How does love for nature manifest itself? Professions for those who love nature. Or doesn't like people

“A person craves, finds and accepts beauty without any conditions, and only because it is beauty, and bows before it with reverence, without asking what it is useful for or what can be bought with it.” (F. M. Dostoevsky).

In literature class at school, everyone at least once wrote an essay on the topic “Love of Nature.” The topic is so abstract that not everyone is able to express in words what they feel. Like this? After all, you can “feel something” towards another person or, for example, towards for a pet, but nature... People are so accustomed to technical miracles modern world that sometimes they do not notice the beauty that surrounds them: in the same starry sky, forest park area or in the rifts

Humanity is busy discovering new inventions to improve life, love for nature fades into the background, or even into the background. Moreover, this high feeling is mixed with the banal desire of a person to be in nature.

What is what?

What's the subtext? After all, at first glance, both concepts mean the same thing: man loves nature. No. In the case when he loves to be in nature, we are talking about his desire to go out of town on weekends or holidays, swim, make barbecue, breathe fresh air and be in silence after the city stuffiness and noise. Here there is only a person’s desire to change the situation at least for a day. Relax. Further proof of the lack of sincere feelings for nature is the fact that, after resting, a person will not disdain to leave a bag of garbage under some especially beautiful bush.

Love for nature means unity human soul and natural beauty. We talk about love, lying in a forest clearing and looking at slowly floating clouds, when there is not a single thought in our heads, and our souls are completely at peace. This feeling can be said when the sound of raindrops on the eaves does not irritate, but brings peace and lulls, erasing all adversity from memory. Love for our native nature means traveling for several days on a train across the country and involuntarily admiring the forests, fields, and hills changing outside the carriage window. At the same time, you will never catch yourself being bored.

Loving nature means noticing beauty in its little things, without thinking about usefulness and profitability. Nature is selflessness and purity of thoughts.

Nature in literature

A literary essay on the topic “Love of Nature” implies the presence in it of examples from works of art. It is in them that we see the undisguised beauty of nature, expressed in the powerful author’s style.

Take, for example, “Farewell to Matera” by V. G. Rasputin. A story about a village in the middle of the Angara, which must be flooded in order to be built. The population of the island is divided into two groups: old people and young people. The first ones have become so accustomed to the island that they do not want and cannot leave motherland. Daria Pinigina, refusing to move to the city with her son, whitewashes her hut, although she understands that it will be burned by the orderlies. Her neighbor, having left the island, dies in the city, so his wife returned back to Matera.

Love for nature, love for the Motherland drives the actions of old people. Rasputin in his narration does not resort to precise definitions, he conveys his love for the nature of this region with abstract descriptions, but this does not prevent us, the readers, from drawing in our heads the image of a small village, separated from the whole world. Rasputin's nature is alive. There is the Owner of the Island - the embodiment of its nature, its inhabitants and their ancestors buried in this land. There is a huge tree - royal foliage, which the orderlies were never able to burn. The love for nature in the heads of old people made her a real living character who cannot be broken.

Grandchildren, contrary to the elderly, easily leave their native lands, hoping for better life in the city. They don’t have even a drop of what sits in the soul of every elderly resident. They realize without regret that the village will be wiped off the face of the Earth, they do not believe in the Master, they do not see power in the leaves. For them, these are just fairy tales about non-existent magic.

True meaning

“Farewell to Matera” is not just a story about the unfair fate of the village. The theme of love for nature is intertwined in it with the idea of ​​confrontation between tradition and modernity, which is often found in our lives.

Humanity uses the gifts of nature, taking them for granted. Nature is not an object of admiration for humans, but a source of income. The development of entrepreneurship destroys the sense of beauty in a person, giving rise to a thirst for profit. After all, even with a lot of money and the opportunity to vacation abroad, a person will not admire nature, because by today’s standards it is boring and unnecessary.

Living system

We have ceased to understand that nature is a single, well-functioning living system. Using it for such selfish purposes will sooner or later turn against us. Remember how many victims and destruction there are after a tsunami, hurricane, earthquake... Nature knows how to kill no worse than people.

