Educational literature for art students. "history of art"

An excellent book for anyone who wants to get to know world art better. We can say that this is a real storehouse of useful information, with high-quality illustrations (about one and a half thousand). This book will be interesting not only to read, but also simply to look at, since numerous illustrations of works by artists whose names are inscribed in golden letters in the history of art will become a real pleasure for you.

From this book you will learn a lot of new things for yourself and learn about the history of the development and formation of art using the example of the most famous artists, sculptors and architects of the world. An interesting and fascinating presentation that will appeal to both adults and children. The author Chebotareva A. will take you through entire eras, starting from the times ancient egypt, architecture and the Renaissance and before contemporary art represented by newfangled pop art, installations, postmodernism and many others.

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A unique book by the author P. P. Gnedich, which will introduce you to all the great diversity of modernity. Modern is one of major periods the entire history of art. It is compared to the Renaissance and called the peak of the flowering of art of the 19th-20th centuries. Modernity has equally affected both European and Russian art. Greatest Creators raised it to incredible heights. It covers all aspects of human life - painting, design, architecture, sculpture, literature, theater, cinema. This book will become a real guiding star for you in the world of modernity.

Lots of illustrations, beautiful design, beautiful presentation- all this makes a book on art, in particular modern art, one of best publications like that.

Another beautiful one illustrated book from the author Gnedich P.P.“General history of art. Painting. Sculpture. Architecture" is one of the best books today that a person interested in world art can purchase. It is worth saying that this book has long been recognized as one of the best publications that tells the reader about various stages development of painting, sculpture, architecture and decorative arts. Many illustrations, most full meeting everyone important stages and events in the art world, from ancient times to modern times.

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A book that is a collector's edition V beautiful design , will be a real gift for you. This is exactly what books about painting should look like. In itself it is already a piece of art. The way it is created, how it is designed, how it is illustrated, how it is written and so on will lead you to indescribable delight. It is this presentation of the material that will be most pleasant for you. Spending time reading a book World painting" - an incomparable pleasure.

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1. History and culture of the Fatherland; Trixta, Academic Project - Moscow, 2007. - 752 p.
2. Lectures on art history; IDDK - Moscow, 2008. - 298 c.
3. Literature and art of the Western European Middle Ages; Vlados - Moscow, 2002. - 208 p.
4. Sociology of art; Art-SPB - Moscow, 2005. - 480 p.
5. Aleksakhin N. N. Gzhel painting; Public education - Moscow, 2008. - 304 p.
6. Barral i Alte Xavier History of art; AST, Astrel - Moscow, 2009. - 192 p.
7. Butkevich L. M. History of ornament; Vlados - Moscow, 2008. - 272 p.
8. Vipper B. R. Introduction to the historical study of art; Publishing house V. Shevchuk - Moscow, 2008. - 368 p.
9. Ilyina T.V. History of arts. Domestic art; Higher school - Moscow, 2009. - 408 p.
10. Ilyina T. V. History Russian art. From the Baptism of Rus' to the beginning of the third millennium; Yurayt, Yurayt - Moscow, 2010. - 480 p.
11. Konik Mark Archives of one workshop. Senezh experiments; Index Design & Publishing - Moscow, 2003. - 324 p.
12. Konstantinova S. S. History of decorative and applied art. Lecture notes; Phoenix - Moscow, 2004. - 192 p.
13. Kotlyarov A. S. Compositional structure Images; University book - Moscow, 2008. - 152 p.
14. Makarova M. N. Perspective; Academic Project - , 2009. - 480 p.
15. Pashkin E. M. Engineering geology (for restorers); Architecture-S - Moscow, 2005. - 264 p.
16. Petrakova A. E. The Art of the Ancient East; SPbKO - Moscow, 2010. - 148 p.
17. Petrakova A. E. Art Ancient Greece and Rome; SPbKO - Moscow, 2009. - 753 c.
18. Petrov V. M. Quantitative methods in art history; Academic Project, Mir Foundation - Moscow, 2004. - 432 p.
19. Petrov V. M. Quantitative methods in art history. Issue 1. Space and time art world; Meaning - Moscow, 2000. - 208 p.
20. Pechenkin I. E. Russian art of the second third of the 19th - early 20th centuries; Publishing house V. Shevchuk - Moscow, 2008. - 240 p.
21. Sadokhin A.P. World culture and art; Unity-Dana - Moscow, 2011. - 416 p.
22. Sveshnikov A. V. Compositional thinking; University book - Moscow, 2009. - 272 p.
23. Sokolnikova N. M. History visual arts. In 2 volumes. Volume 2; Academy - Moscow, 2011. - 216 p.
24. Soloviev N.K. History of the interior. Ancient world. Middle Ages; Publishing house V. Shevchuk - Moscow, 2007. - 384 p.
25. Starikova Yu. A. Fashion industry. Lecture notes; A-Prior - Moscow, 2009. - 128 p.
26. Fedorova E. V., Lesnitskaya M. M. Naples and its surroundings. Century. People. Art; Moscow State University Publishing House, Science - Moscow, 2005. - 270 p.
27. Shestakov V.P. Gillray and others... The Golden Age of English caricature; RSUH - Moscow, 2004. - 144 p.
28. Shestakov V.P. History of the history of art. From Pliny to the present day; LKI - Moscow, 2008. - 304 p.
29. Yakovleva N. A., Chagovets T. P., Degtyareva T. Yu. Workshop on the history of fine arts; Higher school - Moscow, 2004. - 320 p.

