Types of artistic paints and their composition. How to choose paints for painting Types and names of paints

For a child, drawing with paints is one of the favorite creative activities! And every kid tries to “create” with the help bright colors from 10-12 months. But how to choose the right paints so that painting brings only joy?

Why do children need paints?

About the benefits drawing For the harmonious development of a child, you can talk for a long time. And despite all the popularity colored pencils, felt-tip pens , wax or ordinary crayons, paints have become one of the main ways to instill in a child a love of creative process. After all, a one-year-old baby, a 3-year-old toddler, or a schoolchild can draw with their help. Drawings made with paints are usually bright and saturated, and the mixing of colors in this case is as simple and visual as possible for children - another element of the magic that surrounds the child in learning about the world. It’s also worth noting that you can paint with paints on paper, canvas, fabric, glass, metal, tiles, clay, even your own body - the scope for creativity is almost unlimited! And of course, don’t forget about development fine motor skills. You also need to be able to handle a brush, a tube of paint and a glass of water, which requires noticeably more effort from the child than in the case of the mentioned crayons or markers. Therefore, if your child still doesn’t have paints, buy them urgently!

What types of paints are there for children?

Before you go to the store to buy a set of paints, it is worth understanding what type of paint tool will suit your child best. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, and some types are not suitable for any age. Therefore, it is worth mentioning the most popular types of paints separately:

  • Finger paint

These paints can be given out as early as 6-8 months - the main thing is that the baby sits confidently in front of a sheet of whatman paper or cardboard. And it’s not scary that, in principle, he is not ready to draw anything conscious - it’s enough to just dip your fingers in the paint and move over the paper, leaving bright, unusual marks. Finger paints mix well and have a thick consistency, so they do not drip from your fingers, but lie perfectly on the surface. They are also easy to wash off - you don’t have to worry about your baby getting everything dirty. And there is no need to worry about safety. These paints are water-based with food coloring - they will not cause allergies or poisoning. And their child is unlikely to eat. Just try it once to be sure: finger paints are bitter, salty or sour (thanks to a food additive, which should discourage the desire to “eat” the paint).

It is probably not an exaggeration to call such paints the most popular among young artists - it is watercolors that children paint in kindergartens and schools most often. They have many advantages. They are environmentally friendly (contain natural and organic compounds), they have a rich color palette (more than three dozen shades), they can be mixed without problems, allowing you to obtain new colors. However, it should be noted: the trace of watercolor paints is not as rich as that of other types of paints - it is faded, “transparent”, which children 1-2 years old may not like. You also need to pay attention that watercolors are usually made using honey-containing components - if a child is allergic to honey, there is a high risk of getting an undesirable reaction from the body.

  • gouache paints

Perhaps the main competitor of watercolor for the heart of young Picasso and Malevich is gouache. The main advantage of these paints is their rich, rich, dense color, which when dried gives a matte shade with a velvety surface that is pleasant to the touch. There are two types of gouache: poster and art. The first is more suitable for children (the second, due to its less bright shades, is used mainly in professional painting), although experts generally say that gouache paints are not exactly for children - it is better to wait with them until 5-6 years, if not later. Also be sure to read the composition of such proposed paint. Not only organic pigments and plant adhesives can be added to them, but also mineral dyes and surfactants - and these are unacceptable for a child’s body, choose non-toxic options.

  • oil and acrylic paints

What these paints have in common is that it is worth painting with them when other types of paints have already been well mastered - that is, they are practically not suitable for the youngest children at all. The compositions are also not entirely childish: you can find resins (both natural and synthetic), and oils (primarily linseed), and various thickeners. These paints are also similar in the nature of the design: with a noticeable shine, which is given by the film formed upon drying, and an even color, practically indistinguishable from the initial one (simple paints usually slightly change shade when applied to the canvas). As for the difference, oil-based ones require noticeably more care when applying and take much longer to dry. And after some time, cracks do not form on acrylic.

  • bath paints

Such paints, intended for children from 2-3 years old, do not pretend to be a serious approach in principle - they are nothing more than pleasant and educational fun for bath time, a kind of analogue or addition to bath toys. Their essence is extremely simple: with the help of such paints, a child can draw on the tiles or enamel of the bath while he is being washed. Such artistic “tools” are absolutely safe for the child’s body and can be easily washed off. Moreover, the set may also include a special mitten designed for removing the drawing - the child himself can use it when there is room for a new “ rock art"There is none left. By the way, you can paint with such paints either with your fingers or with brushes, which helps diversify your baby’s play. Children also love that the water in the bath is colored after playing this way!

