Extracurricular sports competitions for elementary school “Everything is great for the healthy! Fun tasks for elementary school Competitions for gifted children in elementary school.

Good education for children in primary school is a starting point for successful further education. Therefore, it is very important to constantly test how they learn this or that subject and acquire some skills in the first school years, and do this not only through the example of doing homework. Our website “Aida” invites primary school teachers to involve their students in participating in various Olympiads that take place online. The Olympiads are blitz tests on various topics, consisting of fifteen multiple-choice questions. Their results appear immediately after the child answers the last question. If he successfully completes the Olympiad, he can take first, second, third place, or receive the status of laureate or participant.

Olympiads involve accepting works from students, who are divided into categories. The works are reviewed by the competition jury within two days, after which the participants are informed of the result. This can also be first, second, third place, the place of a participant or a laureate. The number of winners in Olympiads for primary school students is unlimited, and every child can successfully complete them. The main thing is that he is well prepared and has not only subject knowledge, but also general knowledge.

Why are Olympiads useful for elementary school students?

Olympiads allow you to test how deeply children absorb information on a particular subject, how they navigate the world around them, and what abilities prevail in them. In addition, they instill in the child communication skills, demonstrate his psychological state, broaden his horizons, and stimulate interest in science.

Regular participation in Olympiads develops a child’s logical thinking, makes him more active, collaborative, creates a desire to compete, increases the amount of knowledge, and instills a desire to learn more about something specific.

Why is it worth involving children in the Olympiad?

Olympiads for elementary school students on our website are free, but they mean receiving first, second, third degree diplomas, certificates of laureates, participants, which cost one hundred rubles. They are issued in the last name, first name, patronymic of the participant, have an individual number, include the date of issue and the results of the Olympiad. Such diplomas are proof that the student has good intelligence, creative abilities, and excellent memory. They are a child’s reward for his first victories and give hope for a promising future.

Olympiads for primary school students reveal their potential, help them learn numeracy, writing, and literacy, and help teachers identify the most gifted children. In addition, they are useful for teachers, as they show their professionalism, competence, ability to teach their subject in an accessible manner, and help them quickly and successfully pass certification.

How can a teacher be certified through the active participation of students?

The diploma that primary school students receive after the Olympiad on our website includes the details of their supervisor. It can be attached to the portfolio and provided to the certification commission during advanced training. Such diplomas are evidence that the teacher has professional talent and deserves to be assigned a new category and a salary increase. And this, in turn, opens up new career prospects and encourages further growth of the teacher as a specialist.

1. Drawing lesson blindfolded.

3. Puss in Boots.

Props: very large boots, skittles (3 per team), hat (1 per team).

Get dressed, run around the pins, curtsy, come back.

4. Baba Yaga.

Props: 3 stupas (3 buckets), 3 brooms.

One foot in the bucket, the other on the ground, one hand supporting the bucket, the other supporting the broom, go the distance.

5. Kolobok.

Props: 3 buckets, skittles (3 per team), 3 balls - Koloboks. Skittles: Hare, Wolf, Bear; bucket - Fox, roll your Kolobok past the pins, throw it into the bucket.

6. Fisherman.

Props: 3 fishing rods with magnets, a lot of fish with paper clips, as well as a can, a frog, a shoe, etc.

“What is it with Galochka?

A thread on a stick

Stick in hand

And a thread in the river...”

(We fish).

7. "Snake"- we cling in turn to each other so as not to break the snake.

The letter got lost

1. They say there is one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

The house was hooked.

2. There is fear in Mashenka’s eyes:

A large green onion is creeping.

3. We collected cornflowers.

We have puppies on our heads.

4. On yellowed grass

The lion drops its leaves.

5. There are no roads in the swamp,

I'm into cats - jump and jump!

6. There is sour cream on the wolf,

Cottage cheese, milk.

And I would be glad to eat

Yes, it's not easy to get.

7. The teacher says to Paraska:

What fairy tales have you read?

Paraska thinks: “Oh-oh!

I haven’t read a single one!”

And from behind someone whispers: “Turnip!”

Paraska screamed: “Cap!”

Game "Prize"

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases.

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately.

Seasoned schoolboy dreams

Become an Olympic champion.

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

Wait for the command: 1-2, march!

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, but better... five!

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours.

So why didn’t you take the prize, friends?

When was the opportunity to take it?

