Valery Syutkin. Stars and their furry pets - It happened quickly and easily

// Photo: Personal archive Yulia Chicherina

Many celebrities are so attached to their pets that they cannot imagine their everyday life, work trips, or travel without them. Among domestic stars There are quite a few who sometimes sacrifice their comfort for the sake of their beloved dogs, to whom they long to show this world. The dogs of Yulia Chicherina, Mitya Fomin, Valery Syutkin and others crossed the ocean, sailed on ships, saw mountains and even visited the Arctic Circle. StarHit talked to stars for whom traveling without dogs simply cannot happen.

Yulia Chicherina's shepherd dog is mistaken for a drug control officer

The Belgian Malinois Rex is the seventh and also the oldest dog of singer Yulia Chicherina. He is 9 years old and has been traveling since childhood. On her first trip, Julia took him for safety reasons.

“We went by car to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia,” the singer recalls. “We were on the road for more than two months, and we often spent the night in wild, deserted places—and we couldn’t do it without a guard and protector.” When we started, Rex was a ten-month-old inexperienced youngster from a service nursery, and returned after 25 thousand kilometers of travel, part of which was extreme off-road, a professional traveler with the broadest possible horizons.”

The celebrity notes that at first Rex was nervous, but then he got used to it. “This is a very patient dog,” says Yulia. “I carefully monitor his well-being when traveling, because he won’t show it even if he gets sick.”

Julia always takes Rex's collar, leash and muzzle with her, as well as a bowl, food, passport and certificate if they plan to cross borders. Together with its owner, the dog has already covered more than 100 thousand kilometers.

“He traveled on airplanes, helicopters, ships, trains and even speedboats,” says Chicherina. – Rex visited the Arctic Circle... There are cities where there are no hotels at all where dogs are allowed. In such cases, he sleeps in the car without any problems, but mostly lives in suites and behaves very decently in restaurants and dressing rooms.”

True, sometimes Rex makes others panic: “In glamorous clubs he is often mistaken for a drug control officer,” notes Yulia.

Bulldog Mitya Fomin is not allowed on the beach

The singer's American bulldog Snow White is 4.5 years old. The first trip together was not easy. “We flew from Moscow to Bologna,” recalls Fomin. – Snow White had to spend 3.5 hours in the luggage compartment - dogs weighing more than 8 kg are not allowed into the cabin, but my beauty weighs as much as 40! I was very worried about how she was doing. I asked the flight attendants to check whether there was warm air in the luggage compartment, and asked how noisy it was there. And I was not mistaken - the dog came out quite stunned..."

After this, Mitya decided not to travel with her by air; today he and his beloved travel exclusively by car or train. Snow White visited Italy twice. “I don’t risk taking her that far anymore,” explains Mitya. “She’s big and gets tired quickly, especially in the heat.” He cannot and does not want to cool off in the sea, because he hates swimming. “Besides, in Italy it is impossible to appear on a public beach with a dog,” says the singer. “But we are almost always allowed into restaurants and shops.”

Valery Syutkin stands in line because of a pet

The Bichon Frize dog Juliet appeared in the singer’s family almost 7 years ago. As soon as the darling turned one year old, she became the celebrity’s constant companion on vacation.

“Most often we fly to Paris and Jurmala. They would take her to the islands,” says Valery, “but entry into the Maldives with animals is prohibited. Juliet loves to travel: as soon as we take out our suitcases, she jumps inside. We take her into the cabin in a special bag, she handles the flight well - the main thing for her is that we are nearby.”

True, in order for the animal to get on board, Valery has to try hard. “At Sheremetyevo, the veterinary room that gives permission is only in terminal E, and we fly out mainly from D. We have to arrive two hours before the flight, walk with the dog to them, and wait in line.”

Natalia Bochkareva's dog traveled to 30 countries

// Photo: Personal archive of Natalia Bochkareva

Actress Natalya Bochkareva is nowhere without her Yorkshire terrier Barsik. The dog is 12 years old, and all these years he has been traveling with his owner, even on tour.

“He’s a movie dog,” Natalya shares. – He starred in the TV series “Happy Together”, “All Men Are ...”, in the film “Actress”... I also always take him on vacation - we were in Nice, Greece, Bulgaria, France... Only once did I I had to leave him in Moscow. It happened 10 years ago, I chose Israel. At that time, we had a visa regime with this country, and during the paperwork we were warned that customs would not let the dog through. So Barsik did not see the Dead Sea.”

According to the star, her dog loves to fly and has a great time in the air. “Barsik’s weight is only 1.7 kg, so he spends the entire flight on my lap. And it’s the same in the car - he never sits on the next seat, he always caresses me,” says Natalya.

The dog of the lead singer of “City 312” spends the summer in Kyrgyzstan

The Chihuahua dog Gibson of the lead singer of the group “City 312” Ai loves to travel. The dog spends the last three years with its owner summer holidays on Lake Issyk-Kul.

“The flight is a great opportunity for him to sleep in my arms, which he loves to do,” says Aya. “That’s why when he was in the air for the first time, he didn’t even bat an eye. He also loves cars - when we are going to go somewhere, I tell him: “Gibson, beep!” And he jumps for joy."

