Terms of consumer loans at Russian Agricultural Bank. Interest on loans from Russian Agricultural Bank

Consumer loans have not lost their relevance, and according to financial analysts, they will retain their trend positions in the interbank market for a long time. In accordance with this, there is a trend towards a stable decline in interest rates on consumer loans. The leader in this segment of the retail business today is Rosselkhozbank, which offers the most favorable interest rates on this banking product.

Thus, a consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank in 2019: the interest rate remains the lowest in comparison with competitors’ offers. In the field of retail lending, RSHB offers several programs with attractive conditions:

  • Unsecured loans and without involving guarantors;
  • Secured loans;
  • Loans secured by existing housing.

At the same time, consumer loans are offered under specialized programs for those employed in the agricultural sector:

Offers for members of the “Society of Gardeners of Russia”; The Gardener program is for owners of summer cottages and land; “Engineering communications” - for organizing the connection of gas equipment and water supply.

Rosselkhozbank imposes standard requirements on the borrower, which include age restrictions, work experience, Russian citizenship, and the provision of supporting documents. Thus, taking out a consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank, interest rates in 2019 have been reduced for the convenience of clients, is no more difficult than in any other financial institution. By turning to the opinion and advice of financial experts and credit brokers, you can find out for yourself a number of simple but useful tips on how to take out a consumer loan on loyal terms and at a reduced interest rate. First of all, when choosing a loan program, you should carefully study the bank’s official website. Having chosen several acceptable programs, you need to carefully study the terms of the loan, and also identify for yourself the categories of clients who are subject to, so to speak, “loyalty programs”. In relation to lending conditions at Rosselkhozbank, reduced interest rates and special conditions are provided for the following client categories:

Participants in salary projects and public sector employees; Pensioners – holders of bank social cards; Regular clients of the bank with a positive borrower history, as well as those who have opened deposits and deposit accounts with the bank.

In addition, a guarantee of receiving a cash loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank is the provision of collateral and an expanded package of documents confirming the financial state of the client’s affairs. Also, the interest rate may be reduced during the New Year or Christmas holidays. But let’s look at the current offers and interest rates in the retail business segment.

Loan calculator Rosselkhozbank: consumer loan 2019

Having the desire and need to get a loan, you need to find out the interest rate. Which in 2019 varies from 11 to 25% per annum, and within the framework of special lending programs from 7.5 to 12.5%. In comparison with the average market indicators, the presented rate in the Russian Agricultural Bank is reduced. An online loan calculator will help you calculate the optimal parameters, even with the initial general calculation it will be profitable. When considering what percentage is offered by the bank, it is advisable to consider the entire range of offers.

Thus, for “preferential” categories of clients - pensioners, participants in salary projects and regular clients, the percentage component varies from 11.5 to 19.6% when insuring liabilities, and when refusing the services of insurers, the rate will be from 17.6 to 24.5%. For new clients the percentage varies from 18 to 25%.

The loan amount is up to 750 thousand rubles, and salary card holders can apply for a loan of up to 1.5 million rubles. When operating online banking, an online application can be submitted, which will save time on registration, and also makes it possible to receive an answer without visiting a branch. In addition, according to numerous reviews, submitting an application in your personal account online provides more guarantees of a positive decision on the application.

Also, for the convenience of potential borrowers, a calculator allows you to calculate a consumer loan from Rosselkhozbank in 2019 on the official website and in your personal account, allowing you to determine the monthly payment and the amount of overpayment, as well as the full cost of the credit line.

Consumer loan at Rosselkhozbank: conditions and interest

Terms for consumer loans vary depending on the credit line. Thus, for offers with loan collateral, the rate varies from 11.9 to 24.9%. The upper limit is presented for borrowers who waive liability insurance.

Other parameters of consumer loans:

  1. Available amount is up to 1 million rubles, for those receiving salaries on a bank card - up to 2 million;
  2. Contract term – up to 5 years;
  3. Possibility to choose the type of payment – ​​annuity and monthly.

Pension consumer loans

Within this line, pensioners are divided into two categories: those receiving pensions on a bank card and other pensioners.

The interest rate is:

  • For holders of social pension card products – from 11 to 15%;
  • For other pensioners from 15.5 to 17.9%.
  • If you refuse insurance, the rate will be from 16.9 to 18.5%.
  • As part of special offers for gardeners, the percentage will range from 7.5 to 11.5%.