In this battle, modernity is losing, but there is only one conclusion: man’s love for nature should not be feigned. Going out into nature does not mean loving it with your soul and heart. Relaxing in nature is not a true manifestation of feeling.

Love it!

This feeling must be instilled at a young age. Deep connection with nature is the first step in comprehending such an abstract concept. A child's feeling is to see a magician in a cloud pulling a rabbit out of a hat; run through a white dandelion field and laugh when the fluff tickles your nose and cheeks; understand that a piece of paper or a bottle thrown past the trash can can cause great harm to nature.

Who will roar first when he sees a dead dove? Child. And why? I feel sorry for the bird! It doesn’t matter to him that these pigeons are at every step, he now feels sorry for this lifeless one. The child won’t even be able to explain why it’s a pity. He will not be able to formulate that the bird could live for a long time and have offspring. He actually feels sorry for the pigeon. At this moment the child loves him as if he had known him all his life. An adult will simply pass by, casting a disgusted glance in the direction of the unfortunate bird.

Children can truly love if they are shown how to love.

Expression of feelings in protection

Love for nature is creation. Bring the empty bottle to trash can, take bags with leftover food and disposable tableware from the forest with you - everyone can do this. Without proper treatment by humans, nature will perish, and without it our existence will become impossible.

Of course, a single person will not save her from death. This should become a mass phenomenon. At the state level, assistance in solving global problems is possible: greenhouse effect, growing pollution of the atmosphere and the world's oceans, etc. But everything big starts with small things.

Nature is definitely worth loving! Simply because it is impossible to do otherwise with her! It is customary to call man the king of nature, the crown of creation. If a person does not love, and therefore protect, nature, then he will rightfully be considered a worthless ruler. And how can you saw the branch on which you are sitting? After all, this will only complicate and aggravate the situation and the situation.

You need to treat nature with respect and honor, listen and look closely at changes, and not play Russian roulette with it, hoping for chance, because it will not tolerate disgusting treatment for long. And her response to our whims can turn into a tragedy for ourselves.

These can be emergency disasters in various forms: fires, floods and much, much more. Nowadays they are increasingly saying that the main factor leading to such tragedies is not nature, but man or, in other words, the “human factor.”

It turns out that a person pushes aside the needs of nature and its inhabitants (animals) to the side, doing everything only for his loved one. Interferes in the natural course of events, and then waits for mercy from nature. And at the same time he squeezes all the juice out of it, because he works for results, makes money, including by exporting the same minerals in unlimited quantities, for a lot of money. The world in our age is ruled by money, not common sense.

Sometimes, at critical moments, people remember the Almighty and blame Him for all their troubles. But people forget the simple truth that God protects what is saved. But people don’t take care. More and more people are mocking those who seek to preserve the natural beauty that surrounds them.

People throw garbage past trash cans, saying that everyone does this and he is not the first and will not be the last... But these are just excuses to cover up their own laziness, which leads to inaction, and sometimes to complete absurdity.

After all, there are cities and countries on the map, when entering them, a person understands that they are clean. These are often resort towns. And therefore, visitors often attribute the cleanliness in them not to reasonable and cultured residents, but call them an extra plus for luring money from tourists who come there. But no one will deny that this is an undeniable plus that deserves attention and repetition.

Someone will call it a mere trifle to throw garbage on the ground and say that it is a drop in the bucket compared to the squandering of resources by the rich and all-powerful of this world. But life is built on little things. From the world one thread at a time and it will turn out whole and beautiful picture a world in which there will be no disregard first for nature, and then for one’s neighbor.

If everyone, even for a moment, stands in the place of another creature, which in particular is nature and other people, then he will understand that he definitely would not want to be trampled on so mercilessly, spat on and shitted on his soul. After all, not only humans have a soul, but also nature. And man, being its king, is responsible for the ways and means in which he tames it. And contrary to the opinion that nature is a workshop created to satisfy human needs, nature is still not a workshop, but a temple, and man is a novice in it. This means he must listen to nature and be obedient. I must understand that the light did not fall like a wedge on him alone. That around him, in addition to other people, there is also nature, which feeds, heals and loves him, despite man’s desire to completely subjugate it to himself.

