Vedic literature for women. For women seeking to gain strength.

Slavic Vedas. Responsibilities of a man and a woman

Slavic Vedas

This is how the Vedas describe the duties of a man in the family:
A man who has managed to acquire the love of a chaste woman
possesses all virtues and bears the following duties to his wife:

In modern language, a woman needs beautiful clothes and in jewelry: give simple jewelry often, and expensive ones on wedding days and holidays.
A wife needs to buy clothes so that, first of all, her husband likes them.
The wife chooses clothes, and the husband gives money.
Moreover, both must agree with the choice: the husband - with the price, and the wife - with the quality.
A woman should be sure that there is always money, but the husband has final control over it.
A woman should have her own pocket money, which is not controlled.
A woman should be able to buy the sweets she loves.
The husband finds housing according to his desires, and the wife brings it to her dreams.
This is the art of a wife: to decorate with joy and enthusiasm any shed that her husband has chosen for her, and in no case to grumble.
This will make your husband want to find everything Better conditions for life.

Ideally, the husband buys a lot of food: bags of flour, boxes of condensed milk, barrels of butter, and the wife, in turn, saves as much as she can. As a result, the wife is proud of her caring husband, and the husband is proud of how thrifty and understanding his wife is. A small amount of food and a roof over your head are enough to be happy. Do not demand an exorbitant increase in income and do not make plans for wear and tear: Difficult life will lead to degradation of consciousness, and relationships will collapse. With a sweetheart, heaven is in a hut, not in a mansion.

A woman keeps her house clean most of the time, but general cleaning and heavy work should be carried out by the husband.
The man earns money, and the wife plans how to spend it, and if both are comfortable, then peace and harmony are ensured.

Cooking is a woman’s duty, but it will be brightened up and varied by the fact that the husband will cook from time to time to his taste, which will bring a lot of pleasure to the wife.
The husband buys furniture, and the woman arranges it, and this can happen quite often and the husband should not interfere with this.
The wife is surrounded by this furniture most of the time, and she naturally wants to diversify her life by rearranging it.

When experiencing financial difficulties, a husband should not take out his anger on family members.
Material problems should remind the husband that they can only be solved by increasing spiritual consciousness.
If difficulties come, you need to calm down, read spiritual books, reflect and, in a purified consciousness, an understanding will come: often, the game is not worth the candle, the material race for the useless overshadows the main thing: relationships with God and family.

A woman is waiting for help in raising children. Help begins from the moment of birth, when the husband is nearby or in the next room and supports his wife with his presence. This makes family relationships very close. A man is a teacher of his children, he influences them by his own example.
Words may be forgotten, but the example remains forever.
Children often do a lot of stupid things during their formative years, but when the time comes to take life seriously, they will remember everything they saw and their father’s example will be the main one for them in choosing the right decision.

A woman is waiting for emotional support. The wife should be praised for her efforts, not for the result of her work.
A woman cannot be told that she is not doing anything: she must be directed to where they start giving her money.
A woman should hear that she is beautiful and attractive; she will never forget that someone found her ugly.
You cannot tell your wife that she cooked poorly, that she is sick or useless.
She expects knightly, royal treatment, wants to be carried in arms and often talked about love, which will be the key to her confident position in the society of other women.

In order for the relationship to always be at its best, the husband needs to spend some time with his wife in a calm environment during the day and just talk.
A woman expects the responsibility of someone she can rely on in everything. The husband must resolutely deal with any problems of his wife. This is his direct responsibility, and for a woman it is a sense of support and protection. It doesn’t matter what the result is, but if a man, like a lion, rushes to solve his wife’s problems, then pride in her husband awakens in her and a desire to obey him in everything. If a husband neglects his wife’s problems, then the wife considers him soft and stops respecting him, which destroys the system family life. The wife is waiting for inspiration and encouragement in the work that she does for the soul in addition to her household duties. This is the most vulnerable part of a woman’s soul, and she reveals it only to those closest to her.

A husband should be satisfied with his relationship only with his wife. If a wife notices that her husband is “looking to the left,” then she immediately assumes the role of “commander in chief” and takes power in the family into her own hands. A man can meet attractive woman, but the relationship with her should not go beyond friendship, this makes him strong, and the wife will respect and love such a husband, which will be the key to a strong and happy family life.
Male fidelity is fidelity with the body. A husband should not cheat physically. Sometimes, the fact that the husband gallantly shook hands with another woman on the bus can be considered by the wife as an act of betrayal. A husband should not cheat with words: say that someone is more beautiful, smarter or better. He should not change his thoughts: dream, make plans; his wife, as a rule, will immediately notice this. Money earned by a husband and given to another is a fact of betrayal. Cheating with friends: The time specifically set aside for communication with your wife should not be interrupted for other things - this is sacred (Saturday evening, a shopping trip on Sunday or a trip to your wife’s parents). However, a wife should always speak respectfully of all her husband’s friends and relatives. Treason with a hobby. If a husband loves a gun (or a car) more than his wife, then she begins to hate the gun and pour sand into it, perceiving it as a rival. Betrayal of the past is also unacceptable - remembering past love (it was better with her).

While providing constant material support, the husband should not forget about the true purpose of family life. He must remind his family of the spiritual aspect of life. The father must strictly avoid joint activities in the family. gambling, bad habits such as alcohol, smoking, market swearing. The husband must completely exclude drinking alcohol together with his wife or her - mother’s alcoholism is death for the family.

The husband is obliged to teach his wife and children. Best method teach - constantly learn yourself. Traditionally, the teacher teaches the man, and he teaches the wife through questions and answers. Therefore, development in the family should consist of questions from the wife and quality answers from the husband, and the husband should always be on top. A smart husband is a wife's pride. And a woman, by her nature, always requires certain views from a man in order to be able to borrow them.
The husband himself must understand and explain that happiness in the family does not depend on sexual relationships, but on spiritual ones.

IN ideal families sex becomes a manifestation of divinity if it is used only to conceive children. A family created only on the basis of sex brings suffering. If a husband does not teach his children how to realize God, then he condemns them to constant tossing and worry. A husband should not immerse himself in everyday life.
The husband should always be burning with new plans and prospects for the development of the family. When a husband gets into a routine, the family stops respecting him. They respect the leader, not a sack of potatoes.

Returning to the Vedas, the most valuable thing a man can give a woman is his Strength, the image of his Spirit and the image of his Blood. If for a wife her husband is the first man, and treats her as the mother of his future children, and not as an object of lust, he takes her under the protection of his Family, gives her the energy and Strength necessary to conceive and bear a child, and reveals her Feminine Share: the ability to Love her husband and children, reveals her Ancestral Memory: intuition, insight into the experience of her ancestors female line about maintaining harmony in the house.
A woman is looked after by a man at every stage of her life. In childhood, a woman should be under the protection of her father, in her youth - her husband, and in old age - her adult sons (usually the youngest). According to Vedic concepts, a husband leads his wife in the same way as a father leads his children.

Any girl (yin) is a mirror of her soul and her entire essence, capable of reflecting everything. A woman always feels when a man has a sexual desire when communicating with him, she can find out about his fantasies and understand his intentions. If a man himself is not able to understand his feelings, then a woman can always help with this. Sometimes women mistake all these feelings for their own, mixing their desires and sensations with other people's experiences. It is the yin energy that is responsible for the ability to reflect, and the more it is developed, the stronger this ability. Therefore, absolutely any woman is capable of purifying a man, making him better, helping him to open up and understand his purpose in order to be successfully realized in the future. How can you awaken the power of reflection within yourself and understand how it works?

Vedic knowledge for women

There is nothing complicated here, because every woman has feminine energy from birth, and the more of it, the more strength she has, and understanding this does not affect energy in any way. It is very important that a woman is pure, then she will be able to do everything.

Feminine purity is determined by the purity of the heart, the complete openness of anahata and the purity of energy channels. Attached to our central spinal column are various energy channels such as sushumna, pingala and ida. Very little is known about this energy and no one teaches us from birth that the feelings that overwhelm us at a certain moment are not always your own, that a woman can reflect any experience just out of the blue. We have no idea how to cleanse ourselves of acquired outside world feelings, or simply share your feelings and those of others. We will tell you about the method of self-cleaning.

Most The best way for cleansing, this is female breathing, with it a slow breath is taken through the uterus, which transforms all experiences into love and must be carried through all internal channels to anahata and also smoothly exhaled into the universe. Every woman should be able to turn everything into love and this is called self-expression in a feminine way. In this way, a woman can cleanse a man too.

Another very important thing in all this is that a woman must clearly understand what is happening, because it is important not just to have knowledge, but the ability to apply it correctly.

Imagine a situation where a husband comes home after work, and his wife, who meets him at home, feels some kind of dissatisfaction. Since she doesn’t know the reason, usually the woman comes up with it herself and automatically takes on the feelings that her husband experiences. As a rule, a woman closes all these emotions deep within herself, which is very dangerous for her. All these feelings accumulate, and over time there are so many of them that the woman cannot stand it and explodes into a scandal. If this continues, sooner or later the couple will separate. On the other hand, if a woman, no matter how much she collects all this garbage within herself, begins to express all her experiences to a man, then most likely a scandal is also inevitable. If a man expresses his emotions, he will not withstand this onslaught, since a feeling of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness will immediately awaken in him. Most often, men immediately turn on a defensive reaction and, in order to stop a woman’s emotional outburst, they begin to scream. In this situation, women stop sharing their experiences and accumulate them within themselves, and we already know the result of this. It turns out to be a vicious circle. And what to do if silence leads to various female diseases, but you can’t speak, because they simply don’t know how to listen and this leads to painful experiences for the partner.

And what to do in this case? A woman needs to perceive her feelings in a completely different way. After all, if you feel dissatisfaction on the part of your spouse, then perhaps you simply reflected his dissatisfaction with himself or a bad day, with everything that he does not want to burden you with. These are all his emotions, not yours. You need to feel these feelings inside, breathe and pass them through your energy channels, and then give your man these same experiences in the form of love. The man himself will not understand where his previous negative feelings disappeared, he will recover and gain new strength. This is cleansing!

You will feel that the feeling of anxiety has left you the very minute your husband calms down. In this way, you support your husband by giving him the opportunity to make his own decisions and not impose his thoughts. The man will feel that he can cope with any difficulties. You seem to fill your husband with strength to solve problems. Next to such a woman, a man becomes more confident in himself and his strengths, thereby increasing his solar energy. Every woman dreams of such a man. All this knowledge will help a woman correctly recognize her feelings, which means she will be able to get to know herself better, understand her thoughts and impulses. It is very important that a woman can be alone with herself or take a walk in nature all alone, all this helps to cleanse your energy from various “not your” feelings.

