Loan conditions at Sberbank for pensioners - age limit, interest rate and loan calculator. Loan from Sberbank for pensioners with low interest: conditions

At the moment, many financial institutions have begun to offer loans to pensioners. Banks identify people of retirement age as a special category of borrowers.

Some experts believe that pensioners are one of the most responsible and diligent payers, others doubt the solvency of such a client. One of the popular suggestions is pension loan from Sberbank. Today, a banking institution offers various conditions for people of retirement age.

Loan to pensioners under 75 years old at Sberbank

Most banks actively issue loans to customers who are under 60 years of age. After reaching this age, only a few organizations are ready to provide lending services. You can always get acquainted with the loan offers available to pensioners. The main advantages of this offer specifically at Sberbank are:

Thanks to the above properties, many pensioners decided to take out a loan from the Savings Bank, which willingly provides loans to these individuals for the following reasons:

  • pensioners have a permanent guaranteed income in the form of a pension, which is accrued monthly;
  • this type of income has a fixed value, so it is convenient for bank employees to perform the corresponding calculations;
  • pensioners always try to fulfill their obligations to a financial institution.

It is important to remember that loans to pensioners who are over 65 years old are issued under the guarantee of individuals.

Is it possible to get a loan for a pensioner without a guarantor?

In this case, the maximum age for granting a loan is reduced from 75 to 65 years. The main features of such lending are the following aspects:

  • the purpose of the loan is the personal needs of the client;
  • the borrower can receive funds only in Russian rubles;
  • maximum amount - 3 million rubles;
  • The loan term ranges from 3 months to 5 years.

The loan repayment period must occur before the client turns 75 years old; this is a mandatory condition. If a pensioner works, he can provide the banking organization with documents confirming his income. Clients who receive a pension or salary may not provide other documents. The consideration time in the first case is approximately two days, in the second case - a decision can be made within 2 hours from the moment the application is submitted.

The bet size is presented in the table:

If you need an amount of up to 250,000 Russian rubles, then a calculator is available on the official website in which you can calculate basic information.

It is worth considering that the amount and interest rate are preliminary and may change depending on the documents provided and the quality.

Pension loan from Sberbank with a guarantor

A secured loan is issued by Sberbank to clients under 75 years of age. This offer is unique in the lending market. At the time of repayment of the loan, the person must be no more than 75 years old; this is a mandatory condition. The rates are shown in the table below.

Calculation of a loan with a guarantee can be done on the official website. It is worth noting that such a solution will significantly increase the loan amount.

You can apply for such a loan only at a branch of a banking institution. In this case, there can only be two guarantors who are citizens of the Russian Federation. Guarantors may also be required to provide proof of registration and regular income. The application is considered within two working days from the date of submission of the entire package of documents to the department.

Loan to pensioners at Sberbank in 2019

So far, Sberbank has not released a special preferential program for lending to pensioners. At the same time, there are offers that allow you to take out a loan secured by individuals.

Loan to non-working pensioners at Sberbank

The Savings Bank of Russia is one of the few that provides borrowed funds to non-working pensioners. In this case, the loan size will be calculated based on the amount of your pension. If the borrower needs a large amount, then you can take advantage of the loan offer guaranteed by individuals.

The main conditions for lending to non-working pensioners are the following:

  • age must be from 21 to 70 years (at the time of loan repayment) (*age from 18 years for clients receiving salary on a Sberbank card; **up to 75 years within the framework of collateral lending programs);
  • permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation, this fact must be confirmed with appropriate documentation;
  • non-working pensioners are not required to provide information about their length of service or place of work.

Mostly such loans are issued to clients who receive pension contributions to the Savings Bank account. In other cases, the loan can be provided on the general terms and conditions for obtaining a consumer loan.

To confirm regular cash receipts, that is, a pension, a special certificate may be required. It must be obtained from a branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or from another body that pays pensions to a citizen. You can also obtain a certificate at the multifunctional center in the form of a copy of an electronic document on paper.

If a guarantor is involved, then his passport and a document confirming his solvency are required.