Material from Uncyclopedia


Marx KEngels F. About art: In 2 volumes - 3rd ed. - M.: Art, 1976. - T. 1-575 e.; vol. 2.-719 p.

Lenin V.I. On literature and art. - 6th ed. - M.: Khudozh. lit., 1979.- 827 p., ill.

V.I. Lenin and fine arts: Documents. Letters. Memoirs / Comp. and ed. will enter, articles by V.V. Shleev. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1977.- 550 pp., ill.

Meetings of artists with V.I. Lenin: Memoirs. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1976. - 224 pp., ill.


Alekseev S.S. About color. - M.: Image. art, 1974.- 172 pp., ill.

Alekhin A.D. About the language of fine art.-M.: Knowledge, 1973.- 48 p.

Alpatov M.V. and others. Art: A book for reading. Painting. Sculpture. Graphic arts. Architecture.- M.: Education, 1969.- 543 p., ill.

Amashukeli E. The sixth sense. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1981.- 143 pp., ill.

Andreeva M.V. et al. Stories about three arts: Essays.-L.: Det. lit., 1975.- 223 pp., ill.

Andronikova M.I. Portrait: From rock paintings to the sound film. - M.: Art, 1980. - 423 p., ill.

Baldina O.D. Russian folk pictures. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1972.- 207 pp., ill.

Berkhin N.B. General problems of the psychology of art. - M.: Znanie, 1981. - 64 p.

Borey Yu. B. Aesthetics. - 3rd ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1982. - 399 pp., ill.

Buslovich D, S. et al. Mythological, literary and historical subjects in painting, sculpture and tapestries of the Hermitage. - 3rd ed. - L.: Aurora, 1978. - 160 pp., ill.

Vanslov V.V. On the realism of the socialist era.- M.: Izobraz. art, 1982.- 104 pp., ill.

Vatagin V.A. Memoirs: Notes of an animalist. - M.: Sov. artist, 1980.- 214 pp., ill.

Volkov N.N. Perception of the picture. - 2nd ed., additional - M.: Education, 1976. - 32 p., ill.

Voronova O.P. The Art of Sculpture. - M.: Knowledge, 1981. - 111 p., ill.

Vorontsov V.V. Serving the muses: Aphorisms, sayings, sayings of the fatherland. and abroad auto about literature and art. - M.: Sovremennik, 1976. - 214 p.

Gerasimov S.V. About art: (About traditions and innovation). - M.: Mol. Guard, 1973.- 155 pp., ill.

Golubkina A. S. How sculpture is created: A few words about the craft of a sculptor. - M.: Art, 1965. - 48 p., ill.

Goncharov A.D. About the art of graphics.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1960.- 83 p., ill.