When setting off on a journey, Aya takes with her the necessary arsenal for her little pet: a dog carrier, food, water, a harness and clothes if it’s cool outside. The singer notes that Gibson never causes her any inconvenience - the 2.5 kg dog inspires admiration wherever he goes.

“They even let me into the bank with him,” Aya laughs. – In general, he is very calm and well-mannered, he always behaves decently. True, if there is another dog nearby, it may bark, but this does not happen often.”

Singer Valery Syutkin: “I am a moon dog...”

In the musician's apartment on the Boulevard Ring, where he lives with two Violas - his wife and daughter, the morning begins with birdsong, as in the forest. This is a canary named Romeo doing his roulades. Wonderful trills delight the ears of Juliet, a petite blonde with silky hair of the Bichon Frize breed. The glamorous Frenchwoman appeared in the house recently, but managed to win all the hearts, although the ex-lead singer of the Bravo group preferred serious Dobermans.

The song “Dog Shake” was probably inspired by walking with a Doberman? I really like the lines there: “Who knows which of us is on a leash. Maybe it’s my dog, or maybe it’s me.”

- “Dog shake for those who understand.” (Sings.) The meaning of this comic song is that it is not clear who is taking whom out for a walk. And the Doberman became our first and fateful dog. We named her Corsa, short for “brown dog.” We didn't have a mega-elite dog. We bought them from breeders, but not from medalists. After a year and a half, the luxurious brown fur was shiny. If you tie a red scarf, you'll look like Carmen. When we were walking with her, the owners of the male dogs stopped us: “Let’s crossbreed!” What kind of girl do you have? She had a weakness - crows. She rushed after them, and they dived at her. Korsa never hurt small dogs.

- Was it difficult to raise a Doberman?

This girl turned out to be very heavy. We went through everything with her: plague and enteritis. When the ears were cut, they got infected. The veterinarian arrived and said that the ears would not stand up, the cartilages were weak. They performed a second operation, and I massaged her ears for an hour every day. And they finally stood up as expected. Her ears were my pride.

- Why did you cut your ears? Some clinics refuse such surgery for ethical reasons.

Firstly, it appeared not so long ago, and secondly, there are traditions. The Doberman is a dry, wiry guard dog with a beautiful exterior. I am in love with this breed. For me, the Doberman is the standard of canine beauty. When the ears are not cropped, the Doberman immediately loses its defensive grace and turns into a pointer or setter. It's like Spanish bullfighting. If in one place bullfighting has been brought to the level of art, then so be it.

- Haven’t you taken the “young fighter course” with a Doberman?

The first year and a half was the period of formation of the dog. Corsa chewed up everything possible in the house. Door upholstery, parquet, linoleum in the kitchen. Along the way, the Doberman worked as a vacuum cleaner: he loved to swallow plastic toys, which then had to be removed. In general, this dog and I got it, but then, apparently out of gratitude for our angelic patience, she repaid with such love and attention that it cannot be compared with anything. When Viola Jr. was born to us, Corsa treated her like her puppy. The child was allowed to do everything: ride a horse, carry toys, hang from his neck. Corsa almost didn't live to be 10 years old. Decent age for a large dog.

- Some people believe that there should be at least two dogs in the house so that the pet does not get bored alone.

We also tried to adopt another dog. We bought a beagle - a very cute creature, but it is a herd animal that instantly began to usurp our favorite Corsa. The beagle had to be returned. They also made an attempt to throw in their lot with a Labrador, but the girl turned out to be too omnivorous in terms of love: she was happy with everyone and was ready to leave with the first person she met. We took the dog from Olya Nechaeva from “Dog Show”, so we took it to her for fostering in the summer. When I went to pick up the Labrador, I saw our happy dog ​​running around the open spaces. Return to a Moscow apartment in the city center, where there is nowhere to walk? This is a mockery of large dogs. But we bore full responsibility for these experiments. They bought it for a lot of money and gave it free of charge to good hands. We understood: the dog should be alone.

Your Juliet is the exact opposite of the fearsome Doberman. A small, white, almost lap dog. The vicissitudes of love?

My wife Viola brought Juliet a few years after Corsa’s death. No one agreed with me, I did not choose. But I have a feeling that this is the reincarnation of Corsa. They are strikingly similar in some ways: a small Bichon Frize and a menacing Doberman. They are united by a touching attitude towards all members of our family, a unique devotion.

To be honest, I really disliked lapdog-shaped small dogs with the exception of the Jack Russell Terrier, which has a special beauty. My friend has a female Jack Russell. Surprisingly, she does not run on the ceiling, although other representatives of this breed are slightly crazy. And Juliet looks like some kind of dwarf bobtail and at the same time like a polar bear cub. Recently, when my girls - my wife and daughter - were walking on the Sparrow Hills, a very well-mannered boy approached: “Excuse me, let me pet your royal dog!” I come from tours, after flights, from other time zones, I fall on the sofa and say: “Juliet, come on!” She presses herself against me and draws out everything: fatigue, devastation. She, like the Doberman, is allowed to sleep with me during the day. You can do anything: watch football, listen to music, run, sleep - the dog will always be there to share your desire.

- It’s probably easier with Juliet than with a Doberman?

