Luck in the lottery by date of birth. Examples of people with the biggest winnings in lottery history

The magic of numbers, or numerology, is considered one of the most reliable and win-win methods to improve your financial condition, find your soul mate and become truly successful person. To experience the effectiveness of this method, you need to understand how to find out your lucky number and how to use it correctly? There are many approaches, each of which has been repeatedly tested by time and millions of people around the world.

According to numerology experts, every person has a magical number sign that can help in many matters. To determine your lucky number, you need to take all the numbers from your date of birth and then add them together to end up with one number.

For example, those whose birthday fell on July 16, 1985 should do the following:

1. 1+6+0+7+1+9+8+5= 37

It turns out that the number that brings good luck for this person is one; it is in it that the meaning of many life events can lie.

Another way to find out a mysterious number that can change your life for the better is to choose it yourself from the abundance of real-life numbers and make a certain setting on it, “charge” it for good luck. Most often, preference is given to some memorable date when this or that significant or happy event. A person can convince himself that this particular figure can bring him success, which it has already managed to do once. The main thing is to approach the “installation” process responsibly and truly become imbued with the mystical possibilities of the chosen meaning.

13 – “the devil’s dozen” or the luckiest number?

Despite the fact that the number 13 does not have a very good “reputation,” many people consider this number to be the most “lucky” and bring good luck. The thing is that it is initially charged with magical energy, which carries a truly mysterious meaning. Even the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Mayan Indians believed that a person could find his true happiness only in the 13th phase of life.

Italians consider 13 a symbol of fertility and development, so they often choose the “devil’s dozen” as their lucky number. In many countries, this figure is the personification of wisdom, because Solomon himself had 13 stars on his seal. Experts in magic and mysticism agree that the lucky number 13 will definitely bring good luck to those who sincerely believe in the mysterious power of this amazing element of numerology.

The Magnificent Seven is a number with many possibilities.

In occultism and astrology, an important role is assigned to the number seven, which, according to numerology experts, has almost unlimited possibilities for attracting good luck. Those who doubt or cannot independently determine their lucky number can safely give preference to the “lucky” seven, so that it becomes a talisman in moments of difficult life choices.

Seven has become “special” largely due to the fact that almost every world religion has important, fundamental concepts associated specifically with this number. Seven great holidays - in Judaism; seven angels and seven virtues - in Christianity; seven gates of heaven - in Islam. All these moments, one way or another, are connected with the “chosenness” of the seven, which even in the Ancient East was considered the personification of intelligence, wisdom, wealth and health.

Each zodiac sign has its own lucky number

Astrology and numerology go “hand in hand”; Each zodiac sign has its own set of favorable numbers that will work only for it. First of all, the division occurs depending on which element a particular sign belongs to:

  • Towards water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)
  • Towards the earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)
  • To the air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)
  • Toward the fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries)

All the most important tasks and events must be scheduled only on “success-filled” days of the month, so that any undertaking is sure to bring positive results. To determine the most favorable number for each zodiac sign, you need to take into account the most significant moments and features of the location of stars.

Lucky numbers for the element of Water

According to astrologers, the luckiest numbers for Cancers are two, four, five and eight. For example, the 2nd, 4th, 5th and 8th days of each month are ideal for establishing personal and business connections. Also, the listed numbers will help Cancer decide on dates. important events, make plans for the future. With the correct “use” of numbers, you can turn any situation into your favor.

Those born between February 20 and March 20 should remember that the lucky numbers for all Pisces are 6, 7, 11. In addition, all numbers that are multiples of seven will bring good luck. Pisces can radically change their lives if they listen to the opinions of astrologers and pay closer attention to planning events in the future.

Lucky numbers for Scorpios are four, five, eight and nine. These numbers can bring representatives of the sign stability and a stable position in society, prosperity, and success with representatives of the opposite sex. For Scorpios, it is important to take the lead in everything. Magic numbers can seriously help them with this.

