Seeing green grapes in a dream. Why do you dream of grapes: interpretation from various dream books

Eating grapes in a dream often portends a new job, a romantic adventure, or good profit. However, sometimes a vision warns of fear or health problems. Our dream book will help you understand why you dream about such a plot.

Prosperity and prosperity await you

Did you dream of eating grapes that turned out to be large and beautiful? There will be troubles and worries, but they will bring benefits and satisfaction.

Did you eat large sweet grapes in a dream? The dream book explains: abundance, prosperity, good prosperity are ahead.

Why do you dream of tasting something sweet? Very pleasant emotions and pleasure await you. You could say that you are destined for a “sweet life.”

Love sphere

Eating grapes in a dream - tasty, sweet, foreshadows a new romance that will allow you to feel new emotions and get great sensual pleasure. Immature promises disappointment in love.

Did you dream of trying strawberries and grapes? The dream book promises a man an affair with an ardent lover. For a woman, popularity with many men trying to win her.

The interpretation of a dream in which a woman eats grapes with a man is very favorable. The delights of love with a skilled lover await her. The romance may not last long, but it will leave an indelible mark on the soul.

Be careful: complications are possible

Why dream that the grapes that a girl tried with a man turned out to be sour - according to the dream book, this means: a love adventure will bring disappointment.

Did you dream about stealing someone else’s food and eating it? This is a warning: do not claim what belongs to others - be it a business or a loved one. Firstly, you will lose a lot of time and effort, and secondly, even if the outcome is successful for you, you will have to pay dearly later.

There is happiness ahead, the fulfillment of plans

The beautiful brushes that you see in front of you, and especially if you eat berries, according to the dream book, promise to find happiness and prosperity in reality.

Why dream of riding a horse past a vineyard, picking a bunch and tasting the berries - a good omen. Your undertakings will bring excellent profits, and your plans will come true.

The dream book indicates a very favorable meaning for a girl. Seeing ripe fragrant bunches and eating grapes from them is a harbinger of a successful marriage. The lover will propose or begin a serious relationship with a new young man.

What was he like?

The dream can be interpreted depending on the color of the berries in the dream:

  • white - you need to have your heart checked by a doctor;
  • green - sadness to tears;
  • blue - new job;
  • black - material losses;
  • pink - you can easily make a decision when making a serious choice.

Did the woman dream of seeing black grapes that she tasted? She will be very scared of something. Hypertensive crisis is also possible.

Are there white grapes in your dream? The dream book warns: someone is feeding off your energy. Green - you yourself take energy from someone, but this can lead to illness.

The article on the topic: “dream interpretation of eating grapes” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

It has long been noted that grapes represent fertility and prosperity. Eating grapes in a dream is a sign of prosperity approaching the dreamer by leaps and bounds. Despite the humorous interpretation of the dream, dream books predict absolutely serious success. However, an accurate and truthful explanation of what you dream about, for example, “Kishmish” or “Libya”, will be suggested by dream interpreters.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller attached special importance to eating grape berries in a dream, as he talked about in his dream book. Here are a few examples of what dreams of eating grapes mean, according to this interpreter:

  • dreamed of a sweet grape - to the fulfillment of “hot” desires;
  • squeezing grape juice and drinking it means victory over competitors;
  • chewing raisins in a dream means an anxious and joyless time;
  • dreaming of sour berries means worries that will strengthen you.

White brushes are a sign of purity of thoughts

A dream about eating white grapes is considered a good omen. According to the way Pastor Loff’s dream book interprets this vision, you can be calm about your reputation, because not a single soul would think of suspecting you of atrocities or evil thoughts.

In turn, treating yourself to white “Friendship” is a sign that there are no ill-wishers in your environment, no one is plotting anything bad against you, the Eastern Dream Book pleases.

Black berries, or take care of your finances

A certain person who will try to squeeze into your trust with cunning and flattery will have a bad influence on you. Moreover, this bad influence will affect almost every sector of life, but it will “hit” your pocket the most and most painfully. This is how Tsvetkov’s dream book sees the future of those who ate the black “Talisman” in a dream.

The Gypsy interpreter will tell you why you dream of eating black grapes that are not fully ripe: you will commit an unseemly act regarding your business partner, simply put, “cheat him out of money,” so you will be tormented by moral torment.

Blue grapes as a symbol of networking

A dream in which you taste grapes of a beautiful blue color is considered a very good omen. Stories of such content indicate your ability to negotiate and establish connections.