I would have Dobermans without male hands didn't start. There were times when I carried these 34 kilograms of live weight to the veterinarian in my arms. Of course, there are incommensurable advantages to owning a small dog. Daily walks are not so necessary, but sometimes we go with Juliet, as before with Corsa, to Vorobyovy Gory, so that she can run. The dog is incredibly clean. Doesn't smell, doesn't shed. From the first day she realized that she had to cope with all her needs in the diaper. True, for a “large form” a prize is immediately required. Juliet does not cause any damage to furniture or surrounding objects. Some positive emotions. This is an absolute miracle. She flies with us to our summer residence in Jurmala. We carry him on the plane in a cage, and during the flight we quietly take him out, in violation of all instructions. In Jurmala, she and I walk by the sea. She loves to swim. She didn’t love Corsa, but Juliet was a diver!

- It feels like Juliet is allowed more than the Doberman?

Yes, in the car she sits on my lap and puts her paws on the steering wheel. She even sits at the table with us. Korsa put her head on the table and looked reproachfully, following each piece with her eyes. All the sorrow of the dog community was reflected in her eyes. It seems to me that she considered me to be the main thing, but for Juliet, mom is everything, and my daughter and I are in descending order. She follows her with her tail. Viola brushes Juliet every day. But, when I am alone with the dog, I also do her “hair.”

- Often dogs sense the approach of the owner for a long time.

Juliet, like Corsa, feels several hundred meters away, sits on the window and waits, like Penelope. I come - she’s happy, my daughter comes - she’s happy, and when Viola Sr. returns, she swears: “How could you leave me?” It is best for the family to be together.

It’s interesting that if Juliet dislikes someone, it’s forever. And vice versa. We have a friend - a very unusual and harsh person, so she immediately jumped into his lap and crushed him. She filters people at the level of feeling. I won’t say that we stop communicating after this, but we understand why this happens.

- How does a bird get along with a dog? Isn't Romeo jealous of Juliet?

Juliet was somewhat jealous when Romeo appeared. He has everything: a toy lifelong friend, twigs, a bell, a mirror. Zero maintenance: clean the cage once a day. When no one is there and I can. And in the morning he starts up and sings all day long. Sometimes I play him the record “Singing in the Woods” and he joins the choir.

- I heard that you flew to Africa on a safari. Does this go hand in hand with loving animals?

I'm not a hunter. According to the Japanese calendar, I am a Dog, and also a lunar one, because I was born at night. I love to look and contemplate. We were in Africa twice: first in South Africa, and then in Kenya and Tanzania. I believe that Africa is the most interesting continent from a traveler's point of view. Naturally, we focus on wildlife, where there are few people and many animals. There is a stunning place called Ngorongoro in Tanzania, where an area of ​​36 kilometers in diameter preserves a closed ecosystem and presents all kinds of animals. Usually, if giraffes live somewhere, you often have to fly by plane to see the hippos. And there everything is in one place! It's reminiscent of Conan Doyle's The Lost World.

- Do you help homeless animals?

Once we were driving along the Garden Ring at night, and suddenly my wife said to me: “Stop, there’s a dog there.” The mongrel could barely breathe. Another car stopped. We decided to take the poor guy to the clinic. We paid for the operation. They looked at us like we were crazy.

- Are you planning to buy a house in the village for the whole family?

I'm a boulevard dweller. I will die here. We have nothing in the Moscow region and nothing is expected. I don’t want to get stuck in hours-long traffic jams. If I have several days off, I get on a plane with great pleasure and fly to Jurmala. I’m riding along the sea on a bicycle, my favorite music in my ears, there’s no one around except seagulls. I don’t know a single place on earth where it would be so comfortable.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin is a singer and musician, who is often called the main intellectual domestic show business. He is a former soloist of the groups “Bravo” and “Syutkin and Co,” as well as a number of smaller famous projects: “Telephone”, “Architects”, “Fan-o-Man”. IN this moment performs with the jazz group Light Jazz.

Childhood and family

Valery Syutkin was born on March 22, 1958 in the center of Moscow, at 16/2 Podkolokolny Lane.

Already in adulthood, Valery, who was seriously interested in history and genealogy, established that his surname was of Ural origin. “In Perm there lived such a peasant - Nikifor Syutkin. He found the largest gold bar in this region. And my other ancestor was right hand Peter the Great in the Urals,” said the musician.

Valery's father, Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin, is an engineer originally from Perm, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy named after. Kuibysheva, specialist in underground military construction. ABOUT rare name Father Valery said the following: “The family legend says that my dad was born very handsome, so my mother awarded him that name.”

The mother of the future musician, Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya, was a junior researcher at a closed military research institute, where Milad Syutkin taught. Bronislava Andreevna’s ancestors were Polish Jews, who later settled in the city of Balta, Odessa region. But Bronislava was born in Moscow.

Syutkin’s parents met at a dance class. When Valery was 13 years old, the couple divorced, which became a real tragedy for the boy. Next years The boy spent his childhood under his grandmother's care.

Valery Syutkin's interest in music appeared in 1969. The boy saw the political program “Seven Days” on TV, but its content left him indifferent. But the opening song gave him goosebumps. Then he did not yet know what they were The Beatles, but firmly decided to learn to play the guitar in order to play this composition himself.

Interview with Valery Syutkin: about the first steps in music

He quickly mastered the basic chords, but the guys in the yard convinced him to take over the drums, promising him a place as a drummer in the yard band. Having assembled a drum kit from scrap materials - tea cans and hat boxes - he learned to play.