But there is no need to make a slave out of her. You just need to love her. And she will reciprocate in the form of delicious edible fruits, clean water and air, beauty and solar warmth, refreshing wind and piercing rain. It is worth learning to love nature and treat it the same way as people, that is, the way you want to be treated.

The relationship between people and nature has always been quite complex - man sought to subjugate it, use it for his needs and change it in every possible way. Today everyone is talking about the negative consequences of global warming, but this is far from the only example of how human civilization and nature influence each other.

1. A warming climate contributes to violence.

Many Scientific research It has been consistently assumed for several decades that rates of violent crime always increase as one approaches the equator, that is, as the climate becomes hotter. But none of these studies have been able to determine why this is so. There are two main theories. First, hot weather makes people uncomfortable and irritable, and therefore more violent.

Second, in warm weather people are outdoors more often and interact more actively, meaning there are more opportunities for violent conflict. But researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam believe that it is not so much the heat that is to blame for this behavior, but rather a slight change in temperature in these regions.

Without having to plan for upcoming seasons, people can focus on the present without worrying so much about the future. This “living one day at a time” strategy can lead to decreased self-control and thus an increase in acts of violence.

2. Light pollution causes early spring in cities

Light pollution caused by excess artificial lighting can actually be destructive to natural ecosystems. Over time, bright lights in cities gradually “deceive” surrounding trees and plants, which begin to “believe” that spring has come earlier.

In a 12-year study of four various types trees, British scientists discovered that in major cities, in which there is a lot of night lighting, the trees threw out buds a week earlier than similar species in rural areas. This has a natural multiplier effect on the surrounding ecosystem, causing disruptions in pollination cycles and bird and bee populations.

3. Cigarette butts are a threat to marine life

Of the billions of cigarette butts produced each year, only a fraction are disposed of correctly. An insane amount of them end up in the ocean. In fact, cigarette butts are the most common type of litter in the world's oceans. They are made up of thousands of tiny plastic particles woven into a fiber that breaks down in the ocean environment.

One study found that the hazardous materials contained in one cigarette butt could sufficiently contaminate 1 liter of water to kill any fish in that water.

4. People and evolution

Hunting, human encroachment on animals' natural habitats, and other environmental changes have contributed to the extinction of thousands of species over the centuries. But some human behaviors can ultimately lead to the emergence of new species that would not have appeared otherwise. For example, in London there are underground mosquitoes whose DNA and breeding habits are different from ordinary mosquitoes.

They came from insects that escaped into artificial underground tunnels during the bombing of World War II. Since they are no longer able to reproduce with other mosquitoes, these mosquitoes are separate species, which was actually created by people.

5. Nature improves mental health

A 2013 study by the University of Essex found that clinical rates of depression dropped significantly (by 71 percent) in people who took at least a short walk in nature every day. These results stand in stark contrast to the control group, whose participants walked once a day during mall. Their depression levels dropped by 45 percent, while 22 percent actually felt more depressed.

In addition, adolescents living within 1 km of green spaces experienced a decrease in aggressive behavior. Either way, the study's authors came to a rather specific conclusion: increasing green space in urban areas could lead to a 12 percent reduction in violent and aggressive behavior among adolescents.

6. Increased vegetation growth

Melting glaciers and the gradual disappearance of long-standing ice shelves caused by global climate change have produced an unexpected secondary effect. In many places where the ice has retreated, greenery has appeared in its place.

This decades-long trend was noted by NASA using satellite imagery. In addition to retreating ice and rising temperatures, another factor is believed to be an increase in the amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere, which plants love.

7. Poor people in green areas get sick less often

Scientists from the University of Glasgow conducted a study that substantiated the theory that exposure to nature is beneficial for people. After excluding diseases such as lung cancer, circulatory diseases, and deliberate self-harm, the scientists decided to survey the entire working population of England to determine whether there was a pattern of health status among people who could not afford health care living near green spaces.

