A sure sign is that your left or right palm is itchy. Why does the left palm or arm itch in men and women?

Using the lines of the palms, palm readers predict a person’s fate; with their hands, magicians make various passes, trying to cast their spell.

Many people are interested in signs associated with palms. For example, why is your right palm itching?

Should you believe in omens?

The world of signs surrounds us from early childhood. Even skeptics feel a little alarmed when a black cat crosses their path or a woman walks towards them with an empty bucket. Who knows, what if fate really does send us mysterious signs, trying to warn us and protect us from rash steps? There are people who firmly believe in omens and literally build their lives based on them. Is it worth doing this? Psychologists clearly say no.

The fact is that signs arose at the dawn of humanity. Then people lived in a dangerous, uncontrolled world, constantly risking their health and even their lives. There was no medicine, there were no devices that could make our existence easier, there was no opportunity to find protection or guarantee food for ourselves and our family. In order to somehow influence the surrounding reality, people created magic and numerous signs: they believed that nature itself told them how to act. This created a feeling of security and gave confidence in the correctness of one’s own actions.

These days, signs are more of a relic of the past. However, many continue to religiously believe in them. Why not? If you feel that, thanks to signs, you are able to protect yourself from negativity, you may well use your conviction for your own benefit. True, if you refuse an important meeting, if you notice a cat crossing the road, and lose profit, you should think: maybe you should live more rationally?

Advice! Psychologists recommend believing only in good omens. This creates the right mood and allows you to program your psyche to be positive. This means that events will develop in the direction you need. You shouldn’t believe in negativity: remember that you yourself are the master of your destiny!

Financial side

Why is my right palm itching? Signs answer this question in a rather contradictory way. The right side of the body is “responsible” for activity, profit, and development. Therefore, if your right palm is itchy, you should expect a promotion and unexpected profits. Moreover, be sure to pay attention to what day of the week you felt a sudden itch:

  • Monday - money will come from where you don’t expect. It could be a gift or even a find on the street;
  • Tuesday - most likely you will receive your salary a little earlier;
  • Wednesday - someone will remember that they owe you money and decide to get rid of the debt;
  • Thursday - your boss will decide to reward your work with a bonus;
  • Friday - you will have to ask for a loan. Therefore, you should not be happy, because you will have to return the money from your own budget;
  • Why does your right palm itch on Saturday? Your loved one will decide to give you a gift in the form of a fairly large sum of money;
  • Sunday - you will be able to sell some things.

Advice! Always pay attention to how intensely your hand itches. The stronger the butt, the greater the amount will be in your hands. It is also important how long you feel the itch: the size of your profit also depends on this.

How to make a financial sign work?

Let's say you felt an itch in your right palm, found this article on the Internet and realized that much-needed profit awaits you in the near future. What to do to make the sign work for sure? Magicians claim that with simple steps you can make the omen work 100%:

  • Scratch your palm on the bottom edge of the table;
  • Rub your right palm on any red object: it could be clothing, a bedspread, even a ballpoint pen. The main thing is the contact of the skin with the red color. Mentally say: “Rub your palm on the red so that it is not in vain”;

If you do not have the opportunity to perform all these actions, for example, your hand itches when you ride the subway, just imagine how the amount of money you need is in your hands. Moreover, you should not visualize a suitcase with banknotes: your desire should be fulfilled. This will also ensure that you actually get the amount of money you need in the next few days!

Advice! If you are concerned about a lack of funds, you can use other “folk” methods to increase your own well-being. For example, place nickels in each corner of your apartment. They say that thanks to this, the energy of your home begins to literally attract new finances. If someone gives you money, always take it with your right hand and give it with your left. And never repay debts in the evening: this should be done when the sun has not yet set.


Some sources claim that the feeling of itching in the palm has nothing to do with profit, but promises something completely different: a long-awaited meeting. Remembering this sign is quite simple: the handshake is done with the right hand, and not the left. That being said, who you date depends on your gender. For beautiful ladies, itching means a meeting with a lover, but if a businessman’s hand itches, he will soon have to take part in negotiations with a business partner. However, just as in the previous case, it is important to pay attention to the day of the week on which you felt a sudden itch in your right palm:

  • Monday - you will meet with an old acquaintance;
  • Tuesday - you will unexpectedly run into a friend whom you have known for many years, but have not seen for a long time;
  • Wednesday - you will meet someone who will become a fairly good friend;
  • Thursday - you will see a person to whom you are not indifferent;
  • If you don’t know why your right palm itches on Friday, signs suggest that you will have an extremely unexpected meeting that will literally stun you;
  • Saturday - you have a romantic date ahead of you;
  • Why does your right palm itch on Sunday? In the near future you will have a conversation with a person who can have a strong influence on your destiny.

