In the Perm region, candidates for governor were caught in fraud. The first six candidates for Sverdlovsk governors: what they are known for and how much they earn

From the Federation Council to educational program Senators Sergey Mamedov (from Samara region), Liliya Gumerova (from Bashkiria), Nikolay Zhuravlev (from the Kostroma region), Vladimir Poletaev (from the Altai Republic) and Murat Hapsirokov (from Adygea).

Also participating in the training are representatives of ministries - head of Rosstandart Alexey Abramov, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Stanislav Voskresensky, First Deputy Minister of Transport Evgeny Dietrich, Deputy Minister of Culture Sergei Obryvalin, Deputy Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Mikhail Razvozhaev, Deputy Minister of Energy Alexey Teksler, Deputy Minister of Justice Maxim Travnikov, Deputy Minister of Education and Science Grigory Trubnikov, Deputy Minister of Finance Ilya Trunin, Deputy Minister of Economic Development Oleg Fomichev and Deputy Minister of Construction Andrei Chibis.

Three training participants - a senator from the Samara region, the first deputy minister of trade and industry and the deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development - were appointed heads of regions last week: Azarov became the acting head of the Samara region, Nikitin - the Nizhny Novgorod region, and Tsybulsky - the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

On September 25, the Kremlin began an autumn series of resignations of regional heads. RBC sources close to power then said that up to ten governors could leave.

Dragon boat racing

Each of the training modules has its own topic. Judging by their schedule (RBC has it), in June the training participants completed a course called “Global Development Trends: Challenges for Russia.” The second, July, module was called “Modern principles effective management”, in September, program participants were trained in “Modern technologies of management in the public sector” and “Regional competitiveness”. These days the module “New Management Methods in the Digital World” is being held in Sochi.

Six modules of the program have been or will be held in Russia; during the sixth (December 4-7) and seventh (January 21-27) training participants will be taken for an internship in Malaysia and Singapore. The last module, “Protection of Projects,” is scheduled for mid-February and will end a month before the presidential elections.

​Training consists of lectures, defense of student projects and personal and professional diagnostics. Training takes place in groups and lasts from 9:00 to 21:00 with breaks for coffee breaks, lunches and dinners. During the third and fourth modules, team-building events took place - “Sailing Regatta” and “Dragon Boat Racing”.

Kremlin representatives give lectures to potential regional leaders. The schedule for the June module included speeches by the head of the Kremlin administration Anton Vaino and his first deputy Sergei Kiriyenko, who oversees the Kremlin’s internal political bloc, as well as presidential assistant for economic issues Andrei Belousov. Members of the cabinet spoke or will speak to the course participants - in particular, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Economic Development Minister Maxim Oreshkin, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov and Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov.

In the draft program and schedule of past modules, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, Governor Voronezh region Alexey Gordeev and the head of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev, the head of Sberbank German Gref, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin, the founder of USM Holdings Alisher Usmanov, the co-founder of Yandex Arkady Volozh and the head of Kaspersky Lab Evgeny Kaspersky. Six days after the publication, Yandex representative Asya Melkumova told RBC that Volozh was not participating in this project.

The conversation at the lectures is at its most different topics, noted one of the students in a conversation with RBC. Thus, Sobyanin spoke about planning the city budget, transport and the fight against traffic jams and the development of the urban environment. During the first, June training, the chief researcher of the Institute social analysis and forecasting of the Presidential Academy, Natalya Zubarevich spoke about economic alignment, demographic problems, long-term trends in the socio-economic development of regions and overcoming crises, RBC’s interlocutor recalled.

First of its kind

There have never been similar campaigns for the Kremlin to prepare a personnel reserve for appointment to the regions, political scientists Evgeny Minchenko and Dmitry Orlov told RBC. Previously, Kiriyenko and his predecessor as first deputy head of the Presidential Administration, Vyacheslav Volodin, organized seminars for governors and vice-governors, but they had not previously engaged in systematic training of potential regional heads, they said.

“This time they are directly purposefully training for promotion,” Minchenko noted. In his opinion, the most important and new thing in the training program is that the training participants build horizontal connections. “They perceive themselves as a common team,” the expert explained. “The governors will have no problem calling the deputy minister, and that’s good.”

The Kremlin is forming a unified team of managers who will not only be loyal to the Kremlin, but will also equally understand the principles of efficiency and the tasks assigned to them, Orlov believes. According to the political scientist, the training program is also innovative. Previously, it was mainly international experts and sociologists who spoke to politicians; under Kiriyenko, it was management practitioners. “The circle of trainers shows that training is not an acquaintance with academic theory, but studying with real managers,” the political scientist noted.

22:35, 10.09.2017

The results of today's elections will be known by Monday morning. This concludes our broadcast; follow the “News” section for further updates.

22:20, 10.09.2017

Medvedev: the September 10 elections were held “at a high level”

“We can testify that elections - and there were many of them on this single voting day - took place in our country and were held on high level“, the Prime Minister said at a conference call with the election headquarters of the regional branches of United Russia.

Medvedev noted that “this time the elections were not combined with the federal campaign, but in general this did not affect their quality, and in almost every region our voters showed respect for the elections and quite high activity - somewhere more, somewhere less, but everywhere the elections were held at a good level.”

22:15, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Municipal deputy from Yabloko, Evgeny Kurakin, told Novaya that in Moscow at polling station 667, in a secret room at the precinct where observers were refused entry, books of voters from past elections with sample signatures and passport data were found. After its discovery, the chairman of the Maryina Roshcha TEC tried to destroy the books and disappeared from the building. Kurakin said that a task force was waiting on the spot.

