Udmurt republic. Open left menu Udmurtia

The capital is the city of Izhevsk. Official language- Udmurt, Russian.


The first people settled here since the 8th or 9th millennium BC. Already around the 1st millennium, the appearance of the current indigenous population of the region - the Udmurts - began to take shape. Interestingly, they are direct relatives of the Finns, they belong to the same Finno-Ugric language family. In the mid-16th century, Udmurtia became part of Russia, coming under the rule of Tsar Ivan the Terrible along with the Kazan Khanate.

Udmurtia began to exist as an autonomous region after the 1917 revolution by decision of the central executive committee. It received its current name - the Udmurt Republic - in 1991 along with perestroika. Its own constitution was adopted three years later, and in 2000 its own president was elected.

Souvenirs from Udmurtia

Of course, handicrafts: woven bags, tapestries, felt products, folk toys, carved wooden crafts, boxes, birch bark and trinkets made from Ural gems. Where can I buy: big choice in Izhevsk National Center DPI and crafts, or during the Gerber holiday (June 20) in the so-called “city of craftsmen”.

Our dear, beloved, nourishing and delicious dumplings came to us from Udmurtia. The name comes from the word “pelnyan”, where “pel” means “ear” and “nyan” means “bread”, that is, bread ear.

Popular hotels in Udmurtia


Our dear, beloved, nourishing and delicious dumplings came to us from Udmurtia. The name comes from the word “pelnyan”, where “pel” means “ear” and “nyan” means “bread”, that is, bread ear. Needless to say, the dumplings here are cooked to perfection? In addition, it is worth trying the fluffy tabani yeast pancakes, which are baked in the oven; milk jelly zyret and perepechi (open cheesecake with meat, mushroom or vegetable filling), which are prepared only on holidays.

Cities of Udmurtia

Udmurtia includes 6 cities, including, in addition to Izhevsk, Votkinsk, Glazov, Sarapul, Mozhga and Kambarka, each has its own rich history and culture.


The most common interpretation of the name of this city is the phrase “sara pool” (“yellow fish”), meaning the sterlet that lives in Kama. But amazing feature Sarapul is not about fishing at all, but about architecture, which allows us to call it the “Udmurt Amsterdam”.

In Sarapul, an old fire tower has been preserved, from which the duty officers monitored order in the city. Moreover, it is one of the few in the entire Urals. According to eyewitnesses, even experienced rock climbers will not be able to climb it: a hidden camera is now watching from the top.

The dacha of the merchant Bashenin is rightly considered business card Sarapula. This man did a lot for the city as a manager, and now the decoration of his house illustrates the everyday life of a representative of the merchant class at that time.

Interesting thing: in Sarapul there is a monument to a steam locomotive. He stands at the station and talks about the heroism of the residents during the famine of 1919. And what exactly the feat was, you can find out by visiting this wonderful city.


Votkinsk is truly the pearl of Udmurtia. Despite its relatively small size, it provided world fame republic. After all, it is here, in the Vyatka province Russian Empire, born and raised future famous composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

It is here that the only museum-estate of the great musician in Russia is located, which was previously the home of the Tchaikovsky family. After the revolution they could no longer live here, and the house in different time it was given over to a technical school, a school, or a club. To date, after the restoration, the staff, as far as possible, have restored the original furnishings in the rooms, as they presumably were during the composer’s lifetime.

The exhibition contains both authentic household items that belonged to Tchaikovsky and his family, as well as interior elements stylized for that time.

5 things you should definitely do in Udmurtia

  1. Visit the unique architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve under open air Ludorvai - there is nothing like this anywhere else.
  2. Visit the Buranovsky grandmothers and treat yourself to their baked goods.
  3. Find out the etymology of the word “dumpling”.
  4. Take a photo in front of the dumpling monument in Izhevsk.
  5. Learn a couple of expressions in Udmurt, then amaze your family.


Continuing the theme of the genealogy of the great composer Tchaikovsky: his grandfather Pyotr Fedorovich was a mayor in Glazov. But even without such a connection to famous name the city has something to tell about itself.

The name of the city is telling: the city is planned in the shape of an eye. The central square represents the pupil, the merchant houses around it are the eyelids, and the streets radiating in different directions from the center are the eyelashes.

Eyewitnesses say that from a bird's eye view the spectacle is simply unforgettable.

The architecture of the socio-cultural center “Russia” looks colorful - an example of the Empire style of the Stalin era. Some see a striking resemblance to the Moscow Exhibition of Economic Achievements. Today, exhibitions, concerts and installations are held inside. Among the interesting things in Sarapul, the traveler will come across a monument to vodka - a metal bottle dedicated to the centenary of the local distillery.