Do you see in a dream how you treat your worst enemy to blue grapes and eat them with him? You can be sure that you will come to an agreement with him.

Green grapes: From voluptuousness to disgust

Now, about which grape can we say that it is a symbol of voluptuousness, it is about emerald. If you want to know why you dream of green bunches from which you slowly pick the berries and put them in your mouth, enjoying the taste, then take a closer look at the interpretations of Freud’s dream book.

A girl’s dream predicts overcoming shyness and obtaining sexual pleasure. A man in a dream eating grapes with green juicy berries is a sign of success with the opposite sex.

The only plot that promises disgust and unpleasant emotions is the one where you see yourself treating yourself to a sour, unripe “Kudrik”.

Why does a woman dream about grapes?

Bunches of ripe berries evoke only positive associations and rather speak of pleasure. Why does a woman dream about grapes? However, you need to remember which grapes appeared in the dream and under what circumstances. Let's look into it in detail.

General interpretation

Most interpreters claim that the image of grapes in a dream promises a successful acquaintance with a man and portends abundance and well-being for the dreamer. The interpretation will directly depend on the woman’s life situation: this image promises a prosperous life for married women, and a groom for young girls. However, for the grapes to bring news of marriage, they must be on the vine.

What else can a bunch of grapes predict? It depends on its appearance and taste:

Eat ripe grapes- to the appearance of a large number of fans. Whether this is for good or bad is up to the dreamer herself to decide. Treating someone to grapes- to a quick separation from a loved one. Feel sour taste of berries- to disappointment in life and exorbitant spending. Sweet tasting grapes promise quick profit and pleasure.

Large berries- to happy news and events. Seeing a grape tree with many ripe fruits - to great sensual pleasure in love. If a vine wraps around an object- this symbolizes trouble due to gossip. Bad news promises vineyard vision with many trees - this portends love affairs and squabbles.

See among your vineyard enemy– a warning to be careful. In real life, this person will do any meanness to annoy the dreamer. Walk through the vineyard and picking ripe grapes on the go- to confusion among relatives, conflicts and quarrels.

Stealing grapes in someone else's garden - to be dissatisfied with your personal life. Maybe you should break up with a person who has stopped showing care and attention? The time has come for separation, a new happy meeting awaits ahead.

Buy grapes- to a new useful acquaintance. Planting a tree in your garden or on another piece of land is a sign of a new happy romance, which will inevitably lead to a wedding. For a married woman, a dream prophesies the beginning of a new successful event or business.

If you dream about ripe green grapes, it’s time to change your life and fill it with new emotions and impressions. The usual course of life will lead to devastation. Unripe berries green color says that the dreamer is not yet ready for the changes she dreams of within herself. The time has not come.

Black berries warn of possible losses, worries about love and a possible quarrel with a loved one. Also, black berries can warn of a health disorder if the dreamer experienced anxiety or disorder in her sleep.

Interpretation of dream books

Miller's Dream Book predicts for girls the fulfillment of their cherished dream - finding a dear spouse. Riding a horse and picking bunches of ripe berries means gaining a high position in society. The girl will experience stunning success.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation believes that red berries predict severe fear. If the dreamer ate sweet fruits in a dream, tears await her in reality. But if a bunch of grapes was presented, the dreamer will expect a pleasant acquaintance, mutual love and long-term happiness.

Dream book for the whole family sees a positive meaning in this dream: a woman will be able to realize the most incredible dreams that will make her happy. For a young girl, the dream predicts a happy marriage with a worthy and wealthy man. For students, the dream foretells a brilliant passing of the exam. Eating tasteless berries means quickly overcoming obstacles.

Vanga's Dream Book believes that picking ripe berries promises disappointment with the results of one’s labor. The work will be labor-intensive and painstaking, and the profit will be small. Seeing ripe fruits in the garden promises a calm, prosperous life without worries and worries.

Women's dream book interprets eating fruits as a harbinger of serious life trials and temptations. The sour taste of the berries speaks of the dreamer’s uncertainty in making decisions, but a rich harvest portends a high social position and even the dreamer’s patronage of her acquaintances and friends. For young girls, the dream portends good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse believes that making wine from ripe berries promises a worthy reward for the time and effort spent. Eating ripe sweet berries promises the appearance of new fans in a woman’s life. Contemplation of ripe bunches of grapes among the foliage - to the fulfillment of a secret dream. Picking grapes means prosperity. Eating is a joy.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti considers the dream a happy omen specifically for women. It is a symbol of beauty and charm, irresistibility and brilliance.

