“The most important thing is the depth of personality.” Actor Donatas Banionis has passed away

Donatas Yuozovich Banionis (lit. Donatas Banionis; April 28, 1924, Kaunas, Lithuania - September 4, 2014) - Soviet and Lithuanian actor, theater director; People's Artist of the USSR (1974), laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize in the field of culture and art (2013).

Donatas's parents are creative people who were drawn to art, participated in amateur performances, and sang well.

Understanding his son well and not interfering with his passion for theater, his father nevertheless convinced Donatas that he first needed to master some specialty. This is how Donatas ended up in a vocational school.

Already a student at the first vocational school in Kaunas, a future ceramist, Donatas did not abandon his hobby and entered a drama club, where he enjoyed playing in plays, memorizing all the roles, reading all the articles and books about cinema and theater that he could get his hands on.

In 1940, in Kaunas, on the basis of an amateur group that existed at the Chamber of Labor, a professional theater was created, headed by Juozas Miltinis, a young director who had recently returned from Europe. Soon, 15 enthusiasts, led by Miltinis, left Kaunas for Panevezys to create a new model of theater - for the people and in the name of the people, and after about six months Donatas Banionis was accepted into the troupe.

In 1944, Donatas Banionis graduated from the studio at the Panevezys Theater, becoming a professional actor. Since then, the actor’s life has been inextricably linked with Panevezys.

On the stage of the theater, Donatas Banionis created more than 100 images. Among them are roles in the plays: “Death of a Salesman” by A. Miller (Willy Loman), “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol (Ivan Kuzmich, 1945, Gorodnichy, 1977), “Liar” by C. Goldoni (Octavius, 1952), “ How the Steel Was Tempered" by N. Ostrovsky (Pavel Korchagin, 1952), "Hedda Gabler" by G. Ibsen (Tesman, 1957), "There, Behind the Door" by V. Borchert (Beckman, 1966), "The Pulpit" by V. Vrublevskaya (Bryzgalov , 1980), as well as in the performances “The Straw Hat” by E. Labiche and Marc-Michel, “The Proposal” by A. P. Chekhov, “The Barber of Seville” by P. Beaumarchais, etc.

Member of the CPSU since 1960, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Lithuanian SSR.

In 1980, after the retirement of Juozas Miltinis, a threat to the existence of the Panevezys Theater arose - there was no one to stage plays, the actors did not rehearse. Under these conditions, Donatas Banionis was appointed chief director, taking on, in addition to problems of a creative nature, the entire burden of purely economic problems: repertoire, preparation for tours, replenishment of the troupe. He directed the theater until 1988.

In the same years he graduated from the State Conservatory of the Lithuanian SSR (1982-1984).

Donatas Banionis has a Lithuanian accent and therefore he was voiced in films by actors from Moscow and Leningrad: Zinovy ​​Gerdt, Igor Efimov, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Georgy Zhzhonov, Vladimir Zamansky, Alexander Demyanenko. The actor’s own voice can be heard in Eldar Ryazanov’s film “Beware of the Car”, where he, playing a pastor, talked to Detochkin without dubbing and counted money in Lithuanian, in the film “Snake Catcher”, and “Operation Trust”.

In July 2014, he experienced clinical death...

Donatas Yuozovich (Yuozasovich) Banionis (lit. Donatas Banionis - Donatas Banyonis). Born on April 28, 1924 in Kaunas - died on September 4, 2014 in Vilnius. Soviet and Lithuanian actor, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1974).

Father - Juozas Banionis (Banyonis) (1890-1961).

Mother - Ona Blazhaityte-Banioniene (born 1900).

As the actor said, his parents were people with a creative streak, actively participated in amateur activities, and sang well.

He graduated from the First Trade School of Kaunas with a degree in ceramics, while studying in a drama club.

In 1940, a professional theater was created in Kaunas on the basis of an amateur group that existed at the Chamber of Labor, headed by Juozas Miltinis. After some time, the theater moved from Kaunas to Panevezys. And in 1941 he moved to Panevezys and Banionis, where he was accepted into the troupe of the Drama Theater, which was headed by director J. Miltinis (now Juozas Miltinis Drama Theater). In 1944 he graduated from the studio at the Panevezys Theatre.