Only women have such abilities; men are not endowed with such a gift. Their yang energy cannot reflect. But, despite this, a man is a support for a woman, and he can correctly guide a woman to cleanse herself. And a woman is always ready to carry out the will of her beloved, especially if it is for her benefit.

The energies of yang and yin are completely different in nature, this explains all female and male contradictions. To understand each other, you need to acquire the necessary knowledge about your other half, then harmony will reign in the relationship. Knowing about the energy functions of men (solar) and women (lunar) you can make your life better.

We must remember that what is good for one is not always good for another. Nowadays, there are no special schools for girls where they can explain and teach how to restore their energy balance, so everyone tries to be like each other. All over the world they adhere to a certain male energy work, which consists of striving to reach heights in order to make a good career. Women, in turn, strive for the same energy work, but since they have a completely different nature, very often they simply do not have enough strength.

All people on our planet are different, but everyone is dependent on their energy given to them at birth in a male or female body.

The Vedas are the oldest collection of sacred scriptures of Hinduism. There are four Vedas: Rigveda - “Veda of hymns”, Jurveda - “Veda of sacrificial formulas”, Samaveda - “Veda of chants” and Atharvaveda - “Veda of spells”. Actually, the very names of the Vedas already seem to hint to us that they do not contain a word about femininity. The Vedas are essentially a collection of mantras for priests of various ranks. The Vedas are allowed to be read only by the “twice-born” - representatives of the three highest castes. The lower caste (shudras - servants and hired workers) and foreigners are prohibited from studying the Vedas. And also for women. We will repeat this again: women are prohibited from studying the Vedas. Dot.

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Where then did the “Vedic woman” come from, if the Vedas do not talk about femininity and women themselves are not allowed to read the Vedas? We answer: because the average person knows that the Vedas are a sacred book, standing on a par with the Bible and the Koran. No nonsense will be written in the great holy scripture! There is centuries-old wisdom of the ancestors! The fact that there is not a word there about what Torsunov, Valyaeva and other adherents of “Vedic philosophy” tell us about are trifles: who will actually undertake to read these very Vedas? And “Vedic philosophy”, “Vedic psychology”, “Vedas of the Slavs”, “ Aryan Vedas", "Indian Vedas" and, finally, "Vedic femininity" - all this sounds solid. You can serve anything with this sauce. Let's see what we're being served.

25 responsibilities of a woman

First of all, we are told that the woman owes something again. Oh, I have to do it for a reason, of course, but for the sake of my own happiness. Which is supposedly guaranteed to her if she is convenient for a man. Here are 25 responsibilities according to Mr. Torsunov, who prefers to call himself a doctor. He really is a doctor. Dermatovenerologist. Tamer of Treponema pallidum and urticaria. And a great connoisseur female soul. In his opinion, a woman should:

1. Start a family
2. Keep the family together
3. Make a Man
4. Organize all household chores
5. Do all household chores
6. Be faithful to a man in body, in deed, and in thought
7. Become best friend Men
8. Be beautiful and sexy for your Man
9. Inspire a Man
10. Eat sweet foods
11. Wear jewelry
12. Enjoy nice clothes
13. Wear long skirts
14. Always feel the closeness of your beloved Man - do not move away
15. Respect a Man
16. Appreciate and praise a Man
17. Admire a Man
18. Submit to a Man
19. Be able to manage your emotions
20. Have endurance - patience
21. Speak in a quiet and gentle voice
22. Be empathetic
23. Participate in raising children
24. Serve a Man - do it with love
25. Not fulfilling the duties of a man

In general, as we see, the woman herself is not in all this - only the family and the Man with capital letters. There are two points about the woman’s own pleasure - eating sweets and wearing pretty things. Everything about “pretty things” is clear - you need to please the master’s gaze. But, if you read Torsunov more carefully, it turns out that we should eat sweets for the sake of men: those with a sweet tooth are supposedly less hysterical, which means they irritate their master and master less.

Take off your panties and life will get better!

Olga Valyaeva, a follower of Torsunov, went even further: the lady calls herself a “Vedic psychologist”, without having psychological education. There is an "Official Resume" page on her website, but it is blank. At the same time, Valyaeva surpassed her teacher - her books of the Vedas and trainings are much more popular. Why? Well, because she's a woman. Everything she says is supposedly her personal experience. She stopped working and her husband immediately became rich. Wait a minute! Valyaeva writes books at incredible speed, Valyaeva conducts seminars and webinars, not a single women’s resource is complete without Valyaeva’s articles. Is this now called “not working”? How interesting. Okay, let's talk about my husband. This is what Olga herself writes about him: “My husband, my support, my inspiration, my marketer and technical specialist.” That is, Olga’s husband deals with the technical side of her work. The wife creates content, the husband promotes. Business is going well, that's a fact. But is it okay that Valyaeva contradicts herself? If you believe her books, a woman shouldn’t work at all, and as for her husband’s profession, that’s not a woman’s business: you need to inspire your husband with pies! And if a woman provides a man with work, this is not according to the Vedas.

The question is, why does Valyaeva’s vast audience continue to believe in a guru who does not even think about fulfilling her own commandments? But because Valyaeva gives the recipes that people want to receive from her. A woman should wear beautiful dresses - well, who doesn’t want to? beautiful dresses? Everybody wants. Women's tears are magic. Well, yes: why work on a relationship if you can just burst into tears? It’s harmful for women to work, we don’t need training or any kind of success - hurray, we have an excuse: we’re not lazy, it’s just that work destroys our femininity! Well, and most importantly, Valyaeva is very ritualistic. She quite seriously suggests that women wear skirts because any other clothing allegedly prevents the energy of Mother Earth (yes, yes!) from entering our bodies. You don't have to do anything. You just need to take off your panties. Initially, the conversation was about pants, in the sense of trousers: it is not appropriate for women to wear men's clothing. But wearing skirts and dresses in itself is not a ritual in which one can believe. Therefore, the instruction “take off your pants” quickly transformed into “take off your panties.” The seeds fell into fertile soil, as they say. Once you start walking around without panties, everything will get better for you: your husband will bring a golden mammoth into your house, your children will study well, and you yourself will look 15 years younger.

Why do we need “Vedic psychology”?

It is obvious that the fictitious “Vedic psychology” is just a dense patriarchal structure from which we have recently freed ourselves. Why do women want to go back? How can one today, in 2015, seriously believe that the main role women - to worship a man, lord and master? The answer is very simple: none of us is sure of the future. Most divorced men avoid paying alimony. If a woman has two (or more) children, it is very difficult for her to get a well-paid job: the employer does not have the right to refuse an applicant for this reason, but you can always find another reason and save yourself from the employee’s leave due to the child’s illness. The allowance paid to single mothers can only buy one pack of diapers.

We don't feel protected; we're not sure we'll be able to feed ourselves and our children if something happens. And therefore we turn to the patriarchal way of life: previously nothing depended on women and nothing, they somehow survived. Alas, not everyone survived - this is the first thing. You cannot get patriarchal buns and avoid patriarchal blows. They are supplied complete. And secondly, alas, no “Vedic psychology” is capable of changing anything in our lives. It just makes us feel calm. I was a good wife, that’s all, now I’m “in the house”, no adversity will touch me. Of course, this is self-deception. Self-deception for money earned by the very labor that is “disgusting to female nature.”


Vedas in Russian for women to read.



Examples are needed to understand. Therefore, whatever happens, you just need to fulfill your duty in life. Well, in fact, fulfill your duty to God. God united us together, we fought, we lived - as best we could, we fulfilled our duty before God, we acted out of a sense of duty. Because people by their nature cannot live the way we want. Sometimes people have a difficult fate, they cannot stay, they disperse. Man has no control over his destiny. Sometimes people can live together, sometimes they cannot. We are simply fulfilling our duty to the end. And God will be grateful to us, will continue to give us some opportunities, will give us normal life with time. We must strive for this. The most important thing in life is the inner life. Work on yourself.

External things are just a manifestation of fate. But inner life is a victory over fate. What is the inner life, is prayer, listening to spiritual music, listening to the lectures of the exalted, and so on.

External life - what is it? Work, family, home, car, vacation, this is all external life. It all happens by fate, of course, you know? It just rolls like this and that's it. You don't need to pay too much attention to this internal forces. But if a person thinks about God and prays constantly, then his life is watered with purity. Relationships become brighter. People around are becoming brighter. Gradually, this begins to affect the environment, first, then the work. Then to my personal life, and then only to my children. It affects children more severely. And it’s even harder on parents than on children. And so fate gradually changes “with a creak.”

So, let's move on. We have discussed the first very important point: that there are difficult periods in life, and there are easy ones. Everyone is bound to have difficult periods. When a difficult period comes, there is no need to “twitch”. There is no need to think: “we are not compatible, we need to break up, it’s impossible to live like this.” We just need to strengthen our spiritual life during this difficult period! More prayer, more time to “pass exams.” And gradually the difficult period will definitely end. It cannot last a lifetime. Usually, the longest period I have seen is five years maximum. Usually 2-3 years.

Reads the question.

“I married a woman with a child, 14 years old. Should I raise him as my own? There is a real father."

Answers the question.

Look. When you live with a woman and she has a child, that child will become a force that destroys your relationship. Because the child is his home, you know? And he decides whether you will live there or not. Therefore, the child will give you tests. If you want to live with this woman, become his friend first. Not even an elder, but just a friend. Then, if he accepts you wise man, become an older friend for him. And then, if he perceives you as a close person, become a close person to him. But never force his own father out of his heart. He will never forgive you for this. And if his own father betrayed him, then he himself, at his own request, can begin to consider you his father.

In general, the Vedas say that a person can have seven mothers and five fathers. Let's try to understand this.

The first mother is the one who gave birth. The second mother is the one who breastfeeds the child, also a mother. We must treat her like a mother. Further, a woman who raises a child is also a mother. An animal that gives its milk for feeding is also a mother. A cow is also a mother. Further, mother - there is Earth. There is a mother - the wife of a mentor, a priest who cares, and also - the wife of a ruler who takes care of the family - also a mother.

Five fathers. Native father. Spiritual teacher. Next, the priest - who helps in life. Further, the one who raises the child is also a father.