Davydova M. V. Essays on the history of Russian theatrical and decorative arts art XVIII- beginning of the 20th century. - M.: Nauka, 1974. - 186 p., ill.

Ermonskaya V.V. What is sculpture. - M.: Image. art, 1977.- 95 pp., ill.

Ioganson B.V. How to understand fine art. - M.: Znanie, 1980. - 54 p., ill. - (People's University).

Kameneva E. O. What color is the rainbow. - M.: Det. lit., 1971.-161 p., ill.

Kibrik E. A. About art and artists.-M.: Publishing House Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1961.- 311 pp., ill.

Koretsky V.B. Comrade poster: Experience of reflection. - 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M: Poster, 1981. - 128 p., ill.

Krollis G.E. Two colors of time - M.: Mol. Guard, 1980.- 127 p., ill.

Lipsky V.N. High criterion of art: (On the ideological orientation of art) - M.: Znanie, 1982.- 63 p.

Nemensky B. M. The wisdom of beauty: On the problem of esthete and education. Book for the teacher.- M.: Education, 1981.- 213 p., ill.

Panorama of Arts: Popular Science. Sat. Vol. 1-6.- M.: Sov. artist, 1978-1983 (publication ongoing).

Perepelkina G.P. The art of looking and seeing. - M.: Education, 1982. - 223 pp., ill. - (World of Knowledge).

Russian writers about fine arts.-P.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1976.- 32U p., ill.

Ryabov V.F. Man creates art. - L.: Det. lit., 1981.- 160 pp., ill.

Stasevich V.N. The art of portraiture. - M.: Education, 1972. - 80 p., ill.

Tomsky N.V. In bronze and granite. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1977.- 141 p., ill.

Tuberovskaya O. M. Visiting the paintings: Stories about painting.-L.: Det. lit., 1973.- 160 pp., ill.

Turova V.V. What is engraving. - M.: Image. art, 1977.- 94 p., ill.

Favorsky V.A. About the artist, about creativity, about the book. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1966.- 127 p., ill.

Favorsky V. A. Stories of an artist-engraver. - 2nd ed. - M.: Det. lit., 1976.- 103 pp., ill.

Ehrengross B.A. The amazing science of aesthetics! - 2nd ed. - M.: Det. lit., 1977.- 223 p., ill.

For a young artist: Drawing and painting. Sculpture. Art and design work at school. Practical guide in fine arts.- M.: Publishing House Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1963.- 336 pp., ill.


Andreeva M.V. et al. Miraculous transformations: Clay. Stone. Sand. Popular science essays.- L.: Aurora, 1973.- 159 p., ill.

Bednik N.I. Khokhloma / Fig. L. Solodovnikova.-L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1980.-39 pp., ill.

Boguslavskaya I. Ya. Russian clay toy. - L.: Art, 1975. - 142 p., ill.

Boguslavskaya I. Ya. Russian folk embroidery. - M.: Art, 1972. - 151 p., ill.

Bubnova E. Konakovsky faience. - M.: Imaginary. art, 1978.-232 pp., ill.

Vasilenko V. M. Folk art: Selected works on folk art creativity X-XX centuries.- M.: Sov. artist, 1974.- 294 pp., ill.

Voronov V.S. About peasant art: Selected works. - M.: Sov. artist, 1972.- 350 pp., ill.

Good hands craftsmanship: Works of people. art in collection State Russian Museum. Sat. essays. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - L.: Art, 1981. - 311 p., ill.

Zhegalova S.K. et al. Gingerbread, spinning wheel and bird Sirin.-M.: Education, 1971.- 230 pp., ill.

Zhegalova S.K. Russian folk painting. - M.: Education, 1975. - 191 p., ill.

Small miracles: Sat. essays about russian adv. art.-L.: Det. lit., 1981.- 207 pp., ill.

Mertsalova M.N. History of costume: Essays on the history of costume. - M.: Art, 1972. - 197 pp., ill.

Mertsalova M.N. Poetry of folk costume. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1975.- 191 p., ill.

Nekrasova M.A. Palekh miniature. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1978. - 362 pp., ill.