Funny competitions

1. Help your friend.

Props: apron, headscarf. The boy dresses the girl.

2. Ap-chhi! We shout: boxes, cartilage, matches.

4. Varvara-krasa - long braid.

5. Who has more buttons?

6. Who will drink juice faster through a pacifier (straw)

7. Turtle - get on all fours, basin on your back, walk the distance.


I order you to destroy the mess!

Angry boar sitting on a branch

The steamboat was languishing in a cage

The nightingale sharpened its fangs

Porcupine honked

The cat taught physics

Masha caught her tail

Pinocchio sewed his own pants

The tailor ate all the pancakes

The hedgehog was set for dinner

Siskin moved his whiskers

Cancer flew above the clouds

The table was chasing mice

The kettle was jumping in the yard

The boy gurgled on the fire

Find out the fairy-tale hero

1. Who is the unfortunate person who is assassinated three times? (Kolobok)

2. Sing Kolobok’s song.

3. Walks to school with an ABC book

Wooden boy

Gets to school instead

In a wooden booth.

What is the name of this book?

What is the boy's name? (Pinocchio)

4. Get into the habit of going into the poultry house - expect trouble,

Covers his tracks with his red tail. (Lisa Patrikeevna)

5. Someone grabbed onto someone tightly:

Oh, there’s no way to pull it out,

Oh, it's stuck tight.

But more helpers will come running soon.

Friendly common work will defeat the stubborn person.

Who is stuck so tightly? Maybe it's... (Turnip)

6. The Fox carries me beyond the dark forests,

For fast rivers, for high mountains...

Cat! Thrush! Help me! (Golden comb cockerel)

7. There is a green house in a sunny meadow,

And in that green house lives a cheerful one... (Dwarf).

8. A girl appeared in a flower cup,

And that girl was a little bigger than a marigold.

The girl was sleeping in the nutshell.

What a girl, how small she is!

Who read this book

Does he know the little girl? (Thumbelina)

9. Unknown to many for a long time,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The Onion Boy is familiar.

It is called very simply and briefly... (Cipollino)

10. Suddenly from my mother’s bedroom,

Bowlegged and lame,

The sink runs out and shakes his head! (Moidodyr)

11. He is kinder than everyone else in the world,

He heals sick animals.

And one day a hippopotamus

He pulled him out of the swamp.

Everyone knows, famous,

Good doctor... (Aibolit).

12. He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being

But there are no such people in the whole world

There is no one else.

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a fox,

Not a kitten, not a puppy,

Not a wolf cub, not a groundhog...

But it was filmed for cinema and has been known to everyone for a long time

This cute little face that is called... (Cheburashka)

13. He always loves everyone,

No matter who came to him.

Did you guess it? This is Gena... This is Gena... (Crocodile)

14. He is both cheerful and not angry

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, a walk is a holiday,

And he has a special nose for honey.

This plush prankster is a bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

15. On the ground and underground

He will be your comrade! (The Little Humpbacked Horse)

16. Baby goats!

Open up, open up!

Your mother came and brought milk.

Milk runs down the drain,

From the notch - up to the hoof,

From the hoof - into the dirt! (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

Game "Echo"

Get ready, kids! - ra-ra

The game begins! - ra-ra

Don't spare your palms! - ley-ley

Hit your hands more fun! - ley-ley

What time is it! - hour-hour

How much will it be in an hour? - hour-hour

And it’s not true, there will be two! - two-two

Think, think, head! - two-two

How the rooster crows in the village! - uh-uh

Are you sure that's true? - so-so

But in reality, how? - how how

What is two and two? - two-two

My head is spinning! - wa-wa

Is it an ear or a nose? (holds ear) - nose-nose

Or maybe a load of hay? - cart-cart

Is it an elbow or an eye? - eye-eye

Well, what do we have? - us-us

Are you always good? - Yes Yes

Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes

Are you tired of answering? - chat-chat

I allow you to remain silent.

Two players, secretly from the other players, agree on a topic on which they will communicate through non-verbal means. They start a conversation. Eyewitnesses, having guessed what is being said, join the conversation. When everyone is involved in the game, starting with the last person to connect, they begin to find out the subject of communication - how they understood the topic of the conversation and what information they conveyed.

