Vadim Samoilov personal life children. Vadim Samoilov

Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov. Born on October 3, 1964 in Sverdlovsk. Russian musician, vocalist, guitarist, composer, poet, arranger, sound engineer, cult leader Russian rock band"Agatha Christie".

“I think that for me, rock music and rock and roll is when a person does not create a fictitious image, but appears on stage and in his songs as who he really is. This is his fundamental difference from pop artists. A pop artist always puts on a mask that is worse or better made, and we don’t know what kind of person he really is. He just sings songs from his own perspective, his own composition. -musicians, it’s generally about people who live frank life, sincere, who have no second plans inside, no excessive diplomacy inside. If they feel good, they say good, if they feel bad, then it’s bad. In every situation they try to be themselves, not to adapt to anyone or anything, to follow only their inner principles. This path is quite ornate, because today’s society is filled with masks.", - speaks Vadim Samoilov about rock and roll.

“The very term “rock and roll” as a lifestyle, if you do not take the external attributes, HarleyDavidson and everything else, namely the internal state of a person - the internal state of honesty before oneself and others, sincerity before oneself and others", - explains Vadim Samoilov, what is rock and roll.

Vadim Samoilov was born on October 3, 1964 in Sverdlovsk. Then the parents moved to Asbest. The father of Vadim and his brother Gleb worked as an engineer, and their mother was a doctor.

From the age of seven he studied at a music school.

Vadim Samoilov as a child with his parents and brother

Together with Alexander Kozlov and Peter May he became the founders of the group "Agatha Christie" in 1985 (under the name VIA "RTF UPI"). He also became the only member of the group to play in it throughout all the years of its existence, until its disbandment in 2010.

He has performed as a vocalist, guitarist, arranger, songwriter and producer.

Among the songs written by Vadim Samoilov as part of “Agatha Christie” are “Viva Kalman!”, “ Black Moon", "Never" etc.

At the same time, starting with the album “Decadence”, during the work on which he had to take on most of the producer and director’s functions, he began to take less part in the creative process, and the role of the main composer and lyricist of the group gradually passed to his junior brother Gleb Samoilov.

Agatha Christie - Like at War

Agatha Christie - Opium

Agatha Christie - Fabulous Taiga

Agatha Christie - Black Moon

Agatha Christie - Helicopter Carpet

Agatha Christie - The Secret

Agatha Christie - Heterosexual

The Agatha Christie group was accused of promoting drugs.

“We openly confirmed rumors about drug use: yes, it happened in our lives, and we talked about it. At that time, before our eyes and with us, a huge number of famous and unknown people. But only we, stupid truth-tellers, allowed ourselves to talk about this in television programs and from the pages of publications. Naturally, the journalists exaggerated everything many times over, came up with ad-libs, and the result was not long in coming: the Agatha Christie group are hopeless drug addicts. In fact, none of us have ever lived the life of a classic drug addict. I used to know them, I know how people with this disease live: I got up in the morning - thinking only about the dose, the whole day passes in search of money and the dose, in the evening I took it; if you were lucky and didn’t die from an overdose, then you got up the next morning - and so on in a vicious circle until the addict dies or goes to prison. Yes, we dabbled in this, yes, we sometimes experienced physiological discomfort, but in reality big problem It hasn't outgrown, thank God", - said the artist.

"Golden cast" of the group "Agatha Christie":

Vadim Samoilov - vocals, guitars, arrangements, keyboards, songwriter (1988-2010, 2015)
Gleb Samoilov - vocals, bass guitar, guitar, arrangements, songwriter (1988-2010, 2015)
Alexander Kozlov - keyboards, synth bass, songwriter (1988-2001)†
Andrey Kotov - drums (1990-2008)

Other members of the Agatha Christie group:

Lev Shutylev - keyboards (1989-1990) †
Albert Potapkin - drums (1989-1990)
Peter May - drums (1988-1989)
Dmitry Snake Khakimov - drums (2008-2010)
Konstantin Bekrev - keyboards, bass guitar, backing vocals (2008-2010, 2015)
Roman Baranyuk - drums (2010, 2015)

Vadim Samoilov in other projects:

In 1992, he participated in the recording of Nastya Poleva’s album “Bride” as a sound engineer, guitarist and keyboard player. In 1994 he wrote the song “Dance on Tiptoe”.

In 1994, he participated in the recording of the album “Titanic” by the group “Nautilus Pompilius”, as well as the album “Atlantis” released in 1997. A year later, he took part in the recording of the album of the group Anton and Alina Nifantiev “Insarov” “Razor”.

He was a producer of the groups “Chicherina”, “Semantic Hallucinations”, “Bi-2” and others.

In 2000, he participated in the recording and was the producer of the album “Dreams” by Yulia Chicherina.

In 2003, he recorded the song “Invisible” for the tribute band “Picnic”. In 2004, a joint album with the group “Picnic” was released - “Shadow of the Vampire”. Participated in the Invasion festival as part of Nautilus Pompilius.

In 2005, he participated in the recording of the album “Tender is the Night” by the group “Top”.

He was the composer of Alexei Balabanov’s film “It Doesn’t Hurt Me.”

In June 2010, he participated together with Masha Makarova in the concert filming of “Songs for Alla.” Igor Nikolaev’s song “Tell me, birds” was chosen for the tribute. Initially it was planned to sing it with Yulia Chicherina.