21:54, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Dmitry Gudkov said that it is already known that the headquarters candidates are leading in several polling stations in Khamovniki, Basmanny, Mitino, Pechatniki and in the Presnensky district.

“It’s too early to talk about the results, but the areas where we are ahead are already visible,” says the politician.

21:43, 10.09.2017

Political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin: a common feature of the elections is citizens’ disbelief that something can be changed

A distinctive feature of these elections was the general passivity of the population, which is convenient for the authorities and has no prospects for the country, says political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin.

Moscow. According to the expert, the low turnout strategy worked in the capital. “For Muscovites, the elections turned out to be uninteresting and unimportant,” Oreshkin said. “This does not apply to the controlled electorate (military personnel, activists, pensioners, hospital patients, etc.), whose representatives traditionally vote for the party in power and bring in about 10%.” In conditions of low turnout, these votes become decisive.

According to Oreshkin, “alternative” candidates have chances in the central districts of Moscow, in the Academic, Universitetsky and Gagarinsky districts, as well as along Leningradsky Prospekt.

Regions. Oreshkin said that home-based and early voting will bring about 5% to pro-government candidates, which is a significant percentage in conditions of low turnout. According to him, under “normal conditions” home-based voting is 0.5% of all voters, but in these elections the share of “home-based voters” will be a significant part.

21:16, 10.09.2017

A resident of Lefortovo posted a video of young people in the yard independently filling out ballots for home voting and throwing them into a portable box.

20:53, 10.09.2017

Gubernatorial candidates from United Russia are leading in Buryatia, Sverdlovsk and Tomsk regions

  • Alexey Tsydenov(Buryatia) - 87.73%
  • Evgeniy Kuyvashev(Sverdlovsk region) - 62.02%
  • Sergey Zhvachkin(Tomsk region) - 56.94%

20:47, 10.09.2017

Moscow. The head of the CEC, Ella Pamfilova, said that the majority of complaints about the CEC hotline came from Moscow.

“Across Moscow, 523 requests were received,” Pamfilova said. In the Moscow region -120 messages.

20:05, 10.09.2017

Polling stations in Moscow and other Russian cities have been closed. The average turnout across the country was less than 30%

20:00, 10.09.2017

Yaroslavl. In municipal elections, voters were offered 200 rubles per vote. Aleksey Sovin, an activist of the “Russia Chooses” project, who works as an observer at PEC No. 162, told RBC about this.

“Voters told us that in a car parked near school No. 13, where PEC No. 162 is located, they were offering money for voting. It was around 3 p.m.,” he said.

“Information about the car from which voters were bribed was transferred to the police,” he added.

19:52, 10.09.2017

Leningrad region. An observer in Kuzmolovo wrote a statement to the police because of the minibuses that transported voters to the polling station every half hour. This happened after the man talked to a passenger on such a bus.

He asked whether voters themselves rent vehicles. The woman replied that people came to her and asked her to vote for the United Russia candidate Sergei Pavlov in the elections. Observer Svyatoslav Boynov wanted to ask the unknown woman about the details, but she, according to him, got scared and ran away. A member of the IKMO first turned to the chairman of PEC 140. There they explained to him that buses were needed to transport residents who were located just a kilometer from the site. This explanation did not suit Boynov and he turned to the 87th police station.

At another polling station, member of PEC No. 141 Petr Trofimov filmed a drunk voter who came to vote accompanied by a heavily built young man. Trofimov asked the police officer why a man in such a state was allowed to vote, to which he received an unexpected answer: a young woman with the rank of captain explained that “today is a holiday, and there is nothing like that.” She called on the PEC member to be “more positive.”

19:25, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Observers of Gudkov's headquarters report that the General Staff also votes on cameras of PEC 9 on Arbat. Headquarters employees called the CEC hotline, where they were connected to a “competent specialist in this matter.” This specialist said that there is a decision from the Moscow City Election Commission that some recordings from cameras will be of poor quality. But on hotline The Moscow Electoral Commission said that such a solution exists only where the military votes, and hung up.

19:19, 10.09.2017

The Ministry of Defense reported on the high turnout of the military: they are not forced to vote

Deputy Minister of Defense Nikolai Pankov RBC that mass military voting in some areas in Moscow occurs without coercion.

“We have places where we are doomed to deliver military personnel en masse; we have no other option. Of course, there are such cases, but such cases are isolated,” he said.

Earlier, Kommersant, citing Evgeniy Khvostik, a member of the election commission in the Moscow Sokolniki district, reported that military personnel were voting en masse at polling station 1272. According to Khvostik, at the station there was an additional list of military men who “went to the same table.”

Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg and journalist Sergei Gulyaev published on Twitter photographs of the National Guard voting in the village of Lebyazhye at polling station 627.

19:24, 10.09.2017

New information about turnout in Moscow

The turnout at the municipal elections in Moscow by 18:00 was 12%, said the head of the Moscow City Election Commission, Valentin Gorbunov.

And today five million people came to celebrate City Day in the capital.

19:11, 10.09.2017

Human rights activists ask police to check reports of “service” for drunk voters

The Association for the Protection of Electoral Rights "Civil Control" demands to check reports that drunk voters are being brought to polling stations in the Ryazan and Irkutsk regions, RIA Novosti reports.

