In which fairy tales is the fox a positive hero? The photo shows a white fox

"The image of the Fox in Russian folk tales»

Completed by a student of grade 4 “B”

Chernatova Eva

Scientific director

Chernatova V.V.

Table of contents

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………..……………3

1.1. Relevance of the chosen topic……………………….………………...3

2. Main part…………………………………………………….……………….4-9

2.1. The image of the Fox in Russian folk tales……………..………..…..4-6

2.2. Habits of a real fox……………………………………………......6-7

2.3. Fairy-tale character traits of the Fox………………………………….….8-10

2.4. Fox in the genres of oral folk art………………..….11-13

3. Writing a fairy tale about a fox and making a book……………………………..14

3.1. Work on composing a fairy tale……………………………..…………...

3.2. Selection of materials for making a book……………….……….

3.3. Stages of work……………………………………………………….

4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………19

5. Information resources……………………………………………………......20

6. Applications……………………………………………………….…........21-24


His red fur coat sparkles,
The wolf fools here and there,
Chases mice and bunnies,
Through the fields and through the meadows.
Known for hypocrisy
Famous throughout all the forests,
Of course you know
What is the most cunning of all is the fox.

I love animals very much, so I read a lot of literature: fiction, encyclopedias about animals. I really like reading Russian folk tales. I noticed that the main character of many Russian folk tales is a fox. And I became very interested in this animal, because the fox in Russian folk tales is more interesting than other animals. She can flatter, deceive, and achieve her goal.

I read all the material in my home library about the fox. In the city library I read encyclopedic articles dedicated to this beast. I also found and read a lot of material about the fox on the Internet. Having studied the material about the fox, I suddenly became interested in why the Russian people began to write fairy tales about the fox, what kind of fox is in fairy tales, and whether they always “come out of the water unscathed.” I decided to answer the questions that interest me.

My mother and I decided to compose our own fairy tale about the Fox and make a book.The previously studied material was also very useful to me.

Target:compose a fairy tale about a fox, make a book.


    Explore the image of a fox in Russian folk tales.

    Get acquainted with fairy tales in which the Fox deceived someone.

    Analyze why the Fox is called Patrikeevna in Russian folk tales.

    Reveal fairytale features Lisa's character.

2. Main part.

2.1. The image of the Fox in Russian folk tales.

The image of the Fox in Russian folk tales has many meanings, because she can flatter, deceive, and achieve her goal. The fox is always different, and you can understand why it interests the person who watches it. There is a lot in Fox and her behavior that is interesting and similar to the person himself. Therefore, the character of the Fox in Russian fairy tales about animals has such typical features that we find in their descriptions, such as flattery, cunning and a tendency to steal.

Propertyflattery in the character of the Fox are manifested in the following fairy tales: “Kolobok”, “Cockerel - the Golden Comb”, etc. In the fairy tale “Kolobok” the Fox is different from other animals. So, for example, when the Fox met Kolobok, she did not immediately say to Kolobok: “Will I eat you?”, but at first began to admire him: “Hello, Kolobok! How cute you are!” But after Kolobok sang a song at the Fox’s request, she generously gave him her compliment: “What a wonderful song! Thank you, Kolobok! Such a nice song, I could just listen and listen.” The Fox here flatters a lot so that Kolobok believes her, so that he can sit on his tongue and eat him. The flattering Fox manages to carry out her plan. The same thing is observed in the fairy tale “The Golden Comb Cockerel”. To attract the attention of the Cockerel, the Fox sang to him: “Cockerel, Cockerel, golden comb, olive head, silk beard.” And thus she achieved her goal.

Propertytricks We find the character of the Fox in the following fairy tales: “The Fox and the Goat”, “Sister Fox and the Wolf”. For example, in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Goat,” the Fox fell into a well. She began to grieve that she would not be able to get out, that she was in trouble, but when the goat found out that the Fox had fallen into the well, the Fox immediately had the idea to get out of it. The goat asked the Fox what she was doing there, the Fox disguised herself and slyly answered the goat: “I’m resting, my dear, it’s hot up there, so I climbed up here. It’s already so cool here and it’s good! Cold water – as much as you want!” Thus, the Fox attracted the goat into the well and saved herself. In the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Wolf,” the wolf was injured because of the Fox. When the wolf wanted to take revenge on the Fox, the Fox said: “At least you’re bleeding, but I have a brain, I’m dragging myself.” The fox, with her cunning, avoided revenge and gained sympathy from the wolf.

Propertytheft in the character of the Fox can be seen in the following fairy tales: “The Bear and the Fox”, “The Fox and the Hare”, etc. In the fairy tale “The Bear and the Fox”, the Fox, knowing that the bear had a tub of honey in the attic of the hut, asked to spend the night with the bear , deceiving him that the corners of his hut had caved in. In the evening she thumped her tail three times and climbed into the attic to eat honey. In the end, she even accused the bear of eating the honey. In the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare,” the Fox’s hut melted, she asked the hare to spend the night, and kicked him out of the hut. When other animals came to drive her out, she even frightened them: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets!” The fox often shamelessly steals things she needs from others. In these examples we see that the Fox can always save herself and benefit from her cunning.

In Russian fairy tales, the Fox is decorated with human character traits, because it is the people who are the author of the image of the Fox in fairy tales about animals. The Russian people create fairy tales for the purpose of raising children. In fairy tales about animals, the abstract concept of national features the character of the people is concretized through images of animals. In fairy tales, people pass on information valuable to the entire society from generation to generation.

Every fairy tale and every image of an animal has an educational meaning. This is the image of the Fox. And although the Fox often achieves her goal by cunning, she is sometimes also punished due to cunning. For example, the fairy tale “The Fox and the Blackbird”. In Russian fairy tales, the image of the Fox gives children lessons: on the one hand, that in life sometimes cunning is needed, and on the other hand, that the cunning must be feared.

The fox in Russian fairy tales sometimes belongs to a positive image; it is often decorated with dexterous, cunning behavior and wit. The Russian people appreciate typical character Foxes are cunning, this is what is said in Russian proverbs: “Cunning is the second mind,” “Simplicity is worse than theft.”

Folk tales still arouse interest among both adults and children. The folk worldview, folk tradition, mind and character of the people are also conveyed through fairy tales. A fairy tale is the fruit of the people's mind and thinking; a fairy tale has an educational meaning, it both consoles and teaches.

