Pectoral decoration. Golden royal pectoral

THE SECRET OF THE SCYTHIAN PECTORAL The discovery of the treasury of Pharaoh Tutankhamun was recognized as the largest archaeological discovery of the 20th century. But few people know that in the steppes of Ukraine, in the early 70s, a burial ground was found, which in its significance and wealth is not inferior to the Egyptian heritage. We are talking about excavations of a Scythian mound near Kerch. The great people, who spread their possessions from Eastern Europe to the Asian deserts, left behind many secrets and mysteries. The main artifact of the Scythian tribe was the royal Pectoral... The steppes of Ukraine, glorified by Gogol, Shevchenko and Bryusov, are full of hills. Here and there you can come across a mound, which is a silent monument to some event. These graves are surrounded by a veil of mystery and superstition. Popular legends say that the Cossacks buried their killed comrades, filling the earth with their own hats. And before them, mounds were erected by tribes that roamed these steppes long before the glorious exploits of the warriors of the Zaporozhye Sich. Nomads came to the banks of the Don back in the 3rd millennium BC. These were tribes of cattle breeders, hunters, and warriors. They learned for the first time the sharpness of copper weapons. They forever inscribed their names in the pages of history. The Cimmerians gave way to the Sklots. The Sklotes left under pressure from the Scythians. And the Scythians founded their great kingdom, in the middle of the “corridor” between Asia and Europe. It was the rulers of Scythia who owned the first mounds, which look like pyramids. The mighty rulers found their final rest in them. Herodotus, who visited ancient Scythia, was amazed by the wealth of this people. He was even more surprised by the pomp and splendor with which the deceased kings were buried. They sent wives, servants, horses, utensils, and sometimes entire caravans with them to the next world. All so that the king appears before his ancestors in a proper form. The Kul-Oba mound, located a few kilometers from Kerch, began to be excavated back in 1830. Already the first layers of the earth were filled to capacity with decorations made by the ancient Greeks. There was gold, silver, magnificent vases. Even earrings with the head of the goddess Athena. The mound was examined for many years. He brought many interesting exhibits that ended up in the storage facilities of Ukrainian museums. But what Boris Mozolevsky found turned out to be a sensation. As a freelance employee of the Kyiv Institute of Archeology, he enthusiastically took up the excavation of the Tolstaya Mogila mound, which his colleagues had long given up on. They believed that there could be nothing worthwhile there, focusing their attention on the more “promising” southern tombs. The excavation of the mound began by accident. A pile of earth prevented the Dnepropetrovsk mining plant from expanding its production. The law did not allow the mound to simply be demolished, so they asked archaeologists to “quickly excavate it.” In the cold February steppe, under powerful gusts of wind, two dozen romantic historians entered into a confrontation with the mound. For two weeks, Mozolevsky and his comrades woke up at 5 am and dug tirelessly until 4 pm, looking at every piece of land. Seeing the torment of the archaeologists, the director of the plant, Grigory Seredy, took pity and allocated a bulldozer. Work has become easier. Suddenly, on the southern slope, scientists came across an amazingly beautiful chariot, which was decorated with bronze plates and hung with bells. Every inch of the cart was covered with patterns. The institute realized that the mound was worth the effort and allocated an additional detachment. The further they delved into the soil, the more ancient riches they found. They escaped the fate of the tomb robbers. The heir to the Scythian throne was buried in this place. He lay in an amazingly beautiful alabaster sarcophagus. His body was covered with jewelry. Nearby was the grave of the mother, who rested in a luxurious golden dress embroidered with animal faces. Around her neck she wore a massive gold hoop in the shape of a lion's mane. Even experienced archaeologists did not expect such finds. Finally the time came for the main chamber, where the king rested. But looters had already been there. The scientists were sadly wrapping up their work when Mozolevsky suddenly looked at the clay floor and noticed a hiding place. With all possible caution, he moved the slab and... “On June 21, 1971, at 14:30, near the city of Ordzhonikidze, Dnepropetrovsk region, Boris Mozolevsky found a golden pectoral - a breast decoration of a Scythian king of the 4th century BC - weighing 1150 grams, 30.6 cm in diameter, made of 958 gold." You can find such a phrase in any archeology textbook. It was a wonderful work of art that came from the hand of a Greek master. Nothing like this had ever been found on the territory of Ukraine before. The pectoral consisted of four hollow tubes, gracefully intertwined. They formed a kind of frame. Each pipe was crowned with the head of a small lion, which clutched a ring in its mouth. Laces were passed through them. On them, the decoration was hung around the neck of the king. The pectoral had three tiers, which reflected the ancient Scythians’ idea of ​​the structure of the Universe. The lower tier is a battle of fantastic wild animals - the world of the elements, wild nature, the world of the underground kingdom, where the roots of the tree come from, and where everything sooner or later leads. Middle tier - blue flowers, birds - the world of the living. Above was the life of nomads. Their life, their exploits and simple deeds. Of course, the pectoral was a magical and religious symbol that was worshiped by nomads. But the meaning of the pectoral has not been revealed to this day. The author of this majestic jewelry miracle is an ancient Hellene, a descendant of the Greeks of the Mediterranean. He was a real Master, he handled not only metal perfectly, but also knew perfectly well the beliefs and customs of the Scythians. Presumably the people depicted on the pectoral had real prototypes. Maybe among them there are customers of this miracle. Nowadays it is kept in the Kiev Museum of Historical Antiquities of Ukraine. There is also a copy installed in Donetsk on Teatralnaya Square. It is included in the Scythian composition. And to this day, an exact copy of the pectoral from the Tolstaya Mogila mound is used as the highest theater award in Ukraine. The name of Boris Mozolevsky is forever inscribed in the history of archeology. He became a candidate of historical sciences and taught at his native institute until the end of his life.

In one of my interviews with the REN TV television channel, I said that the Scythians were farmers and cattle breeders, whose level of development did not allow them to make complex jewelry. And what we call “Scythian gold” is urban jewelry sent to the countryside for some reason, for example, to temples or military garrisons, but not to the Scythians, but to the priests or warriors of Rurik. And the journalist was especially interested in the pectoral from Tolstoy Mogila.

Table of contents:

  • Beginning of the article.

    First I would like to quote a short Wikipedia article: “ Pectoral from the Tolstaya Mogila mound - golden royal pectoral of the 4th century BC. Was found on June 211971during archaeological research of a burial moundTolstaya Mogila (Dnepropetrovsk region). Expedition leader -B. N. Mozolevsky, Deputy Head -E. V. Chernenko. It is believed that the pectoral was made by Greek jewelers at the request of nobleScythians. Stored inKiev Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine.

    The expedition discovered numerous gold jewelry in two burial chambers, including a pectoral. She and Ironswordin a sheath with a gold-lined hilt were in a short corridor -etc.OMoses, which connected the burial chamber with the entrance pit. The weight of the golden pectoral is 1140 g, the diameter is more than 30 cm. Jewelry techniques that were used for its manufacture: wax casting, drawing, filigree, soldering, enameling.

    The composition of the pectoral consists of three levels. Bottom - animalistic scenes with the participation of mythological and realistic animals. Medium - floral motifs. Upper - scenes with Scythians and domestic animals. There are several versions and interpretations of the depicted motifs. According to some, the pectoral depicts everyday scenes from the life of the Scythians. According to others, there is a Scythian legend about the Golden Fleece and two brothers who went in search of it.

    A copy was installed in Donetsk inTheater Squareas part of the Scythian composition. Also a copy of the pectoral is used as a theater award».

    During an interview, a representative of REN TV said that there is an opinion among some television viewers that some strange symbolism is depicted in the center of the pectoral. I did not find one, but decided that over time I would consider both the features of the pectoral find and the product itself in more detail. Such an opportunity has now presented itself.