Thus, a consumer loan, which depends on the line of lending, is one of the most profitable offers on the interbank market. The reliability of the financial institution, the trusting attitude of the partners, as well as extensive experience in the interbank market, in the retail business segment and the provision of borrowed funds in particular should be noted.

Consumers of financial services were interested in Rosselkhozbank loans for individuals in 2019. The calculator allows you to pre-determine a complete list of important parameters for payments and commissions. A commercial Russian bank with completely state management is the largest in the country and is actively developing, introducing new lending programs to citizens. Now the Russian Agricultural Bank already has a significant number of offers for applicants of any category - from pensioners without collateral to those wishing to refinance loans from other financial institutions.

Rosselkhozbank loans to individuals in 2019 are available at annual interest rates of 7.15%. A detailed consideration of the entire list of current areas will allow you to make the best choice for yourself regarding a particular lending program. Then you should determine the most suitable one individually.

These are 26 proposals available for registration at 1,600 representative offices of the institution across the country (the full list is available to study by visiting the official website of the Russian Agricultural Bank). By category of citizens, loan packages can be targeted at participants in the salary project, for users with a reliable reputation, for individuals and for targeted needs (cars, mortgages, etc.).

To apply for a loan, an individual must meet a minimum set of requirements. The list looks like this:

  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Age of at least 18-23 years (depending on the specific financial product and loan amount) and no more than 55-60 years;
  • Continuous work experience of 6 months.

Having met these minimum criteria for an applicant from the Russian Agricultural Bank, you can begin to select a suitable offer. It is worth considering that you will need to have all the necessary documents to confirm your identity, age and, accordingly, employment data.

Some types of contracts will require permanent registration in the country.

One of these products of the organization is a consumer loan for borrowers without collateral. There is no single percentage standard for all categories of citizens; the conditions apply depending on the individual parameters of the applicant:

  1. “Salary client” - for a period of up to 12 months. the rate is 11.5%, over (up to 60 months) - about 14%, but these indicators will apply subject to insurance, the percentage if you refuse the insurance package will be from seventeen and a half to 20%;
  2. “Reliable” - interest is fourteen and a half for 1 year, 15.5% over a year and from 20.5 to 21.5% without insurance, respectively;
  3. “New” - interest rates are higher and will be about 19% for a loan for a year or less, 20% up to 60 months and from 25 to 26% if you refuse insurance.

Accordingly, we can conclude that the parameters for such a lending program from Rosselkhozbank will be most beneficial to the organization’s regular clientele. For others, you can still consider other options. It would be a good idea to pay attention to all sorts of promotions that the organization holds from time to time.

Rosselkhozbank official website loans to individuals

The official website of Rosselkhozbank provides complete information on what other current areas of lending are provided. In addition to the specified consumer loan without collateral for individuals, there is also a list of options. Among them:

  • Secured consumer loan;
  • Pension loan;
  • For those who are members of the organization “Union of Gardeners of Russia”;
  • Offer to refinance loans from other financial institutions.

Conditions are different in each direction. A consumer loan with collateral implies a lower interest overpayment than without collateral. The security can be a pledge of property or a surety from both an individual and a legal entity. There is also a division into 3 conditional groups and each of them has its own conditions:

  1. “Salary client” - eleven and a half% (up to one year), 13.9% (1-5 years) and from 17.5 to 19.9% ​​in case of refusal of the insurance package;
  2. “Reliable” - thirteen and a half (up to one year), 14.5% (1-5 years) and from 19.5 to 20.5% without insurance;
  3. “New” - 17.9% (up to 1 year), 18.9% (1-5 years) and up to 24.9% without insurance.

The rules establish that if you do not want to insure your life and health, up to 6% can be added. In addition to such insurance, the applicant must additionally have an insurance contract regarding the property accepted by Rosselzozbank as collateral. An agreement on a bank account is also concluded. It is opened in the currency in which the loan will be issued. The easiest way to contact the company is to apply for a loan online.

The loan amount can be from 10 thousand rubles. and up to 1 million rubles. However, those who belong to the “Salary Client” borrower category can borrow up to a maximum of 2 million rubles. The longest period is five years. The debt under the terms of the agreement can be repaid before the deadline for closing the agreement, that is, ahead of schedule.