Co-chairman of the association Alexander Brod emphasized that if the information is confirmed “and it is established that these actions were deliberately planned by the candidates,” then human rights activists will “ask the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation to review the voting results, and remove the organizers of these “carousels” from the elections.”

Earlier today, observers reported that in the city of Vikhorevka, “half-drunk” voters are being actively transported to polling stations near school No. 10.

“They settle accounts with voters with vodka. Observers spotted this particular car near the indicated areas,” writes Golos activist Nadezhda Zaitseva.

19:12, 10.09.2017

Sevastopol. Deputies arrived to observe the elections of the city governor French parliament Thierry Mariani and Nicolas Duic. They are both known for their pro-Russian views and calls for the European Union to recognize Russian jurisdiction in Crimea. French parliamentarians visited four polling stations. According to Mariani, elections in Sevastopol “are taking place under normal conditions, they are just as democratic as the others.”

Let us note that both Mariani and Duik are prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. Official Kyiv today announced its non-recognition of the elections taking place in Sevastopol.

18:31, 10.09.2017

The Central Election Commission has not yet identified any violations during the elections that could affect their results.

Central Election Commission press secretary Maya Grishina said that the Central Election Commission has not yet seen any violations that could affect the voting results.

“We have had many requests, they cannot be called complaints, they relate to the situation on the ground, that is, what the applicants believe, the violations that they see. Including, we received 318 written complaints on September 9-10, more than half of which were for illegal campaigning on the day of silence. With photographs and leaflets attached,” TASS quotes him as saying.

In some places, according to her, facts were revealed that required decisions by precinct and territorial commissions to recognize the ballots of early voters as invalid.

18:25, 10.09.2017

Astrakhan. Two young people doused the candidate for deputy of the Astrakhan City Duma from the United Russia party, Alexander Tukaev, with green paint. The incident occurred near polling station No. 235. The police are investigating.

According to Tukaev, among the attackers he recognized a representative of the headquarters of another candidate.

On Single Voting Day in the Astrakhan region, additional elections of deputies to the regional Duma are held (in one single-mandate constituency), city ​​council Astrakhan (in two single-mandate constituencies) and heads of several municipalities.

18:25, 10.09.2017

A criminal case has been opened in the Leningrad region for bribery of voters

In the Leningrad region, a criminal case was opened into bribery of voters at a polling station in Kuzmolovo. It was previously reported that voters were bribed under the guise of concluding agreements to organize observation at the polling station.

18:15, 10.09.2017

Elections in Vladivostok took place with low voter turnout

In the seaside capital, where elections of city council deputies took place on September 10, polling stations have already been closed and vote counting has begun. The first results will be announced on Monday, however, according to preliminary data from the city election commission, the turnout did not exceed 15%.

United Russia is in the lead (about 36%), followed by the LDPR (24%), and in third place is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (14%), but these data may still undergo serious changes as ballots are counted.

During the “early term”, facts of transportation and bribery of voters were revealed, they are now being dealt with law enforcement agencies. A number of polling stations reported that voters, when they came to vote, discovered that, according to the documents, they had allegedly already made their choice. Alexander Samsonov, a member of the regional election commission with the right to an advisory vote, spoke about the incident at polling station No. 831: during the counting of votes, an as yet unidentified man attacked the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Olga Samsonova, snatched her phone, which she was using to film the counting process, and threw it out the window.

18:11, 10.09.2017

In Moscow's Airport district, early voting was declared invalid

Moscow. In the Airport district, early voting for municipal elections is invalid. According to the head of the Moscow City Election Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, members of the commission “mixed up the envelopes for some of the polling stations.”

18:02, 10.09.2017

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation accused the United Russia candidate of bribing voters

Novosibirsk region. The Novosibirsk branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation published on its website audio recordings of conversations with people who offered to vote for the candidate for the Legislative Assembly from United Russia, Alexander Boyko, for 250 rubles.

An employee of the headquarters of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Sergei Klestov called one of the phone numbers of the “buyers” of votes and received instructions on exactly how to proceed to receive the reward.

The buyers demonstrated the agitator's agreement concluded with Alexander Boyko, but, noticing that they were being filmed, they left.

17:55, 10.09.2017

Moscow. Activist " Open Russia“Mikhail Konev said that while he was at the territorial election commission of the Donskoy district of Moscow, unknown persons punctured the tires of his car.

17:50, 10.09.2017

Sevastopol. Observers from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were removed from polling stations No. 132 and No. 134 in the Leninsky district of the city.
As Novaya Gazeta was told at the Communist election headquarters, an observer from the party was removed from polling station No. 132 for filing a complaint against the chairman of the election commission, Nelly Degtyar.

“According to information from our observer, Degtyar went with voters to a separate room, after which they went to the ballot boxes.” Nelly Degtyar herself, in a conversation with a correspondent, said that the observer was removed by a court decision for conducting video recording, including for filming documents with personal data of voters.

At polling station No. 134, an observer from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation was also removed due to photographing voter lists. The manager spoke about this working group“For fair elections” Anatoly Lavrik. According to him, the violation on the part of the communist observer was officially recorded, and therefore he will be taken to court.

17:32, 10.09.2017

Yabloko demanded the resignation of the head of the Moscow City Election Commission

The party demands the resignation of the Chairman of the Moscow City Election Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, for deliberately reducing turnout in the elections in Moscow.

