Seeing plum trees in a dream. Blue, large, ripe: why do you dream about plums?

Collecting plums in night dreams is given to those who were able to get the desired result from the work done. The dream book gives a hint as to what such a result is. The purpose of harvesting fruits is determined depending on the quality and other distinctive properties of plums.

How to Succeed

Explaining what it means that you picked small, not yet fully ripened plums from a fruit tree, the dream book does not recommend being sad: you will achieve the desired result earlier than you thought.

If you dreamed of tree branches that have thorns, and the plums on them are small and tasteless, it is likely that in reality you will create unnecessary problems for yourself. Things can stabilize if you follow the principle of weighing your costs and profits before taking on a specific undertaking.

In the dream book you can really find an explanation of what it means to collect rotten plums that have fallen from the tree. In some cases, it is better to lower the bar: only retreat from unattainable goals for a certain period of time and gather strength for what can actually be accomplished.

Good luck is coming to you!

When you dreamed that you were collecting ripe plums, the interpreter Loffa prophesies that the grief that has recently overtaken you will not be able to withstand the onslaught of certain states of affairs, and will be replaced by irresistible happiness.

The 21st century dream book considers it a great success when it was possible to find ripe fruits in predominant quantities. The time of their collection in a dream foreshadows the arrival of a positive stage in materiality.

Goals and objectives

The sorceress Medea asks the question for what purpose you collect fruit. When you are an ordinary employee, sweet plums predict a reason for temptation and jealousy. In the case where plums are needed for trade, difficulties in business affairs are likely. If you are collecting fruits for your table, in real life you need something that does not allow you to calm down even at night.

Less commonly, picking plums in a dream is done for physiological reasons. It is no secret that this fruit contains a useful vitamin complex. Probably, the dreamer’s body specifically needs these vitamins and macroelements.

Nature miracle

I dreamed that you were picking fruits from a tree that could not grow on it; a delightful phenomenon prophesies unexpected success on the love front, the dream book promises.

This is not a single dream explanation of why one dreams of picking such fruits from branches. An original solution will provide an opportunity to achieve success in a meaningless plan.

Miller's Prediction

The dream book interprets picking plums as follows: someone who happened to pick a ripe plum in his night dreams will in reality realize his own hopes. However, after a joyful victory comes grief. Significance will become nothing like happy dreams.

Who picked the plum

In most cases, the explanation for when one had to look in a dream is determined by the personality of the sleeping person. For example, why does a young lady dream that she is picking plums? The Dream Interpretation believes that, in essence, she is too familiar with the role of a nurse. Guys often do not consider this quality to be useful. It's time to take care of your image.

When a male dreamer happened to see in a dream how he was picking fruits from a tree, the dream warns that in the future the dreamer will do an intricate act for the sake of love.

If a high-ranking person dreams that he is a cheerful boy picking plums in the garden of strangers, a fantastic adventure awaits him. In addition, if you had such a dream, a quarrel with respectable individuals is likely.

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Why do you dream about plums? 4.50 /5 (2 votes)

To answer the question “why do you dream about plums?” let’s turn to the dream book. This is a symbol of satisfaction with life, favorable developments and general calm. However, some details of the dream can significantly change the original interpretation or strengthen it.

I dreamed of a plum - prosperity and success await you

A large and lush plum tree indicates success, new acquaintances and prosperity. Its fruits represent friendship, devotion and unconditional loyalty. But all these interpretations are relevant only if the fruits in the dream were ripe and good.

But rotten berries promise family squabbles, fights and emotional distress. At the same time, rot on yellow plums indicates the onset of the disease, on blue ones - material decline, and on red ones - bad luck.

Dream about purchasing a plum

If you dreamed of a luxurious plum tree hung with ripe fruits, then in reality you will have the opportunity to make a long-awaited purchase.

Shaking a tree means unforgivable mistakes from which your loved ones will suffer. Seeing him from the outside means meeting old acquaintances. Green plums indicate that hardships and troubled times will not affect you personally, but will cause a storm of negative emotions.