Very often, pensioners decide to run their own private farming. Sberbank has also developed a lending program for this category of people.
The service is provided under the following conditions:

  • the loan currency can only be Russian rubles;
  • the minimum amount is 30 thousand rubles;
  • maximum amount of funds - no more than 3 million (up to 5,000,000 rubles for clients receiving salary on a Sberbank card);
  • loan term - from three months to seven years.

Borrowers are subject to the following requirements:

  • the minimum age of a person must be at least 21 years old (from 18 years old for salary clients);
  • the final loan payment must be made when the borrower is under 70 years of age;
  • the person who wants to receive a loan must be the owner of his own subsidiary plot.

If there is a need to increase the amount, you can attract co-borrowers. They can only be family members of the potential client. They must necessarily confirm their solvency.

To obtain borrowed funds you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. To obtain the necessary information, you need to contact a branch or office of Sberbank of Russia or call the hotline number;
  2. It is necessary to obtain a special extract from the household register about personal subsidiary plots;
  3. Carefully and correctly fill out the borrower’s application or questionnaire;
  4. Prepare a complete list of relevant documentation;
  5. Give the entire package to the Sberbank office;
  6. Within two business days, the banking institution will analyze your application.

The documents include a passport, which must indicate the place of registration, an extract from the household register and documentation confirming the client’s financial situation and employment.

After receiving borrowed funds, the client must make monthly payments. For late repayment of the loan, a penalty is paid, the amount of which is 20% of the overdue amount.

How to get a loan for a pensioner at Sberbank

  1. If you are already a client of Sberbank, then in Sberbank Online you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions, calculate the approximate amount of the entire loan and monthly payment. After this, you can fill out a form, after which an employee of the financial institution will contact you. The main advantage of this method is that Sberbank quite often offers special lending conditions for holders of salary and pension cards, so clients can receive a loan on very favorable terms;
  2. Pensioners who are not bank clients can also fill out a special form on the website;
  3. Contact a bank branch. In this case, first prepare the necessary package of documents. Depending on your goals and financial capabilities, a specialist will select the optimal lending program and tell you about the main subtleties and nuances.

Thus, clients can choose the best way for them to apply for a loan.

Is it profitable for pensioners to take out a loan from Sberbank?

Generally loan for pensioners at Sberbank- this is quite a profitable service. Especially when you consider that the Savings Bank is almost the only organization that provides loans to people whose age has exceeded 60 years. Clients note a good level of service; in addition, the borrower can independently set a payment date and find out all the detailed information about the loan through Sberbank Online.

Thanks to optimal conditions, loans for pensioners are a fairly popular service provided by Sberbank. Many people of retirement age trust this financial institution, as it is one of the most reliable in our country. Also, the banking institution offers more favorable conditions for the provision of borrowed funds to holders of salary or pension cards. This also affects the demand for lending services among pensioners.

is not a financial institution that lures its clients with preferential interest rates. He attracts others:

  • a leading name in the banking sector of Russia - it is the largest and most respected commercial bank in the country, only annually it pays more than 150 billion rubles in dividends to the country's budget;
  • servicing every fourth pension account in the Russian Federation;
  • a perfectly designed and thought-out loan program in which both a young family and a family that has lived a long life until retirement will find their interest.


In the table below, we have collected the best offers today on loans and borrowings for pensioners.

  1. If you need a loan, not a microloan, WE RECOMMEND to apply to SOVCOMBANK (first in the table → link on the right"GET A CREDIT" ). In the most favorable conditions for pensioners in 2019.
  2. If you receive a refusal, try the following on the list - Orient Express Bank. The interest rate is 0.5% lower than at Sovcombank, but the minimum loan amount is 25,000 rubles.
  3. The third one in our table (not present in all cities of the Russian Federation) offers preferential terms for loans to pensioners, but is characterized by a high interest rate - 21% per annum.
  4. If you are refused here, try to take a loan from 9 microfinance organizations that follow the banks. But before that, please read the terms and conditions carefully.

