What is the meaning of the story light breathing. The meaning of the title and the problems of Bunin's story Easy Breathing


In the fall of 1912, in an interview with a Moscow newspaper correspondent, Bunin said: “... I have conceived and even started one story, where the theme is love and passion. The problem of love has not yet been developed in my works. And I feel an urgent need to write about it.” Indeed, until the age of thirty-two, the writer almost did not touch on the topic, which a few years later would become the leading one in his work. Since childhood, Bunin was unusually sensitive to female beauty, sensing “something very special” in her, which probably gave superficial interpreters a reason to accuse him of “tart sensuality.”

In fact, Bunin created own image love in his youth and remained faithful to this idea until the end of his life. In an article from 1888, the writer noted: “Love, as an eternal feeling, always alive and young, has served and will serve as inexhaustible material for poetry; she contributes ideal attitude and light into the everyday prose of life, stirs up the noble instincts of the soul and does not allow them to become coarse in narrow materialism and crude animal egoism,” In Bunin’s later prose - “The Life of Arsenyev,” in “ Dark alleys“especially – love is always tinged with tragedy and sadness. Through the human experience of love, the writer comprehended the most general and unchangeable laws of life, the complex spiritual processes of involving the individual in the life of the Universe. Among the pre-revolutionary Bunin stories united by the theme of love are “The Cup of Life”, “Son”, “The Grammar of Love”, etc. The masterpiece of prose of these years is rightfully recognized as “ Easy breath».

Researchers have interpreted Bunin's short story in different ways, but the most successful can be considered only those readings that reflect the author's view of man, captured in " Easy breathing" First of all, it is necessary to take into account that the category of character is not applicable to all of Bunin’s heroes, from which it follows that the events, actions, and actions of the heroes are optional. More often, a writer presents a person not as a character, but as a state or everyday consciousness. Thought and action are displaced in Bunin’s hero by a state, a feeling, a memory. The entire being of Bunin’s man is tuned to the perception of life, and not to its explanation and - especially - change. Art world Bunin, as already mentioned, is always unchanged. And a person exists in it not as a set of certain traits, but in a completely different capacity. G. N. Kuznetsova in her Grasse Diary, recalling life in the Bunins’ house, recounts her conversation with the writer about his “Easy Breathing.” She found the ease with which the heroine of the novel, high school student Olya Meshcherskaya, confesses to the head of the gymnasium that “she is already a woman” questionable. Bunin did not argue, but tried to explain his artistic task. He was interested in the image of a woman brought to the limit of her “uterine essence.” The naivety, lightness, bewilderment and similar irrational states of the heroine are taken by the author “to the limit”, excluding the possibility of assessing Olya Meshcherskaya’s actions from the point of view of reason. Let us remember that Bunin’s predecessors took the rational principles of human life “to the limit.”; The heroes' actions always had socio-cultural reasons. Their actions corresponded to ideas, ideas, and traditions, which, if reasonable, brought good to both the hero himself and his neighbors. Otherwise, misfortunes and tragedies would occur. For Bunin, the motives of human actions almost always originate in the area of ​​the unconscious. They can be described precisely as “uterine”.

In a dispute with Bunin, G.N. Kuznetsova finds herself on the familiar literary work positions of classical realism. She knew well the type of Russian high school student of a certain era and considered that the girl could not act like Olya Meshcherskaya. A. S. Vygotsky, analyzing “Easy Breathing,” in this regard, notes the following: the form of Bunin’s story is aimed “not at... revealing the life of a Russian schoolgirl to the end, in all its typicality and depth, but precisely in the opposite direction.” . His thought got further development in the study of V. Ya. Linkov, who claims that “...Olya Meshcherskaya does her actions not at all because she is a high school student. Her behavior is not the fruit of upbringing and the influence of the environment, but is generated, as Bunin put it, by the “uterine” beginning that the heroine, in the writer’s opinion, has in common not with Russian schoolgirls, but with all women, regardless of country, environment, upbringing, era.”

ng>The essence of the content, structure and style of the analyzed short story is most thoroughly revealed by the foreign Russianist A.K. Zholtovsky in his work “Easy Breathing” by Bunin - Vygodsky seventy years later.” According to Zholtovsky, the originality of Bunin’s work lies primarily in the composition, which is characterized by many time jumps. They can also be considered as a method of reducing interest in events in favor of creation general atmosphere lightness and detachment, and as a way of creating narrative contrasts (event surprises, etc.). Compositional shifts are subordinated to a general pattern: the narrative from the present (at Olya’s grave) moves on to the restoration of the past (her high school life), reaches almost the present (Oli’s death and the investigation of her killer), again turns to the past (the episode of the fall), and is thrown into the present (cool lady on the way to Olya’s grave), then briefly describing the past (cool lady), returns to the present (cool lady at the grave), then the author brings a conversation from the past (about easy breathing), from where he sharply returns us to the present (wind on cemetery).

