Is it important to be a patriot of your country and why? Essay: “What does it mean to be a patriot”? Patriotism fades over time

State autonomous professional educational institution

"Gorodetsky Provincial College"

Development class hour for 1-2 year students

« What does it mean to be a patriot?»

Solokhin Yulia Sergeevna,

special education teacher

and general education disciplines,

group curator


201 8 year

Explanatory note

This class is based on the application development technology techniques critical thinking through reading and writing (TRKMChP), will achieve the following goals: creating conditions for the formation of an active civic position through updating knowledge about patriotism.

During the work it is expected to solve interrelated problems:

    Educational: formation of knowledge about patriotism as a phenomenon and its manifestations;

    Developmental: developing the ability to work with illustrations, analyze videos, compare, draw conclusions, and the ability to use personal experience, and accept the opinions of others, develop communication skills, actively interact when organizing group work, develop communication skills;

    Educational: to cultivate a culture of communication, develop communicative qualities, contribute to the formation and development of patriotism.

TRKMChP techniques allow you to consider large amounts of information, focusing on working with concepts, comparing different examples and points of view, and forming your own value judgments. They match age characteristics, are feasible for students of various levels of achievement to master, arouse genuine interest and high motivation in the course of studying this topic.

Required technical means and visibility

A class hour using the described materials is held in an office equipped with tables and chairs required by the number of participants and arranged for group work. The teacher will need:

    patriotic videos;

    a cluster prepared on the board, printouts of similar clusters for each group of students;

    handout: “words - tips” for creating a cluster for each group of students;

    PC with speakers;

    handouts for reflection: support diagrams for compiling reviews - syncwines.

Work with these materials can be carried out using a combination of frontal, individual and group forms of organizing classes (it is most effective to combine students into groups).

Progress of the class hour:

    Organizing time.

Greetings , creating a favorable work environment.

Remember N.A. Nekrasov’s poem “The Poet and the Citizen”:

You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen,

What is a citizen?

Middle names worthy son

Do you think the concept of “citizen” used by N.A. Nekrasov and the modern concept of “patriot” are the same? I propose to answer this question.

Today at class we are looking at very important topic for every person and citizen: “What does it mean to be a patriot?”

II. Updating. Formulating the purpose of the class hour.

Key concepts today's class are “Motherland”, “patriotism”, “civic engagement”.

Let's remember what we know about our country:

    What was our country called in the past? (Rus, Russian empire, RSFSR, USSR)

    What is the name of our country now? (Russian Federation or Russia) this name appeared in 1991, it is enshrined in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted in 1993.

    What does federation mean? (in case of difficulty, it should be said that we will become more familiar with this concept during the lesson).

    Now take another look at the topic of our class hour, what do you think we will talk about today? (about the Motherland, love for it, devotion, patriotism, civic engagement.)

III. Presentation of the topic of the class hour.

Let's start by discussing what's for you. Motherland?

A cluster is depicted on the board, which is filled class teacher as student responses are received.

(Didactic material № 1 ). Cluster example:

Land of ancestors

Place where a person lives


The place where you were born

A place where a person feels comfortable

The emotional actualization of the topic occurs with the help of a video fragment - the song “Where the Motherland Begins.” Demonstration of a video clip.

Do you agree with the poet? Do I need to add anything to the cluster?

Our Motherland is a federation. By federation we mean a union of equal members of a single whole.

Now let's move on to the concept " patriot».

Emotional actualization of the topic by watching a video fragment (demonstration of the video fragment “One eccentric...”)

Follow-up discussion:

1) Is it enough to be born in a particular place to be considered a patriot? 2) Who can you call a patriot in currently?

Patriot- a person who brings benefit to the Motherland stands up for its defense if necessary. Please name professions that require heroism, courage, patience (military personnel, firefighters, miners, pilots...).

Since ancient times, our ancestors considered patriotism to be the main quality of a person, which is confirmed in sayings and proverbs.

People's thoughts about the homeland and patriotism help to realize the full power of patriotic feeling and respect for one’s fatherland and people.