Borrower's age up to 85 years old
- Interest rate – from 12% per annum
- Amount – from 5,000 to 300,000 rubles
- Duration – from 1 to 3 years
- Age at the time of return – up to 85 years

Age: up to 70 years
- Amount: from 25,000 to 3,000,000 rubles
- Rate: from 11.5% per annum
- Duration: from 13 to 60 months
- Minimum package of documents (passport only)
- Online decision making

Borrower age: from 55 years for women And from 60 years for men on the date of receipt and up to 75 years on the date of loan repayment
- Interest rate: from 21% per annum
- Amount: up to 600,000 rubles
- Required documents: passport only

Borrower's age up to 75 years old.
- Instant decision without calling or filling out documents.
- The decision is made within 12 seconds.
- 4 Issue methods.
- 8 repayment methods.
- Loan extension online.
- SMS confirmation: NO.

Borrower's age up to 75 years old.
- The microloan is issued online for up to 25 days.
- When you first apply, you can get a loan online for up to 8,000 rubles.
- For regular customers You can take out a loan for up to 15,000 rubles.

- The company approves 99.9% of customer requests.

Borrower's age up to 75 years old.
- Urgent loan in the amount up to 8000 rubles.
- Applications are processed within 5 minutes.
- clients.
- SMS confirmation: yes.

Age: up to 60 years old.
- Loan amount: from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles.
- Loan term: from 5 to 30 days.

Borrower's age up to 75 years old.
- Loan amount from 1,500 rubles to 70,000 rubles.
- First loan up to 10,000 rubles.
- Loan term from 5 days to 18 weeks.
- Interest rate from 0% per day to 1.85% per day.
- First online loan at 0% for up to 15 days.

Age up to 65 years old.
- First loan up to 15,000 rubles at 0%.
- Time from filling out an application to receiving money is 15 minutes.
- Lack of collateral and guarantor.
- You can repay the loan at any time before the end of the loan term.
- Without coming to the office.

Age: up to 65 years old.
- First loan amount: from 5,000 to 8,000 rubles.
- Repeated loan: up to 15,000 rubles
- Loan term: from 5 to 25 days.
- Interest rate: from 1.0% per day.

Age: up to 65 years old.
- Interest rate: from 0.63% to 2.17%;
- Loan term: from 7 to 30 days;
- Age: from 18 to 75 years inclusive;
- Amount: from 2000 to 30000 rubles;
- Required documents: passport only.
- Proof of income: not required.

Age: up to 70 years old.
- First loan amount: from 2000 to 9000 rubles.
- Repeated loan: up to 12,000 rubles, subsequent loans up to 15,000 rubles
- Loan term: from 7 to 30 days.
- Interest rate: from 1.9% per day.
- Methods of obtaining a loan: online to a bank card

In other words, the word “preferential” is not entirely suitable for the characteristics of loans that are provided by Sberbank, including to pensioners. This word is more for "Khopra" or "MMM". Here everything is much more serious and more respectful towards borrowers. When it comes to Sberbank loans, the words “thought out and verified to the smallest detail” are more suitable.

  1. Sberbank does not divide its clients by age. He treats with the utmost respect both a young mother receiving income and a pensioner mortgaging his favorite country plot for the wedding of his beloved granddaughter.
  2. For Sberbank, it is important that the pensioner receives his pension in this bank and is insured with it, then the interest will be less.
  3. On its website at, this bank will always help its clients protect themselves from mistakes in purchasing a loan. The bank will never impose a loan that does not correspond to the client’s capabilities. Each loan offer on the website is accompanied by a corresponding calculator, which calculates not only the permissibility of the loan given the initial capabilities of the borrower entered, but also the amount of monthly payments. Sberbank does not hide the amount of overpayment for the loan taken out, and it can amount to hundreds of thousands.

The level of interest on loans provided by Sberbank is most conveniently monitored using the simplest loan -.

The loan is given for a maximum of 5 years, but with the condition that the pensioner will be no more than 65 years old at the end of the term.

The maximum loan amount is 3 million.

The interest depends on the term of the loan and the conditions of whether or not the pensioner receives a pension from Sberbank.

Thus, if a pension is in the same bank and the loan is provided for a period from 3 (this is the minimum) to 24 months, then the interest will be from 13.9 to 18.9%.

If the pension is also kept in Sberbank, but the period is from 25 to 60 months, then the percentage is from 14.9 to 19.9%.

If the pension is outside of Sberbank, then the interest for each period range increases by 1%.