“For the first time in the history of the election campaign in Moscow, voters did not receive any official information about elections. The CEC took care of this a few days before the elections, but it was too late. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin bears political responsibility for the deliberate decrease in turnout, and organizational responsibility lies with IPCC Chairman Valentin Gorbunov. He must resign,” said party deputy chairman Nikolai Rybakov.

17:15, 10.09.2017

The Omsk Election Commission warned about the impending “mass stuffing of ballots”

The chairman of the city election commission, Ivan Khodokov, made an emergency statement. Prompted him to address the public anonymously phone call, about which he informed the higher election commissions:

“We have now received an alarming call that a mass stuffing of ballots at polling stations is being prepared. We don't know how to react to this. Maybe this is a joke, maybe a prepared action, maybe a PR stunt to increase turnout in the elections. We informed the CEC that we had received such information. A letter is being prepared that will be sent to precinct election commissions asking them to be extremely careful. I would like to appeal to observers and political parties to be extremely careful. I would like to remind you that this is not only administrative, but also criminal liability. I will be very glad if this is someone's joke, it will not be confirmed. But we cannot help but respond to this information,” he said.

The head of the city election commission did not explain how an anonymous call can increase turnout at elections if, for example, one does not publicly respond to it: he initiated this “PR” (if it is PR) himself.

17:03, 10.09.2017

The candidate for municipal deputy who “bite” members of the PEC spoke about the conflict. He tried to prevent falsifications

Moscow. Vladimir Egorov, a registered candidate from Yabloko for the Council of Deputies of the Dorogomilovo municipal district, said that he tried to prevent election fraud and did not bite anyone.

According to him, individual PEC members wrote down the serial numbers of those who voted according to the list of voters on special sheets in order to control voting for the parties in power among public sector workers.

“When I started photographing the second sheet (with the list with the numbers of voters who voted - approx.), a member of the commission tried to snatch the sheet from me and tore it. I asked to call an operational investigation team to suppress falsifications. But another member of the commission tried to snatch the sheet with the list of voters from me, I grabbed her hand, and she complained that I allegedly bit her,” Egorov told RBC.

Earlier, the head of the Moscow Electoral Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, said that Yabloko bit and beat members of the PEC, for which he was removed from the polling station.

16:56, 10.09.2017

8.48% of Muscovites came to the elections in Moscow

16:50, 10.09.2017

Sevastopol. 100% of voters voted on ships of the Black Sea Fleet. This was announced by Deputy Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Yuri Orekhovsky. We are talking about the frigate "Admiral Essen" and the hydrographic vessel "Equator", which are now in the distant waters of the Black Sea.

According to the Sevastopol City Electoral Commission, voting ballots on ships were prepared by members of election commissions working on them independently, according to layouts transmitted to the ships via technical communication channels.

A high turnout, 95%, was also noted at the Nakhimov School. Among the civilian population, turnout in Sevastopol is 25.3%.

16:33, 10.09.2017

The head of the Moscow Electoral Commission explained the failure of the information campaign for municipal elections

Moscow. The head of the Moscow Electoral Commission, Valentin Gorbunov, said that SMS notifications about the upcoming elections may not have arrived to Muscovites due to the fact that their phones may be registered to other people, for example, to children.

At the same time, according to him, in total more than 2.5 million SMS alerts were sent, although “there are more than 11 million Muscovites.”

“It’s hard for me to talk now. After the elections we will sort it out,” Gorbunov added.

Previously about failure information campaign municipal elections were announced by the head of the Central Election Commission, Ella Pamfilova.

16:31, 10.09.2017

In Perm, for the sake of attendance, they give out movie tickets, conduct excursions and parent meetings

In Perm, some polling stations offer excursions to vote. At the bus stop public transport Not far from the Kamkabel enterprise there is a group of elderly people. When asked why they had gathered, they answered that they were about to go on an “Orthodoxy” tour of the churches of Perm. People are waiting for a special bus. According to them, four more such buses, for fifty people each, will pick up cable workers from other places.

“Well, like an excursion,” clarifies one participant. “First we’ll vote, and then we’ll have a tour.”

The organizer introduced herself as Galina Bobrova, an inspector for social work Perm enterprise "Kamkabel". According to her, such events take place every week. In her hands she has a pile of papers, on one of the sheets there is a column with school numbers. All these educational institutions have polling stations.

According to the Perm Observer group, Kamkabel today ordered 34 excursions from one of the local travel agencies. Additional buses and guides were sought from other companies.

Also, in one Perm school, primary school students were prescribed diagnostic testing in the morning, which they had to come to with their parents. IN educational institution in the village of Ust-Kachka, Perm region, held parent meetings in different classes. They invited us to them with entries in diaries, in which they told us to take our passports with us. As eyewitnesses say, after meetings, mothers and fathers were called to the ballot boxes.

In addition, at all Perm polling stations, those under 35 are given flyers that can be exchanged for movie tickets.

16:09, 10.09.2017

Candidates from United Russia are leading in Sevastopol

Sevastopol. The secretary of the city branch of United Russia, Boris Kolesnikov, during a speech at the media center “Election of the Governor of Sevastopol 2017” said that, according to his information, representatives of the ruling party are leading in the elections. “According to data from our observers, representatives of our party are confidently in the lead,” he said. How exactly United Russia observers learned about the leadership of their candidates, Kolesnikov did not specify.

United Russia nominated the current acting head of the city, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, as a candidate for the post of governor of Sevastopol. The head of the Sevastopol branch of Moscow State University, Ivan Kusov, is running for by-elections to the Legislative Assembly from United Russia.