Look at your tables there is material ( Didactic material No. 2 ), please read, discuss in groups the meaning of proverbs and express your opinion whether you agree with aphorisms, proverbs, sayings folk wisdom. (Proverbs are read and commented on)

    Take care of your native land like your beloved mother

    In the battle for the Fatherland, death is red

    Houses and walls help

    Needed where was born

    The main thing in life is to serve the Fatherland

    Don’t spare your strength or your life for your Motherland

    The smoke of the Fatherland is lighter than someone else's fire

    To live - to serve the Motherland

    He who fights hard for his homeland is a true hero

    He who loves his homeland and people is a true patriot

    Whoever loves his homeland will not be in debt to him

    Whoever serves the Motherland faithfully fulfills his duty approximately

    Love for the Motherland is stronger than death

    On a foreign side, the Motherland is twice as sweet

    In a foreign land, kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness

    There is no more beautiful country in the world than our Motherland

    The radio broadcasts about those who defend the Motherland

    One mother is dear and one homeland

    Motherland is a mother, know how to stand up for her

    They protect their homeland with their heads

    You don’t choose your homeland, just like you don’t choose your parents.

    The native land is a paradise for the heart

    From your native land - don’t die

    Feel free to go into battle, the Motherland is behind you

    That land is sweet, where the mother gave birth

    Only those who love their Motherland not in word but in deed will be honored.

So, patriot- is a citizen who cares about his Motherland, about its nature, defending its honor, knowledgeable about history of your country.

Students are invited to complete the cluster and thereby answer the question from the class topic: “What does it mean to be a patriot?”

Work on a separate sheet. (Didactic material No. 3 ) At the same time, a video fragment is played (D. Maidanov)

IV. Consolidation.

V.V. Putin said this: “If we want to live better, we need the country to be more attractive to everyone. We do not and cannot have any other unifying idea other than patriotism, because if this is the case, every citizen will live better, and the prosperity will be greater and more comfortable. This is the national idea." (See video fragment “Putin on Patriotism”).

National idea- this is the correct religious, socio-political and cultural self-awareness of the people, an understanding of their historical purpose. The national idea is based on an active civic position.

Active civil position – this is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout a person’s life.

Active citizenship presupposes an interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal significance, and the presence of organizational skills.

It is in the team that such important motives of behavior and activity are formed young man as a sense of duty, collectivism, camaraderie.

V. Summarizing. Reflection.

Let's return to the words of N.A. Nekrasov about “citizen”, in what meaning did he use this word?

Of course, for Nekrasov the concept of “citizen” is identified with modern concept"patriot".

Continue the phrase: “I want to be a patriot because...”

Let's create a syncane:

Noun – concept topic (For example, citizen, patriot...)

Two adjectives...

Three verbs...

A sentence expressing the main idea...

Noun (synonym of the concept being disclosed, reflecting the conclusion)

Examples of syncwines written by students on this topic:

Summarizes the conversation - b being a patriot is not so difficult, real love to the Motherland is not only and not so much expressed in words, but rather reinforced by concrete deeds. So everything is in our hands!


V.G. Belinsky

Class hour on the topic : "What does it mean to be a patriot today?"

The purpose of the class hour

    Instilling in students a sense of patriotism,determine the role of patriotism in the life of modern society.

Classroom objectives:


    To acquaint students with the concept of “patriotism”, with the main features of a patriot and his personality, with the role of patriotism in the future of the country.

    To form a positive moral assessment of such qualities as decency, honor, fidelity to duty.



    Fostering conscious love for the Motherland, respect for the historical past of one’s history;

    Foster a culture of communication, develop communication skills.

Equipment : Computer, multimedia projector, multimedia presentation “The Motherland is us”

Form of conduct : Classroom hour

On the desk: " Patriotism, no matter who it is, is proven not by word, but by deed»

V.G. Belinsky

A patriot is a person inspired by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some cause, who passionately loves something.”

Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova



Teacher's greeting:

Good afternoon, guys, dear guests.

I invite you to watch the video and think about the question:

What is the topic of our class hour?

(video showing “Motherland is us”)

I .Introduction

The topic of patriotism is now a burning and sore subject for our country. How to awaken in a child a feeling of love for the Motherland? It is precisely “to awaken”, because it is in every soul. You cannot force someone to love the Fatherland. Love must be cultivated. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the “problem of patriotism” has become perhaps the most discussed issue in our country. For everyone and everything today is vying with each other to talk about false patriotism, true patriots, to whom they consider themselves, trying to explain what exactly their love for the Motherland consists of and is expressed. Win-win patriotic themes are becoming especially fashionable on the eve of the elections, which is understandable. Other's

Talk about patriotism only evokes a wry smile.