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Why does a woman dream about grapes: interpretation of dreams. What does it mean when you dream of grapes?

There are many interpretations about why a woman dreams of grapes. They can be found in the most popular dream books in the world. Do bunches of sunny berries in a dream symbolize love intoxication? Or is it an omen of a quick trip? Perhaps this dream has a more direct meaning and foretells a bountiful harvest? Let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller offers a very positive interpretation of why a woman dreams of grapes. For a young lady this is a very favorable dream. It foreshadows the embodiment of her most cherished dream in reality. She will find a worthy husband, will be happy with him for many years, will be fulfilled as a mother and a loving woman, and will be able to maintain her charm until old age. Professionally, the girl will also be pursued by success. Sun clusters among emerald foliage in a dream foretell that the sleeping beauty will be able to achieve a prominent position in society and will be endowed with the ability to elevate worthy people. By patronizing others, she will be able to surround herself with devoted like-minded people, which will further strengthen her high status. If a lady sees herself riding a horse, and at this time she picks ripe berries while galloping and immediately eats them, it means that in reality she will be able to get a well-paid job and fulfill her deepest desire. Miller believes that a dream about this sweet fruit foretells many pleasant moments in life for a woman.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Regarding why a woman dreams of grapes, Tsvetkov states the following: bunches of red berries seen by a lady in a dream foreshadow a strong fright. It is difficult to predict what will cause this condition. But the fear experienced will not have any serious consequences. Eating sweet fruits in a dream means that in reality bitter tears await the fairer sex. She will be able to cope with them and move on in life with her head held high.

If a lady dreamed that she was given a bunch of grapes, then in reality a new promising acquaintance awaits her. Most likely, this will be a whirlwind romance, the memories of which will inspire the sleeping beauty for a long time. A branch of grapes in a dream promises a young lady happiness in her personal life: mutual love, respect and other joys.

Dream book for the whole family

This popular dream book promises women a lot of good things. Grapes, the interpretation of dreams in which they appear, are associated here with the most favorable omens. If a lady dreamed that she was standing in a dense vineyard, and a large sunny bunch was hanging above her head, it means that she will be able to make all her most desired dreams and hopes come true, no matter how ambitious they may seem. She will certainly achieve a high status in society, become famous and respected by everyone. A young lady who sees grapes in a dream will certainly marry successfully. Her chosen one will not only be handsome and smart, but will also be able to soon make a decent fortune. If a girl is studying and has to take a test, then the “grape” dream promises her a brilliant answer in the exam and receiving the highest grade for her knowledge. For married women who are bogged down by the burden of urgent matters and countless worries, a dream about grapes portends a surge of vigor and energy. The lady will easily overcome all obstacles and cope with any task. What one dreams of eating grapes for is interpreted in this dream book as follows: if the berries turn out to be unpleasant to the taste, it means that in reality a representative of the fairer sex will be overcome by causeless worries and doubts. This unpleasant state will soon pass, giving way to peace and tranquility.

Culinary dream book

Why do young maidens dream about grapes? To fulfill all the wildest expectations related to your personal life. The young lady will find a worthy companion and spend her whole life with him in peace and harmony. Collecting solar fruits in a dream means getting a profitable job in reality. Professional success will be so significant that it will allow the lady to spend the money she earns without hesitation, since the amount of the fee will exceed all possible expectations. The sour taste of grapes in a dream promises a woman a series of small but annoying troubles. She can handle them easily, but will spend too much time resolving minor problems. In general, a dream about sweet berries is interpreted in this source as a good omen that can inspire any woman.

Vanga's Dream Book

Why do you dream of grapes in a dream? According to Vanga’s dream book, collecting sunny grapes for a woman means that she will soon be greatly disappointed in the results of her labor. Labor-intensive and meticulous work will not bring any satisfaction and will become a source of various troubles. But if a lady sees a lush green vineyard, hung with large juicy fruits, it means that in reality she will experience a peaceful and stable period both in her personal life and in her professional activities.