Advice! If you believe in omens, keep a special notebook in which you write down what sensations in different parts of your body indicate. This will make it easier for you to navigate the mysterious world of folk beliefs. True, psychologists say that you should not believe too much in omens: it is possible that you will begin to engage in self-programming, and this will not lead to anything good.

How to speed up a meeting?

Your right hand suddenly itched and you decided that this sign meant a quick meeting? There is a way to make the meeting take place in the near future: kiss your right palm three times, clench it into a fist and hide it in your pocket. At the same time, it is advisable to imagine as clearly as possible the person you want to see.

If you do not want to meet with your old acquaintance, and the sensation in your right palm foreshadows precisely this event, then rinse your hand thoroughly with cold water and hold it open, as if letting go of what the omen promises you. Then the meeting can be avoided (or the person will pass by you and not notice). As you can see, it is quite possible to influence fate!

Advice! Be sure to pay attention to the time of day at which unexpected itching occurred to you. If your hand itches in the morning, then a meeting awaits you during the day. If in the evening, then the universe intends to delay the fulfillment of the sign. Thus, if you don’t know why your right palm itches in the evening, the answer is simple: in a few days you will have a meeting or profit.

Maybe it's not a matter of signs?

If your palms itch too often, it's worth considering. If itching bothers you often, it is possible that this is not a sign at all and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. What reasons can provoke the frequent feeling that your palms are itching:

  • Allergic reactions. Perhaps your skin reacts to constant contact with hand cream, washing powders and other household chemicals. An allergy is indicated by the appearance of a rash and redness of the skin;
  • Eczema. This disease is rarely accompanied solely by itching. As a rule, the skin with eczema becomes very dry, flaky, and red. If you notice these manifestations, you should make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible: eczema tends to spread throughout the skin, and the sooner treatment is started, the better;
  • Severe stress. Psychologists say that the skin reacts to all stress experienced by a person. Therefore, the palms may begin to itch after recently experiencing psychological stress. Try to remember an event that could provoke such a reaction in your body, calm down, drink a decoction of sedative herbs. This will help get rid of the annoying feeling;
  • Scabies. Perhaps the discomfort is caused by the fact that you have become infected with a tick. A characteristic symptom of scabies is that the itching intensifies in the evening or at night. In addition, blisters filled with clear liquid appear on the skin. Scabies is quite difficult to treat and takes a long time, and besides, you risk infecting the people around you with it. Therefore, if you suspect this disease, you should immediately take action by contacting a dermatologist, who will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Advice! In women, the right palm may itch for a very simple reason: due to frequent contact with aggressive household chemicals. It is worth doing household chores while wearing gloves: this will protect your skin and protect you from the unpleasant consequences of cleaning and washing dishes!

Psychological reasons

There is a whole branch of psychology called psychosomatics. It studies the connection between various diseases and sensations in the body and mental processes.

Hands are of great importance in psychosomatics. After all, the hand is one of the most important analyzers; with the help of our hands we perform a huge number of actions. The hands are controlled by fairly large parts of the brain, so it is not surprising that sensations in this part of the body are extremely important for any psychotherapist.

The right hand is associated with activity, energy, creativity and aggressiveness. Perhaps you feel itching in your right palm because you harbor a grudge against someone and cannot express it. This is where the expression came from: “Fists itched.” Try writing a letter to the offender, trying to put all your rage and resentment into your right hand. Of course, you shouldn’t send a letter: just give yourself the opportunity to throw out your emotions and forget about them. In addition, regular exercise helps get rid of hidden aggression.

The feeling may also indicate that for some reason you have blocked your own creative energy. Think about it: maybe you have long dreamed of drawing, writing poetry, or even composing stories, but for some reason you don’t allow yourself to do it. Who knows, maybe you are literally haunted by the “creative itch”?

Advice! The body often sends us various signals. Be more attentive to them: this helps to identify hidden psychological problems and work through them.

You can believe in signs or ignore them, but in any case, the constant feeling of itching in your hand should alert you. It may be a skin disease and you need to see a doctor. Or maybe your subconscious is giving you some kind of signal that needs to be deciphered.