“What kind of patriotism can there be in a state that treats its citizens this way?” - say older people and with a sigh remember those times when one could really be proud of the Motherland and its achievements. The younger generation increasingly contemptuously calls their country “Rashka” and dreams of “getting out of here.”

This was precisely the goal of our class hour “What does it mean to be a patriot today?”

The purpose of our meeting is for you guys to realize that you are proud, worthy people, I want you to have pride in your country, in yourself. Only a proud, worthy person can become a patriot of his country.
But first, let's take a closer look at what the concept of patriotism means and who is a patriot?

The epigraph for the class hour is taken from the words of Vissarion GrigorievichBelinsky - Russian thinker, publicist, critic, philosopher, writer

“Patriotism, no matter who it is, is proven not by word, but by deed”

V.G. Belinsky

From Ozhegov’s dictionary I wrote down that

"Patriotism - Thisdevotion and love for one’s fatherland, for one’s people.”

Patriot - a person inspired by patriotism, or a person devoted to the interests of some cause, passionately loving something.”

II . Information block

1. Respect for the past of your country.

“The history of the Russian people is unique, special, original. Our ancestors created it over thousands of years, they formed statehood, collected lands bit by bit, honed the Russian language, increased culture, forged the Russian character. What we inherited from past generations was obtained through the labor and blood of millions of people.

U importance of the past is an indispensable component of respect for one’s contemporaries, for oneself. They set an example of selfless service to the Motherland for younger generation our grandfathers and fathers, who defended the freedom and independence of the country in a difficult battle with the enemy on the fields of the Great Patriotic War. Someone wise said: “Where the cultural and historical past of a country is forgotten, the moral decay of the nation invariably begins.”

Is it necessary to value the past today and respect it? Isn't it better to build new life without relying on the experience of our predecessors?

Conclusion: At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. Lessons in citizenship and patriotism must begin with a conversation about the historical past, without which neither the present nor the future is possible.

People who are not indifferent to the fate of the country and people should not forget their history and be ashamed of it, just as they should not forget and be ashamed of their parents.

On last elections Just over 20% of those who have the right to take part in the elections came to the elections for city mayors.

How can this be explained? How can we treat those who do not go to the polls? Should any punishment be applied to them? Who went to the polls?

Conclusion: In accordance with the Constitution Russian Federation(Part 2 of Article 32) citizens have the right to elect and be elected to bodies state power and local governments. Thus, participation in elections is a right, not a duty, of a citizen.

We often do not understand that by their non-participation in elections they are provoking the creation of a system in the country that will not at all contribute to their prosperity and well-being. Therefore, participation in voting means active participation in the life of your country, feeling like an integral part of it.

3. Military service.

In Soviet times, it was very honorable to serve in it, and those who were not accepted there were looked at with a sidelong glance. Now the prospect of serving, even for one year, does not evoke much desire, much less pleasure. Inquiring about the opinions of the parents of future conscripts, sociologists heard very contradictory arguments for and against military service.

The main reasons for reluctance to send their children to the army, according to surveyed parents, are:

    The army is a waste of time.”

    I’m scared for the lives of the children” “I’m not sure that this will be of any benefit for my son and the country.”

    It’s all about the current state of the army: when reforms take place in it, then you have to serve.”

    Hazing in the army.

    There is nothing but chaos there.”

    I’m ready to serve again, as long as he doesn’t serve.”

What is your opinion? If given the opportunity, would you serve?

Conclusion: Today, society is discussing issues of reform Russian army, its modernization and even the possible inclusion of girls in the conscripts. Let's hope that the transition of the Armed Forces to service on a contract basis will solve many problems that have accumulated in the modern army and make it more combat-ready and mobile.

4. Tolerance in the national issue.

Patriotism should be distinguished from nationalism, chauvinism and racism, which are based on the ideas of national superiority and exclusivity, opposing one nation to another. In the sense of diversity national composition Russia has, perhaps, no equal to its population: here, for centuries, people of more than a hundred nationalities have lived and worked peacefully side by side, built houses, raised children, rejoiced and grieved together because of common troubles.

The national issue in Russia will remain acute for a long time, because we are a multinational state. It is no coincidence that today we talk so often and so much about tolerance. To the sociological research question “Why do people dislike representatives of other nationalities?” 46% of respondents said that this reason is that they do not take into account the customs and norms of behavior accepted in Russia, do not know how to behave, are alien to this country, and therefore are not its patriots. That is, we're talking about that in their behavior, in its various forms, they behave differently from the majority of Russians.