See, that's why the word "stepmother" is not such a word. Is not correct understanding. Let’s say we adopted a child, there’s no need to tell him: “I’m your stepmother.” You have a natural mother, and I’m like a fool next to you.” This will immediately cause a contradiction in his heart, and it will be very painful. Because you are his mother, not his stepmother. It doesn't matter who gave birth to the person. This is generally a secondary thing. Whoever gave love to a person is the father or mother! Childbirth is a mechanical thing. “I carried him, Oleg Gennadievich.” Yes, it was not you who carried it, but God who “beared it.” What, you “multiplied” everything inside, the cells there. Did you start it yourself? No, you were just having sex.

God bears a child, gives birth. You don’t do anything if they tell you: “Relax.” She relaxed a little, lay down and pushed, and suddenly it came out. God does everything, you know? "I gave birth." Now, if you raised it, that’s a different matter. Then you are a mother. What you carried and gave birth there is mechanics. God does everything for you.

A mother is the one who raises a person. This is mother. So, the grandmother was given the child to raise, which means she is the mother. And you are just an “accountant”. You don’t have time to educate. You are an accountant, she is a mother.

Next important point, important question our lecture.

Since we live with you incorrectly, and we build relationships incorrectly, and our culture is incorrect, you see, we encourage divorce. In our culture, so-called “marriages” are encouraged, which throughout the world are simply called “cohabitation”. In our country, all this is called very seriously (pronounces solemnly) - “civil marriage.” Well, almost - they almost hung the order, you know? Well, cohabitation is simple, you know? They just “sniffed”, that’s all. “We got hooked” and live together.

Now some people say: “Oleg Gennadievich, we just trust each other!” If you trusted each other, you would go and sign. And you don’t sign because - on the contrary: you don’t trust each other. What is "painting"? This is the state's protection of family relatives. When a person signs, he makes his family protected. Because two people together cannot save a family. Someone has to save the family. Sooner or later it will start to “take away”, you know? And that’s why people don’t sign, because they give themselves the opportunity to go their separate ways. “They separated like ships at sea.”

There is cohabitation. “Oleg Gennadievich, but he doesn’t want to.” But he never wants to. A woman must want, she must have enough brains. “I told him.” “Told” doesn’t work. A man is like a locomotive, he needs to be pushed. He pushed and went. If you don't push it, it will stand. How many times do you need to tell a man, gently, kindly, in a good environment, after eating, so that he hears? Fifty times, right? Count. “We would like to sign with you, my dear.” After the meal, in a good environment. Then he listens.

Question from the audience : "Immediately after eating"?

Answers . Maybe five minutes after eating, he also listens. She fed me - she said once, five minutes after eating: “We would like to sign with you” (Two). A few days later: “What do you think, if you and I sign…” (Three). On the twenty-sixth time somewhere he: “Damn, what did you get up to?” He will start to get nervous: “Why are you bothering me?” Nothing, don't pay attention. Karma began to be overcome. If he is nervous, it means he has started listening. For the twenty-fifth time. “We would like to sign with you. Let's go and sign?" He: “Don’t tell me about this again”! She: “I don’t promise.” He said for the thirtieth time: “Why do we need to sign?” It needs to be explained in detail here. (Speaks for a woman): “When people are signed, they keep an oath with each other, relatives keep it, the state keeps it. If they are not painted, they may fly apart. And I want everything to be fine with us. Then the children, when we are painted, they consider us mother and father. And when we are not scheduled, it is not clear who you and I are. They were also “civilian children” then.

Children of Lieutenant Schmidt. Do you know how many children Lieutenant Schmidt had?

So, let's move on. If a woman puts in a lot of effort, he will go and sign it. We have to make an effort. This must be done. Because if there is no “signature”, it is unlikely that you will stay together. The probability is very low. Because conscience is not included in such a “marriage” (civil marriage). Conscience is not included in this relationship.

Once you have signed, the next stage is the wedding.

You definitely need to go to church. Because when people sign, the painting protects people. When people get married, God protects people.

How does painting protect? He “carried away” somewhere to the side, his relatives, his mother: “Well, what are you doing, son, you have children, are you a fool or what?”

Further, when a person gets married, God protects the person. A person wants to fall in love with someone, but cannot find it. He walks and walks and can’t find it, why? I had such a case, I have one friend, he is a monk. And when he first began life in renunciation, it was difficult for him. And before that he led a wild life. And in Los Angeles (he is an American), he had one such “hot” place there, and there were prostitutes there. And he was tired of this monastic life, and he asked God for a blessing: “If I have difficulties in life, protect me.” You know, such an interesting situation happened. He was simply distributing spiritual literature, and went into this area, where there was a brothel and familiar “girls.” And he just came to this brothel. And the “girls” just went out into the street and waved their hands at him: “Why are you “red” ( Note site admin: Vaishnava monks (devoted servants of the Almighty) wear orange robes). Do you walk like that, not like everyone else? Come in, you haven’t been here for a long time.” And once again it began to “beckon”. He was drawn... And a car passes by, a car comes out of the monastery, guys (monks) come out and say: “It’s time for us to go, sit down.” And he sits down and drives away. Well, it’s a shame, how can I stay? That's all. So God saved him. Then he realized that everything (that could happen) was not right. And so, man conquers fate.

That is, a wedding provides such protection. A person’s conscience “turns on”: “We are married, what are you doing?” That is, it has an immediate effect. The word “married” immediately conveys a person’s conscience: this cannot be done, and so on.

Of course, if you really want to ruin your life, you can find a way. Both “married” and “not married”. But the idea is: the more protection, the better. Is the idea clear? Let's move on.

The next topic is heavy family karma. How does it express itself? Look, people are born unfinished. Well, that is, this is normal. I will now tell you the different degrees of “unfinished work”. Why “unfinished”, because it’s a difficult fate, but it is corrected in the process of life.

See: 1st degree of “undoneness”. A woman tends to work more and spend less time in her personal life. She meets a man who tends to stay at home mostly and cook. She has a firm speech, he has a gentle one. They switched places a little. They love each other. They have a family, everything is great, but they are both a little “unfinished.” She is such an independent, very “cool” businesswoman. He's such a lazy person, just like that. What to do? A woman should move towards femininity, a man will automatically develop towards masculinity. This is a normal situation. Nowadays there are a lot of “unfinished” people. It is unfavorable for a woman to be angry. It is not good for a man to be sad. It is favorable for a woman to be offended, and it is favorable for a man to be angry. But it happens that a woman gets angry, and a man: “Mulya, don’t make me nervous...”, remember that movie? Well, this is a slightly inverted situation, this is normal. This is all being corrected and changing. And there are no incompatibilities here. If they say: “My husband is kind of unfinished.” This means that you too are unfinished. Because a “completed” woman does not have an “unfinished” husband. This doesn't happen. Always when a woman is “unfinished” and a man is “unfinished”. Two of a Kind. (Speaks for a woman) “The smart ones go to the smart ones, but you got me.”

But there is another degree of problem, another degree of complexity. Now I will explain to you - more complex karma. The woman has a cold heart. She cannot love. She cannot fall in love, there is coldness in her heart. Can't meet. This is a more severe degree of fate. In this case, you need to “turn on” more prayer, pray more. Do whole days of prayer. And gradually the heart thaws. It's getting warmer. It’s not like “I have such a constitution, I will never fall in love.” No, it's just a stone of fate. It needs to be melted. You must first “melt” a piece of ice in your heart. The system is clear, right? No one meets, no one is found. This means two options: either she cruelly abandoned her, “ice” or a chill appeared in her heart, or with past life this remains, you were already born this way. And you can't meet anyone. Well, that's okay. We need to pray, and everything will be fine. That is, the idea is that this degree of difficulty is surmountable, but you need to make an effort.

The next level of difficulty: the woman simply feels that she will never get married. And in general, I don’t want to. This means that she must engage in spiritual practice. There are two options here: either she remains with her parents’ family, or she goes to a monastery. And for her this is NOT a curse. She likes this solution to the problem. I've met women like this. There are “stingy” women who cannot get married. They constantly live for themselves, and there will be no happiness. And there are such women who are not stingy, who go to a monastery and live for the whole society, becoming a “mother” for everyone. Like Mother Teresa. She was not married, she was a nun. But she was an infinitely happy person.

You see, not only happiness happens in family life. Happiness can be simple - in life. And a woman does not have to realize her feminine qualities in a relationship with her husband. There are also personal relationships with spiritual comrades, do you understand? Personal relationships always arise in a person when spiritual life is consumed.

Look. There are three layers of society.

There is an ignorant layer of society in which there are no personal relationships at all. There people are just showing off. That is, they hate each other, but at the same time they put on a “bro” appearance. They “fraternize” just outwardly, you know? In fact, they hate everyone around them. And they are ready to kill even their friend. “Zinka is like a picture... and you’ll get a pen for it.” Do you see it? What kind of love? People in ignorance have no love in their hearts. They just have some laws of their own, but there is no love.

Next level. People are in passion.

Do people have love in passion? People in passion are people who live an ordinary life social life. They live for material wealth, these are their goals: family, work, house, car, garden, prestige, business, power and so on. These people do not have the “passion” of love. Because they are on a platform of hidden selfishness. They pretend that everything is fine with them. They “show off” in front of each other. They seem to want everything to be fine. They build such relationships that are supposedly “close.” And they constantly live only for themselves. But at the same time they pretend that it is for others. Such people engage in self-deception. In fact, they have no desire to serve a loved one. They constantly worry about “how does he feel about me?” rather than “how do I feel about him.” And therefore, such people’s families naturally fall apart. Such as it is now, mostly people of passion live on Earth, 80% of divorces according to statistics in our vast Russia. That is, 80% of created marriages break up. The reason is a wrong life.

Now people are in goodness.

People in “goodness” are religious people. Their goal in life is not material wealth, but inner life, internal relationships. These are the people who slowly, with a “creak”, begin to realize that they have no love in their hearts. This is a good discovery for them at first. Because some people perceive affection as love. “And we have good feelings with him.” But this is not love yet. Love, as I already said, means: the ability to accept a loved one - one, the ability to respect him - two, the ability to believe in him - three. If you despise someone just a little bit close to you, you haven’t even reached the first stage. There is no love, the time will come - everything will fall apart. This is a very unstable position.