What does it mean if the right and left palm of the hand itches in the morning and evening?

  • People may experience sensations that, according to popular belief, are a kind of cipher-harbinger of what will happen in the near future.
  • Some of these sensations have a scientific explanation. However, for many years, signs have given us the opportunity to verify their veracity and effectiveness.

This article reveals all the possible explanations for why your palm itches depending on the day of the week. You will also learn the scientific explanation for itchy palms.

What does it mean if the right and left palms, the palms of both hands, itch in the morning and evening in a girl or woman?

According to folk signs, itchy sensations on the palm and arm appear for a reason, but report pleasant events that will happen in the near future. Such events include useful or pleasant acquaintances, get-togethers with good old acquaintances or with one of your old friends.

Itching in the palms also appears for another reason. For example, before the need to make an important decision, after which life can change dramatically.

Itching in the palm of your hand - to a pleasant meeting or a new acquaintance

According to one Eastern belief, the right palm itches when a person has enough strength and energy to overcome obstacles and bring his plan to its logical conclusion.

  • If a girl has an itch in her left palm, then she can count on a quick marriage proposal from her beloved. For a free girl, a slight tickling of the left palm promises a promising meeting with her future lover.
  • If a man’s left palm itches, this promises him a good catch, a successful hunt or a bountiful harvest. A bachelor can meet his soul mate, with whom his life will sparkle with new colors.

Itching of the right palm: meaning

An itchy right palm portends a fateful decision, the result of which will affect career growth or family relationships.

Itching in the left palm: signs

  • Now it’s worth showing perseverance, not losing faith in your strengths and making a choice in favor of more of what fate offers.
  • It is better to show modesty at other times, but now vanity and healthy egoism are important. Strength, experience, knowledge and worldly wisdom allow you to realize the most daring plans. This will make life more comfortable and stable.
  • If a tingling sensation appears in the palm, this may mean that a person is experiencing some kind of emotional outburst and he has difficulty suppressing his emotions.
  • If this emotion is anger, then it can find a way out in the circle of household members. All this will leave a negative aftertaste on relationships with family, causing quarrels and disagreements, conflicts, and mutual grievances.

This state can be balanced with a charge of positivity, active recreation in nature surrounded by family. If you can’t get out into nature, then you can devote a few evenings to dance classes or go to the gym.

Left palm itches: explanation

  • Itching in the left palm informs a person about an imminent change in his well-being. Profit may follow as a result of an unexpected win, someone will present a valuable gift.
  • An itchy left palm is a harbinger of quickly conquering career heights, getting the desired position and high pay. However, an itchy left palm does not always lead to profit.
  • This may also mean unexpected expenses. A person can lose his last pennies: for example, he makes a bet in a casino or a thief in the subway steals a wallet with money or bank cards.
  • Therefore, in order not to take unnecessary risks, it is better to perform a simple ritual if your palm is itchy: put your hands in water with ice and say: “She came, she left, she forgot about me.”

A simple ritual will help you avoid troubles

Why does the right and left palm itch, the palms of both hands at the same time on Monday: a sign

The interpretation of the sign depends on what day of the week the scratching of the left palm began:

  • If your palm itches at the beginning of the week - on Monday, then you should expect a meeting, but not with your loved one. There is a high chance that you will receive an invitation to lunch with your employees, or you will have the opportunity to sit over a cup of tea and chat with one of your neighbors.
  • What does an itchy left palm predict for a business person? There will still be a possibility of negotiations being held in an informal setting. Time spent in warm company will bear fruit. Very soon it will become clear that this meeting was not in vain, and the address book has been replenished with new useful contacts.

Is your palm itchy on Monday? Get invited to lunch with colleagues

Why do the right and left palms, the palms of both hands itch at the same time on Tuesday?

  • If your right palm itches on Tuesday, then this is a direct harbinger of friendly gatherings. It is possible to meet with school friends or one of your fellow students.
  • You can devote this evening to memories of your youth and your first romantic feelings. It is precisely these emotions that you have really lacked until now.

An itchy left palm on Tuesday speaks of imminent friendly gatherings

Why do the right and left palms, the palms of both hands itch at the same time on Wednesday?