In 2010, he hosted the weekly radio program “Rocklab on Ours”.

On February 2, 2012, he performed as a guest at a concert dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Picnic group in Yekaterinburg. In 2012, together with the group “Picnic”, he went on tour, first with the anniversary program “30 Light Years”, and then with “Vampire Songs”.

In 2013, on August 17 in Yekaterinburg, at the celebration of City Day, Vadim presented new program for the first time since the end of Agatha Christie.

Most commonly played guitars are Gibson Les Paul Standard, Line 6 Variax 300 and Fender Stratocaster. Also played on Jackson Soloist, Jolana Superstar.

In 2013-2014, the ex-vocalist of Agatha Christie showed fragments of this program at several festivals, including the Old New Rock in Yekaterinburg.

The trial of Vadim Samoilov with Artemy Troitsky

In March 2011, Vadim Samoilov sued the music critic demanding compensation for moral damages in the amount of one million rubles.

The reason for the lawsuit was a phrase spoken by Troitsky in the REN TV film “Notes of Protest”: “We have different rock musicians. There is, say, Vadim Samoilov from the disbanded Agatha Christie group, who is just such a trained poodle under Surkov".

With these words, Troitsky, in particular, meant that Vadim Samoilov helped Vladislav Surkov record the disc “Peninsulas”, in which he set the official’s poems to music. At the time of filing the claim, Vadim Samoilov was a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and, according to the funds, mass media, was on friendly terms with Surkov.

On May 4, 2011, the Magistrate Court of the Khamovnichesky District of Moscow began preliminary hearings of the case initiated under Article 129 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insult). According to Artemy Troitsky, this lawsuit was part of an organization organized against him Russian authorities campaigns: “Two lawsuits - civil and criminal from former traffic cop Khovansky about an accident on Leninsky Prospekt and awards for bad police officers. And two lawsuits - again, civil and criminal - from Vadim Samoilov".

The point of view of the ex-lead singer of the Agatha Christie group was supported by some of his colleagues. In particular, the leader of the Picnic group, Edmund Shklyarsky. The journalist's point of view was supported by some musicians. In particular, Vasily Shumov decided to organize free concert at the Central House of Artists in support of Artemy Troitsky, in which Yuri Shevchuk, Vasya Oblomov, the groups “Center”, “Barto”, “Zvuki Mu” and others planned to take part.

However, on May 31, 2011, the director of the Central House of Artists, Vasily Bychkov (also a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation), unexpectedly decided to refuse to provide the musicians with a venue for the concert. According to the organizer, Troitsky and the musicians, the reason for the refusal was the pressure put on Shumov by the authorities.

On November 15, the Gagarinsky Court of Moscow rejected the musician’s claim against Troitsky. On December 9, the Magistrate Court of the Cheryomushkinsky District of Moscow decided to resume consideration of the claim of musician Vadim Samoilov against music critic Artemy Troitsky.

In 2006 he created and headed a charity project "Hero of our time", which aims to help young and aspiring musicians.

Since 2007 - member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Since 2008, member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, elected from all-Russian public associations. As part of his work at the Public Chamber, he is engaged in the fight against piracy, which he considers theft.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a proxy of the candidate for President of the Russian Federation and the current Prime Minister.

He took part in the photo project “Men” in support of children with cerebral palsy, organized by the “Zone of Hope” foundation with the support of.

On October 11, 2010, Vadim Samoilov, together with other rock musicians, took part in a meeting with the President Russian Federation. During the meeting, V. Samoilov helped sing the Time Machine song “For those at sea.” Vadim Samoilov was also one of the organizers of the meeting. Vadim Samoilov did not invite the leader of the DDT group to the meeting, explaining that Yuri takes “a rather juvenile, nonconformist position, and at such meetings you still need to strive for dialogue.”

In 2015, he repeatedly visited the Lugansk People's Republic with concerts and in September, on the Day of the City of Lugansk, he was awarded by the Head of the LPR the medal "For Services to the Republic" 2nd degree "for active life position, empathy for the fate of the LPR, high morale and patriotism, an invaluable contribution to the formation of the young state.”

Vadim Samoilov's height: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Vadim Samoilov:

Married for the second time. Has a daughter, Yana, from her first marriage.

The second wife's name is Julia.

“I like my wife Yulya Samoilova. I married her. I don’t have a type, I have a spiritual connection with a person,” he says.

Discography of Vadim Samoilov:

1988 - Second Front - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
1989 - Insidiousness and Love - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
1990 - Decadence - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
1992 - Bride - Nastya - arrangement, guitar, keyboards, drums
1993 - Shameful Star - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
1994 - Titanic - Nautilus Pompilius - guitar, keyboards, tambourine, sound engineering, programming
1995 - Opium - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
1997 - Hurricane - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
1997 - Atlantis - Nautilus Pompilius - keyboards, programming
1998 - Miracles - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar
2000 - Mine Kaif? - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards
2000 - Dreams - Chicherina
2003 - Peninsulas - together with Vladislav Surkov - arrangement, programming, keyboards, synthesizers, guitars, vocals
2004 - Thriller. Part 1 - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar, keyboards, drums
2004 - Shadow of the Vampire - Picnic - vocals, guitar
2006 - Peninsulas 2 - together with Vladislav Surkov - arrangement, programming, keyboards, synthesizers, guitars, vocals
2010 - Epilogue - Agatha Christie - vocals, guitar

