"Faith of the Ancestors." What is the danger of the new pagans? Rodnoverie Slavic

“Our faith is Loyalty to the Native Gods, Knowledge of the Laws of Rule and following them”

Rodnoverie is a traditional, national right-wing religion, based on the natural system of natural values, on how this world actually works. This, by and large, is just an adequate understanding of the world, that is, understanding the world as it is and learning how to live in this world and how to act effectively in it. It helps a person to realize that he is a part of Nature, living according to its laws, contributes to the formation of national self-awareness, revives in him the ancestral memory and traditions of his Ancestors, forms a self-sufficient and independent personality, the master of himself. Natural tribal religion is built on knowledge and does not need stupid faith.

All other artificial, unnatural, nationalless left-wing religions are lies and deliberate deception. Only traditional national beliefs, standing on the foundation of eternity, fixed by the Family, Motherland, People and Nature, rightly claim to have an adequate understanding of the world.

Rodnoverie was formed on the basis of wisdom and knowledge, received by our ancestors through the contemplation of natural phenomena and everything that exists, accessible to the senses and understanding of man in the process of his development. Understanding various phenomena, our ancestors realized their interconnection and interdependence. They associated this interdependence with the existence of some kind of unified control of all phenomena in the universe, which found its expression in the recognition of the One God, the Most High. In the Slavic tradition, the Almighty is called Svarog (“bungled” the manifest world). The world is a bungler, to bungle is to create. So a cluster of stars - the Milky Way galaxy, our island in the universe, is called svarga. Svarga is starry sky over your head.

The name speaks for itself: Buddha – Buddhism, Christ – Christianity, Krishna – Krishnaism. Slavic Native Rod – Rodnoverie.

All natural right-wing religions believed in the infinite basis of the Universe a majestic and eternal first cause and revered it under different names, according to each people. The Slavs called this spring of the Universe with a short and succinct word - GENUS.

Genus- Great Spirit of Life, the Eternal Family.

The Omnipresent Race is "energy information structure" universe.

The Almighty Svarog is the entire Universe with the laws of Revealing.
Svarog showed the will of the Family in Reality.

The genus is dissolved everywhere:in all the elements of nature, in the people, in nature itself, in the Sun and stars, in a word - everywhere. The entire Universe is covered by Him.

ROD is a life-giving force that makes a seed germinate, a flower bloom, a fruit ripen and give new seeds of life. ROD was, is and will be... When nature goes through its endless cycle and all worlds fade away. ROD will again become a seed - the embryo of new...

The word "Rod" is present in the root of many Russian, basic words: nature, homeland, people, relatives, relatives.

The gender contains the universal meaning of eternal birth, of all existence.
Rodnoverie is the natural faith of the people.

The genus connects nature, people and homeland into a triune whole.

The ancient Russian priesthood had a holistic worldview.
It is reflected in the “Book of Veles” (in the Vedas) in the “Glorification of the Great Triglav”, which reveals the completeness and self-sufficiency of the Universe.

Via Triglav “Rule - Reality and Nav” the most complete measure of what we understand by the word God, Race, Creator, Creator, Almighty, Supreme, etc. is expressed.
Slavic Triglav provides the key to further understanding and correct perception of all components of the Slavic faith.

Edit- there is a single integral set of laws of development of the Universe and all things.
Living according to the Rule means thinking correctly, speaking correctly and doing correctly.
This is where the words “truth”, “right”, “correct”, “fair” come from.

Reality- a world that people are able to perceive with their senses.
This is where the words “obviously”, “in reality”, “appear”, “appearance” come from.

Nav- a world that exists in nature, but is not accessible to our perception.
This is where the word “obsession” comes from.

The Vedas say (the Book of Veles) that the process of Creation is controlled and carried out through the
["Before that there is Nav, after that there is Nav"]
Nav, through the control influence of the Rule, materializes into Reality.
The Law of Rule is eternal. Reality is current. With what we move to Nav, we will continue our path.

The essence of native religion lies in the fact that there is a Almighty who appears in the consciousness of people in various images (hypostases), reflecting the entire multitude of phenomena of the Universe. The Almighty controls all processes in the Universe and people, while giving people greater freedom of choice.

The Vedas say: We have seen this in ourselves, and this is given as a gift from the gods, and we need it, for (to do) this means to follow the Rule.
Rule is the Rule of justice and truth. Following the path of Rule - living correctly. The rule is inside everyone, i.e. This is not only the law that governs the Universe, but also knowledge about how to live in truth. Rodnoverie is essentially knowledge of how to live. He who accepts someone else's faith admits that those who invented it and those who spread it know better than he does how to live.

Feature of the Native Faith is that the Slavs never asked God for anything, but only glorified Him, believing that God had already given everything necessary for every person to live a worthy life in this world, so you just need to realize through your labor the opportunities given from above.

Another feature of the Native Faith is that the Slavs believed in God.
Nowadays, the common phrase “faith in God” carries a completely different meaning. “Belief in God” is simply the belief that God exists. But this does not mean that a person lives according to God’s plan. "Faith in God" assumes that a person lives, completely trusting the Providence of God in relation to himself.

Thanks to the acquisition of this Faith, we became Slavs. The fundamental meaning of this word is self-sufficient - “glorification” (and not a meaningless request for help from Above for a prosperous life, which was initially already given to a person from Above).

The Slavic Faith is inextricably linked with the traditions and way of life of our people. The Slavs lived in harmony with each other, respected their elders, nurtured their younger ones, cared for the weak, worked together, i.e., as has long been believed in Rus', they lived according to Rule, according to Justice (according to Conscience), i.e., in a divine way .

Native Vera– rejects ossified, religious dogmas frozen in the depths of centuries.
This is a developing living popular thought, corresponding to pressing problems modern world. Respecting, honoring and glorifying traditions is the sacred duty of every Slav. A person in Rodnoverie constantly improves himself and only Conscience and Justice can serve as a measure of his actions.

Slavic Rodnoverie- this is a holistic worldview, worldview and philosophy of life, where each Slav is distinguished by a bright individuality, beauty and intelligence. The Slavs are the children of God, and therefore beautiful and powerful, like God himself. The Slavs have the power of the Creator, capable of creating a new reality. Our Ancestral abilities are rapidly revealed and realized, because we are connected to the Ancestral spirit, which endows us with divine power - the unity of soul and mind, the unity of spirit and blood.

The word "Faith" in the Slavic Tradition is a very conditional and relative concept.

How can you believe or not believe in your parents, in the glorious deeds of fathers and grandfathers, workers and heroes who defended their Motherland and raised generations of wonderful people?
How can you believe or not believe that the Sun rises and sets, that the Earth blooms in the spring and gives a harvest in the fall?
Every person sees this and there is no need for holy books or miracles to confirm these phenomena.
The Slavic Gods do not reveal themselves on the pages of books or in church paraphernalia.
In order to see the starry sky above your head and feel like part of the Universe created by Rod at the beginning of time, there is no need to believe or not believe in it. Just seeing it is enough.

Having faith is an incentive to understand the world around us.
In the process of cognition, FAITH turns into VEDA,
that is, in knowledge - “Blessed is he who believes, strong is he who knows”

A special place in the Slavic Tradition is occupied by the veneration of Nature and the relationship of man with Nature. For Rodnover, nature is not just a habitat, and not a subject of ruthless exploitation. Nature is his Home, his Temple. Temple of the entire Universe. Nature is a single whole, connecting with the Family - the Life-giving Spirit, spiritualizing man, giving him, as a particle of the universal, the opportunity to experience Eternity even in earthly life.

Rodnovers consider the Native Gods to be their Ancestors, their Progenitors. Therefore, the attitude towards them is similar to the attitude towards parents. The Slav does not kneel before the Native Gods, does not crawl or humiliate himself before them, begging to be saved, forgiven, spared or given any benefits in exchange for sincere prayer, diligent behavior or observance of religious precepts. He praises the Native Gods and Ancestors while standing, raising his hands to the sky. He is their proud and independent son, not a slave. The Native Gods gave birth to the Slav and his ancestors. He follows the right path, drawn from time immemorial

Slavic Rodnoverienational religion of the Slavic peoples. And like any other national religion, it has absorbed the original culture and worldview.

Let us quote the words of the legendary Norwegian Rodnover Varg Vikernes, who in his speeches emphasized the national character of Rodnover: "The only people who can ever become Celtic priests or priestesses are the Celts themselves! This is the Celtic religion, and to be a Celt you need to have Celtic parents - just as to be Germanic you need to have Germanic parents. Religions exist only for those who are born into the people and race of that religion, and if a religion does not have its source in one’s own race and in the archetype values ​​of one’s own people, then it is an artificial religion, a false religion!”