  • An itchy palm on Wednesday signals that you should go to a romantic meeting, provided that a suitable candidate offers you to spend the evening that way. The atmosphere will be light, filled with loving experiences and promising joint plans for the future.
  • If you feel an itchy tingling in the area of ​​your hand or palm, then soon you will have the opportunity to touch your sweetheart.

A slight itch in the palm of your hand on Wednesday promises a meeting with your loved one

Why do the right and left palms, the palms of both hands itch at the same time on Thursday?

  • On Thursdays, an itchy palm bothers those who are now far from their sweetheart. The need to temporarily stay away from each other will bring many pleasant and useful experiences.
  • Both partners will realize how close they have become to each other. The longing for love will end with a long-awaited meeting.

An itchy palm on Thursdays bothers those who are far from their sweetheart

Why do the right and left palms, the palms of both hands itch at the same time on Friday?

  • An itchy hand or palm on Friday signals that those with whom you were in close relationships are talking or remembering you. These could be admirers or a former lover.
  • A girl’s itchy palm indicates that she may accidentally meet the former passion of her current boyfriend.
  • The following will help prevent such developments: it’s simply better for you to stay at home and not visit entertainment venues where you are used to spending time with your sweetheart.

Itching in a girl’s palm: signs

Why do the right and left palms, the palms of both hands itch at the same time on Saturday?

  • If a slight tickle starts to bother you on Saturday, then the long-awaited day off will be filled with pleasant emotions, dates and meetings. A few days of rest from work will be carefree and easy.
  • It is likely that a proposal will follow that will not disappoint with banality. A sincere attitude towards others, relaxed behavior and some notes of naivety will help you replenish your army of admirers.

Itching in the palm of your hand on Saturday promises a pleasant meeting

Why do the right and left palms, the palms of both hands itch at the same time on Sunday?

  • If you started to feel itching in your palm on Sunday, then this promises you a promising acquaintance. You will have an influential and rich friend.
  • If a tickle appears on a woman’s palm, then she will meet a rich sponsor or have a patron.
  • If a slight itch begins to bother a man, then he can count on the help of an authoritative long-time friend who will advise and assist in promoting the business.

Why your palms may itch: the real reason

Real causes of itching in the palm:

  • From a lack of vitamins of a certain group
  • The process of renewal of hand skin cells takes place
  • With increased sweating, which can develop with vegetative-vascular dystonia or non-compliance with personal hygiene rules
  • For an allergic reaction
  • The following diseases can also cause itching: eczema, scabies
  • Depression and neurosis can also cause itching in the palm
  • Fungal and infectious diseases of the skin
  • Metabolic disease
  • The palms of a pregnant woman may itch in the last trimester. Itching can lead to skin rashes.
  • Older people can also have itchy palms. As a rule, itching is caused by dry skin.

In what cases is it necessary to consult a dermatologist:

  • If the itching does not go away for a long time
  • If redness, rash and discomfort appear

What you can do to get rid of itching in the palm of your hand:

  • Constantly use moisturizing hand creams
  • Avoid soaps, gels, creams that cause itching in the palms
  • If necessary, take allergy medications

Video: Why is my right palm itching?

If your palms itch, do not rush to run to the doctor. Perhaps it is your intuition that is informing you of something. The human body consists not only of flesh and blood, but also contains energy. So she tells us about something supernatural, for example, about the future. This is what it is: intuition, predictions, or signs. This information reaches us with the help of signs. One such sign is palm itching. Why palms? Yes, because they, like the eyes, are always open, sensitive and come into contact with the outside world.

Since the right hand is considered a working hand for most people, we take everything with this hand. This is where the sign came from: the right palm itches - expect profit. And for the omen to come true irrevocably, you need to rub your right palm on a wooden surface, for example, on a table. Profit in this case has an expanded meaning. This could be: applying for a loan, concluding a successful deal, raising your salary, or even getting a high grade.

Another role of the right hand is a handshake. Therefore the sign says: the right palm itches - for acquaintances or guests. If a person is lonely and he dreams of meeting his other half, then, if you are scratching your right palm, you need to blow on it, draw in your mind the desired image of your chosen one or chosen one, and clench your fist tightly. This ritual can also be performed by those who are really waiting for someone. And, on the contrary, if you don’t want to meet anyone, you don’t expect guests, then you need to put your right hand under cold water and hold it like that for a couple of minutes.

When your left palm itches

Unfortunately, my left palm itches to lose it. Loss can be different. This can include a quarrel with friends, family disagreements, problems at work, or even the loss of some valuable item.