“Idnakar” is, in turn, the calling card of Glazov - a museum-reserve consisting of a settlement, which is located 4 kilometers from the city, and the museum itself.


One can talk for a long time about the capital of the republic, like any capital. But we will have to limit ourselves to only a couple of words (the rest is on the page dedicated to Izhevsk). There is a smaller copy in the city Alexandrian pillar, and not a modern alteration, but an exactly restored artifact of the 19th century. The central district boasts a perfectly preserved example of architecture of terry, unadulterated classicism - the Arsenal building. There’s nothing to say about the embankment, which is two peas in a pod like the one in Nice, and about the younger brother of St. Andrew’s Cathedral in the city of Kronstadt. In a word, it’s worth coming and seeing everything for yourself.

The Izhevsk workers' settlement was founded in 1760.

Since 1918 Izhevsk became a city. Since 1921 - the center of the Votsk Autonomous Region, since 1932 - the Udmurt Autonomous Region. Since 1934 - the capital of the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, since 1990 - the Udmurt Republic. In 1985-1987 it was called Ustinov.

Modern Izhevsk is a large industrial center, where more than half of Udmurtia's products are produced. The leading industries are metalworking and mechanical engineering, pigment metallurgy. The Izhevsk industrial complex is represented by 50 large enterprises of mechanical engineering, metallurgy, electronics, chemistry, etc. Among them are OJSC Izhmash, OJSC Bummash, OJSC Izhevsk Bearing Plant, FSUE Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol, OJSC Izhevsk Motor Plant Aksion-Holding, State Enterprise Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, OJSC Izhneftemash, OJSC Izhstal, OJSC Izhevsk Radio Plant, OJSC Izhevsk Plastics Plant and others.

Widely known for their academic traditions and high level higher education specialists educational establishments cities of Izhevsk: Udmurt State University and Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy and Izhevsk State Medical Academy and International East European University.

Theater arts Izhevsk represented by Udmurt Drama theater And Musical theater Udmurt Republic (its repertoire includes performances in the national language of the Republic), State Russian Drama Theater, State Theater Puppet, municipal theater "Young Man", big amount youth and amateur studios.

In 2004, Izhevsk was recognized cultural capital Privolzhsky federal district.

Administration of Izhevsk

Press service phone: 22-81-78, fax: 22-66-87, E-mail: [email protected]


The city of Glazov is located in the north of Udmurtia, on the left bank of the Cheptsa. The village of Glazovo received city status in 1780.

Within the city, in the Soldir district, there is the largest archaeological site Middle Ages (IX - XIII centuries) - Idnakar settlement, which is under protection Russian government and representing a memorial value of world significance.

The master plan, unique in the history of Russian urban planning, developed by the famous St. Petersburg architect Ivan Lem, basically depicted the eye, or rather, the all-seeing eye of God. Such a rational-concentric layout went back to the type “ ideal city"The Age of Enlightenment. The architect repeated the idea of ​​Versailles in this regard. Radial streets converged to a round central square - the “pupil”. The role of the upper “century” was played by the fortress wall (never built), and the lower one by the bend of the Cheptsa River.

Currently, none of the cities in Russia and Europe has similar urban planning analogues, and in Glazov the appearance of the city’s development late XVIII centuries preserved almost in its original form.

Udmurtia is like Kazantip. Also a republic, also in composition of Russia,
and only strange people try to get there too.

One very funny man

According to some narrow-minded people, Udmurtia is something distant and dense, where shamans live, and every evening people bring gifts to the god of rain on the sacrificial altar. Not so. Udmurtia is not as far from Moscow as many might think. The capital of the republic, Izhevsk, is only 1200 km from the Mother See. In the evening you boarded the train, and in the morning you were already in Moscow.

The first permanent settlements on the territory of modern Udmurtia appeared 8-6 thousand years BC. Thanks to the excavations, the archaeologist was able to find out that at this place there were several cultures associated with modern Udmurts - Chepetskaya, Polomskaya, Ananyinskaya and Pyanoborskaya (it seems that the Pyanoborskaya culture is still strong in Russia). At the turn of the 1st-2nd millennium AD, the Slavs called the Udmurts Votyaks or Otyaks (as they were called by those who could not pronounce the letter “v”).