From 1980 to 1988 - chief director, artistic director of the theater.

In 1982-1984 he studied at the State Conservatory of the Lithuanian SSR (now the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater) (Vilnius).

He worked as an actor at the Panevezys Theater until January 1, 2001, from where he quit due to the pension reform introduced in Lithuania, according to which pensioners who continue to work must either leave work or lose their pension.

Among the most famous theatrical works are “The Proposal” by A.P. Chekhov; “The Barber of Seville” by P. Beaumarchais; “Meteor” by F. Dürrenmatt - Schwieter; “The Death of Tarelkin” by A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin - Varavin.

Theatrical works of Donatas Banionis:

1941 - “Sprout” by K. Binkis - Yasyus;
1943 - “Henry IV” by L. Pirandello - Carlo di Nolli;
1946 - “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol - Ivan Kuzmich Shpekin;
1946 - “Old Friends” by L. A. Malyugin - Vladimir Dorokhin;
1947 - “The Russian Question” by K. M. Simonov - Williams;
1947 - “Life in the Citadel” by A. M. Yakobson - Ralph;
1947 - “Georges Dandin” by Moliere - Colin;
1949 - “The Marriage of Belugin” by A. N. Ostrovsky - Andrey;
1949 - “Stolen Happiness” by I. Ya. Franko - Babich;
1950 - “Voice of America” by B. A. Lavrenev - Captain Walter Kidd;
1951 - “In the steppes of Ukraine” by A. E. Korneychuk - Captain Walter Kidd;
1951 - “Paris, Stalingrad Street” by D. Umansky - Jacques;
1952 - “Wedding with a dowry” N. M. Dyakonov - Maxim;
1952 - “The Liar” by C. Goldoni - Octavius;
1952 - “How the steel was tempered” by N. A. Ostrovsky - Pavel Korchagin;
1954 - “The Seagull” by A. Chekhov - Dorn;
1957 - “Hedda Gabler” by G. Ibsen - Tesman;
1958 - “Death of a Salesman” by A. Miller - Willy Loman;
1959 - “Ivanov” by A.P. Chekhov - Lebedev;
1959 - “Straw Hat” by E. Labiche and Marc-Michel - Beaupertuis;
1961 - “Macbeth” by W. Shakespeare - Banquo;
1963 - “Golden Horse” J. Rainis - minister;
1964 - “Virgin Soil Upturned” after M. Sholokhov - Davydov;
1966 - “There, Behind the Door” by V. Borchert - Beckman;
1967 - “Physicists” by F. Dürrenmatt - Möbius;
1971 - “Frank V” by F. Dürrenmatt - Schlumpf;
1973 - “Dance of Death” by A. Strindberg - Edgar;
1977 - “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol - Mayor;
1979 - “Requiem for a Nun” by W. Faulkner - Stevenson;
1980 - “Department” by V.V. Vrublevskaya - Bryzgalov;
1994 - “Mindaugas” by J. Marcinkevičius - Old Man;
1996 - “On Golden Lake” by E. Thompson - Norman;
1996 - “The Circle” by S. Maugham - Ch. Cheney;
1997 - “Love Letters” by A. Garney - Andrew;
1998 - “Suicide” by N. Erdman - Grand Skubik;
2000 - “Next - silence...” Henry and Noah Leary - Barclay Cooper.

Since 1960 he was a member of the CPSU. Member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Lithuanian SSR. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 9th convocation (1974-1979).

He made his film debut in 1959 as Dausa in the film Adam Wants to Be Human. Subsequently, he created a whole series of images that are rightfully considered among the classics of Soviet cinema. The actor’s playing style, his manner is most fully expressed in the words of the Lithuanian director Vytautas Žalakevičius: “Banionis was called an “intellectual” actor... Banionis is also a deeply feeling, sculpting image “inside.” He builds the interior of the soul. He builds labyrinths of knowledge... His reincarnations do not require any psychological changes from him. His appearance is on the inside. His face is inside. It is made of emotions."