The movement from the present to the past is rhythmically uneven. Olya’s conversation with her boss and the story about “easy breathing” are shown in close-up. The whole chain important events and plans are compressed into one, at first glance, unnaturally long sentence: “And the incredible confession of Olya Meshcherskaya, which stunned the boss, was completely confirmed: the officer told the judicial investigator that Meshcherskaya lured him, was close to him, vowed to be his wife, and at the station, on the day of the murder, accompanying him to Novocherkassk, she suddenly told him that she had never thought of loving him, that all this talk about marriage was just her mockery of him, and she gave him to read that page of the diary that talked about Malyutin.”

The degree of importance of events “piled up” in ONE sentence is distorted. And even if all the events are arranged sequentially in no order, gaps remain in Olya’s biography. As a result, the conversation about easy breathing is not confined to any specific period of Olya’s life (before or after the fall? before or after the connection with the officer?). In other words, in Bunin the movement of time does not contribute to the chronological construction of the heroine’s story. Instead of its measured movement in one direction, there are stops and breaks. Time is running unevenly, on poorly connected segments and in different directions. This technique creates the effect of freeing up time and weakens interest in the development of the plot.

Traditional short story storytelling is always based on interest in an event, the meaning of which is revealed at the end of the work. Hence the suspenseful plot of the novella. In “Easy Breathing,” traditional methods of presentation are squeezed out, but not completely discarded. Olya's death is announced at the beginning of the work; the reader wants to know how it happened. Interest is reinforced by the fact that the story of Olya’s “fall” is first skipped, then interrupted as soon as it begins (in the scene with the boss) and only later is it told about by a page from the diary. Such a break in plot connections indicates the presence in Bunin's text pronounced features of modernist writing. Thus, it remains unknown what the high school student Shenshin’s attempted suicide led to, how Olya’s conversation with her boss, interrupted by the narrator, ended, what happened to Olya’s arrested killer, how the relationship between Olya and her parents developed with their friend and her seducer Malyutin. At the same time, the narrator pays a lot of attention to the completely secondary Tolya and Subbotina. There seems to be a deliberate blurring of the plot. And it itself is far from the causal connection accepted in realistic literature.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin entered the history of Russian literature as a writer capable of surprisingly subtly and reverently describing such a multifaceted feeling as love. One of his most striking works on this topic was the work “Easy Breathing”. Analysis of the story will allow you to better understand the psychology of this feeling, and will be especially useful for 11th grade students when preparing for a literature lesson.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1916.

History of creation– The story was written under the impression of a walk through the cemetery, where the writer accidentally came across the grave of a young girl. The contrast of a dull place and a medallion depicting a beauty with unusually lively and with joyful eyes Bunin was deeply shocked.

Subject– The central theme of the work is the charm and tragedy of careless youth.

Composition– The composition is distinguished by the absence chronological order and a clear “commencement-climax-denouement” scheme. Events begin and end in a cemetery, the plot does not always coincide with the plot, and there are episodes that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the story of Olya Meshcherskaya.

Genre– Novella (short plot story).

Direction– Modernism.

History of creation

Bunin's story "Easy Breathing" was written in March 1916 and published the same year in the newspaper " Russian word».

During Ivan Alekseevich’s stay at the Vasilyevskoye estate, he was approached by the capital’s newspaper “Russkoe Slovo” with a request to provide some small piece for publication in the Easter issue. Bunin was not averse to sending his work to a reputable publication, but by that time he did not have ready-made new stories.

Then the writer remembered his walks around Capri, when he accidentally came across a small cemetery. Walking along it, he discovered a grave cross with a portrait of a blooming, cheerful girl. Peering at her laughing, full of life and the fire of his eyes, Bunin painted himself pictures from the past of this young beauty, who had passed away so early into the other world.