    About the discovery of a golden artifact.

    The note is devoted to this problem: “ 44 years ago, the archaeological season ended, which brought Ukraine the most famous find from an ancient Scythian burial - a golden pectoral, a breast decoration of a noble nomad" After these lines, the question arises: where did the steppe nomads come up with a product of the highest level of urban culture?

    I quote further from the note: “ Found in June 1971 in a mound in the Dnepropetrovsk region, the golden Scythian pectoral - the main archaeological treasure of Ukraine - in all respects became a real gift of fate. It was found by two freelance archaeologists, who were helped not by a specialized institute, but by the director of a large Soviet enterprise. And the pectoral was discovered when the success of the entire expedition already looked doubtful.

    Ukraine was also lucky with this decoration because it was found several years after the opportunity arose to leave the find in a Ukrainian museum - if this story had happened a little earlier, the Soviet leadership would have ordered such a valuable exhibit to be transferred to Moscow or Leningrad. And so the Scythian jewelry is still included in the collection of the Kyiv museum. All these accidents gave rise to a lot of semi-anecdotal stories about the excavations of the Tolstaya Mogila mound near the city of Ordzhonikidze in the Dnepropetrovsk region, during which a pectoral was found. Some of them are still repeated in the Ukrainian media.

    The most common of them is that the leader of the expedition, Boris Mozolevsky, carried the pectoral to Kyiv on himself under a thick padded jacket in order to hide the find from Moscow or Leningrad museums. The scientist, according to the stories of the inventors, allegedly rushed around the then Ukrainian moral authorities, such as the writer Oles Gonchar, so that they would leave the pectoral for their safekeeping" - It turns out that freelancers acted approximately like “black archaeologists.”

    Just below these lines there is a photograph of the mound, on which there is the following caption: “ The Tolstaya Mogila mound was visited by robbers in ancient times. To find the pectoral, it was necessary to completely demolish the mound. The finds lay at a depth of 8.5 m from the surface of the steppe" A very strange explanation. Imagine that you buried your relatives with gold crosses, and the cemetery guard tells you: “ At the cemetery I noticed active thieves. And so that the golden crosses of your mom and your dad go to me, as a representative of the legal cemetery authority, I destroyed your grave" Most likely, you will be horrified by such words.

    Rice. 1. Mound “Tolstaya Mogila” and my reading of the inscriptions on the vegetoglyph

    The grass of the mound still preserves the letters of the inscriptions. Let me note that I call inscriptions created from grass and shrubs vegetoglyphs. Like any inscriptions, they convey important historical information. I start reading vegetoglyphs from the very top. Here you can read the inscription in two or three lines, which reads: VIMAN SCYTHIANS WARRIORS OF THE TEMPLE OF MARA RURIK EDGE OF MARA. On the right slope there is a clarification: VIMAN MARY SCYTHIAN AIRCRAFT WARRIORS OF THE TEMPLE OF MARA RURIK EDGE OF EURASIA. AIRCRAFT WARRIORS .

    And on the middle part of the hill you can read the words: RURIK VARYAG MARY. - So there is no doubt that the hill belonged to the fallen Russian soldiers of the Rurik Air Force. And the soldiers themselves who died and were buried in this place were, indeed, called up from Scythia. But these were not nomads, but WARRIORS OF THE AIR FORCE OF THE ARMY OF RURIK . So the error in attributing the Tolstoy Mogila mound as the grave of a “noble nomad” is undeniable.

    I quote the note further: “ Alexander Zagrebelny, who was directly involved in the excavations of the mound from the first days until the end of the field season, remembers these myths with a smile. And tells the real story of the pectoral.

    We won't give up ours . Every good story has its own backstory. For the Scythian pectoral it began in November 1963. Then the leadership of the Ukrainian SSR, represented by Pyotr Shelest, the main communist of the republic, created the Golden Pantry in Kyiv. Shelest acted deliberately: the storeroom made it possible to leave precious archaeological finds in Ukraine, which previously had to be often transported to Moscow or Leningrad.

    Shelest was a controversial leader. On the one hand, starting from 1965, dissidents were constantly arrested under him - then the poets Vasil Stus, Ivan Svetlichny and Vyacheslav Chernovol received their first sentences. Shelest was also one of the initiators of the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia in 1968.

    At the same time, the then main Ukrainian communist advocated for strengthening the Ukrainian language in educational institutions and the press. He re-read Ivan Dzyuba’s brochure “Internationalism or Russification” several times. And because of his book “Our Soviet Ukraine,” Shelest fell out of favor with the Kremlin. They considered it nationalistic and the entire circulation was withdrawn from sale." - The subtitle of this section is very indicative: Zagrebelny’s find (and the name speaks volumes!) was understood not as “Soviet”, but as “Ukrainian”, as “our own”. As the modern Russophobic orientation of the current Ukrainian government shows, the Kremlin did exactly the right thing then. And later, the Kremlin, unfortunately, did not interfere with the development of Ukrainian nationalism.

    I will continue quoting: “ Find what you want. Having been demobilized from the army, Zagrebelny hardly thought about all the intricacies of Shelest’s behind-the-scenes politics when, in the spring of 1971, he applied to the history department of Kyiv State University. There were still a few months left before the entrance exams. One day, passing by the Institute of Archeology, he decided to find out if there were any vacancies there. The then director of the institute, Fyodor Shevchenko, offered a freelance laboratory position.

    One day Boris Mozolevsky looked into the restoration workshop where Zagrebelny worked. He introduced himself and said that the management of the institute was asking a young laboratory assistant to help him examine a mound in the Dnepropetrovsk region. Having quickly gathered, the archaeologists were already in Ordzhonikidze on April 14. It was a powerful industrial area where manganese ore was mined in the open pit. The local enrichment plant was of strategic importance: manganese is a necessary additive for strong steel.

    Grigory Sereda, the head of the trust, which included the mines and the plant itself, was a fairly influential person. He had maintained friendly relations with Mozolevsky for several years—ever since he began traveling here on his first expeditions. Sereda himself was interested in archeology. He came up with a pretext for the expedition - supposedly the plant needed land that could be taken from the mound, and space to expand the manganese mines.

    Although Mozolevsky was 35 years old, he was only a freelance employee at the Institute of Archeology. After the future scientist finally abandoned his attempts to become a military pilot, he came to Kyiv. For many years he worked as a fireman and studied by correspondence at the history department of Kyiv University. He wrote poetry - by that time three collections had already been published. He got into trouble because of several works: the “competent authorities” saw them as anti-Soviet, and the question of enrolling the scientist on the staff of the Institute of Archeology was postponed for several years».

    Here are the tricks of fate: a failed military pilot found the grave of successful and dead pilots from a thousand years ago, but began to excavate it with the help of deception. And the state of Rurik, to which the dead pilots belonged, was the same “Soviet Union” of the past, uniting people of completely different ethnic origins. Ukrainian nationalism dictated his behavior: to consider all graves, regardless of their origin, as Ukrainian property, and their contents as the property of the Kyiv Institute of Archeology.

    Rice. 2. Clearing the excavation of the Tolstoy Mogila mound and my reading of the inscriptions

    Next in the note is a second photo with the caption: “ Archaeologists are clearing away more finds under the mound. At the top of the photo you can see the legs of onlookers waiting for a sensation" By “archaeologists” we mean workers in the excavation, women and men, who do not pay the slightest attention to the existence of inscriptions in the form of a soil glyph, that is, inscriptions on a section of soil, and a microgeoglyph on the top of the soil along the edges of the excavation. And they deserve to be read.