Optionally, at the borrower's choice, monthly payments can be differentiated or annuity.

Pension loan package

RSHB has a special loan package for pensioners. the program is designed for those who have not yet turned 75. Then there is a preferential overpayment on the loan - 12.9% per annum (for a loan of at least 200 thousand rubles). The proposal also includes a classification of borrowers into 2 main categories (the conditions differ):

  • A pensioner using an organization account to transfer a pension - 11.5% (up to 1 year), 15.9% (up to five years) and 16.9% (up to 84 months);
  • Standard borrower - fifteen and a half% (up to 1 year), 15.9% (1-5 years), 18.5% (up to 84 months).

As with other RSHB offers, in order to receive a loan at the specified interest rates, you will need to insure your life and health. Otherwise, the bank can charge at its discretion up to 6% per annum.

Minimum percentage for members of the Union of Gardeners of Russia

The lowest loan rate of 7.15% (maximum for a year) can be obtained by members of the Union of Gardeners of Russia and clients of the bank’s partners. These include:

  1. Gevar-Group LLC;
  2. LLC "Granit-M"

If you need to take out a loan under the specified offer for a period of more than 12 months, the annual interest will be 11.9% (up to 18 months) and 12.5% ​​(up to 24 months). The maximum loan amount is 750 thousand rubles. for everyone and for “Paid clients” – up to 1.5 million rubles.

Refinancing of other loan programs

In a situation with unpaid debt in another bank with a loan rate of more than 13.5% per annum, you can submit an application to the Rosselkhozbank for a refinancing program. The loan is issued at 13.5% for up to 1 year and at 15% for up to five years. Refusal of insurance in this program also gives the bank the right to add +6% per annum to the total interest on the debt.

The issuance of borrowed funds in the listed areas is possible in rubles. When a person takes out a targeted loan for specific needs, he must provide reliable documents confirming this, otherwise a situation will arise with an increase in additional interest (up to two and a half%). It is important to remember that when a client indicates in the contract that he takes money for a car, but subsequently spends it on arbitrary purposes, the company has the right to increase the borrower’s liability by increasing the interest rate or similar permissible measures.

It is extremely important to carefully study all the nuances and details of the selected credit line.

This is the only way to get the required amount of money on optimal terms without unnecessary overpayments and difficulties.

Thus, Rosselkhozbank acts as a reliable provider of financial services. You should pay attention to it if there is a need to raise borrowed funds for various purposes. The company is on the top list in the country and has been operating for a long period of time. The more measures a person takes to ensure his reputation so that the company does not see any risks on his part, the more favorable conditions will be obtained. Subsequently, if the company makes a positive decision, it is necessary to ensure timely repayment of payments to maintain a positive history.

Rosselkhozbank is the country's second-largest financial institution by assets, offering a wide range of banking products. It includes a network of branches (more than 1,500), which are open in all major cities, which ensures the availability of the services offered to the population. How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank without guarantors and in a short time?

Currently, the bank lending procedure has been significantly simplified. Rosselkhozbank provides the opportunity to obtain a loan for a large amount without collateral (in the absence of collateral and guarantors). Thanks to this policy, the institution is constantly increasing the number of borrowers who take out loans under various programs.

Loan products of Rosselkhozbank without guarantors

Bank offers on loan products:

  1. Consumer without security. The program provides for the issuance of funds to the borrower for non-purpose purposes, without the need to register property as collateral or attract guarantors. At the same time, registration according to a simplified scheme applies to clients of the institution who have a salary card, borrowers with personal subsidiary plots, employees of budgetary institutions, and hired workers of agricultural enterprises.
  2. Lending to pensioners. The bank's clients who receive a pension through it enjoy special privileges.
  3. Targeted lending for the purchase of household appliances, tools, electronic devices and gadgets, for repairs or for vacation packages.
  4. Car loans. Provides for the issuance of a targeted loan for the purchase of a car.
  5. Mortgage credit lending. Applying for a loan for the purchase of finished housing, a plot for residential development or for housing construction.

Requirements for borrowers

What requirements does the bank impose on the borrower?