Please note that this loan provides for a penalty for late payment of the next monthly payment. It is 20% per annum of the payment amount for each day of delay.

If your goal is to find a loan from Sberbank with the lowest interest rates, then you can apply for a loan, but... secured by real estate.

Yes, here it must be said that Sberbank is a commercial institution, one of the best in the country, but still a commercial one. This means that all his proposals are aimed at making a profit from a transaction with a client, including a pensioner.

Hence it turns out that the nominal interest on this loan is only 12%. But they increase by 1% if the client does not consider it necessary, as he is advised, to insure himself with the bank according to its terms. And another 0.5% if the client receives a pension from another bank. In other words, the bank compensates for its losses with this 1.5% - commerce, and nothing can be done about it.

But with this loan you can take out up to 10 million rubles, leaving your apartment, house or country plot as collateral.

Let’s say right away that there are quite a lot of credit card loan programs, but all of them:

  • have a noticeably higher percentage;
  • limited to 600 thousand;
  • designed for 3 years;
  • require an annual maintenance fee.

Here is the most famous credit card from Sberbank - Classic Visa Classic and Master Card. Here the percentages range from 23.9 to 27.9%.

The card provides a grace period of use - 50 days. If you return all the money withdrawn during this time, no interest will be charged.

Interest is charged monthly on the amount withdrawn from the card. If you know how to manage your finances, then it’s always a good idea to have half a million “on hand” at all times. This money is not for constant use, it is only for the most extreme case, in order to feel confident in the future in case of possible force majeure circumstances.

If you use the money on a credit card for sprees, when you no longer control how much you withdraw, then it is better not to have such a card at all. This is a whirlpool for 20-year-old youths supported by their parents, but not for pensioners who have lived their lives with 8.5 thousand pensions, of which another 1.5 are paid by the Social Security Fund.

But, actually, we are talking about interest, so we count if the card is 25%.

  • The bank put 500,000 on the card.
  • You withdrew 100 thousand this month - no interest has accrued yet. Remaining - 400,000.
  • You withdrew another 60 thousand in the next year - 340,000 remained. 2 months passed (and the grace period was 50 days) and interest began to flow: a quarter of 160,000 - exactly 40 thousand. And what to do now if this amount is 4 times the pension?

In general, be very careful with cards like these. They are good when they have support in the form of attentive and caring children and grandchildren. But with such “security” and a loan of half a million, somehow the pensioner doesn’t even have to think about it.

Of course, you can understand why this concept of “preferential loan” is in our minds. This is all from those “Khoprov” or small regional banks that do not attract, but lure their clients.

So these banks are for “one day”. So Ugra was suddenly put under external management, and yet the bank collected more than 180 billion from its clients. It is one of the twenty largest banks in the country. He sponsored “The Voice” and this is the ending.

Sberbank does not sponsor TV shows. Sberbank does not shout about preferential loans. This bank is simply doing its job honestly, it would rather give these 150 billion to the budget. And this is a completely different approach to life, hence the “preferential” opinion about it; it is much more expensive than just a soft loan.

Relevance: March 2019

There are several types of loans for pensioners at Sberbank. Loan terms depend on the chosen program and a number of other factors.

Pension loans in 2019 provide for a maximum borrower age of 75 years. As for the rates, they are considered one of the most profitable and lowest in Russia.

Types of loans

Pensioners can get a pension loan from many banks. Sberbank has been and remains the leader in the field of consumer lending, including issuing loans to pensioners.

This is no coincidence. Firstly, it is the largest bank in Russia. Secondly, it offers 4 lending programs at once, namely:

  • Loan with guarantee.
  • Loan without collateral.
  • Loan to military personnel.
  • Loan secured by real estate.

Depending on the chosen program, the terms of the loan will vary. However, the requirements for borrowers are identical.

Loan without collateral

This is the most popular pension cash loan, which is also issued to the economically active population.

The only difference is the preferential interest rate for pensioners.

Conditions for its issuance:

  • Loan amount from 30 to 300 thousand rubles.
  • The maximum contract period is 5 years.
  • No collateral required.
  • Interest rate from 13.9%.

To obtain a loan, you must provide a passport, a second identification document and a certificate of income. Pensioners can receive it from the Pension Fund.