The Fox is often called by her first name and patronymic: Lisa Patrikeevna. Where does this come from? strange name and why is it the fox who wears it?

Patrikey is an old name and comes from the Latin word “patrician ", that is, an aristocrat. Therefore, it would be more correct to say not Patrikey, but Patritsa. But in the old days the Latin “ts” in Rus' was pronounced as “k”.

700 years ago there lived Prince Patrikey Narumuntovich, famous for his cunning and resourcefulness. In 1383, Patrikey became the governor of Novgorod. Life was difficult for the Novgorodians under the new governor Patrikey, they were not happy. The prince sowed enmity among the people and was involved in the formation of special squads that committed robbery on trade routes. Since then, the name Patrikey has become equivalent to the word “cunning”. And since the fox has long been considered a cunning beast by the people, it received the patronymic of the famous prince - Patrikeevna and became Lisa Patrikeevna. The Fox is also called in Russian folk tales: Little Fox, Little Fox, Kumushka.

2.2. Habits of a real fox.

The fox is one of the most beautiful predators. It belongs to the canine family, although it is somewhat similar to cats. The color of the skin is red, the tail is long and fluffy, the muzzle is long and narrow, and the eyes are smart and cunning.

Among experienced hunters there are many stories about the red cheat - a nimble and cunning fox. And, surprisingly, this is all true, therefore, one cannot help but admire this graceful, nimble and swift animal. And the point here is not even in the fox’s beautiful fur robe, but in her gaze, which she immediately casts, freezing in place and pricking up her raised ears, as if she always knows everything.

The fox is a very dexterous and playful animal. She runs so fast that it is very difficult for dogs to catch up with her. In addition, this is a very cunning animal: it can resort to various tricks, confusing its own tracks or obtaining food for itself.

The fox is a great hunter. In addition to observation and intelligence, she has excellent memory, a good sense of smell and remarkably acute hearing.

The fox is on the move almost all the time, preferring to hunt at dawn and dusk; at night and during the hottest hours of the day, it usually rests in open dens, surveying the expanses around it. Honing the filigree technique of hunting skills, the restless animal devotes itself to mouseing with all the passion, resembling a playful kitten from the outside. It seems that she likes the process of hunting itself, she is constantly tracking someone, sniffing out, looking out. Walking around its grounds day after day, this animal never misses the opportunity to catch someone, even without being hungry: the result of its labor can be hidden in one of the many storerooms “for a rainy day,” which sooner or later comes. A fox never eats from its belly, as a wolf or a bear does; it always remains light, agile and swift, ready for new hunting exploits. This cunning beast almost never walks straight, she constantly changes direction, turns, returns, circles and meanders, she is curious, she cares about everything. She also avoids the chase, inventing some tricks or new tricks on the go. The fox is very hardy, it can lead dogs all day long, if the terrain is uneven, it will prefer to walk through ravines, going down to the very bottom or walking half the height, confusing tracks and walking long distances. In order to read fox tracks in the snow, you need to be a real master tracker; not everyone can handle such sophisticated writing. If you watch this wonderful hunter, the fox can teach you a lot! The fox shows ingenuity and resourcefulness in any situation. For example, when she has fleas, she finds a woolen rag, approaches a pond and very slowly, starting from the tail, plunges into the water. Everyone knows that fleas do not like water and therefore run up to the head. There is a woolen rag in the fox's mouth. The fox plunges headlong into the water, and the fleas remain on the rag. So the cunning fox gets rid of the fleas

Does not avoid human proximity unless pursued. And the fox approaches the man because winter time can't get food for himself. The fox has adapted to live in a variety of landscapes: from tundra and forests to steppes and deserts and even mountains. IN Lately The animal is less and less embarrassed by the presence of a person - the fox feels good not only in the vicinity of villages and villages, but also in the suburbs and even in big cities.

The fox is one of the few species of animals that can survive in conditions economic activity humans when other animals are forced to leave. This happens thanks to the amazing qualities of the fox that nature has endowed it with. Catching a fox is very difficult. In most cases, she simply runs away and carries off her cubs.

2.3. Fairy-tale character traits of the Fox.

The image of the fox is stable. She is portrayed as a lying, cunning deceiver: she deceives a man by pretending to be dead (“The Fox steals fish from a sleigh”); deceives the wolf (“The Fox and the Wolf”); deceives the rooster (“The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox”); drives the hare out of the bast hut (“The Fox and the Hare”); exchanges a goose for a lamb, a lamb for a bull, steals honey (“The Bear and the Fox”). In all fairy tales, she is flattering, vengeful, cunning, calculating.Lisa Patrikeevna, the beautiful fox, the butterfly sponge fox, the godmother fox, Lisafya. Here she lies on the road with glassy eyes. She was numb, the man decided, he kicked her, she wouldn’t wake up. The man was delighted, took the fox, put it in the cart with fish, covered it with matting: “The old woman will have a collar for her fur coat,” and started the horse from its place, walking in front. The fox threw all the fish out of the cart and left. The man realized that the fox was not dead, but it was already too late. There's nothing to do.

The fox is true to herself everywhere in fairy tales. Her cunning is conveyed in the proverb: “When you look for a fox in front, it is behind.” She is resourceful and lies recklessly until the time when it is no longer possible to lie, but even in this case she often indulges in the most incredible invention. The fox thinks only about his own benefit. If the deal does not promise her acquisitions, she will not sacrifice anything of hers. The fox is vindictive and vindictive.

Fairy tales often depict the triumph of a fox. She revels in revenge, feels complete superiority over the gullible heroes. How much resourcefulness she has and how much vengeful feeling she has! Both are so common in people with a practical, resourceful mind, overwhelmed petty passions.. Infinitely deceitful, she takes advantage of gullibility, plays on the weak strings of friends and foes.

I have a lot of pranks and pranks in my memory.foxes. She chases the hare out of the bast hut (“The Fox and the Hare”), exchanges the rolling pin for a goose, the goose for a lamb, the lamb for a bull, threatens the thrush to eat the chicks, forces him to water, feed, and even make himself laugh (“The Fox and the Blackbird”) . The fox marries the cat-voivode with the hope of seizing power in the entire forest district (“The Cat and the Fox”), learns to fly (“How the Fox Learned to Fly”), orders the wolf to take the oath to be sure of the correctness of his words: indeed Is the sheep wearing a wolf caftan? The wolf foolishly stuck his head into a trap and got caught (“Sheep, Fox and Wolf”). The fox steals the stored honey (“The Bear and the Fox”).