But look, even if a woman is in goodness, and she does not have a family, and according to fate it is not supposed to, if she is in a religious environment, she has a large family. Because people in a spiritual environment experience very close relationships with each other. You can’t even imagine how close these people are to each other. Let’s say I have a team of fifty people. Everyone is engaged in spiritual practice. It's all in prayer. We are like a big family. I arrived home this morning; I was a little late for lunch. Igor is my assistant, he was running: “Oleg Gennadyevich is hungry, so we need to prepare everything quickly.” He was very worried about me. He's like a son to me. Do you understand? That is, we have a very close relationship with him. I don't have a son. But I have many sons like this. We have a very close relationship. Therefore, I do not have a feeling of lack of a son in my life. Do you understand? In a good environment, a woman does not disappear in sadness from loneliness. Why does she fall into sadness and loneliness? Because she doesn't live right. Man must rise to religious relations. He must find faith for himself. What faith? Your faith. They ask me: “What faith?” Your faith. No need to change anything. Find your faith. If you have no faith, study. There are many different directions. There are very warm relationships in this environment. There are close people there. But it is very difficult to “step over” there.

Note from site administrator.

I would like to emphasize, based on the last few sentences, O. G. Torsunov’s UNBIASIAP attitude towards any particular religious movement. This is for those who accuse him of “encouraging” people to leave their families and join some sect. And again for better understanding:

«…. He must find himself faith. What faith? Your faith. They ask me: “What faith?” Your faith. No need to change anything. Find - your faith. If you have no faith, study. There are many different directions. There are very warm relationships in this environment. There are close people there. But it’s very difficult to “step over” there...”

Read on our website: « — basic principles (link opens in a new window).

Because you need to change your whole life. And friends may change. Because these are friends, how are they friends with you? Well, it’s like this - we’re together. But not together, that’s the problem. And spiritually developed people help each other in difficult times. No one is left alone.

So, you see, there are three degrees of severity of fate. There is a mild degree of severity, people simply cannot sign. They live together in a “civil marriage”. We need to make some effort and pray. Change your life a little, move to a positive environment. It’s already a shame to walk in it without being painted. In a religious environment it is a shame to live without a schedule. People say: “What, have you lost your mind or something, go and sign!” And they just go and sign.

Moderate severity. When we switch genders a little. “I’m a little bit of a man, he’s a little bit of a woman.” Change does not mean a constitution, like I will remain like this for the rest of my life, no. This is sinfulness. When a woman is sinful, her heart grows cold and she becomes rude. A man is sinful, he becomes soft-spoken. And that's okay. This means that we pray and everything comes back. When a person purifies his consciousness, a woman becomes a woman, a man becomes a man. There won't be any problems.

Third degree of severity - there are several options. The first option is that I can’t get married. The second option: this is even the fourth degree of severity. This is when a woman no longer wants to get married. Or, even worse, if she strong feeling to your own gender. Not to the opposite, but to one’s own. This is already a very neglected case of fate. This is a disease of fate. That is, these people think: “Well, what should I do, Oleg Gennadievich, suffer, or should I still live normally with those with whom I can?” The solution is this: don’t suffer, and don’t live with “those with whom I can.” Renounce for a while and pray. Clear your existence and create a normal family. Because when a person lives in prayer, he restores his gender.

Look: what is the mechanism of destruction of the floor, look. When a woman has very bad karma, then such a moment comes, there are two directions in the development of a woman. One option is a woman with bad karma, they become so rude that they are not interested in having sex with men. They want to be with a gentle creature - a woman. That is, they become so coarse in their hearts that they want to have sex with a woman.

The second option is for women with heavy karma: they become so sensitive that they can no longer build a relationship with a man, for them men are very rude. And they build their relationships with women.

A man (with heavy karma) has two options. The first option: a man becomes so cruel and cold that he wants to have sex with a man. Because sex for him is a victory over a person. This is not love, this is victory, you know? And it’s better for him to defeat a man than a woman. Therefore he defeats the man. The second option is that a man becomes very feminine, and they want to have sex with a man. Because they experience feminine emotions. These are all signs of heavy karma. This can all be cured by working on yourself. I have one guy I know who came out of this state in five years. And he created a normal family. I see, right? that is, it is difficult, but possible. Where there is more lack of spirituality in society, more such people appear. And they create their own “philosophy” that all people are like this. And they begin to look for such people in history. They have a whole historical library, who was homosexual there, who was lesbian, and so on. And like, the whole world should live like this, and that’s it. And such people in some countries have already created their own laws. In Sweden, for example, there are several schools, a law has been passed that children in schools should be considered not boys and girls, but “friends”. And girls can wear trousers, and boys can wear skirts, as they wish. And in general, when someone says: “You’re a girl, why are you wearing shorts?”, it’s very offensive. And such a child is punished or even expelled from this school. And all the books on this topic have been written. Even in the primer it is written that girls can be boys, boys can be girls, and this is real “freedom” and “love”. This is already bullshit.

Question from the audience: “What does this lead to?”

Answers: This leads to the gradual degradation of humanity.

Site Administrator's Note

There is a direct correlation between the natural decline of the indigenous population of those countries in which there is no religious education, and this kind of “ultra-modern” outlook on life prevails. The result is clear: people, not seeing any real meaning in life, simply stop having children. And this despite the fact that the economic level of development in these countries is the highest! More details with the statistics provided can be found in the article. .


People think that progress means that we have an increase in the number of remote-controlled washing machines per capita, and all sorts of other mechanical items. Culture does not mean that we have a lot of wealth. Culture means family relationships. The Vedas say that if you want to understand the degree of happiness of people... That is, this is not even what the Vedas say. I am a candidate of medical sciences in Public Health. This science explains what happiness is. She talks about the degree of human happiness. She talks about a person’s standard of living, you know? She talks about things like this. And even in public health it is believed that the amount of happiness in human life determined by the degree of family integrity and family relationships. That is, this cell of society indicates the amount of happiness in society. And not the number of washing machines per capita. The amount of happiness in a society determines the number of divorces and marriages in a society. Therefore, a civilized person does not mean that he is all “show-off” and walks around wearing Swiss watches. Civilized man This is the person who is able to save a family. The real culture of civilization means - moral culture. Not economic “culture”. Try to understand this. Because a person with a loved one can even live in a hut. He's fine.

So, there are also difficulties of the following kind. When a person has not matured as a man, but he already wants sex and wants to get married, then he finds himself a woman who is mentally stronger than him. She is wealthy, works and is older than him. In such families there will definitely be a crisis of this kind. The man gradually “ripens”. If a woman does not become more feminine than before, then as a result, he will inevitably leave her. Because he already needs a wife, not a “mommy”.

But if, on the contrary, the man is too older than the woman, this also happens, then she is already tired of such a relationship - of babysitting him. She needs a husband. And she quits. This also happens. But this does not mean that when a man is younger and a woman is older, the marriage does not survive. If this happens, then it’s okay. This is a normal relationship too. The woman becomes more feminine, the man becomes more masculine, and everything evens out. In about 3, 4, 5 years everything may even out. This critical limit is 6-7 years difference. After this it is already difficult to live together. It's better not to get married. And if you’ve already left, try to save your family.

Most the best option, if a man is 4 - 8 years older. Because women develop faster. Girls become adults at the age of 18. And a man, it’s good if he becomes an adult by the age of 30 - thank God. Because for a woman, “adulthood” means practical thinking. She sees men already - all the same. Adult woman she is not looking for someone equal in age, she is looking for a man who could take responsibility for her. What does it mean to “take responsibility”? A man takes on karma and endures this burden. If a person has not matured as a man, he cannot tolerate the emotions of a woman, he lacks strength. It means that he is not “ripe” yet. “Why are you talking to me like that?” Usually such men do not marry. They are waiting, “pulling the rubber band.” They want to have sex with a woman, but they don’t want to get married. This means that you need to part with him, or wait, educate him so that he becomes a man. A man is someone who has matured as a man. Sometimes they become men by the age of 20, very rarely. Basically, by 25, also rarely. Most often by 30, if he doesn’t drink. And if he drinks, then maybe he will mature at forty someday. The disease of drunkenness is a disease of the mind. If a man drinks, then it is a disease of the mind. And there is always only one treatment: increasing the spiritual energy in the apartment. And also the forces that defeat drunkenness.

For example, I have one colleague, friend, Vladimir Grigorievich Zhdanov. He is a very powerful leader in the fight against drunkenness in our country. He heads the movement “For Sobriety in Russia.” And this man has such strength that all the women who turn on Zhdanov’s video lectures in their homes just watch for themselves, and the husband is a drunkard, he inevitably stops drinking. Either it won’t let you turn it on, or it breaks the TV. Well, that is, this is a huge force. The man is so strong, such strength comes from him that men simply stop drinking. Now, I have already seen many cases. Whose husband left because of these lectures? (asked a question to the audience. Raised hands). You see - what strength. These lectures are freely downloadable, Vladimir Grigorievich Zhdanov. You need to download them and give them to your girlfriends to listen to at home. This happens slowly, it’s not like you set it once and that’s it, you quit drinking. It needs to be constantly spinning. You have to say: “You like to watch this, here, but I like to listen to Zhdanov.

Man must save his own destiny. There are a lot of people sitting here who have been listening to my lectures for about two years now. They listen to lectures from my comrades who want to save Russia and make it moral and happy. And they see the results: the family is reborn, life changes in better side. Everything is getting better. Raise your hand who has already had this happen? You see how much! Thank you, my dears. My dear people.

So, I say in short: when the age is equal, between a man and a woman, what can you expect? Or a woman is older than a man, you need to be a little patient in the future. Because look: a woman always grows up faster than a man. If a man is seven years older, then at forty-five they become equal in their perception of the world. That is, their “age” becomes the same. If the difference is 12 - 14 years, then they level out at about sixty years. That is, he is 60, she is 46-48 years old. Already, too, approximately the same perception of the world. And if they are the same age, then around the age of 40, the woman becomes older and the man becomes younger in her perception of the world. And at this time, he can quit. Find yourself a young one. In order for this not to happen, the family must already engage in spiritual practice. She should already have a conscience. If there is no conscience in the family, then there is nothing to count on. Because young girls are still stronger than adults when it comes to seducing people. Therefore: “Grey hair in a beard means a devil in a rib.” For men, the second wave begins at this time. Yes? That is, this means that girls are “twisting his brains”. He wants to have more sex. Still enjoy women's youth. But girls don’t care: old or young. The main thing that good man was. Two bricks lie on the roof, one says: “Well, did they fly?” "No". " And what?" “It doesn’t matter to me where to fly, the main thing is that the person is good.”