Consumer loan with guarantee

This type of lending allows you to reduce the bank’s risks. That is why the borrower receives a loan with a low interest rate compared to the above program.

A pensioner can take out a Sberbank loan under the following conditions:

  • The maximum amount is 5 million rubles.
  • Loan term up to 5 years.
  • There is no issuance fee.
  • The maximum number of guarantors is 2 people.
  • Interest rate from 12.9% per annum.

It is also possible to involve pensioners as guarantors. However, it is worth understanding that when counting the official income of the guarantor, it is worth attracting economically active citizens of the Russian Federation to increase the loan amount.

Individuals must have a passport and a second identification document to be a guarantor.

Secured by real estate

You can get a consumer loan in 2019 for a fairly large amount from Sberbank using this program. The money is released after the deposit has been issued.

The following are accepted as collateral:

  • Housing.
  • Commercial real estate.
  • Garage.

It is important that the value of the real estate collateral is higher than the loan amount. This will help to significantly reduce the bank’s risks and receive a preferential loan from Sberbank.

This is a kind of mortgage loan, since the amount here is quite large. However, you can use the money at your discretion, including for travel.

The conditions for issuing a loan are as follows:

This program is suitable for non-working pensioners and for those who are still officially working. There is a possibility of registration without guarantors.

However, it is important that the amount of income allows you to make scheduled payments.

More detailed information about this product can be found on the official website or checked with Sberbank specialists.

Loans to military personnel

Retired military personnel can take out a profitable consumer loan here, using NIS benefits. This system allows you to use funds accumulated during service in the Russian army for the purpose of making scheduled payments.

Military personnel and disabled people who became disabled as a result of participation in hostilities are provided with reduced interest rates under this program.

You can receive money under the following conditions:

  • The maximum amount is 1 million rubles.
  • Loan term up to 5 years.
  • Collateral in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles is not required.
  • Rate from 13.5%.

It is worth noting that it is necessary to write a report addressed to higher management in order to use funds in NIS.

The consumer loan will be repaid from budget funds until they run out in the borrower’s account. Next, you will need to make payments yourself.

Credit cards

It is possible to get an interest-free loan by applying for credit cards. They allow you to use bank money for 50 days without interest.

These are the most affordable loans, and the card limit does not exceed 100,000 rubles.

Interest rates on loans of this type can reach up to 50% per annum, but if the grace period of the loan is used skillfully, clients do not pay this interest.

There is no commission when paying by card; if the borrower withdraws money through an ATM, a commission is charged.

If the limit is fully restored within 50 days, Sberbank does not need to pay interest. A credit card is one of the most convenient products.

The card also has an annual fee. Depending on the status of the card, its size may vary.

Special offers

Sberbank of the Russian Federation often holds promotions for pensioners. So, to get a loan to buy an apartment or for personal needs at a minimum interest rate, you must have a deposit in a bank.

Moreover, pensioners can count on the maximum interest on deposits.

Registration takes place at a bank branch or online. In the latter case, it is possible to increase deposit rates by another 0.5%.

Working pensioners are provided with reduced rates.

Here are the main conditions under which the loan interest rate can be reduced:

  • Availability of a salary project.
  • Availability of a Sberbank pension card or if the borrower receives a pension into an account with Sberbank.
  • Making not a minimum contribution, but a maximum (up to 90%) of the cost of the object purchased on credit.
  • Loans for disability pensioners.
  • Loan refinancing for non-working pensioners.
  • Having an interest bearing account.

These are the main factors that allow you to get the minimum interest rate.

Requirements for borrowers

To receive loans in 2019 from Sberbank of the Russian Federation, you must meet standard requirements, namely:

It is worth noting that there is also a product that allows you to take out loans even at 80 years old. We are talking about credit cards. According to the terms of the agreement, the borrower can independently close the card and account at will. If such a desire is absent after 65 years, then the bank does not have the right to cancel the agreement unilaterally without apparent reasons. Thus, you can use a credit card without age restrictions.

How to apply?

You can apply at a bank branch or online.

First way of registration:

In case of online registration you will need:

  • Go to the official website
  • Fill out the application online.
  • Wait for the bank's decision.
  • If approved, go to the nearest branch with documents and get a loan.

