A fun scenario for March 8th at school.

At the entrance to the hall, teachers receive tickets with a number (the same numbers are placed in a basket for subsequent drawing).
On the screen is a presentation for March 8th.

On the screen is a video for teachers prepared by high school students.

There is an image of a train on the screen. The sound of wheels. The train whistle sounds.

Explorer 1: Today, on the eve of the most wonderful holiday, International Women's Day, as beautiful as our passengers, we will take you to your dream. They are different for everyone, but the main thing is that we think about you and your desires.

Explorer 2:
Spring comes as a holiday once again,
Brings warmth, smiles, renewal!
We congratulate you on the Eighth of March,
We wish you a good mood!

Explorer 1:
Let miracles happen sometimes
May your heart never know trouble!
Let your home and your favorite school class
Harmony and joy always fill!

Explorer 2: And now, dear passengers, the head of the train _____ (director) welcomes you.

Fanfare sounds. Director's word.

Against the background of the noise of the station.

Explorer 1: Well, now a fascinating journey through the wish stations awaits us.

Explorer 2: And what kind of dream, I wonder, can a woman have?

Explorer 1: Well, which one? Of course, one of the most important women's desires is to be a good mother. Educate worthy people.

The train whistle sounds.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers! Our train arrives at Materinskaya station. Train stop - 10 minutes.

Explorer 1: Passengers whose ticket numbers are invited to get off at the station...
The conductors take out 3 numbers from the hat and invite the participants to the stage.

Explorer 2: Hello, dear ladies. You, of course, are already experienced mothers (you are about to become a mother / you have recently become a mother), you probably know that a loving mother should not only create an atmosphere of love emotionally, but also make sure that your child looks appropriate teacher's child: neat, clean and in shape.

Explorer 1: So, imagine the situation: your child gets ready for school on his own (child models appear on stage in unkempt appearance), and you are late for work, but you cannot send your child to school like this. Dear participants, you have exactly one minute to get the children in order.

Explorer 2:
Is the task clear to everyone? Well, then let's get started, attention, let's begin!

Cheerful music is playing.

Explorer 1: Well done, you did a great job, now the guys are really ready to go to school. And you, our respected teachers, receive the title “The most neat and orderly.”

Explorer 2: And, of course, every mother has read fairy tales to her child at least once.

Explorer 1: Our dear passengers who did not get off the train at this station, the next task is for you.

Explorer 2: The conditions are very simple: the name of a fairy tale is given, in which each word is inverted to its opposite meaning. You need to guess the fairy tale. For example, “The Fox and the Six Chickens” - “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

Explorer 1: answers:
- “Dog in Mittens” - “Puss in Boots”.
- “The Dressed Beggar” - “The Naked King”.
- “The Magnificent Swan” - “The Ugly Duckling.”
- “Seven skinny guys” - “Three fat guys.”
- “Peasant Woman – Monkey” - “Princess – Frog”.
- “Ivan the Ugly” - “Vasilisa the Beautiful.”
- “Dancers of Munich” - “Musicians of Bremen”.
- “Red mustache” - “Blue beard”.
- “Rusty Lock” - “Golden Key”.
- "Rubik's Cube" - "Kolobok".
- “Blue Shoe” - “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Explorer 2: What amazingly smart and savvy passengers set off on our exciting journey, well done!

Explorer 1: It’s time for us to hit the road towards our dreams!

The sound of train wheels.


Explorer 1: Yes! And the song is wonderful.

Explorer 1: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Komplimetnov station, the stopping time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 2: All women love to be the center of attention and simply love it when they receive compliments.

Explorer 1: Holders of tickets with numbers are invited to get off at the station...
(6 numbers are drawn).

Explorer 2: Hello, dear ladies, now you have a unique opportunity to show your best qualities.

Explorer 1: You have to compliment each other. Whoever hesitates is eliminated. The last one standing will be the winner.

(teachers give compliments).

Explorer 2: Well done, the winner was ________, but you all deserve the proud title of “The Most Charming and Attractive.” Congratulations!

Explorer 1: And now we ask you to take your seats in the carriage.

Explorer 2: Any trip begins with getting to know each other. Of course, we all know each other for a long time, but is it good enough? Let's check.

Explorer 1: Now on the pieces of paper offered to you, you will have to write the name of one animal (any) in the plural.

(teachers are given pieces of paper on which they write the names of animals)

Explorer 2: Perhaps now we will learn something new about our teachers. I read the epithets, naming the addressee, and one by one you name who you wrote.
Our teachers:
1. Affectionate, like...
2. Sociable, like...
3. Beautiful as...
4. Smiling like...
5. Neat, like...
6. Brave as...

Explorer 1: They behave:
1. In the classroom how...
2. With work colleagues like...
3. With the director how...
4. In the doctor’s office, how…
5. At home it’s like...
6. In the store...
Very honest! Well, now there’s a gift for you.


Explorer 2: What wonderful music, it amazes the imagination.

Explorer 1: Yes very nice! Beauty and woman are two inseparable concepts.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Krasota station, the stopping time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 1: But when you hear the word “beauty,” what do you think about?