    First I read the inscriptions on the microgeoglyph, which is written in gray letters. It reads: . In modern Russian this means: TEMPLE OF MARA WARRIORS OF AIRCRAFT RURIK TYPE OF AIRCRAFT . And on the ground glyph above the woman you can read the words: 30 AND 35 ARKONS OF RURIK YAR. The continuation reads above the man’s head: MIME MASK 35 ARKONY YAR. In modern Russian this means: WEST CAIRO AND VELIKY NOVGOROD IMAGE OF THE PRIEST OF VELIKY NOVGOROD . In other words, in Tolstoy Mogila, in addition to the soldiers, some kind of image was buried (possibly a marble or wooden sculpture), and it can be assumed that this image of the priest of the temple of Mary Rurik from the Great Novgorod was put on this pectoral as a symbol of priestly power. Then the care taken in its execution and the choice of gold as a material becomes clear.

    Rice. 3. Archaeologists were lowered into the excavations using a construction crane

    End of note.

    Here you can read: “ For the first few weeks, freelancers Mozolevsky and Zagrebelny worked together: the Institute of Archeology mistakenly believed that Tolstaya Mogila was not a Scythian mound, but an earlier and poorer burial. Such, as a rule, usually turn out to be empty - they were torn apart hundreds of years before archaeologists: this was often done by fellow tribesmen of the buried, who knew for sure that this way they could get hold of good weapons and gold. Therefore, the institute did not spend money on a serious expedition.

    Sereda gave them. He accommodated the archaeologists in a local hotel, which cost the residents of Kiev 20 kopecks. per day. I tried to make sure they weren't hungry. And he also allocated equipment and a detachment of miners who dug and strengthened pits and tunnels. In general, the excavation of the mound cost the trust more than 50 thousand rubles.

    Removing the eight-meter mound was only half the battle for archaeologists. The main work began even lower. The burial chambers of the Tolstoy grave, for example, were located at a depth of five meters from the natural soil level.

    Mozolevsky charmed Sereda with stories about how he spent the night on the mound several times, and he always dreamed of the clatter of horses. Therefore, the archaeologist was sure that Tolstaya Mogila was the burial of a royal Scythian. But his first work at depth caused him disappointment - it was obvious that they had already been here» .

    THE STOPPING OF HORSES IN A DREAM is, of course, a very compelling argument for the attribution of found artifacts. A serious researcher would be embarrassed to give such a strange justification.

    In Fig. 3 I read the words of the soil glyph: TEMPLE OF MARA WARRIORS VIMAN MARY RURIK. We see the underground temple of the Vimana warriors of the first years after Rurik’s anointing for the title of Kharaon. In other words, the name of the temple read in the previous photographs is confirmed. So in a dream it would be better to hear the noise of airplane engines. But what follows is the reasoning not of a person interested in what our distant ancestors had in this place, but of a certain businessman: “ Sereda, who came to the excavation site every day, teased: “Why did you promise to find me gold, but here everything has been looted.”

    But it turned out that there were several more burials below. The main one - a noble military leader - was devastated many centuries ago. Sereda was indignant - so where is the gold?". Pardon me, where does the military leader come from if we are talking about a steppe nomad? Or was the word WARRIORS still read, but not mentioned before?

    And further: “ Mozolevsky took a knife and said: “Look, now I’ll pick out a lump of earth, and you will have gold.” He stuck the blade into the clay - and a golden plate from a woman’s headdress flashed there. Further - more: archaeologists accidentally found the burial of the king's wife, who was wearing a dress almost completely covered with gold foil. On the queen’s neck was a massive decoration weighing almost half a kilogram. But what was also interesting was that next to the woman’s skeleton, a decayed bunch of damask was found - a sea grass that was used to treat joint diseases.

    But these were not all the finds. The next day, June 21, Mozolevsky wrote in his diary: “At 14:30 something tinkled and then flashed under the archaeological knife.” This was the pectoral - a male breast ornament, weighing 1,150 g and lying in the ground for 2,300 years. Archaeologists claimed that the robbers did not dig only a few centimeters to it. And all because the Scythians placed the pectoral not on the king’s body, but next to it". That is " not on the priest's body, but next to him».

    In other words, we see that the “archaeologists,” even freelance ones, were not concerned about the appearance of the mound, not the inscriptions on it, not the study of the type of burial, not the typology of finds, but only the search for treasures. Somehow this doesn’t fit in well with the science of the ancient world and our ancestors.

    Rice. 4. The found artifact and my reading of the signature

    The above quote ends with the photograph shown in Fig. 4. I immediately have a question: why rice. 4 signed by the author as “ This is what the queen’s decoration, which was just found nearby with a pectoral, looked like"? From what does it follow that the queen wore such jewelry? The kings and queens in ancient times belonged to the warrior class of the second estate, while the first class consisted of priests and priestesses, that is, of those persons who were then called MIM and MIMA.

    And in Fig. 4 I read the following signature words on a semicircular spiral with images of animals: TEMPLE OF MARA SKLAVIAN VIMAN. And further: MIMA MARY TEMPLE. In other words, on this spiral it is written in black and white in Russian: MIMA MARA TEMPLE MARA. But people speaking Russian and posing as archaeologists (let me remind you that Wikipedia defines archeology as follows: “ Archeology (ancient Greek. ἀρχαῖος — ancient and λόγος - word, doctrine) - a historical discipline that studies the past of mankind using material sources"), are ahead of competitors in the extraction of ancient gold. Just like Ilf and Petrov in “12 Chairs”: “Magnificent chairs from a palace!”, which quite puzzled Kisa Vorobyaninov, since his apartment had never been a palace. And Mima Mary (that is, the priestess of the Russian goddess Mary) had nothing to do with the king’s wife, since she belonged to a higher class. What neither staff nor freelance archaeologists knew, not only in 1971, but to this day.

    « The archaeologists just smiled - it’s impossible to do something like this alone. The embankment above the mound can only be removed with the help of technology. And if you do not strengthen the tunnels leading down to the burial chambers, you can easily remain under the rubble forever.

    And it was incredibly difficult to sell such a find in Soviet times. “Once, on the next expedition, a teenage boy from the Odessa archaeological circle worked with us,” says Zagrebelny. “Two gold plates from the mound “stuck” to his hands. He took them to a pawnshop and was immediately arrested. And the head of the excavations was fired from his job two years before retirement.”

    After the discovery of Mozolevsky's pectoral, real glory awaited him. In Kyiv, Vladimir Shcherbitsky met him, who was being trained to replace Shelest, who was already disgraced at that time. Almost all Soviet publications immediately wrote about the sensational discovery. Hot on the heels, the word pectoral was used to name the hotel and restaurant of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR».

    This is the real background - not finding out the past of this area, but “ real glory" about the find.

    Rice. 5. Residents of the city of Ordzhonikidze and surrounding villages came to the excavations every day

    The city of Ordzhonikidze was renamed “Pokrov” on March 17, 2016. This is a city in the Dnepropetrovsk region. And in Fig. 5 we see that the excavations have turned into an archaeological show. And before I finish with this note, I want to not only look at the title photo with which it begins, but also put a caption underneath it: “ " It is not entirely clear what the employees are happy about, whether it is the fact that they will now be able to move forward in revealing the ethnic and social affiliation of the found artifacts, or the physical wealth of the finds in ounces of gold. And even I am more inclined to the second assumption.

    Rice. 6. Admiring the find

    Rice. 6 in the note has the caption: “ Employees of the Institute of Archeology examine finds from the Tolstaya Mogila mound. Pectoral in the hands of the excavation director Boris Mozolevsky" Again, we do not see any process of study here - no close examination, no identification of details with a magnifying glass, no attempts to compare the original with a photograph. Boris Mozolevsky holds the ancient artifact in his bare hands; they are not wearing the gloves required for such a task, so as not to contaminate the future museum exhibit with his sweat and fat prints. And the position of the pectoral in the hands of the author of the find indicates that he enjoys the weight of the found gold item rather than a possible solution to the problems of the history of his region.