How to correctly interpret a dream about a plum?

Depending on additional details, the image can have a completely opposite meaning. Why do you dream about plums? They promise fleeting joy or bad news, prosperity or grief. Personal feelings and the very atmosphere of the dream will help you understand these interpretations.

When starting to interpret a dream, it is imperative to take into account personal actions. Why, for example, do you dream that you ate plums that tasted good? This situation indicates that meaningless flirting awaits you. If the fruit turns out to be sour, then there will be a quarrel, if it is sweet to the point of cloying - gossip and gossip, nothing - disappointment.

Actions in a dream with a plum

Cooking plum jam in a dream means great patience, thanks to which you will carry out your plan and be provided for for life.

Buying plums in your night dreams means that you are trying to get rich by any means, but this is not possible. Selling means success at work, giving away for free means frustration or a trivial quarrel.

The dream book warns: dreams will disappoint

If you dreamed that you were picking plums, then your cherished wish will soon come true, but at the same time you will be completely disappointed and realize that you were striving for the wrong thing.

Collecting a full bucket or basket of plums means prosperity in the house and understanding in the family. If the plums turn out to be green and unripe, then something threatens your well-being.

Wormy plums indicate an inability to adapt to new circumstances. If you were picking plums, and rotten fruits were found among them, then your expectations will not be met, and to achieve your goal you will have to use outside help.

Many people are accustomed to associating berries with raspberries or strawberries, but such a special berry as plum is often forgotten. Why do you dream about plums? According to the dream book, plum symbolizes a period of lightness and carefreeness that will soon come or has already come in your life. But it is important to remember what you did in your dream with this berry, whether it was ripe or not. Remember the number of plums - a lot or a little, and what you did with it later - ate it or cooked it. All these nuances are important for interpretation.

If you dreamed of fresh, delicious plums, this is a good sign that foretells the onset of a bright streak in your life.

Our subconscious never ceases to give clues in the form of dreams. Sometimes it may seem that dreams are complete nonsense, but famous scientists and psychologists will not agree with this. It took decades to research dreams, and it is irrational to completely refute this science. Therefore, remember all the details of your dream, look in the dream book and decipher what the plum is in your dream about. Who knows, maybe you will find an important clue for you in the dream book.

Were the plums you saw ripe or not?

Ripe blue plums in a dream promise you pleasure and entertainment.

Why do you dream of ripe plums? This may mean that your life is rather frivolous and spoiled. As the dream book says, ripe plums in a dream indicate that you are the darling of fate, everything comes to you quite easily and carefree. If fate favors you so much, there is, of course, nothing wrong with that. But be careful. What if fate decides to give you a test, and you are not ready to face such difficulties face to face.

We continue to study the dream book: green plums, unfortunately, portend health problems. Listen to your body; most likely, it lacks vital energy. Visit a doctor, take a day off from work, dedicate this day only to yourself, meditate in silence, treat yourself to your favorite treat, watch your favorite movie. And, without a doubt, you will feel better!

A dream in which the plums turned out to be rotten speaks of betrayal, insincerity of loved ones and a radical change in your life status. Pay attention to your surroundings, is everything good in your relationships with friends, colleagues, family? If you sense a bit of misunderstanding, correct it quickly! Show your colleagues respect and your friends and family genuine love and care.

Why do you dream about prunes - as the dream book says, prunes symbolize your affairs that have been shelved. Find strength and a little time, open this Pandora's box and deal with it. Sometimes it’s very unpleasant to sort out your old problems that you’ve long since left behind, but it’s better to deal with them altogether than to constantly look back and remember that there’s so much unresolved somewhere out there. Be patient and get to work!

Have you seen fruits growing on trees?