Women's dream book: grapes

Why do you dream about grapes? In a dream, this symbol carries a positive meaning. According to the women's dream book, eating grapes in a dream means being subjected to serious trials in reality. However, they will only strengthen the character and strengthen the determination of the sleeping person. The unpleasant taste of wine berries in a dream entails doubts and uncertainty in reality. This state will quickly disappear, and a new, calm and serene period will begin. A rich grape harvest in a dream foreshadows a high position in society and patronage of less fortunate friends and colleagues. A young maiden who has dreamed of sunny clusters can be completely calm about her well-being and personal happiness. She will be successful in all her endeavors.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

The Italian has his own point of view regarding what it means when you dream of grapes. He considers sweet fruits to be a symbol of irresistible female attractiveness and the sexuality associated with it. It is not without reason that in many dream books grapes are considered a happy omen specifically for ladies. Apparently, sunny clusters carry a special energy; their sweet taste is compared with the beauty of the female body. For a sensitive resident of Italy, this symbol - grapes - carries an exclusively positive meaning associated with the charm of the fairer sex.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

This venerable lady interprets what a woman dreams of about grapes in her own way. In some ways she agrees with her colleagues. For example, like Tsvetkov, she considers bunches of red berries in a dream a harbinger of possible fright. Receiving a bunch of grapes as a gift in a dream can mean only one thing for a lady - she will make a new acquaintance. What it will be, romantic or business, depends on the details of her night dreams. But, of course, this meeting will affect her entire future life. Watching grapes being pressed in a dream means receiving a reward for hard work, patience and endurance in reality. Eating sweet fruits in a dream and getting great pleasure from it foreshadows the appearance of many lovers in a woman’s life. She will be desired by a large number of men and will be able to take full advantage of this circumstance.

Seeing bunches of grapes among lush greenery in a dream means achieving your cherished goal in reality. The lady will receive everything she persistently strived for. If a woman picks sunflowers in a dream, then in reality she will be able to strengthen her happiness. Cutting grape bunches means creating a happy environment in the house. Ms. Hasse does not skimp on favorable interpretations when it comes to grapes. She considers these berries a symbol of female well-being.

French dream book

This European collection presents its own version of what will happen in reality if you see grapes in a dream. The sight of ripe grape bunches that overtook a woman in a dream symbolizes a decent and prosperous life. She will be prosperous in business and love and will become a very prosperous person. For the fairer sex, eating ripe and sweet fruits means future joy, true pleasure, tangible profit and incredible pleasure.

Green and sour grapes, which are eaten in a dream, are a symbol of large profits obtained through hard work. In addition, such a dream is considered a harbinger of serious trials that the sleeping person will be able to successfully overcome. If a lady dreams of raisins, then she cannot avoid troubles and some losses. Dry grapes are not a good omen in any dream book. But if in a dream a woman crushes sunny grapes and sees sweet juice flowing out of them, in reality she will defeat all her enemies and leave her competitors far behind. This is the interpretation contained in the dream book compiled in France.


The ability to interpret dreams is a great gift that not everyone is capable of. After all, a lot depends on a person’s personal attitude to this or that symbol, as well as on the details of his real life. If a woman for some reason does not like grapes, the mere sight of this fruit in a dream will cause her discomfort. And she will react to such a dream with much less warmth than a lover of such a delicacy. When trying to interpret your dream, listen to your own intuition. She often suggests the best decisions. Enjoy your “grape” dreams!

I dreamed about grapes in a dream. Dream Interpretation: eat, collect grapes

Dream interpretation grapes green, red, white, black, blue. Why do women and men dream about grapes?

“Grape dreams” - what do grapes mean in dreams - belong to the category of love, since grapes themselves are a symbol of the intoxicating feeling of love and sexual pleasures. Seeing, picking or eating grapes in a dream means realizing your desires in this particular area, and if the dreamer does not have a love partner, then there are prerequisites for dating and relationships in the near future.

For people, grapes have always been a symbol of fertility and wealth, so seeing grapes in a dream is usually a favorable symbol. But, of course, for more accurate interpretations it is necessary to know the nuances of sleep.

For example, why do you dream about bunches of grapes? Seeing beautiful grapes among the foliage is a sign that the dreamer will be able to achieve a prominent position in society and gain the respect of others. For girls and young women, such a dream promises the speedy fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Seeing a lot of grapes is a sign of great joy and financial success. For free young men and women, such a dream is a harbinger of great and happy love, the crown of which will be a beautiful wedding. Did you dream about large grapes? In reality, you can expect joyful events or news, thanks to which the dreamer’s affairs will dramatically improve.