So is a woman who “drags” a man from her family, as long as the man is good. And then she herself suffers. You can’t build happiness on other people’s “bones.” Write down for yourself: “You can’t build happiness on other people’s bones.” And some say: “But they didn’t have a relationship anyway, and we got along with him. Because we “helped” them break up because there was no relationship.” It's like a joke. A man lies on the operating table once - they cut him down. “Why were they killed?” “I still suffered.” Or: a person is being carried feet first: “Why are you carrying me feet first, I’m still alive?” “We haven’t gotten you there yet.” So it is here too: she simply “helped” him. It was bad for them, but we are better together now. This is an illusion.

Look, the system: how punishment occurs. God punishes harder than we think. For a woman, family is more important than for a man. Because this is the main life for a man, and for a woman and a man, family is a vacation. Where does the woman rest? At home? Is the woman resting at home? At work. She comes home - what does she do? Works. Where does the man rest? At home. He comes home once, he is relaxed. “Rubanolo” - once on the sofa. That is, for a man, home, family is relaxation. And for a woman this is work. This is her life. Therefore, it is more difficult for a woman to get married. And God gave the woman the desire to live in a family at any cost. Gave this power of fidelity to a woman. This is feminine power. If a woman gets married, from the very beginning she thinks: “I could find something better for myself.” That's all, it means he'll be walking. It will put a “stamp” on your forehead. Because betrayal occurs on the subtle plane from a woman’s mood. If she keeps him close to her with fidelity, then he has no chance. If she doesn’t hold it, she is either afraid or humiliated in front of him. He’s afraid: “He’s so damn rich, what if he leaves, it’s better to go for a walk.” Fears. “Greed ruined the fraer.” This means he will become impudent. If she: “I could find something better for myself.” What is a man chained to? Why does a man live with a woman? Because he sees this in her eyes - fidelity. When he sees loyalty in her eyes, he is magnetized to her. He can't tear himself away. This enormous strength. This is the greatest force that influences a man. A man is bought only by a woman's loyalty. Neither beauty, there, legs 2 kilometers, does not matter. If she is true, then he cannot help himself. She “buys” him completely with this loyalty. By the power of fidelity she “buys” a man. He becomes unarmed. He sees young girls, he always wants to too. All men want to enjoy young girls. Nature is like that. But, he remembers his wife - faithful, and thinks: “No, I choose my wife.” He always chooses, and chooses his wife. The wife is stronger. Because the power of loyalty stronger than strength feminine beauty. Even if he met some girl, it still “sobers” him when he sees his wife. Because she is very faithful. She has the power of loyalty. This means that she never doubted that we should be together - forever. The system is clear, right?

Now: why women cheat. Because: (on behalf of a man): “I made a promise, but then I didn’t keep it. Then he made another promise, but again he didn’t keep it. I can’t find a normal job. There’s something everywhere that doesn’t suit me.” (Sings song): “My friends and I are drinking beer, cracking a joint.” Do you understand, right? “This is what I am, a normal guy.” It’s very hard to say a word and carry it out, it’s hard. He said it and broke his promise a little, no big deal. I see, right? That is, when a man is “neither fish nor fowl”, there is no stability. The woman endures, endures, endures, endures, and saw “resilience” at work. She has such a “slug” (about her husband). And when she sees someone so stable, she is simply petrified by it. Take it, carry it, put it down, and that’s it. Some people do just that. She says: “It’s not my fault, he carried me away.”

That is, the idea is what it is: your wife left you, well, think about what kind of man you are. It happens that they give up and normal people. It means stupid. Women are very frivolous. Good men are abandoned. Because, good men, maybe they behave a little differently. There are such “males”, she needs that, right? Well, okay, take it, go, run after him. You will live a “monkey” life with him. Then he will leave you too. See if close person throws, it means there is a reason. We need to find it and fix it. That's all.

Now, if you have serious sexual dysfunctions, you get dumped because of it. Don't worry about anything. If you have sexual disorders, it means you have a lot of spiritual strength, a lot of spiritual energy. Families are either spiritually developed or materially developed. Sometimes people hold on through sex, and sometimes through spiritual connections.

Some people believe that if you don’t have sexual power, then you will never be able to be happy in your family. This is complete nonsense! It’s not sex that keeps people going, as many people think. What holds people together is love. Sex sometimes helps, sometimes it doesn't. This is not a necessary thing in family life. I said a revolutionary thing, right? Now television, radio, the Internet are all talking about something else. But I told you the truth. Because sex is just family fun. But life is different. It's an attitude of hearts, you know? Close people will never exchange close relationships for sex. So don't worry about anything. Even if you have some difficulties in sex, it’s okay. Such things, by the way, can also be treated like other diseases. Same thing as infertility. Infertility is always a disease. If all the organs are in place, you can’t conceive; you don’t have to try for five years like the fools out there. It didn’t work out for three years, which means there is infertility. Need medical help. How to treat? Simple ways I'm telling you.

The first simple way. We must understand that a woman can bear and conceive a child only when she is close to nature. Therefore, a woman needs to walk more in the fresh air, more sun. More water more land. In fact, two energies: earth and water improve a woman’s hormonal function. Therefore, in ancient culture, there were even such methods that a woman was buried in river sand for several hours. Where there is water and land, everything changes. River sand is important. They buried her, and she sat there in the sun. As you remember " White sun desert"? “Said, why is the saddle wet?” "They shot." And it helps, it really does.

Here, take a walk along the river bank. Just contact between the energy of earth and water. Hormonal functions immediately improve.

Next: abstinence for a while. Some people are simply exhausted from too much sex. They become exhausted and conception is impossible.

Further, women should not smoke. Smoking completely destroys the possibility of conceiving children. Or makes them freaks. This is unknown information because there are tobacco companies that carefully hide these facts. But all normal doctors know that if a woman smokes, she will either be infertile or give birth to some kind of child with whom she will suffer all her life.

Further: if in the internal organs, something is growing in the uterus. There are all sorts of polyps, fibroids, you don’t need to cut them out right away. We have treatment with bark, and it has resolved fibroids for many, especially small ones. And endometriosis resolves like that. Polyps resolve in many. We have treatment near Krasnodar. But not only with us. This can be cured with herbs. Try first folk remedies cure. And then look, if it’s not possible, then conventional medicine is also good. Everything is good for maintaining health.

IVF is the most extreme case, when everything has been tried for a long time. That is, they take an egg with a syringe and try to plant it in the uterus, and there artificial insemination occurs very rarely. These are all “fables”, which are very common. I know people who do this, but mostly it doesn't work out. Because if a woman cannot conceive on her own, there are reasons. It is not necessary that the eggs are not fertilized. Maybe the environment in the uterus is not the same. Or the sperm are weak.

For men, it’s easier for conception to happen. We need to take up sports, start there physical exercise, the bar is there. Next, you need to stop eating spicy foods at night. Spicy foods destroy sperm. Or try to eat less spicy food in general. You should drink “Golden Root” ginseng. Such drinks improve sexual power in men. We need to be less “belligerent.” Have less sex. Limit it. Because a man loses his seed, the power of the seed weakens. More fresh air, hardening. Cleansing the body, you can do fasting. But the most important thing you need to know is that fulfilling your duties, increasing responsibility in a man’s psyche increases the strength of sperm. A responsible man means a fertile man. Irresponsible, sometimes also fruitful.

I want to talk about one more thing important topic, these are the responsibilities of a man and a woman.

IN modern society They talk more about rights rather than responsibilities. It is pointless to talk about rights, because love itself supports rights. Let's say a woman says: “Give me the right to a tender relationship.” If you love a loved one, you will have a tender relationship. This right comes as a result right life. There is no need to chant: “What you give to women is respect, affection, family.” A woman behaves correctly and she gets a family. Lives wrong - there will be no family

It is very important to know: the responsibilities of a woman and the responsibilities of a man. Because mostly people don't understand this. We have a certain system inside. A woman wants what she herself should do, a man wants what he himself should do. Listen carefully to me.

A woman wants a man to be gentle. What does it mean? This means that she must be delicate in her dealings with him. She should not insult him, that is: “You are this and that, you are there, not like that.” A woman sees a lot of flaws in a man. When she expresses all this, the man becomes naughty. He stops being gentle. Because the delicacy of a woman and the tenderness of a man are one and the same. When a woman is gentle in her relationship with her husband, the man becomes gentle in his relationship with her. A woman wants to point out flaws. A man wants to be rude. It is the same. If you don't want a man to get angry, don't be offended. We must learn to forgive. A woman forgives - a man does not get angry. But humiliation and forgiveness are two different things. When a woman forgives, she has self-esteem. Is this what a woman who forgives looks like? She is not depressed. Forgiving does not mean depressed. She's so stately. A woman who forgives is not “stuck up.” ( Speaks for a woman): “I forgave him, but he abandoned me.” You didn't forgive, you humiliated yourself. “Forgave” means - I forgave but did not lose myself. This is possible with the help of holiness. When you pray to a holy person, strength, purity, and joy appear in your heart. Once - I forgave. But when I forgave, he humiliated, let’s say, he said, “I didn’t add enough salt,” and went, I need to forgive. I have forgiven you, but we keep our distance very kindly. What does "at a distance" mean? Close relationships are diminishing.

There are two concepts: close relationships, the second concept is a sense of duty. You should never reduce your family responsibilities. That is, you need to cook, wash, and clean with love. If a man becomes impudent, close relationships are “goodbye.” But there is no need to point this out. We must always stimulate the mind of a loved one. Let's say he says: “Are you and I going to bed together today?” Or: “Will you and I have something tonight?” “No, nothing will happen.” "And why?". "Well I do not know. It's hard to say why." Let him figure it out for himself. If a man is quick-witted, then in two or three days he will realize that something is wrong. And he will begin to establish relationships, apologize, and try to figure out the situation. If you are not quick-witted, then in two weeks. No difference. You still have to keep your distance.

You see, if a woman does not know how to keep her distance, she is always “like this”, whatever you want, do with me, this means that she is simply losing her family. If a woman cannot behave with a man with self-esteem, she loses her family. Self-esteem does not mean being capricious. This means keeping relationships clean. If, for example, a man behaves rudely, you need to distance yourself a little and not build a close relationship with him.

Three stages of a man’s attitude to this situation. First stage: even more rudeness: “Why aren’t you talking to me?” Don't react. Don't get angry, don't swear, don't be offended. If you are offended, repent, ask for forgiveness, and again continue to keep your distance. This is not necessary to take revenge, as some do. And so that he understands that this is not necessary. This is education.

Love consists of two things: one thing is investing strength in a person, the other is education. These are two important things for a family. If there is no education, a person will become impudent. There is no service - a person is disappointed. Do you understand, right? These are two manifestations of love: education and service.