In 1966 he received the first prize at the All-Union Film Festival (Kyiv) for the film "Nobody wanted to die". In the same year, at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, he won a prize for his performance of the male role in the film “Nobody Wanted to Die.” In 1967, he was awarded the USSR State Prize for his work in this film.

Donatas Banionis in the film "Nobody Wanted to Die"

The actor's most stellar film - "Dead Season" Savva Kulish, in which he played the role of Soviet intelligence officer Konstantin Ladeinikov (the prototype was Rudolf Abel, who served many years in an American prison). For his performance in this film in 1969, at the IFF of Adventure Films in Sofia, he received the Award for the Leading Role.

Donatas Banionis in the film "Low Season"

It is worth noting that the Russian President decided to become a “chekist” precisely after watching the film “Dead Season” with Banionis in the role of an intelligence officer. Putin himself told the actor about this during a personal meeting.

Many consider the leading role in the film to be the actor's best work in film. "Solaris".

In 1972 he received the National Prize of the GDR for the film “Goya, or the Hard Path of Knowledge.”

In 1977, the USSR State Prize was awarded to his work in the film "Mr. McKinley's Escape".

Donatas Banionis in the film "Mr. McKinley's Run"

I am also remembered for a number of other works, for example, the chairman of the suicide club in the adventure film about the adventures of Prince Florizel.

Donatas Banionis in the film "The Adventures of Prince Florizel"

Banionis had a Lithuanian accent, so in films he was voiced by actors from Moscow and Leningrad: Igor Efimov, Pyotr Shelokhonov, Georgy Zhzhenov, Vladimir Zamansky. The actor’s own voice can be heard in the film “Beware of the Car,” where he, playing a pastor, talked to Detochkin without dubbing and counted money in Lithuanian, in the films “Snake Catcher” and “Operation Trust.”

In 1999, he received the Russian Order of Friendship for his services to the development of Russian cinema and fruitful activities in strengthening international cultural ties. And in 2009 - the Order of Honor for his great contribution to the development of theatrical and cinematic art, many years of creative activity.

Death of Donatas Banionis

In July 2014, he experienced clinical death. After this, the actor changed a lot. His son said: “My father now lives in those times when he was very happy. When a person experiences clinical death, some brain cells die. Therefore, a person can be generally like a vegetable, or he can be normal. So, the father is normal. But when he talks to me, for example, he asks: “Where is mom?” And my mother died six years ago. He asks: "Where did she go?" That is, he seems to be with me, but it seems he is not. Then, he is always going somewhere. He says: “I’ll go to Moscow, I’ll go to Hollywood, to the sea.” He lives in that period...”

And on September 4, 2014, at the age of 91, Donatas Banionis died in Vilnius. The actor was buried at the Antakalnis cemetery in the corner of artists.

Donatas Banionis is immortalized in the “Gallery of Fame” of the shopping and entertainment center “Acropolis” (based on the results of voting by visitors to the center’s website) in Vilnius: on April 28, 2005, in connection with the actor’s 81st birthday, a memorial tablet with his handprint was unveiled (sculptor Tadas Gutauskas).

Donatas Banionis. I'm left all alone

Donatas Banionis height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Donatas Banionis:

Was married. Wife - Ona Banyonene (1924-2008). We met in 1947. These were difficult times for Ona. Her father, a wealthy landowner, and brothers were arrested. They were sent to Vorkuta. The girl was then studying at Vilnius University. Friends warned her about a possible arrest and She, changing her last name, left for Panevezys. She entered the theater as an actress. But she again faced the threat of arrest. Donatas felt infinitely sorry for the charming girl and he asked her to marry him, saying: “I can save you. My father is a party organizer. Let's get married!". This is how the Banionis couple came into being. They lived in marriage for 60 years, until the death of their wife.

“I married a very good woman, she made me happy,” Banionis said.

The couple had two sons - Egidijus (born 1948) and Raimundas (born 1957).

Egidijus (1948-1993) was a historian, specialist in the 15th-16th centuries, posthumously awarded the State Prize of Lithuania in the field of science.