Memories of that walk served as the impetus for writing a love story, the main character of which was high school student Olya Meshcherskaya, whose image was “copied” from a portrait in the cemetery.

However prerequisite for writing The short stories also contained more profound memories of the writer, recorded in his diary. At the age of seven he witnessed death little sister Sasha, the favorite of the whole family. The tragedy that occurred on a February night deeply shocked the boy, forever leaving in his soul images of a girl, winter, cloudy sky, and death.


Love theme is central to the story “Easy Breathing”. The author reveals her through the prism of the character and behavior of Olya Meshcherskaya - an incredibly cheerful, charming and spontaneous girl.

For Bunin, love is, first of all, passion. All-consuming, frantic, destructive. It is not surprising that in the work, death is always the faithful companion of love (the young high school student Shenshin was on the verge of suicide from unrequited love for Olya, and the main character herself became the victim of a distraught lover). This is the peculiarity of Ivan Alekseevich’s concept of love.

Despite the immoral actions of the schoolgirl, the writer, nevertheless, does not criticize her behavior. On the contrary, Olya’s inexhaustible vital energy, her ability to see life only in joyful, bright colors, disarming charm and femininity attracts the author. The truth is not in external features. female beauty, but in the ability to inspire and charm people. That's what it is Main thought works.

Meshcherskaya’s carelessness and some superficiality are only back side medals of her nature. AND the main problem The girl’s problem is that no one from her close circle could teach her to balance between ease and “fluttering” through life and responsibility for her actions.

Such indifference becomes the cause of the girl’s death. However, death is not able to take the charm of youth with it into the abyss - the “light breath” dissipates throughout the universe, to soon be reborn again. The writer leads readers to this conclusion, thanks to which the work does not leave a heavy aftertaste.


The main features of the novella’s composition include: contrast and lack of chronological sequence. The work begins with a description of Olya’s grave, then the author talks about early childhood girls, then again “skips” to her last winter. Afterwards there is a conversation between Meshcherskaya and the head of the gymnasium, during which it becomes known about her relationship with an elderly officer. Then - the news of the murder of a high school student. And at the very end of the story, the author adds a seemingly insignificant episode from Olya’s life, in which she shares with her friend her idea of ​​female beauty.

Thanks to temporary movements and quick changes in all actions, the author managed to create a feeling of lightness and a certain emotional detachment. Everything in the work is designed to emphasize the living and spontaneous nature main character. All events happen quickly, making it impossible to properly analyze them. So the life of Olya Meshcherskaya, who always lived exclusively for today, flashed and faded away, without thinking about the consequences of her actions.

In his story, Bunin immediately deprives the plot of unpredictability and climactic outcome. It has already happened - and this is the death of a young schoolgirl. Realizing that the most important thing has already happened, the reader switches to the events that led to the sad ending.

Deliberately destroying the cause-and-effect relationships in the story, the writer emphasizes that neither the motives of Olya’s behavior nor the further development of events in the story matter. The inevitable doom of the heroine is in her, in her incredibly attractive feminine essence, charm, spontaneity. A huge passion for life led her to such a quick end.

This is what it's all about meaning of the name story. “Easy breathing” is an incredible thirst for life, the ability to soar above everyday reality with amazing ease, not noticing problems and sincerely enjoying every day, every minute.


Carrying out an analysis of the genre of the work in “Easy Breathing”, it should be noted that it was written in the genre of a short story plot story, which fully reflects the main issues and ideas that concern the author, presents a picture of the life of heroes from various groups society.

Being a follower of realism, Ivan Alekseevich could not stay away from modernism, which was increasingly gaining momentum in the twentieth century. The brevity of the plot, the symbolization and ambiguity of details, the fragmentation of the story described and the demonstration of unadorned reality indicate that “Easy Breathing” corresponds to modernism, in which the main tendencies of realism are present.