Explorer 2: I immediately imagine images of our vast Motherland, the beauty of nature.

Explorer 1: And I imagine a beautiful meadow strewn with different bright flowers.

Explorer 2: Yes, in my opinion, flowers truly represent beauty.

Explorer 1: Not just according to you. I think any lady will agree with this statement.

Explorer 2: Surely, each of our passengers knows the name of hundreds of flowers growing on our planet.

Explorer 1: And this is what we will check. Passengers with ticket numbers are invited to get off at the “Beauty” station...
(6 numbers are drawn out, the participants go up to the stage).

Explorer 2: Dear ladies, your task is to say all kinds of color names one by one, the main thing is not to repeat yourself.

Explorer 1: So, is the task clear? Let's start!

(participants call the names of the colors in turn; whoever stumbles is eliminated)

Explorer 2: Indeed, our passengers know a lot of colors. And of course, each of them deserves the title “Chief Beauty Connoisseur.”

Explorer 1: We wish you beauty:
In every appearance, in every movement.
And beautiful actions of people,
And beautiful dreams in your sleep.

Explorer 2: And a beautiful morning in winter,
When the snow had not yet fallen,
And be beautiful yourself
So that a handsome man falls in love with you.


The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.

Explorer 1: Well, to pass the time on the way, we suggest chatting a little.

Explorer 2: Dear teachers, I have a question for you: do you have a good memory?
Then, tell me, how many people in this room are called Natalya? (answers)
How many are there who were born under the constellation Virgo? (answers)
How many teachers are there in total? (answers)
How many people dream of a vacation? (answers)
What was the first question I asked you all? (answers)

Still, the first question was: “Do you have a good memory?”

Explorer 1: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the “Women's Happiness” station, the stopping time is 6 minutes.

Explorer 2: What is women's happiness? What it is?

Explorer 1: But now we’ll try to find out. At this station we invite 6 participants to exit, whose ticket numbers are ....
(6 numbers are pulled out, the participants go on stage).

Explorer 2: We have come into our hands with a magic hat that will allow us to read the thoughts of our dear participants and find out what women's happiness is.

(Conductor 1 takes turns putting hats on the heads of the participants. At the same time, musical excerpts are played:
1. Money, money, money
2. Let me go to the Himalayas
3. Laughter
4. Oh, what a blessing it is to know that you are perfect.
5. I want to fly
6. A woman’s happiness would be if she had a cute one nearby)

At the end of the competition, Conductor 1 puts his hat on the head of Conductor 2, who is standing on the sidelines, thoughtful, so that he takes it backstage, and at this time the excerpt sounds: Well, the citizens are alcoholics...)

Explorer 2: Oh sorry (runs backstage with a hat)

Explorer 1: Perhaps one of the most important women’s dreams is to love and be loved and to find that one person who would protect and protect.
We want to wish you eternal
Very bright love without embellishment.
We want to wish you tenderness
And love and loving eyes.

And our participants are awarded the title “The most honest and frank”

The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.



Explorer 2: What a wonderful song!

Explorer 1: Certainly. It’s not for nothing that this station is called a music station. How musical are our respected teachers?

Explorer 2: Now we will check this. The owners of the remaining numbers are invited to the stage.

Teachers sing songs about women

The train whistle sounds. The sound of train wheels.

Explorer 2: Dear passengers, our train has arrived at the Fortuna station, the stopping time is 10 minutes.

Explorer 1: Any woman would probably like to be lucky in everything, so that fortune would be her faithful companion.

Explorer 2:
Today we have the opportunity to make sure of your luck.

Explorer 1: Luck plays out at this station. All named tickets will receive prizes.

(numbers are given and their owners receive prizes)
1. Aircraft (balloon).
2. Small-sized washing machine (eraser).
3. Don’t get bored in the evenings - drink fragrant tea (tea).
4. The yacht came with this ticket, now you can go out into the world. (Paper boat).
5. To accumulate money in abundance, sew the outfits yourself. Here you go (threads)
6. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, so hold it (pencil).
7. Get the main prize, you get an egg cage.
8. This little thing will come in handy. This is a (ballpoint pen).
9. You would like a piano, but you got (a calendar).
10. In life you have to hope for the best, take glue if something doesn’t stick (glue).
11. Your surprise is quite rare - two paper napkins (napkins).
12. Let your neighbor be jealous. Some (candy) for you
13. Listen to the advice - fruits are the best diet. (apple).
14. Get it - hurry up, you need a notebook, write poetry. (notebook).
15. In both cold weather and snowstorms, you need matches in everyday life. (matches).
16. By chance, your ticket gave you Ceylon tea (tea).
17. Not whistles and not skates. Very fashionable... (Laces)
18. To keep your face and sock clean, your ticket dropped (a piece of scented soap)
19. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, it was torn to the point of pain, we give (a package) in return - there is nothing else!
20. Let everyone see clearly Get a fluffy (brush)
21. Hush, hush, don’t cry, We got your ball. (balloon)
22. I need her a little too. Disposable spoon.
23. It’s a small thing, but it’s nice. (A handful of small coins)
24. This ball will stop children's crying. (Balloon)
25. To prevent your cap from being blown away by the wind, we are giving you a gift (a paperclip)
26. You wanted to get a flashlight, but you just got it (a ball)
27. It will be useful for you to find out your income (notepad)
28. Antique hanger. (Nail)
29. This prize was given to you to gnaw on in the evenings. (Seeds).
30. Vessel for drinking various drinks. (a plastic cup)
31. You and your companion will not disappear anywhere; you will not come home hungry from any guests.
(Plastic fork)
32. Do you love potatoes? We'll give you some. Chew, chew, don’t yawn, and treat your neighbors. (1 potato tuber or bag of chips)
33. Sun, air and water are our best friends! And so that you don’t get sunstroke while walking, put on a panama hat and walk calmly! (Newspaper hat)
34. This ticket gives you a flight, a large plane takes off into the sky. (Paper airplane)
35. Oh, what a great fellow you are - get some (lollipop).
36. He will always try to stop the loss of strength! There used to be a shortage, it’s called “Coffee”!
37. There is no typewriter, we offer this item. (pen).
38. Some get soap, some get a candy wrapper, but you got a bow!
39. Let your heart burn like this candle.
40. The calendar is small, but remote. He will show you the day and year he lives in every house.