Air element and magical numerology

For the romantic, but very reasonable Libra, all numbers that are divisible by 6 are considered lucky. In addition, twos, sevens, eights, and nines can become fateful. For example, a marriage concluded on a certain date, where the mentioned values ​​are present to the maximum, will certainly turn out to be strong and lasting for Libra, and a business deal will bring huge profits.

Aquarius to gain peace of mind and balance, it is worth paying attention to 9, 11, 13 - these are the numbers that are considered favorable for Aquarius. You can play the lottery and bet on these numbers: there is a high probability of winning big.

Lucky numbers that can bring success and good luck to Gemini are three and four. It is important for Geminis to know that they are loved and appreciated, and it is 3 and 4 that can seriously help in matters of the heart.

Astrology and numbers for Fire signs

Among Leos there are only strong, purposeful, self-confident individuals who, nevertheless, pay close attention to various mystical symbols, including the magic of numbers. Thus, lucky numbers for all Leos are considered to be 3, 8, 13, as well as all values ​​that are multiples of three.

Many Sagittarius consider seven to be their lucky number, however, in addition to these numbers, 8, 13, and their combinations can bring good luck and success to Sagittarius. Among lucky numbers for Aries – 4, 7, 9. It is these values ​​that can help “bring to light” the hidden abilities of Aries and realize the creative and business potential of representatives of this sign.

Favorable horoscope numbers for earth signs

In the fate of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, numbers play an important role, especially for those who do not ignore the concepts of numerology, but pay due attention to them. For example, brave and decisive Taurus consider two, four, and all other values ​​that are multiples of six as their lucky numbers. In order to check the effectiveness of magic numbers, it is enough to make a date on a certain date, business meeting or even going to a party. Fate will not keep you waiting and will demonstrate its favor.

Lucky numbers for Capricorns include three, five, seven and eight. Impressive individuals, such as representatives of this earth sign, can check the statements of astrologers and make sure that correctly chosen numbers or dates can play an important role in life. The main thing is to sincerely believe that all meanings have truly magical powers.

Such sensitive and vulnerable natures as Virgos have recognized three, seven, and numerous combinations of these values ​​as their lucky numbers. When making vital decisions and in serious situations, one should not neglect the opinion of numerologists, which can play an important role in fate.

Is it possible to win the lottery and how to do it? Which lotteries are more profitable to play? As life practice shows, winning the lottery is an event that can happen to any person.

Good day, dear readers of the business magazine Alexander Berezhnov and Vitaly Tsyganok are with you.

Having won some local lotteries and “smart casinos” ourselves, we generalized the topic of winning the lottery, talked with friends who regularly make good money in this business and presented our vision of this issue.

You don't have to have it to win higher education, being the son of rich parents or graduating from school with a gold medal. To win, you only need luck and faith in your own luck. It is faith that makes a person buy a lottery ticket.

Some lucky people need to buy a lottery ticket only once to win, others buy lotteries regularly (sometimes for several years in a row) until they finally receive a reward for patience and perseverance.

These questions are of interest to many - not only avid players and gambling enthusiasts - read our article about working methods and profitable technologies for playing the lottery, as well as about the largest winnings in history.

1. Is it possible to win the lottery and what should you know to do so?

Skeptics believe that only lottery organizers are the winners; optimists believe that Sportloto, Gosloto and other popular lotteries - real way achieve true financial well-being.

Let’s say right away that it is, of course, possible to win the lottery, and everyone who plays has a chance of winning the jackpot. Probability theory and mathematics with basic statistics allow for the possibility of winning any lottery ticket at any time.

However, in game theory, there is also such a thing as distance, and it is distance that is the main obstacle on the path of ordinary players to the desired wealth. In other words, a fair amount of time may pass from the moment you expect to win until you actually win. You can play the lottery for a day, a month, a year, ten years - and the probability of winning will always be approximately the same.

In this article we will try not to touch on the “mystical” aspect of the game, but it should still be mentioned.