It turned out that people who live near greenery are actually healthier, even if they don’t visit doctors at all.

8. Mothers who live close to nature give birth to large children.

Ben Gurion University researchers noted in 2014 that mothers in greener areas tend to give birth to children with a much higher average body weight. The study also found that a much lower birth weight puts the baby at risk for a host of lifelong health problems.

It has been found that low birth weight is common in economically underdeveloped areas with minimum quantity green spaces.

9. Roads can have a positive impact on nature

Despite the fact that roads have vital important for the infrastructure of any society, defenders environment actively protest against their construction. In fact, in 2013, Cambridge University professor Andrew Balmford suggested that building roads or improving existing roads in some areas could benefit surrounding areas.

Particularly in underdeveloped areas suitable for agriculture, roads clearly help preserve vulnerable plant and animal species because people simply “stay away from them.”

10. Animals adapt to human presence

During the Industrial Revolution and as a result of the human population explosion, there was a clear effect on the diversity of animal species. Hunting and fishing, despite changes in habitat and migration patterns, have had an impact bad influence for many types, but not all. Some have adapted to thrive in the presence of humans, and studying how they managed to do this may be key to mitigating the effect of future population growth.

Chipmunks and crows, for example, have completely changed their diet to adapt to city life. Many endangered birds have taken up residence on the flat roofs of shopping malls.

19/02/01, Mad
I adore nature... If I had such an opportunity, I would leave the city at least forever. And I would live where there is clean air, no dirt and no people...

01/09/01, EdikFedrin
This is beautiful and very correct. Looking at a small branch or a giant tree, you can understand the most important thing. There are too many right angles in the city, which are completely unheard of in nature. Right angles are an extremely disharmonious thing and even very unpleasant for the eyes and consciousness. And in the forest everything is quiet and correct.

01/09/01, Kurdt Cochbaine
I had the good fortune to periodically travel to Transcarpathia - my dad lives there. that's nature there! After arriving, my lungs hurt for several days from the unusual excess of pure oxygen. What I like most there are the mountain streams and the fact that there is no one around.

25/10/01, Valeria Torrero
Sit starry night by a beautiful lake, trees around, silence, just enjoying - what a thrill!!!

15/06/02, Kamepuna
There is nothing more beautiful than nature..:-)) I adore everything connected with it: I love forests, flowers, air, earth, water, animals...:-))) It pleases my eye - no buildings, no paintings, no clothes - nothing created by man, in my opinion, can even compare with the beauty of nature..:-)))))) Beautiful northern nature, with its severe frosts and white snow sparkling in the darkness of the polar night, with its coniferous forests and swamps... Southern nature is beautiful with its bright trees and flowers, when the aroma of flowers and lush greenery is in the air... No less beautiful the nature of the middle zone: modest, calm, pleasing me with either rainy weather or joyful sun...:-))) P.S. There is no bad weather

31/08/02, UghOnYou
The deeper you dive into nature, the more convinced you become of the certainty of life. It's only external Live nature fragile, but in fact, much more powerful forces are hidden inside it, capable of overcoming not only millions of years, but also billions of kilometers.

02/11/02, bird of dangerous caliber
...because this is the best thing that can happen to humanity...and in general to this pathetic fucked up planet... - if we all have nature left. We will die without her, but Decl loves her 200 times more people than nature. 90% of the Earth's population can be blamed on this very nature with their hair parted, because about half have never really seen _nature_ at all... I didn't believe it until I had to talk to one garbage rat who lived all her life in the city, was born in city... And, damn it, he doesn’t even want to see what it is - nature! Native environment for her planet!!! She doesn’t even go to the dacha, she has urban tuberculosis. She will die in nature from an overdose of beauty, peace and harmony. What to do, what to do huh!?? 8-(