Raimundas graduated from VGIK, made several films, currently has his own film company, makes documentaries and advertisements.

In 2011 (by that time his wife had already died for three years), Banionis had his last love - Olga Ryabikova. She has been a fan of the actor since her youth. In 2011, she took part in the Minsk-Vilnius bike ride. On the way, I met a man who not only knew the address of the legendary actor, but was also familiar with him. In Vilnius he brought her to Donatas. We exchanged phone numbers and Olga often came to visit. And then she retired and moved in with him. Olga became his interlocutor, nanny, and cook.

But as soon as the actor decided to sign with her, his relatives rebelled. “This crazy fan apparently dreams of getting her inheritance! They warmed up the snake!” Banionis’ daughter-in-law Violetta told reporters.

As a result, Olga went to her home.

Filmography of Donatas Banionis:

1959 - Adam wants to be a man - Dausa
1963 - Chronicle of a Day - Donatas (voiced by Nikolai Kharitonov)
1964 - March! March! Tra-ta-ta - Major Thistle (Varnapesha), ruler of Centia
1965 - Nobody wanted to die - Chairman Vaitkus (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1966 - Beware of the Car - Pastor-Buyer
1966 - The Little Prince - an adult (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1966 - On a remote farm - a priest (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1966 - There, behind the door (documentary)
1967 - The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik - Jesuit Bosyatsky
1967 - Operation Trust - Eduard Staunitz, Baron
1968 - Dead Season - Konstantin Timofeevich Ladeinikov (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1969 - Red Tent - Mariano
1970 - King Lear - Duke of Albany (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1971 - Goya, or the Hard Path of Knowledge - Francisco Goya (voiced by G. Zhzhonov)
1971 - Red Diplomat. Pages of the life of Leonid Krasin - Savva Morozov
1972 - Commander of the happy "Pike" - Viktor Yuozovich Sherknis, commissioner of Shch-721 (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1972 - Solaris - Chris Kelvin, psychologist (voiced by V. Zamansky)
1972 - Captain Jack - Mitya (voiced by L. Khomyatov)
1973 - Discovery (Manuscript by Academician Yuryshev) - Academician Sergei Matveevich Yuryshev
1975 - The Escape of Mr. McKinley - Mr. McKinley (voiced by Z. Gerdt)
1976 - The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce - Ferdinand Luce, director (voiced by V. Zamansky)
1976 - Mom, I'm alive (GDR) - Major Mauris
1976 - Beethoven - Days of Life (Beethoven) - Ludwig van Beethoven
1977 - Armed and very dangerous - Gabriel Conroy (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1977 - Cash collector's bag - investigator Alexey Petrovich Tulyakov (voiced by I. Efimov)
1977 - Monologues (documentary)
1978 - Centaurs - President (voiced by I. Kvasha)
1978 - Flowering of unsown rye - Antanas Petrushonis
1978 - No special signs - Garting, Arkady Mikhailovich (voiced by V. Zamansky)
1978 - Where have you been, Odysseus? - Auguste Ptizhan / Leman (voiced by Alexey Konsovsky)
1978 - Territory - Ilya Nikolaevich Chinkov, director
1979 - Suicide Club, or The Adventures of a Titled Person - “Chairman” (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1980 - Andrius - Rauplenas
1980 - Youth No. 2 (short story “Green Doll”) (short) - Dr. Hartley
1980 - Fact - Nazi Colonel Titel
1981 - Honeymoon in America - Alan (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1981 - “Rusty Water” by K. Sai (film-play)
1982 - “Three bags of weedy wheat” (film-play)
1982 - Children's World - Mikhail Petrovich Rasporkin (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1982 - Niccolo Paganini - Luigi Germi, lawyer (voiced by P. Shelokhonov)
1982 - Excuse me, please! - guest from Vilnius (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1983 - “Amadeus” (film-play)
1984 - “Evening” (film-play)
1985 - Zmeelov - Mitrich-Kolobok
1985 - For the coming century - journalist Rino Felice
1985 - “Dandelion Wine” (film-play)
1985 - “Three Sisters” (film-play)
1985 - “Biderman and the Arsonists” (film-play)
1985 - “Red Mare with a Bell” (film-play)
1986 - Dolphin cry - Bar-Mattai, professor, psychologist
1987 - Corral - Harry Milestone
1987 - At the end of the night - Eyman
1987 - 13th Apostle - father
1989 - Entrance to the labyrinth - Mazardi (voiced by A. Demyanenko)
1989 - Faith - The Hard Path of Knowledge (Der schwere Weg der Erkenntnis) - Pastor Lenz
1990 - Living target - Pavel Vasilievich, aka “Master”
1990 - Heloise and Abelard (film-play) - Fulbert
1991 - Depression - “Old Man”
1991 - Blood Drinkers - Semyon Semyonovich Telyaev
1991 - Seven days after the murder - investigator (voiced by Rudolf Pankov)
1991 - Yatra Witch - Voivode Korsak
1992 - Without Evidence - Inspector
1994 - Shlyakhtich Zavalnya, or Belarus in fantastic stories - Pan Tvardovsky, teacher
1996 - Anna
1998 - Damned Cozy House - Hubert Olbromsky
1999 - Yard (Kiemas) - old man
2001-2002 - Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin - Nero Wolfe (voiced by G. Bogachev)
2002 - Only once... - Alexander Yanovich
2003 - Donatas Banionis (documentary)
2004 - Other worlds of Donatas Banionis (documentary)
2004 - Kaunas blues (short film) - Algis
2004 - New adventures of Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin - Nero Wolfe (voiced by G. Bogachev)
2005 - Children of Vanyukhin - Gaubikh
2005 - Persona non grata - Charon
2005 - Saga of the ancient Bulgars. Vladimir's Ladder Red Sun - Sveneld
2005 - Saga of the ancient Bulgars. The Legend of Olga the Saint - Sveneld
2006 - Anastasia - doctor’s father
2007 - Leningrad - Toivo
2007 - Andrei Tarkovsky (from the series “Man in the Frame”) (documentary)
2009 - Nobody wanted to forget. Budraitis, Banionis and others (documentary)
2011 - Fireheart: The Legend of Tadas Blinda - Mikhail Muravyov
2012 - The miracle dormant within us. Jurgis Baltrusaitis (documentary)
2014 - Donatas Banionis. Velvet Season (documentary)
2014 - Donatas Banionis. I was left all alone (documentary)