In the eighth grade, he, breaking all conceivable labor standards, earned his first 270 rubles as a sales consultant and bought a real drum kit. He gained experience together with the school ensemble “Excited Reality”. Over time, in addition to drums, the musician mastered the bass guitar.


After graduating from school and a short period of working as an assistant cook at the Ukraina restaurant, Syutkin joined the army. It fell to Valery to serve in the unit on Far East, where he joined the military ensemble "Flight". IN different time Many subsequently famous musicians passed through this group during their military service, for example, Alexey Glyzin.

At first Syutkin was a musician, but one day the lead singer of the ensemble fell ill, and Valery was offered to replace him. It turned out that the drummer had a great voice, and he became the main soloist of “Flight”.

After demobilization, Valery got a job as a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and a little later became a conductor on an international train, where he worked for a year and a half.

“Telephone” – “Twist Cascade”

In parallel with his main work, Valery did not stop his musical activities. To questions about education, without which those years it was impossible to get onto the professional stage, the singer replied that he graduated from Kirov in absentia School of Music. His diploma listed the specialty “choral conductor”.

In 1982, Syutkin met members of the then little-known group “Telephone”, who invited him to join the team. With his assistance, Telefon became a professional touring ensemble. Together with the musicians of VIA Telefon, Valery recorded the album “Ka-Ka”, all the songs in which are connected by a single storylinefolk characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Cascade.

At the beginning of 1985, VIA Telefon released its second album, Twist Cascade. Syutkin's name was mentioned for the first time on the cover of the release. However, after some time the group broke up.

"Architects" and "Fan-O-Man"

After the collapse of Telefon, Syutkin instantly received an invitation to Yuri Davydov’s rock group Zodchie. Yuri Loza, who had recently joined the ensemble, called him there. former musician VIA "Interval". The songs of Loza and Syutkin brought no one before famous group all-Union popularity - Valery’s hits “Bus 86”, “Sleep, Baby”, “Time of Love” were in rotation on radio and TV, and the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” included “Zodchikh” in the top five popular groups Soviet Union.

In 1987, Zodchie was experiencing a crisis. After a tour of the Ukrainian SSR, Yuri Loza left the group, as a result of which the group performed extremely unsuccessfully at Rock Panorama-87. In 1988, the keyboard player left the band. Work on the new album “Garbage from the Hut” proceeded sluggishly - it was released only in 1989 and was received coolly. Against the backdrop of all the troubles, Valery decided to end his cooperation with Zodchimi.

After this, the group practically ceased to exist, putting an end to the sixth and last album“Pour” (1991), recorded with vocals by Alexander Martynov.

After parting with Zodchimi, Syutkin founded his own music project- the trio “Fan-O-Man”, which existed for the next two years and became part of the troupe of Mikhail Boyarsky.

The discography of “Fan-O-Man” turned out to be meager - the only album “Grained Caviar” was released in 1989. The trio won the prize audience choice at the international music television competition “Step to Parnassus”.

"Bravo" and Valery Syutkin

In August 1990, Valery Syutkin disbanded Fan-O-Man and moved to the rock and roll band Bravo in place of Zhanna Aguzarova at the invitation of the group leader, guitarist and composer Evgeniy Khavtan.

The first time working in the team was marked by a debate about Syutkin’s hairstyle. At that time, Valery had unbridled hair, which absolutely did not fit with the “stylish” image of the group. The controversy over Syutkin’s hairstyle did not subside for quite some time, and, in the end, the frontman was forced to give in and bring his hair in line with “rock and roll standards.”

Work began on recording the album “Hipsters from Moscow,” which was released the same year and turned out to be quite motley. It must be said that after Aguzarova’s departure, Bravo experienced a lull. Suddenly, the song “Vasya”, recorded jointly by Syutkin and Khavtan, “shot out”. The video of the same name cost the group mere pennies, but it blew up all the music charts of those years.

Group "Bravo" - "Vasya"

Some of the songs included in the new album were recorded with Zhanna - these are the compositions “I’m sad and easy”, “King Orange Summer”, “ Good evening, Moscow!”, “Fast Train”, “Star Shake”. For these songs, Syutkin re-recorded the vocal parts, which were overdubbed onto the finished material.

Other songs were new and were already written by Syutkin and Khavtan - the iconic “Vasya”, as well as “Hold on, dude” and “Girl of sixteen years old”. In addition, Valery offered the team a song own composition- “I am what you need”, which later became one of the main hits of the group.

“Bravo” - “I’m what you need”

On August 25, 1990, the group successfully debuted with a new lineup on the television project “Morning Mail”.

With the arrival of Syutkin, Bravo gained unprecedented fame. The group's image, built entirely on the attributes of the dudes subculture, suddenly provided the group with nationwide popularity. Ties became the key symbol of the Bravo group of that period, following the release of the song “Stylish Orange Tie,” which became a kind of anthem for Russian dudes.

The peak of the ensemble's popularity came in 1993-1994. “Bravo” celebrated the decade in a big way with grandiose anniversary concerts, drawing packed stadiums around former USSR. With the participation of Syutkin, the team released two more albums: “Moscow Beat”, “Road to the Clouds”, as well as a recording of the “Live in Moscow” concert. All records with Syutkin’s participation received multi-platinum status (in Russia, to achieve it, you need to sell 150 thousand copies of the album).

