Victoria rides battle of psychics season 16 best. Victoria rides

Most recently, filming of the ceremony for presenting the Hand, the main prize of the “Battle of Psychics,” ended on Novaya Basmannaya Street. And the winner of the show is already known: contrary to many predictions of Marilyn Kerro’s admirers, her main competitor, Victoria Rydos, was recognized as the best.

It was Rydos who came out to the enthusiastic fans with the Hand of the Winner. Victoria became the strongest psychic of the 16th season. The joy of her fans does not subside and is transferred to social networks, where many are already flooding their idol with congratulations.

Throughout season 16, Victoria showed herself to be a very worthy opponent and a truly powerful witch. Of course, her victory is well-deserved, and it was often bet on, but for many this outcome came as a surprise. Estonian Marilyn was literally unsettled by Victoria's victory: Kerro appeared crying, and the winner of season 14, her lover Alexander Sheps, could not calm the upset girl for a long time.

In season 16, Kerro expected to win. She came for revenge, having once lost to Alexander, and therefore her defeat became a double strike. In addition, there were rumors for a long time that Marilyn was not even second and that Nicole Kuznetsova literally stole the honorary silver from under her nose. Nicole is quite strong - for example, unlike Marilyn, she passed the “Trunk” during the qualifying tests - but her passages were quite uneven, so that third place had long been predicted for her. However, she managed to surprise everyone.

This time the filming of the finale took place on a particularly large scale. Not only fans were present, but also retired project participants. Fans warmly welcomed Namtar Enzigal, fans staged a photo flash mob with Sergei Pakhomov. By the way, Pakhom appeared with a sign “#back”, imitating the hashtag “#Pakhomcomeback” in in social networks. After his departure from the show, the entire RuNet was literally flooded with messages with this hashtag. And now, Pakhom has indeed returned. Rumor has it that Marilyn has already been asked if she would like to compete with him for the Hand in the 17th season of the show.

Pakhom was spotted with another winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” Natalya Banteeva. Once Natalya and Victoria were part of the same coven, but now their relationship cannot be called so warm. However, Banteeva was at the presentation. It also remains a mystery whether she recalled to Namtar the “tambourine” with which, while reading information from photographs, Namtar once accidentally advised the witch to “jump.”

Thus, Victoria Raidos, priestess of the cult of the clan, former member coven of Natalya Banteeva, becomes the winner of the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. We wish good luck not only to her, but also to the other participants, as well as to everyone who supported the psychics. Develop your talents too and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.12.2015 00:10

The 11th episode of the 16th season of “Battle of Psychics” is airing, and the end of the show is getting closer. Latest...

The 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” is coming to an end, and very soon we will find out the winner. Intrigue...

Psychic Victoria Raidos became famous after appearing on Russian TV channel TNT season 16 of the popular mystical TV show “Battle of Psychics”.

First steps

There are still debates and rumors about when the witch was actually born. Victoria does not like to advertise the details of her personal life, which is why her biography is fragmentary and full of mystical contradictions and ambiguities. The most likely date of her birth is December 27, 1976.

They say that psychic abilities were passed on to the girl by her grandmother, who introduced her to the mysterious world of magic. However, even from her birth signs it was clear that the baby had an innate tendency towards extrasensory perception of the world - Victoria was born in the year of the Dragon under the sign of Capricorn, one of whose patrons is Satan himself.

Victoria's guide to the world of magic was the Tarot cards, which she masterfully wields and with the help of which she easily penetrates both the past and the future. For the first time, Victoria picked up Tarot cards in a very at a young age and every year her skill grew rapidly.

Magical practices

To enhance her energy potential, Victoria successfully mastered the techniques of the healing art of Reiki and gained the ability to help people and engage in healing. Currently, she has several students to whom she transfers sacred knowledge and teaches them to work in strong energy flows.

Having penetrated the mysterious world of magic, Victoria learned to work with the souls of the dead and energy entities invisible in our ordinary reality. Perfume helps her receive necessary information, they also helped her successfully overcome the tests at the Battle of Psychics.

Communication with the dead in Victoria's magical practice is very important place. She uses cemetery attributes to carry out her rituals, writes her own “Book of the Dead,” which contains magical information known only to her, closed and carefully guarded from the uninitiated.