    Fantasies of the author of another note.

    Another author spoke in approximately the same spirit - the author of the note, who writes about this: “ The pectoral (breast decoration made from one kilogram 150 grams of gold), along with other treasures of the Scythian king, was discovered exactly 35 years ago in the Dnepropetrovsk region under the Tolstaya Mogila mound. After the Scythian kingdom that existed for about 500 years, a large number of mounds (essentially, tombstones) remained in the steppes of Ukraine, but almost every one of them was plundered in ancient times. The Scythians themselves began to plunder the graves of the rulers: they were attracted by the large amount of gold that was placed in the tombs. Marauders also took over the royal burial place under the Tolstaya Mogila mound. The robbers knew their job: the passage they dug led straight to the burial chamber where the remains of the king rested. It was there, next to the deceased, that the most valuable things should have been located - this is a centuries-old tradition. But in this case, the attackers were disappointed. At least they could not find the pectoral, which is a real masterpiece of ancient jewelry art, as well as the sword and whip, the handles of which are made of gold and decorated with magnificent chasing».

    Again, the Scythian kings and mounds were used as their tombstones, the Vimana warriors are considered the remains of the king, and the symbolism of the breast decoration of the priestess of the Russian goddess Mara is considered as “the most valuable thing” (in the monetary sense at the gold dollar exchange rate). In other words, here again we are not talking about a study of the culture and life of our ancestors, but about the fact that something very expensive in terms of manufacturing materials was found.

    « Mozolevsky excavated the pectoral while still a freelance employee of the Institute of Archeology. The discovery of the pectoral became the reason for a unique case in its own way: the head of Soviet Ukraine, Vladimir Shcherbitsky, invited to a meeting a person who held the position of a junior researcher, and who also did not have an academic degree. The humble worker awarded this honor was Boris Mozolevsky, who later became one of the most famous Russian archaeologists. A man who possessed ebullient energy, managed, despite a low position, which, by the way, he held at the Institute of Archeology as a freelancer, to organize and lead the excavations of the Tolstaya Mogila mound» .

    I wonder if the Internet existed at that time, and live journals could be created on it, what would the Mozolevskology LJ write about? - It is likely that a person who has nothing to do with archeology had no right to engage in relevant research, and the author of such a statement would be right, because in pursuit of a sensation he destroyed the underground temple of Mary Rurik.

    « Boris and I were friends, and he invited me to become his deputy on this expedition,” says Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Evgeniy Chernenko. — When Boris was called to Kyiv for a meeting with Shcherbitsky, I stayed at the excavations. Upon returning, Mozolevsky said that Vladimir Vasilyevich made a good impression on him. He asked in detail about the excavations, about the things that we found, and asked when the report on the expedition would be published. The meeting was attended by the then director of our Institute of Archeology, Fyodor Pavlovich Shevchenko. A few days before, I told him that Borya and his family live in a hostel, the conditions are approximately the same as what Vladimir Vysotsky said in one of his songs: there is one toilet for 20 rooms. The director immediately realized that the time had come to inform Shcherbitsky that Mozolevsky did not have a separate apartment, so work on the report might take a while. Shcherbitsky looked at Boris Paton, president of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, and asked: “Can you help your comrade or should I do this?” Paton, of course, agreed to help. “What’s your salary?” - Shcherbitsky asked Boris a question. As a junior researcher, he received only 98 rubles a month. “Can the Academy do anything for a comrade?” — Shcherbitsky turned to Paton again. “Maybe,” Boris Evgenievich answered briefly. As a result, Mozolevsky was given a three-room apartment on Nauki Avenue and a personal salary of 200 rubles» .

    « Were the other members of the expedition encouraged? — Boris, me, our guardian angel, director of the Ordzhonikidze manganese plant Grigory Lukich Sereda (if he had not helped with equipment, the excavations would have been impossible), as well as the first secretary of the Ordzhonikidze city party committee, Yuri Krushinsky, were presented with a gold watch with the inscription: “Vchd For the sake of the Mchnchstrchv URSR " 35 years have passed since then, and my watch works properly. In addition, we were given big bonuses. I remember Borya received 500 rubles, I received 300 (these were my two monthly salaries).

    Well, did you enlist Mozolevsky on the staff of the Institute of Archeology?

    Of course, even before the trip to meet with Shcherbitsky. The director of our institute, Fyodor Shevchenko, the deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR, Pyotr Tronko, the vice-president of the Academy of Sciences, Ivan Bilodid, and some other authorities came to the excavations to look at the pectoral. On this occasion, local authorities organized a reception. So I decided to remind the director that Boris is still a freelance employee. And Fyodor Pavlovich said: “Mozolevsky is on staff.” “Since when?” - I was surprised. - “Yes, they accepted it five minutes ago.”».

    Does this sound like science? “I believe that black diggers could only be jealous, because they risk their lives for approximately the same excavations, and they cannot make much money from the underground sale of an artifact.” The story described is more like the state legalization of one of the successful diggers.

    Rice. 7. General view of the golden pectoral of the Scythians from Tolstoy Mogila

    Since copying the gold pectoral results in a large image, I was tempted to read a series of inscriptions on its central characters. This is what I do in Fig. 8. First I read the highlights on the left image of the horse, which is scratching its left front leg with its left hind leg. The highlights can only be clearly read in reversed color, which is what I do. On the horse you can read the words: MARY TEMPLE on the mane and YARA TEMPLE OF ROME (RURIK). In other words, TEMPLES OF MARA AND YAR RURIK WEST CAIRO acted so consistently that they formed, as it were, one body of the vehicle.

    And in the center of the composition there is, as it were, a lamb skin, which is shared by two bearded men. However, this is not a sheep's skin, for on it you can read the words: VIMANA MARA. That is, in other words, in modern language, AIRCRAFT AIRCRAFT. So who is trying to divide them? On the left of the figure I read the words in reverse color: MARY TEMPLE YARA WARRIORS VIMAN RURIK. And on the right figure I read, and also in reversed color, the words: YARA TEMPLE. In other words, in this case, both the temple of Mary and the temple of Yara of Western Cairo claim to control the vimana warriors.

    Rice. 8. My reading of the inscriptions in the center of the pectoral

    Thus, the image is allegorical. It is curious that in the arc below, where not animals are depicted, but flowers, one can also be convinced that allegories are given in relief here. So, to the left of the 10-petalled daisy flower I read the words in reverse color: VIMANA MARA KHARAON MIMA, that is, AIRCRAFT OF THE PRIEST KHARAON RURIK . And to the right of the image of the chamomile flower you can see a small image of the vimana itself, as well as the caption (in direct color): VIMANAS OF TEMPLE 30 ARKONA YAR. It means: AIRCRAFT OF WEST CAIRO . As we can see, there is no question of any nomads here.

    And in the work I read additional words about Mozolevsky: “ Mozolevsky came to archeology quite late - at the age of 30. In his youth he entered the military pilot school in Yeisk, in the Krasnodar region. But I had to abandon my studies due to the wholesale reduction in the size of the army under Khrushchev. Then Boris became a part-time student at the Faculty of History of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University. He studied, worked as a fireman, and wrote poetry. Mozolevsky was a talented poet. After receiving his diploma, he got a job as an editor at the Naukova Dumka publishing house and as a freelancer at the Institute of Archeology" I am not very interested in the further fate of Mozolevsky, although a couple more pages of notes have been written about it.

    How do archaeologists interpret the image?