There are players who believe in good luck spells, winning streaks, lucky days and numbers, rabbit's feet and rituals. Many films, books and television shows are devoted to examples of incredible luck. However, in reality, everything is more prosaic: when playing the lottery, we are dealing with the mathematical theory of the game and nothing more.

Of course, self-confidence and healthy optimism are conditions that work more as a plus than as a minus. A person who believes in luck is more likely to be right than a hopeless pessimist.

Nowadays they have become very popular online lotteries, which are almost no different from the “paper” and offline lotteries we are used to.

EuroMillions is a Friday lottery game played by players across Europe. The game features players from nine countries, including Austria, Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United States.

The prize consists of bets placed in each of these nine countries and main win starts from 15 million euros. If the jackpot is not won within a week, the prize will roll over to the next week.

The biggest recorded win per person was €115 million and the biggest jackpot was €183 million. These huge jackpots have made EuroMillions one of the most successful and exciting lotteries in the entire world.

5. Examples of people with the biggest winnings in lottery history

Examples of people who received the largest and big wins to the lottery, a great many. If there are jackpots, then there are people who win them periodically.

Meet the biggest winnings in the history of world and domestic lotteries.

Among domestic lotteries, the podium is occupied by Albert Begrakyan, who hit the Gosloto jackpot in the amount of 100 million rubles in 2009.

The lucky guy bought lottery tickets regularly. Before winning, Albert worked as a security guard in a store.

The luckiest “foreign” lottery players to date are the Messners from New Jersey and Georgia truck driver Ed Nabors.

It was these people who equally divided the $390 million Mega Millions jackpot in 2007.

In Europe, the largest win is 185 million euros in the EuroMillions lottery: another one received the prize in 2011 married couple(Kristen and Colin).

Astrology for lotteries, professional lottery horoscopes for every day.

Astrology and, accordingly, the art of creating horoscopes arose in ancient times. The first documentary evidence dates back to the fifth century BC. In short, the method of constructing a horoscope comes down to calculating the position of the sun and planets relative to each other and the twelve sectors - the signs of the zodiac. In the course of analyzing this data, recommendations known to us are born for people born under a certain zodiac sign on certain dates, weeks, months, etc. Currently, there are many types of horoscopes - love, business, lunar and even political. But we are primarily interested in lottery horoscope.

To believe or not to believe in horoscopes is a purely personal matter. Some people think this is complete nonsense. Others, on the contrary, are ready to blindly believe in the information obtained from horoscopes. Well, it's up to you to decide.

Probably all people can be divided into 3 categories: those who believe that this is complete nonsense, those who treat horoscopes more like a kind of entertainment and, having accidentally heard a horoscope favorable for themselves, will believe in it, and, finally, those who are ready blindly believe in astrology, including lottery horoscopes.

The author of this article followed lottery horoscopes a couple of times that predicted winning numbers, in particular in Euromillions, but did not win anything)). In fact, some intermediaries themselves make mailing lists where they indicate the lucky numbers for each draw for your zodiac sign. For more information about intermediaries and the ability to play European lotteries via the Internet, read the article online lottery.

All lottery horoscopes usually contain the following data: the number or day of the week that is most likely to win big, and of course a set of numbers most favorable to winning.

Lottery horoscope

March 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20). Top numbers: 9,24,45,22,23,6. Happy Days: 4,7,10. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 19,37,24,41,33,2. Lucky days: 15,17,18. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Friday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 22,7,10,3,4,21. Happy days: 24,3,29. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Monday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 43,42,20,18,9,28. Lucky days: 19,17,16. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 26,39,9,6,24,15. Happy days: 28,25,26. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 18,26,35,10,6,29. Lucky days: 12,15,16. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 17,5,7,15,36,38. Happy days: 20,18,13. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Monday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 7,1,2,35,45,37. Favorable days: 27.26.4. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 17,20,18,42,8,11. Happy days: 2,4,5. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Friday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20). Best numbers: 27,13,36,32,20,28. Lucky days: 29,22,19. Day of the week when winning is likely: Sunday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 25,42,8,15,12,3. Happy days: 18,15,4. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Saturday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 28,27,19,31,42,13. Lucky days: 12,19,21. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