Explorer 2: How sweet is the taste of life when it
Rich, beautiful and swift,
Full of good and joyful events,
In every moment she is amazing.

Explorer 1: Let life be like this year after year,
The mood is getting better
And every day will bring a gift
Success, luck, happiness and luck!


Explorer 1: Unfortunately, our journey has come to an end.

Explorer 2: But the holiday is just beginning. There are three days off ahead.

(concert participants exit)
1: Our dear teachers!
Thank you for your knowledge, skills,
For the light of a smile, a kind word,

2: For your work, for your love and for your patience,
We are grateful for your help again.

3: Thank you for everything you do for us!

4: May all your dreams always come true, be it a dream of luck or love.

5: Let any of your wishes come true, because if you really want something, it will certainly work out!

6: May the sun shine brightly for you,
Let the birds chirp outside the window,

8: We wish you all inspiration,
In the circle of family - love and kindness,

9: Among friends - warmth and respect,
And in life – dreams come true!


Funny scenes for March 8 will successfully complement the program of any special event, from a matinee in kindergarten to a class hour or a festive party at school. With the youngest children it is worth learning short, funny plays that do not require memorizing a large amount of text. For primary school students, you can choose more complex costume scenes containing beautiful and kind congratulations for classmates and mothers on a wonderful spring holiday. For older children, it is appropriate to offer stories from adult life for production. Such original comic numbers will look very cool and will definitely appeal to students, teachers, parents, and guests. When it comes to ideas, there are practically no restrictions. You can show your imagination and come up with your own scenario, or use our ideas and perform them effectively, with humor and creativity on stage.

Funny scenes for March 8th in kindergarten for the younger and middle groups

For children in the junior and middle groups of kindergarten, scenes for March 8 should be simple and easy to understand. You shouldn’t fill a mini-play with a lot of words and actions. Boys and girls 3-4 years old simply will not be able to remember all this and will get confused, remembering when it is their turn to go on stage. It is better to limit yourself to a few lines of poetry that the children can easily memorize and read with expression in the allotted time.

“Mom’s Helpers” - a video example of a funny skit in the primary and secondary groups of a kindergarten

In this video, kids perform in front of the audience a funny and funny costume scene in the style of Russian folk tales. The main characters are 3 girls and one boy. National Russian costumes are sewn for young actresses, and a rooster outfit is prepared for a tomboy. If parents cannot do this, it is appropriate to contact an agency organizing holidays and rent everything necessary for the production.

From the decorations you will need to make beautiful doors, symbolizing the entrance to the house, a wooden fence on which the rooster will sit, and several shelves and stands representing home furniture.

First, one girl comes on stage and talks in poetry about what a wonderful mother she has. Then her friends join her and say beautiful compliments to their mothers. The cockerel comes out from behind the fence and asks the little ones not to quarrel, because all mothers, by definition, are good, kind, gentle and beautiful. The girls listen to his words and begin to clean the house, showing how wonderfully they help their mothers on a festive spring day.

Funny scenes for March 8 in kindergarten - short funny performances in the senior and preparatory groups

At the matinee in honor of March 8, in the preparatory and senior groups of the kindergarten, you can rehearse a very funny and eventful short skit. The first action takes place right in the center of the game room near the scenery depicting a Russian wooden log hut. Three little girls-sisters are sitting on chairs in front of her, chatting sweetly among themselves and dreaming about what they would like to become in the future. The little ones express their plans for adult life in poetic form. The basis is an excerpt from the famous fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin about Tsar Saltan - the poem “If only I were a queen.” The words are rewritten in a modern way and tell the story that girls want to become singers, actresses or managers.

Then the girls rise from their seats and invite the boys sitting in the hall to dance with them to the delight of the teachers, mothers and grandmothers present in the hall. At this moment, lively, cheerful music is turned on and all the kids begin to dance a simple, but very playful and cheerful dance. At the end, the guys bow, and the guests applaud their wonderful performance.