The larger and sweeter the grapes in the dream, the more pleasant emotions are in store. But unlike delicious sweet grapes, the dream book sour grapes symbolizes disgust. Negative emotions can be obtained under various circumstances, but will almost certainly concern the dreamer’s personal life. This could be an insult caused by a loved one, rejection of intimacy with someone, or even a partner’s betrayal.

Admiring bunches of grapes in a dream - for women, such a dream foreshadows more than one admirer.

Grapes in abundance, growing on a tree or grapes in a large basket - all this expands the range of love pleasures. However, a grape garden is a symbol of love affairs and adventures, since the vine has a twisted shape, and such wavy objects in dreams are considered a symbol of deception, falsehood and intrigue.

If the owner of the dream sees one of his enemies in a grape garden, then this person can weave secret intrigues and advance towards his goal in roundabout, winding ways.

When interpreting dreams, it is important to take into account the variety of berries you dreamed about. For example, why do you dream about green grapes? If these are ripe green berries, then this is a sign of the subconscious that the dreamer is mired in routine. There were too few joyful and pleasant moments in his life. Having seen such a dream, you should try to change the situation: meet with friends or do something that brings positive emotions.

The dream book interprets green grapes in a dream differently if they are just unripe berries. Such a night vision indicates that the dreamer is not yet ready to move to the next stage of spiritual development; he will still need to work on himself.

The dream book does not give the most favorable forecast when answering the question, why do you dream of black grapes? This dream may portend material losses. In addition, according to the interpretation of the dream book, black grapes can dream of mental anguish and moral torment.

But white grapes in a dream are a sign of the purity and innocence of the dreamer’s thoughts. Such a dream promises peace of mind and moral satisfaction from a job well done.

Did you dream about red grapes? The dream book gives a double interpretation of such a dream. On the one hand, it may portend minor health problems, such as a cold or runny nose. On the other hand, a dream may be a sign that the dreamer is too selfish and does not take into account the interests of other people at all.

The need to establish new contacts is what blue grapes mean in dreams. If you succeed in making new successful acquaintances, then the dreamer can hope to make a profit soon.

Why do you dream about picking grapes? Interpretation largely depends on the emotional mood. If it is positive or neutral, then the dream foretells profit, useful contacts, and good luck in business. But if the dream has a negative emotional connotation, you should expect hard, tedious work for insignificant reward.

If in a dream you happened to pick grapes while simply walking through a vineyard, then in life you can expect quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. And the cause of conflicts will be the dreamer himself, or rather, his reluctance to make concessions even in small things.

As the dream book suggests, eating grapes in a dream for a man is a sign of intimate pleasures. However, if you had to try rotten grapes in a dream, then many problems may arise with a new intimate partner. If a man eats clearly unripe grapes in a dream, then he is in a hurry, trying to move from the “candy-bouquet” stage of the affair to the “bed” stage. His beloved may be frightened by such pressure and break off the relationship. For women, such a dream predicts the appearance of many fans. But if, according to the plot of the dream, she treats someone with berries, then she will have to part with her loved one.

To new useful acquaintances, this is why you dream of buying grapes. And if you had to plant grapes in a dream, then in reality you can safely start a new project or start a new romance; now is the most favorable time for this.

A dream in which the dreamer happened to steal grapes is a sign of dissatisfaction with his personal life. Perhaps it's time to break off a relationship that has exhausted itself and start a new stage of life.

Wondering why a woman dreams of grapes? For a young lady, such a dream foreshadows a beautiful romance and a subsequent happy marriage. In principle, a dream in which bunches of grapes appear is always favorable for a woman; it promises the dreamer good luck in any matter. If she studies, then she will succeed in passing the exams. For working ladies, such a dream promises advancement up the career ladder. Housewives who see such a dream can count on happy family relationships.

Waking up in the morning, a person often retains vivid images and unforgettable impressions in his memory. Pictures seen in a dream can speak of subconscious processes, of the approach of certain events. What do the bunches of solar fruits mean? The interpretation varies, depending on the color of the berries, their taste, and the details of the dream.

Is it good to see grapes in a dream?

It is known that the grapevine has always been a symbol of prosperity among the Slavs. Delicious fruits of white, red, pink, and blue colors were not available to everyone. The plant did not take root in the north of the country. Fragrant berries were brought from the south; only wealthy classes could buy them. Why do you dream about grapes? The interpretation of different dream books agrees on one thing: an abundant vineyard, sweet fruits, and their pleasant taste mean financial stability and the opportunity to enjoy life.