  • body art paints

Not the most common, but very interesting view colors that can truly delight and surprise a child aged 2-3 years. Probably, everything is clear from the name: these paints are intended for drawing on human skin, with the body being the canvas (that’s why their composition is exclusively natural and harmless). At first, kids, of course, perceive them with some caution. But when they see that, thanks to such paints, they “grow” cat whiskers, or they turn into orange-striped tiger cubs or decorated fairies, there is no limit to their delight! This is an ideal option for some children's party- the same birthday, where children will happily paint themselves from head to toe. And such art can be washed off absolutely calmly; all you need is soap and water.

And, of course, don't limit yourself to just one type of paint. New varieties with properties unexpected for a child can give him inspiration, open up new horizons and ways of self-expression in drawing!

What characteristics of a paint set are important?

Just before buying paints in a store, you should pay attention to a number of important points:

  • compound: paints for children should not contain toxic additives, as indicated by the necessary manufacturer certificates with all GOST standards;
  • package: high quality packaging with detailed description in Russian indirectly confirms high level the colors themselves;
  • best before date: if the paints are “outdated”, it is impossible to bring them back to life - diluted with water, they lay unevenly, with noticeable pigments;
  • state: good paints should not be dried out, with pronounced heterogeneity, they should not have a strong odor;
  • colors: children's colors should not be too bright or flashy; it is better to choose sets with rich but natural shades;
  • palette: how younger child, the smaller it is - up to 2 years, 4-8 shades are enough, after 3 years you can already buy sets of 12-20 colors;
  • set: it’s good if the set of paints includes a couple of brushes and a sippy cup for water where you can blot the brush;
  • manufacturer: Try to buy paints from the same manufacturer in addition to the previously purchased set so that they match perfectly.

And finally, a couple of tips on choosing a brush if you buy it separately. There is nothing complicated here; you just need to evaluate just a few parameters. So, a wooden handle is better: it is more pleasant and harmless to the child’s body than a plastic one. But the hair bundle can be either natural or synthetic. It is more important that it holds securely, and that the hairs do not fall out and lie flat when you wet the brush (in good store They will easily give you a glass of water and a sheet of paper to make sure of its quality). And don’t forget about the base - the cage in which the fibers are secured. It should be strong, not loose and with an invisible seam. By the way, for drying the brush should be stored exclusively with the tuft up - this way it will preserve its properties longer.

Tell us, has your child already mastered and loved drawing with paints - and if so, what kind?

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Every artist has his own unique technique allowing him to create real works of art. However, in order to transfer all your thoughts and creative ideas on paper, you need to choose the right paints. After all, the point here is not only harmonious combination colors. It's important to find paint products that will preserve your work for years to come.

Some artists prefer to create enough bright pictures. They have a whole palette of colors and shades. Others like textured designs in which every stroke is drawn. There are also contemporary artists, working with contours. To draw silhouettes of people or create entire landscapes on paper, you need to use Various types colors depending on what you want to depict.

There are different types of paints for drawing and painting. They differ from each other:

  • by composition,
  • purpose,
  • additional functionality that is inherent in paint and varnish material of this category.

Sometimes, to find a suitable paint, artists experiment with various types these paints and varnishes. This is the only way to understand how the paint lays on the paper and how long it will take for it to harden.

You can find the paint that suits you right away or decide which paint material you need using various materials and dyes. Here everything depends only on you and your desire to find the most suitable paint and varnish material for creative work.

There are a great variety of different paints for painting. Depending on the material used and the composition of the paint, artists purchase in specialized stores everything they need to carry out all subsequent creative work.

As a result, the choice of paint is up to you. Let's look at the most common types of paints and varnishes that artists often use to create their masterpieces.

All beginning artists choose gouache for their creative works.

This paint has excellent functional characteristics:

  • dissolves in water,
  • acquires a velvety effect,
  • has a good color palette.

However, after it dries on the surface of the material, you can notice a slight pallor of the paint. Gouache turns pale due to the fact that it contains white.

But this is only a small drawback that can be hidden with the help of other auxiliary paints and varnishes. For example, on finished work sometimes varnish is applied. It gives the work a shine effect, and the gouache colors look new in the painting.