  • The borrower must have Russian citizenship and an internal passport of a citizen of the country.
  • Particular attention is paid to the place of permanent registration.
  • Applications from citizens who are already 22 years old or will be 65 years old at the time of the last loan payment are considered.
  • The work experience, according to the work book, must be at least one year (for the previous 5 years), at the time of execution of the contract - continuous work in one place for 4 months.
  • There are special instructions for the regions of Stavropol and the Caucasian republics; future borrowers must be registered in these regions, and also have an official permanent job.
  • The applicant must provide a certificate from the main place of work indicating the amount of wages for 6 months (including bonuses and accrued bonuses for special working conditions). It is advisable to prove the presence of other sources of income: from parallel part-time work, rental housing, from entrepreneurial or trading activities, housekeeping, private practice and other types permitted by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • Owners of individual subsidiary farms provide the following documents: the right to lease or own the land on which the farm is located and an administrative record from the household book on the management of private household plots (at least one year). Documents are required only if individual business is conducted at the place of registration of the borrower.

Having a complete set of documents increases the chances of loan approval by Rosselkhozbank. In addition, the institution can decide on the lending rate individually. A conscientious borrower with a good income and a positive credit history has the right to hope for a lower interest rate.

Terms of consumer lending without collateral

The institution issues consumer loans for a variety of purposes without collateral or guarantors.

Conditions for receiving:

  1. The minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles, the maximum is 750 thousand rubles. For regular customers of the bank - 1 million rubles.
  2. The interest rate is 30-35% per annum, the minimum amount is provided to Rosselkhozbank clients who have card or deposit accounts.
  3. Validity period from 1 year to 5 years.
  4. A prerequisite is life and health insurance of the borrower with the provision of a document confirming payment of the premium.
  5. The application verification period is 5 working days.
  6. The amount can be transferred in whole or in parts, as agreed by the borrower, to his account.
  7. The borrower has the right to repay the loan early, without paying additional payments, penalties and commission fees.

Conditions for car loans from Rosselkhozbank without guarantors

The Bank provides loans for the purchase of new and used vehicles of the following types:

  • passenger cars;
  • trucks and agricultural machinery;
  • vehicles intended for the transport of passengers;
  • trailers

Purchasing conditions vary depending on the type of vehicle:

  1. New cars Russian or foreign production. Their cost should not exceed 3 million rubles, the initial contribution is 10%. The overpayment on the loan is 22-25% per annum. Validity period: up to 5 years. For the entire loan repayment period, the car becomes the property of the bank.
  2. Used cars. The conditions for the price and period of the loan are the same. The initial payment is 20% of the cost, and the rate is 24-27% per annum.

Mortgage lending without guarantors

Rosselkhozbank offers various offers for mortgage lending:

  • for the acquisition of a plot for the construction of a residential building;
  • for the purchase of a country house;
  • for the purchase of an apartment in a residential building;
  • to build your own home.

The smallest loan amount is 100 thousand rubles, the largest is 20 million rubles. The period for which the loan is issued is up to 25 years; for the entire payment period, the object becomes collateral to the bank. The initial contribution for mortgage lending will be 15% of the cost of housing already completed or under construction and 20% when participating in shared construction. Overpayment of interest - 17-19% per annum.

How to get a loan from Rosselkhozbank?

To get a loan from a bank, you will need:

  1. Contact your regional branch with a loan application and a package of documents.
  2. Submit an online application. Fill out the form, come to the bank branch on the appointed day and document your data.

The decision to issue a loan without guarantors is made within 5 working days.

Previously, only agro-industrial enterprises could take out loans from Rosselkhozbank.

Over the years, lending programs have appeared in the bank’s product line, which can accommodate various categories of clients, and with them a full package of banking services for individuals and legal entities.

As of 2016, there are more than 1,500 branches of Rosselkhozbank in Russia. Its representative offices operate not only in large cities, but also in many towns and villages.

Customer reviews of loans from Rosselkhozbank are overwhelmingly positive. This makes it one of the largest lenders in the country, and 100% state support indicates high reliability.

