trials that befell Pierre should harden and finally shape his views.

Finding himself in captivity, he undergoes an interrogation procedure, after which he remains alive, but before his eyes, several Russian soldiers, who were captured by the French with him, are executed. The spectacle of the execution does not leave Pierre's imagination, bringing him to the brink of madness.

And only a meeting and conversations with Platon Karataev again awaken a harmonious beginning in his soul. Being in a cramped barracks, experiencing physical pain and suffering, the hero begins to feel truly himself. The life path of Pierre Bezukhov helps to understand that being on earth is a great happiness.

However, the hero will have to reconsider his attitude towards life more than once and look for his place in it.

Fate decrees that Platon Karataev, who gave Pierre an understanding of life, was killed by the French because he fell ill and could not move. Karataev's death brings new suffering to the hero. Pierre himself was released from captivity by the partisans.


Freed from captivity, Pierre receives news one after another from his relatives, about whom for a long time he didn't know anything. He becomes aware of the death of his wife Helen. Best friend, Andrei Bolkonsky, seriously wounded.

The death of Karataev and disturbing news from relatives again excite the hero’s soul. He begins to think that all the misfortunes that happened were his fault. He is the cause of the death of people close to him.

And suddenly Pierre catches himself thinking that in difficult moments of emotional distress the image of Natasha Rostova suddenly appears. She instills calm in him, gives him strength and confidence.

Natasha Rostova

During subsequent meetings with her, he realizes that he has developed a feeling for this sincere, intelligent, spiritually rich woman. Natasha has a reciprocal feeling for Pierre. In 1813 they got married.

Rostova is capable of sincere love, she is ready to live in the interests of her husband, understand, feel him - this is the main dignity of a woman. Tolstoy showed the family as a way to preserve a person. The family is a small model of the world. The health of this cell determines the state of the entire society.

Life goes on

The hero gained an understanding of life, happiness, and harmony within himself. But the path to this was very difficult. The work of internal development of the soul accompanied the hero all his life, and it gave its results.

But life does not stop, and Pierre Bezukhov, whose characterization as a seeker is given here, is again ready to move forward. In 1820, he informed his wife that he intended to become a member of a secret society.

Favorite hero

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy describes in detail the path of quest of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel “War and Peace”. Pierre Bezukhov is one of the main characters of the work. He belongs to the author’s favorite characters and is therefore described in more detail. The reader is given the opportunity to follow how a wise one is formed from a young naive youth. life experience man. We become witnesses to the hero's mistakes and delusions, his painful search for the meaning of life, and the gradual change in his worldview. Tolstoy does not idealize Pierre. He displays it honestly positive features and weaknesses of character. Thanks to this, the young man seems closer and more understandable. It’s as if he comes to life on the pages of the work.

Many pages are devoted to Pierre's spiritual quest in the novel. Pierre Bezukhov - illegitimate son a wealthy St. Petersburg nobleman, one of the main contenders for a million-dollar inheritance. Having recently arrived from abroad, where he received his education, Pierre cannot decide on the choice of further life path. Unexpected inheritance and high count's title greatly complicates the young man’s situation and causes him a lot of trouble.

Strange appearance

The hero's remarkable appearance evokes a smile and bewilderment. Before us is “a massive, fat young man with a cropped head, glasses, and light trousers in the fashion of that time...”. He does not know how to communicate with ladies, behave correctly in secular society, be polite and tactful. His awkward appearance and lack of good manners are compensated by a kind smile and a naive, guilty look: “smart and at the same time timid, observant and natural.” Behind the massive figure, a pure, honest and noble soul breaks out.

Pierre's misconceptions

Fun of secular youth

Arriving in the capital, main character falls into the company of frivolous golden youth, who mindlessly indulge in empty entertainment and amusements. Noisy parties, hooligan antics, drunkenness, debauchery occupy everything free time Pierre, but do not bring satisfaction. Only in communication with his only friend Andrei Bolkonsky does he become sincere and open his soul. An older friend tries to protect the gullible young man from fatal mistakes, but Pierre stubbornly follows his own path.

Fatal love

One of the main misconceptions in the hero’s life is his infatuation with the empty and depraved beauty Helen. Gullible Pierre is an easy prey for members of the greedy family of Prince Kuragin. He is unarmed against the seductive tricks of a secular beauty and the pressure of an unceremonious prince. Tormented by doubts, Pierre is forced to propose and become the husband of the first beauty of St. Petersburg. Pretty soon he realizes that for his wife and her father he is only a money bag. Disappointed in love, Pierre breaks off relations with his wife.

Passion for Freemasonry

The ideological quest of Pierre Bezukhov continues in the spiritual sphere. He is interested in the ideas of the Masonic brotherhood. The desire to do good, work for the good of society, and improve oneself force the hero to take the wrong path. He tries to alleviate the plight of his serfs, begins to build free schools and hospitals. But he will be disappointed again. Money is stolen, the Masonic brothers pursue their own selfish goals. Pierre finds himself at a dead end in life. No family, no love, no worthy occupation, no purpose in life.

Heroic Rush

The state of gloomy apathy is replaced by a noble patriotic impulse. The Patriotic War of 1812 pushed into the background all the hero’s personal problems. His honest and noble nature is concerned about the fate of the Fatherland. Unable to join the ranks of the defenders of his country, he invests in the formation and uniform of a regiment. During the Battle of Borodino he is in the thick of things, trying to provide all possible assistance to the military. Hatred for the invaders pushes Pierre to commit a crime. He decides to kill the main culprit of what is happening, Emperor Napoleon. The heroic impulse of the young man ended with a sudden arrest and long months of captivity.

Life experience

One of the most important stages Pierre Bezukhov's life becomes the time spent in captivity. Deprived of his usual comfort, a well-fed life, and freedom of movement, Pierre does not feel unhappy. He takes pleasure in satisfying natural human needs, “finds that peace and self-satisfaction that he had previously strived for in vain.” Finding himself in the power of the enemy, he does not solve the complex philosophical questions of existence, does not think about his wife’s betrayal, and does not understand the machinations of those around him. Pierre lives a simple and understandable life, which Platon Karataev taught him. This man’s worldview turned out to be close and understandable to our hero. Communication with Platon Karataev made Pierre wiser and more experienced, and suggested the right path in later life. He learned “not with his mind, but with his whole being, with his life, that man was created for happiness, that happiness is in himself.”

Real life

Freed from captivity, Pierre Bezukhov feels like a different person. He is not tormented by doubts, has a good understanding of people and now knows what he needs for a happy life. An insecure, confused person becomes strong and wise. Pierre is restoring the house and proposes to Natasha Rostova. He clearly understands that it was her that he truly loved all his life and that it was with her that he would be happy and calm.

Happy outcome

At the end of the novel, we see L.N. Tolstoy’s beloved hero as an exemplary family man, a passionate person who has found himself. He's doing social activities, meets interesting people. His intelligence, decency, honesty and kindness are now in demand and useful to society. Beloved and devoted wife, healthy children, close friends, interesting job- components of a happy and meaningful life for Pierre Bezukhov. In an essay on the topic “Pierre Bezukhov’s quest path” he gives detailed analysis the moral and spiritual search of an honest and noble person who, through trial and error, finds his meaning of existence. The hero finally achieved “calmness, agreement with himself.”

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