Valery Syutkin after “Bravo”

In 1995, Valery Syutkin left Bravo. The decision was influenced by both the moral and physical exhaustion of the musician - the band gave a lot of concerts, supporting high bar people's favorites.

But the main reason was the different vision of the future of the group. Khavtan realized that he no longer identified himself with the lyrical stylish hero so beloved by the public. Syutkin wanted to move in the same direction further. Having encountered rejection of this position, he created his own jazz group, Syutkin and Co.

Valery Syutkin - “7000 above the ground”

In the same year, the hit “7000 above the ground” from the debut album of the new group “What You Need” was recognized as the best hit of the year. Syutkin delighted the audience with both solo compositions and duets with Andrei Makarevich, Laima Vaikule, Muslim Magomayev.

Muslim Magomaev and Valery Syutkin - “ Best city"(2002)

In 2005, the singer changed musical accompaniment. From now on the group was called “Syutkin rock and roll band”.

In March 2008, Valery Syutkin was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia.

Other projects

Syutkin is a fairly frequent guest on television. In 2001, the musical television game “Two Pianos” appeared on the RTR channel, the host of which was Valery.

In 2006, Valery, together with figure skater Irina Lobacheva, took part in the TV show “Stars on Ice”, starred in one of the parts of the popular New Year’s TV musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing”, and also made a cameo in the film “Election Day” by Quartet I.

It is worth noting that Syutkin took part in the cultural program of the 1988, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Olympic Games.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin, idol of millions Russian women, was married three times. Only in his third marriage did the singer find family happiness

Syutkin’s second wife was his girlfriend good friend. The singer also prefers not to advertise her name. Alas, this relationship also did not stand the test of time. The reason for this is the musician’s love for opposite sex. “I allowed myself a lot then that I don’t want to allow myself now,” said Syutkin. Even his son Maxim, born in 1987, did not turn Valery into a respectable father of the family. The wife knew about her husband’s adventures, but turned a blind eye for the sake of her son and the financial well-being of the family.

In 1992, Valery became interested in an 18-year-old Bravo costume designer named Violetta. And - unexpectedly for myself - I fell head over heels in love. Over time, their relationship grew from friendly to intimate romantic, despite the fact that the girl was in full swing preparing for a wedding with another young man.

In 1994, Valery and Violetta got married. Two years later, their beloved baby Viola was born. “I’ll come back from a tour and rush to my daughter with hugs: “My little leopard, my bird, my sunshine, Violusya,” the musician once shared his touching memories.

Syutkin’s youngest daughter graduated from college in Switzerland, and in 2014 she entered the American University in Paris.

Also in 2014, the singer’s name was often mentioned in the press in connection with the scandal. Syutkin filed a complaint against the Lurkmore portal, where his photograph was posted in the context of the joke “Hit a woman in... [the face].” Moreover, his mother told Syutkin about how his photograph was being distributed on the Internet. Why the intelligent and peaceful Syutkin became the reason for jokes of this nature is unknown. Perhaps it is his character that is diametrically opposed to this call that is to blame.

Valery Syutkin now

Since 2015, Valery Syutkin has been performing with the Light Jazz group. As part of the collaboration, he released the albums “Moskvich 2015” and “Olympic”. The musician also collaborates with the group “Romario” - their joint videos “Moscow River” and “Without Mittens” became real hits in 2016.

2017: Valery Syutkin plays in the subway

In the spring of 2017, the musician took part in social project"Music in the subway." Moscow metro passengers were shocked when they saw Syutkin performing in the lobby of the Borovitskaya station. He played his hit song “42 Minutes Underground.”

Today he has 20 solo albums. The artist is engaged and theatrical creativity– puts on his own solo performances, and is also an active participant in the Olympic movement. Valery is a bright, positive, energetic person. You can't keep up with him. He says he could be a pilot. “Love, girls, simple romantics, brave pilots and sailors...” - Syutkin has been singing for the second decade. In 2018 he will turn 60 years old. But you can’t tell at all: he is a young guy, easily soaring through life. And this ease of attitude towards life is the secret of his youth. Correspondent website talked with the artist, and he spoke frankly about himself, his family and work.

Valery, close friends know you as a restless person who is always doing something, flying somewhere, then arriving, running, in a hurry... How do you live at such a rhythm? Where does the energy come from, the desire to move around all the time?

Well, first of all, I am a Muscovite - this is the answer to most of this question, because we have high speeds of life and space energy. Muscovites cannot be called sluggish - they are accustomed to this rhythm of life. When I fly to another city and they say to me: “And how do you live there in your Moscow?”, then I, in contrast to them, say that everything is somehow sluggish for them. Secondly, I am energetic by genetics. My mother is a very energetic person. She goes to Grand Theatre to ballet - watch his favorite artists, knows the names of all the dancers and ballerinas. She is a devoted fan of this genre. Kolya Tsiskaridze calls her “Syutka’s mother.”

Do your wife Viola and daughter Viola also live in the same rhythm or are they calmer girls?

Our whole family is nimble, including our beloved dog Juliet. We even call her Ju, because by the time you say “Juliet,” she will already be in another place. That's why we have a family of high speeds.

What does your daughter do? You said once that she lives in France?