02/11/02, Charley Monroe
I am part of nature... And, oddly enough, I love myself... Yes, every person is a creation of nature, and some people are very attractive to me, some even very, very, some I probably love in some sense. .. And even more I love animals, trees, plants, ponds, snow, rain, wind, thunder and lightning, the Moon, stars... Much of what nature created... Nature would do just fine without us, people, in while we could not do without it... Without people, nature would only be purer and more beautiful... no matter how banal it sounds... Undefiled by human presence, it is majestic, wise and harmonious... But on the other hand: people - creations of nature --> everything created by people is also part of nature --> everything that happens is evolution, no matter what it leads to, even to the self-destruction of humanity... Perhaps this is correct and natural, this is how it should be... And all sorts of organizations like Greenpeace simply suffer from bullshit... However, in any case they suffer from bullshit, no matter what...

07/04/03, Masha P.
I just suffer from the surrounding urban landscape! I really want to go where there is greenery and silence! But there is no dacha, no relatives or good friends outside the city! I dream of relaxing in nature, but there is no opportunity. Because of this, I already have neurosis!

07/04/03, scarlett
I think not loving nature is unnatural. For example, I am essentially an urbanist, but when I come to nature, I always relax my soul, forget my problems and just enjoy life.

08/05/03, dmitrii
Take a break from the screen and look out the window. Don't you observe nature? It's a pity. I, too, only see houses in the forest, everyone in the forest! Run! Well, I ran into the forest, and you sat there.

20/07/03, Taina
Nature - plants, mammals, fish, birds, etc. I love them. I haven’t eaten animal proteins for a year and a half now, and I don’t wear real fur. Nature gives us a lot. But not everyone appreciates it. Nature takes revenge. Because of this, natural disasters happen. You have to blame yourself. It’s time to create meat substitutes (or maybe they already exist?). Yesterday I was at the dacha. Forest, rivers... I love it.

26/07/03, Returning from the banquet
This is my real home. Only far from the city, listening to the voice and breath of the forest, I feel good. Where I'm supposed to be. You can walk at night and rapturously listen to the silence or the singing of morning birds. And also lie on the grass and look at the sky, thinking that life is a success after all, since I can capture such a moment. Swim naked in the river, forget about clothes and cosmetics, love passionately and naturally... I would like to be a bird or a wolf, so that I could always live in nature. At home.. Sometimes it seems to me that the city is not for me. I want to run away, leaving it on the table mobile phone and wallet. And forget that all this was once mine.

24/08/03, Hunter
I don’t even know why I want to go to nature so much, probably because I live in the city!!! All these walls are already sitting in my throat, roads, cars... I want to go where no person, and especially a tourist, has ever gone before, because after him there is always shit, bottles piled up, etc. etc... Actually, I would have escaped, but work, debts... Soon there will be more college... Here... The nearest free time- it must be October!!! I'd like to now, while it's still warm!!! The summer passed as if it never happened... It’s a terribly offensive...

25/08/03, Alter
Just go out in the middle of the night, lie down on the wet grass and enjoy the dew drops. Freezing and warming up in clothes soaked in the juice of the night. Or you can just throw everything off and absorb the life-giving moisture with your naked body. Surrender to nature completely and with pleasure, realize and feel that it accepts you and reciprocates. This is how one’s own mistakes are clearly admitted and one’s guilt is easily accepted. Because you know that nature will accept you as anyone and will never judge you. Like a real Mother... It's good when you know that the area is clean :))

12/10/03, ZaraZa
And yet, no matter how beautiful the houses in the Art Nouveau style are, nature is irreplaceable. Alone with her, a person becomes more relaxed, becomes himself, after all... habitat habitat;) Just think how much romance there is in sitting on a log, singing songs of the same Shevchuk;)) with a guitar, lying in the golden autumn leaves...

12/10/03, Crazy
Nature... Sounds very beautiful! Yesterday I opened a forest in my city, practically, in the very center! Cool, right? It was very beautiful there! Considering that our Ufa is located on the mountains, one wonderful hill was visible there, to my surprise, it was Green colour... Autumn is still around the corner! We need to go out into nature more often, that’s the conclusion I came to!