The fox is a pretender, a thief, a deceiver, evil, unfaithful, flattering, vindictive, clever, vindictive, cunning, selfish, calculating, cruel. In fairy tales, she is faithful to these traits of her character throughout.

Fairy tales in which the Fox deceived someone:


    "The Fox and the Wolf."

    "The Fox and the Hare."

    "The Fox and the Crane."

    "The Fox and the Blackbird."

    "The Fox and the Crayfish."

    "The Fox and the Goat."

    "Cat, rooster and fox."

    "Fox with a rolling pin."

    "The Girl and the Fox."

    "Sister Fox and Gray Wolf."

    "The cockerel is a golden comb."

There are many fairy tales in which the Fox deceives, but there is one Russian folk tale in which the Fox herself was deceived!

Russian folktale

"How the fox was deceived."

The godfather of the fox came to the village and stole a pig from one man. She went into the forest, singed the pig, put it on her back and moved on. She walks, and a wolf comes across her. So the wolf says: “Kuma fox, accept him into the unit!” “Go,” the fox answers.

Let's go together. They come across a bear: “Kuma fox, join the unit!” “Well, go,” the fox answers again.

Here are the three of them walking. They walked and walked and sat down to rest. Godfather the fox says: “How should we divide the pork?” And she sang:

You were not yet in the world,

And I was already old, children!

And the wolf responded:

When the light was born

I was gray then!

And the bear barks:

I don't have a single gray hair on me,

No pork for you!

He took the pig and went. I deceived the sly fox!

2.4. Fox in the genres of oral folk art.

The fox is the embodiment of cunning and resourcefulness.In folk tales, this hero often pays for his cunning, stepping on his own rake. The fox is often opposed to the wolf, although he keeps company with him. A more bloodthirsty wolf often suffers from his vices much more precisely because of his embitterment, primitiveness and ingenuity. The fox happily avoids harsh punishments.

These features of the attitude towards foxes are clearly manifested in folk art- riddles, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings about foxes. Observant people conveyed these features very well in oral and written works. Some of the small literary forms We tried to collect about foxes: riddles, proverbs and sayings.

Proverbs and sayings about the fox:

    The fox will cover everything with its tail.

    The fox will hide from the rain and under the harrow.

    The old fox digs with its snout and covers its tracks with its tail.

    The old fox doesn't allow himself to be caught twice.

    The fox lives better than the wolf.

    The fox put out its tail as witness.

    If the fox had not arrived in time, the sheep would have eaten the wolf.

    The fox is cunning, but the one who catches it is even more cunning.

    The fox will guide seven wolves.

    Every fox takes care of its own tail.

    The old fox bites off the young dogs.

    The fox sleeps, and in its sleep it nibbles chickens.

    A good fox has three cubs.

    The fox does not hunt near the hole.

    Cunning, like Lisa Patrikeevna.

    The fox is lying, chasing his tail, but both lost faith.

    The fox lives by cunning, and the hare by agility.

    The fox even counts chickens in his sleep.

    The fox will not protect the chickens.

    The fox will come and the chicken will cackle.

    A fox doesn't get its tail dirty.

    The fox takes it with cunning.

    Fox-fox! The fur coat is good, but the habit is bad!

    A fox's tail and a wolf's mouth.

    The fox always hides its tail.

Riddles about the Fox:

Protects the fluffy tail
And he guards the animals:
They know the redhead in the forest -
Very cunning(fox)

Forest red cheat -
Everyone knows her skill.
Be careful with her, don't yawn
And lock the door to the chicken coop!


This red-haired cheat
Chicken steals very cleverly.
Little sister to the gray wolf,
And her name is(chanterelle).

Summer, autumn, winter
Walking along a forest path.
Covers the trail with his tail.
Who knows what her name is?


Cunning cheat
red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty
Who is this? ...(Fox )!

Doesn't like seeds from pine cones,
And he catches poor gray mice.
She is a beauty among animals!
Redhead cheat...(Fox)

Red-haired cheat,
He will cleverly deceive everyone,
Chickens will also steal into the forests.
And her name is...(Fox)

This red-haired cheat
Chicken steals very cleverly
Will rake the crust out of the crust,
He crawls into a hole after mice.
And on New Year's Day
He will come to us to have fun
Loves miracles very much
This cunning...(Fox)

3. Writing a fairy tale about a fox.

At the fairy tale a pure soul,
Like a forest stream.
She comes slowly
In the cool hour of the night.
The native people are its creator,
A cunning people, a wise people,
He put his dream into it,
Like gold in a casket.

Before you start composing a fairy tale, you need to compose step-by-step plan works:

    I determine what the fairy tale will be. (Tale of Animals)

    Let's remember its signs.

    We come up with the main characters of the fairy tale.

    Let's remember what phrase fairy tales usually begin with.

    Stages of constructing a fairy tale.

    Let's write it down.

    We come up with the end of the fairy tale. Don't forget to use words and expressions that usually end fairy tales.

    We come up with illustrations for a fairy tale.

    Present the fairy tale in the form of a book with illustrations.

Types of fairy tales:



    About animals

In my fairy tale, the main character will be a fox, so it will be a fairy tale about animals. After all, in fairy tales about animals, actors are the animals themselves. They talk, reason and behave like people.

Usually, fairy tales begin with this introduction:

“In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”

"Lived once………….."

“Beyond distant lands, in the distant kingdom…….”

The tale is built on the following stages:

    Beginning (beginning of a fairy tale)

    The beginning.



Fairy tale text.

"Fox Gosha"

The little fox Gosha lived in the same forest with his mother Lisa. Gosha was a very cheerful, kind and inquisitive little fox, and

most importantly, he did not know how to be cunning and deceive.

One fine morning, the little fox Gosha woke up very early. He ran out into the street and ran to the river.

Oh, there are so many fish here! - Gosha was delighted. But he didn't want to eat them at all. He wanted to play with them! The fish splashed and splashed on his face. This amused the little fox very much. After playing with the fish, little fox Gosha moved on.

He saw a squirrel near an old birch tree. She collected mushrooms and prepared supplies for the winter.

Hello! – Gosha joyfully shouted to her. But the squirrel did not answer. Then he decided to help her. But as soon as Gosha picked a few mushrooms, Squirrel screamed:

Don't you dare steal my mushrooms!

Gosha put the mushrooms in Squirrel’s basket and walked on.