On the one hand, this is the most simple paint for drawing, which is the first choice of conversation artists. On the other hand, working with gouache is very difficult. After all, in order to achieve the desired color you will have to experiment with shades. It is also somewhat difficult to achieve an even tone. Therefore, before applying paint to the work surface, artists prefer to use small rough drafts, allowing them to create the desired shades of colors.

But over time, when you learn to work with gouache, you will discover all the advantages of this paint. First of all, all the mistakes you make while working can be corrected fairly quickly. To do this, you just need to apply a new layer of paint, which will differ from the previous one in its thickness. This will hide all the shortcomings you made while performing all the work with gouache.

Remember not to apply gouache in too thick a layer. After all, after it dries, some elements of the design may crumble. The paint itself does not have a strong structure; if you work with it incorrectly, all defects and your mistakes will be visible after finishing applying the paint.

Try to slowly complete all the creative ideas you have in mind. This will allow you to avoid a large number of mistakes that even professional artists can make when they neglect the rules when using gouache in their works.

Surprisingly, it is with this paint that they begin their creative path children. However, with the help of the same gouache, great artists create real works of art that captivate with their beauty and uniqueness.

Using gouache they were created greatest works art of such famous artists like Picasso and Rubens. Still think that gouache is just children's paint? It's time to take a different look at this unique paint material.


Watercolor can be bright or pale, depending on the color you choose. It, like gouache, can dissolve in water, but unlike the previous paint it has special functionality.

The first layers of this dye give the paper a certain color. But the peculiarity of watercolor lies in the subsequent layers. After all, after applying and drying on paper, the paint gives it a shiny effect, without coloring the words already applied. specific color. In fact, watercolor in this case appears on work surface like a transparent emulsion.

Artists love watercolor precisely because of its properties. Transparency allows you to:

  • give the paintings a special flavor,
  • highlight some details of the landscape,
  • emphasize the most significant moments in creative work.

In order to convey the full range of his emotions and feelings, the artist has only paint and paper on which he can depict a future work of art. Sometimes the work lacks a certain shade for expressiveness or completeness. In some cases, paint applied in several layers can create the desired effect. But you need to know about these features of watercolor paints.

These paints and varnishes are ideal for depicting landscapes. Using watercolors, artists often paint the changing sky, playing with different colors.

In some cases, it is watercolor that helps create portraits that can amaze with their mystery and unusual realism.

Any work done in watercolor will look perfect only if you avoid mistakes. Before completing all the paint application work, practice first on rough drawings.

Even professional artists use small sheets of paper to check:

  • how the paint will lay down,
  • Is this color ideal?
  • Is it worth applying watercolors this way?

Only after the paint has dried can you determine whether you have done all the work perfectly or whether there are any shortcomings. When working with this paint and varnish material, you can use various paint application techniques.

It's always nice to try something new and unusual. See how a certain combination of colors can give a completely different idea of ​​the same creative work. Surprisingly, two artists will paint the same flower differently. After all, everyone will use different colors and shades in their work, a certain technique that allows them to depict an object of interest to the artist on paper.

Perhaps watercolor is the best paint for artists. If you don’t know how to work with it yet, it’s time to learn how to handle this paint and varnish material.

Video. Drawing with watercolors.

Magical shades of pastel

What kind of paint is suitable for painters, because it is not paint that is used to apply it. The paint and varnish material itself is available in the form of convenient pencils or small crayons, which are very easy to use to draw on the work surface. This is the special appeal of pastels, because painting with them is quite exciting. The very fact that you don’t need to use a brush to work with pastel makes it a unique paint.

There is no need to mix colors or dip the brush to get the right paint consistency. In fact, such a pencil becomes an extension of the hand, allowing the artist to create unique paintings using only paint and paper.

Despite the special composition of paints and varnishes, pastels are quite easy to work with.

On the other hand, pastels are very easy to work with. Simply mix shades and get the colors you want right on paper. You can use a special shading or simply rub the paint on the paper with your fingers. Everything here depends on your desire and ability to do creative work professional and correct.

If you make small mistakes and mistakes when working with paint, you can simply hide them by covering one layer with paint of a different color or the same shade, creating a brighter and more saturated color.

Levitan is the most prominent representative of artists who professionally worked with pastels. His paintings are distinguished by an unusual play of color and various shades, which, when combined, created pictures of incredible beauty. Perhaps this particular paint will be the most suitable material for your creativity.

Do artists need tempera?

