Victoria back. Victoria Beckham: biography, photos and interesting facts

, Essex, England

Victoria Caroline Beckham(eng. Victoria Caroline Beckham), nee - Adams(eng. Adams; b. April 17 (1974-04-17 ) , Harlow, Essex England) is a British singer, songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and businesswoman. Since her rise to fame in the late 1990s as a member of the pop group the Spice Girls, Beckham has been known as Posh Spice (with English- “Chic spice”), as it was dubbed by the popular British music magazine Top of the Pops in the July 1996 edition. In 2000, when the lead singers of the Spice Girls decided to pursue independent creativity, Victoria made a career as a solo pop singer, achieving 10 singles in the top UK charts. Her first single, "Out of Your Mind", peaked at number 2 on the UK Singles Chart, it was her highest achievement for the whole solo career. During her solo career she had contracts with Virgin Records and Telstar Records (English) Russian.

Beckham gained great fame with the title of an internationally recognized style icon. She designed jeans for Rock & Republic, and later started her own denim line under the dVb Style brand. Beckham has also released a line of sunglasses and a fragrance, Intimately Beckham, which is sold in the UK and USA. Victoria also collaborated with the Japanese brand Samantha Thavasa and Shiatzy Chen, designing bags and jewelry. In 2012, as part of its collaboration with Land Rover, it developed its own car model, which was called the Evoque Victoria Beckham Special Edition. In addition, Beckham has released two bestsellers: one is her autobiography, the other is a guide to the world of fashion.

On television, Beckham has appeared in five documentaries and reality shows about herself, including Being Victoria Beckham and The Real Beckhams. Her last documentary transmission became Victoria Beckham: Coming to America, in which she and her family traveled around the United States in 2007. She also starred in a cameo role in the series “Ugly Betty”, was a judge in the 4th season of “Project Runway”, on the show Germany’s Next Topmodel and American Idol. In 2009, the Beckhams' fortune was estimated at £125 million.

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    Victoria Caroline Adams was born on 17 April 1974 at the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, Essex, and grew up near the village of Goffs Oak, Broxbone, Hertfordshire, to Jacqueline and Anthony Adams. Anthony was an electronics engineer, and income from family business allowed him to support Victoria, as well as her brother Christian and sister Louise.

    Victoria graduated from St. High School. Mary's High School in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. As a child, the family's wealth embarrassed young Victoria, and she asked her father not to drop her off from the family Rolls Royce near school. Victoria said she was bullied as a child and felt like an outsider.

    Children were literally picking things up from puddles and throwing them at me. And I just stood there. Nobody communicated with me. I didn't have any friends.

    Interview for the Daily Mail in 2007.

    As a child, after watching the musical Fame, Victoria decided that she would become famous. This event coincided with the time when her parents sent her to Jason Theater School. At 17, Victoria attended Laine Theater Arts College in Epsom, Surrey, where she studied dance. At that time she also participated in the group Persuasion.


    Spice Girls

    In March 1993, Victoria noticed an advertisement in The Stage newspaper about recruiting girls for a girl group. They were required to be "experienced, extroverted, ambitious, and able to sing and dance." In 1994, Victoria joined the all-girl pop group Spice Girls. In recordings made before her marriage, she is listed as Victoria Adams among the band members. The group was originally called Touch and also included Melanie Brown, Emma Bunton, Melanie Chisholm and Geri Halliwell. In 1996, the group's first single, "Wannabe", became number one in the UK and USA, as well as in 29 other countries. It was followed by nine more number one singles from the albums Spice, Spiceworld and Forever. The media gave each of the participants a nickname, Victoria became Posh Spice, as she looked quite sophisticated. Her style at that time was characterized by small black dresses and high-heeled shoes. high heels. The group was one of the most popular in the 1990s, selling more than 55 million copies of their albums worldwide. After the release of their third album Forever (UK number two), which was not as successful as their previous two, the Spice Girls stopped recording, which prompted Victoria to start a solo career.