There are women who are very rude and overwhelm a man, and the man becomes (with disgust): “Bee.” There are women on the contrary - weak-willed. They make a man arrogant or “cold”. This is the result of wrong behavior. A woman’s responsibility is to behave correctly and preserve the family. Self-esteem is formed in communication - with holiness. Man is like a flower opening. A woman has self-esteem, and so does a man. It's different. But both of them help family relationships. A woman must know her worth, and a man must know his worth. Both are good, not bad.

Let's say the first stage. At first the man gets angry (he has distanced a slightly close relationship). The second stage is sucking up. Don't react.

The third stage manifests itself as the opening of the heart. I'll explain now. What does it mean: the man begins to speak very frankly. This means that you can delicately explain to him what the problem is. Sometimes this happens, they behave very reservedly until a loved one opens their heart. And as soon as he opened it, he went there, into this open heart: “EEEEEEEEEE!!!” And “heaped up.” Will he continue to open, no? (Says on behalf of a woman): “I’ll tell you all my offense now.” And off we go!

We remember from the last lecture that women's emotions greatly hurt the man's heart. Therefore, a man needs to say everything like this: “You, it seems to me, are a little rude with me, that’s why I behave this way. Try not to be like that - a little rude. Try to be a little more gentle. Do you remember how you barked, the dog was scared? But I’m not a dog, I’m a man.”

You see, it’s half a joke, half seriously you need to explain to your loved one that this is not possible. Because the man really doesn’t understand. It seems to him: “I speak normally.” He doesn’t understand, his nature is completely different. A man and a woman are very different from each other. Let's say: a woman washes the floor, she washes everywhere, behind all sorts of bends, behind the sofas, everywhere once and again and everything is clean, not a single speck of dust. A man washes - in the middle, in one stripe. It's not that he doesn't want to clean the floor. He just understands that this is how he needs to wash. Or, for example, my wife asked me: “Please cut the cucumbers for salad.” I started cutting. She came up to me and said: “Look, you have to cut it like this.” And I made such a thin, thin cut. You know, I started to sweat. It's very difficult for me. I thought: it would be better if I could cure five patients. I'm just really, really tired of these cucumbers there. And the wife “zhzh-zhuuuut”, and that’s it, she cut it. You see - different nature.

A woman has a subtle, attentive attitude to all the little things. She knows everything that happened. I just came home from work, she was like this, glanced at me, and her voice was like: “What is this?” I say, “I don’t know.” She’s like this - she takes off her hair: “Here, look.” I would never have seen someone else's hair on her body there. It's simply impossible. The woman even hears when her husband rings the bell (namely the husband). She feels when he climbs the stairs and will never confuse him with another person. A woman has a very subtle perception of the world. And a woman has a very delicate nature in her heart. A man should treat her like a feather. Literally “just about”, very carefully towards my wife. And she will respect him for this, that he behaves this way with her. “Hey, let’s go, okay,” that’s not what a woman should say. You need to come up and say: “Are we going now, or in half an hour?” The woman has a very stable nature. She must first get used to the idea that she is going somewhere. Then she walks around and does something there. Therefore, if you let’s say you went to the theater, you need to tell her a little earlier that “We’ll go early.” She will say: “Why?” “Well, just in case.” You'll be out on time. A woman needs this and that, the fifth, the tenth. She should get used to the fact that we go to the theater.

Then, when you walk with your wife, imagine that you are not walking, but just standing. This is the state in which you should go with your wife. Because if you walk normally, your wife will cry that you are walking too fast. She’s not a woman, she’s floating. We are so different

Look, what does it mean to respect a man? Question for women. (Answers can be heard from the audience) Caring, listening, understanding interests—it’s all about a woman’s interests. Giving in is already closer. Serving is already warm. Submitting is very close. It is correct to consider him the eldest. Respecting a man means considering him older, smarter, more reasonable - means respecting your husband. What else? Hard? Weak? This means don’t expect respect for yourself. This is the price if you want him to respect you as a woman. This is the price, he is the eldest. This means smarter, more reasonable. Not because it actually is. But because it’s necessary. "Ha ha ha." Well, of course you are smarter, women. Who will argue with this? But don’t laugh like that in front of your husband. He won't understand what's going on. I took one - now another. You not offended, are you? I'm offended. It was I who behaved incorrectly. With a woman you need to be delicate. You need to behave very delicately with a woman.

So, the idea is this: the price is very high so that a man begins to respect. How does a man respect a woman? A? Caring is close, but not completely representative. How? Yes, I’m asking the men, damn it, not you. The best, the most tender, the most beautiful - this is how a wife is respected. It is very important. You see, it’s hard for a man too. (Speaks as if for a man): “Well, she’s not the “most” Oleg Gennadievich.” There is no "most". This is asceticism (self-restraint) for the mind. This is how it should be counted. Then the relationship will be right. She will become “Herself”. A man will become such a person - reasonable, if you treat him this way. The woman will become the most tender. Give her a chance. Why is she not “the most tender?” Because they don't give her the opportunity. You don't give her the opportunity to be tender because you don't treat her right. A woman must be treated very delicately. Delicacy means yielding to a woman. Who's sighing there? What? Men should sigh now. I'm talking for men. When I speak for women, you will sigh. You should never listen to what your loved one should do. (Speaks for the woman): “My husband, Oleg Gennadievich, doesn’t treat me like that. This means you are not worthy of this. Often I say the duties of a woman - men write them down. Men's responsibilities - women write down. This means you are recording - to destroy your family. Because if you tell a man what else he should do, not just all kinds of nonsense, then it will be even worse. You will discourage him from doing even what he should. Then there will be a general “khan”. It’s interesting when a husband and wife listen to lectures. I had one case, one woman, well, she did not serve her husband much, and decided to start raising him. Because education is the second stage of love. First you need to put your heart into a person, make (create) a feeling of gratitude. And then only after that educate. And so she didn’t do any “feeling of gratitude”, she just pulled away from him and lived with her mother for a week. He calls: “How are you doing?” He says: “Listen, this is how I rest” (laughter in the audience). Then he was silent for a while and said: “Listen, step away for another week, I’ll rest a little more.” She says: “Oleg Gennadievich! The “system” is not working! He felt even better without me!” So you become a person first, and then you will work. Started to pull away. You must first put love into a person, and then “torture” him. “Torturing” is also necessary, but only later.

So, the first duty of a man and a woman is respect. Without respect there is no life. If you don’t want to treat a woman, how to treat a woman, there will be no family. If you don’t want to treat a man like a man, there will be no family.

The next duty is loyalty. A woman is faithful in her mind. The man is faithful in behavior. If a woman is faithful in her mind, it is easy for her not to look at other people's men. How should you look at other people's men? Simply - respectfully. It's enough. There is no need to make eyes at anyone except your husband. Why - because it destroys the family. You make eyes, he saw it, he won’t love you like that anymore. The faith in his family in his heart is destroyed. A woman makes eyes at strange men - faith collapses. The same thing, a man should not look at other people’s women or try to communicate with them. There is no need to do this. This is a sign of lack of culture. And if it happened by chance, because the woman naturally smiles. Sometimes she is very attractive. And if the husband notices, then you need to say: “Vasenka, I didn’t mean to, really, forgive me. I’m not interested in this guy at all, you’re a hundred times better. I would never even think about this “uncle” at all.” Is the system clear? Well, just apologize honestly. Of course, he will still walk around, say something nasty, say something, that’s okay. It hurts because it hurts. God forbid you make friends with the opposite sex at work, or anywhere else. “You are my husband, and I also have my friend.” This is not a friend, this is a lover. You just don’t have sex with him, that’s all.

Look, if a woman opens her heart to someone, it means it’s her husband. Because a woman can only open her heart to one person. For women - homework: try two different people open your heart. A woman can only open her heart to one person. And if she opens her heart to “Uncle Vasya,” who works with her, it means she will never open it to her husband. That means that’s it - the family is already falling apart.

So, the duties of a wife are to open her heart to her husband. What does it mean to “open your heart” - to talk about some feelings. No need to say how I had sex in detail with someone before marriage, this is nonsense. Even if he asks: “And how did you have sex with this, tell me.” This is a catch. You have to say: “I don’t remember.” And it will be right. There is no need to ask about past relationships. Everything that happened is gone. That's how it is: people get attached. And there they are - untied. They forgot about what happened. They are attached to what is. Therefore, there is no need to remember.

(Question from the audience about the groom).

Answers . The groom can try to open his thoughts. But just don’t say what was there. Opening your thoughts means: “I feel like this. It seems to me that it’s like this.” The groom can open his thoughts. And if there are several, this does not happen. When you like several guys, you have to choose. She chose one, the rest must be said, “Goodbye.” That's it, there are no more than one suitor. There is only one groom. It's called an engagement. That is, people begin to build relationships, the rest of the relationships are all goodbye. Otherwise, this is simply self-deception. If you haven’t chosen, but have already started communicating, this is a sign of a woman’s stupidity. You must first choose, then everything, communicate. No need to do it all at once. It will turn out like a magpie thief: she gave to this, she gave to this, she did not give to this. Because when a woman begins to build a close relationship with a man, then it is no longer possible to establish a line in this relationship, do you understand? You won’t even notice how you start kissing there. You kissed one, then you go to kiss the other? You can’t do that anymore, that’s all. Therefore, you choose someone, then you will build a relationship. There is no other way. You can look at least fifty. Smile - at least fifty, if one, not married. I met one, goodbye to the rest. We don’t smile anymore, that’s it. How to communicate with them? Very delicately, from a distance. When you choose. You need to communicate - “not with them” you need to communicate. We need to communicate with their friends, elders. Study, learn about a person. It is very easy for a woman to find out about an individual person in the city of Krasnoyarsk. Everything is complete, the entire dossier. Can be collected within one day. For women: (Sings an excerpt from a song): “Word of mouth, these are prickly words, or the truth is just a hint...”.

(Continues) Women: “Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu.” Women have a collective mindset, men have an individual mindset. Therefore, if the family is large, there is a husband, wife, father, mother, brothers, sisters, then what happens? Women quickly change family relationships. And men are each to their own. A man, let’s say, did something, and three women at once said “Oops!” And what can he do against them? He is one, but there are many of them. This is how women always keep their “bump” in society. They always “whack-whack-whack” with each other. So right away, I got married, met my mother, met his sister, got to know everyone else, and that’s it. Where should the “poor peasant” go?