Video clips of Vadim Samoilov with the Agatha Christie group:

1988 - Our truth
1989 - Viva Kalman!
1990 - Cancan
1993 - Descent
1993 - Like in war
1994 - New Year
1994 - Fabulous taiga
1995 - Opium for Nobody
1995 - Black Moon
1996 - Two ships
1996 - Sailor
1998 - Helicopter carpet
1998 - Spider's Road
2000 - Secret
2000 - Drink the sea
2001 - Bullet
2004 - Thriller
2005 - Fun World
2008 - Feat
2010 - Heartbeat

Video clips of Vadim Samoilov with other groups:

1991 - Oorfene Deuce - “Otkhodnaya”
1993 - Nastya Poleva - “Love and Lies”
2002 - Semantic hallucinations - “Hunters” - maniac
2004 - Picnic - “The torture never ends”
2008 - Bi-2 - “Everything as he said”
2010 - Film “Epilogue” (DVD)

Songs by Agatha Christie in films:

"Funny pictures. Fantasy in retro style" - "Hysteria"
2000 - “Brother 2” - “Secret”, “Never”
2001 - “Sisters” - “Bullet”, “Strange Christmas”, “Janitor”, “Ein Zwei Drei Waltz”, “Hali-gali Krishna”, “I’ll be there”, “Secret”
2005 - “Blind Man’s Bluff” - “Hysteria”
2006 - “Storm Gates” - “Like at War”
2009 - “Antikiller D.K.” - "Heartbeat"
2010 - “Stoker” - “Hysteria”
2011 - “PiraMMMida” - “Opium for Nobody”
2011 - “Generation P” - “Secret”
2014 - “Faster than rabbits” - “Black Moon”, “Spider Road”, “Fairy Taiga”, “Legion”, “Kissed and Cried”, “Secret”, “Day and Night”
2014 “Z Joke” - “The Secret”, “Heartbeat”, “I’ll Be There”, “Opium for Nobody”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Ein Zwei Drei Waltz”, “Two Captains” (English versions)
2014 - “Yes and Yes” - “Epilogue”
2015 - “Concerned, or Love of Evil” - “Like in War”, “Fairytale Taiga”

Childhood of Vadim Samoilov

The eldest of the Samoilov star brothers, Vadim, was born in the Urals, in Sverdlovsk, now Yekaterinburg. The father of the future rock stars worked as an engineer, and his mother was a doctor. Later family moved to provincial Asbest. Vadim Samoilov does not remember his Soviet childhood very readily, just like small town, where he spent his childhood.

Childhood Already from kindergarten age, Vadim began to show musical abilities: The boy loved to sing. In addition, even then the leadership traits in Vadik’s character were obvious to those around him; he often gathered the children around him for cooperative games. Since childhood, Vadim was distinguished by excellent ear for music, at the age of five the boy was able to independently select a melody from the film “Property of the Republic” on the piano. At the age of seven, at his own insistence, Vadik went to study at music school for piano class. Despite his talent, he attended classes reluctantly, except for solfeggio lessons, which were given young talent easiest.

Vadim Samoilov began writing music in the third grade, and in the sixth grade he became a member of the school ensemble. Even then, Vadim knew and was close friends with Alexander Kozlov, his future colleague in “Agatha”. In 1987, Vadim invited his brother, Gleb Samoilov, to the group. Introducing the Samoilov brothers to the classics foreign rock began when the brothers came across records by PinkFloyd, ELO, Talgerine and other rock stars. Sasha Kozlov’s mother often brought records from foreign rock musicians from business trips in the capital.

Study at the institute and VIA RTF-UPI

More likely for the sake of peace of mind of conservative parents than by vocation, after graduating from school Vadim became a student at the radio engineering department of the Ural Polytechnic University. Star by profession Russian rock– Design engineer of radio equipment. His profession cannot be called useless, because Vadim Samoilov spends most of his working time in recording studios. While studying at the institute, the Samoilov brothers seriously understand that their passion for music is by no means an idle pastime; they dream of concerts and fame.

Agatha Christie - Decadence (rare recording 1991).

In 1985, the university was created VIA group RTF-UPI, which was founded by Vadim Samoilov, Alexander Kozlov and Peter May. The student ensemble was the first step towards the modern Agatha Christie, but then no one thought about the scale of Agatha’s popularity.

Vadim Samoilov in the Agatha Christie group - a 20-year project

The central project of Vadim Samoilov’s work will forever remain the Agatha Christie group. The team existed for 20 years, recorded ten studio albums, five collections and eighteen music videos. Initially, the student group was assembled to perform at one of the university holidays, but after playing once, they did not break up.

The beginning of the all-Russian popularity of "Agatha" dates back to the 90s. The albums “Decadence”, “Shameful Star”, “Opium” quickly gained popularity among young people, and then the group easily climbed to the top of the charts and successfully traveled around Russia with concerts. The brothers' dream came true!

The composition of the group underwent changes several times, but the “golden” composition is considered to be “Agatha” with the participation of the Samoilov brothers, Alexander Kozlov and Andrei Kotov. This composition was formed in 1990 with the arrival of Andrei Kotov in the group and existed until 2001, when Alexander Kozlov died suddenly from atherosclerosis.