One of the most ancient paints used by artists is tempera. This paint is simply not capable of changing tone over time and has good brightness. Tempera dries quickly, so it is especially valued among professional artists, for whom time plays a very important role.

Working with this paint and varnish material is very interesting, because tempera is a paint that is quite durable in its functionality.

Professional artists can use tempera to work in various techniques. Therefore, if desired, you can create the effect of watercolor or gouache.

Thanks to the use of such a unique color, you can create amazing paintings, which will combine the effects of different colors. It all depends on the artist’s original intention and his capabilities. Thus, you can work with one paint, but it will seem that the picture combines several paints and varnishes, identical in composition.

Besides all kinds of paints that an artist uses for his work, the most effective and important auxiliary tool is a simple pencil. Without it, it is impossible to draw contours and sketches of the future of the picture.

The choice of paints depends on many factors. First, the artist decides what kind of work will be depicted on the canvas. Only after this the selection of appropriate paint and varnish materials occurs. Professional artists can paint pictures using only one paint or use several coloring substances that are harmoniously combined with each other.

materials on the topic

Probably everyone can remember a similar incident: during the renovation period, more than once, due to their own carelessness, they forgot to close a can of paint, which, to their great disappointment, caused the material to harden and was no longer suitable for use. Below are examples of possible paint solvents that will help you save thickened paint, or simply dilute new paint.

The issue of removing oil paint is of great relevance today, since this kind of problem occurs in almost every case of cosmetic repairs. An activity like removing paint can either become a matter of ten minutes for you, or it can appear to you rather in the form of a curse, taking away hours of your precious time, effort, and often money. Removing oil paint from walls is the most labor-intensive process, especially in cases where the paint is applied over plaster or concrete. However, if you still decide on a new paint job, then the simplest, and therefore popular, methods for removing oil paint from surfaces will be given and discussed below.

Watercolor refers to a painting technique that uses special water paints. As a result, a unique creation is created on the canvas, which has lightness, airiness, and subtle color transitions.

Date of publication: 03/05/2017

One of the main tools for beginning artists is a set of paints. Today, the market offers a wide range of art supplies from different manufacturers. What paints to buy and what to look for when choosing are described later in the article.

Classification of artistic paints

Depending on the surface of the artist’s canvas, all materials are divided into categories for painting on glass (stained glass), paper, fabric, and the human body.

By type, art paints are most often classified into:

  • watercolor;
  • acrylic;
  • gouache;
  • tempera;
  • oil

Knowing the characteristics of each type of material, choosing the optimal set is not difficult.


Watercolor is a combination of powder pigments bound together by the substance gum arabic. Depending on the form of release of the material, paints are distinguished:

  • liquid (in tubes);
  • solid (tiles);
  • soft (in cuvettes).

The peculiarity of watercolor is its excellent solubility in water and quick drying on the canvas.


Unlike the material described above, acrylic has a denser texture. The reason for this is the production process, in which a water-dispersion mixture is used instead of pigments. When using acrylic paints, it is worth remembering that you can correct the strokes of the drawing with water only until the canvas dries. The disadvantage of acrylic is that tubes with this material dry out quickly if they are not used. For this reason, acrylic material manufacturing companies produce products in small volume packages (10-20 ml).


Everyone famous gouache It is made from a paste of pigments and a special adhesive solution. This production technology allows canvases painted with gouache paints to have a velvety and matte appearance. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dry: one layer takes at least 30 minutes to dry. Therefore, artists spend more than one day creating canvases using gouache.


Tempera gained popularity among painters back in the Renaissance due to its unique composition, which includes water, glue, oil, and colored powder pigments. There is still a high demand for it today, thanks to its distinctive properties:

  • high drying speed;
  • color fastness that does not change over time long period time;
  • insolubility in water after the canvas has completely dried;
  • Possibility of combination with gouache, watercolor, oil paints;
  • versatility, which allows the artist to create using different techniques.


Oil paints differ in their structure, since the component composition of the material contains both dry pigments and oily substances. Depending on the type of base (synthetic or natural), you can buy material based on linseed, poppy or nut oil. A distinctive property of oils is their insolubility in water.

According to the density level, oils are divided into:

  • glaze (transparent) - create a glossy shine to the image. Rubens and Rembrandt used them in their work;
  • covering (opaque) – transmit light to a lesser extent, so the material lies more densely. The material was often used by impressionists.