A woman holds power through relationships. And the man hits the table with his fist. When he hits the table with his fist, the only thing you need to do is pretend to be scared, and that’s all. Now, nothing more is required at all. Nothing more is required from you. And they don’t even do it, so what are you going to do, huh? Well, you should at least be a little scared. He doesn't need anything else.

Look. A woman has a desire to personal life, and for men - only principles. Let’s say a “principle” man says: “We only spend money on a car” (he hit the table). What needs to be said? That's it, just for the car. Well, that is, you follow the principle, but the “principle” has exceptions. For example, a child needs tights, please buy tights. I need something to eat, please buy it. The car is good, but you need to buy a fall dress. "Fine. But only for the car - everything else” “Of course.”

It doesn’t matter to a man how much money is spent. It is important that the wife follows (his) “principles”. And a normal, reasonable woman never asks her husband for anything, at all. A reasonable woman does not ask her husband for anything. Let’s say she wanted a dress, sat down, and was “upset.” I cried a little. He comes up: “What happened, my dear?” "I will not say". “Well, please tell me what happened to you, I need to know.” “I am a sinner, I am guilty.” “What is your fault?” “I wanted a dress.” Okay, why are you crying, everything is fine. Well, I wanted it and I wanted it.” Where’s the dress?” “Well, you promise not to buy, I’ll show you.” “Come on, show me.” I looked, that's it. From the next payday it’s already hanging in the closet.

A woman has two invincible weapons. First: tears directed at oneself. And second: words directed at yourself.

Women have two forces that inevitably destroy relationships. These are: tears directed at the husband, and words directed at him.

Well, that is, look: a scandal ensues, a woman sits down and begins to cry: “I’m such a fool...” That is, she cries to herself, and the words are also to herself. And what will happen to him? He immediately begins to reassure: “Well, I’m a fool too, so what can I do?” The only thing a woman should do is force herself to cry in the right direction. If you want to cry, cry. But if you start on it, it will only get worse. Because when you stab a man with tears, he becomes enraged by it. He becomes uncontrollable. He starts yelling, hating, and will also beat you up, all sorts of things can happen.

You know, a woman who, when a man screams, she screams at him harder, then such a woman will be beaten, or the man will break as a person. Only two options. A woman attracts enough force to make a man angry and does not back down, then such a woman is simply crazy. It evokes destructive power in a man. Because a man cannot give in in such situations. He needs to win. Or is he breaking down as a person?. Therefore, if a woman brings a man to a state in which he beats her. It’s just that she doesn’t understand how to behave with men. Or - he cannot behave normally. Doesn't understand or can't. Started screaming, go away, or run away and do something in such cases. There is no need to say anything to him in response. Because it doesn't help anyone. If a man screams, it means we need to end the situation. It's easier for a woman to do this, because look how. When a man screams, a woman’s psyche is stronger. A woman’s psyche breaks down mainly due to betrayal. That is, because of things she cannot understand. And when there is an emotional conflict, a woman can for a long time it is kept in balance. Let’s say: “You ... - “yes-yes-yes” - like that!!” She: (calmly) “You are like that yourself.” She is calm. And he continues to “add fuel to the fire.” What, what will this lead to? She'll get it in the head later. That's all. What to do? To be reasonable. It is easy for a woman to make a man angry. Therefore, under no circumstances should this situation continue. A man will scream, any man will lose his balance. What to do? Don't continue, that's all. Leave the conversation. Leave and that's it. Do you understand why a woman does this? There is only one reason - to hurt him. Stab and run away. You won't be able to escape later. Because when a woman is angry in this way, a man simply goes berserk. And then he becomes more and more uncontrollable. She destroys his psyche.

How a man destroys a woman's psyche. If a woman starts crying, or becomes so worried, and the man is still scolding her at this time, then the same thing happens. The woman cries more, he scolds more. The more he cries, the more he scolds. What should (the man) do? We must stop, otherwise the woman will experience “devastation” inside. She will be disappointed in the person.

Therefore, when a loved one loses his temper, men mostly get angry, women cry, and in no case should you “add fuel to the fire” at this time. We need to stop ourselves. Even if you want to stab, you have to stop. Because you are now destroying your marriage and relationships.

In general, if we talk about the responsibilities of women, they are involved in managing the system. They run the system family relations. A man creates principles for family relationships: “We will have such a rule!!” Everything is fine, the man created such a rule. Then the woman controls it all. Both are managers. Simply - different categories of management. Do you understand, right? How does a woman manage the situation? So that no one notices. She does this unnoticed. God gave the woman all her strength. She can speak delicately. She sees the subtle processes that occur in the psyche of the family. She must operate the system very carefully and discreetly. I’ll say strong control levers now.

First: it's food. If a woman hires some kind of governess to cook food, then she gives control into the hands of the governess. Very often, then the husband begins to have sex with her. Because food is the way to a man's heart. No one should be allowed to cook. And semi-finished products are not a way to solve problems. I need to cook at least a little for my husband. At the very least, we must somehow find time to cook for our husband, and we must cook with prayer. Because when a woman prepares food and at the same time thinks about God, the man, by eating, is cleansed of sins. He becomes an exalted person simply by eating consecrated food. He doesn't even need to do anything. I know examples when a woman prepared holy food and, without doing anything else, saved a man from cigarettes, from booze, from “aunts,” and so on. Do you understand? This is a huge power. And also wash (linen) with love. Even if it’s in the washing machine, but with love. She placed it, spoke with love, turned it on with love, pulled it out and hung it up, all with love. That’s it, this underwear has power, a man puts it on, and he’s family, he’s protected, you know? That is, a man protects himself with clean linen, which is given with love, clean food prepared (sanctified) with prayer, and so on. The man becomes a controlled person. You can come to an agreement with him. Whoever feeds a man is the one he serves.

Note from site administrator.

Recent scientific research proves that various items have an energy information component. This is especially pronounced in ordinary water. Water has the ability to “remember” (you can do without quotes) information and emotional component environment. As you know, water takes up most of the volume of food we consume. Entering the human body, which is also two-thirds water, this information directly affects human consciousness.


Now, some other “aunt” began to feed my husband. We need to get wind of this and ban it. The system is clear, right? We need to look carefully at what is happening. No one should feed the husband except the wife. (Question from the audience about mom). Mom - of course. Mom, mother-in-law, it’s all there by itself.

The next duty of a woman is to open her heart to her husband. Why open your heart? To create close relationships. A man cannot open his heart. It is by nature difficult for him to open his heart - it hurts him. And how does a close relationship with a man happen: the woman talks to her husband all the time, and the husband nods his head. This means intimate conversation. But sometimes he will insert something. If something is important, he will put in a few words. There is no need to worry about the fact that he does not say anything, but simply nods his head. The woman speaks, the man nods his head - this is called a conversation between a man and a woman. This is how they talk, they have intimate conversations. Once I gave consultations when I still had time and energy. One woman came to me for a consultation and started talking to me. I ask: “What are your problems?” She told me, she talked for an hour. And the assistant comes and says: “Your time is up.” I thought that she would be upset now, but she said: “Oleg Gennadievich, we had such a good conversation, thank you very much.” It wasn't even implied that I should say anything. She simply opened her heart, and she felt better. And she didn’t need anything else, you know? Therefore, it is important for a woman that someone listens. For someone to listen with kindness. The husband must listen.

Now the husband comes and says: “The boss is an asshole.” What should you do, how should you behave? We must be neutral in this case. You have to say: “Of course, you understand this situation better, take off your clothes and let’s go eat.” Because if you agree that he is a “goat,” then you will stir up emotions in him. A man trusts a woman very much. If a woman takes his side in some critical cases, then the man’s “roof” completely goes away. There is no need to give much advice in his affairs. Because you will only ruin everything and not help. You need to take a “positive-neutral” position. Not like, “No, he’s a good person.” There is no need to say that. You have to say: “Yes, I guess we’ll go eat.” This is how to gently move away from the topic. You need to calm the person down. You need to say: “Of course you are right.” That is, talk about him, and not about someone else. If he asks, “Do you think he bad person, or good? You need to say: “Well, he probably behaved badly with you, but sometimes good things happen. Do you remember what he did like that?” The man needs to be sobered up. When he has gone crazy, there is no need to assent to him, it will only get worse. He might even quit his job. We need to sober him up a little. If you feel that the “roll” has begun, you need to turn it a little in the other direction.

A woman always works as a “switchman” for a train that runs along the rails of her husband’s fate. The “arrow” must be moved very slowly. Let's say you decide that your husband should eat right. You have to do this very slowly. It is necessary to reduce the amount of meat slowly, by milligrams. Add more protein foods - healthy ones. Learn how to prepare sour cream and cheese in different ways. A man still needs protein food. And gradually, quietly, quietly - once again, we reduce it. When the train gradually changes its direction, there comes a moment when the locomotive is moving at the same speed in the opposite direction. Do you know what my husband will say? He will say: “Yes, I always thought so. What do you think, is that you?”

If a husband comes to a lecture, he will listen to the lecture and say: “I know all this.” What should the wife say? “I had no doubt about it.” I see, right? Not because he’s some kind of stupid, but because that’s how a man’s psyche works. A man lets everything pass through himself, but a woman lives as a stranger life experience. And the man is his. Therefore, a man perceives this world this way, and a woman – this way. Both are good. There is no need to tell a man: “Oleg Gennadievich is smarter, we’ll do it that way.” That is, you don't have to be a fool. A woman by nature has delicacy in her heart. She knows how to behave. You just need to cultivate it in yourself, study it all. A woman learns through knowledge. A man learns with help personal experience. Therefore, a woman needs to study how to live correctly. Listen to lectures, work, develop in this direction. This is how she increases her intelligence. A man increases his intelligence - practical activities. He shows everything in practice, in life experience. But sometimes it doesn’t hurt to listen to what is being said.

So, it is a woman’s responsibility to create an atmosphere in the family. That is, there is no need to hang “Alla Pugacheva”, “Philip Kirkorov”, and so on on the wall of the house. There is no need to hang this up, it defiles the atmosphere in the house. That is: there is no need to hang on the wall people who bring this culture of depravity into society. Holy people need to be hanged. I’m not against singers, everything is fine, they’re all good. I like, for example, Alla Pugacheva’s song, where she sings about the fact that a “white door” can open. The “white door” is the door to spirituality. White color personifies - spirituality, spiritual strength. "White door", it can open. It’s drawn, this white door, you can’t see it. Good song.