Ovsyannikov Yu. M. Solar tiles: Stories about tiles. - M.: Sov. artist, 1967.- 207 pp., ill.

Razina T. M. Russian folk art: Problems of decorative art. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1970.- 255 pp., ill.

Rogov A.P. Folk craftsmen: Biogr. essays: Anna Mezrina, Ignatiy Mazin, Vasily Vornoskov, Ivan Golikov. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1982.- 271 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Russian artistic crafts: Second half of the 19th-20th centuries. / Ed. E.V. Pomerantseva.- M.: Nauka, 1965.- 267 p., ill.

Russian tapestries: St. Petersburg Tapestry Manufactory. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1975.-269 pp., ill.

Russian decorative art: In 3 volumes / Ed. A.I. Leonova. - M.: Publishing House Acad. arts of the USSR. T. 1. 1962.-504 p., ill.; t. 2. 1963.- 695 p., ill.; vol. 3.- M.: Art, 1965.- 434 p., ill.

Saltykov A. B. The closest art. - M.: Education, 1969. - 295 pp., ill.

Semenova T. S. Folk art and its problems: Essays. - M.: Sov. artist, 1977.- 246 pp., ill.

Semenova T. S. Artists of Polkhovsky Maidan and Krutts.- M.: Sov. artist, 1972.- 199 pp., ill.

Modern folk art...: In 2 issues. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR. Vol. 1. 1975.- 216 pp., illus; Vol. 2, 1980.- 207 p., ill.


Art of countries and peoples of the world. Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Graphic arts. decorative arts: Krat, artist. encyclopedia. In 5 volumes - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1962-1981.

History of Russian art: Textbook. In 2 volumes - M.: Image. art, 1979-1981.- T. 1.-2nd ed., revised - 362 pp., ill.; vol. 2, book. 1st-2nd ed., revised - 312 pp., ill.; vol. 2, book. 2. - 2nd ed., revised - 288 pp., ill.

Alpatov M. V. Sketches based on general history Arts: Selected art critic, works.- M.: Sov. artist, 1979.- 287 pp., ill.

Brrdsky B.I. Connection of times: Scientific and artistic. literature.-M.: Det. lit., 1974.- 220 pp., ill.

Volynsky L.N. Seven days: Tales of art.-M.: Det. lit., 1971.- 350 pp., ill.

Dmitrieva N. A. Short story art.- M.: Art, 1969-1975.- Issue. 1. From ancient times to the 16th century - 346 pp., ill.; issue 2. Northern Renaissance: Western countries Europe XVII-XVIII centuries; England; Russia XVIII century - 340 pp., ill.

Dolgopoloye I.V. Stories about artists: In 2 volumes. T. 1.- M.: Image. art, 1982.- 672 pp., ill.

Lunacharsky A.V. About art: In 2 volumes - M.: Art, 1982. - T. 1 (Art in the West). - 470 e.; vol. 2 (Russian Soviet art). - 391 p.

Small history of art. T. 1-9.- M.: Art, 1972-1981.

Masters of Arts about art: Fif. excerpts from letters, diaries, speeches and treatises. In 7 volumes / Under general. ed. A. A. Gubera and others - M.: Art, 1965-1970.

Nedoshivin G. A., Petrova O. N. One hundred meetings in the world of art. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1980.-217 pp., ill.

Monuments of world art: Vol. 1-8.- M.: Art, 1967-1982.

Paustovsky K. G. Book about artists. - M.: Art, 1966 -152 pp., ill.

Ugrinovich D. M. Art and religion: (Theoretical essay). - M.: Politizdat, 1982. - 288 pp., ill.

Sherstobitova V. F. At the origins of art. - M.: Art, 1971. - 200 pp., ill.

To the young artist: The art of the ancient world and the Middle Ages. Renaissance art. Foreign art XVII-XX centuries Russian art. Soviet art. Book for reading on the history of art. - 2nd ed. - M.: Publishing House Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1963.- 583 pp., ill.


Alyansky Yu. L. Stories about the Russian Museum.-L.: Lenizdat, 1981.-247 pp., ill.