Why do you dream of plums on a tree? This is a very good sign! Very soon you will overcome all your adversities. The problems that you have been struggling with for so long will soon be resolved, the sky will become clearer and the sun will become brighter. The main thing is to believe in the interpretation of why you dream of a plum on a tree, and do not lose your positive mood, because it is this that has helped you go such a long way and not lose yourself in the abyss of problems and adversity

Blooming plums herald a romantic, tender, inspired mood. If you are not in love yet, then this will definitely happen soon. Your soul will bloom like a plum orchard, decorating your whole life with incredibly beautiful flowers and a light soaring mood.

If you plant plums, soon a person will appear in your life with whom you will become very close. This is not necessary, it must be your soulmate, most likely it will be your mentor or a good friend with whom you will gain many more pleasant memories together.

Picking plums in a dream means that you are used to taking responsibility for your actions and solving problems that arise quickly and painlessly. Keep it up! This attitude towards life inspires only respect.

If you dreamed of already harvested fruits

If you dreamed of plums on a plate, your rash actions will bring you some disappointments in the future. Think carefully about each of your actions and try to think through how it can affect your future activities.

Are there plums in the store window? It's like your dreams and aspirations lie behind an impenetrable glass case. All you can do is look at them helplessly. Perhaps it's time to shake yourself up and remember what you so desperately want to do and what you dream about? Take the plums out of the display case and enjoy them while you can.

In a dream, you ate fruits or prepared a dish from them

If you ate plums in a dream, it means it’s time to do what you have long dreamed of.

  • Why dream of eating plums in a dream - soon you will decide on what you have been putting off for years. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited trip, perhaps you will finally start home renovations. In general, you will decide to radically change the stagnant state. We can only wish you good luck and unquenchable motivation!
  • Are you treating someone to plums? This means that your strength is being spent left and right. Think, suddenly you are wasting your energy on unpleasant people, on meetings that do not bring joy. Come to your senses! Time is a valuable resource and spending it thoughtlessly and in vain is very stupid!
  • Making jam in a dream promises you unexpected expenses. Soon you will have to shell out a pretty penny. Be prepared that this will not necessarily turn out to be something pleasant; most likely, the waste will be spontaneous and unpleasant.
  • Do you make jelly from plums? You definitely need to be careful on the road. Check your car, do not neglect the services of a car service and, preferably, do not drive in bad weather. Use public transport and ask your friends to give you a lift to your destinations. True friends will never refuse you!
  • If in a dream you make compote from plums, there are people in your environment who are ready to happily wash the pits for you. Take a closer look, is your close friend telling details of your personal life to ill-wishers? Talk to her and if your friendship is important to her, she will definitely think before doing something like that again.
  • Read also: .

Who saw the dream: man, woman, girl, child

  • If a man dreams of plums, his life is completely under his control. This person does not give in to provocations, does not become driven by other people's opinions. He has an inner core that is difficult to develop within himself. Only truly worthy people can cultivate such character in themselves. This is worthy of respect, nothing less!
  • If a woman dreams of a plum, then she is currently in doubt. Perhaps she has to choose the color of new curtains, or maybe the partner with whom she will go through life. In any case, we need to take our choice seriously; every decision we make has many consequences that affect our lives in one way or another.
  • A young girl dreamed of a plum - you want to get married. Undoubtedly, you don’t have to look for a life partner, but wait, but if there are worthy candidates on the horizon, take a closer look at them. Perhaps this is exactly what you are looking for, you just haven’t realized it yet.
  • If a small child dreams of a plum, his life is full of interesting events. Most likely, this dream symbolizes a flight of fantasy, childish maximalism and an active lifestyle. If your child wants to have fun, give him this opportunity, support any of his fantasies.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books

Feel free to refer to various dream books for clarification. Each dream book is unique, as it contains the author’s interpretation. Most likely, in many dream books you will find contradictions in similar meanings, but remember that it is the symbiosis of these meanings that will be most true for you. Don’t be afraid to compare the meanings of dream books and interpret dreams correctly.