We live in three cities. This is Moscow - the city where I work (the girls also love it very much). It is "tasty" and fast. Then – Jurmala and Riga – this is the homeland of my beloved woman Viola. I am the husband of an ethnic Latvian daughter. Mother-in-law is a real Latvian, Viola is a half-breed, but I figure like a sucker. In Latvia, as in Israel, nationality follows the female, maternal line.

In general, I periodically make raids in Jurmala. And the third one is ours hometown- this is Paris, because Viola studies there and will soon graduate from the Sorbonne. She is our historian of theater art. Where she will live after graduating from university will be up to her. I, as a dad, try to give her the best, including a strong education, and I spare no effort or time for this. I consider myself a happy father and grandfather. I have a wonderful granddaughter, and Syutka’s mother has found a great-granddaughter. My eldest daughter gave me a granddaughter.

Once upon a time you said that you do not communicate with your eldest daughter. Has anything changed now? Have you reconsidered your attitude?

No, there wasn’t really anything like that. I may not have spent much time with the children. But all the fateful moments - getting into school, organizing admission to college, financing education, accompanying me to school - I have always done all this. And now all my children go to my concerts - everything is fine.

Do you maintain friendly relations with the mother of your eldest daughter?

No, why? I'm never going back. Only children.

But there are different relationships, for example, they are family friends.

No, I have only one love in my life. But I have three children. This is the answer to the question “How does my personal life?".

Valera, who is the third son?

Yes, he is 30 years old. Viola and I have been together for 25 years, and this cannot be called some kind of third marriage - this is the only one.

In Soviet times, the generation loved for free and counted in their heads. Zinovy ​​Efimovich Gerdt said that while it only came to kisses, they stayed there. Previously, they didn’t even check into a hotel together unless they had a written appointment. Such living conditions were adjusted to the relationship. And now everyone lives in a civil marriage. Both my son and eldest daughter are in a civil marriage, and the youngest too. My daughter Viola has a gentleman from Germany. He came and we had a great time. They even planted a tree together at the festival" Cherry forest".

Tell us about yours last performance at the House of Music...

I have two projects - one musical and one theatrical. The play called "Delight!", which premiered at the end of March, took place at the theater center "On Strastnoy", and maybe we will continue this.

I always stage it first and then wait for proposals. “Fix it” - that’s what Andrei Knyshev said in his aphorism, and I agree with him. Capture your impression of the performance. Recently gave a concert in Great hall House of Music. This project is called "Valery Syutkin and light dzass". There is irony here: in English the word light means both “light” and “light” - both of these concepts fit the description of this concert. Alexey Alekseevich Kuznetsov is our legendary guitarist– leader of the Light dzass team. We made both my hits and hits from the last century. Andrey Eshpai, Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova - in general, the entire golden fund of the domestic stage is close to our hearts. We perform our old songs delicately, but with a big smile. In recent years I have been giving two or three major concerts in Moscow for rock and roll bands. This year, in April, the next concert will be in the fall. Therefore, on March 25, 2018 - on the day of my anniversary - you are welcome to Crocus City Hall!

I won’t be flirtatious, I’ll say this: over the years, we all develop our character. If you want to look young, don’t envy anyone, don’t waste time on unnecessary soul-searching - just enjoy life, be polite and easy in your relationships with other people. And this lightness will be reflected on your face.

Is this your life motto?

I have two mottos. It’s like in the interlude with the participation of Nikulin and Shuidin: “We cheerfully take the log and carry it cheerfully.” And the second motto. I don’t have tattoos, but if I did, it would be like Mikhail Mikhailovich Zhvanetsky’s: “Try to throw a mosquito - it doesn’t fly where you throw it. No, it flies by itself and spits on you. You have to be light and independent." The mosquito is independent. Lightweight and independent. That's all my motto.

You have a happy union with Viola. Is there some kind of formula for love?

In love you cannot say “give”. When you say “na,” then you will feel love. Love is “on” – receive, take. This is the only way for people to live in peace.

You need to give love to your loved ones, without at all hoping for a reciprocal feeling. Just give and that's it. And then everything will get better right away. Then you begin to feel some kind of lightness and life flows bright colors. Therefore, happiness is “on”. Our main disadvantage is that if we give, we immediately begin to demand in return, but nothing will come of it. And I also like what Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote: “Happiness is pleasure without remorse.”

I can’t help but ask about the Bravo group, in which you worked for many years. Are you in contact with them now, with Zhenya Khavtan?

Well, we are colleagues. There is much less time for communication now than when we worked at Bravo. But we wish each other a happy birthday, if we meet somewhere, we happily shake each other’s hands and share news. This is not friendship, but a respectful, collegial relationship.

What are your creative plans? Maybe a new album?

We release a new album every year. We are preparing for the anniversary. I always release vinyl first - I'm a passionate fan of that form. When you hold vinyl in your hands, it’s a special aesthetic; in this regard, I’m a gourmet. And so - all 20 of my albums are on the Internet.

Valera, are you an active participant in the Olympic movement? Where does this passion for professional sports come from?

As my friend Vanya Urgant says, Cheburashka and Valery Syutkin are real symbols of our Olympic team. My appearance in the Olympic support group brings success. He held parties only about victory, and never about defeat. So I’m somewhere between Cheburashka and Paul the octopus, although I don’t participate in sports forecasts. I was at seven Olympics and only didn’t go to Rio - the team had no time for me because of the doping scandals.