15:54, 10.09.2017

Sverdlovsk region. In Pervouralsk, candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vokhmyakov accused his opponent from the “Patriots of Russia” of bribing voters and filed a police report against him. He claims his competitor was giving away local residents sticks for nordic walking.

“They called me and said that Dmitry Andreevsky was giving away some prizes. I understand that this is being done as part of his project “Pervouralsk - City of Champions,” but a fact is a fact,” Vokhmyakov said.

Andreevsky himself told the local publication “Gorodskie Vesti” that he provides equipment for Nordic walking only for the duration of the training under the supervision of a trainer, and after its completion, voters return the poles.

Photo: portal

15:32, 10.09.2017

A self-nominated deputy in Nizhny Tagil was attacked with a tire iron

Nizhny Tagil. Nizhny Tagil City Duma candidate Vyacheslav Goryachkin was attacked by a Gazelle driver who was illegally delivering campaign materials for his competitor, United Russia member Igor Temnov, on election day. Self-nominated candidate Goryachkin approached the bus and two Gazelles, trying to find out by what right they were engaged in illegal campaigning; the driver of one of the Gazelles took out the agreement concluded with Temnov “On the placement of propaganda materials.” But, frightened by the approaching police, the driver jumped into the car and drove away. Goryachkin rushed in pursuit. I caught up with him in the private sector of the city - then the driver came out with a tire iron and began throwing stones at Goryachkin’s car with varying degrees of success. The candidate for deputy filed a statement with the police, and the driver was detained.

Independent candidate Goryachkin, employee of the Nizhny Tagil Metal Structures Plant. Supported by United Russia, Temnov runs the Tagil Tram enterprise. IN this moment Temnov accused Goryachkin himself of illegal campaigning.

14:59, 10.09.2017

“They’ll come again, it’s not evening yet.” Vladimir Putin voted in municipal elections

Moscow. Russian President Vladimir Putin voted at polling station number 2151 in Moscow, which is located in the building Russian Academy Sci. Just the day before, presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that Putin had not yet made a decision whether he would go to the polls or not.

In this area, you can choose from one to three deputies from 18 candidates. In addition to three self-nominated candidates, the list of candidates includes representatives of United Russia, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Yabloko party, Rodina, A Just Russia and the Growth Party.

The president told reporters that he studied the candidates' biographies before voting, but that he "didn't really follow" the progress of the election campaign.

“The choice was deliberate,” Putin said, but did not say for whom he cast his vote, noting that “this is secret information.”

Putin also drew attention to the fact that the turnout at the polling station was low, but there were a lot of media representatives, which “is also not bad, the interest of the press in municipal elections is also important,” and the residents “will come again, it’s not evening yet.”

14:40, 10.09.2017

15 thousand people voted early in the elections to the Omsk City Council. The KPFR is confident that this was done under duress

“In the elections to the Omsk City Council, the authorities relied on early voting,” State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Kravets said at a press conference the day before. According to the regional party committee, many doctors, teachers, government and municipal employees, firefighters and other public sector workers, such as archives, voted forcibly.

“We received messages every day,” regional committee secretary Andrei Alekhin told Novaya, “that state employees are forced to take photographs of ballots with a checkmark in the right place on their phones and then present them to their superiors.”

The Territorial Election Commission for the Soviet District, according to Alekhine, introduced a new interpretation of Article 17 of the Federal Law “On the Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens” Russian Federation", Where we're talking about on the procedure for holding elections in places of temporary residence. “Such places include prisons, hospitals, and the TEC equated CHPP - 3, CHPP - 4, TGK - 11, GC Titan (a group of companies producing synthetic rubber, phenol, engaged in biotechnology) to them. This means that either the workers of these enterprises will be brought by bus to polling stations, or members of election commissions will come there with ballot boxes.

In total, according to Andrei Alekhin, 15 thousand people voted early in Omsk. The city election commission reports that 2.5% of voters fulfilled their civic duty before Election Day.

14:33, 10.09.2017

Sverdlovsk region. The Center for Public Observation received a call from a polling station in the Vtorchermet district, on Fergana, 22, that they were allegedly distributing free pies on behalf of the gubernatorial candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Alexei Parfenov. The visit of election commission specialists established that this candidate did not campaign for anyone with pies, and there was no illegal trade.

And another story with pies, but in Yaroslavl: Polling station buffets are seriously competing for the most delicious pies. The hashtag #buffetbattle has appeared online, using which users post photos of baked goods.

14:20, 10.09.2017

Moscow is concerned about the abnormal number of people voting at home

Moscow. Dmitry Gudkov on his Facebook page

Kommersant analyzed how regional heads campaigned for certain candidates for the presidency of Russia.

According to the publication, since the 90s, governors, despite their party affiliation, have supported government candidates. This was the case even in 1996, when many regional heads were elected with the support of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Nevertheless, they were in no hurry to campaign for the leader of the Russian communists, Gennady Zyuganov; moreover, when they became heads of regions, they often criticized him.

To date, the situation and the balance of political forces have changed somewhat, but regional heads still give their preferences to government candidates. So, a few days ago, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin spoke in his blog about why he needs to go to the polls and why he supports Vladimir Putin as a presidential candidate.