Parameters of loans that can be taken from Rosselkhozbank without certificates and guarantors

Despite the scale of its activities and government support, Rosselkhozbank offers to take out several loans that do not require proof of income and guarantee. These include:

"Program for payroll clients." According to its terms, you can take from 10,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. The maximum loan term is 5 years. A prerequisite for Rosselkhozbank is employment with a work experience at the last place of work of at least 6 months, and a total work experience of at least 12 months. If you do not comply with it, then you will not be able to borrow money;

"Pension loan". It can be taken by pensioners whose age does not exceed 75 years at the time of the last payment. You can take out a loan from Rosselkhozbank in the amount of 10,000 to 500,000 rubles for a period of up to 5 years. For documents, the pensioner must present a passport and pension certificate. The pension fund will inform the bank about the borrower's income.

In addition to the loans offered, there are programs under which a client can take out a loan from Rosselkhozbank by providing only a certificate of average earnings (“Unsecured Consumer Loan”) or signing collateral documents (“Non-target Consumer Loan”).

It seems possible to take out a loan based on these requirements.

The policy of Rosselkhozbank allows people who meet the usual requirements to take out a loan. Among them:

Russian citizenship;
Age restrictions – 21-60 years;
Work experience in the last place - from 6 months.

However, there are a number of loan products, the requirements for which are strikingly different. For example, even a 14-year-old citizen can take out an education loan from Rosselkhozbank. But the process of concluding a deal cannot be called simple. The program requires both a guarantee and a lot of certificates confirming solvency.

The list of required documents in order to take out a loan without certificates and guarantors includes:

Passport (in exceptional cases - residence permit);
Pension certificate or military ID (in some cases).

For clients who want to take out a loan according to the standard scheme, the list increases to 7-10 items. Mandatory documents include income certificates and a copy of the work record book.

You should know: the more documents are presented, the more favorable the terms of the loan you plan to take will be. However, the registration process will take 5-14 days.

8 out of 10 applications are approved!

The service allows you to choose the most suitable bank for you and increase the chances of approval of your application!

Decision on your application within a couple of hours!

No queues or trips to the bank

You simply fill out the form and wait for a call from bank employees while at home, visiting or even in a cafe!

The lending sector has a huge impact on the life of a modern person. To meet your needs, you can always turn to one of the largest banks in Russia for financial support.

Interesting to know

Every third Russian seeks to submit an online application for a loan at RosselkhozBank. Why? Because the bank is one of the 30 largest Russian banks. It was founded in 2000 by order of V.V. Putin. As of 2016, the bank's authorized capital amounted to 334 billion rubles, and the number of regional offices was 76. The main office is located in Moscow.

By submitting an online application for a loan at RosselkhozBank, you can count on receiving funds in the required amount and for various purposes, including buying a car, improving living conditions, and developing a subsidiary farm.

One of the most relevant items in the list of banking services is consumer lending. An equally popular operation is issuing credit cards. Initially, RosselkhozBank focused its services on serving the financial needs of the agricultural industry. However, during its existence, it expanded the list of products and became a leading Russian bank with great prospects and an impressive customer base.

Features of consumer lending at RosselkhozBank

In this banking institution, clients can take advantage of various loan offers, each of them has its own advantages and features. Loan products are designed specifically for a specific category of borrowers.


Several times a year, RosselkhozBank launches promotions, under the terms of which you can get a loan with a reduced interest rate. In 2017, under a special offer, consumer loans are issued at 11.5% per year. You can use it during June by submitting an application on the official website or in the office.

Affordability is the main feature of all consumer loans. The second important advantage is the ability to submit an online application for a cash loan at RosselkhozBank.

This service works for all programs from the consumer lending range and provides a comfortable and quick solution to the problem of obtaining missing funds.

Loan products of RosselkhozBank

A loan secured by a property – an apartment or a house. Such collateral has a positive effect on lending conditions. The interest rate is reduced to 15-16%, the application is considered no more than 5 days. The size of the loan that can be issued for a 10-year period is 10 million rubles. A prerequisite is to obtain insurance for the borrower. The policy also covers loss of employment. The borrower is required to provide proof of income. There are no loan fees;

Secured consumer loan. Issued at an interest rate of 11.5%. The period for reviewing the online application is 5 days (this period can be shortened if an online application for a loan is submitted to RosselkhozBank). The borrower can receive an amount of up to 1 million rubles. The loan must be repaid in 1 month - 5 years. The collateral is property, or a surety is required. Insurance is required. There are no hidden fees. The age limit is set at 18 years. The loan is issued on the basis of a certificate of income;


When submitting an online application for a secured loan from RosselkhozBank without certificates, carefully study the requirements that the bank imposes on the collateral and the guarantor. This is an important point, because if the collateral and the guarantor do not meet the criteria established by the bank, the application will be rejected.