National politics states must not only help their citizens answer the questions: “Who are we? Where?”, but also to explain the historical and current meaning of the existence of the state.Have you ever encountered in your life national problem? Is it a fact that representatives of other countries cannot be patriots of Russia?

Conclusion : Belonging to one’s own country, one’s own state should unite people. There are many examples in the history of Russia selfless love and devotion to it on the part of representatives of national minorities. We don't remember nationality then when it comes to various kinds achievements: in sports - Marat Safin, Kostya Dzyu; in literature - Chingiz Aitmatov, Musa Jalil; in medicine - Leo Bakeria; in science – Landau. Patriotism is Full time job mind and soul, love and respect for elders, daily efforts so that our common homeland - Russia - becomes more powerful and more beautiful, so that citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of their nationality, live better and believe in the future of their children and grandchildren.

5. Support for domestic manufacturers.

Surprisingly, today the majority of Russians are in favor of supporting domestic producers and limiting access to Russian market imported goods. This is evidenced by data from a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of public opinion(VTsIOM).

Almost unanimously, Russians declare their desire to buy Russian products (only 93%), which indicates support for domestic producers, and are in favor of limiting the import of imported goods.

Support for domestic producers should not consist of restricting the access of foreign goods to the Russian market. This opinion was also expressed by the Russian President at one of the press conferences in the Kremlin. Russia must create competitive products.

The President also said that this principle should also apply to Russian culture: “The dominance of foreign television, cinema and book products cannot please our producers.” In addition, in the field of culture, Russia can successfully compete with other countries.

Conclusion: Perhaps the assertion that supporting a domestic manufacturer should be considered a manifestation of patriotism is not entirely true, but it is not unfounded either. By making a choice in favor of Russian products, we thereby provide not only support, but also trust the manufacturer, giving him a chance to catch up and surpass his competitor in his industry. And the development of everyone industry structures makes the state the strongest and most powerful country.

6. Belief in the revival of Russia as a strong power.

Look at the map of our country, vast expanses. Vast plains with deep rivers, dense forests and endless steppes spread across our country. Mountain ranges surround our country with a stone belt. The depths of the plains and mountains are storehouses with untold riches of coal, oil, metal ores, and semiprecious stones. Russia is a vast country. Its area is 17 million km². Imagine that we are traveling from the north to the south of Russia. We have to cover a distance of about 4 thousand km. And if we fly by plane from west to east, we will be on the road for about 12 hours, flying 10 thousand km over the expanses of Russia.But why then do we live so poorly? ? Why is the standard of living of the average Russian still much lower than in any other developed country?

Yes, this country must be protected; there were plenty of people who wanted to encroach on our country. They still exist...

    Do you believe in the revival of Russia and what do you think needs to be done for this?

Conclusion: Young people advocate for the revival of Russia as a strong power, as well as for economic and financial stabilization in Russia. Thus, in their aspirations, values ​​and life plans, young people are very close to the older generation, and in this sense we can talk about a revival of continuity. And for the revival of Russia it is only necessary to work. Much and blissfully. Stop relying on someone (we always know what and how someone needs to do, just not us), but organize your own life and the lives of those around you, be a source of the best cultural traditions and moral purity.

On the eve of the holiday of February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day, it’s time to talk about the patriotic education of youth. What do the concepts of “patriot” and “patriotism” mean these days, for example, for modern schoolchildren? The article contains the opinions of the guys themselves.

If for you such concepts as “patriot”, “patriotism”, “feeling of patriotism” are an empty phrase or cause irony, irritation, etc., try to think about this unusual question: is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?
This question is especially appropriate to ask schoolchildren, among whom there are many cynics, in order to get them thinking about a difficult topic. And this can be done on the eve of a class hour or any other event dedicated to instilling a sense of patriotism.

Such questions can attract children to a serious and constructive discussion. At first glance, the question “Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?” seems rather strange, but it is precisely as a result of this approach (as practice shows) that even a cynic can be forced to think and express his “thought-out” opinion on this matter.
It would be nice to organize a competition for the best answer to this strange question from the guys’ point of view. Let everyone share their opinions.