Each nation has its own values, its own ideas about goodness and justice, its own views on the surrounding reality, and much more. Each nation is individual and only those who seek to destroy national foundations and turn people into a faceless and pliable mass of slaves can bring everyone to a common denominator.

The god of any people is a reflection of its archetype, his national character, his worldview. This concept has been incorporated into yourself story, mythology, traditions, culture, behavior, lifestyle and much more. The road of Rodnover to the Slavic God is the road of his ancient Ancestors. The beginning of this road goes back to the Ancestors of the Slavic peoples. They planted a seed that grew into a great story, full of glorious victories and valiant labor. As the famous French philosopher Gustav Le Bon wrote, “moral and intellectual characteristics, the totality of which expresses the soul of a people, represent a synthesis of its entire past, the inheritance of all its ancestors and the motivating reasons for its behavior.”

Rodnovers respect traditional beliefs other peoples, but they categorically object to anyone belittling their religion, calling it heresy, or imposing their foreignness with a claim to exclusivity.

However, this does not mean that any religious teaching should be closed to close study or criticism.
After all, everything is learned by comparison.

One sorcerer, when asked about the relationship between “our own” and “their”, answered: “It’s not bad to study the Heritage of other clans. But you must follow the Wisdom of YOUR kind!”

The Slavic worldview from time immemorial has been, is and will be not only communal, but also universal. That’s why we spread over the largest territory in the world and influenced the fate of the world at all times...

The ill-wishers of the Slavic peoples feel that the reviving primordial Tradition is not only a right-wing religion, but also a holistic worldview and active life position, covering all spheres of life.
Therefore, touching on politics, sociology, psychology, history, philosophy, comparative theology, and especially knowledge of the basics of management social processes in social systems no one should be embarrassed. This is also within our immediate interests.

The Rodnovers are a peaceful, fair and creative people.
Often, Rodnovers have to hear reproaches addressed to them, which they cross out thousand-year history“Christian” Russia, that they disrespect Christian traditions, Jewish forefathers and their history.
But it is enough for the Knower to understand that the words sacred to every normal person "Motherland", "honor", "conscience", "military duty", "heroism", "courage", "valiant work" are not the achievement and property of any religion, they are not instilled by reading books, visiting synagogues or rallies. No religion or ideology has the right to monopolize these concepts and declare that without its existence it would be impossible to preserve and increase these qualities. The primordial fundamental things that are embedded in the genetic memory of the people are developed by parents and passed on from generation to generation. For many centuries, heroism, courage, and hard work have been dressed in a variety of clothes (Christian, socialist, atheistic, etc.), political and religious figures of all stripes, they were speculated on by crooks and thieves. But no one has ever been able to convince a scoundrel with religion or ideology that defending the Motherland from the enemy is the sacred work of every man, that peaceful work for the good of the people and the birth of full-fledged offspring is the highest mission of man on Earth.
Any person, no matter what religion he belongs to, is, first of all, a son of his people and the measure of his actions should be his real deeds for the benefit of the people and for the glory of the Family, Motherland, Nature.

Special mention should be made about Ancestral Memory, called “genetic”. By inheriting the Blood of our Ancestors, we inherit the Knowledge and Feelings that They owned. Everyone’s task is to awaken and connect the Ancestral memory, to remember who you really are.

The genus is likened to a Tree. The roots will dry up and the tree will die.

The tree is a Slavic symbol that represents the unity and interaction of all three times:
past, present and future.

Trunk tree represents the present time, ourselves.
What's underground - roots trees represent the past, our ancestors.
Crown represents the future tense - our descendants.

The roots of the tree represent our roots - first it is our father and mother, then our grandfathers and grandmothers, then our great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, then many generations of all our ancestors.
Then living nature begins among our ancestors, rays of light of different colors. ...
Then come the elements - air, water, fire, earth, metal!
Then comes the perfume!
Then come the Gods!
And here begins the eternal basis of the foundations of the Universe, the majestic root cause, the life-giving power of our Race, located inside each of us, in our genes, in our subconscious, in our soul. And everyone who is one with the clan, through the clan connection, is fed by the spiritual source of the fundamental principle of all things, which is the eternal power and will of the creator...

A people that has lost its roots has no future.
“Only the tree that has deep roots can withstand a strong storm.” The Future grows from the Past through the Present.
The past, present and future are interconnected and interdependent, they exist and live a joint spiritual life.
They create a single spiritual and genetic generic whole.

Rodnover is a successor of his kind, he is the progenitor of future generations - this endless Ancestral path from Ancestors to Descendants. He walks along it confidently and boldly, as his Ancestors walked, glorifying his Family with thoughts and deeds...

It is impossible to overestimate the power of our religion.

Slavic Rodnoverie makes us different people. People of a different, richer worldview, people who are stronger in spirit, people of strong will, people who are happy and free.

Look how many of our Russian words are derived from the names of the Native Gods.

This says a lot. About the national naturalness of religion and its inextricable connection with the language and soul of the Russian people.
The native faith, despite the most severe persecution, never died in Rus'. Slavic world great, and this allowed us to survive.

The ancestral spiritual world is a colorful, multifaceted, rich and interesting world, it reflects the diversity of the world, the diversity of real cosmic forces.

The bulk of sensible Russian people, in the depths of their souls, do not accept what is alien, and are waiting for someone to help them return to a natural, national, real right-wing religion. Find and remember the Real Native Gods.

1000 years of ideological fooling have completely distorted the consciousness of the Russian people. Confusion and chaos reign in the mind. Lies and truth are mixed.

But the subconscious remains. It is many thousands of years old, it is in our Russian genes. Try to break away from consciousness, rely on intuition and go deeper into the subconscious and feel this religion with your soul. And you will feel that this is our Native, this is the soul of our people.
This is the religion of our ancestors, whose blood flows in our veins.

Our religion! Russian! Dear! The purest water! And it is precisely this that is the key and lever of our national rise!

The main symbol of the Slavic Rodnoverie is Kolovrat

it's light, solar symbol, which accompanied our Slavic Ancestors in glorious deeds, it is watered with the blood and sweat of bygone generations who defended their Motherland in honest work and feats of arms. Kolovrat symbolizes the eternal rotation in Nature: day and night, the annual cycle and the change of cosmic eras. Kolovrat illuminates the life path of the Rodnover with sunlight, leading him along the path of Rule, outlined by the Gods and Ancestors.

Kolovrat today is a symbol of spiritual revival.

Under the golden Kolovrat on a scarlet banner, the great Russian prince Svyatoslav defeated the Khazar Khaganate. It is not at all by chance that Kolovrat was inscribed on the shields of Russian soldiers going to mortal combat. This determination was not caused by chance.
Kolovrat is a powerful symbol that raises the spirit of a warrior to unprecedented heights.

The range of assumptions regarding Kolovrat is enormous.
It is believed that Kolovrat is flowing water, air, flame and combustion, lightning, the universe in motion, rotation, the sun, planets, constellations, rotation is eternity and so on.

But the most accurate explanation of the rotation is cyclicality.

In our world, everything necessarily revolves around something.
This rotation is cyclical.
There are many levels and axes of rotation.
The Earth rotates around itself every day - this is the daily cycle.
The earth makes its orbit around
The sun's full revolution in a year is an annual cycle divided into four seasons. Electrons rotate around their nuclei.
Everything below is the same as above. The microworld is similar to the macrocosm.

Kolovrat basically also symbolizes Yarilo - the Sun, and its system in which we live, Yar power - the primary fire - the source of life on Earth.
This is a great cleansing and protecting power.

The solar wind (Rays of the Sun) has an eight-ray structure.
Solar energy, which brings life to all living things, has the structure of Kolovrat.
That is why Kolovrat is a symbol of the Sun, light and primary fire!

Rodnover's Kolovrat is hated by dark and evil forces, because... symbolizes life, sunlight and creation.

Rodnover’s Kolovrat is his most important amulet.

Showing an image of Kolovrat to a person and watching his reaction means learning a lot about this person.
For Kolovrat is a very significant symbol and the attitude towards it is very indicative. Only those who are stupefied by evil anti-Slavic propaganda or are afraid of sunlight, themselves being a creature of the world of darkness and destruction, can hate Kolovrat.
Any clear-minded, thinking person knows that Kolovrat in various versions of the outline is primordial symbol many peoples.
In addition to Kolovrat, other symbols are used in Rodnoveria:
earth, fertility, water, fire, etc.