Vadim Samoilov and Alexander Kozlov. Program "Wheels"

"Agatha Christie" has completed its concert activities in 2009 with a large-scale farewell tour of Russian cities. In the summer of 2010, the last farewell album was released legendary group"Epilogue" and also accomplished last performance at the rock festival Invasion.

Solo projects, production and public work of Vadim Samoilov

In addition to the colossal work on his own group, Samoilov gradually begins to take part in other projects. In 1994, Vadim worked as an arranger for the album “Titanic” by the group “Nautilus Pompilius” and Vyacheslav Butusov. As a producer, Samoilov Sr. leads popular projects: the group “Semantic Hallucinations”, singer Yulia Chicherina became famous largely thanks to Samoilov’s talent as a producer. In 2004, Vadim Samoilov’s joint album with the group “Picnic” was released.

As a composer, Vadim is the author of the soundtrack for Alexey Balabanov’s film “It Doesn’t Hurt Me.” The first one was released in 2003 solo album Samoilov Sr. “Peninsula”, and in 2006 fans received a gift from their idol in the form of the second solo album “Peninsula-2”.

In 2006, Vadim Samoilov created the “Hero of Our Time” project - a charitable organization that provides support to aspiring musicians and musical groups. And since 2007, Samoilov has been a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, where the main activity of the ex-leader of Agatha Christie is the fight against plagiarism and piracy, which Vadim considers one of the types of theft.

Personal life of Vadim Samoilov

The personal life of rock musicians is often closed topic, and Vadim Samoilov is no exception in this matter. It is known that Vadim met his wife Yulia in 2003. According to him, this meeting turned his life upside down. From his first marriage, Vadim has a daughter, Yana, she lives with her mother in Yekaterinburg.

Cosmopolitan-Ural. June 2003

Composing ominous and beautiful fairy tales- that's their thing. Martyr clowns and stone-bottomed hearts - characters and the attributes of their piercingly nervous songs. Raised on dark lyrics German romantics, they became the youngest legend of Russian rock. Vadim and Gleb Samoilov spend most of this year in halls with constant sell-outs - on an all-Russian tour for the fifteenth anniversary of the Agatha Christie group.


Can you describe in a few words the difference between the Samoilov brothers?

Gleb is, of course, a poet and lyricist. I'm more physics. This is a normal complementarity, I think, otherwise we would not have been able to live in one team for so many years.

Do you remember the first time in your life you saw Gleb?

Of course: in the window of the maternity hospital! As expected, standing next to dad and waving flowers. They showed him to us from the window, small and already screaming.

Did you get along with each other as children?

We lived together. Although I remember more than my childhood, my growing up and his childhood and adolescence, his victories and impressions of life, mine... We developed in parallel, shared everything. There was a time, before I entered college, they listened and watched the same thing. But I haven’t learned to read voraciously like Glebka. There are books that grab your attention right away, then I read them from cover to cover, and they become my favorites.

What is brother to you? Support? Friend?

I’ll probably say a very serious thing, but... I’ll tear anyone for him. He is truly a true friend to me. The fact that we are brothers is from the category of such obligatory things as family, mother. But I still really want to share everything that happens with him. And, paradoxically, similar events happen to us, it’s as if we are encoded in some way.

What is your relationship with your daughter?

When my mom and dad were getting divorced, I swore that my child would have both a dad and a mom. But fate throws us tests that we can’t always cope with, they say, don’t renounce... No matter what they write about me, no matter what rumors circulate, for a child there is always one dad, a good dad.

Should parents do anything special for their children?

I want to take out all the warmest and best things from myself and leave them to my daughter. There is, of course, an element of tenderness. (Smiles.) When I hear “daddy”, I become like a slob, like a cat on a radiator melting away... I believe that the entire supply of love that a person has should be given to a child. Because love for a woman is one thing, but for a child is completely different. It is this love that moves the Sun, because the child is an extension of you. When they say “daddy’s money,” meaning Alsou, Gubin, Linda... Thank God that daddy helped! I am completely calm about this. I have not yet done everything for my daughter and I hope that I will succeed in everything I want to do.

Love for a child is love-care. What about a woman?

I would say insight. You are looking, as banal as it may sound, for your half, for a person with whom everything coincides. During my life, I was probably lucky or unlucky, I don’t know how to talk about it, I met several women with whom there were more and more coincidences. And now I have met a person with whom everything coincides. This is probably the greatest happiness, some kind of cleansing of the soul, a strong shake-up.

Do you often meet good people?

Kostya Kinchev once told me that God scatters miracles everywhere and you need to be ready to see these sparkles. In this sense, I Lately You meet all kinds of good people along the way. Maybe it’s because I’ve been burned many times and intuitively filter out communication with someone. I remember that there are many people who want to be proud of me: friends, acquaintances, colleagues, companions, daughter, wife, many people.

Where is mom among those listed?

Mom - separately standing man, she had a very difficult time with us. Lives three lives at the same time: his, mine and Glebkin’s. I can't imagine how she can bear it all. We have always treated her well, but now Gleb and I have apparently grown enough to really take care of our mother. We really want this.

What made “Agatha Christie” leave for Moscow?