Today Lithuania, and not only Lithuania, but the entire post-Soviet space, has lost a talented artist - Donatas Banionis. The already middle-aged artist has recently had heart problems, and last summer he even ended up in intensive care, where he experienced clinical death.

Age, of course, made itself felt - after all, in April of this year, Donatas Juozovich celebrated his 90th birthday. Unfortunately, the wishes for a long life did not come true - at the very beginning of autumn the actor passed away.

“Solaris”, 1972

Banionis’s creative portfolio includes more than 50 films. He is known to viewers from “Solaris” (Chris Kelvin) and “Dead Season” (Konstantin Ladeinikov), the films “Nobody Wanted to Die” (Vaitkus) and “Goya” (Goya). He took part in filming until his old age. The last film in which Donatas appeared was “Leningrad,” filmed in 2007 by director Alexander Buravsky. In 2004, at the age of 80, he played the main role in the film “The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin.”

“Blood Drinkers”, 1991

This loss affected not only Lithuanian society. Banionis’s life has always been closely connected with Russia, because the main period of his work occurred during the USSR. He is loved by Russian moviegoers as much as by Lithuanian ones.

As Raimundas Banionis, the actor’s son, said, a few days ago his father had a stroke. On Thursday, the fourth day of September, he died.

The legendary Soviet actor died at the age of 91 [video]

Photo: RIA Novosti

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The actor complained about his health for the last 10 years ago. In 2008, due to serious heart problems, he underwent treatment, as a result of which he was fitted with a pacemaker.

In July 2014, the actor’s condition began to rapidly deteriorate. The relatives did not advertise this, however, in the end, they were forced to admit that Donatas was already in intensive care.

Still from the film "Nobody Wanted to Die."