To the questions “How does patriotism manifest itself?” and “Is it profitable to be a patriot in our time?” The students gave very interesting answers. After generalization and systematization, they look like this.

  • Patriotism is manifested in respect for one's country, its past, and the memory of ancestors; in interest in the history of their country, studying the experience of previous generations. And this leads to finding out the causes of many events, which in turn gives knowledge. He who is armed with knowledge is protected from many failures and mistakes, does not waste time correcting them, goes further and overtakes in his development those who “tread on the same rake.” Knowing your history and the experience of previous generations helps you navigate the world, calculate the consequences of your own actions, and feel confident. At all times, people relied on the experience of their predecessors. Without the historical past, neither the present nor the future is possible. According to many classics, “Forgetfulness of the past, historical unconsciousness is fraught with spiritual emptiness both for the individual and for all people.” It is the understanding of the failures and mistakes of the historical past that leads to the achievements and merits of the present, and helps to survive in difficult times. Therefore, it is beneficial to be a patriot.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability to appreciate and take care of one’s homeland, the desire to change it for the better, to make it cleaner, kinder, more beautiful. For example, it is more pleasant and convenient to walk on clean, repaired roads. Shoes last longer and are less likely to fall. It is also much more pleasant to deal with decent people, rather than with boors and scoundrels. It's nice to enjoy the beauty of nature and human creations, which are not at all difficult to preserve. If a person learns to ennoble himself and the area around him, life will become happier, psychological comfort will appear, which will allow him to spend his mental strength more effectively, enjoy life and achieve a lot. Therefore, it is beneficial to be a patriot. True patriotism is manifested in the ability to be moral person who create beauty and goodness around themselves.

  • Patriotism is manifested in the ability to be faithful and devoted to one’s country, one’s cause, one’s family, one’s views and ideas, one’s dreams. A patriot does not shout at every corner about his passionate love for his homeland, he silently does his job well, remains true to his principles, ideals and universal human values. Thus, he really helps not only his country, but also himself. A person who studied hard, acquiring knowledge, and as a result received Good work, became socially active, built his future, created a full-fledged family, works honestly - did much more for his country than the one who walks around with slogans, chants for patriotism and verbally defends the prestige of his country. People whose sense of patriotism is not developed have no future. They will destroy themselves because they do not develop and do not have a strong “core”. This is the law of life. Patriotism is needed for personal development, for survival. Therefore, it is beneficial to be a patriot.

I really want everyone to understand the following: “ Patriotism as a political, social and moral principle reflects the attitude of a person (citizen) to his country. This attitude is manifested in concern for the interests of one’s fatherland, in readiness for self-sacrifice for it, in loyalty and devotion to one’s country, in pride in its social and cultural achievements, in sympathy for the suffering of one’s people and condemnation of the social vices of society, in respect for the historical past his country and the traditions inherited from him, in a readiness to subordinate his interests to the interests of the country, in an effort to defend his country, his people. A patriot is one who works conscientiously for the good of his country and encourages those around him to do the same, who helps his fellow citizens improve. Without caring about others, you risk being left alone.”

On the topic: “I am a patriot of my country” makes you think and reflect on who I am true patriot your country and what it means to be a patriot of your country. For example, our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, all those who defended the honor of the Motherland, who fought for freedom, giving their lives for our bright future, can be called true patriots without a twinge of conscience. They, regardless of age, went to the battlefield, because it was important for them to remain independent, they wanted happy life for the country in which they were born and raised. Here it was clear who a patriot is and how to become one.

What does it mean to be a patriot of your country?

But patriots, regardless of what time they live in, in war or peace, are those people who not only love their Motherland, the Fatherland in their thoughts, but those who try to do everything possible so that the country prospers, so that the country has its inhabitants had a future. A patriot is someone who spares no effort, and sometimes even his life, so that the country is independent. This is someone who is always ready to defend the country’s borders if necessary. A patriot is someone who is interested in the history of the country in which he lives, knows the traditions, culture, native language. These are people who know their roots, who honor the memory of those who gave their lives for our happiness. These people really deserve to be called patriots.

Yes, we don’t choose our homeland, but from childhood we become attached to it with soul and body, we love the city in which our life began, we are drawn home, to native land, on small homeland, and all because we love our Fatherland.