You had to go to get through. There was no developed show business then. Unlike CHAIF, we were not lucky with a person who would take care of our affairs in Moscow, and we had to do everything ourselves. Although I sincerely still wonder why businessmen of the most talented Ural region cannot realize that a bunch of young interesting groups are leaving their hands? “Sahara” has left, “Moscow-Luna” and “Semantic Hallucinations” live here, but the videos are also filmed in the capital. But we have an excellent base for filming, are we too lazy to think a little? Everyone here is very isolated, limited liability partners are like that... I honestly don’t understand this.

You seem to be persuading me not to leave for the capital...

It seems to me that the most painful thing for a person is being cut off from his roots. You can’t pull a person out, not everyone can stand it. In order to imagine my homeland, I need to imagine a distance of 2000 km, Asbest, Sverdlovsk and Moscow. I envy Kostya Kinchev when he shows me the school where he studied, the house where he lived with his grandmother, the garden from which he stole something... A person should live like this, it’s dangerous to tear him apart. Although, if we didn’t have this isolation, then there wouldn’t be such anguish in the songs.

A difficult and painful question. It would, I think, be intimate if it weren’t for the scale of drug distribution in our country...

God forbid you even try. I saw people with enormous power wills that simply broke under their influence. “I’ll just try, there are people who tried it and they managed to quit,” this is the biggest deception. Only a few survive. This is a huge, completely devilish world that sucks you in, replacing your life with itself. And this happens very unnoticed. You lose EVERYTHING, from your personality to those who love you. And even the most beloved people who will stay with you will be tormented to the last. And it all ends either in prison or in the grave.

It happens that people judge others by themselves...

I learned not to give in. I had two victories. I learned to say no and stand up for what I have inside. Either sharply or democratically. Including fights.

How long has it been since you last fought?

Six months ago in Khanty-Mansiysk.

A very drunk, very famous young actor called my brother and me a bad word in a public place. I warned him that I wouldn’t hit him in the face, because he works for him, and offered to apologize while I counted to three. Didn't apologize - got it. Oh, no, this was not the last time! At a concert in Gorbushka, he gave in to a photographer who was selling pirated photographs of the band performing. I have a very bad attitude towards piracy. Ever since our concert in “Cosmos”, when the photographer offered to take pictures, and the next day, at our second concert, he sold these photographs. I do not advise anyone who engages in piracy to meet with me. No matter how many of you there are, even if you’re the first one in the crowd, I’ll knock out all your teeth.

Didn't you get into trouble as a child?

We weren't bullies when we were kids. Now we're catching up. (Laughs.) We were like that in childhood... we lived with beautiful sunrises and sunsets... Our apartment was one side to the East, the other to the West. We hung out between fairy tales, read books, listened to songs, and rather lived in the inner world. And we are grateful to our parents for giving us this opportunity. The first gifts we bought were: Okudzhava’s record for my mother, Vysotsky’s for my father. My parents, an engineer and a doctor, had nothing to do with the creative environment, nevertheless, we always had gatherings at our house, talked, sang about grape seeds, it was so heartfelt... Or when dad sang along with “the cavalry guard’s life is short,” it got me in, Honestly.

Who would you like to remain in the Book of Eternity, if there was such a thing?

Still, may everyone who loves me and everyone I love forgive me, let it be written “Vadim Samoilov, “Agatha Christie”.


What is your first memory of Vadim?

I remember very well how they saved up for Vadika to buy jeans. They saved for so long, everyone was so worried, and when they finally bought Vadik these jeans, I was so proud, as if they had been bought for me. Since then it has continued like this: when Vadik writes something good, I rejoice, as if I did it myself. No matter how much we quarrel, no matter what grievances there are between us, pride in each other is above all. He also took me to kindergarten on a sled.

Is a brother in your life support, support, something else?

This is a given. Subjective reality, given to me as a feeling. (Laughs.) We have always had a big family - dad, mom, Vadik, me, and grandma are with us. I can't imagine anything else. You need to ask Vadik, maybe he remembers how he lived for six years without me.
(Vadim, smiling: “I missed you terribly!”)

He remembers how he saw you in the maternity hospital...

Ah, I know this story! And I know what name he chose for me.


Vadik categorically insisted that they call me Pupsik. Dad suggested calling me Gleb, which, by the way, corresponds Orthodox calendar. As a result, lots were cast. They threw pieces of paper with names into the hat, and dad was entrusted to hold the hat. They took out a piece of paper with the name Gleb. Then it turned out that this was written on all the pieces of paper. Dad was cunning. But he gave it the correct name. Otherwise I would have been Pupsik.

Great name for a rock star!

Yes, Vadim and Pupsik Samoilov are legends of Russian rock!

Not hard? At that age – and a legend?

Unclear. Legend means something that is already in the past, you know? It's sad to be called a legend at 32 years old. On the other hand, at this age you can start a lot again, you know? And a new life, and love, and quitting drinking - everything is possible. And on stage I feel even better than at 17 years old.

What new things have you started at 32?

I started writing songs that I hadn’t written since I was 30. I haven’t written a single song in two years. The last one was for Seryozha Bodrov to “Sisters”.

What is the reason for such a long silence?

First of all, with the death of Sasha. (Alexander Kozlov, drummer of Agatha Christie. – Ed.) With devastation inside. Sasha’s death seemed to draw a line. Then, a very painful separation from my family. My wife and I could not live with each other. I tried to endure all this as best I could, only because I understood that there was Glebushka. And as long as he has a mom and dad, he has a home, he will be complete and happy child. But the situation became so difficult that we absolutely could not stay together. And I left the family.