Izhevsk Photo by Borisych (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/kab-ts/)

The northern Udmurts were the first to join Russia; the southerners were still part of the Kazan Khanate, but Ivan the Terrible annexed everyone to his kingdom in one fell swoop. The Udmurts began to be baptized into Christianity en masse 2 centuries after the annexation. Only in 1731 was a commission of newly baptized affairs established, which operated on the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod and Kazan diocese, and massively converted the Udmurts to Orthodoxy.

Baptism had a negative impact on the people of Udmurtia. In 1774-1775, the Udmurts supported Emelyan Pugachev during the Peasant War. Further, until the beginning of the twentieth century, nothing interesting happened in the life of Udmurtia. Unless they founded a weapons production (the same one that gave the world the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle), and laid the construction in 1899 railway. In 1920, Lenin granted autonomy to the Udmurts. True, at first the territory was called the Votsk Autonomous Region (from the English What). In 1932, the Bolsheviks reached Udmurtia, and they renamed it again. This time to the Udmurt Autonomous Region.

The impetus for the industrial development of Udmurtia, regrettably, was given by the Great Patriotic War. More than 40 enterprises were evacuated here. Famous factory“Izhavto” was built after the war, during the economic boom. In those years, new industries were opened everywhere in the country, and the Stakhanovites issued five times the norm per day.

The automobile plant in Izhevsk was built with the help of French specialists from Renault. The first car to roll off the IzhAvto assembly line was the famous Izh-Kombi, the first Soviet hatchback. Usually, the products of domestic car factories are not even famous poor quality assembly, but because it becomes obsolete even before designers come up with it. Unfortunately, IzhAvto is no exception. Now the plant's facilities produce Russified foreign cars: Kia Sorento, Huyndai Elantra, Huyndai Sonata and others.

IzhAvto. Photo by yan-gorev (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/yan-gorev/)

Geographically e position

Udmurtia is located on the territory of the East European Plain, in the basins of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. From west to east the region stretches for 180 kilometers, and from north to south - 270. Udmurtia is part of the Volga Federal District. In the north and west the republic borders with Kirov region. In the east the neighbor is Perm region, and in the south - Tatarstan and Bashkortostan.


As many as 100 nationalities live in small Udmurtia. The majority of the republic's population is Russian. There are 62% of them. The Udmurts themselves are only 28%, Tatars - 7%. For the remaining 3% of total number There are 97 nations of inhabitants. In total, the region is home to 1,517,050 inhabitants, of which 65% are city dwellers. The average population density is 36.07 people/km2. There are few conflicts on ethnic grounds, since there are many Russians and the Udmurts do not want to argue with them. In general, outwardly, few people can distinguish an Udmurt from a Russian.

The cultural level of the residents of Udmurtia, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired. The republic is poor, about 20% of the local population is below the poverty line, and in such a situation there is absolutely no desire to talk about Shakespeare. The outskirts of Izhevsk, as well as all sorts of small settlements, are teeming with dubious personalities. It is better not to walk alone along the dark streets here. It's not safe for girls in the evenings either. There is even a joke: “The Miss Udmurtia competition ended in failure. The wolves came to the scent of the females.”

Izhevsk crocodile. Photo by borisbusorgin (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/borisbusorgin/)


Udmurtia is a criminal region. It was like this in the 90s and remains like this now. Due to the poverty of the residents, domestic crimes and ordinary traffic stops prevail. There are many drug addicts and drug dealers in the republic. For example, part of the drug traffic to the western regions of the country passes through Izhevsk. Drugs are mainly trafficked by Asians and visitors. Local bandits, who have become respectable people, are engaged in the collapse of enterprises.

Unemployment rate

The Udmurt industry is experiencing better times. There are few jobs in factories. Some businesses have even switched to three- or four-day workdays to avoid paying people money for downtime.

If in production it is very difficult to find a good position with a good salary, then in trade there are a dime a dozen offers, however, most of them are designed for low-skilled labor. average salary in the region there are about 20 thousand rubles, but even that is not easy to earn. Most Udmurt employers pay wages employees in envelopes.

Property value

Compared to neighboring regions, real estate in Udmurtia is inexpensive. Prices for one-room apartments in Izhevsk start from one and a half million rubles. A more or less decent living space can be purchased for 1,800 thousand rubles. IN regional centers For example, in Sarapul the cost of housing starts from a million rubles. For 500 thousand you can buy a hotel in a residential condition.


Due to the remoteness of the seas, the climate in Udmurtia is harsh. The region is characterized by hot summers and cold, snowy winters. The average annual temperature fluctuates around 1 °C. The absolute minimum registered on the territory of the Udmurt Republic is −50 °C. It was recorded in 1978. Negative temperatures in the region begin at the end of October and end at the beginning of April. There has been snow for almost five months.