All players are assigned numbers. No. 1 begins: “There were 4 crocodiles walking down the street,” No. 4 replies: “Why 4?”, No. 1: “How many?”, No. 4: “And 8.” No. 8 comes into play: “Why 8?” ", No. 4: “And how much?”, No. 8: “A 5!”, etc. if someone makes a mistake or hesitates, he gives a forfeit. Collected forfeits at the end of the game

Children sit in a circle. Everyone has something hidden under their shirt. One of the children tries to guess by touch what is there. The game becomes more interesting if the rule applies: do not immediately name the guessed objects, but feel everything that is hidden and only then name who has what is hidden.
are being played out.

Team representatives or their captains are called. The presenter invites them to take turns telling the first line from the joke. If anyone present in the hall can continue the joke, a “beard” is attached to the player. The one with the fewest wins.

Starting with the neighbor, on the right, we say a compliment along the chain, always with a smile, and those who are especially cheerful can make attractive faces.

To do this, the guys are divided into two or three teams of equal numbers. Each team chooses a name for itself. The counselor proposes the conditions: “Now the commands will be carried out after I command “Start!” The team that completes the task faster and more accurately will be considered the winner.” In this way, you will create a spirit of competition, which is very important for the guys.
So, first task. Now each team must say one word in unison. "Let's start!"
In order to complete this task, all team members need to somehow agree. It is these functions that a person striving for leadership takes on.
Second task. Here it is necessary for half the team to quickly stand up without agreeing on anything. "Let's start!"
Third task. Now all the teams are flying in a spaceship to Mars, but in order to fly, we need to organize the crews as quickly as possible. The crew includes: captain, navigator, passengers and "hare". So, who is faster?!
Usually, the leader again takes on the functions of the organizer, but the distribution of roles often occurs in such a way that the leader chooses the role of a “hare”. This can be explained by his desire to transfer the responsibility of commander to the shoulders of someone else.
Task four. We arrived on Mars and we need to somehow stay in a Martian hotel, and it only has a triple room, two double rooms and one single room. You need to decide as quickly as possible who will live in which room. "Let's start!"
After playing this game, you can see the presence and composition of microgroups in your team. Single rooms usually go to either hidden, unidentified leaders or "outcasts".
The proposed number of rooms and rooms in them is compiled for a team consisting of 8 participants. If there are more or fewer participants in the team, then make up the number of rooms and rooms yourself, but with the condition that there are triples, doubles and one single.

To play this game, you need to divide into 2-3 teams and prepare 2-3 boxes of matches. More precisely, you don’t need the entire box, but only the upper part of it. The inner, retractable part along with the matches can be put aside.
To start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all members of your team as quickly as possible, with your hands behind your back. If someone's box falls, the team starts the procedure again.
Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission faster.
There will be no shortage of laughter in this game!

This game again involves the passing of an object by two or more teams. This object will be an apple, and you will need to hold it between your chin and neck. Hands behind your back, so... Let's start!
If you don't have an apple on hand, you can just as easily use an orange or a tennis ball.

For this game you need to organize at least three teams. Teams line up in columns located on the same line, having previously taken off their shoes. After the teams line up, the counselor collects all the guys’ shoes, dumps them in a pile and mixes them. The counselors are offered instructions: “This is a small, fun relay race. Now, in turn, each of the participants must run up to this pile, put on their shoes and run to their team in their shoes, passing the baton to the next one. Those who know how to quickly put on their shoes win!”

Toucan is a fish that fishermen often dry by stringing it on long ropes. Now we, like a toucan, will be “strung” on a long, about 15 m long rope, at one end of which a pine cone is tied. All team members must pass this pinecone through all their clothes from top to bottom, passing the pinecone to each other in turn. Naturally, the winning team is the one whose last member is the first of all teams to pull out a pine cone with fifteen meters of rope tied to it from his trouser leg.

This game is best played at the “getting to know each other”, when the guys sit in a large, close circle. The counselor should start the game by saying his name. The person sitting to his left must say the name of the counselor and his own. The next one further clockwise will have to name the two previous names, his own, and so on in a circle. The counselor must again finish by calling the entire squad by name. The task is difficult, but realistic and doable. Try it - success is guaranteed.

Children sit in a circle. The counselor gives the task: “Let’s start counting in a circle. The one who has a number that is a multiple of three says his name instead of the number.”
This game can be used to develop memory and attention. Play and you will see that this is really the case.