The sketch is very simple to perform and playing it is not difficult for children. Identical costumes are not required, and one of the parents can make the decoration in the shape of a hut with their own hands from thick cardboard. For the role of sisters, you need to choose three girls with a good memory and a clear, pleasant voice. In the dance part of the skit, you can involve all the guys in the group, including the most modest and shy ones. By being close to their friends, timid kids will feel more comfortable and will gradually get rid of their fear of public speaking.

Short funny scenes for March 8th for elementary school - video

For the March 8 holiday in elementary schools, short funny skits are suitable, in which all the main roles will be played by boys. The girls, as adults, will sit in the front rows of the auditorium and will receive solemn greetings and pleasant congratulations from their young gentlemen.

A comic sketch for March 8th in verse from boys to girls

In order to perform a cool, comic skit for girls in an elementary school on March 8, you will need to pre-select 5-6 boys with clear voices and clear diction among the students. The guys don't need special suits. They can quite easily go on stage in white shirts, classic dark trousers, vests, jackets and elegant bow ties.

The essence of the issue is that on the eve of March 8, the boys get together in one group and think out loud in poetic form about how to surprise the girls and what holiday gifts to prepare for them. One of the guys suggests giving the young ladies candy, another claims that there is no better present than a toy gun, and the third advises picking flowers for the girls. But then the guys come up with a wonderful idea - to please their classmates with a good, attentive attitude, help and beautiful compliments. At the end of the issue, the guys congratulate the girls on International Women's Day and promise to take care of them and surround them with love not only on holidays, but at any other time.

Cool scenes for March 8th for schoolchildren 10-14 years old

With schoolchildren aged 10-14 years old, you can perform a whole mini-performance by March 8th. Students at this age already easily remember texts for roles and calmly behave on stage. Many guys even like to perform and be the center of attention. Such children themselves volunteer to be actors and always participate in developing the script for the production. Thanks to this attitude, the performances are bright, effective and rich, evoke the most pleasant emotions and are remembered for a long time by both the participants and the spectators who came to the performance.

A skit on March 8 with humor on video - “Grandfather and Granddaughters”

For the production, it is necessary to select actors - one boy and six girls. The students will play the role of granddaughters, and the guy will embody the image of a kind old grandfather on stage. To make everything that is happening look more realistic, the boy needs to be made up, attach a long white beard to his face, and put a rustic style hat with earflaps on his head. For girls, no special costumes are needed. Granddaughters can appear before the audience in their favorite elegant dresses.

The number begins with the grandfather going on stage, sitting on a chair and reading the morning newspaper. Loud girlish voices are heard behind the scenes, and then four smartly dressed girls appear. They are happy that they have found their grandfather and ask if the old man knows what day it is and what the date is. Grandfather laughs at the young ladies’ questions and claims that at his advanced age it is absolutely not necessary to know what date it is today. Here the girls' patience runs out, and they announce to their grandfather that March 8 has arrived and he must give them all gifts. A somewhat puzzled old man offers the girls two options - either one big gift for everyone, or several small ones, but for each. And while the granddaughters are consulting on what to do better, the old man is trying to run away. But his girlfriends notice his maneuver and immediately bring the fugitive back.

When the girls finally come to an agreement among themselves and announce to their grandfather that they want small individual gifts, two more girlfriends come onto the stage, also introduce themselves as granddaughters and present their rights to the gifts. Grandfather grabs his head and quickly runs backstage. Six girls rush after him and chant the word “gifts” out loud. Then cheerful music sounds and young actors, holding hands, go on stage and bow to the applauding audience.

Very cool skits for high school students on March 8 – video

High school and graduate schoolchildren already consider themselves quite adults and do not want to act out too simple scenes, considering them childish and uninteresting. Often the guys themselves come up with stories for their performances and touch on more serious aspects of life in them. Productions on the theme of family life are very popular among schoolchildren aged 14-16, and those in which all the roles, including female ones, are played by young men. Indeed, these numbers look especially funny and always cause delight and thunderous applause among the audience.

Video skit on March 8 at a school for girls from boys

This production should be performed on the stage of a hall where there is a thick curtain. You will need to place a table and an armchair in the center, and decorate the backstage with balloons and themed posters with holiday greetings on the occasion of March 8th. Five boys will be needed for the main roles. One of them will act as the head of the family, the second will embody the image of a wife, and the rest will play the role of mother-in-law.

At the very beginning of the performance, the husband sits in a chair with a remote control and watches TV. Here you need to select different musical fragments to create the impression of switching channels. Then the wife (a boy in a robe) appears in the room, washes clothes in a basin and hangs them up, washes the floors, stirs soup in a saucepan and does other traditional women’s chores. In between her actions, she looks at her husband in the hope that he will rise from his chair and help her, but the man continues to peer at the screen. Then the woman asks him to join in the cleaning, but the husband says that there is only enough work for one person in the apartment. The wife likes this idea and, throwing off her robe, leaves, leaving her husband alone with all the housework.