But the main interpretation of the sign regarding scratching the left palm is parting with money. This means that you have to repay debts, or, conversely, lend money. Perhaps problems will arise in business, and you will have to resolve issues with the tax authorities. But this can be avoided by rubbing your itchy left palm over any pocket in your clothing. It’s good if you have a paper banknote in your pocket. And at the same time mentally say three times: “I’ll scratch my left palm, I won’t let anything go of me.”

In general, we must remember that omens are signs. And our future depends on how we decipher them.

Why might your left hand itch, and what might your right hand itch? About this in the video below.

It is not easy to immediately identify the reasons why your palms itch. Especially when there are no other symptoms other than itching.

Quite often, such sensations go away on their own without any consequences. If your palms itch constantly, you should still determine why this is happening. Moreover, some diseases manifest themselves as such signs.

Causes of itchy palms

Often, palms begin to itch due to environmental influences. The influence of low or high temperatures can cause itching sensations.

Creates a lot of inconvenience hyperhidrosis– increased sweating. One of its common forms is palmoplantar. The cause of hyperhidrosis may be lack of personal hygiene or the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia (more on that below), and the consequence is itching of the palms.

Other possible causes of discomfort:

  • Allergy often causes unpleasant and obsessive sensations. Too high sensitivity of the body to certain substances can lead to a painful condition. Itching of palms is one of its manifestations.

    Allergens are often those materials that a person has touched with his hand. It is possible that the irritant is hidden in soaps, creams, household cleaners or washing powder. Allergies can be caused by certain foods, dust, pets, running water saturated with chlorine, and even odors.

    The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is responsible for managing life support processes: energy balance, digestion, metabolism. Under the influence of negative emotions, stress, and nervous fatigue, disruptions can occur in the ANS, to which the body reacts differently. In addition to tachycardia, digestive problems, and pressure surges, the palms may also itch.

  • Depression and neuroses– these mental disorders can cause itchy palms. There are no other skin manifestations (rash, blisters, redness). Itching intensifies with the development of conflicts and stressful situations.

The following diseases can cause itchy palms:

  • skin – fungal and infectious;
  • liver – hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • caused by metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, gout;
  • endocrine organs;
  • blood and lymphatic system - leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis.

The palms of women who are carrying a baby may itch. This usually occurs in the later stages of pregnancy. In addition to itching, skin rashes are also possible.

It happens that itchy palms bother people in old age. This condition is explained by constant dryness of the skin.

Healing wounds and scratches can also itch.

What to do

When the palms of your hands itch constantly, creating discomfort, and in addition to this redness and rash appear, you should consult a doctor immediately. First of all, you need to visit a dermatologist.

If it turns out that the culprit of the problem is an allergy and it has arisen for the first time, you should observe exactly when the desire to scratch your palms arises. If an irritant is detected, all contact with it will have to be limited. If the detergent turns out to be an allergen, then it is enough to wear gloves before using it. To avoid contact with irritants, all housework should be done in them. The condition of the gloves also needs to be monitored. They must be clean and dry, otherwise they can also contribute to allergies.

But creams, soaps, and gels that cause irritation should be abandoned, replacing them with other types.

In addition you should:

  • Avoid dry skin, keep it moist at all times. Special cosmetic and medicinal creams, masks and herbal infusions will help here.
  • Take medications that suppress allergies.

When skin problems are not the cause of itching of the palms, it is necessary to visit an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and psychotherapist. They have their own methods to help pinpoint the cause of discomfort and eliminate it.

First aid

If the cause of itchy palms is external irritants, the following procedures may help:

  • After contact with plants such as nettle or poison ivy, you should block the unpleasant and intrusive sensations. It is necessary to place your hands under running warm water and wash thoroughly. It is advisable to use antibacterial soap. After warm water, turn on cold water and hold your palms under it. This will help clog the pores and temporarily relieve the itching. Then it is advisable to lubricate your hands with a rich cream (ordinary butter will do) and let it absorb. After such procedures, itching of the palms may go away completely or significantly decrease.
  • Often the skin dries out when exposed to cold and moisture. The process spreads to the entire hand and causes peeling and redness. If regular hand creams do not improve the situation, you should consult a cosmetologist. He will recommend other remedies, including warm baths with infusions of medicinal herbs. For example:
    • Brew a mixture of chamomile, plantain and motherwort (in equal quantities). Strain through several layers of gauze. Add two drops of olive oil. Place the brushes in the bath and hold until the infusion has cooled completely. If you repeat this procedure every day for 5-7 days, the itching will most likely go away.
    • prepare the same infusion, but with string and oak bark. It is better to take soothing baths in the evening during the week.