It is not difficult for a beginner to work with oil paints if they are used in combination with a special thinner. This liquid has a water base, which makes the paint less thick.

How to choose oil paint?

Based on the above-described characteristics of the main types of paints for painting, a novice artist will be able to independently choose the most “comfortable” option for creativity. However, the most popular type of material for beginners has been oil for many years. There are several simple rules his choice. So, on the labels of each package of paint there are special symbols in the form of a “*” or “+” sign. This symbol indicates the degree of light fastness. In other words, than more quantity such stars, the higher the level of durability of the painting.

As practice shows, paints with one “*” begin to fade in the sun within a year, and the canvas itself can last no more than 5-7 years. The material is mainly used for sketches, less often in painting. Most best option– “**”. A painting painted with paint with this designation will last at least 25 years. Experienced craftsmen They recommend that novice artists start with this kind of material. Oil paints with the symbol “***” are the best in terms of preserving the color of the painting. Such canvases will last about 100 years.

The second designation of the properties of oils is the type of square shown on the label. If the figure is black, then this paint has a high covering property. If the sign is half painted over, the material is translucent. A white square means 100% transparency. This material is perfect for painting using the “glaze” technique.

A wide variety of creative products in the online children's goods store allow children to create amazing drawings. Drawing and
coloring pages for childrenhelp develop aesthetic taste and color perception, which is why it is so important to encourage art classes from an early age.

Even paints smeared on a piece of paper with your fingers can already be considered your first experience in drawing. If parents actively interest the child, then his craving for fine arts can develop into a profession or become an integral part of leisure time.

Therefore, you should not skimp on supplies for art lessons. In addition to the album, a set of pencils and markers, to the young artist High-quality children's paints will come in handy.

Types of children's paints

Finger paint Children who have not even learned to hold a brush in their hands really like them. Instead, you can use your own fingers: just dip them in the jar and make an imprint on the paper. The water base and food coloring make finger paints safe for children. A bitter food additive will discourage you from trying colors again.

This type of paint fits perfectly on paper, cardboard, and glass. Thanks to their viscous consistency, the paints do not run off the fingers and also mix easily, as a result of which the baby can get a new shade.

Watercolor paints. The most popular type of paints on creative activities V kindergarten and school. Watercolor - environmentally friendly paints with great color scheme(more than 30 colors and shades). To paint with them, the child must confidently hold the brush in his hands. Pictures drawn with watercolors turn out very light and lively. Release form: tiles or tubes.

Gouache paints. These paints have a thick, oily structure, which makes them capable of creating excellent coverage. Most often, gouache is sold in jars; you can buy paints in the brightest, richest and richest colors.

Oil paints. They are a thick paste, the obligatory component of which is oil. This type of paint does not dry as quickly as gouache and watercolor; when dry, they form a characteristic film. It is recommended to buy such paints on the website https://masterica.com.ua/maslyanye-kraski.html for children who study in art schools and have already gained experience in painting with gouache paints and watercolors.

Acrylic paints. Very easy to use paints, characterized by a rich palette of colors. They dry quickly, shine and are not washed off with water. They can be applied to different surfaces: paper, cardboard, ceramics, plastic. Acrylic paints are diluted with water or used in concentrated form.

How to choose paints for children

1. If you come to the store to buy paints, get as much information about the product as possible. This is information about the expiration date, manufacturer, composition, rules of use. All this should be indicated on the packaging of quality paints for children.

2. It is better for kids to buy convenient paints in jars; all other forms of release are for older children.

3. Avoid paints with too bright or acidic colors, give preference to natural colors to form an aesthetic perception.

4. The strong and pungent smell of paints should alert you. For the youngest artists, buy paints without any scent.

Each person is individual, especially if he is engaged in creative work, for example, drawing. One loves brightness and saturation, another loves tenderness and softness, and the third likes graphics. Many artists choose “their path” from the very beginning and follow it throughout their lives, without trying themselves in other directions and types, but there are also those who are no strangers to experimentation and diversity. It is known that an artist works with a brush and paints, but it’s about the second tool - we’ll talk about paints in this article. Paints for painting come in a variety of types and purposes.

Watercolor. Watercolor paints belong to the group of adhesive paints. They are finely ground pigments that are mixed with special binders (based on vegetable glue). By the way, in high-grade paints the binder is gum arabic, and in low-grade watercolors it is dextrin. In order for the paints to be soft, honey or glycerin is added to them (everyone knows “Honey watercolor”, which we so often tried to taste in childhood).