“Usually, over the years, a person in power becomes less and less susceptible to signals from the outside, the adequacy and severity of the reaction become dulled. I remember my former colleagues by the Federation Council, who led the regions for twenty years. A significant part of them became so bronzed that they could be on the pedestal tomorrow. With Putin it's the other way around. Amazingly, over the years he has become more natural, easier to communicate with. He never lost the desire to delve into problems personally.",” Sobyanin argued his position.

Sobyanin’s predecessor, Yuri Luzhkov, also supported the government candidate. In 1996, the Moscow mayoral elections coincided with the presidential elections, and then Luzhkov actively spoke out in support of Boris Yeltsin. On the eve of the vote, the entire capital was covered with billboards showing Yeltsin and Luzhkov shaking hands, the posters were accompanied by the inscription: "Muscovites have made their choice".

Governors have supported Vladimir Putin since his first presidential term. In particular, in 2000, the governor’s election bloc Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel's "Transformation of the Urals" was specially renamed "Unity of the Urals", since it was "Unity" that was called at that time the pro-Kremlin bloc in the State Duma elections.

The leaders of the federal subjects were also loyal to Vladimir Putin’s successor, Dmitry Medvedev. In 2007, Valentina Matvienko, who at that time held the post of governor of St. Petersburg, named him a candidate with social person. "As Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Medvedev oversaw social problems, and therefore knows people's lives well. The national projects that he also supervised greatly changed life in the country. He showed himself very successful person and coped with the tasks set by the president", she said.

An old-timer of the governor's corps - the head of the Belgorod region Evgeny Savchenko (has ruled the region since 1990) - has always supported government candidates for presidential elections. He spoke out in support of Boris Yeltsin, and in support of Vladimir Putin, and in support of Dmitry Medvedev.

The situation during the 2018 elections was no exception. Immediately after Vladimir Putin announced his decision to run, many governors expressed their support for him. For example, the head of the Lipetsk region Oleg Korolev said that if Putin had made a different decision, then "We would all have to persuade and beg him to make this decision", because "he is the historical choice of Russia and the new world of which we are witnesses and participants".

Not all governors in this campaign directly mention the name of Vladimir Putin in their calls to come to the polls, but it is not difficult to guess it in their judgments.

“In the current foreign policy situation, with such unprecedented pressure on Russia, including even the sports industry, we need to show political maturity. We need to go to the polls and elect a president maximum number votes. We need to show that in these conditions we are not apolitical, to prove that our president, whom we will elect, has the support of the people, and it is useless to put pressure on the country and its leader, because he was elected by the maximum number of votes.", said the governor of the Ryazan region, Nikolai Lyubimov, in February.

Konstantin Baksheev, a political consultant, political strategist, and coordinator of the information and ideological direction of the Maksimov-Consulting agency, shares his attitude towards the participation of regional heads in the election campaign: “Much depends on the popularity of the governor among the people. Those who are stronger are allowed to behave more actively, act more independently and creatively in the fight for turnout. In a presidential campaign, a top-rated governor is a VIP agitator. Meanings that are spoken from the mouth can also be conveyed through him a simple agitator looks ridiculous. An example of this is when, through Sobyanin, the election message is additionally recorded: “Putin has not become bronzed, he has remained himself, he is easy to communicate.”<...>
What is also traditionally observed in the federal campaign is the fear regional authorities share responsibility for the final result. Many governors try to act on the principle of “don’t interfere, he’ll kill you.” But in the end, arguments such as “we did everything that Moscow demanded, but it turned out badly” increasingly do not work and increasingly irritate Moscow itself.”

Political scientist Vyacheslav Belyakov (Vladivostok) notes that one of the incentives for governors to participate in campaigning is the chance to improve their positions: “It is important to understand that for any of the regional heads, such work is not a way to improve the results of the current president, but is a way to maintain his rating, since the rating of the president in any region of the Russian Federation is higher than the rating of any of the governors. In this regard, the speeches of the regional heads in support for the president will not actually bring bonuses to the leader of the state, since his rating is already high, but for the governors who supported him, this may be beneficial, because they declare their position to voters, increasing their trust rating and strengthening their apparatus positions.<...>
Whether people go to vote or not depends not only on the trust ratings of certain candidates, but also on the everyday things for which regional leaders are responsible.<...>In my opinion, whether the roads in the regions are cleared or not can influence the results of turnout and elections almost more than all Previous work candidates in one specific city or area."

Well, something like this.

Full version of the material with detailed expert comments

The arrest of the governor of the Sakhalin region once again stirred up interest among the general public in the question of how in Russia people become heads of regions, what administrative and personal qualities, for this you need to have vertical and horizontal connections, who promotes people to this post and why 

The arrest of the governor of the Sakhalin region once again stirred up the interest of the general public in the question of how in Russia people become heads of regions, what administrative and personal qualities, vertical and horizontal connections must be possessed for this, who and why promotes people to this post, etc. For example, the following question is also interesting: receiving multimillion-dollar bribes is an innate habit Khoroshavina or acquired by him during his work in a high position? And in general, can an ordinary Russian citizen become a governor and also acquire some habits?

The owner of a pen worth 36 million rubles is the governor Khoroshavin

I answer right away - maybe. But subject to certain conditions and strict adherence to the instructions developed by RR for candidates for this post.

Vladimir Putin appoints

At the same time, it must be clearly understood that, no matter what they say, but in modern Russia heads of regions are appointed by the president, currently Vladimir Putin. Namely, he appoints them, even if they are then “elected”. According to the Central Election Commission, gubernatorial elections this year should be held in 11 regions of Russia: Mari El, Tatarstan, Chuvashia, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Penza, Rostov, Tambov and Jewish Autonomous Regions. But, apparently, this list is far from final. Since a vacancy has already appeared in Sakhalin, they say that in some other regions, for example, in the Sverdlovsk region, the Republic of Karelia, an early change of leadership is possible. It is also likely that some regional heads will want, as was the case last year, to go to early elections. There is room to dare there.