Victoria is known as one of the followers of the magical coven of the strong psychic and hereditary witch Natalya Banteeva, known to viewers from the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics”.

Project "Wake Up!"

Together with Natalya and other followers of magical practices, Victoria takes an active part in the educational project “Wake Up!”, the goal of which is to convey to those who are ready to hear about it that absolutely anyone can master magical practices and psychic abilities if desired.

The goal of the project creators is to organize a society that exists in harmony with the laws of space and the Universe, which today as many people as possible should learn about. As part of the project, lectures and presentations were held on how to interact with people and animals in order to help spread light and good vibrations.

Reception and training

Victoria, together with her students, constantly conducts receptions, trying to help as much as possible more people to solve their problems and improve their health, improve their destiny.
She also conducts ongoing training at the school for those who want to master the basics of reading Tarot cards and extrasensory perception. Victoria believes that what more people will develop his energy abilities and comprehend the laws of harmony of the universe, the brighter the Earth’s energy field will become.

True, this does not harmonize too much with the rituals on which her own magical practices are based, but in the world of extrasensory perception, everyone goes their own way and everyone decides for themselves.

In 2016, we again see Victoria on television. This time she became one of the participants in the show “The Investigation is Conducted by Psychics.” Now she doesn’t need to prove her psychic abilities, but teaming up with other participants, she needs to reveal the mysterious causes of difficult life circumstances.

In the winter of 2017, the witch presented her first book, “The Cult of Ancestors. The power of our blood." Rydos is trying to tell his readers whether the actions of our predecessors can really affect our destiny. And it will also give an answer to the eternal question - “Is it possible to change what is written in our family?”

Raidos also began conducting seminars on extrasensory perception in 2017. In addition to theoretical classes, the witch will also conduct several practical courses.

Personal life and husband of Victoria Raidos

The details of Victoria's personal life are shrouded in even greater darkness than hers. exact date birth. Very little is known for certain.

Victoria came to the “Battle of Psychics” from St. Petersburg, where she was born and currently lives. Victoria is married, and this is not her first marriage. Victoria had some not very pleasant story connected with her first husband, which she prefers not to talk about.

But there is information that she even had problems with the law because of this difficult relationship. Fortunately, all this is a thing of the past.

Now she has a little daughter. Lives in an apartment with his family and several Sphynx cats, whom he adores. Victoria believes that personal life should remain closed not only to strangers, but also to those around you. This protects your loved ones from negative energy other people.

Main life principle Victoria is that we ourselves are responsible for our choices and our actions. She encourages us not to live in the past or future, but to focus on the present. Appreciate every day and every minute, and those people who are next to us and are our teachers. It is this worldview that can make your life harmonious and successful.

Victoria Rydos is a popular clairvoyant, tarot reader and occultist, winner of the 16th season of the famous television show about people with supernatural abilities. Fans believe that she predicts the future, sees the past and much that is hidden from the view of the average person.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Germanovna Raidos was born on December 27 (presumably) 1976 in St. Petersburg. The biography of Victoria Rydos remained unknown to the general public for a long time. All information about her was based only on the stories of the woman herself.

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Later it became known that Vika spent a lot of time as a child with her grandmother Zinaida, who worked as a design engineer. The girl showed paranormal abilities at the age of 4, when she refused to take pills, which later poisoned all the children in her group kindergarten. In her youth, the girl was influenced by bad habits, but later managed to get rid of them. Raidos never graduated from university.

Extrasensory perception

Rydos claims to be an experienced tarot reader and occultist, a specialist in clairvoyance. The name of Victoria Raidos is mentioned among hundreds of the best healers in Russia. In St. Petersburg, she conducts courses where she teaches those interested in the correct use and interpretation of the meaning of Tarot cards. Rhydos' fans call her Elf.

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Psychic Victoria Raidos

Victoria says that her grandmother helped her understand the secrets of magic. She passed on all her knowledge to her granddaughter, teaching Tarot fortune telling. The girl allegedly performed her first experiments with esoteric practices on herself, and only when she was convinced of her abilities did she begin practicing on her relatives and friends.

Rhydos claims that she has a number of diplomas from esoteric schools. She is a practicing magician and healer. In addition, the medium is part of a special clan of witches, the Northern Coven of Natalia Banteeva.