12/11/03, Crazy
Nature... This word in itself already sounds beautiful. Nature... How great it is to walk in the forest in the summer, listen to the birds, sit by the fire in the evening, rustle the leaves in the fall, make big pillows out of them and lie on them. In winter there is snow, you can remember your childhood and play in the snow, it’s so fun! How can you not love nature????

04/12/03, Hermit
In nature, you can forget about everything bad, about all the problems and bustle, and just enjoy the surrounding landscape and beautiful air. How nice it is to see this purity, undefiled by man, where nothing reminds of civilization. And how disgusting it is to see trash left by some company after a picnic.

04/12/03, Natusik from work
Nature is what it is real life! Joyful, calm, sometimes lazy, sometimes in full swing. But it gives what a person needs so much - peace and joy from communicating with living material: water, flowers, squirrels and birds... The city kills, but nature provides an inexhaustible source of energy, gives life!

05/12/03, Adamov
Didn’t it seem to anyone that what man has set up is also nature? For example, wander through a landfill, through all sorts of nooks and crannies. Some things "save face" even if people don't follow them. The principles of beauty are the same for everything. If we are talking about everything living, I love it and treat it with trepidation. There are fucking cockroaches living in my house.

10/01/04, WEs Blonde
Nature is everything... I adore nature. If there was an opportunity, I would live in some village, next to the forest.. I hate big cities, everything there is dirty and crap. America is the leader in this regard... littering nature as best it can...

16/01/04, Handra
Especially in summer. Nature is calming. You don’t need to talk to her about boring topics and you don’t need to prove to her that You are better, etc. in the same spirit.

25/02/04, Aviator
The chirping of birds, ponds, forests, fields - all this is nature. How can you not love this clean forest air, these rivers, these lakes, these streams, these endless fields. Nature is beauty. Nature must be preserved and protected.

15/03/04, Breeze of spring
I’m not a member of Greenpeace, but I’m ready to go to a demonstration for the protection of animals. I feel incredibly sorry for all these Amur tigers and others, of which there are only a few left. There are some bitches who kill for their skins! God knows who makes money out of people... It’s disgusting to look at how they have trashed everything around. Where we live and sleep...

22/07/04, Natalis
More precisely, its plant part, the fauna, I tolerate (I can’t live without it either). I love her for her beauty and the gifts she gives. Trees, flowers, etc. - they feel and understand everything, unlike stupid (albeit not all) animals.

10/08/04, Mazuta
Nature is beautiful, it pacifies, it puts you in the right mood. Mountains.. How I love mountains, there is something powerful in them, beyond the control of man, strength, unknown strength and tranquility. And the tall forest, stretching for kilometers... After the rain, you breathe in coolness and freshness. A hell of a lot of herbs right at your feet. Paradise, and that's all. Previously, I could not live without the enlightenment of civilization, it was generally impossible to lure me to the dacha, but now... Only when a person unites with nature into a single whole can he feel true pleasure

05/12/04, Baby bazooka
I love it very much! It’s beautiful, calm, there’s no one there. It's especially good in summer.

19/01/05, Rona
“I prefer the urban look” (c). But even among the noise of the city, I try to get out to the pond, to the river, and go into the forest. It is human nature to love everything scary and dangerous: mountains, oceans. But even among this evil splendor one must be able to distinguish a small lake with willows, stained with blood in the pre-sunset hour.

05/09/05, Natusik from work
I'm still not a city person. I'm tired of all this ant running around, the constant noise of the streets. I love the wise and majestic tranquility of nature. She, of course, also talks, but her speech is leisurely and quiet. I love to listen to the murmur of the river, the singing of birds, I love to listen to the leaves rustling and flowers talking to crickets. I love how the fire swears, and then, having spoken, grumbles like an old neighbor, a kind and simple person. I like to sit under a spreading apple tree in a rocking chair with a book in my hands and a glass of juice or wine. The neighbor's dog will come running to chase the ball, forgetting that he is a watchdog. Even rain has its charm when it finds you out of town. Then the speech of the foliage takes on a new meaning and shade. They cease to be a monologue and turn into a dialogue with water pouring from the sky, lightning playfully winking or thundering menacingly. And what kind of air can you compare with the city... That unique aroma of the spirit of freedom that hovers over the fields...