    Director Bob Smeaton produced the official tour film, Spice Girls: Giving You Everything, which originally aired on Fox8 in Australia. On 31 December 2007, it was broadcast on BBC One in the UK. The group also starred in a Tesco commercial, for which they received £1 million each.

    Solo career

    On 14 August 2000, Beckham released her first solo single, "Out of Your Mind", a collaboration with Dane Bowers and the Truesteppers. The week of the single's release coincided with the release of Spiller's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)" featuring Sophie Ellis-Bextor, leading to a chat battle dubbed "Posh vs. Posher". As a result, Victoria's composition lost to Sophie Ellis-Bextor's work and debuted in second place on the UK Singles Chart. Before the single's release on July 8, 2000, Beckham made her debut at a concert in London's Hyde Park to raise funds for the Prince's Trust charity. She sang "Out of Your Mind" in front of an audience of 100,000. Beckham later signed a recording contract with Virgin Records. Her next single, "Not Such An Innocent Girl", was released on September 17, 2001. And again competition appeared in the person of Kylie Minogue with the song “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head”. Despite a major advertising campaign, Victoria lost and her single started at 6th place in the British chat. Victoria's debut self-titled album was released on October 1, 2001, reaching number 10 in chats. The album, which was expected to generate revenue of £5 million, ended up selling 50,000 copies.

    The second and final single from this album was "A Mind of Its Own", released on February 11, 2002. The single reached number 6 in the UK chats and sold 56,500 copies. There were rumors that the record label did not allow her to rise to the top three. These rumors were later denied.


    Mrs Beckham has five tattoos. She got her first tattoo in 2001 - three eight-pointed stars on her lower back, which symbolize herself, her husband and their son. Now that Beckham has three sons, two more stars have appeared on her back, the inscription in Hebrew “אני לדודי ודודי לי הרועה בשושנים”, which translated means “I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me; he feeds among the lilies” (Song of Songs 6:3). The same tattoo adorns left hand Victoria's husband David Beckham had the tattoos done on their seventh wedding anniversary in 2006. On Victoria's left wrist she has her husband's initials DB tattooed in cursive, this tattoo is also a pairing: David has Victoria tattooed on his left wrist. On the right wrist there are tattoos VIII.V.MMVI (May 8, 2006) and the inscription De Integro (Latin: first, again). Her husband also had the same tattoos in the same place.

    Celebrity biographies


    07.04.15 12:55

    In literally all the photos she looks like a kind of “beech” with pouting lips and an angry look in her eyes, as if the whole world was ready to turn against her. Is Victoria Beckham's personal life really true? mother of many children, a style icon and the wife of one of the most famous football players, is it so hard? It turns out that she came up with this image herself. Victoria does not believe that she is obliged to brag about her happiness on every corner - after all, they can jinx it!

    Biography of Victoria Beckham

    Hated by peers

    This image probably haunts her with early years: as a child, she felt like this – a kind of outcast, hated by her peers. She had no friends; everyone was jealous of the Adams's wealth. A capable electronics engineer, Anthony could well feed his family - his wife Jacqueline, children Christian, Louise and Victoria, born on April 17, 1974.

    They had a nice mansion in Hertfordshire and a Rolls Royce. Young Victoria was very embarrassed when her dad drove her to classes in a luxury car and asked her to stop not at the school gates, but further away. She already had enough of bullying and ridicule.

    To show business!

    Adams also studied at the theater school at the same time, and entered college wanting to devote herself to choreography.

    She was almost 19 years old when she saw an ad for a girl group casting. We needed sociable girls who could dance and sing well. The auditions were successful, and Victoria became one of the Spice Girls. The pop group quickly gained momentum, and the single “Wannabe”, released in 1996, took first place in the British charts, then led in the USA and two dozen other countries.