According to federal law No. 40, any citizen of Russia can become a governor if he wins equal and direct elections by secret ballot. This law was signed on May 2, 2012 Dmitry Medvedev- then formally still the president, although Vladimir Putin had already been elected in the March presidential elections, and there were only a few days left before his inauguration. However, this law came into force on June 1, 2012 and, it seems, is still in effect, albeit with some significant amendments.

According to this “Medvedev” law, candidates for the position of governor are nominated by political parties, and a political party has the right to nominate a member of this political party or a non-party citizen. The nomination of a candidate by self-nomination may be provided for by the law of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The President of the Russian Federation, on his own initiative, may hold consultations with political parties and self-nominated candidates.

Candidates must be supported by 5 to 10 percent of deputies 

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, candidates must be supported by from 5 to 10 percent of deputies of representative bodies of municipal formations and heads of municipal formations elected in elections, which should include from 5 to 10 percent of deputies of representative bodies of municipal districts and city districts and heads of municipal districts elected in elections and urban districts. In cities of federal significance, candidates must also be supported by 5 to 10 percent of deputies of representative bodies of intra-city municipalities and elected heads of intra-city municipalities. In this case, the candidate must receive support in at least three quarters of municipal districts and city districts, and intra-city municipalities, respectively. A deputy of the representative body of a municipal formation or the head of a municipal formation elected in elections can support only one candidate nominated by any political party, or by self-nomination.

A self-nominated candidate, in addition to receiving the specified support, must collect from 0.5 percent to 2 percent of the signatures of voters registered in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Municipal filter not so easy to get through 

Oksana Dmitrieva, for example, couldn’t 

This so-called “municipal filter” is not so easy to pass. For example, last year, in the gubernatorial elections in St. Petersburg, a well-known politician and deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation could not overcome him Oksana Dmitrieva. And this despite the fact that she was supported by the parliamentary party “A Just Russia”. Therefore, it is difficult for a self-nominated candidate to become a governor, if only because he will not receive the minimum number of votes from deputies. So before becoming a governor, you need to be a member of one of the parties and gain their support. You can join an existing one or create your own - it’s up to you.

You have a small chance to get into the governorship if you live in the Kaliningrad region or Moscow. In these regions, the minimum barrier is five to six percent and the possibility of self-nomination is provided.

But it’s even better if you are in the so-called “presidential personnel reserve,” which includes potential candidates for high positions in the executive branch, including the region. This reserve is one of the few innovations of Dmitry Medvedev during his short tenure as president of the country. It began to take shape in 2009 and consists of several levels. This is the federal reserve itself, which includes the so-called “presidential thousand”, these are district reserves, these are subject reserves, these are municipal reserves.

The right to recommend candidates for the presidential reserve was granted to officials of the Presidential Administration, members of the government, heads of other federal government agencies and senior officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

When selecting candidates, modern personnel technologies are used, including personal and professional diagnostics. This “diagnosis” is carried out by very competent services, including the FSB. The methods used make it possible to determine the level of development of personal and professional resources and the potential of candidates, and to formulate recommendations for their possible job purpose.

The Federation Council at the same time personnel reserve", and "nursing home" of governors

Among the “reservists” are deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, leaders at various levels in federal bodies state power, representatives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, managers in commercial and non-profit organizations.

The most promising managers are those included in the top hundred of the “presidential reserve” - those who are included in it most often become governors. Vladimir Putin, who returned to the presidency in May 2012, clarified the parameters by which selection for this hundred is carried out.

The regulation states that the selection of candidates for governor is carried out by the head of the presidential administration. In turn, they recommend potential governors to him federal districts. Moreover, proposals are made for at least two candidates and no later than three months before the expiration of the term of office of the current governor, and in case of early termination of office - within 10 days. The authority and business reputation of the candidate, experience in public activities, as well as the opinion of public associations of the subject of the federation are taken into account. Public associations obviously mean parties. It is also clear that candidates belonging to parties loyal to the current president score the most points.

The candidacy proposal is accompanied by: a copy of the income statement, a certificate of the result of preliminary consultations, information or other reference materials (in other words, a dossier), as well as a statement of the candidate’s consent, if elected governor, to cease activities incompatible with the status (for example, commercial) .

This is, so to speak, ideal scheme selection of candidates for governors, its formal features. In practice, everything happens a little differently.

The last word is always with the president

Despite the fact that the last word here always remains with the president, the initial stage of candidate selection is very important. Especially in the case when they want him to be in the top hundred, and not in the bulk of the reserve, which consists mainly of extras.

At the first stage, roughly speaking, everyone works. Starting from the candidate himself, who first indicates his desire, ending with representatives of major party and public organizations, from which he decided to run in the gubernatorial elections. There are influence groups that everyone understands - the Presidential Administration, security forces, people close to the highest officials (heads of corporations and companies). They can also shape the opinion of a senior official.

It is worth noting that there are always several candidates, and it depends on the candidate himself and his team which of them will win in the end.

Many are waiting for someone to call them to Moscow for a conversation

That is, how the opinion of the elites will be formed regarding this candidate.