Little Fox was a little upset that he couldn’t make friends with Squirrel. He felt very sad. He sat down on a tree stump and wanted to cry. Suddenly beautiful butterfly sat on the little fox's nose. Gosha was very happy and ran after her through the forest. He played with the Butterfly so happily that he did not notice how evening had come.

Gosha got a little tired from playing with the Butterfly and sat down to rest in a small ravine. A warm breeze pleasantly blew across him. The little fox caught every forest sound that reached him and greedily inhaled the smells of flowers and grass. He even closed his eyes with pleasure!

"How amazing!" - he thought.

Suddenly rustling sounds were heard in the bushes.

- "Who is there?" - Gosha asked uncertainly. But

no one answered him. The rustling noises have died down

for a long time and were heard again.

- “I’m still not afraid of you!” - said louder

little fox.

Hello my friend! – was heard from the bushes.

Who is this? - Gosha answered fearfully.

It's me, Tishka the raccoon! What are you doing here all alone?

I played so well with the Butterfly that I got lost, and she flew away somewhere.

Let's go visit me, I'll treat you to raspberries.

Gosha was very happy and happily went to visit the raccoon Tishka.

The little fox Gosha and the raccoon Tishka became such good friends that they spent all their days together. They went to the river, played tag, picked mushrooms and berries. They had such a good time and fun together!

But then autumn came. The forest began to slowly empty. Gosha remembered native home, mother Fox, and he really wanted to see her!

Having said goodbye to his friend Tishka, the little fox Gosha went home.

It was a long way to get to our native places. The fox walked through ravines and swamps, fields and rivers. Snowflakes were already swirling in the air, and he kept walking and walking...

Gosha reached his hole only in winter. Mom Fox came out to meet him.

Oh! – she exclaimed, “After all, this is no longer the little fox Gosha, but the real fox Georgy!”

Municipal treasury educational institution

average comprehensive school Dubomyssky rural settlement

Nanaisky municipal district

Khabarovsk Territory


at the ShMO meeting

primary classes

Protocol No. 1


“Like a fox walked through the forest”

(image of a fox in Russian folk tales)

Compiled by: Sementsova L.K., 1st grade teacher;

2015 – 2016 academic year

Problem: why in Russian folk art the fox is shown as cunning and resourceful, why does it bear the name Lisa Patrikeevna?

Objective of the project: find out if it matches fairy tale image foxes to her real image.

Project objectives:

Strengthen your knowledge of Russian folklore(rhymes, jokes, tongue twisters, fairy tales);

Expand the idea of ​​the fox as a wild animal;

Develop reading interest, speech skills, Creative skills, memory, attention;

Develop teamwork skills (development of universal communication skills) educational activities, satisfying the need for interpersonal communication).

Project implementation model

students, teacher

Stage 3

Formation of interest groups

09.09 – 11.09

students, teacher

Stage 4

Search for information. Working with sources of Russian folklore.

Nursery rhymes – 1 group,

Jokes – 2nd group,

Tongue twisters – group 3,

Fairy tales – group 4.

14.09 – 18.09

students, librarian

Stage 5

Project design. Preparation for defense.

21.09 – 24.09


Stage 6

Project protection. Presentation of the results of the work (drawings, oral communication, books



Predicted output:

In all works, the image of a fox has little correspondence with reality. Scientists, observing her, did not find the intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness that popular rumor attributes to her. When in danger, the fox sometimes panics, falls into the same traps several times, and is easy to deceive. If the fox fails to outwit the enemy, she runs away from him. Some of them can climb trees. Most foxes are saved and fed by their excellent hearing. The fox's vision and sense of smell are not very developed. Foxes have many enemies.

Riddles about the fox

Red-haired, with a fluffy tail,

Lives in the forest under a bush.

Cunning cheat, red head,

The fluffy tail is beautiful! And her name is...

They say she is cunning and steals chickens from the yard.

But she’s a beauty - all the guys like her!

The red-haired cheat hid under the tree.

The cunning one is waiting for the hare. What is her name?..

Flames flashed quickly behind the trees and bushes.

It flashed, ran, there was no smoke, no fire.

She is more cunning than all the animals, she has a red fur coat.

A bushy tail is her beauty. This forest animal is….

Look at this one - it’s all burning like gold.

He walks around in an expensive fur coat, his tail is fluffy and large.

The red-haired bird came to the chicken coop,

She counted all the chickens and took them with her.

Red-haired, with a fluffy tail, lives in the forest under a bush.

A red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous.

I got into the barn and counted the chickens.

Get into the habit of going into the poultry house - expect trouble.

Covers his tracks with his red tail.

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden.

Lives in the forest, steals chickens.

Tongue Twisters

The fox walked through the forest, the fox tore the stripes,

The fox weaved little paws:

For my husband - two, for myself - three,

And the kids - on their little shoes.

The fox runs along the pole.

Lick the fox, the sand.

In the forest, a fox made a bed for a little fox under a pine tree.

A bed for my son was made of leaves, and the leaves fell from the aspen tree.

Nursery rhyme

Shadow - shadow, darkness, fence above the city.

The animals sat under the fence and boasted all day.

The fox boasted: “I am beautiful to the whole world!”

The bunny boasted: “Go and catch up!”

The hedgehogs boasted: “Our fur coats are good!”

The bear boasted: “I can sing songs!”


Just like the fox was walking along the path.

I found the letter in the trash.

The fox tore the stripes, the fox weaved the bast shoes.

So I sat down on a tree stump and read all day:

As if the sky will collapse and the earth will catch fire,

The fox would have nowhere to live - and had to drown himself in grief.


    "The Fox and the Grapes"

    "A Crow and a fox"

Russian folk tales

    "Fox - sister and gray wolf"


    "Cat and Fox"

    "The Fox and the Hare"

    "Cockerel - Golden Comb"

    "The Fox and the Goat"

    "The Fox and the Blackbird"

    "The Bear and the Fox"

    "Fox with a rolling pin"

    "Cat, Rooster and Fox"

    "Fox - Bedchamber"

    "The Man, the Bear and the Fox"

    "Fox - sister and wolf"

    "Sheep, Fox and Wolf"

    "The Fox and the Black Grouse"

    The Fox and the Crane"

    "Beasts in the Pit"

Grigory Afanasyev (village Arka, Khabarovsk Territory) “How the fox grazed the deer”

Information about the fox:

Foxes live all over to the globe, the most common are red. They have very beautiful silky reddish-orange fur, a white chest and black “boots”.