It is worth noting that working pensioners are recommended to provide a certificate of income not only from the Pension Fund, but also from their place of work to increase the chance of receiving a loan.

How to calculate the cost of a loan?

You can increase your chances of receiving a pension loan by using a loan calculator to calculate the cost yourself.

This is a free program that allows you to independently calculate exactly how much the borrower can expect, depending on the amount of monthly income and the duration of the loan.

Keep age restrictions in mind when making calculations.

Many people are interested in the age at which consumer loans are given. The lending age limit at Sberbank is 75 years. If you are a guarantor, then this restriction also applies to you.

At Sberbank, loans for pensioners can be issued under several programs. For this category of borrowers, special conditions are provided for various loan products.

Lending to pensioners at Sberbank

Sberbank offers loans to pensioners 2018 in different options, which allows potential borrowers to choose the most suitable program.

General conditions for applying for a loan

It should be understood that distinctive conditions, which are characterized as preferential, are offered when we are talking about existing clients who receive state pension contributions through the bank in question. If it is transferred through another bank, then the pension loan from Sberbank will be issued within the framework of the selected program on a general basis. You can apply for a loan:

  • For consumer lending programs;
  • In the form of a credit card;
  • To purchase real estate with a mortgage.

The conditions for loans to pensioners at Sberbank will allow you to get a more favorable interest rate. Its minimum value can be set at 12.9 percentage points.

Co-borrowers under mortgage programs can help significantly reduce the interest rate on your loan. However, the age of the client will also influence the formation of the rate. The closer it is to the maximum permissible within a particular lending program, the higher the interest rate the bank can set.

Interest rate calculator

You can evaluate the pre-existing offers yourself. To make the calculation, you must indicate the borrower’s preferential category, such as persons receiving a pension through Sberbank.

Each loan product has its own calculator, which must include the “Borrower Category” item. Set the value to “Pension recipient in Sberbank” for correct calculation.

The calculator will help you find out in advance:

  • The stipulated interest rate;
  • Monthly payment amount;
  • The total amount of overpayment.

For calculations you will need to indicate:

  • Personal data (full name, gender, age, monthly income);
  • Loan parameters (required amount, desired duration of the agreement).

After filling out all the fields, the calculator will calculate the possible loan option for the preferential category of borrowers. You can check your calculations using the loan calculator located on our website.

Current pension loans 2018

Seasonal promotions and annual changes in Sberbank’s lending programs allow you to choose a profitable loan option for pensioners in each segment of interest.

Consumer loan

There are programs that will allow pensioners to obtain a loan on preferential terms. A reduced interest rate on a pension loan from Sberbank is provided for the following loans.

  • No collateral.

Issued to persons under 65 years of age (at the time of loan repayment) for an amount of up to 1.5 million rubles. for a maximum period of 5 years. Preferential interest rate for a loan for 3 – 24 months from 12.9%, for a period from 2 to 5 years – from 15.9%.

  • Under the guarantee of an individual. persons

For this loan, the maximum amount has been increased to 3 million rubles, the permissible age of the borrower has been increased to 75 years. The interest rate for pensioners is from 12.5%.

Note: Sberbank currently has a promotion for a pension loan under the Consumer Loan program guaranteed by individuals. The interest rate when applying for a loan during this period is reduced by 1% (from 12.9% and from 13.9%, respectively).

Other loan offers

Under the age of 65, applicants receiving a pension from Sberbank have the opportunity to obtain a credit card on preferential terms under a pre-approved offer. To find out whether there are such offers from the bank for you personally, simply fill out the online application form at Sberbank.

A pension loan on a plastic card of a pre-approved offer will be issued on distinctive conditions, with a minimum interest rate within the framework of a specific credit card.

An application for resolving the housing issue of purchasing a home can also be submitted to Sberbank.

The loan calculator does not provide a special calculation for a client of retirement age who wants to take out a mortgage loan.

This may mean that Sberbank prefers to see pensioners as co-borrowers rather than title borrowers. Potential borrowers must be no more than 75 years old at the time of payment. This requirement applies to both the borrower and a co-borrower on the mortgage, which is usually a spouse.