03/07/06, psychologue
What a bliss it is to find yourself after stuffy, smoky entertainment venues, boring universities and polluted roads. native nature under cover. Mountains, sea, green hills. Yesterday the forest rustled with warm rain and cleared my thoughts. It was unbearably hot, and I ran in a sweaty shirt from one shade to another. I thought this was a young man growing up. Stuffed with other people's thoughts, saturated with theories, excited by experience, and only the truly wise understand that the truth is in nature. How much does warm birch bark and dew on strawberries store? Everything here is fair and harmonious. From century to century, the living world develops according to cosmic laws. And the man has locked himself in a stinking civilization and is looking for flowers under the asphalt. Everyone is initially given what is necessary for happy life. And he tramples it and rushes in the other direction. I feel the energy circulating. Everything negative is absorbed by my nature. Leaves you powerless. People are always more than half filled with soot.

03/07/06, psychologue
Nature knows the answers to my questions. Just how can I find out? And is it necessary? I know so many worthy candidates for the role of my life partner. But who is really my destiny? Friendship. How is it limited? Where can we stay? Nature, of course, will not lay out favorite name leaves) But she gives me the strength to get up again, not to get lost in my delusions and continue the search for the truth. Meeting your origins, your beginning is the best psychotherapy. Flatters me. I stand and admire the same thing that excited the souls of the best poets and singers of this land. And I feel great. We all have the same story.

17/07/06, ksenya
I love nature, how great it is to take a break from the noisy city and just relax, it’s the only place where you can truly relax...

22/01/07, Jaime
How can we not love her, if we are part of her) Although we try our best to distance ourselves from her, it’s unlikely that anything will work out))) It’s not without reason that beautiful views of nature can bewitch even a hardened cynic or just a rude lout. :) Admiration for nature is inherent in us at the genetic level, although you may not be able to find a rational explanation for this. Well, trees, well, water, well, pebbles - where is the aesthetics here, just think... but sometimes something comes to the throat. Something inexpressible. And there is no need to express it. And so everything is clear.

22/01/07, Reed
One of the most pleasant pastimes is walking in the forest. In any season. If you want, look for mushrooms, rustling the leaves, if you want, pick flowers. You can play and frolic in the clearing. You can sit quietly and think by the river. Both pleasant and useful. You come home tired, having briskly walked a certain number of kilometers, wash your face and go to bed, from fresh air sleep is pure and deep.

18/04/07, moon man
Nature - small miracle, or rather, it’s even great miracle, it’s just a miracle, will you ever look at how beautiful she is, how beautiful the tree is, through whose branchy crown you can see the sun, it plays with its rays on your skin, it caresses you, and how beautiful are the bushes in the park? They are incomparable, they are small, but they are also beautiful. And the clouds floating above us? After all, this is also a small miracle, all kinds of patterns you won’t see there. A starry sky? And the earth. I can quote Umka: “there is sometimes to burn, there is gas to laugh, the sky is to look at, the earth is to run across it.” This is absolutely true, Nature is cool!

19/08/07, Ipnomfa
here you can relax and think about your feelings, create ideas. And finally, it’s simple - there’s nothing to think about when breathing in clean air. Although the air in the city is not so polluted, it is usually better in nature. Let's say in Sosnovy Bor on the shore of the Zhiguli Sea...

27/09/07, tarantula
Do you love nature? Personally, every day I go out for a walk and help nature, like this: I always stroke the trees that I used to do evil to... I helped spiders get out of a hole... Well, it doesn’t matter what hole, although no, I remembered how I helped a spider get out from a hole in a tree, and when alone a little boy I wanted to rip his leg off...

Ecology studies the relationship between man and his environment.

Unfortunately, in our life ecology is a fashionable word and an abstract concept. Decorating the earth, unfortunately, has not become our raison d'être, our main profession and national pride.