The father's condition is stable and he is in the hospital. He recognizes us, but... It’s very interesting what’s happening, the brain selects information this way. My father now lives in those times when he was very happy. When a person experiences clinical death, some brain cells die. Therefore, a person can be generally like a vegetable, or he can be normal. So, the father is normal. But when he talks to me, for example, he asks: “Where is mom?” And my mother died six years ago. He asks: “Where did she go?” That is, he seems to be with me, but it seems he is not. Then, he is always going somewhere. He says: “I’ll go to Moscow, I’ll go to Hollywood, to the sea.” He lives in that period, everything is confused for him. But physically he’s okay, he’s holding on. Although he doesn’t get out of bed and is in a hospital in Vilnius, said the famous Lithuanian director Raimundas Banionis, the son of a famous actor.

Apparently, the actor’s heart could not withstand the load. He died at the age of 91.

No one expected the sudden passing of the legendary actor. While undergoing treatment last year, Banionis experienced clinical death, but doctors managed to save the master’s life.

On the eve of his 90th birthday, he even somehow perked up. And a couple of weeks before the big date, rumors appeared in the press that he was allegedly going to officially marry his longtime and devoted fan, 52-year-old Olga Ryabikova, who lives in Minsk.

Still from the film "Solaris".

However, in an interview with KP, Donatas Banionis then stated that the rumors about his marriage are far from the truth.

I admit, this is funny to hear. I'm 90 years old and women still want to marry me? Fantastic! But again, seriously: please write to your fans that I no longer accept marriage proposals. Unfortunately, the groom is no longer that age,” said the actor.

Not long ago, KP special correspondent Galina Sapozhnikova interviewed a famous actor. Banionis complained of poor health, refused to act in films and admitted that he missed Russian fans.

“They love me in Russia. And in Lithuania I hear: “Who are you, Banionis?”


I don’t want to remember the Soviet Union once again, but tell me, did you, as an actor, feel a narrowing of the space of adoration after you began to live in independent Lithuania? Still, millions of your fans remain abroad.

Banionis' autograph for Komsomolskaya Pravda readers.

Recently I went to some institution on business. There is a woman sitting there. He looks and asks - who are you? Banionis. Who are you, Banionis? So I left. Well, what can you do - she apparently doesn’t watch movies. This would not happen in Russia. There, as soon as you get on the trolleybus, you immediately say: oh, oh, sit down, sit down. I can buy the ticket myself, but it kind of shows respect.

- How long have you been to Russia for the last time?- For a long time. I'm not going anywhere. Although I’ve traveled a lot before, there’s definitely no country in Europe where I haven’t been. In Japan twice, in America nine. - Wish something to your Russian admirers and I will convey to them the freshest greetings from you.

I am most grateful for the fact that they still remember me there. Wherever I was in Russia - in St. Petersburg, Moscow or Gorky - everyone recognized me. This means that my mission as an artist was not in vain, but left meaning. Somewhere in people’s souls my roles and my thoughts remain. About 80 films, if you count... “Nobody Wanted to Die” is the first film where I received all sorts of awards.

Then “Beware of the Car”, I starred there next to Smoktunovsky, who was already a star. Next is “Low Season”, then “King Lear”, “Goya”, “Solaris”. I already knew that there was such a director, Tarkovsky. But he also knew that his film “Andrei Rublev” was banned. And when I arrived for the audition, I asked Andrey to show me this very “Andrey Rublev”. And he gave me a key and a small room where they watch film materials - just, he says, don’t tell anyone, otherwise they’ll punish us. And I looked... And I was so happy - for me this was such an achievement of the art of cinema, the highest!... But then, after the Cannes Film Festival, the film was allowed and it went all over the world. And when I had to be approved for this role, I had to get permission from the theater. I asked that our leader, Miltinis, be shown this film too. The film was secretly brought to Panevezys. After watching, he silently left without saying anything to me. The next day he says, Donatas, go, the art here is of the highest level... So I starred in Solaris, and Tarkovsky was a great, great happiness for me. Well, then there were other films: “Discovery”, “The Adventure of Prince Florizel”, “Snake Catcher”, “Blood Drinkers” with Marina Vladi. If you count, there are 83 films in total. The last one was released in 2010, Lithuanian. It hasn’t even come out yet, it seems like it was just filmed.