    Chic Spice

    Each of the participants defined their own style and found their own nickname. Victoria, who often wore a little black dress and sky-high heels, became known as "Posh Spice." Three of the group's discs sold 50 million copies, but the third did not great success and the group broke up. However, in 2007, the girls recorded another disc with the best hits.

    The biography of Victoria Beckham (she was already married then and changed her last name) continued solo career. She failed to reach any heights; the vocalist released only a few singles and a disc. Victoria's album “Not Such An Innocent Girl” did not sell very well: about 50 thousand copies were sold. And Beckham decided to end her singing career.

    Designer and entrepreneur

    Things were going much better in the design business. People trusted her, a recognized style icon. Therefore, collections of jeans, dresses, sunglasses, perfumes, handbags, jewelry and cosmetics under the Victoria Beckham brand went with a bang. Together with her husband David Beckham, the businesswoman founded the Beckham Brand Ltd corporation, which produces knitwear and denim clothing, glasses, and perfume.

    The perfume alone (developed jointly with David and collectively called “dVb”) sold $100 million a year.

    Preaches the classics

    So now Victoria Beckham's biography is connected with the fashion industry. She admits that she is close to the style of the 1950s; Victoria is delighted with the chic images of Audrey Hepburn and the elegance of Jacqueline Kennedy. “I preach the British style - very conservative. I love classic-cut blouses and dresses, pencil skirts and figure-hugging jeans,” she says.

    Stylish Victoria has repeatedly received the “Woman of the Year” awards and even the solid “Entrepreneur of the Year” award, and posed for the cover of “Vogue”. She has long given up eating meat and does not welcome clothing made from fur, not using it in her collections.

    Personal life of Victoria Beckham

    Casual acquaintance

    At the age of 21, Victoria Beckham had her first notable romance in her personal life - with actor and youth film star Corey Haim. This relationship ended quite quickly. Maybe it’s for the best: Corey became addicted to drugs, was treated several times and did not even live to be forty, dying from an overdose.

    In 1997, at one of the charity matches, Victoria met the famous player of the legendary Manchester United club, handsome David Beckham. At first, both behaved rather shyly - she did not even ask for an autograph from the idol of millions, which amazed the football player. But then the acquaintance grew into a whirlwind romance.

    Grand wedding

    In 1998, the couple announced their engagement; journalists followed on the heels of the lovers and nicknamed them “Spice and Beck.” Even then, the girl “forgot how” to smile for photos; such an “evil” look seemed more stylish to her. Their wedding was very beautiful - it took place in early July 1999 in one of the ancient castles of Ireland, the newlyweds in their dazzling white eyes hurt!

    Photographers of the publication “OK!” they recorded every minute of the grandiose event (the enterprising Beckhams made a lot of money from this).

    Even then, these two had a son - Brooklyn turned 4 months old on their wedding day (July 4). Now he is a grown guy.

    Mother of many children

    Following Brooklyn, Romeo was born, and three years later, Cruz. It seemed like the couple was putting together their own football team!

    But, apparently, Victoria really wanted a daughter, and the fourth attempt was a success. In June 2011, the charming Harper Seven made her parents happy with her birth.

    The Beckham clan spent a long time in Los Angeles, but in 2013 they moved home to London.

    British designer, businesswoman, singer, former member groups Spice Girls, wife of football player David Beckham.

    Biography of Victoria Beckham / Victoria Beckham

    Victoria Beckham/ Victoria Beckham (née Victoria Caroline Adams) was born in the spring of 1974 in Essex, the son of Jacqueline and Anthony Adams. Her father was an engineer and worked wholesale trade electrical goods. Victoria Beckham grew up in Hertfordshire with her brother Christian and sister Louise.

    The children in the Adams family were never denied anything - the family lived in abundance. But Victoria was embarrassed by her financial situation, and by her own admission, had no close friends. Moreover, she was an outsider within the school.