To play this game, take a rope and tie its ends so that a ring is formed. (The length of the rope depends on the number of children participating in the game.)
The guys stand in a circle and grab the rope, which is inside the circle, with both hands. Assignment: “Now everyone needs to close their eyes and, without opening their eyes, without letting go of the rope, build a triangle.” First, there is a pause and complete inaction of the guys, then one of the participants offers some kind of solution: for example, pay off and then build a triangle according to serial numbers, and then directs the actions.

The next similar game will be the game "Karabas". To play the game, children are seated in a circle, a counselor sits with them, and suggests the conditions for the game: “Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word “KA-RA-BAS” and I will show a certain number of fingers on outstretched hands, and you will have to, without agreeing, get up from the chairs, and as many people as I show fingers. This game develops attention and speed of reaction.”
This game test requires the participation of two counselors. The task of one is to conduct the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the guys.
Most often, the more sociable guys who strive for leadership stand up. Those who get up later, at the end of the game, are less decisive. There are also those who first stand up and then sit down. They constitute the "happy" group. A non-initiative group is one that does not stand up at all.
It is recommended to repeat the game 4-5 times.
The practice of this game shows that leaders usually take on these functions.
You can continue the game, complicating the task, and invite the children to build a square, star, hexagon.

This game is best played during the organizational period to identify the leader, as well as in the middle of the shift, and used as visual material in your team.
It is suggested that the children imagine that they are all a big family and everyone needs to take a photo together for the family album. You must select a "photographer". He should arrange for the whole family to be photographed. The “grandfather” is chosen first from the family; he can also participate in the placement of “family” members. No more instructions are given for children; they must decide for themselves who to be and where to stand. And you stop and watch this entertaining picture. The role of “photographer” and “grandfather” is usually played by guys striving for leadership. But, however, elements of management and other “family members” are not excluded. It will be very interesting for you to observe the distribution of roles, activity and passivity in choosing a location.
This game, played in the middle of a shift, can reveal new leaders and reveal the system of likes and dislikes in groups. After distributing the roles and arranging the “family members,” the “photographer” counts to three. On the count of three! Everyone shouts “cheese” in unison and very loudly and clap their hands at the same time.

Pass a cardboard with a pencil along each row, and each participant must write a word of four to five letters on the cardboard passed along his row. When counting, the number of letters and time are taken into account.

This game is for attention. In it, the guys must count the number of illogical judgments in the poem that the counselor will read:
I saw the lake on fire
A dog in trousers on a horse,
The house has a hat instead of a roof,
Cats caught by mice.
I saw a duck and a fox
That a plow plows a meadow in the forest,
Like a bear trying on shoes,
And like a fool, he believed everything.
(S.Ya. Marshak)

Because of the forest, because of the mountains
Grandfather Yegor was driving.
He's on a piebald cart,
On an oak horse
He is belted with a club,
Leaning on the sash,
Wide-leg boots,
The jacket is on bare feet.

A village was driving past a man,
And from under the dog the gate barks,
The horse grabbed the whip
Whipping a man
Black cow
Leads the girl by the horns.
(K.S. Stanislavsky)

The counselor plays the role of the leader, and the guys are divided into two teams: one is “Petka”, the other is “Vaska”. Next, all together to the tune of "Darkie":
In a sunny meadow
There is a green house.
And on the porch of the house
A cheerful gnome is sitting.
Next the counselor shouts: “What is your name, gnome?” and points with his hand at one of the teams, who responds as loudly as possible with a tongue twister.
Fuck! I have a gingham shirt!
I came to you, girls,
To eat candy!
Wow! I have polka dot pants!
I came from a fairy tale
Because I'm good!
All this is done several times, the counselor points to one or the other team, and at the end of the game - to both teams at once, and one of them must shout out the other.

CHANT "Foreign women".
These chants have a large number of variations. Their peculiarity is that they mean absolutely nothing and therefore children like them.
It’s very simple: the children repeat after the counselor who sings:
Calabamba la-o!
Oh, I eat bananas!
After each line sung by the counselor, the children shout: “Hey!”
Bala-bala-mi - hey!
Chicka-chicka-chi - hey!
Together with the guys, you can come up with your own squad chant, to which you, for example, will gather together.