February 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20). Best numbers: 6,33,14,4,42,19. Happy days: 11,25,14. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Monday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 36,21,34,26,19,18. Lucky days: 27,5,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 33,37,17,34,44,19. Happy days: 9,16,8. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 37,27,42,33,1,29. Lucky days: 5,17,18. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 2,33,17,20,3,30. Happy days: 25,26,7. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 34,9,40,16,24,5. Lucky days: 12,1,9. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 8,2,38,31,18,45. Happy days: 19,28,27. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Saturday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 22,7,42,18,34,10. Favorable days: 17,6,12. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 20,42,12,21,43,29. Happy days: 26,18,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Thursday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20). Best numbers: 10,9,5,28,15,8. Lucky days: 11,22,14. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 31,14,9,26,29,19. Happy days: 22,14,8. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Monday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 32,39,38,10,41,17. Lucky days: 11,13,6. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

January 2019.

Aries (March 21 - April 20). Best numbers: 22,29,13,2,30,21. Happy days: 5,17,23. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Friday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 14,19,22,21,20,18. Lucky days: 13,10,30. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Monday.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21). Best numbers: 11,3,9,27,5,38. Happy days: 22,12,5. Day of the week when winning is likely: Sunday.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23). Best numbers: 37,21,16,36,23,29. Lucky days: 8,26,6. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Monday.

Leo (July 24 - August 23). Best numbers: 13,7,44,39,12,19. Happy days: 27,28,16. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Saturday.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23). Best numbers: 18,23,24,33,17,12. Lucky days: 20,27,4. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Libra (September 24-October 23). Best numbers: 40,43,27,3,2,10. Happy days: 15,12,17. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Saturday.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). Best numbers: 12,34,39,23,38,42. Favorable days: 23,5,8. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Saturday.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 22). Best numbers: 45,39,4,33,10,8. Happy days: 18,29,12. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Friday.

Capricorn (December 23 - January 20). Best numbers: 35,4,30,16,18,22. Lucky days: 3,18,24. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19). Best numbers: 28,8,31,22,38,15. Happy days: 8,19,9. Day of the week when winning is likely: Wednesday.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20). Best numbers: 35,23,20,24,27,22. Lucky days: 13,3,29. Day of the week when you are likely to win: Tuesday.

December 2013.

Aries (March 21 - April 20). Best numbers: 5, 19, 21, 33, 36, 48. Lucky days in November: 11, 15 and 21. Day of the week when you are likely to win - Wednesday.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21). Best numbers: 4, 47, 33, 44, 27, 12. Lucky days: November 11, 22, 26. The day of the week when winning is likely is Tuesday.

For a long time, humanity has used numerical values ​​as a method of predicting any events in the life of an individual or society as a whole. Guess lucky numbers and everyone wants to “grab” luck, but not everyone is able to correctly understand what the signs bring and what their true meaning is.

The meaning of numbers in human life

Probably everyone has had to heard about numerology at least once. This science can tell everyone who is interested in numbers, their meaning and ability to influence one or another area of ​​human life. Numbers are of great importance to everyone. There are different categories to help you find answers to your question. We will consider the most important points, which are probably of interest to everyone:

  • lucky numbers by date of birth;
  • numbers that will bring you winnings in the lottery;
  • favorable meanings for each zodiac sign;
  • signs of fate according to Feng Shui philosophy.

Operating with such categories has become popular not only among professional astrologers, but also ordinary people. In principle, learning to use numbers correctly is not such a difficult science that anyone can master.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery

Each of us has our own number, which influences its owner throughout his life. Thanks to him, we can become successful, achieve something in life, earn good money and even learn how to calculate winnings in the lottery! How to choose exactly your number on a number line? The day, month and year of your birth will help with this.

You can take a chance and buy a lottery ticket. Only one question remains: will it be successful? Well, it’s not always possible to emerge victorious, because fortune is very changeable. But still worth a try. Be careful! Don’t overplay yourself, because sooner or later you may feel that you can no longer live without the lottery, and this game has become the meaning of every day you live.