That is, the idea is that images of holy people, holy places, temples should be hung on the wall. There is no need to decorate the apartment: there is no need to hang naked women. This is absolutely crazy. Nowadays it is fashionable to hang very naked women. In the bedroom, for example. Female body- this is power. For what? let only your strength be in the apartment. Leave there the images of holy people. The thing that always gets attached to naked women is perfume. Wherever there are pictures of naked women, there is always perfume. Is it dangerous. There is no need to decorate your apartment like that. There needs to be feminine energy everywhere. In the bath. Nowadays there is still “modern”, you know? Hang up all sorts of bullshit: all sorts of “devils”, horror stories. This should not be in the house at all.

Also, there should not be different “elements” in the house. Let’s say they made wallpaper there, let’s say: “Aivazovsky”, Repin’s painting “They Sailed”. There is some kind of storm, everyone is drowning. Why is this? This shouldn't happen in the house. Sunshine, peace, children's energies should be there, drawings, images of flowers, temples. this is the interior. It's clear? So that there is holiness in the house. Home is the place where God first lives. and then you and your husband. This is how it should be.

We should try to have fewer televisions in the house. Fewer TVs and computers. Because it destroys the energy in the apartment. And all the films there, “Schwarzeneggers” there, “blockbusters”, you don’t need all this. This destroys everything in the house. Especially “porn”, erotic films, this is generally nonsense. Don't do this. We must fight this.

There are many moral films. We must try to use the video in such a way as to watch something that causes some changes in the heart. And there are many such films. My friends have been collecting films like this for years. Now there are a lot of very good films. You see, if you watch all these thrillers and action films, you don’t need to watch this. All these films are related to spirits. Especially there are all sorts of “War of the Worlds”, “fight with the dead”. You have to love watching something different. Gradually your strength will displace it. There is no need to fight this. A woman should always win with knowledge. A sweeter taste must be given, then the other taste will be destroyed.

There is the film “The Island”, there are many wonderful films that open a person’s heart. And this is what we should offer to watch. There’s no need to watch any “nonsense” there, “pits” there, no need.

(Answers a question from the audience) No need, shamanism is all connected with spirits, why? We must worship God. Necessary religious tradition find - worship of God. Shamans are also good, but for healing, expelling spirits. Shaman is power, okay. But there is no need to worship or believe in them. To hang means to believe, it means to worship. Hanging it on the wall means we will be connected to it.

A woman is also responsible for relationships with everyone in the family. She creates relationships with all relatives. A man cannot do this. She creates relationships and supports. She should call each other and “coo.” I talked a little with this one, I talked a little with that one, I talked a little bit with that one. It is imperative to maintain relationships with everyone. A woman should do this. If she feels in her heart where there is a gap, feels that there are some difficulties there: we call there and talk gently. The heart itself will tell you where to call. A woman must control the entire situation around the family, must constantly control it. And nature gave her this strength, this opportunity. Your love energy needs to be directed in the right direction.

You see, I basically told you the main responsibilities of women.

Responsibilities of a man.

A man must lead his family in a spiritual life. It is the man who must think about how the family develops spiritually. If he doesn’t think about it, the wife becomes hysterical, and chaos simply accumulates in the family. A man who does not work on himself gradually plunges into bad habits, into depression, into some difficulties in life. Because everything is conquered first in the heart, and then on the outside. If a man wants to develop as a person, he wants to have career ladder there was development, there was a lot of money, for this you need to understand that “plowing” at work is not a way to improve your level. The level of a person, personal development, increases with the help of prayer and work on oneself. When a person works on himself, since a man’s inner nature is very flexible, dynamic, a woman’s inner nature is rigid, static. It is difficult for her to change herself. But the outside is very soft. A man’s inner nature is very dynamic, but his outer nature is very rigid. Therefore, it is very difficult for a man to change the external situation. Raising your status at work is very difficult. But if he begins to engage in his inner life, some time passes, two to three years, and look what happens, I’m telling you the dynamics of changes in a man’s fate.

The first thing that happens is that his social circle changes. His friends first become more exalted, and then even more “elite” people. Because: all elite and exalted people need pure relationships! In moral purity, in fidelity and so on. Many of my friends develop this way. A person simply begins to engage in spiritual practice, and his natural status in society increases. That is, even friendship increases. Let's say he is engaged in business and engaged in spiritual practice. He knows who to do business with and who not to do business with. He begins to feel people as a result of spiritual life. That is, by engaging in spiritual life, a person becomes more stable and develops better within society. I'll give you an example.

I lived in Moscow for 7 years, and I had one friend there. We met with him and talked about some moral things. He worked in the ministry at that time. And now he has a fairly high position. He greatly influenced the Russian economy at one time, I will not name him. He came up with "TIN". That is, he deals with financial things and issues. We often talked with him. It's very deep and developed person morally. This man behaved in an amazing way. When I asked him questions regarding personnel selection, he said: “I see people right through.” Let’s say a person comes to me, and he wants to work with me, and from just a few words I understand who he is.” That is, he paid great attention to the moral purity of man. And he was very insightful. When his boss from the government called him, I saw his reaction: he stood up, although no one else was there besides me, and said: “I’m listening to you.” In a very firm, confident voice. "Yes. I will do it. Yes". I was just surprised. That is, you see, people who occupy a high position have delicacy “in their blood”, they have understanding, a sense of duty, a sense of responsibility. Many of them have already been raised this way. But if a person educates himself in this way, why shouldn’t he take a high position in society? It's very easy to understand. Let's say you work as a simple worker. But you have a lot of responsibility in your heart, you are a serious person, you care about the affairs of the company. What, you won't be made a foreman at work? The boss sees everything. He needs to appoint an honest, loyal person.

A man through spiritual practice develops respect for elders. Only respect for elders has appeared - they will no longer be fired from work. Because you are already a developed person. A developed people few. Basically everything is “redneck”. Do you understand what I'm talking about? When a person develops character traits through spiritual practice, over time he will not work so hard to earn money. It will be easier for him to work. Because he will already have higher intelligence. Spiritual life develops a person from within.

But there are many more things - why this should be done. Because raising children does not mean running after them on the butt and beating them. It is generally impossible to raise children. That’s what they have “rushing” from within - that’s what will happen.

But, there is one “But”. If parents work on themselves, children will also learn to work on themselves. This is the law. The Vedas explain that just as a fish goes where it swims, the fry follow it. Parents raise their children in the same way. They took some direction in life, children naturally they will go there. The direction itself will make the children correct. The direction that the parents took is raising their children. Not the words they say.

Following. Just as a bird prevents its chicks from falling from the nest, in the same way parents should raise their children. This means that in difficult times, the child was carried into the street, just a ban, with love. Anything but the street, son. Anything but the street. My son started watching films because this information influences consciousness. Look, the most powerful thing that influences a person’s destiny and life is close communication. Where does the closest communication for a person take place? On TV! Especially in children, they adopt it all. There, in The Lord of the Rings, he starts wearing the same hairstyle. Becomes just like the Lord of the Rings, you know? This is scary! because, out of nowhere, you just turned on the TV, the child is just watching a movie. This is not “just watching a movie.” If a film is made with heart, it will delve into the very depths of your child's consciousness. Will change his whole philosophy. That's why - control what the TV shows in your home. Do this as strictly as a bird prevents its chick from falling out of the nest. “Oo-oop” - with a paw. Just like the tigress pawed at the tiger cub: “Duk,” and he went to his place. A child’s mind develops only at the age of 25. The boy has grown up now. Everything has grown for him. Everything strong is big, except the brains. He is like that, he looks like that - “cool”. And he himself won’t understand that he has no brains. “I know everything, I understand everything, don’t touch me.” It's just a sign of stupidity, that's all. Because that’s what rationality is: a person agrees with his elders. IN adolescence the child no longer agrees. Because sexual energy does not allow him to agree. We need to educate earlier. You need to raise a child while he is still growing. And how should this be done? I am now explaining to you the nature of raising a child. Don't set a bad example. There is a bad example - he will behave in exactly the same way. Let’s say: you only swear at work, but at home you don’t use swear words. He, too, will only swear on the street, but at home he will speak correctly. The transfer of information occurs on a subconscious level.

There is such a psychologist Bandura. He is Ukrainian by origin. And he interestingly came up with such an experiment. He made certain dolls that say one thing and do something completely different. And the children who watched all this on TV, they didn’t imitate what the dolls were saying, they began to imitate what they were doing. It was a very serious scientific experiment, and it spread throughout America. The idea is: children don’t give a damn about what you say. They look at behavior. The main manifestation of intelligence is human behavior.

Let's give an example. Parents create the atmosphere in the family. It is the atmosphere that changes the minds of children. For example, you are watching the film: “The Dead Don’t Sweat,” episode 56. They never get sweaty, but you like it. And we watch all this garbage. What happens to the child? Sweating? Well, first he sweats. Then he doesn’t sweat anymore either. Do you understand, huh? Absolutely right - it's getting dumber! “As soon as I put on the sword belt, I become dumber and dumber.” The idea is that close relationships have the greatest influence on fate. Do not let your child watch films that evoke close relationships and provide certain philosophical content. This immediately sends him in that direction. Because he has no mind. It “flows” where we “flow”. Create the right atmosphere in the family.

Let's say, look. You come home. The woman picks up her phone and starts chatting for two hours. The husband comes and watches how 24 men chase one piece of leather. They’re both sitting and doing “very important” things, right? By doing things related to changing the meaning of life, they “work on themselves,” and so on. That is, what is the atmosphere like in the house? Relaxed. A child comes home from school: “Go and sit down to study your homework!” Which lessons? The atmosphere is relaxed. Just try, everyone is sleeping, and you have to get out of bed alone. Can you, no? It's hard even for an adult. Because the atmosphere affects consciousness. Everyone is sleeping - it is very difficult to get out of bed. If you don't have a serious habit of it. And the child has no mind at all. He can't resist the atmosphere. He came home, everything around was relaxed: “Go study your homework!” Which lessons? He doesn’t have the strength to “learn his lessons.” There needs to be an atmosphere like this in order to teach lessons. For example, my mother is preparing something with prayer. Dad is also working on something on himself, or sat down with his son to learn lessons. Then the son is happy, the atmosphere is like that, he learns his lessons, everything is cool. And then dad - “go crazy”, mom - “go crazy”, son - “Go learn your homework.” Well, it’s clear that he will try to computer games play. Because the atmosphere is different. He cannot create the atmosphere himself, he is a child.

Reads the question: Why does my son play computer games?

Answers: The smart ones go to the smart ones, I already said. What time is it now?

Is it time to finish? Thank you!


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