Valera, you are so positive, bright, you live easily. One can only envy.

You only need to envy with white envy. Enjoy life. Tell jokes. Give kindness, love and light. Then everything will be fine.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin. Born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian singer and musician, TV presenter. Honored Artist of Russia (2008).

Father - Milad Aleksandrovich Syutkin (1929-2010). A graduate of the Kuibyshev Military Engineering Academy (later taught there), a specialist in military underground structures, participated in the construction of Baikonur, and built underground structures in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

Mother - Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezitskaya, worked at the Moscow Scientific Research Radio Engineering Institute (MNIRTI).

On his father's side, all of Valery's ancestors are from Perm, where Syutkin is a very common surname. One of the ancestors was close to the famous industrialist and merchant Demidov. Many men from his family were lawyers.

It is known that Valery’s parents met in a dance club where dancers from Igor Moiseev’s ensemble taught.

His mother and father separated when Valery was 13 years old.

"With my parents I had a good relationship. At school I only got straight A's so as not to upset them. And when rock and roll began, my success at school became sharply more modest. My parents took it correctly and did not put pressure on my freedom. I am grateful to my parents for not forcing me to study at institutes that I did not like, for not imposing their views on things on me. They didn’t overprotect us or anything like that,” the artist recalled.

In middle school he created his first group, which was called "Excited Reality". At the age of 14, together with his school friend Oleg Dranitsky wrote his first song “Today I will sleep in the cinema.”

"Among the pillows, oh Allah
The wife is lying in the same watch
And he nods his head to me
And I want Brigitte Bordeaux,
Her and no one else
I won't sleep with my wife anymore
Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, -
This is what you need
And there's nothing better to wish for
How to relax with them,
Today I’ll sleep in the cinema...", the song sounded.

As Valery recalled, the song, to put it mildly, did not evoke an enthusiastic response from parents and teachers, but among their peers it had some success, like all the others performed by their school group.

He began playing music seriously in the early 1970s, participating in several amateur bands as a bass player or drummer. While playing in school ensembles, he performed songs by “The Beatles”, “Grand Funk Railroad”, “ Deep Purple", "Led Zeppelin", "Slade", "Smokie". Once replaced a sick vocalist. That's how I became the frontman.

Before the army, he worked as a cook’s apprentice at the “Ukraine” restaurant, as a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and then there as a conductor for western-bound passenger cars of the Directorate of International Tourist Transportation.

In 1976-78 he served in the army in the city of Spassk-Dalniy. There he continued to sing and play the bass guitar at citywide dances in the local Officers' House.

Professional musical activity Valeria Syutkina began in 1980, when he joined the group "Telephone". “I graduated from a correspondence music school. But the fact is that I didn’t graduate from it at the call of my soul. I just didn’t have it before prerequisite for working on a professional stage. And at first I worked, and then, when there were all sorts of commissions and asked6 “Do you have an education?”, I gave them a certificate: “And here it is!” So I am a choral conductor... But I have a lot of other professions. I'm a bartender, for example, I can pour drinks. I also completed chef courses, although I hate cooking. Courses for toastmasters, car driving, and foreign traffic conductors,” he recalled.

Soon the Telefon group became a professional touring philharmonic group and released the album Ka-Ka, which is a cycle of songs about the invented characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Cascade. "Telephone" existed until 1985.

In 1985, Syutkin released the album “Twist Cascade”, where he was assisted (guitar), Alexander Belonosov (keyboards), Gennady Gordeev (drums) and saxophonist of the Bravo group Alexander Stepanenko. In the same year, Syutkin joined the group "Architects", where he sang with Yuri Loza.

After leaving the “Architects” he created the trio “Fan-o-man”, with whom he recorded the album “Grained Caviar”, received the audience award at International competition“Step to Parnassus” and worked for two years in the troupe, where he sang to the accompaniment of the “Diapazon” orchestra.

In August 1990, having received an offer from, the singer joined the group "Bravo", where he worked as frontman until May 1995.

The time of collaboration with Bravo became for the singer a period of developing his own original style, in which he works to this day. In the lyrics of his songs he uses the slang of the “hipsters” subculture, and in musically it focuses on American popular music of the 1950s. At Bravo, Syutkin recorded the albums: “Hipsters from Moscow”, “Moscow Beat”, “LIVE IN MOSCOW” and “Road to the Clouds”. All albums had multi-platinum status. Songs from this period are still played on the radio.

In 1995, Valery left Bravo (he was replaced by ) and created a group "Syutkin and Co", with which he recorded the albums: “What you need”, “Radio of night roads”, “Not everything...”, “004”.

In 1995, the song “7,000 Above the Earth” from the album “What You Need” was recognized as the best hit of the year. Winner of the professional award “Star” (1995), “Ovation” - best artist (1996).

Valery Syutkin - 7 thousand above the ground

Since 2004, having updated and expanded the composition of musicians, the group is called "Syutkin rock and roll band".

In March 2008, the singer was awarded the title “Honored Artist Russian Federation"for services in the field of art.