    The answer to this question can be read in the note: “ The pectoral is a cult thing that reflects the worldview of the Scythians, their cosmogonic ideas. Its field is divided into three tiers: in the lower one - animals, in the middle - the plant world, and the upper tier depicts the life of people. It contains 1150 grams of 958-carat gold, and its diameter is 30.6 centimeters. The highly artistic work of ancient masters is amazing; the figurines of people, animals, and birds are voluminous and very realistic.

    In the ancient world, the pectoral was a fairly common attribute and performed various functions: from protective (“pectus” is translated from Latin as breast, so it was worn by warriors) to ritual (it was a symbol of power). Considering the material and artistic value of the Scythian pectoral, it performed the latter function. The decoration was found in a mound where there was a male burial - next to it lay a sword in a golden sheath, so researchers suggest that the decoration belonged to a Scythian ruler, who also performed sacred functions. “Of course, the Scythian pectoral has a sacred character, perhaps even had a certain significance in the implementation of rituals - there are different interpretations on this matter,” explains Lyubov Klochko, leading researcher at the department of the history of jewelry art in Ukraine at the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine. “It’s difficult to say for sure who the pectoral belonged to.” But it is known that among the Scythians, like all ancient peoples, the king was also assigned the functions of a priest. Boris Mozolevsky also wrote about this, confirmation of this is also in the works of Herodotus».

    In other words, the authority of Herodotus for archaeologists is more important than the actual signatures and the actual image of the vimana. The same note also contains more sophisticated fantasies: “ Some researchers suggest that the Scythian pectoral is a calendar. True, in order to calculate natural cycles from it, extraordinary predictor abilities are needed, because the pectoral has no visible calendar signs. But a certain cyclicity is represented on it. The product consists of three tiers: animals are depicted on the bottom, flowers are depicted on the middle, and people are depicted on the top. It is interpreted as follows: the animal world is the world of death, the human world is the world of life, and between them is the tree of life, which combines and connects the two worlds. In a word, the pectoral shows the Scythians’ idea of ​​the universe. Every detail here is a symbol. Thus, in the corners of the upper tier, birds are depicted in flight: Mozolevsky considered this as the embodiment of the infinity of space. But on the sides of the lower tier there are grasshoppers: “these are symbols of the eternal silence of the steppe,” that is, death, wrote Mozolevsky. Here we can also recall the calendar signs of decoration - females with offspring are depicted on the upper tier. “Therefore, the upper tier is also interpreted as preparation for the celebration of the New Year, which among the Scythians came in the spring, because the image of the offspring indicates precisely this period,” adds Lyubov Klochko.”. - What is curious is that not a single researcher began to develop the topic of the military purpose of the pectoral.

    Further, the author of the find writes: “ The mound was partially plundered, but still it concealed huge treasures. The Scythian queen and her child were buried in this grave, and with them were three servants. They found skeletons of horses, carts, expensive dishes, and various household utensils.

    Having studied the bones of animals (horses, wild boars, deer) discovered in a deep ditch near the Tolstaya Mogila mound, paleozoologist V.I. Bibikova found that from 2.5 to 3 thousand people took part in the funeral feast. Approximately the same number of people took part in the construction of the mound embankment, the earth for which was transported on carts from the floodplain of the Solyonaya River, located 5 km from Tolstoy Mogila. Based on the capabilities of one worker with a cart (2 trips per day, 0.5 m3 of earth), archaeologist B. Mozolevsky calculated that the construction of the mound took from 4 to 8 days.

    Using the pectoral, you can study many facets of the life of the Scythians: their beliefs, symbolism, way of life, economy, clothing. It is amazing how perfectly the images of animals and people are presented here - every muscle, every fold of clothing is cut out. Therefore, the question immediately arose: who and where made this work of art? The most widespread theory is that the golden pectoral was created by ancient Greek jewelers commissioned by the Scythian nobility. The discoverer of the find, Boris Mozolevsky, also leaned towards this version. “The pectoral was made under the direct influence of the Parthenon by an original artist who, using a completely different material, was able to rise to the highest ideas of art,” he writes in the book “The Scythian Steppe.” Some modern researchers are inclined to think that the pectoral is the work of aboriginal craftsmen. “My colleagues and I believe that this is the work of a Bosporan master. Perhaps it was made in the ancient city of Panticapaeum (now the city of Kerch). The subject of the images in this work of art is typical for Indo-European peoples,” says Natalya Malyuk, senior researcher at the Museum of Historical Treasures of Ukraine. But these are not final conclusions. The study of the pectoral continues to this day».

    Rice. 9. Headdress of an alleged Scythian queen and my reading of the inscriptions

    The note contains another image captioned as “ Headdress of a Scythian queen, Tolstaya Mogila" At the level of the first (upper) tier of gold stripes I read the words: MARY SKIFOV MIMA. In other words, this is not the headdress of a Scythian queen, but PRIESTESSES OF THE SCYTHIAN TEMPLE OF MARA . So in this case, too, lies are being told on behalf of Russian archeology.

    I believe that the above notes and my readings show that the Scythian pectoral from Tolstoy Mogila is indeed Scythian, but belonged to the priests of the temple of Mary of the warriors of Rurik’s Vimana, and not at all to the mythical king and queen of the Scythians.

    Supposedly an Arab coin from Dagestan.

    This is a small note: " Archaeologists from the Dagestan Scientific Center (DSC) of the Russian Academy of Sciences discovered a unique Arab coin of the 8th century during excavations in Derbent.

    Rice. 10. General view of the copper coin of Dagestan and my reading of the inscriptions

    It will allow scientists to learn more about the mint that existed in the city at that time, Acting Chairman of the DSC RAS ​​Murtazali Gadzhiev told TASS. “This is a fels coin - a small copper coin. Minted by the governor of Armenia and Azerbaijan. At that time it was one huge province in the system of the Arab Caliphate. The coin is unique, such finds can be counted on one hand,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

    As it was established, the coin was minted in 743-744 AD in Derbent. Scientists know that there was a mint in the city, however, this find provides new information about the time of its existence" I wonder how archaeologists were able to find out about the time of coinage? Not a word is said about this.

    "Several of his coins were known, dated 714-715, 723 and a little later. But this find expands the range of functioning of the mint; now we know that in 743 it was still in Derbent,” said Gadzhiev.

    Derbent is one of the oldest cities in the world. The first settlement of the Kuro-Araks culture, discovered by archaeologists, arose in the Early Bronze Age - at the end of the 4th millennium BC. e. This is the only city of the ancient era that has been preserved in its historical place. Throughout history, it was claimed by the Roman Empire, Byzantium, Parthia, the Khazar Khaganate, the Golden Horde; The city was annexed to Russia in 1806. Currently, Derbent is the second largest city in Dagestan».

    In my opinion, the coin is of Russian origin, although it is intended for the Arabic language of the region. To do this, I read the inscriptions on the coin itself. So, on the upper part, where the large letters are depicted, and then to the right, you can read the words: TEMPLE OF THE ARMY VIMAN RUSI RURIKA YAR. And below, but above the central half arc, I read the text: 33 ARKONS STAN VIMAN VOINOV, 35 AND 30 ARKONS. This means that the coin was intended for Vimana warriors from the main cities of Rurik: LADOGA, VELIKY NOVGOROD AND WEST CAIRO .

    As for the dating, it can be read under the half of the arc, on the left, where the vertical stick rises, on its top: 52 YAR YEAR. In terms of our usual chronology, this leads to the date: 908 A.D. . But not 743 AD at all. Although a little more than a century and a half is not such a big mistake for archaeologists.

    Rice. 11. The Pyramid of Antarctica and my reading of the inscriptions

    Inscription on a pyramid from Antarctica.