The black and brown fox lives in the cold northern regions. Black fur helps it hide better in dark coniferous forests. The long fluffy tail creates the impression large size beast. Actually this is not true. The length of the fox's body is 60-90 cm, the tail is 40-60 cm, the weight of males reaches 6 - 10 kg, females - 5-6 kg.

The fox lives in various parts of the forest, but avoids dense plantings and prefers meadow areas where there are many mice, voles and rabbits. The fox does not disdain grasshoppers; it eats berries - strawberries, blueberries, cherries, grapes. It is no coincidence that the fable “The Fox and the Grapes” appeared.

Red foxes usually settle in abandoned burrows of woodchucks and badgers. They expand them and build additional tunnels, and they always build emergency exits. In one hole, scientists somehow discovered as many as 27 emergency exits. But if there is no free hole, the fox strives to take possession of someone else’s, already prepared one.

The fox is one of the most famous wild animals. Proverbs and sayings mention her, and many fairy tales and fables have been written about her. However, in all these works, the image of a fox does not correspond much to reality. Scientists, observing her, did not find in this animal the intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness that popular rumor attributes to her. When in danger, the fox sometimes even panics, falls into the same traps several times, and is generally easy to deceive.

If the fox fails to outwit the enemy, she runs away from him. The fox runs very fast. Often these animals use other means of defense. Some of them can climb trees. Most foxes are saved and fed by their excellent hearing. Despite the fact that the fox can run quickly and deftly, rush at full speed and make very large jumps, good hunting dogs quickly catch up with it. The fox's vision and sense of smell are not very developed.

The fox itself hunts mainly at night. She sneaks around very quietly and carefully, sniffing the air. Various animals can become prey for a fox - from a young roe deer to a cockchafer. Most often she catches mice. Hares, birds, devastate the nests of birds.

The fox's voice is a sharp bark. A female fox in the spring gives birth to 4-6 (sometimes more) blind cubs, which begin to be seen after two weeks. After a few weeks, the fox cubs can leave the hole on their own. Mother and father protect them from danger. If an enemy appears nearby, the fox cubs are transferred to a spare hole. Both parents provide food for the babies. Foxes have many enemies. These are people, wolves, large birds of prey. But sometimes even an ordinary ant can offend them.

Materials used:

    Library fund;

    Extracurricular reading. Grades 1-2: interactive classes/author's comp. N.V. Lobodina. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. – 250 p.

    Children's encyclopedia. Moscow. ROSMEN.

    Internet resources;

    Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, riddles.

Literary reading.

Lesson objectives:

1) create conditions for expanding knowledge about Russian folk tales, the main character of which is the fox, and expand the idea of ​​the fox as a forest animal of prey;

2) create conditions for the development of children’s speech, thinking, ability to analyze, compare and generalize acquired knowledge;

3) create conditions for improving reading techniques, retelling skills, role-playing reading, the ability to listen to each other, and communicate.

1.Org. moment.

The call gave us a signal:
The time has come to work.
So let's not waste time,
And we begin to work.

2. Statement of the educational task.

Today in class we will talk about only one of the animals. And about whom, you will find out by solving the riddle.

This red-haired cheat
And insidious and cunning.
He catches fast hares deftly,
Chicken steals from the yard.
And profit from mice
Maybe quick... (fox).

Yes, indeed, today we will talk about the fox.

3.Checking homework.

What fairy tales about the fox have we read?

- “Sister Fox and the Wolf” and “Sly Fox”.

What kind of fox is depicted in these fairy tales?

Cunning, resourceful, selfish, etc.

Name the characters in fairy tales.

Fox, wolf, grandfather, women. Fox, seagulls, seals, walruses, whales, magpies, forest animals.

How did the fox outwit the wolf in the first fairy tale?

Read the dialogue between the wolf and the fox.

(reading by roles).

Who did the fox outwit in the second fairy tale?

Seals, walruses, whales, wolves, bears.


You were given the task to find comparisons. Read them.

It floats as if in a boat, its paws are like oars, its tail is like a rudder, it runs along its back as if across a bridge.

4. Conversation on fairy tales about the fox.

What fairy tales about foxes have you read? (Children's answers)

    The Fox and the Hare.

    Fox and crane.

    Fox and black grouse.

    Fox and blackbird.

    Fox and cancer.

    Fox and goat.

    Cat, rooster and fox.

    Fox with a rolling pin.

    Girl and fox.

    Fox-sister and wolf.

    The cockerel is a golden comb.

Guess what fairy tales these illustrations are for.


Today we will try to analyze whether the fairy tale about the fox tells everything as it actually is or not.

To do this, we will divide into two groups: storytellers and scientists. And we will listen carefully to both.

5. Stage of solving the educational problem.

Two drawings of a fox remain on the board. The teacher places the first proverb between them.

Characteristics of a fox.

There is a saying among the Russian people: The fox will lead seven wolves. (Slide).

How do you understand this proverb? Explain.

What fairy tales can you name in which the fox deceived someone?.........

A card appears on the board with the words: cunning, deceitful, rude, envious, flattering.

Write down the characteristics of the fox in your notebook.

- How do you understand these words?

- What is another name for a fox?

- Gossip, Little Fox-sister, Lisaveta.

Foxes in fairy tales often even have a middle name: Patrikeevna.

Let's listen, where did it come from?

Scientist -

About 600 years ago there lived Prince Patrikey Narimuntovich, famous for his cunning and resourcefulness. Since then, the name Patrikey has become equivalent to the word “cunning”. And since the fox has long been considered a cunning beast by the people, as the faithful “heiress” of the famous prince, she received her patronymic - Patrikeevna.

A card is placed on the board with the words: Patrikey - “cunning”.

But to be honest, the fox does not rightfully bear this name: she is not that cunning.

Let's listen to the scientist's opinion...

Scientists, observing the fox, did not find in this animal the intelligence, cunning and resourcefulness that people attribute to it. When in danger, the fox sometimes panics, falls into the same traps several times, and is generally easy to deceive.

And in Russian folk tales, the fox does not always deceive everyone. There are fairy tales in which the fox is also deceived.

Let's let's listen the fairy tale “The Fox and the Cancer” will be read by the storyteller...

The role of the fox's tail.

What can you say about the fox's tail? (Beautiful, fluffy, she covers her tracks with it, hides herself when she sleeps).