During the absence of the wife, the husband is visited by his mother-in-law (boys in headscarves, dressing gowns and aprons), dancing around him to popular hits and bringing him a rolling pin, broom and mop, necessary for quality cleaning. When the house becomes sparkling with cleanliness, the husband falls to his knees and thanks God for not creating him as a woman. And suddenly a miracle happens, God answers the husband and even advises him to give his wife a heart on March 8th. When the wife returns, the husband presents her with a beautiful red heart and congratulates her on March 8th.

Skits for March 8th for mothers and children - video

For their beloved mothers, children should prepare interesting and educational scenes for March 8, telling about how a mother takes care of her children. Parents will be very curious to see how little children play the role of adults and try to look strict, serious and respectable.

“Three Moms” - a sketch in honor of March 8 for mothers from girls - video

This simple skit can be performed with students of any age, but it will look especially good when performed by elementary school students. The beauty of the performance is that it lasts only about two minutes and does not require special surroundings, scenery or costumes. The main characters are three girls, playing the roles of daughter, mother and grandmother.

“Daughter” reads her words in verse first. She comes from kindergarten and asks her favorite doll how she spent the day, whether she had time to have lunch and what she was doing. At the end of her speech, the girl shakes her head and, saying: “These daughters are a complete disaster,” sits down on a chair. Then the “mother” returns from work and asks the same questions to her “daughter.” The third one to come home is “grandmother” and asks mom what she did during the day at work. At the end, all the girls sit on chairs in front of the audience and say in chorus that being a mother is a very difficult and responsible task.

Grandmother and grandson enter.

Grandma/concerned/-darling, why are you so sad? Something happened?

Grandson - Eh. grandma, grandma. if you knew.

Grandmother/frightened/ -What did you know?

Grandson / caringly / - Don’t worry, sit down, sit down.

/ sits the grandmother on a chair, she holds her heart, the grandson looks into her eyes, strokes her head

/sighs/ I’m suffering so much.

Grandma - Why are you suffering?

Grandson/rolls his eyes/ I am suffering. I'm dreaming. I do not know what to do?

/sublimely/ -What to my beloved grandmother. what to give for the holiday?

Grandmother /smiles joyfully/ - maybe a bouquet of flowers?

Grandson / screams indignantly / - No!

Grandma /thinking/ then a box of chocolates?

The grandson stomps angrily - No! No! and No!

Grandson / affectionately / On the day of spring and joy. We don’t need sweets!/licks his lips/

grandmother/ slyly/ yes, this task is not easy.

Grandson / remember, you had a dream. you have dreamed since childhood.

Grandmother/shrugs/but it was a big secret. shh! I’m a little ashamed even right

Grandson / with annoyance / -grandmother. fame will not pass you by, you still have a few years left /pause/

We will give you a gift / pause. moped!moped! Moped/chant

Grandmother/asks again in confusion/-Moped!

The grandson /convinced/ yes, a moped/ imitates riding a moped around his grandmother, who watches him carefully. stands up abruptly.

Grandson - so you agree. grandmother? /caresses her/

Grandmother/strongly/- I agree. honey. /pats his grandson on the head. grandson claps his hands. hugs her / I agree. grandson

Grandson shows thumb / - You are a true friend!

Grandmother proudly raising her head. with pathos -

I'll speed away on a moped/ makes a big circle with my hand

The grandson opened it in surprise. grandma casually waves her hand

I’ll only be back in the evening! /stomps/

grandson confused - What-o-o? Are you going to go for a ride yourself?

grandma nods her head in agreement

Grandson / angrily / And who. who will clean up?

the grandmother silently points to her grandson.

Grandson. stepping on grandma, “Who’s going to cook dinner for us?”

Grandma carelessly. with a smile. shrugs

Grandson /decisively/ I’ll tell you a secret. I don’t have enough money for a moped/it’s hitting my pocket

grandma makes scared eyes

Then will I wait for the sweets? I'm still a little old

I'll save up for a moped.

When you grow up later, we'll fly with the breeze

Hugging and leaving satisfied.

Publications on the topic:

Materials for the matinee on March 8. Song-remake of “Good Beetle” for the exit and skit MATERIALS FOR THE MORNING PARTY ON MARCH 8 OPTION FOR CHILDREN’S EXIT Under the backing track “GOOD BEETLE” (from the film “Cinderella”) Verse 1: EXIT: into the hall from the side.

New Year's scene Sketch “THE ANIMALS HAVE A NEW YEAR” Snow Maiden: A wonderful day is coming New Year is coming to us On the porch at the door The bunnies are waiting for guests. It comes out.

Sketch “I need physical education!” Host: The sun is shining. Children's laughter can be heard outside the window. The weekend has arrived for everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone! Dad and daughter gathered at the sports and recreation center S.

Scene for the New Year Ivan Tsarevich (adult) Ved appears: Who are you, good fellow? Ivan ts: I am not the only one with the Tsar, I am the third son. I'm called Ivanushka.

Sketch for Russia Day for a school holiday Sketch for Russia Day Participants: a girl in a Russian sundress (G.K., Genghis Khan (Sh.A.), Napoleon (R.A., Hitler (M.D., announcer (S.A., 3.