    The creative path of Victoria Beckham / Victoria Beckham

    Victoria Beckham studied acting at Jason Theater School, inspired by watching the musical Fame. A year later, she entered the choreography department at Laine Theater Arts College in Surrey, and began performing on stage as part of the Persuasion group.

    In March 1993, Victoria Beckham read an ad in the newspaper about recruiting a new musical group. A year later she joined the five called the Spice Girls. Her colleagues on stage were Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton, Melanie Brown and Melanie Chisholm. The singles of this project had incredible success, and the Spice Girls are still called one of the most famous pop groups of the 1990s. The girls began their solo careers after the release of their third album, Forever, as it was much inferior in popularity to the previous two records.

    Victoria Beckham was also known on stage as Posh Spice.

    In 2007, the Spice Girls went on tour and released their last albumGreatest Hits. Despite the fact that all the members of the band were busy with solo musical projects, the Spice Girls' concerts were a resounding success. Director Bob Smeaton produced the official tour video. Soon the girls signed a contract with the Tesco brand - they received a million pounds sterling for participating in the advertising campaign.

    Victoria Beckham about his musical career: “ Was music my true calling? Was I talented at it? I don't think I was anything outstanding. But together with the five girls, we worked well. But talent? I am categorical about myself!”

    Victoria Beckham released her debut single Out of Your Mind in August 2000, but this composition was inferior to Spyler and Sophie Ellis-Bextor's "Groovejet (If This Ain't Love)". Despite a large-scale PR campaign, the second single, entitled "Not Such An Innocent Girl" also took only sixth place in the British chart, this time with a competitor. Victoria Beckham became Kylie Minogue and her hit “Can't Get You Out Of My Head”.

    Victoria Beckham made a total of four attempts to release her solo album. In addition to pop music, she tried herself in hip-hop and urban styles, but did not get the expected results.

    Despite her unsuccessful solo career, Victoria Beckham is the only member of the Spice Girls whose compositions appeared at the top of the British charts.

    In September 2001, Victoria Beckham released her debut book entitled "Learning to Fly". The name was a line from the musical “Fame,” which inspired young Victoria to devote herself to creative activity. The autobiographical book sold more than five hundred thousand copies throughout the UK.

    In an interview with a Spanish publication in 2005, Victoria Beckham said: “I have not read a single book in my entire life.” She later refuted this statement, explaining the error as an incorrect translation from Spanish. In fact, Victoria told the journalist that she never had time to finish reading the book because she was too busy taking care of her children.

    Victoria Beckham's second book, a style guide of sorts, known as "An inch and a half more: hair, heels and everything in between" came out in October 2006. This work also became a bestseller, translated into several languages ​​around the world.

    Victoria Beckham has starred in five documentaries. The fourth was dedicated to the celebration that the Beckhams organized at their mansion in Hertfordshire to coincide with the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Several tickets for the celebration were auctioned off for £100,000, with the proceeds going to charity.

    In 2001, Victoria Beckham auditioned for the lead role in the film Lara Croft: Tomb Raider, but lost to Angelina Jolie. In the summer of 2007, Victoria Beckham appeared in an episode of the second season of Ugly Betty. Six months later, she acted as a member of the jury as part of the fourth American Project Runway.

    Victoria Beckham known throughout the world as a style icon. She made her London Fashion Week debut at the Maria Grachvogel show in 2000. She has also been the face of Dolce and Gabbana and Rocawear collections. Victoria Beckham designed a limited-edition fashion line for Rock & Republic in 2004. The Victoria Beckham fashion house was created at the height of the financial crisis, but by 2011 sales revenue had grown by 70 percent.

    Victoria's fashion collection featured trapezoidal silhouettes in the style of the 1960s. Special attention Fashion industry figures were attracted by the “cat” print, which Beckham explained this way: “When I was pregnant for the fourth time, I really wanted to surround myself with animals. I tried to start a conversation about the cat, but David was categorically against it."