The lottery doesn't stand still. In order to make it more interesting, of course, more and more modifications of the popular hobby are being invented. Today there are types in which all the numbers are known initially, while in others you need to look for them. In any case, you can use a little trick that will increase the likelihood that you win several times. In this case, you don’t have to guess anything, everything is extremely simple: add all the numbers of the day, month and year of your birth together. You don't even need a calculator for this. That's all - now you know your number.

With one small number you can guide further development situations. You can even win if you know your lottery luck number. For example:

Knowledge of such elementary issues is extremely important, because it is the fundamental basis for obtaining the necessary results.

Vibration numbers

Numerology also explains the peculiarities of the influence of a number on a person’s luck or destiny. There is a law that talks about certain vibration numbers. It's no secret that each of us has our own patron planet, a special cosmic connection, because we were born for unexplained reasons on this or that day. To find out which planet you are associated with, you just need to determine your number by calculating it by your date of birth.

Here are some examples to look at:

Experts say that you should always have your number with you. In this case, it will work when it is really needed. When you see your number, the connection becomes stronger and it receives strength, an energetic charge. Meanwhile, peace awaits you. Even in the most hopeless situation you can find a solution, remember this!

Disturbing lack of self-confidence, inability to look in everything better side? Help is very simple and always effective: you just need to have your number on you somewhere. You can embroider it on something, draw it, pin it. This will be both protection and an amulet of good luck and prosperity for you at the same time.

Luck according to zodiac signs

It would seem that astrology and numerology are something completely different and definitely cannot be combined in one article. This is understandable, because numbers and stars have different areas research. But when it comes to luck, finding lucky talismans for a person, taking into account his horoscope, these sciences come together. It is thanks to their cooperation that we can find out everything that interests us.

Each of us is completely unique in our character, preferences and capabilities. Zodiac signs are also responsible for this “difference” of ours. Therefore, everyone has their own lucky numbers, depending on the zodiac. Now you can find out what will bring you good luck and maybe even winning the lottery:

However, you should not completely surrender yourself to the hands of numbers, because the lottery, as you know, is played in accordance with the theory of randomness random numbers. It should be noted that even serious mathematicians with excellent knowledge of probability theory do not always become jackpot winners.

An important feng shui secret

Digital values ​​play a huge role in our lives.. In fact, much more depends on them than we can imagine. For example, the number of an apartment or car affects the comfort, mood, and well-being of their owner. In the teachings of Feng Shui there is also a separate branch relating to numbers.

All known figures They can be good or bad, white or black, those that bring good luck, and completely unlucky - there is no middle ground.

For example, number four is considered the worst. It brings panic, anxiety, a complete lack of luck. Four is a symbol of death. Some peoples fear it much more than the well-known unlucky 13.

The number that suits everyone and brings good luck to everyone is eight. It is responsible for your financial condition, so when it comes to winning, do not be afraid to choose 8. Eight also carries reliability, so for those who have problems in family improvement or running a business, it will become a lifeline.

Values ​​1 and 6 are also good. Both one and six symbolize prosperity and benefit. If you decide important questions in the money sphere - these signs will definitely help you.

You shouldn’t trust your luck to a deuce, because it’s unlucky number. A symbol of impermanence, sharp changeability. The ambiguity of this number adversely affects any undertaking, so nothing good will come of it.

A value of 3 brings good luck and is therefore considered favorable. It is no longer responsible for the material, but for the spiritual. Under the cover of this number, everyone will finally be able to feel peace, tranquility and a surge of new strength. It has a very good effect on the creative sphere.

Five is considered a neutral point. This is the only sign that cannot be confidently attributed to white or black. It keeps balance.

They count seven good value. This is a sign of stability, a symbol of teaching. Seven is the patron of new knowledge in any field.

Nine is a value that symbolizes moving up the ladder of achievement. Never be afraid to discover something new, especially under the influence of this sign.