The highest beauty of Nature lies in its integrity and completeness. This is the beauty of a mature, complete existence in itself, in eternal rotation.

Everything that exists, from the atom to the Universe, is a rotation...

Vortex rotation is the fundamental principle of all things...
Rotation gives rise to life in the world and is considered the strongest amulet... In this rotation there is always a return to oneself, testifying to the eternity of the Universe.

Thus, in one of the cycles of pre-galactic times, when the universe was a homogeneous nebula, the eternal fundamental principle of all things was rotation. Thanks to the vortices (rotations), the embryos of protogalaxies were formed, in one of which we live called the “milky way” or svarga, which also has a four-ray shape - popularly called swastika.

We, the Russians and Slavs, are the children of the Gods, and all solar symbolism is ours (our kind) by definition. The word Swastika consists of two Russian roots: Sva (Light, Holy Spirit, Command of Svarog) and tick (move). ... In a broad sense, our ancient Symbol - Swastika - is the model and meaning of our Svarga (galaxy).

By the way, the Romans, Tibetan monks and even Hindus took the Swastika from the ancient Slavs - our ancestors.

As for our contemporaries, who are striving to revive their national culture and identity, then, in accordance with the “sovereign” Masonic government, they are certainly all “fascists” and the dermocratizers should prosecute all of them and put them in prisons and concentration camps.
However, isn't all this nonsense?
Of course it's nonsense! Moreover, a crazy degenerate suffering from complete schizophrenia.
You, “gentlemen” liquidcrats, have nothing on your idea of ​​inciting “extremism” and “fascism” in Russia, as you are now organizing in Stavropol, with the help of which you want to destroy the ever-increasing desire of the Russian people for their own historical roots, nothing will work out for you!
Do you know why? Because all the “security” and “repressive” bodies (Army, Ministry of Internal Affairs, OMON, SOBR and even part of the FSB) - they are all overwhelmingly Slavs, as well as others law enforcement agencies. And all you have to do is talk to them a little about these historical topics, how genetic memory is immediately triggered with all the ensuing consequences for the Judeocrats.

And most importantly, tribal ideas, albeit slowly, but surely, are taking over the masses.

So, “Glory to Rus'! Glory to Rod! AND right hand to the heart, then sharply forward in front of you! Victory is ours!


Slavic epic: “Here is the Russian Spirit, Here it smells of Russia!”

It's nothing more than Slavic collective spirit[biofield structure]
... When there is a single Slavic way of life, common conditions, common traditions, common rituals.

The tradition of the Slavic Family has never been interrupted in Rus'... our people, sometimes without even suspecting it, still (!), carry within themselves everything that defines them as a people “chosen by the Creator for a righteous life.” When Arkaim opened, the entire official historical science fainted, and why? Only one “scientist,” after hesitating for a long time, dared to timidly speak out: they say, if a unifying national idea arises in Russia, it will be based on the ancient culture and Tradition of our Glorious Ancestors.

The Russian Spirit is the main feature that characterizes the Spirit of life.

It is no coincidence that in Russian folk tales evil spirits are indignant: "It smells like the Russian Spirit"

It is the Russian Spirit that is opposite to all evil spirits and is completely unbearable for them.

Is this why the evil spirits are waging a centuries-long insane war against this spirit?

The spirit of life is based on truth and justice and it has one source with the entire Aryan Family. The tribal spirit is embodied in our primordial worldview, in which the Almighty God and all His manifestations are called by their native names.

The original worldview states that the Native Gods are our blood ancestors, and They help their descendants in a related way.

Since we are all descendants of God, carrying a part of him within us, then by serving his people, every Russian person thereby fulfills his Spiritual duty:
He serves the Almighty Himself. Thus, the spiritual duty of the Russian person, according to the primordial worldview, is to serve people...
firstly, the same nationality as them and,
secondly, of the same origin as them.

By helping the Russians and all the Slavic and other Aryan peoples close to them by blood, the Russian person carries out an act of his highest service to our Almighty Ancestor.

Therefore, the Russian Spirit, through millennia, constantly calls the Russian people to unity,
firstly among themselves,
secondly with other Slavs, and
thirdly, with all the Aryan peoples with whom we have a common origin.
You can build relationships with foreigners only on the basis of fair force.

The essence of the idea of ​​unity is spiritual and blood-related unity, in unity ideals, in the unity of understanding of how to live according to the Rule.

Here is the guideline for Russian behavior in modern conditions in accordance with the Testaments of our ancestors:

[The commandments are compiled on the basis of information that has come to us from our ancestors. Its carriers, first of all, are ancient cuneiform tablets discovered at the beginning of the last century - “The Book of Veles”, handwritten copies corrected during rewriting - “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, “The Tale of Bygone Years” by Nestor and “Boyan’s Hymn”, as well as Russian oral folk art, recorded by many researchers. This information is confirmed by archaeological excavations]

1. Honor only your god - Rod. Don't pray to other gods.
(“Svarog is the eldest god of the Family of God... - the Father, and the rest are His sons. And we had to honor Him, just as we revered the Parent (Rod), because He is the Father of our family.
And this family is warriors from Kiy to the princes of Kyiv." "So we say that we have a wonderful crown of our faith and we should not accept someone else's.")

2. Keep your body and soul pure, like your ancestors.
(“And we will be worthy of them (the gods) with the purity of our bodies and souls, which (then) will never die... Be the sons of your gods, and their power will remain on you to the end!”)

3. Love your neighbors. Respect your father and mother. They are the successors of the family. They teach the Truth.
("And love your friends, and be peaceful between generations!...Glory to our fathers and mothers! Because they taught us to honor our gods and led us by the hand to the right path.")

4. Don’t kill [unless absolutely necessary], don’t steal, don’t lie.
Don't drink alcohol, except suritsa, but in moderation.

("And so Askold put his warriors on boats and went to plunder... But we should not do this, for Askold is not a Russian... And Rurik is not a Russian, because he, like a fox, prowled the steppe with cunning and killed merchants who trusted him...
And so the Sun-Surya created the fact that it (honey on 9 herbs) fermented and turned into suritsa... And when the days of Autumn come, we finish the harvest and rejoice at it. And another will not restrain his nature this time and will say something crazy - this is from Chernobog. And the other will receive joy - and this is from Belobog.")

5. Choose leaders for yourself, like our ancestors.
("... Russians... elect their princes. This was done in every clan, clans gave their prince from each tribe, and the princes elected the eldest prince. And he was the leader."... "And all that reign at the veche was affirmed by simple peasants. And so they decided: “Plow the land for yourself, and let the prince, according to the decision, protect the people.”)

6. Don't put up with lies.
("And it is better to be dead than to be alive and slave to strangers. And a slave never lives better than a despot, even if he indulges him.")

7. Unite against your enemies! Live communally.

("From morning to morning we saw the evil that was happening in Rus', and waited for good to come. But it will never come if we do not rally our strength, and one thought does not reach us, which the voice of the forefathers speaks to us." ... “And then they began to know the truth that we had strength only when we were together - then no one could defeat us!”.)

8. Confirm your faith with deeds. Then the truth will win.
(“A right husband is not the one who performs ablutions and wants to be right, but the one whose words and deeds coincide. This was said in ancient times, so that we always do good, just like our grandfathers.”..." And we said to our brothers, that the power of God will be upon you, and you will finally defeat your enemies who want your lands.")

Flesh is a manifestation of the Spirit, just as Nature is a manifestation of the Kin.

Genus- Your father, Nature- Your mother, that's it Native Gods- Your ancestors, the eldest in your family. Be a relative, worthy of this kinship!

The laws of Family and Blood are the ancient laws of our family. The race chosen by the Creator for a Righteous life. ...

The basics of these Laws (canons) are as follows:

– racial purity, full-fledged offspring, traditional education of noble people;
– raising girls as future wives and mothers, faithful guardians of the foundations of the White Race;
- education of intelligence and military valor in boys for the defense of the clan and homeland - Rus'!
All our subsequent life activities are built on these foundations (“life according to Conscience”).

Our strength lies in our Truth, in the support of our native Gods and in the fact that we stand on our own land.

Commandments of the Native Faith:

Glory to the Gods in Rule! ... Honor the ancestors of the saints! ... Save your native land! ...
Mother - Nature - love! ... Do not betray your faith! ... Help your relatives!
Respect your elders in your family! ... Guide the younger ones on the path!
Learn from the wise forever! ... In honest work - do not be lazy!
Extend your earthly race! ... Bless the world!