Everyone stands in a circle, holding their arms outstretched in front of them. The person starting the game throws the ball through the center of the circle to one of the participants and says his name. After the throw, he lowers his hands. After the ball has passed everyone and everyone has dropped their hands, the game begins in the second round. Each participant throws the ball to the person he threw to the first time and says his name again.
The third round of this game is slightly modified. Again, everyone stands in a circle with their arms outstretched, but now the participant who threw the ball must say his name, the one who caught the ball does the same, etc.
After playing this game (it takes 10-15 minutes to play), it is quite possible to remember up to 20 names.

Acting competition
fans of a team that is losing a decisive match.
fans of the team arguing among themselves in the stands.

Make new names from the name VALENTINE. Time for the competition is 1 minute. Spectators are also divided into two teams and when the competition participants run out of their names, they help with theirs.

A word is said from the audience, the player must quickly come up with a rhyme.
fans of the winning team.

The bus interior is divided into two teams. “A competition is being announced for the best ship crew. To do this, we need to know a lot of songs. Whichever team sings them the most will be the winner! But the main thing is that the song contains words about the sea, sailors, and sea ships.” This game is very variable and its conditions depend on your imagination. These could be songs about Moscow, there could be songs in which numbers appear: “a million, a million, a million scarlet roses”; "...the girl from apartment 45"; "...one word, two words..."
A more challenging version of this game is the Question and Answer game, where the team takes turns taking a question from one song and an answer from another.
“Why are you standing there, swaying?..”
"...The sea wave is rocking and rocking."
It is possible for one team to ask a question in song form, and the second, again, chooses an answer from the text of a hundred songs.

The competition is held without announcement immediately after the teams exit. A girl passes in front of the teams and seemingly accidentally drops her handkerchief (approximately in the middle between the teams). The team that guesses to pick up the scarf and politely return it to the girl wins. After this it is announced that this was the first competition.

Teams pull a rope with a central ribbon. The winning team will pull the opponents into its half (to determine the half, a chalk line is drawn on the floor in the middle of the room).

It’s very quick to name food products that are often used in everyday life along the chain. Other thread themes are possible.

A girl is invited to the middle of the hall. The teams take turns complimenting the girl without repeating themselves. The team with the most compliments wins.

In one minute, compose a ditty with your name and sing it.

Dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” if it:
1) comedy
2) melodrama

Two people per team. Having clasped each other around the waist, with your free hands you must first untie and remove the lacings from the shoes, and then, on command, lace them up and tie a bow

Children stand in a circle and choose “sparrow” or “cat”. "Sparrow" in a circle, "cat" - outside the circle. She tries to run into the circle and catch the "sparrow". Children are not allowed

Children break into pairs and hold hands - these are houses. A group of children are birds, there are more of them than houses. Birds are flying. “It started to rain” and the birds occupied the houses. Those who do not have enough houses are eliminated from the game, and then change with the children who are “houses”.


All-Russian competitions for schoolchildren became extremely popular in the 2018-2019 academic year among talented students in Russian schools. Our students are eager to take part in distance learning activities that are offered to them in various areas. Where else than here, on the vast expanses of the Internet, can you tell your talent and receive that well-deserved award that you had only dreamed of before? And since the desire to participate in thematic competitions for schoolchildren is so great, then it’s time to learn more about them, and then choose one of them for yourself in order to successfully debut and receive a winner’s diploma.

All-Russian competitions for primary school students

In 2018 - 2019, new distance competitions are planned to be held on the portal Klassnye-chasy.ru for elementary school students. Considering that children of this age love to draw, creative tasks in these areas will be offered to make crafts. Each child will be able to show their creativity if their parents or teachers help them complete their work correctly and send the necessary materials to the site administrators. The results of some competitions have already been held. Applications are now being accepted for new competitions in 2016. You can take part in them and become a lucky winner.

All-Russian competitions for students in grades 5 - 9 (secondary school)

Considering that the main activity at the secondary level is educational activity, I would like to offer schoolchildren participation in subject competitions, where they can demonstrate their abilities and knowledge of individual disciplines. Participation in school events is interesting, but children want to go beyond this framework and tell about themselves far beyond the borders of their hometown or small village. All-Russian competitions for middle-level students help those who participate in them to prove themselves. It is these events that help to maintain schoolchildren’s interest in the subjects that are studied at school, and at the same time stimulate the independence of schoolchildren, their activity, and initiative. After all, in order to adequately prove oneself in the all-Russian competition for students of grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, one must be able to work with additional literature, search for the necessary material on the Internet, and prepare the finished work taking into account the requirements specified in the regulations. At the same time, there is close cooperation between students in groups, interaction between student and teacher, between children and parents. It was at this time that some schoolchildren discover their talents for creating projects, presentations on interesting topics, writing creative works (poems, essays), creating collages, drawings, posters.