Udmurt landscape. Photo by shandi (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/shandi/)

Cities of Udmurtia

Capital of Udmurtia. About 700 thousand people live here. The city does not stand out in any way in the Russian expanses. Previously, the chimneys of factories used to smoke here, now the situation is not so rosy, but nevertheless, people manage to survive. About 20% of Izhevsk residents are below the poverty line.

Industrial city. The city-forming enterprise is Chepetsk Mechanical Plant OJSC, which also processes uranium and zirconium. The ecology of Glazov leaves much to be desired. Young people are trying to leave here. Mostly children go to university to study and never come back.

The administrative center of the Votkinsk region, part of the Udmurt Republic. The city-forming enterprise of Votkinsk is JSC Votkinsk Plant. Votkinsk is very similar to Glazov, the environmental problem is not so acute here, but it is also boring.

Typical small Russian city. Sarapul exists thanks to OJSC Sarapul Electric Generator Plant and OJSC Sarapul Radio Plant. The people here are not poor, but they don’t look like cheese in butter either. About one hundred thousand people live in Sarapul.

PRIVOLZHSKY federal district. Udmurt republic. Area 42.1 thousand sq. km. Formed on November 4, 1920.
Administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Izhevsk.

Udmurt republic– subject Russian Federation, part of the Volga Federal District, located in the western part of the Middle Urals, in the basins of the Kama and Vyatka rivers. The main rivers are the Kama and tributaries of the Vyatka (Cheptsa, Kilmez, etc.). Votkinsk reservoir.

Udmurt republic included in the Ural economic region. The main industries are mechanical engineering, metalworking, ferrous metallurgy and woodworking. The basis of the industry is made up of enterprises that produce defense products - from small arms, including the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifles, to satellite systems and intercontinental missiles. Agricultural lands occupy up to 50% of the territory of the republic. Livestock farming is dominated by cattle and pigs, sheep and poultry are raised. Rye, wheat, buckwheat, barley, oats, millet, peas, corn, sunflower, flax, rapeseed, potatoes, vegetables, and fodder crops are grown. Basic Natural resources- timber and oil. The republic also has peat reserves, nitrogen-methane deposits, and produces quartz sand, clay, and limestone.

By the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR on November 4, 1920, the Votsk Autonomous Region was formed.
By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR of January 1, 1932, the Votsk Autonomous Region was renamed the Udmurt Autonomous Region.
By decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR of December 28, 1934, the Udmurt Autonomous Region was transformed into the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.
On October 11, 1991, the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic became the Udmurt Republic.
On June 20, 1958, the Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was awarded the Order of Lenin, a number of outstanding representatives of the republic were awarded the title of “Hero” socialist labor", other high state awards were presented.
In 1970, the republic was awarded the Order of the October Revolution.
And on December 20, 1972, she was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples; in honor of this, the “Friendship of Peoples” monument was opened in the city of Izhevsk, which is still the main memorable and visiting card of the capital of the Udmurt Republic.

Cities and regions of the Udmurt Republic.

Cities of the Udmurt Republic: Votkinsk, Glazov, Kambarka, Mozhga, Sarapul.

Urban districts of the Udmurt Republic:"City of Izhevsk"; "City of Votkinsk"; "City of Glazov"; "City of Mozhga"; "The city of Sarapul".

Municipal districts - Administrative center: Alnashsky district - village. Alnashi; Balezinsky district - village. Balesino; Vavozhsky district - village. Vavozh; Votkinsk district - Votkinsk; Glazovsky district - Glazov city; Grakhovsky district - village. Grahovo; Debyossky district - village. Debuses; Zavyalovsky district - village. Zavyalovo; Igrinsky district - urban-type settlement Igra; Kambarsky district - Kambarka; Karakulinsky district - village. Karakulino; Kezsky district - village. Kez; Kiznersky district - village. Kizner; Kiyasovsky district - village. Kiyasovo; Krasnogorsk district - village. Krasnogorskoe; Malopurginsky district - village. Malaya Purga; Mozhginsky district - Mozhga; Sarapul district - village. Sigaevo; Seltinsky district - village. Selty; Syumsinsky district - village. Syumsi; Uvinsky district - village. Uva; Sharkansky district - village. Sharkan; Yukamensky district - village. Yukamenskoe; Yakshur-Bodinsky district - village. Yakshur-Bodya; Yarsky district - village. Yar

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