Does he help her more often or hinder her?

The Russian people have a proverb:

A fox doesn't need a tail for beauty. ( The second proverb appears on the board.) Slide

And for what?

So what is the role of the fox's tail? A card appears on the board:tail - decoration, nuisance, broom.

What will scientists tell us about the fox tail?

The fox's tail is called the "rule". This expression is very apt. A fox chasing its prey has to change direction all the time, and if it weren’t for the tail-rudder, it would never catch even the most inexperienced hare. The tail also helps the fox avoid danger. Pursued by dogs, the fox suddenly sharply moves its tail to the side and turns almost at a right angle. The dogs rush past, and by the time they pick up the scent again, the fox is already far away.

Where does the fox live?

What do fairy tales say about the fox's home?

What is it like?

Let's listen to the heroes of the next fairy tale and try to guess it.


Near the forest, on the edge, I’m building myself a hut
Yes, the hut is not simple, but the hut is bast.
There is a window, there is a stove, there is a patterned porch,
Smoke is coming from the chimney... It's a glorious little mansion!
Everything is reasonable, everything is sensible and almost ready...


So I, my friend Fox, am building myself a hut here.
Yes, it’s not a simple hut, but an icy hut.
The ice sparkles on the porch... Let the people be jealous!
Everything sparkles in the sun: I am a master fox!
“Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Hare and Fox”, “Hare’s Tears”.

And who helped the poor hare cope with the fox?

Work together in a group and restore the course of events.


Oh, you little fox,

Take a walk through the forest, beauty,

Smile at the animals

Bow low to the waist.

Jump with the hares

Spin around with the wolf,

Hide the harvest with the squirrel,

Don't offend anyone!

6. Group work.

On the desk the children lay out correct order fairy tale events.

Suggestion cards:

    The bunny met the bear.

    The cockerel drove the fox out.

    The fox kicked out the hare.

    The bunny lives with a cockerel.

Checking the work: groups take turns calling out the sentence, the teacher sets the order on the board.

What can we say about the fox’s home in fairy tales? (Card on the board: hut, hole)

Now let's listen to where the fox actually lives.

Scientists …

In the spring, foxes equip a hole for housing. Most often, burrows are located on the southern slopes of ravines and have several exits. Foxes are very unclean, they are slobs. They litter not only their home with scraps, but everything around them.

In winter, foxes do not use holes, except to hide there from pursuers, but sleep in snowy beds, curled up and covering their noses with their tails from the frost. They have excellent fur and are not afraid of frost.

So where does the fox actually live? (Card on the board: hole)

What does a fox eat?

There is a popular saying: The fox always lives fuller than the wolf.

(The proverb appears on the board) Slide

I wonder what the fox eats?

Let's let's retell fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane.”

And from other fairy tales, what can we learn about the tastes of a fox?

In fairy tales, the fox chases either a hare or a rooster, but never eats them.

She ate a kolobok, took a bite of a pancake, tasted honey...

That is, he eats flour and sweets: (the card appears on the board)

Let's listen to what scientists tell us about this...

The fox is a predatory animal.

She is considered the rabbit's worst enemy. Foxes really catch weak hares. She cannot catch up with the hare - how can she, short-legged, keep up with such a runner! Foxes eat everything: from fruits and berries, beetles and grasshoppers to hares and roe deer cubs, but the basis of their diet is small mouse-like rodents. To get enough food, a fox needs to catch and eat at least two dozen mice and voles a day. This benefits her. A fox can hear the squeak of a mouse almost 100 meters away - her hearing is so excellent.

7. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Let's summarize our research.

Have you learned new fairy tales about the fox?

Did you like them?

Can we say that you have become more aware of fairy tales about the fox?

Can we say that you now know all the fairy tales about the fox?

Have you learned anything new about the fox as a forest animal?

Was this interesting to you? Is it useful?

Is it possible to judge the fox as a forest animal based on Russian folk tales?

Does the image of a fairy tale fox coincide with the image of a real fox?

What else would you like to know about the fox?

8 . Homework.

Find riddles, poems about the fox.

MOU "Peremyshl Secondary School"

Public lesson 2nd grade in reading.

Topic: “The image of a fox in folk tales.”

UMK "Perspective".

prepared by the teacher

primary classes

Vaulina Alesya Olegovna

With. Przemysl, 2014

The fox in Russian folk tales has become the personification of an evil mind. She is beautiful, seductive, eloquent, and can easily pretend to be defenseless and weak, manipulating others for her own gain. To achieve what she wants, the red-haired beast is ready to use all her trump cards - deception, deceit, fraud, seduction. In fairy tales, the fox acts as a negative character who, trying to outwit the positive hero, becomes a victim himself, paying for his meanness and hypocrisy.

Fox in Russian folk tales

Why is the fox credited with a sharp mind and resourcefulness?

The sly fox, like a character in fairy tales, appeared as a result of observations common people for this animal. These are mainly stories from hunters who personally saw the tricks of the red cheat. More than once she pretended to be dead in order to catch game. As a captive, she behaves similarly in order to weaken the hunter's vigilance and escape. She can fall when a weapon is fired, as if wounded, but when she is thrown in with the rest of the prey, she will sneak away at any convenient moment. Even with serious wounds, the foxes managed to crawl out of the bag and run back into the forest. Since she is not endowed with special strength, she has to resort to cunning to survive.

And they often hunt for her, either because of her beautiful fur or because of her predatory activities. She herself is a good hunter - dexterous, cunning, silent. Its victims are hares, grasshoppers, mice, butterflies, fish, cockchafers, young roe deer, as well as poultry and eggs hatched by it. Due to the fact that she often climbs chicken coops, poultry owners dislike her. That is why among the people the fox acquired the image of a clever villainess-thief.

Nicknames of foxes in fairy tales

In fairy tales they draw a fox a real beauty because of her luxurious red fur coat. And, despite the character’s negativity, they are often affectionately called “gossip” or “sister”. She has similar family ties with another anti-hero of fairy tales - the wolf and other animals, which she can still fool. There is another prerequisite for this nickname - the evil one female image, which was common among the people. A cunning and sharp-tongued gossip or neighbor who was in every village, capable of sweetening the interlocutor and achieving her selfish goals.

In one of the Russian fairy tales, the fox is even given a name - Patrikeevna. But it is not in honor of the woman, but in honor of the governor of Novgorod, Prince Patrikey Narimantovich. He became famous among the people as a cunning and unscrupulous manager, manipulating people and making money in dishonest ways.