Victoria Raidos became famous after appearing on the project “Battle of Psychics – 16” on the TNT channel. According to the psychic, she is able to summon the spirits of the dead, see the past and can control energy flows.

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Victoria Raidos in the show “Battle of Psychics”

Viewers immediately identified Victoria Raidos as one of the strongest participants in the 16th season of the most popular project. Viewers called her main rivals Marilyn Kerro, and an underground actor who suddenly surprised everyone with his psychic abilities.

Victoria wins this season, gaining even greater popularity among television viewers, despite the fact that critics accuse the TV show and the participants of the “Battle” of rigged competitions and staged episodes using supernatural forces.

After winning the competition with psychics, Raidos continued to conduct a private practice and help those who turn to supernatural forces to people. Today, a psychic is in demand in this area. According to the witch, she honestly tells those who ask for help about their future. Victoria sympathizes with people in trouble, but does not hide the bitter truth from them.

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Victoria Raidos - winner of the show "Battle of Psychics"

In 2016, Rydos returned to television screens. Victoria took part in new show about people with supernatural abilities “Psychics are investigating.” In this program, magicians and esotericists do not fight each other in staged tasks, but help people who find themselves in difficult situations. life situations and those who have lost close relatives. Rydos participated in the 6th season of the television show, called “Battle of the Strongest”. Victoria's investigative partners were Alexander Sheps and Marilyn Kerro.

Victoria Raidos did not stand aside after the sensational revelation of the “Battle of Psychics” program. Actor and former TV presenter project on the air of “Our Radio” he called everything that happened on the program untrue. The psychic suggested that the artist decided to promote himself in this way, and added that many participants conduct private practices and help people in practice.

In 2017, Victoria’s debut book on spiritual practices, “The Cult of Ancestors,” was published. The power of our blood." On the pages of the publication, Raidos shares the secrets of psychic practices, talks about the power of blood and how the actions and lives of ancestors influence the fate of a person today.

Victoria Raidos at the presentation of her book

On April 16, 2017, Victoria and her husband appeared on the intellectual and humorous television game “Where is the Logic?” This year, the psychic began to hide her family less from ill-wishers and even gave an interview to journalists, where she talked about Everyday life a person with psychic abilities.

In the summer of 2017, Victoria gave a series of seminars on extrasensory perception. Raidos gave a short course on rites and rituals, spoke about the cult of ancestors and conducted practical classes where she showed how to get rid of generational curses and neutralize energy vampires. The seminars were held on July 22 in Almaty, August 10 in Krasnoyarsk and August 13 in Novosibirsk. The witch also plans to release a modified Tarot deck.

Personal life

About the personal life of Victoria Raidos for a long time very little was known. Like a true witch, she reliably hid the names and dates of birth of her relatives, “fearing damage and the evil eye from competitors.” At first, all that was known was that Victoria was married and had a little daughter. Subsequently, the psychic became less wary of fans and their curiosity.

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One of the favorite mystical programs, which since February 2007 has been watched not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders, is “Battle of Psychics.” Every issue television show associated with tests for participants fighting for the honorable first place. However, not all of them can reach the finals. Psychic Victoria Raidos is one of the few who succeeded. Who is she, this mysterious lady who hides her emotions? What is she like in her work and personal life?

Brief information about Victoria

Victoria Germanovna Raidos is a finalist in the 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” She is an experienced and strong clairvoyant who knows how to work with Tarot cards and a kind of “book of the dead”.

Like many people with supernatural abilities, the brown-eyed participant in the program is secretive and reluctant to share information from her biography or personal life.

Very little is known about her. Thus, it has been reliably established that she was born on December 27, 1976. How old Victoria Raidos is can now be easily calculated: she is 39 years old.

But Victoria’s birthplace causes a lot of controversy and disagreement. According to some sources, her father's house was in Moscow. There she graduated from school and university. Later she moved with relatives to St. Petersburg, where she lives with her family to this day.

Other sources prove to the point of hoarseness that there was no Moscow, and the city in which the clairvoyant was born is St. Petersburg.

“Hu from hu”: who is Victoria?