For the glory of Rod! To the glory of the Native Gods! For the glory of the Motherland!

The coldest and darkest part of the night is before dawn.
Most deep dream- before waking up.

The depressurization of knowledge is approaching its apogee,
and the Age of Aquarius, like a solar disk emerging from the horizon, blinds the sons of the devil with its sacred light.

We are approaching Victory, freedom from Jewish foreignness and obscurantism.
And we will definitely win soon. But victory will not be easy.
At the turn of the epochs, we are entering the most serious earthly test.

The cosmic era, which lasted 2160 years, is coming to its logical end, and before our eyes, the era of Aquarius is beginning to come into its own.

Throughout the cosmic era of Pisces, the Great Aryan Temple dome, whose starry sky was called Svarga, was carefully hidden from prying eyes.

Many thousands of years ago during the time of our great ancestors,
on our land, a system of true knowledge reflected in eternity has already been developed, worked out and implemented by the Magi.
At this great time, our ancestors (whose blood flows in our veins, and whose knowledge is in our subconscious, associated with the great svarga) ... knew about the change of cosmic eras.
And only now, on the eve of Aquarius coming into its own, began great era, divine light penetrates into our Souls, this light is the ancestral, collective memory of our kind, the endless face of which is reflected in the Svarga of the Great Temple.
Under the dome, which is in new era, we will gain spiritual strength through direct contact with our ancestor, the Almighty.

It is enough for the knower.

Our Strength is in Spiritual - Blood - Family Unity!

In general, the essence of Rodnoverie is as follows:


“Holy honor your Gods and ancestors” - the Rodnovers are a family where Rod is the father, nature is the mother, and we are all their children.
Honoring your parents and your ancestors is the norm in any healthy family.
“Living according to conscience” is CO-NEWS, this is a common message, a common understanding of life, a common generic wisdom.
“In harmony with nature” - not to disturb the harmony, the harmony of the universe, and ultimately be healthy physically and spiritually.
“If you want more knowledge, know yourself” - to know yourself means to know God.

Rodnoverie - Native faith of Rus'. This is natural, Natural spirituality, it is inherent in the soul from the very beginning. If a person were, for example, on another planet, another galaxy, where there are conditions for life, then he would only be a pagan because and in another galaxy and throughout the entire universe the same forces operate as here...

Glory to the Motherland - Rus'!
Glory to the Slavic Family!
Glory to Victory - Revival!

1. Rodnoverie - The native faith of the Russian land, which our ancestors professed since ancient times. Paganism was born along with man, as soon as he began to differ from the animal. And the Slavic Native faith has existed since the appearance Slavic tribes- this is 35,000 years ago! Modern heirs of this faith prefer to call it “Rodnoverie” rather than “paganism” - so as not to evoke the negative associations attached to this word over centuries of Christian persecution. Christians attributed (and still attribute) the most brutal and terrible things to paganism, so an ignorant person may be frightened when he encounters the mention of the word “paganism.” But the words “Native Faith” do not have this dark stamp.

2. Rodnoverie is Natural spirituality; it is inherent in the human soul from the very beginning. If a person grew up in complete solitude, not knowing any human teachings, he would grow up as a pagan. He would not have to explain that everything around him is alive, everything in the world is interconnected and reacts to the movements of the soul. Communicating closely with nature, he would feel his blood relationship with it, with all living beings, and would communicate with the forces of nature as with older relatives.
But the idea of ​​worshiping Muhammad, Jesus or another person, a holy book, or clearly defined dogmas would not have arisen in him, since in nature, in the world, it is not at all obvious. To understand it, you need to be taught it, but who teaches it? People. That is why it is said: Rodnoverie is a natural, Natural spirituality, because it is innate in us, from Nature itself.

3. Rodnoverie is, first of all, a WORLD FEELING, and only then a WORLD UNDERSTANDING.
We communicate with the world, feel it, and based on our sensations we create a picture of the world, our own worldview system. A person is not obliged to accept on faith someone’s theories about man, the world and God, they say: the Earth stands on three pillars. Or: we are all sinners from birth. Or: God’s name is this and nothing else.
You need to listen to your inner voice: do I feel this myself? Is it my nature speaking, or just a lesson learned in childhood?

Native faith is a way of being in the world, and not a theoretical attitude, separate from everyday life. The meaning of the faith of our ancestors is to live in harmony with Nature and with our conscience.

4. Rodnoverie did not originate from any one ancestor (prophet, sage or legislator),
does not have a single Holy Scripture,
a single canon that everyone is obliged to profess.
As we know, what has a beginning will also have an end. What man has created is not eternal and not all-encompassing, one book cannot contain all the wisdom of the world - therefore, teachings focused on personality or scripture have set their own limitations.

5. Rodnoverie combines Monotheism and Polytheism. ROD - is revered as the One God (All-God), and at the same time He has many faces: all the Native Gods are his Faces, his manifestations. This structure is called Rodobozhe.
The Gods personify various Forces in nature and in man, and the Rod is Great Mystery, that unnamable, indescribable thing that generates and embraces all these Forces, remaining greater than them.
The word “KIND” itself is not even the name of God (after all, the name limits infinity), but only an indication of his function. Listen to the Russian words with the same root: NARODA, RODITI, NAROD, UROZHAY, RODNYE, HOMELAND... These are the Ancestral values ​​that the Native Faith professes.

6. Nature is inspired by the Spirit of the Family. Together they form a single whole: the World. Rodnoverie honors Nature as Mother and Family as Father, because it is in their union that Life is born.
To put it simply, Nature is understood here as matter, substance and its laws, and Genus is the spiritual component. Matter itself is not alive, it is molecules. But the spirit itself is unmanifested and powerless. In essence, they do not exist without each other. But in their merger everything that exists in the world is born - both living beings and those things that we are accustomed to consider inanimate. It’s just that in the latter the Spirit is manifested in a different way than in ourselves, so it’s difficult for us to catch it.

7. Every person is the son of Father Rod and Mother Nature,
and all living beings are his brothers in the one Divine Family. Hence the attitude of respect and compassion for all living things that Rodnoverie preaches.
The relationship with God according to the “slave-master” principle, adopted in some world religions, is hardly beneficial to the human soul. How could God want his creatures to humiliate themselves before him? We Russians are not slaves, but children of our Gods and our Earth. We honor the Gods as the eldest in our family, not by groveling before them, but by proving by deeds that we are worthy of being their heirs. “Grandchildren of Dazhdbozhy” - this is what “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” calls the Russians.

8. The essence of Rodnoverie is man’s love for God the Rod and his relatives
and the love of Rod for all His children.
Love, of course, was not invented by Christians. This is the natural state of a person who is in harmony with the world. If you carry Love in your heart, then you don’t even need to think about what to do in this or that case. Your heart will guide you on the path of Lada. Therefore, the Native Faith is Love of Family.

9. Rodnoverie is first of all a DEED, and only then a faith.
A person and his spiritual qualities should be judged by his actions. You never know who you see yourself in your dreams, or what you believe in. If you throw garbage in the forest, or are constantly angry, this will tell more truth about you than lofty reasoning.

10. None of the religions has an exclusive right to the Truth - including none of the movements within Rodnoverie.
Our ancestors always understood this. From time immemorial, every nation has its own idea of ​​the world, its own names of Gods. This is how it should be, because the Forces of Nature manifest themselves in different lands in different ways: in the mountains of Tibet they are the same, in the jungles of Africa they are different, in the Arctic there are still others. The gods and spirits (images of the Forces) there are precisely those that are most organic for the given conditions.
Meanwhile, with regard to the Spirit, that is, Rod, both the Nepalese, the Negro, and the Eskimo will agree: Is everything around alive? - Yes.
Is man a part of nature and is called to live in harmony with it? - Yes.
Is man related to the Forces and living beings? - Yes.
So, let every person and every nation communicate with God in their own language. A religion that rejects all other views is a false religion.

11. Now let’s think about the word “faith.” You can believe in something that you don’t know for sure. Therefore, Rodnoverie is not faith in the Gods, but faith in the Gods - as elders, we trust them and personal spiritual experience (after all, for someone who had direct contact with the Forces, the question does not arise whether to believe in them or not);
secondly, our faith is the Knowledge of the Divine and Natural;
and thirdly, this is Fidelity to the Testaments of our ancestors.

12. Rodnoverie does not have a single church hierarchy,
does not oblige followers to participate in worship services,
wear certain clothes, etc.
Calendar rituals and traditional clothing are our tribute to the memory of our ancestors.