Miller's Dream Book - you are prone to flightiness

Why do you dream of a blue plum? It symbolizes the presence of fleeting hobbies in a person. There is something in your character from this unusual berry: a certain sourness, a beautiful deep color of your soul. If you don’t have a partner, then fleeting flirting and hobbies are a very pleasant pastime, but if you have already found a loved one and allow yourself to flirt with someone, think about what if this is unpleasant for your soulmate. Isn't this where all your disagreements and quarrels come from?

Vanga's dream book - check your health

You should take better care of your health. This does not necessarily mean that you are in an irreparable situation; rather, it is a small piece of advice to carefully monitor changes in your body. Perhaps you are tired and just need a rest. See a doctor, rest, give up bad habits, most likely, this will bring you irreplaceable benefits.

Freud's Dream Book - renew your relationship

Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud correlates plums seen in a dream with secret desires. Most likely, you have long wanted to try something new in a relationship with your partner, but you do not decide to admit it, not to yourself, not to your partner. Open up to yourself, then your life will take on new colors.

Modern dream book - minor problems are possible

Plum is interpreted as a harbinger of minor troubles in life. These will be mere little things, but they will also give you a bad mood every day and a reluctance to participate in the affairs of your loved ones. Cheer up! Minor troubles will pass, but the love and respect of loved ones cannot always be returned.


Dreams are like a certain code from a safe in which all our answers lie. Decipher them, interpret them, compare them, but under no circumstances leave your questions unanswered. Who, if not our subconscious, knows best what we need and sends signals in the form of a small code.

Video “Why do you dream about Plums”

If you happen to eat plums in a dream, then be prepared for life to swirl you in a whirlpool of temptations and flirting. Wanting to figure out why you dream about this juicy sweet fruit, or rather about eating it, remember what color and size the fruit was, dream books recommend.

Brief interpretations

To find out what a dream means, you need the sacred knowledge of wise interpreters of night dreams - dream books. They will easily determine the meaning of not only the vision, the length of the “polar night,” but also a small plot with a minimum of details. So, there are plums in a dream:

  • Eating sweet cream means a light, fleeting flirtation.
  • Biting into an unripe fruit means disappointment.
  • Chewing dried plum fruits means problems with intimacy.
  • If you ate rotten or wormy fruits, you are in vain hoping for some kind of relationship.
  • If you see that the plums are overripe, this means a break in the love relationship.

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you feast on plums filled with sweet nectar, this means that joys await you, which, alas, will be fleeting and unpromising. But if you want to know why you dream that you had to eat plums half rotten on the outside or inside, then Miller’s dream book will tell you that such a vision means the futility of your hopes, because it is difficult to be fully happy alone.

Ripe and sweet, or Flirt, but wisely...

Eating plums and seeing that they are yellow and tasty - be prepared for the fact that due to your promiscuity, you may get a “shameful” disease. But if you dreamed that, despite the fact that the yellow fruits were tasty, you refused to try them, you will be able to avoid illness. Has the yellow honey cream turned red before your eyes? The path to success for the opposite sex will be simple.

Blue greenhorn eaten in a dream promises increased attention to the dreamer. And moreover, the larger the fruit in the dream, the more passion there will be in the relationship.

There are unripe plums as a symbol of wrong decisions

Pastor Loff’s dream book will not be very happy for a person who dreamed that he was picking an unripe cherry plum from a tree and eating it. The interpretation of the dream says: you have found the wrong solution to get rid of your own problems. A dream in which you see yourself biting green plums without even picking them from the tree has approximately the same meaning - think about the situation you find yourself in, understand how to do the right thing and only then act.

And there are also plums in a dream, picking them from the tree not fully ripe - a sign of the “inner immaturity” of the dreamer himself, Vanga’s dream book suggests.

Dried and dried cream is a sign of difficulties in intimate life

Why dream of eating prunes in a dream? This vision does not promise much good, but some good things can still happen. For example, chewing dry prunes is a sign of problems with intimate life. Your physical condition is not in the best shape, and your sexuality has completely dried up, the Gypsy Dream Book upsets.

But if you dreamed that you were eating tasty and juicy prunes, then you can hope that all the troubles are temporary.

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