One of the most widely famous works I.A. Bunin is undoubtedly the story “Easy Breathing”. It can be assumed that the impetus for its writing was the writer’s trip to Capri, where during a walk the writer saw a tombstone with a medallion in a small cemetery. It depicted a very young and unusually beautiful girl with a happy expression on her face. The tragedy of this terrible contradiction, apparently, struck the writer so much that he decided to “revive” the heroine on the pages of his prose.
The image of “light breathing” that organizes the entire story is taken from an old book, which the main character Olya Meshcherskaya reads, retelling to her friend an episode that particularly struck her. It says that a woman should be able to be beautiful and the most important thing about her is “easy breathing.” The heroine happily concludes that she has it and that only happiness awaits her in life. However, fate decrees otherwise.
The central character of this story is high school student Olya Meshcherskaya. She is famous for her beauty, sweet spontaneity, charming naturalness. “She was not afraid of anything - not ink stains on her fingers, not a flushed face, not disheveled hair, not a knee that became bare when falling while running,” the author of the story lovingly writes about her. There is even something from Natasha Rostova in Olya - the same love of life, the same openness to the whole world. Nobody better than Olya I didn’t dance, I didn’t skate, I didn’t look after anyone like that. This young creature with sparkling, lively eyes seemed created only for happiness.
But one Cossack officer, who sought intimacy with her and was refused, ends this young wonderful life with one shot.
This ending is too tragic, and sometimes I want to reproach the writer for such a painful ending. But let's think about it: did the shot really kill the heroine? Maybe the officer just pulled the trigger, and the tragedy happened much earlier?
Indeed, reading the story, you wonder why, besides Olya, in this provincial town there is not a single person worthy of being depicted with the same admiration. The rest of the characters simply leave us indifferent, like, for example, Meshcherskaya’s friend, or they cause disgust. This is Olya’s father’s friend, fifty-six-year-old Malyutin. The whole city seems to be saturated with a suffocating atmosphere of vulgarity, inertia and depravity. Indeed, how can you explain Olya’s behavior? Yes, she is charming, sweet, natural, but reading the scene where Meshcherskaya admits to the head of the gymnasium that she is already a woman, you can’t help but be embarrassed by such a terrible dual personality: on the one hand, Olya is perfection itself, on the other, she is just a girl , who knew the joy of carnal pleasures too early. These contradictory images the same heroine is not given an unambiguous understanding of her character, and sometimes an almost hooligan thought comes to mind: isn’t Olya Lola, introduced by Bunin into literature long before the author of “Lolita”?
In my opinion, the motives for the actions of the heroine of “Easy Breathing” are very difficult to evaluate from a logical point of view. They are irrational, “uterine”. Revealing the image of such an ambiguous heroine as Meshcherskaya, one should not be afraid to consider different and even opposing points of view. We said above that Olya’s fate and character are a product of the inert provincial environment where she grew up. Now, faced with the amazing inconsistency of the heroine, we can assume something completely different.
Bunin, as you know, although he is considered the last classic critical realism, still does not fully follow his principles of depicting reality. To say that Meshcherskaya is just a product of an environment that corrupts and kills young innocence means, in my opinion, to consider the story too straightforwardly, thereby impoverishing the original author’s intention. Correct society, and there will be no vices - this is what they said in the 19th century, but in the 20th they increasingly do not look for reasons, saying that the world is unknowable. Meshcherskaya is like that, and nothing more. As another argument, we can recall Bunin’s stories about love, in particular, where the actions of the heroes are also very difficult to motivate. It’s as if they are controlled by some blind, unreasoning force, spontaneously giving people happiness and sorrow in half. In general, Bunin is characterized by just such a worldview. Let us recall the story “The Gentleman from San Francisco,” in which fate takes the hero’s life in the most unexpected way, without giving any explanation. In the light of these considerations, we can make a judgment about Olya that is opposite and to some extent counterbalances our first conclusions: the writer, in the image of a high school student unlike others, wanted to show the true nature of a woman who is completely at the mercy of blind, “uterine” instincts. The conviction that life disposes of us solely at its own discretion is best illustrated by the example of a young girl who experienced life too early and therefore died untimely.
Probably, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of who Olya really is, what problems she raises in this story, and it is hardly necessary. You can delve deeper into the image of the main character, better understand the specifics and problems of the story and try to reconcile the two opposing points of view outlined above by thinking about the title. “Light breathing,” which “dissipated forever in this cold wind,” is, in my opinion, a figurative expression of what is spiritual, truly human, in a person. The charming and at the same time depraved schoolgirl, the stupid and evil officer who killed her, the provincial town with all its ugliness - all this will remain on the sinful earth, and this spirit that lived in Ola Meshcherskaya will fly up to be embodied in something again and remind us that, besides our vain and petty thoughts and deeds, there is something else in the world that is beyond our control. This, in my opinion, is the enduring significance of the outstanding story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.