But these customs are not a strict condition; a native believer can pay more or less attention to them, depending on his inclinations. He is also not obliged to be subordinate to any leader or belong to a community. Since we are children of the Gods by birthright, there are no obstacles to communicating with them directly.

13. Rodnover does not need intermediaries to communicate with the Native Gods, Nature, and is free to address the Gods as his heart tells him.

14. A temple is a sanctuary where a person turns to the Gods.
The first Temple of the Rodnover is its very Heart, where the Gods live;
then - All-Living Nature and individual natural sanctuaries (places of Power, sacred stones, springs, trees, etc.),
and only in third place are man-made sanctuaries (temples and temples).

15. Rodnoverie is a living teaching about Life, it is constantly developing along with the developing world, while relying on those Spiritual foundations that remain unshakable for centuries.
Modern paganism does not need to blindly copy the life and views of its ancestors who lived before the baptism of Rus'. Each era, like each locality, has its own images through which it is easier for a person to communicate with the living Universe. Our task is to feel and feel in what images the Native Gods appear today, in the urban environment.

16. Rodnoverie is love for the Native Land, following Ancestral values ​​and revealing one’s Ancestral memory - the wisdom of ancestors. At the same time, love for one’s native is not measured by hatred for someone else’s! As the wise say: “Study the wisdom of other kinds, but follow the wisdom of your own kind.”

17. In general, the essence of Rodnoverie is as follows:


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Slavic neo-paganism is so striking in its hatred of Russian Orthodox culture, Russian history, modern science, and often simply to common sense, that a common person refuses to believe in the domestic origin of this quasi-religion. This is how various theories of the emergence of “native faith” appear, fueled by completely real facts. It is known, for example, that the very first neo-pagan “magi” and “prophets” (Ukrainians V. Shayan and L. Silenko) began their preaching of Slavic neo-paganism not in the ancestral Slavic lands, but in Great Britain, Canada and the USA.

In turn, some “Slavic priests” (A. Khinevich, N. Levashov) of the late twentieth century began neo-pagan preaching in Russia only after returning from the USA and Israel. Some people conclude from this that “Rodnoverie” is a project of Western intelligence services. Others believe that “Rodnoverie” is a Jewish project of the Israeli secret services.

Considering that a number of neo-pagan “magi” have a non-Slavic appearance and do not disdain borrowing from Kabbalah and Judaism for their pseudo-religion, this idea seems quite convincing. Nevertheless, taking into account all the facts available today, we have to admit that “Rodnoverie” nevertheless appeared in Rus'. However, not in ancient Rus', as the neo-pagans themselves naively believe! “Rodnoverie” did not come from the depths of centuries; it has a specific and recent registration: 20th century, USSR. How was an atheist state able to give birth to a new religion? Let us leave this general theoretical question to sociologists and other scientists, and we ourselves will only dwell on specific points.

The formation of Soviet power and the first outbreak of interest in “Rodnoverie”

The soil for the emergence of Slavic neo-paganism is found in the late pre-revolutionary Russia- the works of I. Stravinsky, K. Roerich, A. Blok. However, this ground only became solid with the beginning of the process of radical de-Christianization and red terror launched by the revolution. The first attempt to revive the “Old Slavic faith” occurred in 1918. It belonged to the bloody executioner of the Russian and Polish peoples, the military leader of the Red Army Mikhail Tukhachevsky, who was obsessed with the idea of ​​​​the destruction of Christianity and the restoration of Slavic paganism. Here is one of his expressive statements on this matter:

Latin-Greek culture is not for us. I consider the Renaissance, along with Christianity, one of the misfortunes of mankind. Harmony and moderation are what must be destroyed first of all. We will sweep away the ashes of European civilization that has littered Russia, we will shake it up like a dusty rug, and then we will shake up the whole world. I hate Vladimir the Saint because he baptized Rus' and handed it over to Western civilization. It was necessary to preserve our crude paganism, our barbarism, intact. But both will return. I have no doubt about it.

A French officer, Tukhachevsky’s comrade in captivity, recalls:

“Once, I found Mikhail Tukhachevsky very enthusiastic about constructing a terrible idol out of colored cardboard. Burning eyes popping out of their sockets, a bizarre and terrible nose. The mouth gaped like a black hole. A semblance of a miter was kept glued to the head with huge ears. The hands were squeezing a ball or a bomb, I don’t know exactly what. The swollen legs disappeared into the red pedestal...

Tukhachevsky explained:

This is Perun. Powerful personality. This is the god of war and death.

And Mikhail knelt before him with comic seriousness.

I burst out laughing.

“Don’t laugh,” he said, rising from his knees. - I told you that the Slavs need a new religion. They are given Marxism, but there is too much modernism and civilization in this theology. We can brighten up this side of Marxism by returning at the same time to our Slavic gods, which Christianity has deprived of their properties and their strength, but which they will regain. There is Dazhd-god - the god of the Sun, Stribog - the god of Wind, Veles - the god of arts and poetry, and finally, Perun - the god of thunder and lightning. After some thought, I settled on Perun, since Marxism, having won in Russia, would unleash merciless wars between people. I will honor Perun every day.”

Right after October revolution Tukhachevsky sent a note to the Council of People's Commissars with a proposal to declare paganism the state religion of the RSFSR. Perhaps it was a joke, but the bloody murderer hated Christianity quite seriously, and the proposal itself was put on the agenda for discussion in the Small Council of People's Commissars.

The founder of the Ukrainian “Rodnovery” Vladimir Shayan, during the OUN becoming popular among the patriotic youth of Western Ukraine, was a loyal member of the Central Committee of the KPZU (Communist Party of Western Ukraine) and worked closely with the magazine of proletarian writers “Windows” (1927-1932). For his communist beliefs in 1930, Shayan even went to prison. He abandoned communist ideology in 1934, due to the decline in the authority of the Soviets in Western Ukraine. In the same year, Shayan received a “mystical revelation” on the Carpathian Mount Grekhit about the need to revive the “Old Ukrainian faith”, after which he became interested in theosophy and Freemasonry.

Another Ukrainian neo-Paganist, Lev Silenko (the “prophet” Orligor), in his youth worked as a correspondent for the newspaper of the Stalin Metallurgical Plant. It is interesting that in 1940 he did not join the ranks of the UPA, but voluntarily joined the Soviet Red Army, where he became a lieutenant-political instructor. After being recruited by Hitler’s counterintelligence, Silenko helped identify Ukrainian underground fighters, controlled the OUN-M group in Kyiv and the editorial office of the newspaper “New Ukrainian Word,” leaking to the Abwehr all Ukrainians suspected of disloyalty to Hitler’s government. Perhaps this is why the “great prophet” ventured to visit his homeland only 17 years after it gained independence, but still decided to die in Canada.

Not only neo-pagan emigrants were closely associated with the Soviet regime. The “autochthonous wise men” were also faithful sons of the USSR, as we will see later.

Pagan Renaissance of Khrushchev's times

With the era of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, who fiercely hated Christianity and promised to show the whole world “the last priest of the USSR,” a kind of neo-pagan renaissance begins. In order to finally oust “religious prejudices” and the poisonous “rudiments” of Christianity from the lives of Soviet citizens, from the second half of the 1950s, party workers began to revive certain pagan customs under the guise of “socialist rituals.” Since Christianity was considered to be destroyed by a harmful superstition, the construction of “socialist rituals” took place on the basis of folk holidays and pre-Christian beliefs.

“Rejoicing in honor of nature, in honor of the solstice” seemed to Soviet officials ideologically less dangerous than the worship of Jesus Christ and the veneration of the Mother of God. Some Soviet experts even called for the reconstruction of the images of pagan gods (Yarila, Lada, etc.), interpreting them as some kind of “artistic images.” At the same time, they deliberately identified the very concept of “religion” only with world religions, presenting the matter in such a way that the goal of the new campaign is the restoration of original features folk culture, which has been persecuted by the church for centuries. In many republics, in various government structures from the Councils of Ministers to village councils, including collective and state farms, Councils were created for the promotion and implementation of new “socialist rituals”. Thus, thanks to the activities of Soviet “state preachers” in everyday life Soviet people The holidays “Farewell to Winter” and “Russian Birch” were included, and the holiday “Kupala” was revived.

The role of Soviet propaganda in the “revival of Rodnoverie” is recognized by neo-pagan ideologists themselves. Here is what the “magician” Iggeld writes about this:

“The inevitable culmination of the return of the pagan Tradition is the Olympic Games. I remember them very well, with all the pagan pomp and ancient background, held in Moscow in 1980, they left an indelible impression on contemporaries with a feeling of joy. The divine fire, lit according to tradition in Hellas from the rays of Helios, descended from the Upper World, and was carried through the cities and roads of our Fatherland.”