He proved himself as a TV presenter. From 2001 to 2002 he hosted the television quiz show “Pyramid” on the RTR television channel. From 2002 to 2003, he was the host of the musical television game “Two Royals” (also on the RTR television channel). In 2004 he was the presenter music program“And again a hit” on the “Culture” channel. Since 2016, he began hosting the music and entertainment program “Saturday Evening” on the Russia-1 channel (together with Nikolai Baskov, Nonna Grishaeva, Natalia Medvedeva, Stas Duzhnikov, Igor Vernik).

In 2006, he participated in the First Channel project Stars on Ice, paired with figure skater Irina Lobacheva.

Regular participant of the Chereshnevy Les festival. For a long time is the chairman of the jury of the “Muses of the World” competition (“ Modern Art and education") in the category "Variety and Jazz Performance".

Cultural Ambassador of the Olympic Games in Sochi (2014). Participant in cultural programs Olympic Games: Seoul (1988), Athens (2004), Turin (2006), Beijing (2008), Vancouver (2010), London (2012).

In 2014, he filed a complaint with Roskomnadzor against the Internet resource Lurkmore, on which the singer’s image had been used for several years for the picture meme “Beat a woman at... the ball.” Roskomnadzor filed a lawsuit in the Meshchansky District Court of Moscow against the site administration. In 2015, the Meshchansky Court of Moscow satisfied the claim of Roskomnadzor.

In 2015, he recorded the album “Moskvich 2015” with the group “Light Jazz”. The album includes songs from the golden fund of the 1950s-1960s.

Valery Syutkin. Alone with everyone

Valery Syutkin's height: 187 centimeters.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin:

Was married three times. The artist does not like to remember his first two marriages.

From his first marriage he has a daughter, Elena Syutkina (born 1980), graduated from the Faculty of Law. Works for a foreign company. Granddaughter - Vasilisa (born 2014).

From his second marriage - son Maxim Syutkin (born 1987), graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, works in the tourism business.

Third wife - Violetta (Viola) (born 1975), a native of Riga. They have been together since 1993. He began a relationship with Viola while still married for the second time. For several months I lived with two families. Then the wife found out about the betrayal. He left her, leaving a three-room apartment and a car. The ex-wife never forgave him for his betrayal; at first she even forbade him to see his son Maxim.

Regarding their acquaintance, Valery said: “Violetta worked in our musical group dressers. The entire male half of the group tried to flirt with her! And me too. But, like everyone else, I was sent to hell - she rejected my advances for more than six months!.. I proved my serious intentions with my actions: I looked after her beautifully, I was always ready to help. And our relationship began with a kiss in a taxi, it literally predetermined my future fate! We were returning from tour. It was early in the morning, we were driving back seat taxi and, tired from the flight, slept while we were taken in turn to our homes. In the dream it so happened that our faces were next to each other. And the kiss happened, as if in a fog. When we realized what had happened, we were disheartened. But after a while we realized that it’s all for a reason and we can’t live without each other.”

The couple had a daughter, Viola Syutkina, in 1996. The girl was named after her mother: “My beloved woman, my wife, is called Viola. Our daughter is also Viola. It’s very convenient: you shout “Viola!” - and both respond at once! In addition, I make wishes between my daughter and my wife that always come true,” the musician said jokingly in an interview.

Filmography of Valery Syutkin:

1997 - Old songs about the main thing - 2
2005 - Kill Bella - cameo
2005 - Motley Ribbon. Arkady Ostrovsky. The song stays with the person (documentary)
2007 - Election Day - soloist of VIA “Oliver Twist”
2008 - Mikhail Tanich. Last interview (documentary)
2010 - Sung in the USSR. Black cat (documentary)
2014 - Champions - cameo
2014 - Leonid Yarmolnik. "I am lucky!" (documentary)

Valery Syutkin's vocals in films:

2010 - Courtyard

Discography of Valery Syutkin:

"Phone" group:

1981 - Telephone-1
1982 - Concert at PhysTech
1983 - Kadyrov-Cascade (Ka-Ka)
1984 - Concert in Vladivostok
1985 - Twist Cascade

Group "Architects":

1986 - Rock panorama-1986
1987 - Concert in Tallinn
1987 - Ecology
1987 - Child of urbanism
1987 - Fifth Series

Group "Fan-o-man":

1989 - Granular caviar

Bravo Group:

1990 - “Hipsters from Moscow”
1992 - “Moscow Beat”
1994 - “Live in Moscow”
1994 - “Road to the Clouds”
1995 - “Songs different years»

"Syutkin and KO":

1995 - “Just what you need”
1996 - “Night Road Radio”
1998 - “Not everything”
2000 - "004"
2002 - " Best songs»

"Syutkin rock and roll band":

2006 - “Grand collection”
2010 - “New and Best”
2012 - “Kiss Slowly”

Syutkin & “LIGHT JAZZ”:

2015 - “Moskvich 2015”
2016 - “Olympic” (mini-album)

Video clips of Valery Syutkin:

1995 - 7 thousand above the ground
1995 - Up and Down
1996 - Night Road Radio
1996 - 42 minutes
1996 - On the Edge of Sunset
1996 - How steamships are seen off (for “Old songs about the main thing”)
1997 - Far
2000 - 001
2000 - Bumbo-mambo
2000 - 21st century
2000 - Pleasure motor ship
2004 - Handsome
2011 - Moscow-Neva (together with the group “Romario”)
2016 - Selfie
2016 - Without mittens (together with the group “Romario”)

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