Scene “Forest School”“Forest School” - a skit for preschool children (A bear comes onto the stage to the music. There is a pillar on the stage and on it is a plaque, Bear. What kind of plaque is this?.

Sketch for March 8 “Grandmothers of the Old Lady” Video Mitrofanovna: Hello, darling, light Ivanovna. Ivanovna: And you won’t get sick Mitrofanovna. Mitrofanovna: Oh, we haven’t met for a long time.

March 8 is the most long-awaited holiday for all women on the planet. Usually, even little girls, who together with their mothers receive compliments and gifts, are not deprived of attention. March 8 is celebrated at school along with other holidays, and on this day the administration faces a difficult task: to please not only teachers and schoolgirls, but also mothers and grandmothers invited to the concert. The proposed scenario is designed for elementary and high school students. By contacting him, you can find the best for March 8th for high school students and find out the design features of the assembly hall.

Some organizational issues

Traditionally, the hosts of such events are a boy and a girl - the most active and bright high school students who know how to carry on a conversation with the audience. Decorating the hall on March 8 at school is an important moment. Since fresh flowers are expensive, you can use artificial ones, don’t forget about balloons and children’s drawings. Funny skits and jokes must be diluted with dances and songs prepared by the schoolchildren themselves. At the beginning of the holiday, you should verbally congratulate the teachers present and, if possible, give each a bouquet of flowers. At the end, each class retires to their respective rooms and continues the celebration with cakes and soft drinks.

Opening of the event

Presenter 1: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!

Presenter 2: Hello, dear parents and guests of our event!

Presenter 1: Today we have gathered in the assembly hall of our beloved school to celebrate the day when the beautiful half of humanity awaits beautiful words and pleasant deeds.

Presenter 2: This day is dedicated to you, dear teachers, mothers, grandmothers and, of course, our students.

Presenter 1: Celebrating March 8th at school has already become a tradition in our small friendly team, and therefore Diana and I and our event participants will try to make this holiday unforgettable. The floor is given...

Day of tea drinking and feasting!

Our mothers, we love you,

We will not forget your love and care!

Witty and funny skits on March 8 for high school students

Presenter 1: Diana, do you think our graduates are as cheerful as elementary school girls?

Presenter 2: Maxim, I have no doubt about it! In order to prove this, we will now ask students in grade 9-B to go onto the stage with miniatures.

Scene “Conspiracy against the chemical worker”

Sidorov, I didn’t expect to catch you in the backyard of the school with a lighter! Now you can dance with me! Don’t come tomorrow without your parents, I’ll tell them that you’re addicted to cigarettes!

Sergei Viktorovich, no need for parents! I made firecrackers for Nadezhda Ilyinichna and wanted to set them on fire now.

For your chemist, perhaps? So don’t throw them through the window, Sidorov, but from the roof - let’s go, I’ll help!

- My 10-A made me so happy today! The guys gave me a subscription to the Thai sauna, manicure, pedicure and chocolate massage included! How golden they are, how much money they spent on it! This is the best gift for March 8th!

Now we know, Ariadna Ilyinichna, who robbed the school piggy bank...

Sketch “Kings Now and Then”

Presenter 1: They say that the current generation of children has become completely different: boys and girls do not respect teachers and indulge in obscene behavior. Let's make sure of this and listen to the conversation of teachers who left the Soviet school.

Raisa Feodorovna, what difficult times have passed today! Once upon a time our profession was the highest paid and most prestigious. Teachers could be compared to kings, because they were the ones who educated society. Now show me a person at school who could be called a king?

And today children, Lidia Pavlovna, consider themselves to be such: they are the most omniscient among us.

Scene “Oversized bag”

Presenter 2: Diana, I bet I can spot the teacher at first sight!

Presenter 1: And how will you do this, Maxim?

Presenter 2: It's simple - after all, teachers have the largest bags, which can fit not only magazines, but also, it seems, a bicycle. We hope that you will certainly enjoy the funny scenes on March 8th (we saved this work for high school students).

Petrov goes to meet the teacher in English along the corridor and asks to rate him in the diary:

Svetlana Sergeevna, I answered today at the blackboard and got an A! Put it in my diary so that I can please my mother, because tomorrow is March 8th!

Okay, Petrov, just wait, I’ll find a red pen.

(Svetlana Sergeevna takes out magazines, notebooks, diaries, pencil cases and some women’s “tricks” from her oversized bag - a comb, lipstick, a mirror).

Svetlana Sergeevna, it’s already dark outside, it’s time for me to go home. While you look for a pen here, I’ll come to you tomorrow for an estimate. And by the way, congratulations on March 8th!

The school holiday ends...

Presenter 1: Dear guests, our gala event is coming to an end.

Presenter 2: We hope that you really liked the poems for mothers and funny scenes for March 8 (for high school students, as it turned out, preparing such a number is a pleasure!), and that upon returning home you will have a pleasant impression of our holiday.

Presenter 1: We would like to thank you with all our hearts, dear teachers, for the work you put into our upbringing and education; you, dear mothers and grandmothers, for your endless support; you, dear girls, for trying your best to gain knowledge and growing into disciplined students.

Presenter 2: And now a little surprise awaits you - tea party. We ask teachers, students and parents to go to their classrooms.