Lotions made from viburnum berries and fresh cabbage, turned into pulp, and compresses from a decoction of burdock leaves are effective.

You can rub almond or avocado oil into the skin, which can soothe the skin.

A contrast shower helps fight itching. It is especially useful in the morning.

There can be many culprits for the constant desire to scratch your palms. The itching condition is unpleasant, and you should not put off visiting a doctor to determine the causes of the discomfort. Paying attention to the signals your body sends will help protect your health for many years.

Since ancient times, people have become accustomed to believing various signs that signify any changes in the future. Probably many have heard that the left palm itches means money. What to expect when your right palm itches? Itching in the right palm promises us changes in our personal lives. In general, our ancestors believed that it was in the hands of man that a special unknown power was contained. A person’s hands are his guides, capable of foreshadowing changes in the future.

People have been interpreting folk signs since ancient times. Not only our hands, but the whole body can give us some clue. All these signs are passed on from mouth to mouth. But, unfortunately or fortunately, not all people believe in omens. For many, the fact that the palm itches means the presence of diseases in the body or an allergy to something. And this is also the right approach, because itching is not always associated with a sign or popular belief. You should distinguish between these symptoms and be able to interpret them correctly: either your right palm is simply itchy, or medical attention is required. The difference is very big.

On a note! In general, itching of any part of the human body, including the hands, may indicate the presence of an infection in the body or some allergen. You should immediately consult a doctor if any.

Probably everyone has ever heard the expression “your fists itch.” So, the cause of itching on the hands can be a hidden grudge against a person, anger or a thirst for violence. The negative energy that lurks inside the body cannot find a way out and manifests itself in the form of itching on the hands. You need to be able to find a way out for such aggression. Try to unwind yourself, relax, meet friends you haven’t seen for a long time. The negative energy accumulated inside harms you. There is no need to think about the bad, because no things or people are worth it.

The right palm itches is a sign

Signs with the right palm are less common among people than, for example, with the left palm. It is worth paying attention to the signs associated specifically with the right hand, because they foreshadow something more important than profit in your pocket. The sign must be interpreted differently, depending on the day when it made itself felt. In general, when your right palm itches, you need to clench your hand into a fist and put it in your pocket. Thus, according to popular belief, the omen will certainly come true.

The right palm itches - expect love adventures. What will they be like: pleasant or, conversely, the least desirable? You need to look by day of the week.

Interpretation of signs by day of the week

As we have already said, it is very important to pay attention to what day your right palm itches. This information will give you a more detailed picture of upcoming events.


If your right palm itches on Monday, expect a romantic date or meeting with someone you know. An invitation to such a meeting will quite possibly be quite unexpected for you. How to react to such a gift of fate is up to you to decide.


How nice it is sometimes to meet a person whom you have not seen for many years, to remember past moments in life, to indulge, so to speak, in nostalgia. If your right palm itches on Tuesday, just such a meeting with an old friend or acquaintance awaits you. Perhaps the meeting will even happen with your former love. Be prepared for such events.


Rejoice if your right palm itches on Wednesday. The most wonderful time, because it is on this day that the omen guarantees you a meeting with your future love. This is truly a real gift from fate. The main thing is not to miss your chance!


If your right palm itches on Thursday, a surprise awaits you. Moreover, this surprise is quite definite - the imminent return home of a loved one.


An itchy right palm on this day may foreshadow painful memories associated with a past love. These experiences will be caused by a meeting with an ex or ex-lover. Perhaps you only have pleasant memories, and then the sign will not be so frightening and alarming for you.


An itchy right hand on Saturday predicts a romantic date. However, the meeting in this case will happen with a person unknown to you.


Your right palm itches on Sunday - expect a meeting with your future chosen one. It is important to note here that the financial situation of this person is very, very enviable.

All of us, undoubtedly, are happy about the income of money, and unexpected bright meetings, and the good deeds of other people. We ourselves can attract all this to ourselves only by thinking about the beautiful. Our life is structured in such a way that we ourselves attach special meaning to things and actions. Think boldly, don’t be afraid of change and believe only in the best!

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