Victoria Raidos (reviews of her work in the show are given below) positions herself as a clairvoyant, hereditary witch and priestess of the cult of ancestors. According to her, she is able to communicate with the spirits of deceased relatives and other people, information about which she draws from the above-mentioned “Book of the Dead.”

Interestingly, the book only vaguely resembles the printed edition, with the exception of the unusual binding. Rather, it is a personal diary with completely blank white pages.

The psychic Victoria Raidos herself claims that each page of the book contains information about the life and death of people. But, in her opinion, only she can see this.

Clairvoyance and tarology

Clairvoyance and working with Tarot cards play a huge role in the life of this sorceress. They are the ones who help a woman with a deep and piercing gaze answer numerous questions from clients and others in need. But at what age Victoria Raidos managed to gain access to such knowledge is not specified.

Origin of magical powers

Their magical powers The mysterious lady inherited it from her own grandmother. According to the clairvoyant, many years later, a relative decided to pass on the experience and secrets of magic to her. She also taught the future witch fortune telling with cards and clairvoyance.

The girl took her first steps in exoteric art herself. And first she tested her powers on herself before doing it on other people. Victoria Raidos reported this during the program “Battle of Psychics.” The biography, like other information about her, is based on her own stories and phrases mentioned in passing.

Diplomas and certificates

According to the participant and finalist of the “Battle of Psychics,” she decided to improve the knowledge she received from her grandmother by studying in several esoteric schools. As proof of the completed educational process she mentions that she has a couple of certificates and diplomas. It is in them, the clairvoyant says, that she is marked as a healer and practicing magician.

Victoria Raidos: how to get an appointment

IN this moment she has her own website and personal pages on social networks, where her fans and clients leave their questions and wishes. There they also make applications to make an appointment with a clairvoyant.

Victoria Raidos conducts appointments exclusively by appointment. To meet her, you need to go to the website or one of the pages on Instagram, Facebook or VKontakte and fill out a special form with the following data:

  • contact phone number;
  • Email;
  • city;
  • Date of Birth;
  • theme of the visit.

Or you can call the numbers provided on the website between 11:00 and 19:00.

Victoria’s activities before the “Battle of Psychics”

Before participating in the television project, Victoria Raidos (her biography is in our article) worked closely with and together with her taught the art of fortune telling and clairvoyance at one of the Tarot academies in St. Petersburg.

What do people say about the work of a clairvoyant?

Among the people who have ever turned to Victoria for help, there are a variety of personalities. Some of them look at this clairvoyant with delight, are grateful to her for her help and plan to contact her again and again.

Others believe that the cost of a session with a “promoted” psychic is excessively high, and it is not worth a damn. This is due to the fact that their meeting with the witch did not help them. Some, on the contrary, are confident in the magician’s abilities and recommend her to their friends and acquaintances.

By the way, during the filming of the program and for some period after it, Victoria Raidos (reviews of her activities are described in this article) did not conduct sessions. She later resumed her appointment.

Participation in the 15th and 16th seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”

The 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project, in which Raidos took part, started on September 19 last year. During preparation for the show, a large-scale casting was held, which Victoria easily managed to pass.

Let us remember that in the previous season the female magician already tried her luck. She also passed the initial selection and was included in the main group of psychics. However, she never managed to reach the finals, as she decided to leave the project. The clairvoyant explained her action by problems related to her personal life. This is how she is - Victoria Raidos. She always receives citizens in accordance with her personal schedule. She tries to devote most of her time, according to her, to her family. We'll talk about it a little later.

In addition to Raidos, such magicians as Iolanta and Rossa Voronov, Namtar Enzigal, Alexey Grishin, Agata Matveeva (Nicole), Marilyn Kerro, Dilaram Saparova, Todor Todorov, and others took part in the project.

What did the psychic do on the project?

During filming of the project, the priestess of the ancestor cult underwent various tests. For example, before being selected, she was asked to guess what kind of object was hidden behind the screen. It was an artist with a snake.

Then she discovered a man who, according to the conditions of the test, was supposed to hide in the trunk of a car. The magician was also able to find various houses, objects and people from the photographs provided to her. However, she could not find her photo among the others and find the participant who had changed gender. We will tell you further about the feedback Victoria Raidos received from viewers of the project.