What good have you done for your son during his six-year life?

I did infinitely little for him. I'm a terrible father. To begin with, I was in various unconscious states for almost his entire adult life. I understand that it was hard for my wife to tolerate me like that. When I returned to reality, it was already too late to change anything, we were already completely far from each other. Besides the fact that I supported them and simply loved them, I gave him nothing. I also come from a single-parent family, my dad and mom separated when I was 12. And my dad is there when he’s here all the time. A dad who appears and disappears, brings money and leaves, plays, takes someone to visit him for a day or two - this is no longer a dad.

Do you still want children?

Don't know. I don’t intend to have a new child in order to realize in my relationship with him the love for the one I lost. I love him, he is the one and only for me. If there is another child, he will be exactly the same for me. Then both of them will be my only ones.

Do you feel comfortable in life now?

During a period of some hopelessness and depression, I instinctively wanted to return to childhood. Territorially. In Asbestos, for example. But I am aware that this is not a longing for childhood, but simply for happiness. I wanted to be happy, and happiness was associated with what happened in childhood: mom, dad, Vadik, Asbestos, the sun, we watch TV or from the balcony we watch the sun set behind a forest that looks like an ocean... That was happiness, and about This was most often thought during the depressive period. But not now. Now, on the contrary, I want to see what will happen next... At one time I was a very political person. He collaborated a lot with various patriotic circles and publications. There are a lot of smart people there good people, but as for politics, all these major parties do not differ from each other by and large, because they all have the same goals: power and money, that is, something that is difficult for my non-economic mind to understand. It's all games Big People, and I don’t understand anything about them. So I'd rather write songs.

Why did you move to Moscow?

We didn't have a producer. And we have the audacity to believe that no one better than ourselves can be our producer. Therefore, I had to keep everything in my own hands and, naturally, live in Moscow. We first exchanged Asbest for Sverdlovsk, then Yekaterinburg for Moscow. At the same time, we believe that we have not lost our homeland. Moreover, after a huge number of tours throughout the country and abroad. Asbestos for us is the city of childhood, Sverdlovsk is the city of youth. Moscow is the city in which we now live.

How does your mother react to everything that happens to you?

Worried. Lives everything completely. He lives three lives – his, Vadik’s and mine. I'm proud of her and scared for her.

How do you keep memories of your childhood? Didn't write diaries?

All mine best songs, for me, the best ones are the memories of childhood. My first fantasies are connected with childhood. Not those fantasies of being an astronaut, a racer, a policeman or a fireman, but dreams of flying. This is perhaps the most haunting theme of “Agatha Christie” - the sky, flights...

Why flights?

I don’t know, all children probably want to fly... But I still want to.

Haven't you tried it?

I tried it. Hang gliding is great, but not at all!

Medical researchers say that love is a set of hormones that in a special way affect the human body. Someone is hiding behind hormones, but how do you explain this?

I can't explain it in any way. We have known each other for a long time with the girl with whom I now live. The next time I saw her, when my family was already destroyed, and suddenly something clicked in my head. It was as if a mosaic had been completed: the last missing piece fell into place. And I thought: Lord, why am I rushing about?.. After all, here it is! And two years later I understand that I was not mistaken then. God has sent us enough trials. So much so that we could understand that we love each other, and do not tolerate each other.

Music, love... What else is present in your life?

Love, then music. These are my human weaknesses. There is still faith. It stands completely separately. Although every time I doubt it. Every time I demand an account from myself, whether I believe it honestly or not, and I understand that I cannot fully give it.

What does it mean to you to be a musician?

First of all, self-expression and self-affirmation. Justification of one's existence as a creative person. I always wanted to be a creator. These are purely selfish motives. I don't seek to remake the World with the help of my songs.

Marina Zalogina talked to the Samoilov brothers

Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov - popular Russian musician. He became famous as a member of the rock group "Agatha Christie" together with his younger brother Gleb Samoilov. IN this moment began solo career.

Musician biography

Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov was born in the second homeland of Russian rock (after St. Petersburg) - in Sverdlovsk. Soon his parents moved to the regional center.

His father worked as an engineer, and his mother as a doctor. At the age of 7, Vadim was sent to music school, then he did not yet know that this was a lifelong passion.

After school, at the insistence of my parents, I received higher education at the Ural Polytechnic Institute. Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov graduated from the Faculty of Radio Engineering. He has a diploma in the specialty “Design and production of equipment”.

Participated in student construction teams. There he began to actively perform at amateur song competitions. In general, in student years was active social life- played in KVN. Spent both seasons for the Ural Polytechnic team in the revived KVN. On the stage of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful he sang songs.

In 1987, after graduating from university, he received professional qualifications designer-technologist of radio equipment.

Founding of the Agatha Christie group

In the mid-80s, Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov was one of the founders musical group"Agatha Christie" in Sverdlovsk. Together with guitarist and drummer Peter May and composer and keyboard player Alexander Kozlov. The first name of the group was VIA "RTF UPI".

Vadim became the only member of the group who played in it throughout its entire existence. Until the collapse in 2010. Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov, whose biography is closely connected with this group, served as a vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, producer, and arranger.