    In January 2006, she walked at the Roberto Cavalli show during Milan Fashion Week. She also became a stylist for her photo shoot. close friend Katie Holmes for Harper's Bazaar.

    In July 2006 Victoria Beckham introduced its own collection of sunglasses called “dvb Eyewear”. She also designs jeans, bags and jewelry. In addition, the Beckham couple released a pair of perfumes of the same name, staging a luxurious presentation of the fragrance in Venice.

    Victoria Beckham: “My style is very British. Almost like a school teacher. I love pencil skirts, blouses, classic-cut dresses and jeans that fit perfectly. My favorite fashion era is the 50s. I love the chic and graceful style of Jacqueline Kennedy and Audrey Hepburn."

    Victoria Beckham was twice awarded by the British publication Glamor in the categories “Woman of the Year” and “Entrepreneur of the Year”. She has appeared on the cover of Vogue magazine several times.

    Victoria Beckham is a staunch vegetarian and does not wear fur, which delights all PETA activists. Mrs Beckham had five tattoos, but gradually began to get rid of them.

    Personal life of Victoria Beckham / Victoria Beckham

    In 1995, pop star Posh Spice dated Corey Haim, and two years later she met football player David Beckham at a charity match.

    In 1998, Victoria and David announced their engagement; journalists dubbed their extravagant couple Posh and Becks. On July 4, 1999 they got married.

    The wedding ceremony took place in an Irish castle, and their four-month-old firstborn was the main guest at this celebration. The Beckhams have signed an exclusive contract with OK! and received a huge fee by allowing the publisher’s photographer to attend the ceremony.

    In 1999, Victoria and David Beckham purchased a mansion worth two and a half million pounds. Later the house was named Beckingham Palace.

    Victoria Beckham and her husband have four children: sons Brooklyn Joseph (born 1999), Romeo James (born 2002), Cruz David (born 2005) and daughter Harper Seven (born 2011) .

    In January 2000, a scandal erupted in the press: a plot to kidnap Victoria and Brooklyn Beckham was uncovered, as a result of which the family was forced to move to an unknown location. In 2004, Rebecca Loos, personal assistant David Beham, stated that she had an affair with a famous football player. But married couple denied the fact of treason.

    Victoria Beckham has a serious expression on her face in her photographs: “I created this image for the public, but the real me is very different from it. I don’t think I should shout at every corner that I’m happy: the main thing is that I feel happy. So I'm not too upset by comments about my sad expression. People think that I am constantly in pain. And you know, sometimes I feel the same way when I look at photos.”

    In the summer of 2007, the family moved to Los Angeles, as David Beckham signed a contract with the LA Galaxy team.

    Victoria Beckham and her husband top the Forbes list and are also among the 19 richest people in the UK.

    Besides, Victoria Beckham She is actively involved in charity work - she is an activist with Save the Children.

    Victoria Beckham: “I'm proud of what I have. Natural hair color, relaxed clothing style - all this is an organic part of me. Now I am satisfied with myself both professionally and in terms of my appearance. And I can say that I am not afraid of getting old. After all, I'm getting old next to the most the best man, which I can only imagine!

    Everyone knows Victoria Beckham as a talented singer and stylish model. In addition, she is a fashion designer, a successful businesswoman and the author of two best-selling books. The rapid career of the unknown Vicky Adams began in 1994. Having become a member of the Spice Girls music group, she begins her star journey. Later, her talent as a designer emerges. Having created her own brand DVB, Victoria begins producing denim clothing, creating jewelry and new models women's bags. A beautiful and stylish Englishwoman becomes the trendsetter of modern style.

    All photos 17


    In the spring of 1974, in a wealthy English family Anthony and Jacqueline Adams have a baby girl, Vicki. Her childhood was spent among beautiful scenery County of Hertfordshire. While studying at high school young Victoria more than once became the object of ridicule. Her relationships with her classmates did not work out.