Exact calculation by name

Each letter in the alphabet is located in its place and, accordingly, has its own number. Thus, you can count the numbers of the letters of the last name, first name and patronymic, add them up and get a number. This figure will indicate the owner’s character traits.

It would be appropriate to give the following examples:

It is important to understand that such calculations bring exclusively theoretical conclusions, which may not always have actual continuation. That is why it is important here professional approach.

So, luck really depends on some numbers. It is important to learn to distinguish their characteristics and use their abilities correctly. We must not forget that luck depends not only on what number a person was born under, but also on his actual actions. Any calculations using numbers cannot bring fame and fortune to someone who simply desires it. Such knowledge can only guide a person, suggest an area where one can look for luck.

Lucky numbers by date of birth for the lottery are a very slippery thing, but they may well suggest the time when you need to try your luck. Of course, anyone can win the lottery, even without using such a complex science as numerology, but a professional approach to such knowledge and deep study is a source of greater confidence that sooner or later luck will smile on a person!

The meaning of numbers and their influence on each person is studied by the science of numerology. With its help, you can determine individual numbers that will bring you luck and even help you win the lottery. To do this, you need to correctly calculate your number, as well as know the universal lucky numbers.

Lucky numbers for everyone

Numerology has a general interpretation of meanings winning numbers that suit almost everyone. Experts identify lucky numbers based on date of birth for the lottery. To do this, add up all the numbers. For example, you were born on March 12, 1976. Therefore, 1+2+0+3+1+9+7+6=29=2+9=11=1+1=2. Your number is 2.

According to it, certain numbers will be successful for you:

  1. One: 37, 55, 46, 28, 10, 19.
  2. Two: 47, 20, 38, 11, 29.
  3. Three: 30, 57,12, 39, 21, 48.
  4. Four: 49, 22, 31, 40, 13.
  5. Five: 59, 23, 50,14, 41, 32.
  6. Six: 60, 15, 42, 24, 33, 51.
  7. Seven: 34, 61, 16, 52, 43.
  8. Eight: 62, 17, 53, 26, 44, 35.
  9. Nine: 63, 18, 54, 36, 27, 45.

General ones also include lucky numbers according to the horoscope; they have their own magic.

Individual magic numbers

Calculate in numerology magic number Can different ways. It is enough to consider:

  • time and date of birth;
  • house or apartment number.

Make a request in a search engine: my lucky numbers. There are a large number of sites where it is possible to calculate them online. You can also add your date of birth or full name. To do this, take the letters of the surname, full name and patronymic and calculate the digital value of each letter. Then add up all the numbers and bring them to a single digit number.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E YU I

How to win the lottery using numerology

There are people who buy a lot of tickets, cross out random numbers, worry and hope to win. But they don’t understand that their chance is negligible. To increase it:

  1. Always trust your intuition. This is the voice of the human soul.
  2. Determine favorable numbers in advance and pay attention to them when purchasing lottery tickets.
  3. Be optimistic. Thoughts and internal state seriously influence the outcome of the situation. Joy, calmness and confidence attract positive results. Experiences, anger, dissatisfaction, anger - negative. Get ready to win.

Secret passage

Numerology as the science of numbers and their influence on human life has been around for a long time. During this time, a lot of research and testing was carried out. Experts have proven that the number eight is responsible for material wealth, wealth, and financial independence of a person.

It would be an excellent sign if lottery ticket it will turn out to be an eight. This will help increase your chances of success. Numerologists also advise referring to the numbers two and four as components of eight.

A person’s energy directly affects winnings. We receive the maximum charge of positive energy on our birthday. This is a great time to buy a lottery ticket.

Don't forget that everyone has memorable and significant dates and numbers; they will also bring you good luck.


To get the coveted lottery win, use all your options:

  • buy a lucky ticket;
  • do it on a significant date;
  • listen to your intuition;
  • find out the numbers that will bring good luck;
  • bet on lucky numbers;
  • mentally tune in to win.

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