In the plural, accountant, choice, board, buffet, workshop, instructor, corps, inspector, coat of arms, driver, image. Director, accountant and contract in the plural

In the section on the question: What is correct - accountants or accountants? given by the author Strip the best answer is That's right, of course, accountants. But now in the Russian language there is a process when plural some nouns have variants (naturally, only in colloquial speech. for example, contracts - contracts, professors - professors). in dictionaries they are recorded as variants, one of which is marked “colloquial”, sometimes the variant with “a” is included in the KLYA (codified Russian language), that is, it becomes equal in rights with the variant with “y”. in most cases, the option with “a” wins over the option with “s”. But this is a very long process, as you understand. and the Russian language is a very mobile substance. does not stand still.
Source: my editorial background

Answer from Moan[guru]

Answer from Anatoly Blokhin[master]
through A

Answer from Neurologist[newbie]

Answer from Elena[guru]

Answer from Elena[guru]
Accountant in the plural.

Answer from Natalya Arnautova[guru]
Accountants, of course! It is very sad that so many people write and speak incorrectly...

Answer from Yotrausik I[guru]
of course Y
I’m surprised by those who answer that through A. you should at least doubt that you’re right and look in the dictionary before answering.
and in general, everyone should have a dictionary in their favorites!

Answer from Oliya[newbie]
Definitely accountants

Answer from Lyudmila[guru]
In Russian, accountants, the plural is I or Y, of course it can be A, lug - lugA. This is the genitive of the singular "accountant". But in colloquial speech it is acceptable “Accountant forward!” with an emphasis on A.

For many plural nouns of the nominative case, according to the rules of the Russian language, it is necessary to write the endings -ы, -и, even if this is not always familiar to the ear. For the ear, on the contrary, these and similar words, which have an oscillating form of the nominative plural, with the endings -a, -ya, are more familiar. This can be explained by the fact that the use of professional and colloquial forms of these words prevails over the forms defined by the literary language. In other words, due to the fact that it is more convenient for us to talk this way, a replacement occurs literary forms. IN literary language vernacular is being introduced.

How to pronounce and speak correctly

Thus, the correct spelling should be accountants, not accountantA. The ending "a" is only used in conversation. Another rule of the Russian language also applies: masculine nouns, which indicate the type professional activity, in the plural are written with the ending -ы. According to this rule, the word ACCOUNTANTS is also written with the ending -ы. As well as the following words: instructor - in the plural it is correct to write INSTRUCTORS, chauffeur - CHAFERS. The exception is the word inspector. According to the spelling dictionary, you should write INSPECTOR, but according to the new explanatory dictionary INSPECTORS. So both forms are correct. The word choice in the nominative plural is correctly written ELECTIONS;

  • board - BOARD;
  • buffet - BUFFETS;
  • workshop - SHOP;
  • coat of arms - COATS OF ARMS;
  • image - IMAGES.

For the word corps, both plural forms are correct: CORPS and CORPS. Different spellings and pronunciations result from the formation of the plural form of this noun. In the first case, the word “building” can mean a building, structure, then the correct plural form would be BODIES (clinic buildings, factory buildings). However, in the second case the body has direct relation to the human body. Then the word corps will be correctly spelled CORPS (the activists straightened their hulls). These nouns have different meanings.

Many people are interested in the answer to the question of how to correctly spell the word “accountant” in the plural. The fact is that the Russian language assumes both options for using nouns in the plural and masculine with a stem of a consonant, which, among other things, indicate professional skills (for example: accountant, professor). But the point is that they exist different styles communication.

Colloquial (modern) speech

Colloquial (modern) speech involves the use of the above nouns, ending with the letter A. Therefore, when you say, for example, that “accountants are often late at work in the evenings,” this will be quite acceptable.

Book (traditional) speech

It's another matter if you read a newspaper or a scientific article. In Book or traditional speech, masculine plural nouns with a stem ending in a consonant and indicating professional skills are used ending in the letter Y. In this case, it would be more correct to say this: “accountants are constantly late at work in the evenings.”

Taking into account the above, we can say the following: in order to correctly use “accountant” in the plural, you need to decide what kind of speech you are using. In this case, no one can blame your literacy.

In professional, colloquial and book speech, the use of the plural forms of some masculine nouns with a base on a consonant is distinguished. These also include the names of persons by profession, which, depending on the style of speech, may have the ending - s(s) or - and I).

Word accountant refers to a group of masculine nouns denoting a person on a professional basis. Like other nouns of this group, it can have a productive meaning modern language ending - A or the traditional ending, fixed by literary norm - s.

Form accountants should be differentiated from the synonymous form accountant. Its writing and use in oral speech must correspond to the style appropriate in a particular speech situation.

In everyday life and professional communication it is acceptable to use the form accountant: in colloquial and professional speech it does not go beyond the language norm.

Accountants will confirm the correctness of all calculations.

Accountants submit reporting documentation after employees of the statistical department.

Form accountants is considered bookish, used primarily in official, business and journalistic styles of writing.

An organization requires experienced accountants.

The circle of bank employees includes accountants, economists and financiers.

Spelling words accountants And accountant has parallel forms that correspond to the spelling norms of the language, but their use in speech is not unambiguous and requires stylistic differentiation.

  1. Forms accountant And accountants should be distinguished by stylistic affiliation.
  2. In professional communication and oral speech, the form accountant established itself as normative, not contradicting the requirements of the Russian literary language.
  3. In official, business and journalistic styles, it is correct to use the form accountants.
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