Watercolor paints are transparent and contain no impurities (for example, white). Watercolors are available in several forms:

Liquid paints in tubes

Soft paints in ditches

Solid paints in tiles

Each type of watercolor paint has its own advantages and disadvantages. Thus, liquid paints are practical to store; they are easily diluted with water, but they are prone to delamination. The remaining types, on the contrary, do not separate, but are poorly soluble in water and become contaminated during storage. Remember that good watercolor paints lie smoothly on the paper without lumps, lumps, or spots. After drying, the paints should not rub off or crack.

Many artists love watercolors because the pictures painted with these paints are light, gentle, as if illuminated by some special light. The watercolor sky, water, sunrises and sunsets look especially picturesque. At the same time, you can also paint still lifes using watercolors - they will turn out soft and expressive.

In another way, gouache is called poster paints. They are a paste-like mixture of pigments and emulsion (glycerin, phenol, alizarin oil, water). There are special requirements for gouache:

The paints should be easy to pick up with a brush and lay on the surface in an even layer;

There should be no cracks after drying;

In addition, after drying, high-quality gouache paints do not wear off or crumble, even if the painting is bent;

During storage good gouache Doesn't dry long enough.

If the gouache paints have dried out, they can be diluted with ordinary water, but it is better, of course, to do this with a 3-5% solution of wood glue.

Working with gouache is both simple and difficult at the same time. It is easy to correct an error in a drawing - just apply another layer of paint, which will cover the previous one. The difficulty is that you need to be very careful about the process of mixing shades and the thickness of the paint layer. With all this, true masterpieces were created with gouache paints, for example, some of the works of Peter Paul Rubens and Pablo Picasso.

Oil paints. These are pigments ground in drying linseed, nut or safflower oil. Such paints are usually diluted with drying oil. The following types of oil paints are available:

- paste paints. Before use they must be diluted with drying oil;

Ready-made oil paints, which are already diluted in advance with either drying oil or turpentine. You can draw with them right away, you just need to mix them. Finished oil paints can be stored from one to three years. At the same time, they do not lose their qualities and do not dry out.

You can dilute paints yourself, but you should remember that, for example, turpentine or white spirit significantly reduces the characteristics of paints: viscosity, strength, gloss. The degree of thickness of oil paints directly depends on your goals and characteristics of the work.

Oil paints can be opaque and glaze. Covering paints (lead, zinc white, chromium oxide, cinnabar) tightly cover the surface, and glaze paints (kraplak, ultramarine) are almost transparent.

Most often, we associate painting with oil paints, because they are mainly used by artists starting from the 6th century. Realistic, vibrant, bright paintings are created with oil paints. You can paint with oil not only on standard canvas, but also on cardboard, wood, and paper. And how many different techniques and approaches open up when working with oil paints!

However, it is important to know that before working with oil paints, you must carefully prepare the surface: prime it. Painting in oils is a real pleasure.

Tempera paints are ground on egg yolk or an adhesive solution is used. Since ancient times, tempera paints were very popular, but with the advent of oil paints, for some reason they were undeservedly forgotten. Initially, tempera was used only in folk painting, but later its use was expanded. Tempera paints are very durable.

When choosing a tempera, be guided by the following criteria:

Paints should be well diluted with water, and after drying, they should not wash out;

When dry, high-quality tempera paints do not change their color, do not crack or delaminate;

If tempera is stored in tubes, it should not rot or thicken.

Tempera paints combine well with other painting materials. In the right hands, these paints can perform different functions: transparent watercolor layers, thick layers like gouache, paste application like oil.

Acrylic paints. Acrylic is a synthetic paint that is very practical and easy to use. These paints are somewhat similar to tempera paints: they dry quickly and form a thin waterproof film. It is convenient to work with acrylic on any surface, be it wood, glass, leather, fabric or metal.

Gold acrylic is often used for furniture restoration - it can be used to refresh furniture well, giving it luxury and a special style.

Acrylic can be either matte or glossy. During the work process, acrylic paints can be diluted with water, but it is better, of course, to use a special liquid for this. To clean acrylic brushes, wash them with a specially designed emulsion.

Previously with acrylic paints Zhostovo masters worked and created their own unique masterpieces; now they increasingly use oil.

As you can see, there are a lot of paints for painting, they all have their own characteristics. Decide what you would like to try and select accordingly suitable look colors! Good luck and inspiration!

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