Seeing grapes in a dream means improving the quality of life, improving physical condition, new opportunities in the business sphere, or the personal life of a man or woman. Interpretations speak of the likelihood of pleasant changes and pleasures approaching. However, achieving what you want requires a lot of effort. Your efforts will be rewarded as you deserve, and your cherished dream will certainly come true.

Why do you dream of a bunch of grapes? Freud's dream book considers fruits as a symbol of voluptuousness, the desire to admire oneself and the body of a loved one. According to Vanga, a berry vine is a dream of favorable events. According to the Eastern interpretation, a grape branch means material wealth through hard work. Miller's dream book interprets the berry vine as achieving success, enjoying life, and well-being.

Why do you dream about eating grapes?

Eating sweet berries means intimate pleasures for a man. Rotten grapes indicate problems that will arise with a new passion. Eating unripe berries is a sign that a man is overly rushing things, wanting to move from courting a woman to bed. The beloved can break off the relationship, frightened by such pressure. Eating grapes in a dream foretells the appearance of admirers for a woman if the taste of the fruit is pleasant. Sour berries mean minor troubles. Seeds in fruits portend difficulties.

Why do you dream about picking grapes?

The meaning of the dream is determined by the emotional mood that accompanied the harvest. Joy and satisfaction foreshadow financial profit, interesting acquaintances, and good luck in business. A negative emotional coloring indicates the approach of boring, thankless work. Picking grapes in a dream is an omen of a new position with higher pay. Cutting branches with ripe fruits can portend great mutual love. Others dream of picking berries as a sign of the speedy fulfillment of a secret desire.

Why do you dream about green grapes?

A brush with ripe green berries is a sign of a routine in which you will get bogged down. Such a dream speaks of a life that has lost joy and happiness. Anyone who sees a brush with green fruits should try to change the situation, do something to feel an influx of positive emotions. It is useful to meet with friends and find a new interesting activity. A vine with unripe berries means a person’s unwillingness to move to the next level of material or spiritual development.

Why do you dream about black grapes?

Black fruits are an unfavorable sign. Why do you dream about grapes? Such an image may mean upcoming reproaches and reprimands. A branch of black grapes foreshadows material losses, mental anguish, and torment of the dreamer. Eating berries indicates approaching sadness or punishment. The number of fruits eaten is equal to the number of upcoming blows of fate.

Why do you dream about a vineyard?

A plantation with many bushes means love affairs and a penchant for adventure. Why did you dream about grapes? Seeing a person in the bushes with whom the relationship is not going well indicates this person’s readiness to squabble, gossip, and unfounded accusations in order to achieve the desired goals. Picking bunches of grapes in passing foreshadows misunderstandings and quarrels with relatives. The cause of the problems lies in the dreamer himself, his reluctance to make small concessions. Planting a grape plantation is a favorable sign, foreshadowing a stable business with good profits.

Video: seeing grapes in a dream

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What do “grape” dreams mean?

Dreams about grapes are positive. Seeing him in a dream means living a happy and prosperous life in reality. If you ate it in a dream, then you are strong in spirit, difficulties strengthen you, you never lose heart, however, tasteless grapes predict some uncertainty, but you don’t need to give up - you can do anything. Many bunches of grapes hanging on the vine and in the foliage foreshadow an increase in your social status. The grapes given to you in a dream predicts a pleasant acquaintance. Did you crush it in your sleep? This means that you can easily cope with your opponent, a competitor, but if at the same time you collected grape juice and poured it into a container, then a big profit awaits you. For a woman, a good sign is a dream where the vineyard is overgrown with weeds - her hopes are destined to come true. Drinking the juice of this berry or grape wine in a dream means being a happy person in reality. If you were treated to wine, then you will soon need to use the help of a friend. Clothes stained with grapes dream of a shameful act, disgrace. Selling promises a solution to problems. Purchasing is a dream of a happy accident. If you cut it with a knife, then your family environment will be happy and friendly. A basket filled with grapes foreshadows a love adventure.

A good sign for something new is a dream about a grapevine, but if it was withered, then you should postpone your endeavors. If the clusters were heavy and numerous, the vine sagged and broke, then incredible career growth awaits you. To material wealth I had a dream where you made wine from grapes. Tearing grape leaves means worsening relationships with friends through your fault. Have you wanted to pick berries, but you just couldn’t? Such a dream speaks of failures, the culprit of which will be you yourself. Watering grapes in a dream means being able to build a harmonious relationship with your partner.