The celebration of March 8 was completed in the assembly hall. It is appropriate to continue humorous skits and other activities in the classroom. Before this, parents are invited to visit an exhibition of drawings and products. The works presented there were completed by students studying in the sections of Fine Art, Beading, Photography and others (if any).

1 Presenter.

Good afternoon, dear ladies and people.

Our dear WOMEN!
Today is the most favorable and happiest day for you according to the “male” horoscope, i.e.:

March 8 is a solemn day,
Day of joy and beauty,

All over the earth he gives to women

Your smiles and flowers!!!
2 Presenter.

What holiday of congratulations? And the first congratulations will be presented to you by our respected leaderName . Her first word.

Word from the school principal.

1 Presenter.

If the planet suddenly froze,
I would lie dead and cold,
From a woman's gaze
Warmed with warmth
She would thaw in an instant...
2 Presenter.

Feminine in nature itself
Stronger, perhaps, than all the others.
Nature has generously endowed women,
And people put him on a pedestal.
1 Presenter.

Extol everything about them
Men are happy -
From a meek disposition
Until the color of the eyes...

2 Presenter.

Gives you his complimentName the song "Let".

1 Presenter.

Dear ladies!
We could praise you until the morning!

However, it's time to get down to business

2 Presenter.

Dear male colleagues, we ask you to come up to the stage. Dear ladies, wives, girlfriends, daughters and granddaughters! All words and congratulations today sound only for you! Spring and Love to you!

The men congratulate.

1 Presenter. You, dear women, have received congratulatory telegrams, but all of them are unsigned. Now we will read them, and you try to guess who the author is. I only know that all senders are male.









1 Presenter.
Woman is spring
The image is blooming and tender!
2 Presenter.
A woman is always
The world is radiant, boundless.
1 Presenter.
It's been so many years now
We are fascinated by you.
2 Presenter.
You are hope and light,
We are bewitched by you.
1 Presenter.
Let this song now
It will be a gift for you, dear veterans of teaching work!

Sings for youName "Give women flowers"

1 Presenter. Pupils show off on their desks

The kids crowded around the board

Students write on the board

We tried! Not a single mistake!

It’s not for nothing that so many eyes were watching

As always, a friendly smile

The teacher came into their classroom!

2 Presenter. Great is the teacher's joy

Here she is standing in front of the board

And childish glances follow

Behind her raised hand

Those were good moments

Wrote, smiled again

The kids read: “Thank you, children,

for your studies and love"!

The song “I draw on the window” is sung for you by the vocal group “Constellation”

1 Presenter. Look at the young people walking... and how they coo...

2 Presenter. Well, quickly... quickly into the bushes...Scene “Love, love...”

a short and thin man named VASYOK comes onto the stage. He sits down on a chair. He is wearing a cap with a flower and a fashionable country jacket. He has a grass stalk in his teeth and a small flower in his hands. The song starts playing: “Oh, you’re on the mountain there.”
movie: "He Came Again"His beloved MARUSYA (it could be a man in women's clothing) comes out to see VASUK and sits down next to him.VASYOK: Hello, Marusya!MARUSYA: Hello, Vasek!VASYOK (gives a flower): This is for you!MARUSYA: Oh, thank you!They both look up a little in awe. Vasek carefully places his hand on her shoulder. She winces.VASYOK: Marusya... will you marry me?MARUSYA: Oh, I don’t know. This is so unexpected! I need to think.VASYOK: How long can you think? I proposed to you six years ago.MARUSYA: Well, I don’t know. If you think it's time, then I agree.The song is still going on. They sigh together with smiles on their faces.MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya! Who do you want to get first: a cat or a dog?VASYOK: Yeah...MARUSYA: (pause) Vasya, will you always love me?VASEK: I will love you to the end.MARUSYA (after a pause): Vasya, it’s already late. Take me home.Our heroes are leaving. The music stops.

Vasya comes out and sits on a chair. Five seconds later, Marusya comes out with buckets. He puts them on the floor.MARUSYA: Why are you sitting? Why are you sitting, I ask you? Have you cleaned the yard? Did you feed the chickens? I have to do everything myself.VASYOK: Why are you screaming like that? I'll do everything now.MARUSYA: I’m screaming because even on the eighth of March, you don’t do anything for me. And you said that you will love me until the end.VASYOK: Well, let's go, let's go, I'll do... something...


1 Presenter.

Oh, yeah, so much romance.. (sighing)

2 Vriding.
I would like to congratulate our women teachers. It is difficult for them with us, especially when we express ourselves in an incomprehensible language.

1 Presenter.

But life in general is a complicated thing.

2 Vriding.
But in our school life sometimes such moments happen. "Groom from 3b" readsName .

"Groom from 3 b" Name .

1 Presenter.

May success always and everywhere accompany you in your business!

And today, on this bright holiday, be the happiest of all.

2 Vriding.
Gives you his “colorful” performanceName "In different colors."

Name "In different colors."

1 Presenter.

A woman, like a cat, looks for where it’s warmer,
Where it is dearer to the soul, it is more joyful to the heart.