    Only at home could a girl be herself. She experimented with clothes and hairstyles, sang and danced. After watching the musical Fame, Vicky set herself the task of becoming famous. At the age of seventeen, she entered the dance department of the Laine Arts Theater school. During her studies her first solo performances as part of a musical group.

    The beginning of spring 1994 brings good luck to Victoria Adams. Having easily passed the casting and audition, she becomes a member of the legendary pop group Spice Girls. Five female vocalists have been honing their skills for two years, selecting songs for the repertoire and learning to dance. First Wannabe song performed new group, instantly gains fame and becomes a hit not only in the UK, but also in other countries.

    The following vocal compositions also lead the charts. The albums Spice, Spiceworld, Forever appear. Popular magazines are starting to call all female vocalists by nicknames. Vicky Adams becomes Posh Spice, which translates to “Posh Spice.” Excellent taste in clothes and unique style distinguish her from the rest of the team members.

    After the group's popularity declined in 2000, Posh Spice began singing on his own. However, the three released singles performed by her failed to take top positions in the charts and did not bring the desired result. The years of her solo career have revealed new talents for this amazing girl. After the birth of her first child and a luxurious wedding with David Beckham, a period of successful collaboration with the fashion world begins.

    In subsequent years, Victoria Beckham enters into contracts with D&G and Rock & Republic, becomes a socialite, tops the list of stylish and influential women peace. At the same time, she begins to promote the Beckham brand. Her talent and style as a designer help create her collection under the DVB logo - Denim by Victoria Beckham.

    The musical career of the talented vocalist received an unexpected continuation in 2007. The reunited Spice Girls are recording new songs and going on a Greatest Hits tour. Having dyed her hair a dark shade, Posh Spice appears on the scene again. But now she performs not only as a singer, but also as a fashion designer. Resounding success gives her impetus for further work.

    Personal life

    Vicky Adams and David Beckham first met each other during football match in 1997. He and she were already celebrities at that time. David has been watching the stylish Posh Spice perform on TV for a long time, and now he has a great opportunity to meet him in person. After this, the lovers began to meet constantly.

    The star couple announced their engagement a year after their first meeting. In the spring of 1999, a boy was born who was given the unusual name Brooklyn. And four months later, in the suburbs of Dublin, in the ancient castle of the 16th century Luttrellstone, the wedding of the decade took place, to which more than 300 guests were invited. The rights to exclusive wedding photography were sold for a record amount.

    After the wedding, the young couple continued to pursue their careers. Thanks to the fact that Victoria Beckham was her husband's stylist, David became the most fashionable and attractive football player in the world. His photographs often appeared in various magazines. At this time, the second child of the Beckham couple is born. This is the boy with romantic name Romeo.

    Family and children do not prevent a young mother from realizing her design ideas. The year 2005 is becoming very fruitful: a collection of new models of denim clothing is being created. In the same year, the third boy, Cruz, was born into the family. Having moved to Hollywood after the birth of their son, the star couple begins to conquer America. In 2011, they had a long-awaited daughter.

    Victoria Beckham is an amazing woman, a loving wife and a wonderful mother. Her fate is clear proof that if you want, you can achieve success in life and become truly happy.

    Victoria Caroline Beckham, who became famous under her maiden name as Victoria Adams - British singer, dancer, actress, fashion designer and writer. She was one of the vocalists of the legendary girl pop group "", and then made a successful solo career.

    It is also worth noting that by 2016 Victoria Beckham's fans modern fashion is associated as a businesswoman who has created several collections of denim, sunglasses, and Victoria Beckham's bags are a model of fashion in many countries around the world.

    Victoria Adams was born in the town of Harlow, located in Essex, but the girl spent her childhood and youth in the vicinity of Broxbon in Hertfordshire. The future star was one of three children of successful electronics engineer Anthony Adams and his wife Jacqueline. Victoria has a brother Christian and a sister Louise.