What were the grapes like in the dream?

Dreaming about red grapes is a symbol of poor health; green grapes warn the dreamer about excessive selfishness, which could soon complicate his life. Black - speaks of your professionalism, you are considered a valuable employee, your superiors are extremely pleased with you. White is a good sign. Dreaming of purple grapes symbolizes material well-being. The small one dreams of minor troubles. Dreaming of ripe grapes brings joy and pleasure. Eating spoiled grapes means lack of self-confidence. Picking rotten berries in a dream means that in reality you will bother in vain. Raisins in a dream foreshadow worries and worries in reality.

A well-groomed vineyard with good vines promises good luck in all matters, but if it is neglected, the berries are rotten, complete desolation reigns in it, then your plans are not destined to come true. Hiding in the vineyard in a dream means putting your life in danger in reality. To see a dream in which grapes bloom means good health. A vineyard without berries warns you of deception. A walk through the vineyard where you picked bunches of grapes promises a quick fulfillment of your plans, the dreamer’s dreams come true.

Grapes and others...

The person planting grapes in your dream will achieve success and will be able to help you in the future. Was someone picking grapes? Such a dream predicts a profitable acquaintance. Treating someone with it is a disappointment in love affairs. In your dream, someone ate grapes, which means you will soon commit a rash act. You saw that people are crushing him, which means that you will fail in the professional field. An animal that has eaten grapes warns of possible fraud.

Are you interested in what grapes mean in dreams? Try to find the answer in the most popular dream books in the world. They contain unique information, collected bit by bit by outstanding seers and psychologists of their time. Maybe a dream about grapes brings with it a sweet life full of exciting adventures? Or, on the contrary, does it foreshadow boredom and grief? Let's try to understand this issue in detail.

Miller's Dream Book

As for what grapes mean in dreams, Miller has his own opinion. He believes that eating sweet fruits in a dream means that in reality the sleeper will be overcome by heavy worries. However, if a person does not touch the sunny clusters, but only sees them among the green foliage, it means that in reality he will achieve a high position in society and become a very influential person. Women who see grapes in a dream will have their most impossible dream come true in reality. A dream in which a person rides a horse through a vineyard, picks fruits and eats them, means that in reality a profitable job awaits him, as well as the fulfillment of his cherished desires. If the grapes seemed too sour and unpleasant to the dreamer, it means that in reality he will be overcome by fears and doubts about unresolved matters. However, soon this person will again find spiritual harmony.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

The famous psychoanalyst considers the obvious answer to the question of why grapes are dreamed of. For him, solar clusters are a symbol of voluptuousness and carnal joys. If a person saw in a dream that he was enjoying grapes, it means that in reality he assigns a key role to sexual relations in his life. What is outside the bedroom is of little importance to this person. The habit of resolving all family disagreements in bed can quickly get boring for the dreamer’s other half, and then he will have to look for new methods of resolving conflicts and disputes. Freud offers this interpretation in his dream book; whether to take it into account or not is a personal matter for each person.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

The venerable old man offers his interpretation of what grapes mean in dreams. For him, clusters of ripe fruits represent prosperity and fertility. Aesop believes that a dream in which a person sees himself drinking grape wine portends a happy life and material wealth. If the dreamer is treated to wine, it means that in reality he has a reliable friend whose support he can always rely on. A dream in which the dreamer himself makes wine from grapes predicts the achievement of the most advantageous position in society, wealth, recognition and all possible benefits. But tearing grape leaves in a dream according to Aesop is not recommended. He thinks that this indicates that the dreamer does not value people who are useful to him and needlessly neglects them.

Looking for shelter behind a vine in a dream means that in reality the dreamer needs to be more careful in his affairs. He is clearly being watched by an unkind person who can interfere with the implementation of his plans. Why do you dream about green grapes? Aesop believes that vain attempts to pick an emerald brush in a dream mean unfulfilled hopes in reality. No matter how hard the sleeper tries, he will not achieve the desired success in the near future. Such a dream also hints that a person should not blame current circumstances for his problems. Planting grapes in a dream is an excellent omen, foreshadowing that all obstacles on the way to the goal have been overcome, and the dreamer will have complete luck ahead.