The topic: “I am a patriot of my country” is often touched upon both at school and at home; patriotism is talked about in the media, but this feeling is individual, which means it manifests itself differently in all people. However, there is something in common, something that unites everyone - this is the desire to preserve and strengthen their country, to make it richer.

A true patriot of his country

It is not necessary to shout about your patriotism to the whole world; moreover, real patriots do not do this, they silently, not by talking, but by deeds, show their patriotism.
What can we, as schoolchildren, do for our country today? We can start small, for example, by actively taking part in organized cleanup days, we can stop littering in the entrances and on the streets. We can put things in order in our yards, parks and squares, look after historical monuments, mass and soldier graves, we can become kinder, support each other and move towards a common big dream - the dream of making our Motherland even brighter, more beautiful, richer. Then they will say about us: “These are patriots of their country.”

IN Lately In our country, people are increasingly talking about patriotism and the need for appropriate education of young people. One gets the impression that society has been overwhelmed by another wave of fashionable topics, terms, and ideas about what qualities a person should have. What is behind these conversations: empty floridity or serious intentions? The rector of the temple in the name of saints answers this and many other questions supreme apostles Peter and Paul in Saratov, chairman of the Council of the Orthodox military-patriotic club “Patriot”, editor-in-chief of the magazine “Orthodoxy and Modernity” and a journalist who visited “hot spots”, abbot Nektary (Morozov).

Father Nektary, why do you think they are talking about patriotism now?

— If you observe the relationship between reality and slogans proclaimed through the media, you will notice that often an active discussion of something is associated with the complete absence of what is being talked about. Now the situation is such that we talk a lot about patriotism. And it’s clear why: there are problems in the relations between states on the world stage, in international politics, There is serious problems within our country. This is where the topic of patriotism comes up. But if we look at how work aimed at patriotic education is done in Russian regions, we will see that the funds allocated per year for this work amount to tens of thousands. Although, for example, in Kazan, as I heard, millions are spent on this. Apparently, someone is interested in patriotic education developing more in Kazan, and not in Saratov region. Why? It's difficult for me to answer.

As for fashion, patriotism, as they say today, is a kind of trend. On the other hand, those who are actually involved in patriotic education today can refer to the president’s statements and relevant documents, thereby justifying the need for what they are doing, and this is important.

Everything is generally ambiguous. It would seem that the law “On Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation” is being prepared for adoption, and even at the stage of its preparation, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Education and Science cannot decide which of them should be involved in patriotic education, shifting this responsibility to each other. And at the same time, in Russia there are military-patriotic clubs, in which the leaders and teachers are enthusiasts who have found the time, energy and means to carry out this work, often in the full sense of the word, on a voluntary basis.

— Do you think the sudden interest in patriotism means that things are bad in society with patriotic feelings?

— Just look at the statistics: many people are leaving the country. If in the 1990s people left in search of better life or were hiding from responsibility for crimes committed, today they are leaving out of despair, the desire to live according to the law and have certain guarantees. And this is scary, because, as a rule, it is not children or pensioners who emigrate, but young and active people. By the way, when many people talk about Russia, they increasingly call it either “this country” or use other names. Rarely does anyone say “Russia”, even less often - “Motherland” or “Fatherland”.

Tell me, who should be involved in educating patriots?

- First of all, the power to which the people have entrusted the management of the state and which must implement the trust. But, of course, parents should educate and teach at the same time, without waiting for their children to be taught by the school, the street, the computer, or the TV. And, in essence, there is no one to expect patriotic education, except from patriots. You just need to turn to them for help. We have heroes wonderful people, languishing in obscurity after the wars in which they participated. They need to be involved in the work, especially since they themselves would like it. But this is not happening yet. There is a saying: “Words edify, but deeds attract.” So today slogans disgust, words irritate, and only actions really attract people.

How much is the state doing to educate patriots? Is it being done at all?

— Various events are held periodically, usually for show. But if you think about it, what do they have to do with patriotic education? What do they teach and what do they give? To achieve results, you need systematic work. In children from the first grade, the concept of the Motherland should be formed in their minds. But this is not the case. If a child does not have certain established priorities, then he will not pay attention to them and will grow up as a person with different principles and aspirations.