Among famous compositions Samoilov's songs "Never" and "Black Moon". Since 1990 (after the release of the album "Decadence") Vadim Samoilov has taken on most of the functions of producer and director of the group. At the same time he moves away from creative process. The role of the main author of words and music passes to Gleb Samoilov, who is 6 years younger than him.

Working outside the group

Despite being very busy, Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov, whose photo regularly appeared on covers in the 90s music magazines, is also involved with other musicians.

In 1992, he helps Nastya Polevaya record the album "Bride", acting as a guitarist, sound engineer and keyboard player.

In 1994 he participated in the recording studio album"Titanic" with the group "Nautilus Pompilius". In 1997, he recorded the album “Atlantis” with the same group.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, he promoted several promising musical projects as a producer. The most successful are the groups “Semantic Hallucinations” and “Chicherina”.

Collaborates with Records with them a tribute to the song “Invisible”, and a year later a whole album - “Shadow of the Vampire”. The Nautilus Pompilius team even goes to one of the Invasion festivals.

After breaking up with Agatha Christie, he continued his collaboration with Picnic. I went on tour with the group on an anniversary tour dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the group.

He also tried himself as a film composer. His music can be heard in Alexei Balabanov’s drama “It Doesn’t Hurt Me.”

After the collapse of Agatha Christie

Breaks up in 2010. The Samoilov brothers themselves explained the end of the team by saying that over time they became completely different people, with diametrically opposed life values and tastes. Therefore find mutual language within the framework of one project it became more and more difficult for them.

The last, tenth album of the group was the album "Epilogue". After this, Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov (nationality - Russian) began a solo career. He presented the first results only three years later in hometown, speaking at the festival with a new project.

During 2013-2014 he showed pieces of this program at several concert venues.

At the same time, Samoilov continued to work on his old songs. At the end of 2016, he presented unreleased versions of old tracks on the social network VKontakte under the title “Drafts for Agata.”

New album

In 2017, Vadim Samoilov presented a single from his new album called “Others”. It has become available on almost all popular electronic platforms.

It is worth noting that the song “Others” was written during the years of work on the album “Epilogue” as part of Agatha Christie, but did not make it into the final version of the album.

When Vadim Samoilov's first solo album will appear is still unknown. Fans have been impatient for a long time.

Life off stage

Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov, personal life who has always interested his fans, was married twice. From his first marriage he has a daughter, Yana.

Since the mid-2000s, he has been active in public and civil position. In 2006, he created a charity project called “Hero of Our Time.” Its goal was to support young and aspiring musicians. A year later, the famous rock musician joined the federal Public Chamber. In this body he is in charge of the fight against piracy, which he openly calls theft.

In 2010, together with others famous musicians and cultural figures met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. During the conversation, Samoilov, together with Makarevich, the leader of the Time Machine group, sang the song “For those who are at sea.” The consequences of this communication were then much discussed. In particular, the decision not to invite Yuri Shevchuk was condemned. The leader of the DDT group, according to Samoilov, who was one of the organizers of the meeting, takes a too juvenile and nonconformist position.

In 2012, he was officially registered on the eve of the Russian presidential elections as a confidant of Vladimir Putin, who at that time served as Prime Minister.

In 2015, Samoilov gave concerts in the unrecognized Lugansk People's Republic. And he was even awarded by the head of the regional center at City Day for his active life position and contribution to the formation of the young state.

Since 2017, Samoilov has been one of the members of the Russian Music Union. Moreover, he is a member of the board of this organization.

December 12 in St. Petersburg there will be a concert founder and ex-member of the legendary Agatha Christie group Vadim Samoilov. The musician promises that he will not disappoint fans: the almost three-hour show will feature all the main hits of Agatha Christie, new compositions by Samoilov Sr. and songs that were rarely performed at previous concerts. “This will be a journey through the depths and heights human soul, says Vadim. “We will go to the very bottom, and then we will rise to the top!”

“My brother and I were cramped in the same group”

Yana Khvatova, website: - Vadim, the songs of “Agatha Christie” in your solo performance sound somewhat different: the depressiveness has gone away from them, and more warmth has appeared. Tell us, what is the reason for such changes?

Vadim Samoilov:- Firstly, I grew up. Secondly, there was a long pause between the time Agatha Christie ceased to exist and the time I began performing the group’s repertoire solo. Almost 5 years have passed! It was time to rethink ourselves and look differently at what was happening - from the height of what we had lived through. I guess I've changed. I don’t want to live the song as the main character, but give my own perception. I think that there was undoubtedly depression in the work of Agatha Christie, but there was also sarcasm and humor: it was a little cynical, but now in this humor there is more of a smile and such unconditional acceptance. Humans are complex creatures, and everyone has flaws. We sang about these vices.

- Can we say that your growing up led to the breakup of the group?

At the concert in St. Petersburg, Vadim will perform hits and new songs. Photo: From personal archive

Yes, that's absolutely right! It would be better to say - not even to disintegration, but to a natural completion. It has long been clear to me that Gleb and I will sooner or later separate, and we will have two different projects. This became especially obvious after the death of Sasha Kozlov (co-founder and keyboardist of Agatha Christie, died in 2001 - author's note). Together we still somehow balanced, and when there were only two of us left, our personal worldviews - mine and Gleb's - began to demand a way out. That’s why there’s less fantasy in our songs today. lyrical hero from a book, but more of a personal message from both him and me.