According to this dream interpreter, beautiful grapes dream of success in business and prosperity in family life. For young women, such a dream promises a successful marriage and the birth of children. White grapes in a dream symbolize innocence, pink ones - friendly relations, black ones - grief and troubles. Why do you dream about blue grapes? This unusual color represents hot passion. Collecting and pressing juice from sunny fruits in a dream means that in reality the sleeper will experience well-deserved success. Reveling in the sweet taste of ripe grapes means family well-being and happiness in your personal life.

To the question of why green grapes are dreamed of, that is, unripe and growing too high, the sonarium contains the following interpretation: the time for the fulfillment of the desires of a sleeping person has not yet come. Sour and small fruits in a dream symbolize future tears. A dried out grapevine symbolizes all sorts of troubles. But planting grapes in a dream means a stable and very profitable business.

Gypsy dream book

This dream book has its own view of what grapes mean in dreams. Such dreams promise a person bitter tears. Eating sweet fruits in a dream means finding yourself at a big feast in reality. Eating dry grapes means losses, worries and grief. If the dreamer tramples the sun's grapes with his feet, then in reality he will prevail over all his ill-wishers.

Eating red or black fruits in a dream means hearing unfair reproaches in reality. A more positive interpretation in the gypsy dream book regarding what white grapes mean in dreams. This is a symbol of innocence and great benefit for the sleeper. Picking grapes with your own hands means great grief and trouble.

Persian dream book Taflisi

Taflisi interprets in his own way dreams in which people see grapes. He believes that a lot depends on the color of the fruit. Eating green grapes in a dream means gaining wealth through honest and hard work. However, this success will not last long. White or red grapes eaten by a sleeping person foretells good things if the dream occurs during the fruit harvesting season. If this happens at another time, then the dream has the opposite meaning. Why do you dream about black grapes? The color of night darkness symbolizes sadness and disappointment in Taflisi.

If a person saw in a dream that he was crushing grapes, the meaning of the dream depends on the container in which this happens. The wooden vat symbolizes working under the leadership of an unjust and cruel boss. Pottery, on the contrary, foreshadows work under the supervision of an adequate and kind person. A vat made of baked brick or any other hard material foreshadows a strict and tough boss in a dream. A dream about how the dreamer makes grape juice and collects it in large jugs entails considerable profit in reality. Selling sunny grapes means getting rid of sadness. This is the detailed interpretation provided by the Persian dream book.

Why do you dream about grapes according to Hasse?

This venerable lady sees happy omens in dreams about grapes. Only red fruits portend an unexpected fright. Otherwise, dreams about bunches of grapes promise good prospects for a person. Seeing solar fruits means achieving your cherished goal. Picking a bunch of grapes in a dream means strengthening your own happiness. Cutting fruits with some sharp object means living in a happy home environment. A gift of a brush in a dream entails a new acquaintance in reality. Eating juicy grapes in a dream means having many lovers in reality. If a person dreams of a brush without berries, it means that in reality a cruel deception awaits him.

Grapes in Tsvetkov’s dream book

The famous esotericist has his own interpretation of what grapes mean in dreams. Eating berries in a dream means shedding bitter tears in reality. If a woman dreams of a bunch of red fruits, it means that in reality she will be greatly frightened. A dream that a person received grapes as a gift entails a new acquaintance.

Women's dream book: dreams about grapes

For women, grape bunches in a dream symbolize the fulfillment of a desired dream. However, it is not recommended to eat sweet berries, since such a dream foreshadows continuous worries, which, however, will strengthen character and bring benefits. The unpleasant taste of grapes in a dream represents for a lady her fears and doubts in reality. But she shouldn't worry for no particular reason. She will calm down soon. A rich grape harvest in a dream promises a woman a high position in society.

French dream book

According to the French dream book, seeing grapes foretells success in all endeavors for a person. Prosperity and peace await him at home, recognition and all kinds of profit await him at work. Eating ripe grapes in a dream means experiencing joy and pleasure in the future. Unripe fruits dream of overcoming obstacles and great profits. In a dream, raisins symbolize troubles and losses. Crushing grapes in a dream means defeating all your enemies in reality.

This article presents versions of the most famous and popular dream books. Studying them is interesting and instructive, but the information gleaned from them is often too contradictory. It should be remembered that your own intuition can also tell you the correct answer to the question of why you dream of blue, black or green grapes. Listen to yourself and choose the most appropriate interpretation.

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