- You say that you don’t want to act anymore. Is there a role you could be tempted by?- It must be worth it... If one of the directors whom I can trust shoots, it would be possible to act. But just don’t make faces, I don’t need all this. They say our taste is hopelessly spoiled. Well, what can you do?...

Still from the film "Low Season"


People's Artist of the USSR Donatas Banionis was born on April 28, 1924. Since childhood, he grew up as a creative person and attended a drama club.

In 1941 he joined the troupe of the Panevėžys Theater, which had just been created by Juozas Miltinis, where he worked for 60 years. His most famous roles are in Macbeth, Hedda Gabler, and Death of a Salesman.

His role in the film Nobody Wanted to Die by Vytautas Žalakevičius (1966) brought him worldwide cinematic fame, for which the actor received the first USSR State Prize. In 1969, he starred with Savva Kulish in “Dead Season”, in 1971 with Grigory Kozintsev in “King Lear”, in 1972 with Andrei Tarkovsky in “Solaris”, in 1975 with Mikhail Schweitzer in “Flight” Mr. McKinley."

In 2013, Donatas Banionis became a laureate of the Lithuanian National Prize for Culture and Art.


5 of Banionis' most famous films


"Nobody wanted to die"

"Dead Season"

"Mr. McKinley's Escape"

"Snake catcher"


Donatas Banionis: « I'm 90 years old and women still want to marry me - fantastic!»

During his long film career, Banionis played six dozen roles, and almost every one was a direct hit on the audience’s nerve. Vaitkus from “Nobody Wanted to Die”, intelligence officer Konstantin Ladeinikov from “Dead Season”, Chris Kelvin from “Solaris”, pastor from “Beware of the Car”. Today, unfortunately, Donatas Banionis refuses to film, although offers are being received. He says that his health is no longer enough to travel far from home in Vilnius.

Now Banionis is raising four grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and does not attach importance to numbers.

What anniversary? - Donatas laughs, stretching out the vowels in his words, emphasizing the Lithuanian accent. - Don't know! But seriously: I'm turning 90 years old. But I never paid much attention to numbers. I won't invite guests. Whoever needs it will come himself. Now I don’t go out, I don’t go anywhere, I don’t do anything. So anyone can find me at home


He was very honest in his profession...


The news of the death of Donatas Banionis stunned his colleagues. Director Rimas Tuminas received sad news while on tour in Ulan-Ude

It’s terrible that this generation of actors is leaving,” admitted Tuminas. - Banionis, despite his regalia, awards and recognition, was very honest in his profession. He was faithful to his theater in Panevezys, where he came to work in the early 40s. After the retirement of the theater founder Juozas Miltinis, Banionis headed the troupe not because he had leadership ambitions, but because the theater would otherwise have died, there was no one to stage the plays, the actors did not rehearse. He accepted this responsibility, although it was difficult for him to work in the new era, he resisted modern aesthetics, did not understand it, and loved his past. I think mentally he remained in that time that was gone forever. When Miltinis died, Banionis did not cling to his position, to his roles, and moved to his son in Vilnius. He lived an honest and beautiful life in his favorite profession.

Film director Evgeniy Tatarsky directed Donatas Banionis in three films:

What struck me most about this actor was that he was an absolute pro. I don’t remember a time when he went on set without memorizing the text, which other actors often allow themselves to do. We were filming the movie "Blood Drinkers." And there was a piece that had to be spoken in Old Church Slavonic. Banionis found it painfully difficult to teach him, and some words were completely incomprehensible. But by the morning when filming began, he knew this passage by heart. Despite the fact that in films his characters were always voiced by other actors due to Banionis' Baltic accent.

By the way, another wonderful actor, Mikhail Gluzsky, was offended by me because I didn’t invite him to play the role of the Chairman in “The Adventures of Prince Florizel.” But outwardly Banionis was absolutely suitable for this role: a plump, outwardly gentle man, but in fact a “cold-blooded criminal.”