    Since many mountain ledges of Antarctica are signed in Russian, as I showed in my article, I did not doubt for a second that the pyramid from Antarctica, which is mentioned in the article, is also signed in Russian. And the note itself says: “ As part of another scientific study, scientists discovered 3 pyramidal objects on the Antarctic shelf. According to the preliminary version of geologists, the pyramids are of unnatural origin. They could not have been formed by nature. They were built by man, the scientists concluded.Further research showed that the territory of the pyramidal objects was once a forest with representatives of the local fauna. Scientists have yet to determine whether these features correspond to historical reality, as well as to the assumptions made regarding the formation of the pyramids.

    One of the archaeologists, present as part of a team of scientific researchers, suggested that the pyramids contain information about an ancient civilization, about representatives of an entire race that once inhabited the Antarctic region. In the near future, scientists will have to find out how true their theory is regarding the ancient people who lived here».

    I wrote about this supposed civilization in my article. This was the Russian civilization under the leadership of Yar Rurik, who flew here on vimanas. I believe that even now I will read on the pyramids information about Russian vimanas.

    To read, I enlarge the image size. The front side is visible on the pyramid, as well as the side side from which the shadow falls. I start reading from the front side, where first I highlight a large, about a third of the height of the pyramid, face from the front with a slight turn to the right. Whose face is this, I hope to read in the very lines that run across this face.

    I read, starting from the top line, the following text: VIMAN OF WARRIORS TROOPS OF THE TEMPLE OF MARA RURIK YAR. They are written on the face itself. And under it I read the words: VIMAN ARIA And MARA MASK. So now it’s clear whose face is painted on the pyramid: it’s IMAGE OF THE RUSSIAN GODDESS MARA .

    Rice. 12. A 5-teeth prosthesis from Italy and my reading of inscriptions

    Denture of 5 teeth.

    Here we also have a small note: “ A prosthesis consisting of five teeth connected by a gold plate was found in an Italian tomb. The Local reports this. It was dated to the end of the 14th - beginning of the 17th century. This is the oldest denture of this type. The find was discovered by archaeologists from the University of Pisa during excavations of a family crypt in the Italian city of Lucca. It was known from written evidence that such dental devices were made in the Middle Ages, but they had not been found before this incident.

    “Although descriptions of such objects are found in texts of that time, archaeologists have until now had no physical evidence. This find is the first archaeological evidence of the existence of gold plate dentures,” says one of the researchers, Dr Simone Minozzi. Note that the prosthesis consists of five teeth - three incisors and two canines. All the teeth belonged to different people. They were hewn and joined with a thin plate of gold with the addition of silver and copper. The plate was passed through the roots; the teeth were attached to it with miniature gold pins. A layer of tartar indicates that the owner of the denture has worn it for a long time».

    We see the same medical artifact taken from different shooting points, that is, from different angles: A, B, C and D. However, the even names of the angles are not printed. In angle B, I read who the patient was who wore this prosthesis. On two lines I read the signature: MIMA MARY YAR VARYAG. In other words, the owner was PRIESTESS OF THE TEMPLE OF THE BGINI MARA YARA RURIK ..

    Papyri about the Pyramids of Giza.

    This note piqued my interest: “ A few years ago, archaeologists discovered a port that, according to experts, was built 4,600 years ago. The finds were made in Egypt on the shores of the Red Sea, in the Wadi al-Jarf region. Most likely, the purpose of the port was to transport materials for the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. In addition to the harbor, archaeologists found the oldest known archive of papyri, which provide a definitive answer to the question: who built the pyramids. There is no room left for conspiracy theories.

    Rice. 13. Ancient papyrus found in Wadi al-Jarf and my reading of the inscriptions

    Pierre Tallet, a professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris, told Haaretz that his group found the ancient harbor not far from the huge papyrus archive it discovered, which is the oldest of all known repositories. This happened in 2013, but a small part of the finds was exhibited in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo only in the summer of 2016.

    The papyri were created during the reign of the second pharaoh of the IV dynasty of the Ancient Kingdom of Egypt, Khufu, also known as Cheops (2580 - 2550 BC). They describe the structure of the state, the daily life of the pyramid builders, and how building materials were transported from the port to Giza. The ancient documents are very well preserved: the length of some sheets reaches a whole meter. The discovery finally refutes the tales that the Egyptians allegedly used incredible technologies that are inaccessible to modern man.

    In addition, the archive contained accounting records - tables displaying daily or monthly supplies of food from different places, including the Nile Delta. They mainly transported bread and beer for the port workers. Since the harbor is located far from Giza, it was most likely that ships loaded with copper and minerals from which construction tools were made came into it. Pierre Tallet believes that the open port gives an idea of ​​how Cheops ruled, ordered and organized his subordinates almost 5 thousand years ago. The pharaoh was not only a great pyramid builder, but also a merchant, because the ancient Egyptians traded in all the coastal cities of the Red and Mediterranean Seas. Ancient Egypt is inextricably linked with ship craft; sailing boats could sail up to 80 kilometers a day and were used not only for trade, but also for military operations.

    Under the waves washing the coast of Wadi al-Jarf, archaeologists discovered a monumental pier 200 meters long, built from large limestone blocks. Apparently, it also served as a breakwater, providing a quiet, safe harbor for moored ships. The finds also included 22 ship anchors, next to which lay several large vessels and pottery kilns. Not far from the pier, scientists found the remains of quite large stone buildings (30 meters long, 8-12 meters wide). Talle told Haaretz that the buildings likely served as storage areas for food and materials for workers, overnight accommodations for sailors, and as administrative centers for port operations. Near them, 99 stone anchors were excavated with red inscriptions - the names of the ships; some anchors even had preserved ropes tied to them. Impressive organization for such an ancient era!

    Cheops has always been considered a harsh taskmaster, forcing the Egyptians to give 20 years of their lives to carry blocks for the pyramid that the pharaoh was building for his own aggrandizement. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that Cheops hired so many workers that just keeping them working on radishes and onions cost 1,600 silver talents (a talent is an ancient measure of weight, 1 talent is equal to about 30 kilograms), that is, about 48 thousand kilograms of silver.

    However, modern Egyptologists doubt the “black legends about Cheops” and believe that Herodotus overestimated the number of pyramid builders. According to Pierre Tallet, recent calculations have shown that in fact 5 thousand people are needed for construction, or 15 thousand if we take into account the people who delivered raw materials to Giza. Another misconception is that the Egyptians were treated like slaves at the construction site. In reality, they were free artisans who served under the royal administration, and, judging by the records on the found papyri, they were quite privileged persons».

    This note provides the usual dating for archaeologists of the reign of Pharaoh Cheops (2580 - 2550 BC). Archaeologists believe that the papyri date back to this time.

    However, I have a different opinion. In Fig. 13 on the top of the papyrus I read the words: VIMAN WARRIORS. And at the bottom of the papyrus I read the numbers 35 And 30 , which mean ARKON YAR numbers, that is VELIKIY NOVGOROD And WEST CAIRO . In other words, this papyrus was originally intended for the warriors of Rurik’s Vimana, and only later was used for Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops).


    The purpose of this article, first of all, was to understand that the gold jewelry of the Scythians was created not by the Scythians at all, but for the Scythians, but not by the Greeks, but by the masters of Veliky Novgorod. I think I succeeded, at least for the pectoral.

    Let me remind you that, according to Wikipedia, “ Scythians (ancient Greek Σκύθης, Σκύθοι, also known by the names: Scyth, Saka, Sakae, Sacae, Sai, Iskuzai, Askuzai) are an ancient Indo-European people who existed in the 8th century. BC e. - IV century n. e. In a narrow sense, Scythians mean Iranian-speaking tribes that lived in the steppe zone of the Northern Black Sea region from the Danube to the Don, called Scythia in ancient Greek sources. Information about the Scythians is known from the writings of ancient authors (especially Herodotus) and archaeological excavations. Peoples related to the Scythians in language and culture were the Sauromatians (Sarmatians), Sakas and Massagetae.