Conflicts during the project

While participating in the project, the priestess of the ancestor cult often clashed with the Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro. So, in one of the programs, she openly stated that the “redhead” was simply bothering her, “doing various nasty things” and making it difficult to pass the tests. However, after the winner of the show was announced, Victoria ran up to her hated rival and hugged her.

Viewer voting

During the final test, three magicians were announced who made it to the finals. They were: Nicole Kuznetsova, Victoria and Later it was announced the start audience voting, based on the results of which Victoria Raidos won her victory. Reviews from enthusiastic spectators were not long in coming. A lot of admirers of the woman’s work not only sent her cherished SMS messages at an accelerated pace, but also wrote her enthusiastic comments and personal letters.

What didn't make it on air?

According to Victoria, she really enjoyed participating in the “Battle of Psychics.” In addition, there were entertaining and sometimes downright mystical situations that were not included in the live broadcast.

During one of the tests, when Victoria summoned the spirit in order to question him, everyone present actually saw a certain phantom. At the same time on film set The lights began to fail, all the radios stopped working at the same time, and the sound engineer heard a strange noise in his huge headphones.

Scandal around the project

The “Battle of Psychics” was not without scandal. And there were several of them at once. The first of them was literally started by Victoria Raidos (her personal life is perfectly depicted in the photograph below). It flared up because of fans of another participant - Marilyn Kerro. They expressed their outrage at the unfair refereeing, wrote angry comments and interfered with the filming process.

A similar scandal, which resulted in the indignation of the masses, was associated with the departure of a certain Pakhom from the project.

Personal life of a psychic

Throughout the filming process, the participants not only communicated with problematic people and underwent tests, but also frankly needed the moral support of loved ones. For example, Victoria Raidos’s husband was a frequent guest on the set. Little is known about him, since the clairvoyant prefers to keep all information about her personal life in the shadows. It is known that his name is Vasily.

The wonderful couple also has a daughter, Varvara. Interestingly, Victoria herself considers the baby to be the reincarnation of her grandmother. This is due to the fact that the daughter’s birthday coincided with the day of her relative’s death.

Victoria Raidos's husband, like her daughter, supported the participant, actively voted for her and warmly congratulated her after the results of the show's final were announced.

Not for many psychics the use of their abilities becomes the basis of life. Many of them, after completing their participation in the project, begin to engage in business, art, and so on. Special attention should be paid to the participant of the 15th season, who entered an internship at one of the Orenburg hospitals. Evgeniy Znagovan is now a full-fledged intern at the district clinic in the city of Gai.

Episode 18 of season 16 “Battle of Psychics” (01/30/2016)

The third special episode, dedicated to the end of the 16th “Battle of Psychics,” will delight viewers with those scenes that were left behind the scenes. The video clips that were not broadcast are filled with various mystical and funny scenes. Scenes from the participants' lives after participating in the show will also be shown. Viewers will be able to see what was hidden over the past year. Investigations and Interesting Facts, will allow you to learn a lot of interesting and mysterious information, which will allow you to understand what was happening on the set.

Episode 15 of season 16 “Battle of Psychics” (01/23/2016)

The second episode of the “Battle of Psychics” special will be entirely dedicated to the girl who took second place in season 16. Estonian witch and clairvoyant – Marilyn Kerro, will answer the most intriguing and exciting questions. The main goal of returning to the battle that the witch set for herself was to obtain a blue hand. But her dreams did not come true and once again she is only second.

Episode 16 of season 16 “Battle of Psychics” (01/16/2016)

The last 16th season of the “Battle of Psychics” has come to its end logical conclusion. Now, as part of the continuation of the project, several series dedicated to TV shows will be launched. Episode 16 will be one of the most important and interesting for the audience, as the main character there will be Victoria Rydos. All the most interesting questions and secrets will be revealed only in this series. As you know, the woman was unable to participate in the previous season, and successfully passed the selection.

Episode 15 of season 16 “Battle of Psychics” (12/26/2015)

For more than three months, television viewers attended the Battle of Psychics, watching the progress of the most difficult competitions. Three women with beauty, intelligence and the gift of clairvoyance reached the finals. Which of them will rightfully take possession of the main prize of the Battle and the title the strongest psychic– Victoria Rydos, Marilyn Kerro or Nicole Kuznetsova? The last minutes of audience voting decide the outcome of the Battle.

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