“Magician” Ogneyar complements his colleague:

"If we look at the coat of arms Soviet Union, this is a purely pagan coat of arms, it contains a huge amount of pagan symbolism, the sickle is a symbol of Mother Earth, the hammer is a symbol of father Svarog, their union is a sacred marriage, the sun illuminating the earth, Veles - symbolized by sheaves, a red ribbon with inscriptions in national languages, that we united among the Russian and Soviet people. There’s a lot of pagan symbolism there.”

Khrushchev propaganda pagan heritage did not remain unanswered, especially since the very nature of the atheistic way of life in the USSR contributed to the flourishing of pagan and occult sentiments. The introduction of pagan rituals at the official level under the banner of the fight against the church in the USSR gave birth to the first Soviet ideologists of Slavic neo-paganism.

One of them was Valery Emelyanov, a specialist in Semitic languages ​​and a teacher at the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee. Since 1970, he begins to disseminate his ideas as a lecturer at the Leninsky District Committee of the CPSU in Moscow. Emelyanov promoted the concept of a general world conspiracy of Jews against pagans, allegedly conceived 3000 years ago by King Solomon so that by 2000 AD. e. seize power over the whole world. The neo-pagan preacher called for an end to Orthodoxy as the “restroom of Jewish slavery” and a return to ancient cult Slavic gods. Emelyanov’s ideas were included in the “golden fund” of Rodnoverie thought: hatred of Jews, mystical horror of the global Zionist conspiracy, mortal hatred of Christianity and a call for the return of the “native faith” while remaining faithful to the ideals of communism.

In 1978-1979, Emelyanov wrote and distributed in samizdat the book “Desionization,” in which he outlined his concept of world history as the eternal struggle of the Jews and their “Masonic agents” against the pagans. In Moscow, the book was distributed in the form of copies, illustrated with photographs of paintings by the neo-pagan artist Konstantin Vasiliev (“Ilya Muromets fights the Christian plague”, etc.). Thanks to Emelyanov’s extensive connections through the KGB among radical Islamists, the book was also translated into Arabic and published in Syria. However, in the frenzy of revelation, Emelyanov stumbled: he sent about 100 copies of the book to members of the Politburo, marshals and other leaders of the USSR, after which he was expelled from the CPSU. Out of despair, Emelyanov killed his wife, dismembered the corpse into small pieces with an ax and took the remains to the city landfill for burning. On April 10, 1980, Emelyanov was arrested and during the investigation he stated that his wife was killed by Zionists. The prosecutor demanded capital punishment, but the court declared Emelyanov insane and placed him in the Leningrad mental hospital for 6 years.

Another neo-pagan ideologist who blamed the “Jewish Christians” for the destruction of the “great pre-Christian cultural heritage” was Alexey Dobrovolsky (“magician” Dobroslav). The patriarch of Russian neo-paganism, Dobrovolsky was a member of the Komsomol in his youth, but in 1957 he left with the beginning of de-Stalinization in protest against the “disregard for the memory of the Leader” (Stalin). After his release from a psychiatric hospital in 1961, in order to obtain a Moscow registration, Dobroslav agreed to cooperate with the KGB, as he later justified, “out of stupidity, out of youth, I thought to outwit the security officers.” Despite his sympathies for National Socialism, shortly before his death Dobroslav began to directly call himself an “anarcho-communist” and a “people’s socialist,” and his son Sergei Dobrovolsky (“magician” Ratislav/Rodostav) ran for office in 2011 Legislative Assembly according to the lists of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Dobroslav believed that the ancient Slavic communal system and communism are one and the same:

“Veche democracy, self-organization of workers and fair distribution of life’s goods - this is precisely what alone deserves the right to be called SOVIET POWER AND SOCIALISM... The Socialist Revolution, in which the October Revolution of 1917 was nothing more than an integral part, did not occur by chance EXACTLY in Russia. The attempt to build socialism by Russia, the first of all the countries in the world, was a natural continuation of the action of the communal tradition of the development of Russia as an original cultural-historical whole... When Orthodox idiots reduce the Great Russian Revolution (meaning the October Revolution - author's note) to a conspiracy of Marxists-Trotskyists-Jewish-Masons-Zionists-Satanists, they completely discard the entire history of our Motherland. The power of the Soviets (veche self-government) and socialist (community) management are... the centuries-old aspirations of the Russian People... The idea of ​​building a socialist society was a RELIGIOUS IDEA for the people, the embodiment of their age-old dream of the KINGDOM OF TRUTH ON EARTH. For Russian people, the slogan “For the power of the Soviets!” was not just a call: it was an EVENING, PAGAN SYMBOL OF FAITH, for which they went into battle and gave their lives.”

Big start of the “Slavic Rodnoverie” project under Andropov

Many Slavic neo-pagans are convinced that the “native faith” literally came from the forests, where wise gray-haired magi hid Vedic knowledge for centuries, now accessible to everyone thanks to YouTube, and the myth about the “magi from Lubyanka” was invented by vile ill-wishers. To some extent, the neo-Paganists are right if we remember that Lubyanka was of secondary importance in relation to the First Main Directorate (PGU) of the KGB of the USSR, which since the 1970s was located precisely in the forest (behind the Moscow ring road from the Yasenevo district). Since 1967, the KGB was headed by Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov, and from 1982 to 1984 he headed the entire country. It was during this period of his reign that the large-scale start of “Rodnovery” occurred.

The background to this start, however, lies in the emergence of interest in Orthodoxy, hated by the “Rodnovers”. An older reader will probably remember how with the beginning of the 1980s, despite the state monopoly in the field of religion, some “Orthodox ferment” began in the minds of first the Soviet intelligentsia, and then the people as a whole. “Near-Orthodox dissidence” became fashionable: going to the Easter Vigil service and old grandmother’s icons suddenly becoming an attribute of an advanced interior, the fashion for noble ancestors, monarchism and the White Guards. This spontaneous folk fashion came not from the heights of the church hierarchy, but “from below.” It intensified more and more as the date of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus' approached, taking on threatening proportions for Soviet ideology.

Very soon, the wise men from the Bitsev forest, who carefully guarded the secret “Vedic knowledge,” drew attention to the spontaneous process, clearly imagining its depth and consequences. I remember Poland - a socialist state in which Catholicism had already de facto won a victory over Marxist ideology. In addition, it was clear what an excellent occasion for accusing the communist regime in the USSR of infringement of the religious rights of citizens by the West would be the upcoming celebration of the Millennium of the Baptism of Rus'. The “foresters” also knew that in Poland and the Vatican, preparations were underway for this date, that gift Bibles, Orthodox icons and religious literature were being printed in huge quantities for Soviet believers; They also knew that the same active preparations for the anniversary were being carried out by the Russian Orthodox Church, where missionary groups were created literally at every parish and spiritual literature was actively collected for sending to the USSR. To ignore this problem meant to jeopardize the entire Soviet system. To put the brakes on anniversary events and harshly block the avalanche of “anti-Soviet” literature for Soviet believers that will pour in from abroad would mean causing a huge international scandal and a commodity boycott of the Soviet Union, hooked on oil and gas needles and dependent on Canadian wheat.

An ingenious solution to the problem was easily found. It turned out that most of those intellectuals who decorated their homes ancient icons, were not deeply religious people, and perceived their “Orthodoxy” mainly as part of their “Russianness”. This was the main emphasis: it was enough to replace “Orthodoxy” with “Rodnoverie”. Fortunately, since the 1950s, Soviet propagandists consciously developed an attitude towards pagan beliefs and rituals not as a religion, but as a “Russianness” - priceless cultural heritage, which was directly related to ethnic identity.

The party leadership began to inflate such views with renewed vigor on the eve of the approaching thousand-year anniversary of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. In order to divert the people's attention from this date and at the same time justify the inviolability of the post-war territorial borders of the USSR by appealing to ancient times, the Soviet leadership initiated a wide celebration of the 1500th anniversary of Kyiv in 1982. And three years later, based on the novel by the famous anti-Semitic writer V.N. Ivanov, the film “Primordial Rus'”, full of anti-Christian motives, was urgently produced.