    The Scythians were divided into several large tribes. According to Herodotus, the dominant ones were royal Scythians- the easternmost of the Scythian tribes, bordering the Don with the Sauromatians, also occupied the steppe Crimea. To the west they lived Scythian nomads, and even further west, on the left bank of the Dnieper - Scythian farmers. On the right bank of the Dnieper, in the basin of the Southern Bug, near the city of Olvia, they lived callipids, or Helleno-Scythians, north of them - alazons, and even further north - Scythian plowmen » .

    In any case, both pastoral nomads and farmers-plowmen, the Scythians did not have the tool base, the level of aesthetics and the experience necessary to make gold items such as the pectoral from Tolstoy Mogila. However, for the cultural capital of Yar Rurik, for Veliky Novgorod, this was just the right level, because All Rus' of Rurik was the power of the entire globe, so Veliky Novgorod was, for its intended purpose, a world-class cultural capital.

    So “golden royal pectoral of the 4th century BC” was indeed a golden pectoral, but not a royal one (but a priestly one) and made 1300 years later. So after 45 years of studying it, archaeologists have not come to the correct attribution and dating. Moreover, it turns out that it (like the first birch bark letter) was not found by a professional archaeologist, but at that time by a fireman, although he had access to the Institute of Archaeology. He acquired a historical education after his discovery. However, this education did not bring him any progress in understanding the origin and function of the found pectoral. But it brought me an apartment and a bonus, as well as a legal job at the Institute of Archeology.

    Before my research, modern archaeological science does not know the true origin of the pectoral, as can be judged from the scientific publication (monograph). It begins with a eulogy to D.S. Raevsky: “ The fundamental monograph by D.S., published back in 1985. Raevsky’s “Model of the World of Scythian Culture” rightly claimed to create in domestic science a precedent for a systematic and complete (to the extent of the available material) consideration of the issue of the formation of a probabilistic model of the Scythian worldview. The concept put forward by the author is based on a deep analysis of archaeological and literary discourses and fits the Scythian model of the world into a broad Iranian, Indo-Iranian and Indo-European context. In my opinion, this book can still rightfully be considered the pinnacle of modern Russian Scythology».

    I was familiar not only with the aforementioned monograph by Raevsky (it is still stored in my home library), but also with Raevsky himself, who in 2006 did not even criticize my speech at the Moscow Institute of Archeology, but simply asked: “Who released the this speaker's stage? - But he released it himself as the chairman of this meeting. He just didn’t bother to read the abstracts I sent long before the conference on archaeoastronomy. And that’s why I was struck by his inconsistency and unprincipledness. As for the belonging of the pectoral to Iranian-speaking peoples, then, as I showed, the mound itself, and the temple under it, and the pectoral, and the priestess’s cap contained exclusively Russian inscriptions and not a single Iranian one.

    So the lie of Raevsky (now deceased) was supported in 2010 by V.Yu. Mikhailin. However, far from completely, because already on the same page Mikhailin writes: “ D. S. Raevsky’s masterful interpretations of specific Scythian “texts” and entire semantic complexes are based on a strictly systematic methodological base. However, it is precisely this base, from my point of view, that from time to time fails the author, putting his interpretative technology depending on a structural-semiotic model that is not always adequate to the material. As a result, the author’s original and conceptual observations are formalized into a rather controversial, in my opinion, interpretative system - to which I would like to contrast my own, based on the analysis of the semantic material attracted by D. S. Raevsky».

    And then the composition is analyzed as if it were not an allegory of Rurik Air Force soldiers depicting aviation in the form of cavalry, but a direct representation of animals and plants on the pectoral. This is the same as considering the technique of oil painting only from the point of view of specific pigments distributed on one or another area of ​​the canvas, giving their mass in grams or milliliters per square decimeter of surface. And issuing serious conclusions that the goal of this or that artist’s composition was to achieve a certain proportion between warm and cold coloring substances.

    I note that in the center of the pectoral I did not notice any calendar or special symbol, as some readers hinted at, whose opinion was conveyed to me by the REN TV director who interviewed me. I noticed the inscriptions and cited them in the text of this article.

    As for the minting of coins for Rurik’s warriors, I have already encountered this several times in my various articles. Moreover, the text on them was written in two languages: explicitly - in local, implicitly - in Russian. So the coin I examined from Dagestan has an explicit Arabic text, and an implicit one - Russian.

    The inscriptions on the pyramid from Antarctica were new to me just like the inscriptions on the pyramid, but not new like the inscriptions in Antarctica. Already in my work, I noted that Antarctica was discovered a thousand years before Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky by the warriors of Yar Rurik’s Vimana, that is, still Russians. So new inscriptions only complemented these discoveries.

    Inscriptions on dentures from Italy showed that in this case, archaeologists did not ancientize, but shortened the dating. The prosthetics belonged to the priestess of the temple of Mary Rurik, that is, they belonged to the 9th-10th centuries AD.

    Finally, Egyptian papyrus was first used by the warriors of Rurik’s Vimana, and only then by Pharaoh Cheops.

    It turns out that all the artifacts I analyzed belonged to the material and spiritual culture of Rurik’s era, which is very important to me, because lately I have been searching for things from his era.


    It is clear that the study of the culture of Rurik’s era will continue.


    1. Shama Oleg. A precious accident. 44 years ago, archaeologists found the famous Scythian pectoral. 09/27/2015.

We invite the reader to find out the secret meaning and significance of the Golden Royal Pectoral (weight 1150 g, diameter 30.6 cm), found in Tolstoy Mogila (Lower Dnieper), in the burial of a Scythian king, dated to the 4th century. BC. The purpose and symbolism of all animals, people and mythical creatures that are depicted on this golden pectoral.

What is depicted on the Scythian golden pectoral?

The entire field of the pectoral is divided into three month-like tiers (spheres) using elegant hollow tubes that represent the frame of the product. The lower and upper tiers are filled with sculptural compositions, and the middle one is decorated with rich floral patterns mounted on a flat plate. The entire work, down to the smallest detail, is made of 958 gold, which has a pure sunny color.

In the center of the lower tier there are three scenes of a horse fighting with two griffins who attacked him. Moreover, the most tragic of them is placed in the middle. Next behind them is a duel between a wild boar (right) and a deer (left) with a leopard and a lion, behind which a dog is depicted chasing a hare. That is, here the animal world (fauna) is shown in all its unsightly cruelty, where strong predatory animals torment and eat the weaker ones. And this terrible world of torment, of course, belongs to the deity of war - an insidious and treacherous war for the sake of profit, or an honest and just war for the sake of life, but nevertheless, War.

Lush growth of plants and festive rage of nature on Scythian gold plate The middle tier is enhanced by large flowers inlaid with blue enamel and five sculptures of birds in relaxed, carefree poses. The flora (flora) of the middle tier of the pectoral is subordinate to the lunar deity of fertility, as evidenced by the color and shape of the pectoral, as well as its place in the composition of the pectoral - a sign of the king’s power given by God.

And accordingly, the upper tier of the pectoral, with everyday scenes from the life of the Scythians, is dedicated to the solar deity as the giver of material benefits, i.e. property and wealth. The focal point of the entire pectoral is the central scene of the upper tier, where two men, stripped to the waist, sew a fur robe resembling a golden fleece, above which is hung a gory with a bow and arrows (another gore, or quiver, lies at the feet). The gorits' binding depicts microscopic scenes of the hero's struggle with the monster.