Bunin called his story "Easy Breathing." How can breathing be easy? After all, this is already something initially easy, familiar. Breathing is given by nature, it is natural for every person. All people are accustomed to breathing, and breathing is not a difficult job for anyone. Light breathing is something elusive and very short-lived.

The personification of “easy breathing” is Olya Meshcherskaya. Her image is contrasted with another: the image of the gentleman from San Francisco. The gentleman from San Francisco planned out his whole life day by day, he always knew (or at least thought he knew) when, where and what he would do, he clearly imagined his future and planned to start " real life"only after fifty-eight years. All his fifty-eight years he did not live, but existed according to a strictly established routine. His life did not take place due to the fact that he thought too much, trying to foresee everything. He killed his soul and became incapable to enjoy the beauty of nature, from artistic values. The gentleman from San Francisco opposed himself to nature, isolated himself from it, but in this contradiction nature won, and man turned out to be pitiful and useless to anyone.

Olya Meshcherskaya was “one of the pretty, rich and happy girls.” “Without any worries or efforts, somehow imperceptibly came to her everything that so distinguished her from the entire gymnasium - grace, elegance, dexterity, the clear sparkle of her eyes” - nature gave her what many would like to have. Olya herself was a part of nature: she did not try to restrain her movements and feelings, did not hide her emotions. Olya stood out among the “crowd of brown school dresses” because she knew how to find joy in every day. Probably, not many people were able to notice that the winter was “snowy, sunny, frosty”; not many could cheer up the fact that “the sun set early behind the tall spruce forest of the gymnasium garden, invariably fine, radiant, promising frost and sun for tomorrow ".

Olya considered other people to be the same as her. Therefore, she notices around her only the beautiful features of what surrounds her. She notices that the boss, although gray-haired, is youthful, that her office is “extraordinarily clean and large,” and that she notices “the warmth of a shiny Dutch dress and the freshness of lilies of the valley on the desk.” Walking into this “unusually clean and large office,” she did not think that she would be scolded there. All she notices about Malyutin is that although he is fifty-six years old, “he is still very handsome and always well dressed, and his eyes are very young, black, and his beard is gracefully divided into two long parts and completely silver.”

Olya’s elegance, elegance, and dexterity reflected the same elegant, beautiful spiritual world; she was not capable of any vile act. Olya thought that other people were just like her, that their good appearance and good clothes reflect the same pure soul, like hers. She tried to find out as much as possible more peace, whom she loved, every day brought her a huge number of impressions, meetings, feelings that she could not help but “go crazy with fun.” Olya was cheerful, happy with life and naive, so she did not think that the world around her might not actually be as beautiful as she imagined it to be. She never thought that the people she liked could turn out to be scoundrels and take advantage of her beauty, youth, and naivety.

Striving to learn and experience as much as possible, Olya did not notice that what was natural for her was against the rules established in society. The schoolgirls had to be restrained in their movements - and she “rushed like a whirlwind from the first-graders chasing her”, it was necessary to drown in the “crowd of brown dresses” - but she had a woman’s hairstyle, expensive combs in her hair and “shoes worth twenty rubles”, it is necessary was to be modest - but she declared that she was “already a woman, not a high school student.” When Olya realized that she was mistaken about Malyutin, that he forced her to do something that was not allowed by the rules, she became disgusted not only with Malyutin, but also with herself.

"I never thought I was like this!" Yes, Olya didn’t think, she just lived. I.A. Bunin said that he “was always attracted by the image of a woman brought to the limit of her “uterine essence.” “Only we call it the womb, but I called it light breathing. Such naivety and lightness in everything, both in audacity and in death, is “easy breathing,” not thinking.”

After Olya’s death, her cool lady began visiting her grave. For what? Maybe because she realized that Olya Meshcherskaya short life lived a more interesting life than she did. After all, a cool lady is “an elderly girl who has long been living with some kind of fiction that replaces her real life.” The boss and the cool lady scolded Olya for her hairstyle, behavior, clothes because they didn’t have what she had: neither beautiful hair, no graceful movements, no youth. They did not know how to enjoy the snowy winter and the shining sun. Their essence was only enough for them to sit at their desk with knitting in their hands and gray hair.

If all people were as pure, naive, beautiful as Olya was, and if everyone knew how to enjoy every day, then everyone would be happy. But not everyone has easy breathing. Olya was too different from the society in which she lived. People envied her, did not understand her joy, her happiness, but she did not understand people. Olya could not live by the laws by which society lived. Light breathing should have dissipated "in this cloudy sky, in this cold spring wind" because it cannot be tied to the ground.