Sberbank makes loans available to pensioners on different terms than usual. No proof of basic income is required. Requirements for total labor action for reporting in the five required years. The application can change status, as for an existing client, after 2 business hours. The interest rate is determined individually, within the limits established for pensioners, as for a preferential category of borrowers.

Elderly people are interested in whether Sberbank of Russia issues loans to pensioners on special terms in 2019, and what other services are provided. We will tell you today about what interest rates and what amounts clients can expect.

What do they offer pensioners at Sberbank?

For older people, the following bank offers will be convenient:

  • Possibility to receive a pension on a card,
  • The ability to conveniently pay for housing and communal services,
  • Greater security of money compared to cash,
  • Reduced rate for,
  • The maximum percentage, regardless of the amount deposited (according to the Save and Replenish programs").

It is very convenient to receive a pension on a Social card. Receiving it is free, on the remaining funds you can receive an income of 3.5% per annum, in addition, owners of such a product receive a lot of benefits and special offers, which are listed on the bank’s official website.

If you are interested in getting a credit card, then, alas, there are no benefits for people of retirement age. The only thing is that they can make you a pre-approved offer, under which you can service your credit card free of charge and use borrowed funds at a minimum interest rate.

Loan terms

Among other services provided by Sberbank of Russia, there is lending. It can be used by any citizen of the Russian Federation who has permanent or temporary registration, who has reached the age of at least 21 years and has the financial ability to cover the payments.

The conditions are the same as for salary clients, so interest will be minimal, and the only documents you will need are a passport and a pension certificate:

  1. Without collateral - can be issued in an amount of no more than 3 million rubles with a repayment period of up to 5 years. Interest rate - from 11.9% per annum. The maximum age at the time of repayment is 65 years;
  2. Do you have real estate and can you use it as collateral? Then you can get a loan of up to 60% (up to 10 million rubles) of the cost of housing, and your rate will start at 12.5% ​​per annum. The term of the agreement in this case can be up to 20 years, and credit can be issued until the borrower is 75 years old. You will find similar offers from other companies in this article;
  3. If you belong to the category of owners of a personal subsidiary plot, and you need money specifically for the opening or development of private household plots, then there is a special offer for you, where a fixed percentage of 17% applies. You can receive an amount of no more than 700 thousand, and depending on the size of the loan, you will receive an agreement for 3 or 5 years. You will find detailed conditions for such a program by following this link;
  4. Refinancing - if you have loans from other banks and would like to transfer them to Sberbank, then this can be done at 11.5-13.5% per year. They issue amounts from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles for a period from 3 to 84 months. The maximum age of the borrower is up to 65 years.
Interest rate per year:
Duration (months):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Total you will pay:
Overpayment on loan
Apply now

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

Promotion on loans in Sberbank

In addition, since July of this year, the bank has been running a summer promotion, which allows you to apply for an amount of 300,000 rubles or more on favorable terms. For all clients, regardless of their category, fixed percentages will be offered:

  • If you submit an application for an amount of 300 thousand rubles or more at a bank branch, you will receive credit at an interest rate of 12.9% per annum, if in your Personal Account or in a mobile application - from 12.4%,
  • If you need an amount from 300,000 to 1,00,000 rubles, then you can be offered a percentage of 11.9% to 15.9% when submitting an application in the office and from 11.4% when filling it out through the Sberbank Online system " We tell you in detail how to register in it.
  • If you need an amount over 1 million rubles, then the same conditions will apply to all clients: when filling out a form in a branch, the percentage will be 11.9%, and when filling out in the Internet banking system - 11. 4% per annum.

The full table of interest rates is presented below:

Why should you contact Sberbank?

And pensioners have situations when they urgently need money, but they don’t have it, and their pension is only in a week. Of course, you can contact one of the microfinance organizations, but the interest rates are very high. Therefore, the best option would be to apply for a preferential loan at reduced rates.

It is also convenient for older people to cooperate with this company, as it has a large network of branches and ATMs. In addition, Sberbank is considered the most reliable financial institution, so it is trusted.

Loans for clients who receive a pension into a bank account and have a positive CI are processed very quickly and at more attractive rates than standard programs.

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