To the left and right of the central scene are mares and cows with their cubs, and behind them are figures of two young Scythians milking sheep. Nearby is an amphora with milk. Behind the sheep on both sides of the composition are goats with kids. And the composition ends with the image of birds flying in different directions.

The mystery of the central scene of the upper verse has long bothered researchers. Therefore, let us dwell on it in more detail. So, two craftsmen sew a fur garment, stretching it by the sleeves. The right master sits on his bent left leg. With his left hand he pulls on the decoration (i.e., fleece, or sheep skin), and in his right hand he holds a long needle or awl. The index finger of this hand is held back and his gaze is turned to his colleague, as if pointing to something. The man's hair and beard are decorated with large curls, his face has elongated proportions. An unyielding will is imprinted in his facial expression and posture.

Scenes and characters on the Scythian golden pectoral

The left skiff is kneeling, facing the decoration. With his left hand he pulls the decoration towards him, and in his right he also holds a needle, which can only be seen from the opposite side. His curly hair is pulled back and tied with a wide ribbon (like the king’s on the bowl of the Kul-Ob mound). The face is framed by a thick curly beard, and there are large, swollen circles under the eyes. In the entire human figure there is a feeling of some kind of brokenness and hidden pain. Even his waist is tied with a thick scarf.

This ritual scene has not yet found a satisfactory explanation. Although it can be assumed that the high priest of the royal tomb in Gerra and the seriously ill, dying Scythian king are depicted here. And perhaps in this way the entrance to the underground labyrinth of the Stone Graves - the golden treasury and tomb of the first Scythian kings - is symbolically shown on the pectoral. If the elongated sleeves of the “golden fleece” are combined with the eastern ridge of the Stone Graves, and its gates with the so-called Gates of the Sun, then the place of entry indicated by the right hand of the Scythian king is determined quite accurately. After all, in the king’s hand is needle, which in English means not only “needle”, but also “arrow (of a compass, etc.)”, not only “to sew, sew up with a needle”, but also “to squeeze through, to penetrate (through something -or)". And the clue is in the expressive look and pointing gesture of the high priest’s hand.

The golden pectoral is the gold of the Scythians!

The golden Scythian pectoral was found in 1971 by Boris Mozolevsky, a Kyiv scientist in a Scythian mound not far from the city of Ordzhonikidze, Dnepropetrovsk region. It is now one of the most valuable Ukrainian archaeological sites, estimated to be worth more than $2 million. And its value is not only that it weighs about one and a half kilograms of gold, but that it carries a certain encrypted meaning from the Scythians and dates back to the 5th century BC. Now it is in Kyiv - in the city historical museum, under great security, but nevertheless, anyone can see it in a small glass box by visiting the museum. The entrance to the museum is almost symbolic.

The golden pectoral is a Scythian decoration that was made for a Scythian king or queen. Throughout the world, this excavation is one of the most valuable excavations of the 20th century, and scientists around the world are trying to unravel it. Some see the excavation as a calendar, others as a message from the Scythians to future generations, and others see it as a map. The golden pectoral consists of a hundred different figures, each of which means something. These are mostly animal figures, but upon closer inspection, even Egyptian pyramids were discovered on the forehead of one of the bulls. Scientists are amazed by the precision and skill with which the golden pectoral was made back in the 5th century BC.

Golden pectoral - decoration of the Scythians

The Scythians were a powerful and formidable people who inhabited many modern countries in Europe and Asia; there were also nomadic Scythians. It is believed that there were indigenous Scythians in Crimea, and that there was the capital of the Scythian state. Quite recently, excavations began in Crimea near the Ak-Kaya rock, where, by all indications, there was a Scythian settlement. Some archaeologists believe that this was the capital of the Scythian state.
Thanks to the unusual method of burial among the Scythian people, many archaeological treasures of the Scythians have survived to this day. They buried respected people in mounds, leaving gold, jewelry and weapons of the deceased there. For a long time, scientists did not know what exactly these mounds represented. Either they were used in war or for agriculture. But when scientists found a golden pectoral in the Dnepropetrovsk region, it became clear that Scythians were buried in the mounds. Many mounds were excavated by the then government, and to this day no one knows the total amount of archaeological treasures that were there. But most of the valuables from official excavations ended up in museums. Many mounds were plundered by black archaeologists. Even now there are many mounds in the territories of steppe Ukraine, in the Kherson and Dnepropetrovsk regions. Official archaeological excavations have already been carried out in all of them, but black archaeologists are still continuing their work and excavating the mounds again, hoping to find the Scythian treasure. Many people are still haunted by the golden pectoral, which was so easily found near an ordinary small town in the Dnepropetrovsk region. This mound is now called Tolstaya Mogila, and the man who found it became famous throughout the world, this is Boris Mozolevsky. But the path to this mound was suggested to him by ordinary peasants, when, while cultivating a field, they found several Scythian coins and told archaeologists about it. Mozolevsky received many honors and even an apartment in Kyiv for this find. It was so highly appreciated because the Tolstaya Mogila mound was excavated more than once, back in ancient times, many passages were dug there, and at the same time the scientist managed to find this masterpiece of the jewelry art of the ancient Scythians.

If you imagine Kyiv in the image of a beautiful garden of flowers, then the brightest flowerbed in this garden will certainly be the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Well, the most wonderful flower of this flowerbed will rightfully be considered the famous Scythian pectoral.

Pectoral is the chest decoration of a king, a warrior. The most famous such decoration is considered to be the Scythian pectoral, which was discovered during excavations mound Tolstaya Mogila(outskirts of the city of Ordzhonikidze, Dnepropetrovsk region) Boris Nikolaevich Mozolevsky in 1971. This find is called by UNESCO “one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of mankind of the twentieth century.”

The dimensions of the pectoral are amazing: diameter - 30.6 cm, weight - 1150 g of gold of the highest standard. But this is not the main thing. Scythian pectoral is a unique example of antique jewelry, made, according to experts, in the second quarter of the IV century. BC, on the territory of Greece.

The pectoral consists of four rope-like tubes, fastened at the ends with clips. Fine braids are attached to them using pins, tucked into ornamented clips with tips in the form of lion heads. The tubes divide the pectoral into three semicircular tiers. These tiers are filled with sculptures of people, animals, and plant ornaments. The symbolic meaning of many images is still not clear. According to one of the many versions, the pectoral depicts the ancient peoples’ idea of ​​the world order.

For Mozolevsky, the unique find was preceded by: work as a fireman, an epic of dissidence, studying at the correspondence department of the Faculty of History and Philosophy at Kyiv University, work freelancer at the Institute of Archeology. Ironically, he participated in repeated preliminary studies of the mounds, which did not produce any results. Only Mozolevsky’s perseverance, determination, and confidence, as well as, according to the archaeologist, “the help of the Scythian gods,” contributed to the discovery of an ancient burial in the mound.

After two years of preparation for the main excavations, during which more than 15 cubic meters of soil were removed, it was possible to open a burial ground with the burial of a Scythian queen, the burial of a two-year-old child (possibly the heir to the royal throne), the graves of servants, a warrior-guard, horses, as well as a looted crypt king of the Scythians. In the next corridor were discovered: a case for arrows, a sword with a golden hilt in a golden scabbard, and the pectoral itself, which Mozolevsky called in his book “Fat Grave” “A gift from heaven, not the work of human hands.”

Only in 1981 did he become a candidate of historical sciences, a little earlier having received a permanent job as an archaeologist.

Fortunately, despite plans to send the pectoral to Moscow or Leningrad, it remained in Ukraine. Today she is proud of the museum's collection of historical treasures, located on the territory of the National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Kievo-Pechersk Lavra", which you can get acquainted with during.

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