    The father had his own business, which brought in huge income, and the family did not need anything. But reverse side wealth was Victoria's complete lack of friends among her peers. As a child, she was the object of ridicule and ridicule, felt like an outsider, and even asked her dad every morning to drop her daughter off from the expensive Rolls-Royce, a little before reaching the school gates, so that her classmates would not have additional reason for pressure.

    As a teenager, Victoria Beckham watched the musical “Fame” in the theater and wanted to become famous and popular. She persuaded her parents to send the girl to high school other than the regular secondary school. educational institution, and to the Jason theater school, where she learned the first basics of stagecraft and studied pop vocals. Then in college the girl studied dance and choreography and at the same time performed in the semi-amateur group “Persuasion”.

    In the spring of 1994, fame burst into Victoria Beckham's biography. She successfully passes the casting and joins the all-female pop group “Spice Girls”, with which she will make a splash all over the world.

    Career and creativity

    In the Spice Girls group, the singer appears under the name Victoria Adams, because she was not yet married then. By the way, the band was originally called “Touch”, but the new name was more consistent with the scale of future popularity. By the way, each member of the group received a personal nickname from fans. Fans called Victoria “Posh Spice”, that is, “Chic Spice”, since the girl’s image is bright short dresses and catchy, attractive makeup.

    Victoria Beckham, Spice Girls

    The first single “Wannabe” became number one on both sides of the Atlantic and set a rotation record on radio stations: in the first week the hit was played more than 500 times. Three more songs from the debut album “Spice” reached the first line of the charts: “Say You"ll Be There,” “2 Become 1” and “Who Do You Think You Are.” Later, “Spice Up Your Life” and especially the ballad “Viva Forever” from the Spice Girls’ third album, which was called “Forever”. But in 2000, the group actually broke up.

    Victoria Beckham begins her solo career and releases her debut single “Out of Your Mind”, which, as time will tell, will become the most popular song in the artist’s individual work. The composition took second place in the British chart, but subsequent hits “Not Such An Innocent Girl” and “A Mind of Its Own” also made it into the top ten.

    The singer's only officially released album, Victoria Beckham, turned out to be a commercially unprofitable venture. The new album “Open Your Eyes” was intended to rectify the situation, but due to pregnancy Victoria Adams-Beckham cancels the release of the collection, as well as the promotional single “My Love Is For Real” and finally stops musical career.

    Today the star is better known as a style icon. She has made an excellent career in the fashion industry: she produces her own Victoria Beckham brand - bags, dresses, sunglasses, jewelry and even the “Intimately Beckham” fragrance line. The V Sculpt cosmetics line was developed especially for the Japanese market, and as part of cooperation with the Land Rover car company, Victoria created her own car model, the Evoque Victoria Beckham Special Edition.

    In 2007, Victoria participated in the program “Victoria Beckham: Coming to America,” during which she traveled around the United States with her family. Then the woman appeared in a cameo role in the TV series “Ugly Betty” and acted on the jury of the “Podium” program.

    Personal life

    Singer and designer Victoria Beckham linked her personal life once and for all with British footballer David Beckham, star of the Manchester United, Real Madrid and Los Angeles Galaxy clubs.

    The football star later shared that he first saw Vicky in the video. Then the girl amazed the athlete so much that he immediately realized that the singer was created for him.

    The future spouses met personally after a charity football match, to which Melanie Chisholm brought the girl. The couple left the event together and have not separated since then.

    The romance developed rapidly, and soon the lovers announced their engagement. While preparing for the wedding, Vicky found out that she was pregnant. The couple's first child was born on March 4, 1999. Vicky and David named their child after the New York area where they conceived the baby.

    The couple's wedding took place on July 4, 1999 at the ancient Irish castle of Luttrellstone. During the celebration, the newlyweds sat on golden thrones.

    The husband and wife had many envious people. So, in 2000, Scotland Yard detectives received information that they wanted to kidnap Victoria and her son. As a result, the girl had to hide with Brooklyn for some time.