The image of a fox from folk tales

In each of the fairy tales, specific features of the fox are highlighted. Rarely does she act as a victim. Basically he is a skilled deceiver and swindler:

  • "The Fox and the Crane" displays duplicity - external benevolence and hospitality, hiding indifference to other people's needs and calculation;
  • "Sister Fox and the Wolf" shows the adventurism of the villainess, her penchant for mischief and ridicule, hypocrisy even with her brothers;
  • "Fox - Confessor"- the image of the red-haired heroine personifies deceit and vindictiveness;
  • "Cockerel is a golden comb" And "Kolobok"- the heroine deceives naive, good-natured characters for her own selfish purposes;
  • "Fox with a rolling pin"- reveals the image of a fraudulent fox, greedy and dishonest;
  • "The Fox and the Black Grouse" shows the main traits of the character - flattery and deception, hypocrisy;
  • "Snow Maiden and Fox"- one of the few fairy tales where the animal character is positive. Here she shows kindness and altruism by helping the Snow Maiden.

The people in fairy tales demonstrated a negative attitude not towards the animal itself, but towards the qualities that it symbolizes.

In many folk traditions, the fox (“Reineke”) is an animal that personifies insidious cunning and treachery. Its reddish fur resembles fire, which made it possible to rank it, along with the lynx and the squirrel, among the retinue of the devil: see the expression “wild damn fox.” IN Ancient Rome The fox was considered a fire demon. At the festival of the goddess Ceres, in order to protect crops from fire, a lit torch was tied to the fox’s tail and chased through the fields. As a remedy against witchcraft, a starfish sprinkled with the blood of a fox was nailed to the door.

Foxes were considered (as in Ancient China) especially lustful animals, so crushed fox testicles were added to wine as a sure remedy as a love drink, and a fox tail was worn on the hand, which was supposed to have a stimulating sexual effect.

Among the Germans, the fox was a symbolic animal of the god Loki, who was rich in inventions (this role of the “trickster” was played by North American Indians played by a coyote).

The fox played an important role as a symbol of eroticism and the art of seduction in East Asia; In ancient China, the prevailing idea was that foxes (huli) could live up to a thousand years, and then they would grow a new tail, which had a special ability for sensual seduction. Ghosts rode foxes; female foxes never changed their clothes, but they always remained clean. They are incredibly seductive and can, through unbridled erotic claims, deprive the men they come across of their vitality.

in Chinese traditional mythology n. Huli-jing (literally “fox-spirit”, in modern spoken language also "temptress") - a werewolf fox, kind or evil spirit. Related to Japanese kitsune, Korean kumiho and European fairies.

Traditionally, the Chinese believed that all beings could take on human form, acquire magical properties and immortality, provided they found a source of such energy, such as human breath or an elixir from the moon or sun.

Descriptions of were-foxes are often found in medieval Chinese literature. Huli-jing are most often represented as young, beautiful girls. One of the most infamous were-foxes was Da Ji (妲己), a semi-legendary concubine last emperor Shang Dynasty. According to legend, the beautiful daughter of a general, she was married against her will to the tyrant ruler Zhou Xin (紂辛 Zhòu Xīn). The maid of the goddess Nuwa, a nine-tailed werewolf fox, who was once offended by him, entered Da Ji’s body in revenge, expelling the real soul of the concubine from there. Under the guise of Da Ji, the werewolf fox and the cruel ruler came up with and carried out many cruel and cunning tricks and tortures for their subordinates, for example, forcing them to hug white-hot iron rods. Because of such an unbearable life, the emperor's subjects rebelled, as a result of which the Shang dynasty ended and the era of rule began Emperors of Zhou. Later, Emperor Wen's semi-legendary prime minister Jiang Ziya exorcized the fox spirit from Da Ji's body, and the goddess Nuwa punished the nine-tailed fox for excessive cruelty.

It was usually believed that a meeting with a huli jing, as a bad omen, did not bode well for a person. However, in the popular short stories of the 17th century Chinese writer Pu Songling, there are also quite harmless stories about love between a fox girl and a handsome young man.

Transforming into beautiful, young and sexy girls, werewolf foxes skillfully seduce men (the bright beginning of Yang), for the sake of energy (qi), blood or semen to improve their magical capabilities. As a result, a person’s vital energy is weakened and he often dies from exhaustion. The fox thus reaches the highest stage of development and becomes an immortal fox (狐仙). Hence the modern Chinese usage the words “huli-ching” mean “vamp woman”, “insidious seductress”, seducing married men for the sake of money and entertainment.

It was believed that a werefox, even in human form, could be recognized by its non-disappearing tail. (Chinese proverb: Chinese 狐貍精露尾 “the tail gives away a werefox” means that deceit and cunning can always be noticed by certain signs.)

Huli-jing is credited with extraordinary beauty, mental acuity, cunning, cunning, dexterity and elusiveness. In their original form, they look like ordinary foxes. The main indicator of the power of a werewolf's witchcraft is its age. Having lived 50 years, a fox can turn into a woman; after 100 years, she is also able to transform into a man and learn about what is happening a thousand miles away from her. This second type, with a wide range of transformations, is most often found in Chinese beliefs. After 1000 years of life, the laws of Heaven are revealed to the fox and it becomes the Heavenly Fox. Huli-jing live in caves and love the cold. They love chicken. They can change coat color, although the usual color is bright red. They have special charms; when their tail touches the ground, a flame can flare up. With age they acquire the gift of foresight. They often live in a flock. They are found around or in cemeteries themselves. It was believed that the souls of the dead could connect with the body of the Huli Jing and thus communicate with the world of the living. With their intrigues and jokes they cause a lot of trouble to mortals, and sometimes kill people. Sometimes Huli Jing can also help and support a person, which, however, corresponds to their unpredictable and changeable nature.

For the peoples Far East The fox is a representative of evil spirits. For example, in Chinese mythology, a fox with a lifespan of 800 to 1,000 years is considered a bad omen. It is enough for him to hit the ground with his tail for a fire to break out. He is able to foresee the future and can take on any form, preferring old men, young women and scientists. He is cunning, cautious and distrustful, and his main pleasure is to fool and torment people. The souls of the dead sometimes move into the body of a fox, which lives near the graves.

The Sacred Book of the Werewolf by Victor Pelevin tells the love story of an ancient werefox named A Huli and a young werewolf.