About the story “Easy Breathing” it must be said that the actions take place in a cemetery. It's April, the weather is terrible and cold. Olya Meshcherskaya is the main character of the story. On the cross that stands near one of the graves, you can see a portrait of a girl, apparently she is a high school student. Bunin creates a dual atmosphere, interweaves life with death, describes April, bare trees. This shows that life is always inseparable from death.

The whole story is built on opposition, even a description of the life of the main character, which was short-lived but bright. Olechka was brave beautiful girl, she was popular, she was cute, and she was a good skater.

But in the last winter, something changed, Olya behaved strangely, constantly having fun and dressing provocatively. She treated Shenshin poorly, first swore her love, and then simply “played,” which led to his attempt to kill himself.

Alexey Mikhailovich Malyutin also falls under her spell; he is much older than Olya, but this does not stop her from flirting with him.

The Cossack officer, who did not resemble the people around her, was also in a relationship with Olya, she swore to him of her love, that she would marry him later. But at the station, her words hurt the officer; she deceived him. Olya talks about the affair with Alexei Malyutin, so the officer kills her with a pistol.

When reading the story, the question arises, why did Olya Meshcherskaya behave this way? And the answer is simple - she didn’t understand what she was doing. She did not understand and did not take into account the feelings of other people.

Blok describes Olya as a capable girl, but carefree and at the same time frivolous. It is compared to a storm that can destroy everything in its path.

But besides this, the image of Olya is contrasted with the image of the lady who ran the gymnasium, she was not young, she scolded Olga for her bad behavior. She was Malyutin’s sister, so she tried to protect him from making mistakes.

Despite everything, the lady comes to the cemetery - and it is at this moment that the reader sees the antithesis. The lady sits next to the grave and recalls Olya’s conversation about the book, which stated that the girl should be bright, with sparkling eyes. This is how the understanding comes that after Olga there was nothing left, only emptiness.

Analysis of the work Easy Breathing No. 2

After reading the title of the story, the question immediately arises as to what it is about. Somehow it’s not clear. “Easy breathing” is an expression that is immediately associated with medicine. And Bunin associates it with the heroine Olechka Meshcherskaya. Why? Women have always been mysterious and incomprehensible natures. Many men have tried to comprehend female soul. Bunin also tried to do this.

Olya was a rich and happy girl. She immediately caught the eye among the other students of the gymnasium in these dull brown dresses - graceful, elegant, dexterous, with a clear sparkle in her eyes.

She tries to find only good things in the people and surroundings around her. The boss, despite her gray hair, retained her youthful appearance. And the office is kept clean and tidy, warmth emanates from the Dutch oven and smells of lilies of the valley. Well, how can they scold in such an office? In her father's friend Malyutin, she notices taste in clothes, beautiful black eyes, and a silver beard.

A little person like Olya is not capable of a vile act. She judged other people by her standards. Yes, she was a completely naive child. The world was interesting to her, he attracted her with his diversity. She could not imagine that scoundrels lived in it, who could take advantage of her childish naivety and young beauty.

Every society has certain rules of conduct. And what she did did not always coincide with these rules. She raced with the first-graders, rejoicing from the emotions that overwhelmed her, but she had to walk sedately and primly along the corridors of the gymnasium. Olya was like a light breath of the spring breeze. Like a ray of light breaking through a cloudy window glass.

She had to blend in with the faceless brown mass of high school students and not stand out from the crowd, but she wore combs in her hair and high feminine hairstyles. And on her feet were expensive, elegant women's shoes. That's how she wanted to be adult woman. Having learned my first cruel lesson adult life, this half-woman, half-child hated not only her seducer Malyutin, but also herself.

After Olya’s death, a cool lady came to her grave, sat there for a long time and looked at her photo in a mourning frame. Why? Maybe she mentally compared her imaginary life with Olina. I envied the ease with which she lived in life. I envied her courage with which she challenged society.

She didn’t know how to live like that herself, but in her heart, she probably wanted to. I wanted to shed my years, my position, and sincerely enjoy both the snow and the sun. But her essence was only enough to knit at her desk like an old woman. An old lady at heart became an old lady on the outside. And gray hairs have appeared.

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