    In 2002, the famous couple had a second child, who was named Romeo James. A little later, David was invited to play in Spain. Beckham agreed, and the football player's wife remained in Foggy Albion with two children.

    Suddenly in a happy family nest Rebecca Luz burst in. The girl was appointed personal assistant to David Beckham. And soon the blonde gave an interview to the magazine, in which she stated that she brightened up the loneliness of the football player in a well-known way.

    Victoria calmly reacted to the situation and gave only one comment. David's wife confidently said that she believed her husband, and then she took her things, gathered her children and flew to Spain.

    Beckham's connection with Rebecca was never proven: neither Vicky, nor David, nor people from the couple's inner circle ever washed their dirty laundry in public. And already in 2005, the artist gave her husband a third son, who was named Cruz David.

    A year later, David Beckham surprised his beloved wife: he again took his beloved to the altar, where they swore love to each other. Vicki later shared that her husband took the unsuspecting woman from her home in one tracksuit and without makeup.

    Many people note that from the outside Mrs. Beckham looks very serious: she rarely smiles, believing that without a smile she looks more stylish. But journalists who have talked with the style icon more than once unanimously claim that Victoria is sweet and friendly in personal interactions.

    In 2011, there was an addition to the family: the male composition was diluted by the appearance of a girl, who was named Harper Seven. Victoria and David had long dreamed of having a daughter, and finally their wish came true.

    In 2013, the family moved to London. This decision was made for the sake of children's education. Victoria and David Beckham are confident that their sons Brooklyn Joseph, Romeo James and Cruz David and their little daughter Harper Seven are better off studying at home country and absorb the traditions of Great Britain.

    Brooklyn has already proven himself to be a gifted photographer, Romeo is in demand as a fashion model, and the youngest of the boys, Cruz, captivated Internet users with his performance of the song “Cups” to the accompaniment of a plastic cup.

    Mrs. Beckham has several tattoos on her body. But this is not just a tribute to fashion, but the embodiment of love for her husband and family. On the back of the star there are eight-pointed stars, each of which symbolizes Victoria herself, her husband and children. The woman has David Beckham's initials on her wrist, and her husband has it in the same place. name Victoria. The spouses have another paired tattoo on their right hands.

    In 2015, the footballer’s wife celebrated the anniversary of the opening of the Victoria Beckham boutique. After the celebration, paparazzi photographed a drunk woman walking arm in arm with her disgruntled husband. There was a significant wet spot on the designer's pants. After this, rumors began to circulate about Vicki’s alcoholism, although nothing else was confirmed.

    Since 2017, there has been ongoing information that Victoria and David’s marriage is falling apart at the seams. More than once, the tabloids have been full of headlines about the couple’s divorce. But, despite all the speculation, the couple continues to share tender family photos in their “ Instagram ».

    Victoria Beckham now

    In 2017, Victoria Beckham's name appeared in a scandal. The fact is that representatives of one cafe in an advertisement called the fashion designer an “anorexia icon.” Vicky planned to sue the establishment, since such things spoil the reputation of David Beckham’s wife.

    However, users have more than once noticed the designer’s excessive thinness and have already suspected the woman of anorexia. After all, with a height of 163 cm, Victoria weighed only 45 kg. According to 2018, today Mrs. Beckham looks simply slim, and rumors about diets and deliberate weight loss have died down.

    Also in 2017, the celebrity shared that she regrets having plastic surgery. Now the woman believes that she should not have had her breasts enlarged.

    Planned for 2018. The team thus decided to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the founding of the quintet. In honor of the event, the lineup will release an album and a TV show. But this action will be one-time. Victoria Beckham due to being busy from participating. But the woman indicated that she fondly remembers the time spent with her colleagues in the group.


    • 1996 - “Spice”
    • 1997 - Spiceworld
    • 2000 - "Forever"
    • 2001 - Victoria Beckham
    • 2006 - “Open Your Eyes” (unreleased album)
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