In 2008, the Chinese film Dyed Skin (畫皮 pinyin: huà pí), directed by Gordon Chen, was released. The script is based on one of Pu Songlin's short stories, where main character, a werewolf fox devours men's hearts to maintain her beauty and youth. However, this is more of a melodrama than a horror film.

In Ancient Japan, a fox spirit that can transform into a human is called Koki-Teno (similar to the German concept of "Wehr-Fuchs" - German Fucks, fuchs - fox). Foxes, thanks to their art, can lead a person blinded by feelings into insanity and destroy; in Japanese legends they play the role of a witch (who can take on another form). It was proposed to burn foxes and scatter their ashes in water.

Yet the fox plays not only a negative role.

The white fox is the supreme animal of the rice god Inari, and in the Tori shrine, next to this god there are often wooden or stone figurines of foxes, which hold in their mouths a sacred scroll or the key to heaven. The tip of a fox's tail is often a symbol of " gemstone happiness".

Shooting stars are called "sky foxes."

In “falling” stars and “tailed” comets they saw space or celestial foxes descending to earth.

According to Chinese beliefs, a fifty-year-old fox turns into a woman, a five-hundred-year-old becomes a seductive girl, and a thousand-year-old takes on the body of a heavenly fox who knows all the secrets of nature.

Mostly negative still prevails symbolic meaning foxes. Dürer's painting Mary with Many Animals shows a fox tied up, apparently as a reminder of her connection with the devil.

By chance, a fox may still be an attribute of a saint, such as St. Boniface and St. Eugene, although in biblical usage she personifies treachery and anger. The old saying about the fox who preaches to the geese means insidious greed;

in Upper Austria "fox" had the same meaning as "devil" ("devil's fox"), and in Upper Schleswig during an approaching thunderstorm they said, "it is the fox who is boiling something." In Grielshausen's Simply Cissimus, "fox's tail" meant "to flatter hypocritically."

The negative assessment of "Master Reinecke" in medieval bestiaries made this name stable combination, meaning that a person is like a deceitful and treacherous animal. “If a fox is hungry and cannot find anything to eat, it will rummage through the reddish soil so that it looks as if it is stained with blood, and then fall to the ground and hold its breath. The birds see her lying lifeless with her tongue hanging out and assume she is dead. The birds land on it, and the fox grabs them and eats them. The devil does the same: he appears alive as dead until he grabs them in his mouth and swallows them” (Unterkircher).

“A fox on a coat of arms or on a coat of arms usually has the meaning of a treacherous mind, and they are usually worn by those who follow their coat of arms in their actions.”

Among the Indians of North America, the Greenlandic Eskimos, the Koryaks, the peoples of Siberia, and in China, there is a well-known story about a poor man, to whom L. comes to his house every morning, sheds his skin and becomes a woman; when a man accidentally discovers this, he hides the skin and the woman becomes his wife; but the wife finds her skin, turns around L. and runs away from the house.

In folk tradition, a special day was celebrated associated with L. or with the beginning of hunting for it, for example. Martyn-Lisogon Day (April 14)

The fox serves as an alchemical symbol for the temporarily solidified red sulfur, symbolizing the earthy nature, in contrast to the airy nature of the rooster.

Tevmes fox - in ancient greek mythology an animal that cannot be overtaken.

A monstrous fox that attacked the inhabitants of Boeotia. She grew up to destroy the Thebans through the wrath of Dionysus. It was predetermined by fate that no one could overtake her. Every month the Thebans gave one of the young men to the fox to be eaten. At the request of Amphitryon, Cephalus released a dog against the fox, from which no one could escape. Zeus turned them both to stone

More famous foxes

Renard (Reinecke fox)- a character in European folklore.
Lisa Patrikeevna- a character in Russian folklore.
Far Eastern werewolves:
Kitsune (Japan)
Gumiho (Korea)
Huli-ching (China)

Fox and Cat from the fairy tale "Pinocchio"
Fox Alice (Pinocchio)
Brother Fox (The Tales of Uncle Remus)

Aesop's Fables:
Fox and cheese
Fox and grapes
Fox - true friend Little Prince in the fairy tale of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Fox Nikita from the fairy tale “Fox Nikita” by Ivan Franko
Ludwig the Fourteenth is a little fox from Jan Ekholm’s book “Tutta Karlsson the First and Only, Ludwig the Fourteenth and Others.”
Fantastic Mr Fox from the book of the same name by Roald Dahl
Sylvia - a woman who turned into a fox (David Garnett's novel The Fox Woman)
Silva - a fox who turned into a woman (Vercors' novel "Silva")
A Khuli (“The Sacred Book of the Werewolf”, Pelevin)
Chiefa is a fictional fox mentioned in Max Fry's books.
Red Foxy is a fictional creature close to foxes (from the stories “Green Sun” and “Logic of Subversion” by Vitaly Trofimov-Trofimov)
Domino is a black and brown fox from the story of the same name by E. Seton-Thompson.

Abu Al-Hossein - a fox from Arabian tales 1001 nights

Quick-eared and Golden-haired, characters from the opera “The Adventures of the Trickster Fox”, Leoš Janáček
Basil Brush is a glove puppet who hosts a British TV show.

Rita, cartoons “Jungle Jack”, “Tricky Jack” - city fox, partner of the main character.
Todd, The Fox and the Hound, D. P. Mannix (Disney animated film adaptation).
Robin Hood - in the Disney cartoon "Robin Hood"
Nine-tailed demon fox, belongs to Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto manga)
Kuugen Tenko (Japanese: 天狐空幻, Tenko Kūgen) from the work “Inari in Our House” (Japanese: 我が家のお稲荷さま。, Wagaya no Oinari-sama). The author of the novels is Jin Shibamura, the illustrator is Eizo Hooden. Manga adaptation - Suiren Shofuu. Anime - produced by ZEXCS
Miles "Tails" Prower - from the Sonic the Hedgehog series
Fiona the Fox - character from the Sonic the Hedgehog comics
Fox Nikita (animated series) by fairy tale of the same name Ivan Franko
Vuk and other characters from the cartoon “Vuk” (based on stories by I. Fekete)
Ozy and Millie
Slylock Fox
Fox McCloud, Crystal from the Star Fox video game series
Five-tailed fox Yubi (in Latin transcription Yobi) from the Korean cartoon “Fox Girl”
Pokemon Vulpix and Ninetales

( ,, wikipedia)

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