Someone is cutting down a tree, poisoning a small creek with gasoline, uprooting snowdrops! Someone looks out of his window at a dirty, dull yard day after day and gets used to not paying attention to the dirt.

On the left is a landfill, on the right is a landfill,

In the middle is a man...

They watched in silence before. Now we look and criticize. And the dirt lies. We live on Earth incorrectly: we protect what is valuable and precious, but we do not protect what is priceless. Diamonds, diamonds, gold, money are protected, but lakes, springs, clouds, areas of clean air, deserted places are not. This is completely incomprehensible if you look at the life of earthlings from somewhere from the outside.

A person may often not carry the trash to the nearest trash can, but simply throw a candy wrapper, a bag, a juice box, a plastic bottle and much more on the ground. Everything that we threw away as unnecessary will decompose for a very, very long time. For example, a plastic bottle is two hundred years old, and aluminum bottles are even more – five hundred years old; it’s better not to talk about glass bottles at all – ten centuries. It turns out that this bottle can be seen in twelve to fifteen generations! Unthinkable numbers... And other types of household waste, like car tires, will deteriorate for at least one hundred and twenty years.

And then what can a person do in such a situation with all this garbage, how can he improve his living environment? The answer is simple: a person must think about his actions, think about what he is doing and how it can affect the territory surrounding him in the future, he must protect it with all his might, preserve the original appearance of nature, influencing it as little as possible. But, alas, for many, something else is more important, namely: filling your pocket wider and deeper.

It is possible to improve recycling plants and waste recycling plants for its further use. Unfortunately, there are not very many such enterprises in our country. Everything is much simpler: any garbage is indiscriminately loaded into cars and taken to landfills. What happens next? Yes, everything is the same, all the waste lies and lies, contaminating the territory. But, fortunately, now you have to pay fines for dumping garbage, and considerable ones, so recycling facilities have begun to develop.

A person at work pollutes the space around him with waste from his activities. For example, the release of gases into the atmosphere from factory chimneys with a poor cleaning system, contamination of territories with chemical or radioactive substances that radically change the appearance of the area, testing of atomic, thermonuclear and hydrogen bombs. Even in uninhabited territory, nature will take a very long time to heal such serious wounds. It takes centuries for the soil to become healthy.

Some cities have created environmental labor services that mark on the map specific information on environmental disasters in any area. Such services do a great job: they clean the streets, courtyards, roadsides, river banks, they put their city and its surroundings in order for the benefit of themselves and nature.

If the “greens” are trying to get the authorities to make a decision to close a hazardous plant on the river bank, then the workers are protesting: where will we work and what will we feed our children? And the leadership of the city where the harmful plant is located cannot convince them of the correctness decision taken. The plant continues to operate, poisoning living things, which ultimately leads to pollution of the river further downstream, fish die, and some species of underwater plants disappear.

Thirty years have passed since the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. But these years are a relative concept. Time cures. However, our old ideas about time are not applicable to the Chernobyl disaster; they do not remove it and do not cure the pain. Because Chernobyl is always TODAY. And in thirty years, and in a hundred or two hundred.

Chernobyl is a lesson to all people who, without thinking, sang the song: “A man passes as the master of his vast Motherland.” You cannot be the owner of the Motherland, it sounds blasphemous - you can and should be its grateful son.

In 1986, a relatively small number of people died while eliminating the accident at the fourth power unit. But then several hundred people died from acute radiation sickness, which they received due to being close to the source of infection. A large area remains affected this moment, and this, just think, is more than two hundred thousand square kilometers. Then, due to contamination of the air and environment, several tens of thousands of deformities and cancers were recorded.

Both the earth and nature call for human activity in personal living space - at a glance, at arm's length. And personal purified space, multiplied by millions, will become the ennobled space of the Earth.

Air is the father, Water is the mother, Earth is the house. Let's not forget that everything TOGETHER is our national wealth...

Love nature, man,

You protect her

A picture of scorched earth

While living, don't leave!

Mark Lvovsky

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