In the Soviet Union, the schoolchild had the idea that his country existed, it must be loved and protected. And this was a given that no one thought to challenge. It was considered sacred. Naturally, in a healthy society there is a healthy attitude towards patriotism, and in a sick society there is a corresponding one. Today there is another reality: did you earn and buy? So you are successful. Otherwise, you are empty space. This is the ideology of modern Russian society. We criticize Americans for many things, but for them patriotism comes first. They have different shapes patriotic education, which, although they seem funny, stupid, artificial, work. They have pride in their country and love for it, perhaps of a pragmatic, utilitarian, selfish nature, but it is there.

What is happening here? Here's an example: people who returned home after fighting in Chechnya. They had to kill, their comrades died before their eyes, they were seriously injured, and around them there was a society that did not understand them at all. No one has taken care of them and no one is going to. And this is the real crime. Therefore, our patriotism is really bad. But it's not hopeless. The Russian people themselves are patriotic people, possessing an amazing ability to recover from the shocks they have experienced. We have not yet reached the point of no return, although they are diligently leading us to it.

You mentioned the concept of the Motherland. What do you think, what is the Motherland for us, because it, its face is constantly changing?

— A person’s face also changes with age: it becomes decrepit, wrinkles appear. Sometimes a person in old age is not very similar to himself in his youth or childhood. But the soul remains the same. When we talk about the Motherland, we need to keep in mind not the face and other external signs, but the soul inherent in it. In order to recognize this soul, you need to thoughtfully and carefully study our history, which is made up of the destinies of specific people, and understand that the time in which we live is also part of it. Each of us has a history specific place. And the answer to the question of what the Motherland is for us, what it is and what it will be, can only be found in oneself.

But still, what do we need to love?

- When a person loves, he himself determines who the one he loves is for him. Here is a young man who loves a girl and sees something in her that others do not notice, because he looks at her with the eyes of love. The same thing happens when a person looks at his country. It is impossible to tell what his country is if he does not understand it in his heart. What is his country? IN Soviet times They said: “One sixth of the land.” But, besides, this is history, glorious military victories and bitter defeats, the history of the Russian Orthodox Church, art, literature. How more people learns about his country, the closer he comes to becoming a patriot. Because being a patriot without knowing anything is somehow strange.

Why do you need to be a patriot? And is it even necessary?

— The question itself contradicts the essence of patriotism, which lies in selfless love to the country. Why do you need to love? If you read what the Apostle Paul says about love, then you need to love in order to give, sacrifice, forgive, not demand anything and maintain love, no matter what happens in response. It turns out that loving and being a patriot is unprofitable, since a person is required to be willing to give his life for his homeland, despite the fact that she may not take care of him. On the other hand, a person who does not love is an inferior person, because sacrificial love is something natural to our nature. Therefore, to be a patriot is necessary in order to be a real person. Why be a real person? To think, feel and experience the life God has given us differently. How many people live who seem to have everything except happiness: they are not able to rejoice, love, give and receive warmth, since there is no room for it in their hearts.

Is it difficult in our time to be a patriot, and therefore a real person?

— But it’s difficult to be a patriot at all times. For example, the Roman hero Gaius Mucius Scaevola, refusing to betray his people and state and showing that he was not afraid of torture, burned his own hand in front of his enemies. A patriot is a person who must always be ready to sacrifice something, and this is very difficult. But there are victims who impoverish us, and there are those who enrich us.

Can faith, in particular Orthodoxy, raise patriots?

— A believer, by definition, must be a patriot. Nowadays, within Orthodoxy, such a direction as uranopolitism is developing. In my opinion, this is a false ideology, main idea which is that since our fatherland is the Heavenly Fatherland, we should not concentrate on love for the earthly Fatherland. But the Lord gave a person to be born into some family. And it's not always ideal or easy good family. But nevertheless, we are given the commandment to honor our parents. This commandment also implies honoring the country in which a person was born. We call the country Fatherland or Motherland, because here we were born, here we have a family connection with our history and people. If a person does not love his parents, then I have great doubts that he is a believer. Accordingly, if a believer does not love his Fatherland, then, probably, there is a big flaw in his Christian self-awareness and worldview. Faith teaches a person to be a patriot. And the believer must be ready to lay down his life for his friends, that is, not only for his family and friends, but also for the country, for the entire community of people in which the Lord brought him to live.

What do you think will happen to a state that has no patriots?

“Hitler wanted to turn many countries into territories where it would be possible to engage in agriculture, extract minerals and organize some kind of production. When a state lacks such a concept as patriotism, then it becomes such a territory.

Interviewed by Daria Khokhlova

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