2 Vriding.
A woman is like a cat - she can be anyone:
Affectionate, harsh, biting, mischievous...

So what kind of woman is she?

He will tell us about thisName .

I have a holiday today, it’s cooler than New Year.
You served a wonderful compote this morning.
I didn't find any coffee in the kitchen. It's on the shelf - where it always is.
You can't know about this. However, this is nonsense.
You poured compote into a glass with a chip on the side.
I didn’t find, you said, the cups. I can understand this.
It was not in vain that yesterday I tried to hide everything that was a pity to beat.
So that today you can be the kindest and most tolerant person.
Half a glass of compote you spilled on the bed.
Don't worry, darling. Give me a glass quickly.
I will finish it with a smile, I will finish it with gratitude.
And someday I’ll kill for a new sheet.
Did you fry eggs?!?!?!?!? It's like I'm in heaven!
Even if it has a shell, I will chew it.
Oh! What is this? Mimosa? When did you have time?
Oh, yesterday? And cleverly hid it? Did you want to surprise me?
Where did you hide it? Yeah? In a suit on your day off?
I never would have guessed it! (I will clean it on the weekend)
Will you wash ALL the dishes yourself? Two plates? BAM! One...
Do not worry it's okay. The broom is standing over there in the corner.
How sweet you are today, I just want to cry.
Going to? Visiting mom?? I can't recognize you!
Mother-in-law - MOM?? This is great! I didn't dare to dream.
There is no need to carry it in your arms, it is better to hold it by the hand.
It’s good that they didn’t decide to lengthen the women’s holiday.
After all, it’s really impossible to endure this for long.
It’s good that it’s soon evening, the day will disappear in the course of years.
And only the dried bouquet will remain in the kitchen.
I will wash the sheet, deftly clean the jacket,
And this terrible mess will end in the kitchen.
I’ll get myself back to normal, and I’ll get my apartment in order.
And with the happiest face I will fall onto the bed.

1 Presenter.

And I also know that women love to give advice!

2 Presenter. Yes, yes especially mothers. They protect us so carefully, despite their age. There are quite a few of them in our hall too. Compliment to mothers fromName .

1 Presenter.

We rarely bring bouquets to mom,

But everyone upsets her so often...

And a kind mother forgives all this,

A beautiful mother forgives all this.

2 Presenter.
Without bending stubbornly under the load of worries,

She performs her duty patiently...

Every mother is beautiful in her own way,

She is beautiful with her mother's love.

Congratulations to all mothers as wellName . Song "Mom".

Name sings the song "Mama".

1 Presenter.

March 8th is a wonderful and traditionally favorite holiday in our country.

2 Presenter. It is beautiful not only because it is the first spring holiday, when nature awakens and the time of love comes. Men worship the bright image of a woman, because they are so similar to angels. "Music of Angels" performed byName.

"Music of angels" Name .

1 Presenter.

Today is a holiday, but you need to write an explanation why you were late for your Chinese lessons yesterday??

2 Presenter.

Damn it (in Chinese, shukai here)

1 Presenter.

What...who should I pinch...??

2 Presenter.

Nothing... it's in Chinese... damn it

1 Presenter.

Lhell,write an explanatory note,and I'll come later. In the meantime, you are writing the next musical number for all the incomparable women sitting in this hall! "Children's Play" performedName .

(go backstage to write a letter)

1 Presenter.

Well, read what you have there.

2 Presenter.

Why am I late (explanatory)

Yesterday when I was walkingfor Chinese lessons , suddenly fell from a tree on mecrazy policeman . I screamed likeunderground rhinoceros and lost consciousness. I woke upin Karaganda and said: Take mefor Chinese lessons , I really need. But for some reason they took me awayto the State Duma , and from there I walked until he gave me a liftreactive jalopy . That's why I was late yesterday.

1 Presenter.

How did this happen to you - then... Oh, look, someone is walking there, let's go and have a look.

2 Presenter.

Yes Yes. It's coming, it's coming. This is Valeria Molchanova coming. What is her head thinking about?

Valeria Molchanova reads “What is my head thinking about.”

1 Presenter.

Dear women! We know this holiday as one of the kindest and most beautiful. On this day, no woman should be left without a gift.

2 Presenter. Please accept our congratulations and may a smile appear on your face that will not leave you for a long time. Accept a gift fromName "Inside out".

Name "Inside out".

1 Presenter.

Teacher, teacher

2 Leading.

Why are you shouting?

1 Presenter.

I want a song for the teacher.

2 Leading.

Please, according to the pike's command, according to your desire, the song "Good mood» performed by a vocal group"Constellation".

The girls' vocal group "Constellation" performs the song "Good Mood".

1 Presenter.

ListenName , that's what I'll say.

2 Leading.

Tell me, tell meName .

1 Presenter.

If deputies have a sad life, their salaries are high. But these teachers have a fun life, but the salary is small. Look how funny they are.

2 Presenter.

Good moral support,
A decent salary to you all.
Effective and without delay,
Solutions to various problems.

2 Presenter.

You are valued, pampered, loved dearly!
And joy will be young!
Happy holiday, dears!
Together .

With the beginning of spring!

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