The Soviet press was filled with the works of Valery Skurlatov and Vladimir Shcherbakov, in which the Slavs were identified with the Indo-Iranians, all Proto-Indo-Europeans in general, and even the Etruscans, and also painted a fascinating picture of their movements throughout the Eurasian steppe belt with the lands adjacent to it. These authors laid the foundation for neo-pagan folk history - it was not difficult for them to find traces of the ancient Slavs in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia, declare the Slavs the founders of Tbilisi or associate them with Urartu. The ancient movements and exploits of the blond, blue-eyed Slavs-Aryans sharply attracted the attention of a number of science fiction writers (L. Zhukova 1982, Y. Nikitin 1985).

Ukrainian authors did not lag behind, writing about the connections of the Slavs with the Etruscans (G. Marchenko 1982, A. Znoiko 1984) and about high Slavic scholarship in the era of paganism (I. Belokon, 1982). The myth of ancient pagan writings, allegedly preserved by the “Old Believers” until the present day, is also introduced into Soviet fiction (S. Alekseev 1986, Yu. Sergeev 1987). Simultaneously with the revival of the “truth” about the pre-Christian past of the Slavs, the motive of accusing the Christian religion of encroaching on the “Russian soul”, of destroying irreplaceable pagan spiritual values ​​in order to enslave the “Russians” sharply increased in fiction (A. Serba 1982, Yu. Sergeev 1987, G. Vasilenko 1988, V. Richka 1988).

There was no shortage of direct implementers of the “Slavic Rodnoverie” program - there were many volunteer assistants to the “forestry department”, primarily from among various kinds dissident “snitches”. From their midst, as well as from the engineering and technical intelligentsia, came the first “Slavic Magi”: A. Dobrovolsky, N. Speransky, G. Yakutovsky, A. Ryadinsky, K. Begtin and others.

The first neo-pagan circles appear under the guise of educational, health and political movements. In 1986, the Leningrad “Society of Magi” was officially registered, the members of which were students of Marxism-Leninism teacher Viktor Bezverkhoy (“magician” Ostromysl) from among the cadets of military and police schools. Overtly racist propaganda resulted in a warning from the KGB, and the society was formally dissolved, although in fact it continued its activities until 1990, when it transformed into the neo-pagan community “Union of Wends.”

Being admirers of the ideas of Hitler and Himmler, the Wends, like Dobroslav, did not disdain warm relations with the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Communist Party. After the collapse of the USSR, this community became the cradle for the neo-pagan sect “Bury the Hedgehog Sloven”, led by the kindergarten paramedic Vladimir Golyakov (“the High Priest of all Slavs” Bogumil II), who in August 2003 was exposed by journalists in collaboration with “special Guardians of the Sovereign” ( This is what Bogumil calls the employees of the successor organization to the KGB). It is noteworthy that the main “capital sanctuary of Perun” of the Bogumil sect is located in the very Bitsevsky forest from where the “Rodnoverie” came.

Abandoned child of the Soviet era

After 1988, the Rodnoverie project, having achieved its goal only partially, lost its relevance. Despite this, the “magi of the first generation” continued their work. In 1989, together with the participants of the “Slavic-Goritsky Wrestling Club” Alexander Belov (“magician” Selidor), Valery Emelyanov created the “Moscow Slavic Pagan Community” (MSPC). In the same year, the IFNA held the first open pagan “worship” in the USSR in the vicinity of the Gorky Railway, which included a “Debaptism” ceremony. A few years later, on the basis of the ICNW, the neo-pagan organizations known today will arise - the SSO SRV (“magician” Vadim Kazakov), the Triglav community (“magician” Bogumil Murin), etc.

By the time of the collapse of the USSR, the “Rodnoverie” had completely gone into open swimming. In the wake of the rampant occultism, “magi,” “vedamans,” and “sorcerers” rained down as if from a cornucopia. Many began their careers as touring psychics, such as Alexander Khinevich (“Slavic priest” Pater Diy), who created the “Jiva Temple of England” sect in 1990, or Nikolai Levashov. Also in 1990, Alexey Trekhlebov (“Vedaman” Vedagor) appeared, having received an order from his teacher at the Buddhist monastery of Tyangboche to “direct his activities towards the spiritual revival of Russia.”

In the same year, Ilya Cherkasov (“magician” Veleslav) sewed himself a “Slavic shirt” from burlap, stopped eating meat, cutting his hair, and went on a “spiritual quest.” A graduate of the University of Marxism-Leninism, Vladimir Istarkhov (real name Ivanov or Goodman), the author of the book “Strike of the Russian Gods,” the appearance of which in the late 1990s caused a new wave of popularity of neo-paganism, also began his active “educational” activities.

This is how a modern quasi-religion called “Rodnoverie” arose. Its founders were not anonymous Magi of the 10th century, but homo sovieticus of the 20th century. The introduction of pagan rituals under the banner of “fighting the priests” at the official level began under Khrushchev, preparing good ground for the powerful start of the “Slavic Rodnoverie” project under Andropov. In general, the period of the emergence of Slavic neo-paganism coincides with the era of the formation and dominance of Soviet ideology...

Modern neo-paganism, and in particular Rodnoverie, at first glance, seems simply one of the most ridiculous and ridiculous misconceptions. Talking about Perun, "Russian gods", "" and "pre-Christian Orthodoxy" with a serious face makes you want to pinch yourself... or the one who says it. It would seem that what can be done if reading good books becomes a thing of the past, and TV convinces us that the impossible is possible? In this state of affairs, it is easy to lose your mind.

But not everything is so harmless. The West would not allocate money to the “neopaganism in Russia” project just to make us laugh. If a strategic enemy does this, then this project is destructive for Russia and Russians.

What is behind modern paganism, Rodnoverie? Since there are Rodnovers and other people who take these phenomena seriously, let’s consider them seriously.

Revelation of a former pagan

From there I first learned the word “pagan.” And someone’s skillful hand led me to the idea that in order to become strong, successful and defeat all the nationalities, I must become a pagan! What does it mean to become a pagan? This is, first of all, to deny Christianity on every point, because it was only thanks to it that the proud Russians became the disunited bio-garbage that they are now. Buy T-shirts and robes with Kolovrat shirts, buy yourself a talisman with a swastika symbol for 3,000 rubles. silver, buy a “Russian shirt” embroidered with a swastika symbol. And I don’t care if it annoys some veterans. We are only interested in distant ancestors who lived before the Baptism of Rus'. And these great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers are zombified communists or brainwashed Orthodox Christians - they are not an authority for a pagan.
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It's hard to be Russian

“Neo-pagans” who swear their love for the Russian people, in fact, despise this people. They began their path to pagan fireplaces not with folk epics or lullabies, but with Masonic-occult waste paper (Blavatsky, Steiner, the Roerichs, etc.). If they loved the Russian people and were brought up on their traditions, then they would love Orthodoxy. And they, you see, refuse to trust the people. They say that the people betrayed the “faith of their grandfathers” and walked in the wrong direction for a thousand years...
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Anti-Christian mythology of neo-pagans

Almost all neo-pagan sects and groups have doctrines that are not particularly original and necessarily contain a standard set of provisions that supposedly prove the negativity of Orthodoxy and Christianity in general. But these statements can only convince an ignorant person. It is advisable to examine several main areas of attack on Orthodoxy. Moreover, in order to avoid claims against the author, it makes sense to cite the opinion of authoritative experts.
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Neopagans. Dot the i's

It is more correct to call pagans “neopagans” - as religious scholars and ethnographers usually call them. Neo-pagans are distinguished from historical pagans, first of all, by the fact of RECONSTRUCTION of mythologies and rituals, philosophical and mystical ideas characteristic of traditional “ethnic” religions (by the way, the Russian word “pagans” comes from the Old Slavonic “language” - “people”, “tribe” and is a tracing paper New Testament “ethnikoi” - “tribal”, “folk”).
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Russia and new paganism

I was prompted to start working on this topic by a book by Tomsk author I.V. Tashkinov, published by the publishing house of the Ryazan writers’ organization “Uzorochye”. It's called " Ancient Egypt and Rus': issues of history, mythology and linguistics.” The official history is falsified and is subject to revision. This is the main thesis of I.V. Tashkinova. He believes that the Egyptian culture- This is Slavic culture. The Egyptian civilization, familiar to us from school textbooks, was created by our pagan ancestors.
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Magi from Lubyanka (about the revival of paganism in Russia)

Something too many people have recently appeared in their hometown (primarily young people) calling themselves “Rodnovers”, declaring that they profess a certain “cult of ancient Slavic gods”, are adherents of some “magi”, who, supposedly “possess sacred knowledge” - and so on in the same spirit. It was funny at first, but now it's not so funny...
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Neopagan tendencies in society