Not easy . But it’s even more difficult to choose games and competitions for school-age children. After all, the interests and hobbies of children have changed. And entertainment should be age-appropriate. Games for schoolchildren not only perform an entertaining function, but also play a significant educational role in a playful form. Thus, with the help of games we develop children’s attention, imagination, thinking, and communication skills.


Memory development game. At the beginning of the game, players agree on which group they will name words from: trees, birds, furniture, transport, animals. The first player says the word and passes the ball to the other player: for example, hare. The next child repeats the first word and names his own: hare, fox. The next player must repeat the first two words and add his own word: hare, fox, bear. The one who could not reproduce the words is eliminated from the game. The last player's task is to reproduce the entire chain of words.

Chains of words

Children sit in a circle. The first child names any object (noun), the next player must come up with an adjective that will be combined with the noun, then he must again come up with a noun that must be combined with the adjective, etc.

House – tall – tree – green – crocodile – evil – wizard, etc.


This is a fun surprise game. You can play it with children of any age. Young children can be asked to look for treasure on behalf of some fairy-tale character. In this case, the character can ask the children to solve riddles. For example, having guessed the riddle about the closet, children find a note in it with a new riddle or a new task. The game captivates the kids, and when they finally find the treasure, it will be a real surprise for them. As a treasure, you can offer refreshments for all guests or small souvenirs for everyone.

For older children, the game can be complicated. Offer the children a pre-drawn treasure hunt plan or map. In the diagram (map), indicate the direction of the search. For example, from a landmark you need to count five steps forward, turn left, walk another three steps, etc. This game is fun to play outdoors; you can hide treasure both on a tree and in the ground.


Children sit in a circle. Each person has a sheet of paper and markers or pencils. The game is best played with music. While the music is playing, the children draw. The music stops and during the pause the children pass the drawings to each other in a circle. Music plays and drawing continues. And so on until the drawings return to their owners. In conclusion, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Game-competition “Summer is”

The game promotes the development of imagination. The presenter names a concept, and the players take turns to name its signs, for example: summer is the sea; holidays, heat. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who is the last to name the attribute of the object.


The game will be interesting to children of middle and high school age. It perfectly develops the communication skills of schoolchildren.

From among the players, three people are chosen - smugglers. Each smuggler will need a book and a marked piece of paper for everyone - this is smuggling. The smugglers retire and agree which of them will carry the contraband, then hide it in a book. The remaining group of children are customs officers. Their task is to find contraband. To do this, they ask the smugglers leading questions. Conclusions are drawn by analyzing the responses and behavior of smugglers. The suspected smuggler is examined - his book is checked. You can check only one of the three smugglers. If customs officers find contraband, they win, then they choose new smugglers from among the customs officers, but if they make a mistake, then the smugglers remain the same. You can prepare standard questions for customs officers in advance.

Where do you live?

Where are you going?

For what purpose?

For how long?

What are you carrying in your luggage?

Do you have any prohibited items?

What documents do you have?

Source of income?


The game is a release. One or two people are chosen from among the players - these are the drivers who will guess the invented phrase. After this, the remaining group of children comes up with a phrase. This could be a proverb, a saying, a line from a famous song, i.e. the phrase should be “well-known.” The phrase is then divided into words by players, each player will say only his own word, but all words will be said at the same time. The driver's task is to reproduce the phrase.


This exciting game is similar to the game “Broken Telephones”. Only here the message is transmitted in the form of a drawing - a fax. The participants of the game sit in a circle. A sheet of paper is attached to the back of each of them. The first participant, using a stick or a closed felt-tip pen, draws some simple object on his neighbor’s back: a Christmas tree, the sun, a house, a person, etc. By pressing the stick, the player must determine what is drawn and draw the same object on the back of the person sitting in front of him. At the end of the game, the children voice out what they drew.

Funny Guys

This game will provide great entertainment at a children's party while developing imagination.

The presenter throws the ball to the player, naming an object, such as a pencil. The player must quickly come up with another name for this item - a draftsman, a draftsman, a writer, and throw the ball back. If the child finds it difficult, he drops out of the game.

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