Many who want to take the position of head of the region often make the same mistake, says the RR expert: they expect that someone will call them to Moscow for a conversation, if not with the main one, then at least with his entourage, and then they will get the card -blanche in order to act further, begin criticizing the current head of the region and prepare for elections.

But this happens very rarely, and only in those cases when the candidate is strongly desired by the Kremlin or, again, by those who are pushing him...

So, what does it take to become the head of a region? For example, there is X who wants to become a governor. First of all, it is clear that this must be a person with good management experience either in production or in the executive branch, and even better if he has both. Age - up to 65 years. A person must have a team that he trusts - mainly from those who have more than once had to deal with behind-the-scenes agreements, as well as the formation of interesting projects to the right people. Relying on a single curator in Moscow - be it a person from the authorities or from large corporations - is fraught with considerable dangers. Such a curator may simply be guided by mercantile or some other personal interests, and very competently lead the candidate by the nose. Therefore, multidirectional vectors and the right team that scans it all are the key to success.

As they say, everything is possible in Russia.

Who will replace Merkushkin and the heads of nine more regions who are about to be fired

Governor of the Samara region Nikolai Merkushkin was dismissed. In his place, Vladimir Putin appointed Dmitry Azarov: in 2010-2014 he served as mayor of Samara, and since 2014 - senator of the Federation Council. This is the first expected resignation in the gubernatorial corps this week: the media predicts nine more.

Now the Kremlin has almost formed a list of candidates to replace governors who will be dismissed in the near future: in some cases, several people are being considered for one position at once. This situation was typical, for example, for the Samara region. Along with Dmitry Azarov, Kommersant also cited two more names of likely candidates for replacement: general director state corporation Roscosmos Igor Komarov (headed AvtoVAZ in 2009-2013) and State Duma deputy from the Samara region Vladimir Gutenev. According to information, the presidential administration also considered for this post a native of Samara, head of the Kremlin department for civil service and personnel issues, Anton Fedorov.
New wave The resignations of regional heads have been discussed in the political community for several months now. On Monday, September 25, the Kommersant newspaper, citing sources, reported that the first resignations could take place as early as this week. Among the subjects of the Federation that may be subject to personnel changes, the publication named Ivanovo, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Murmansk, Novosibirsk, Omsk regions, Nenets autonomous region(NAO), Krasnoyarsk and Altai region, perhaps one or two subjects in the North Caucasus (where governors are elected by legislative assemblies from candidates nominated by the president).

As it became known, the names of plenipotentiary representatives, government officials and State Duma deputies are being discussed among future appointees to these regions. In addition, according to the agency, the fate of the governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov is also in question. The agency's source at the Central Federal District's embassy says that plenipotentiary Alexander Beglov may be appointed head of the region. According to the interlocutor of URA.RU, the first consultations have already been held with him and he even passed the necessary tests. At the same time, a source close to the Kremlin says that a final decision regarding Vorobyov has not yet been made.
Another plenipotentiary - in Privolzhsky federal district- The federal center is considering Mikhail Babich for the governor’s post in the Nizhny Novgorod region. People around the plenipotentiary say that Babich is allegedly not ready for such a career turn: “For him this will be a demotion. But if the president makes such a decision, then, of course, he will carry it out without talking,” says the agency’s source. Last July, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry did not approve the appointment of Babich as the new Russian ambassador to Ukraine.

To replace the governor Krasnoyarsk Territory Viktor Tolokonsky was selected with two candidates: Deputy Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities Development Natalya Antipova (she studied in Krasnoyarsk and worked in the local administration until 2002) and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oboronprom Defense Industrial Complex Sergei Sokol (until 2007 he was Deputy Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory). Agency sources close to the government say that Antipova was considered a candidate for governor of one of the regions during the last wave of resignations, but then the appointment was prevented by a “conflict of elite interests.”

The biggest surprise can come political elite in the Murmansk region, where Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Irina Yarovaya is being considered to replace the current governor Marina Kovtun: her candidacy, according to the agency’s interlocutors in the leadership of the State Duma, is being lobbied by speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. According to another version, Yarovaya’s name ended up in the governor’s personnel reserve on the initiative of Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev. An agency source close to the Kremlin says that among the contenders for the Murmansk region are also two officials from the government’s financial and economic bloc. The final decision is up to Vladimir Putin.
Political scientist Dmitry Fetisov believes that the need to replace a large number of governors at once will lead to the fact that they will choose from a variety of categories: “This may turn out to be the type of managers who are usually called young technocrats. Among the appointees may be current vice-governors and a number of State Duma deputies. The appointment of several plenipotentiary representatives to gubernatorial positions cannot be ruled out; there are various rumors about this, and the AP shows that it is interested in reforming and updating the institution of plenipotentiary representatives.”

The head of the Center for the Development of Regional Policy, Ilya Grashchenkov, believes that the rotation of governors will be called “making way for the young”: “We are talking about replacing older governors with so-called technocrats, whose age is on average 45 years. But there may be exceptions due to the fact that in general at the regional level there is a clear shortage of personnel to replace senior officials.”

EISI representative Andrei Kolyadin points out that the criteria for selecting new appointees to the governor’s corps were determined back in the winter: “Either these are representatives of the “Kremlin towers”, or “young technocrats” who have worked in government agencies, in state corporations, have experience and a desire to move forward in their careers . Accordingly, they passed tests, interviews, checks and are ultimately appointed by the President as Acting SDL (Senior Official).”

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