The phenomenon of socio-political activity of modern Russian neo-paganism, the use of neo-pagan and anti-Christian themes in social activities deserves the closest attention. Until recently, such manifestations could not be considered other than as marginal, of interest only to a narrow circle of specialists. Today, however, we must say that the spread of these trends, while still relatively small, may in the future pose a serious threat to the spiritual health of the nation, to interethnic and interfaith stability, to youth...
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Paganism and neo-paganism

In Rus', the formation of a unified statehood gradually formed the Russian nationality, and the Faith of Christ became the solid foundation on which the entire edifice of Russian civilization was erected. Modern neo-pagans in Russia are trying in vain to restore the cult system of “Russian paganism.” It is simply impossible to do this. There was no strictly defined pantheon of gods or a system of beliefs then, just as the Russian people did not exist in our modern understanding. All pagan peoples widely and constantly borrowed rituals, cults, and beliefs from each other. Just as now idle ladies of Balzac’s age exchange recipes for “elixirs of life”, addresses of fortune tellers and telephone numbers of “healers”...
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Russian and Ukrainian neo-paganism

As a rule, pagan groups are organized along national and territorial lines. There is no single guide. Communities are autonomous, although they are part of national associations. In Russia, such associations include the “Union of Veneds”, “Veles Circle” and “Union of Slavic Communities”. In Ukraine Slavic paganism presented by “RUNVera” and the Association of Coreligionists of Ukraine and the Diaspora, known as “Ukrainian Pagans”. The Union of Slavic Communities and Ukrainian Pagans are co-founders of the World Congress of Pagan Religions, founded in 1998.
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What do scientists think about the Book of Veles?

“Veles’s book” - what is it? Unique historical monument, written by Novgorod priests in the 9th century? Or is this a rather primitive falsification created much later? Considering that this work is published in copies of hundreds of thousands, and active attempts are being made to introduce it into the curriculum for secondary and higher education in our country, the answer to this question never ceases to be relevant. Why is this so? Indeed, for scientists, the question of the authenticity of the “Book of Veles” does not exist. They have long proven that the “Book of Veles” is a fake, written in the middle of the 20th century.
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"Veles's Book" (the story of one falsification). Part 1

Defenders of the ancient origin of the text, which is now commonly called the “Book of Veles” (hereinafter VK), always compare it with “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” (hereinafter “The Lay”). It is understandable that the VK was made taking into account the authority of the “Word” and it was put into circulation knowing the fate of the “Word”, namely, the unexpected discovery of this monument and the death of its original bearer in the fire of a brutal war.
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They say - “So what, since the tablets with the text of the VK have not been preserved, the original “Lay” has also disappeared.”

This comparison is not correct based on the following arguments.
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"Veles's Book" (the story of one falsification). Part 2

I do not agree with Dr. Tvorogov that “the main obstacle (evidence of the ancient origin of the “Veles Book” - S.A.) is not the content of the “Veles Book” (they say, in ancient and medieval sources we encounter the most fantastic legends and difficult for interpretation of passages), and above all its language." Let's imagine what a specialist of Tvorogov's level would forge. So then we would have to rewrite world history? "Veles's Book" (the story of one falsification). Part 3. Here I disagree with most philologists. The text of VK is written sincerely, sometimes even passionately. It is felt that the author (or authors?) loves the history of his people and, writing a fake, he wanted it all to be real. There are several successful phrases in the “Book of Veles” - this relates, first of all, to the religious component. The idea itself of placing text on supposedly scattered tablets and highlighting fragments of phrases is also original. This principle has given work to many generations of VK fans; they have the opportunity to arrange the text in different ways, argue about which fragment came earlier, which later...
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“Strike of the Russian Gods” – reading for fools

According to Istarkhov (let’s not forget that he is still a “patriot”) all the troubles of the Universe come from the Jews and their terrible invention - world religions based on the Old Testament - Judaism and Christianity (he does not attack Islam, which he honestly admits , so as not to offend Muslims - they are not Soviets and Europeans, they can always give a hat for their Muhammad), as well as from Freemasonry, however, also a Jewish invention. As proof, he cites passages of Holy Scripture to the Soviet reader, inexperienced in theological concepts, designed to prove all the ugliness of Christianity.

Rodnoverie is a direction of religion, the meaning of which is to restore ancient Slavic rituals and ancient beliefs.

The faith of the Slavs is sacred for adherents of this religion. Rodnovers strive to plunge into it even more with the help of various rituals. The basis of Rodnoverie is the natural nature of values ​​and the structure of this world, an adequate understanding of existence and how to live correctly. This helps people feel like a part of Nature and comply with its laws. National self-awareness helps to revive the ancestral memory in a person, as well as the traditions of his ancestors, forming in him an independent and self-sufficient personality.

Rituals of the Rodnovers

The Rodnovers have many rituals. External ones are considered idle, for which a large number of people are attracted (sometimes their number can reach a thousand), and internal ones are carried out either by the native believers themselves or members of their small groups. Ritual actions are usually accompanied by lighting fires, beating tambourines and offering demands to the gods, which are symbolized by idols. In addition, “communion” with intoxicating drinks, which are poured into circular glasses, is obligatory.

  • For all pagan associations, the most important solar holidays are:
  • spring and autumn equinox - Maslenitsa and Ruen.

In addition, the Rodnovers consider the following great intermediate holidays, which are dedicated to the Slavic gods:

  • Perun's Day, which is celebrated in the third ten days of July or the first ten days of August;
  • Mokosh day, celebrated in the third ten days of October or the first ten days of November;
  • The celebration of Veles days takes place in January (2nd and 6th), and on February 17th.

Krasnaya Gorka is the day when ancestors are remembered. It is usually celebrated either on April 30 or May 1. Among pagans, the days of remembrance of ancestors are called Grandfathers. There are at least 5 of them a year: Troyatsky, Spring, Rozhdestvensky, Dmitrovsky, etc.

Many people know that there are other rituals aimed at turning human energy into negative. We are talking about damage and the evil eye - rituals that are often carried out by ill-wishers. It is quite difficult to get rid of them on your own. Usually the help of a professional psychic is required.

What should a Rodnover be like?

Supporters of Rodnoverie are people who love nature, everything natural and prefer life in the countryside to the bustle of the city. In addition, a Rodnover should be interested in and study the history of his region, and also love manual labor. This list is minimal, but it is very important. In addition, Rodnovers are distinguished by their love for objects self made, especially if natural ingredients were used for their manufacture. When decorating, they give preference to ethnic style.

Nationalism for Rodnover is love for one’s land, language, traditions and culture. There should be no fanaticism, isolation or opposition to the traditions of other peoples. It is important that the Rodnover is interested in the current state of affairs in his faith: what movements other people belong to, when and how to celebrate holidays, how to dress, which amulets to give preference to, etc.

The ideal option is when the Rodnover does not drink alcohol, does not smoke and leads a healthy lifestyle. This could be like classes in gym, as well as morning jogging or homework physical exercise. Interest in politics, as well as civil service, are not welcomed by Rodnovers. In their opinion, they are gradually turning a person into a slave of the system. A rodnover must love his family and react adequately in cases of unusual situations.

The gods of the Rodnovers are heroic ancestors, among whom the universal progenitor of the Rod is especially distinguished. Respect for one's family, life for the sake of one's family - this is the essence of native faith. Since man and pagan gods- this is part of the universe and the world in which they live, then following their laws and harmony with nature is also the basic concept of Rodnoverie.

Those who are interested in information about the Rodnovers, as well as information on esotericism, can learn more about this on our website or by visiting the Fudima Center. You can also find the latest news there.

Why are Rodnovers dangerous?

Some priests of Orthodox churches believe that the spread and popularization of neo-paganism is the main threat of the 21st century. They compare native faith with terrorism and extremism. In their opinion, neo-paganism has one task - to strike a blow at Christianity, incite hostility and create hatred towards Orthodoxy in order to subsequently destroy it. Moreover, neopagan organizations know how to act cunningly: under the guise of respect for Christian moral standards and ethics, they seek to destroy the Orthodox Church.

From the lips of equal believers one cannot hear words about dislike for Orthodoxy. They manipulate people by saying neutral phrases about what Slavic people is more ancient and greater than hitherto thought. Rodnovers appeal to patriotic feelings, imposing a fictitious history of the people. At the same time, they cast doubt on the real story, throwing mud at it.

All this can even lead to a leakage of vital energy. And that's enough serious problem, which can be solved with the help of a good specialist. The main thing is that he has experience in solving similar problems and positive

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