Consumer loan without collateral. The lending conditions are very loyal - the annual interest rate on the loan is from 11.5%. The decision to issue a loan, if an online application for a loan from RosselkhozBank is submitted remotely, is made within 1 day. When submitting an application in person, it will be reviewed within 1 week. Credit limit – 1 million rubles. Money is issued for a period from a month to 5 years. The borrower's age should not exceed 65 years, as confirmed by a passport;

It is important to know

Borrowers who receive wages into the current account of RosselkhozBank can take out a loan with an extended credit limit of 1.5 million rubles. When calculating the solvency of such applicants, only the income that is transferred to the bank account will be taken into account. An additional bonus is that the response to your online loan application comes immediately.

Pension loan. Three days is the maximum period within which a loan application will be considered. RosselkhozBank is ready to issue a client an amount of up to 500 thousand rubles for 7 years. without collateral on a percentage scale from 12.9%.


RosselkhozBank takes care of pensioners. This is proven by a special offer on loans. During June 2017, a pensioner can submit an online application for a loan in the amount of 200 thousand rubles for 12 months at a rate of 11.5%.

In addition to expedited consideration, there is another advantage that an online application for a cash loan provides - RosselkhozBank provides the future borrower with the opportunity to independently choose a debt repayment scheme.

Even before drawing up a loan agreement, at the stage of filling out the application form, you can indicate how it will be convenient for the client to pay the bank.

You can choose the annuity method (equal payments) or differentiated (increasing payments). This will allow you to evenly distribute the financial burden on the family budget.

How to apply for an online loan at RosselkhozBank?

To gain confidence in the positive result of applying for a loan, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the bank’s requirements regarding the age, citizenship and solvency of the potential borrower.

If the client meets all the requirements and is satisfied with the parameters of the loan program, then the process of cooperation with the bank can be initiated.

There are two options for submitting a loan request:

Good to know

To apply for a cash loan for a large amount, it is better to submit an application at one of the RosselkhozBank branches. On site, an employee will recommend a profitable program, make a preliminary calculation and help with filling out the application.

There is a more efficient and convenient method offered by RosselkhozBank - an online loan application. The application form can be found on the official website of this financial institution.

Once you have selected a suitable and profitable loan product, just click on the “Apply online” button.

Filling out the form will take no more than a couple of minutes, since you will need to indicate what indicators the credit line has (terms and amount of the loan), what monthly income the applicant for the loan has and contact information for communicating with the applicant.

An application for a RosselkhozBank loan sent via the Internet will be immediately accepted for consideration.

Advantageous offer – credit card

A question that worries clients who urgently need funds is how quickly can they get a loan from RosselkhozBank using an online application?

Important Features

RosselkhozBank offers 8 types of credit cards. They differ in parameters and the presence of certain bonuses. The maximum loan amount on the card is 1 million rubles. The rate is determined individually. Its size varies from 21.9 to 23.9% per annum. The cards have a grace period of 50 days. An application for a card can be submitted either at a bank branch or online.

One of the options for obtaining stable financing from Rosselkhozbank is a credit card. An online application for a card can be filled out on the bank’s portal. It can be found in the appropriate section.

The application processing process begins immediately after submission. A response from the operator can be received within a few hours, and the card itself will be delivered to the borrower’s home.

In addition, the borrower can perform an independent preliminary and objective calculation of future payments in order to adequately assess how much the lending parameters coincide with its payment potential.

To do this, you can use the service “loan calculator”. It is located on the bank's electronic resource. There is no payment required to complete the online checkout.

Interesting to know!

A preliminary calculation of a consumer loan using a loan calculator will allow you to find out the total amount of the overpayment, familiarize yourself with the payment schedule and compare several programs. The service is available online, as is the online application. Every citizen of the Russian Federation can use it.

The three main rules on which the credit policy of RosselkhozBank is based are the improvement and expansion of the list of available credit programs, comfortable processing conditions and the highest quality of service provision.

Although the bank is aimed at cooperation with residents of rural areas, city residents can also receive loans without restrictions and thus solve financial problems.

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