Director Alexander Buraevsky about Banionis: “He really wanted to be needed, he wanted to work”

The television series “Leningrad”, which appeared on television about seven years ago, became the last film work of Donatas Yuozofovich. Even then, the actor’s age and ailing heart made themselves felt. Director Alexander Buraevsky spoke about how the days passed on the set of Banionis’s latest films.

He was a wonderful actor and it was very interesting to work with him,” recalls director Alexander Buravsky. - Although, the role was small and, perhaps, for an actor of his stature, not entirely significant. But we were glad when Banionis agreed to participate in the film. An elderly man arrived who often forgot the text and was slow to grasp everything. I was even confused about my partners. But we didn’t pay attention to this, because the film still produced a very powerful texture. Craftsmanship, as they say, cannot be avoided. Despite his age, his mind remained lively and clear: he was interested in everything around him, communicated with everyone. He really wanted to be needed, he wanted to work. He was interested in everything, he did not lose his taste for life. Of course, he grumbled a little. But he didn't complain. He enjoyed working among young people. Everyone knew him, he felt that everyone treated him with great respect. With perseverance and hard work, he tried to overcome his age and the problems that such older people have

Banionis' son Raimundas: “Dad will be buried next to mom...”

He did not leave his father’s side during the last days while he was in the Vilnius clinic

His youngest son Raimundas informed us about the death of the famous actor. They were the closest and dearest in each other's lives - Donatas's wife and Raimundas' mother Ona Banionienė died in 2008, and older brother Egidijus could not overcome cancer and left them more than 20 years ago.

Six years ago, after the death of his wife, the actor was fitted with a pacemaker. But a sharp deterioration occurred in early July - heart problems resumed. Donatas Juozofovich was urgently transported to Vilnius, where he was placed in intensive care. On July 17, Banionis experienced clinical death.


The famous actor had health problems ten years ago.


Banionis endured the filming of Alla Surikova’s “Only Once” with great difficulty.

Donatas was one of those actors who do not play, but live, recalls Banionis’s partner in the film “Only Once” Sergei Nikonenko. - He didn’t feel very well. He did not tolerate the heat well, and it was a hot summer, the film “Only Once” was filmed in some basement. It seems that we are playing in a comedy, but behind the scenes Banionis was no longer in the mood for humor. The years were making themselves felt. But he didn't complain. I was experiencing everything within myself. He was like an iceberg. All we saw from the outside was a very small, small part. I tried to live each role in detail and sincerely. Of course, such experiences affect your health. But, God grant, we all, like Banionis, live to be 90 years old. He lived a great, beautiful life.

SEE ALSO PHOTO GALLERY: Donatas Banionis is 90!

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Donatas Banionis has passed away. The actor died at the age of 91 Daria BULATOVA


Natalya Bondarchuk: “Banionis wanted me to play his wife”

Actress and director Natalya Bondarchuk is now in Crimea at the Golden Knight festival, just not far from the places where Andrei Tarkovsky’s film Solaris was filmed. In this film, Donatas Banionis played the psychologist, Dr. Chris Kelvin, Natalya Bondarchuk - the materialized image of his deceased wife Hari ()


Ilya Reznik expressed condolences on the death of Banionis

The artist passed away at the age of 91

Famous Lithuanian actor and director Donatas Banionis died on Thursday. The artist was a favorite of Soviet audiences. He became a real star after the film “Nobody Wanted to Die.” Then there was the main role in the legendary “Solaris” by Tarkovsky.

Poet Ilya Reznik expressed his condolences to the director’s loved ones.

This is, of course, very sad news that a great actor has left us. Unfortunately, we only remember them when they are gone. We often forget about how they lived, in what conditions.

Putin: The death of Donatas Banionis is a huge loss

The Russian leader noted the artist as an outstanding, bright and extraordinary person

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent condolences over the death of Lithuanian actor Donatas Banionis to his son Raimundas.

In the letter, the Russian leader noted him as an outstanding, bright and extraordinary person. According to this, this is a huge loss for the people of Lithuania, for millions of people in different countries.

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