Because my brother and I are very different people, we were cramped in one group. In 2008, we agreed to record a farewell album, do a farewell tour and go our separate ways. There was no specific reason, scandal, quarrel, because of which we broke up. This was an adult decision by adults.

I continue to love Gleb because he is my younger brother. If he needs a helping hand, he knows very well that he will receive it, as has happened many times.

The scandals began after the “Nostalgic Concerts” (Gleb Samoilov, through the court, tried to prohibit his brother from performing “Agatha Christie” songs - author’s note). I take this philosophically. What is leaked to the press is only the tip of the iceberg, part of our larger and more complex relationship with my brother. To summarize, I can say: I really regret that we are parting with such bad noise. And, of course, the real truth of our relationship is only between me and Gleb. This is our personal space, and I wouldn’t want to let anyone in there. I regret that sometimes Gleb says some unnecessary things. Well, so be it, no big deal.

I see no reason for us to ever get together. I'm comfortable alone, I like to look for something new. But, despite the fact that I categorically do not accept the lifestyle that Gleb now leads, the way he thinks, nevertheless, I respect him for the fact that he lives the way he wants and does not adapt to reality. Undoubtedly, although at a distance, I continue to love him, because he is my younger brother. If Gleb needs a helping hand, he knows perfectly well that he will receive it, as has happened many times.

- Do you follow Gleb’s work?

At one time, in preparation for the “Nostalgic Concerts,” I studied the work of “The Matrixx”: at some point we had the idea of ​​​​doing a joint concert so that both Gleb and I would show our new songs. Then I realized that this would all be too extravagant for a concert where Agatha Christie fans would come. Therefore, we canceled this idea - but I got acquainted with Gleb’s work. As a matter of fact, Gleb still remains a talented author, although this is not quite my thing. There are lovers of this kind of music, and thank God! I wish him success.

Young people are in the front row

- Do Agatha Christie fans come to your concerts or are there new faces among them?

Of course, “Agatha Christie” is a unifying element for those in the audience and on stage. I am very glad that young people are constantly appearing among fans. Three generations of people come to the concerts: these are my peers and even a little older - those who have been listening to Russian rock since the late 80s, this is also the generation of the 90s - the period when Agatha Christie was wildly popular, and young people. There are always teenagers and young people in the front rows, and this warms and inspires.

Every Samoilov concert is bright and unusual show. Photo: From personal archive

You, in turn, do not lag behind young people in that you maintain pages in all in social networks. Surely fans write to you often. Are you answering everyone?

I'm not really social person, but I understand what is necessary - we need to communicate with people. Social networks are a kind of mouthpiece through which you can voice your point of view on a particular issue, and this is very cool. When I reached the peak of the conflict with my brother, people sent me a lot of questions on social networks, and I had to answer them. Then I actively used social networks because I had a reason. Now - periodically something like this happens, I can communicate with someone.

- You tour a lot. Do you have time left for your family?

We try to plan our tour schedule in such a way that we have time for our family. For example, if we tour for a week, we will spend the next week in Moscow. This is what we artists do! My daughter Yana has known Agatha Christie since childhood, and she still likes these songs. Of course, it’s nice when there is such understanding and agreement.

The best for St. Petersburg

- In 2006 you created a charity music project"Hero of our time". Is it developing now?

I keep in touch with musicians who can send me something to listen to, and I share my impressions. Some of them, out of friendship, can record at our studio. I don’t do this systematically, as I did in 2006: I don’t have time yet. First of all I have to finish all my creative updates. After this, I will find room both in my soul and in space to return to this activity. My area of ​​interest is young music, young musicians. I'm very curious what it will be like new wave Russian rock. If I can help these guys in any way in the future, I will be glad!

- Any of the modern young musicians you could mention?

From what sounded new, I liked the group “The Largest Prime Number” (SBPC). They are unusual, working in a fusion of genres. I love everything unusual, and these guys made a big impression on me. With classic pop-rock everything is clear, with rap too, but here is such an unusual option, when there is a little bit of everything - electronics, rapping, everything is subtle and psychedelic. But I don’t want to say that they are better than everyone else - I just liked them because they found a new path.

Samoilov Sr. admits that he is in the process of rethinking himself. Photo: From personal archive

In one of your interviews you said that you cannot imagine your concerts without a show. What show have you prepared for St. Petersburg?

This will be a great program for almost three hours. For St. Petersburg, I prepared a special show, where I decided to add depth to the vice, so as not to go into a completely light performance. My concert will be a journey lasting 30 years - starting from 1986, from the very first recordings that Sasha Kozlov and I made even before Gleb, and ending with my new compositions, including a song written specifically to the music of Alexander Kozlov. I added songs to the concert that we very rarely performed at Agatha Christie. For example, the composition “He wasn’t there.” This is a song about searching for God and internal conflicts people on this path. Or, for example, the song “Gigi Dzagi”.

The concert in St. Petersburg will be a journey through the depths and heights of the human soul. We will go down to the very bottom to explore the most vicious things, and then we will rise to the top, jumping on the personal and light and affirming it.

We did a big tour of central Russia and took with us all the equipment so that for the concert in St. Petersburg our show acquired its final shape, which we were not able to show even in Moscow. St. Petersburg is our most rock and roll city, and we have prepared the sweetest thing for it!

Vadim Samoilov continues to perform Agatha Christie songs, but also does a lot of his own creative work. Photo:

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