Bavarian state collections of paintings. Munich: Album / Auto. M.Ya. Libman. - M.: Image. art, 1982.-200 pp., ill.- (Museums of the world).

British museum. London: Album / Author-comp. B.I. Rivkin. - M.: Image. art, 1980.- 256 pp., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Brodsky B.I. Treasures of Moscow. - M.: Image. art, 1980.- 376 pp., ill.

Varshavsky S.P., Reet B. Ticket for all eternity: The Tale of the Hermitage. - 2nd ed. - L.: Lenizdat, 1981. - 496 pp., ill.

Vatolina N.N. A walk through the Tretyakov Gallery. - M.: Sov. artist, 1976.- 255 pp., ill.

Pitti Gallery. Florence: Album / Comp. I. Smirnova.- M.: Image. art, 1971.-152 pp., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Uffizi Gallery. Florence: Album / Auto.-comp. A. Guber.-M.: Sov. artist, 1968.- 184 p., ill.- (Museums of the World).

State Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow: Album / Author-comp. V. M. Volodarsky and others - M.: Image. art, 1974.- 284 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

State Museum of Fine Arts named after. A. S. Pushkin. Moscow: Album / Author - compilation by I. A. Antonova and others - M.: Image. art, 1981.-218 pp., ill.- (Museums of the world).

State Museum of Fine Arts named after. A. S. Pushkin: Guide to paintings, gallery. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1980.-159 pp., ill.

State Russian Museum. Leningrad. Painting of the XII - early XX centuries: Album / Author-comp. V. A. Pushkarev. - M.: Image. art, 1976.- 238 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

State Hermitage Museum. Leningrad: Album / Author-comp. I. Nemilova.- M.: Image. art, 1975.-314 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Louvre. Paris: Album / Author-comp. Yu. Zolotoye. - M.: Image. art, 1971.- 208 pp., ill.-(Museums of the world).

Moleva N. M. Kremlin: Along the paths of history - along the roads of art. - M.: Mosk. worker, 1980.- 240 pp., ill.

Museums of Rome. Borghese Gallery. National Gallery: Album / Author-comp. 3. Borisova. - M.: Image. art, 1971.- 176 pp., ill. - (Museums of the world).

Art Museum. Budapest: Album / Auto. K. Garash.- M.: Image. art,

1976.- 228 p., ill.- (Museums of the World).

Museum of Law. Madrid: Album / Auto-comp. K. Malitskaya.- M.: Image. art, 1971.- 160 pp., ill.- (Museums of the world).

National Gallery. London: Album / Auto. text and composition I. Kuznetsov.- M.: Image. art, 1971.- 168 p., ill.- (Museums of the world).

Nenarokomova I. S. State museums Moscow Kremlin. - M.: Art, 1977. - 199 pp., ill. - (Cities and museums of the world).

Nenarokomova I.S. Honorary Citizen of Moscow P. Tretyakov.-M.: Mol. Guard, 1978.- 224 p., ill.

Saved masterpieces: In 2 volumes - M.: Sov. artist,

1977.-T. 1.- 116 pp., ill.; vol. 2. Masterpieces of the Dresden Gallery: Album. - 272 p., ill.


History of arts of countries Western Europe from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century.- M.: Art, 1980.- Issue. 1. Art of the Early Renaissance. - 528 p., ill.

Lltaev Al. Ahead of the Ages: Stories. - M.: Detgiz, 1959. - 495 pp., ill.

Stories about Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo.

European art XIX century. 1789-1871: Album. - M.: Art, 1975. - 128 pp., ill.

Art of the peoples of Africa: Essays on artists. culture from antiquity to the present time. - M.: Art, 1975. - 311 p., ill.

Korotskaya A. A. Treasure of Indian art. - M.: Art, 1966. - 384 p., ill.

Lazarev V.N. Old Italian masters. - M.: Art, 1972. - 362 pp., ill.

Livshits N. A. et al. Art XVII century: Historical essays. - M.: Art, 1964. - 407 pp., ill.

Likhacheva V.D. Art of Byzantium IV-XV centuries. - M.: Art, 1981. - 311 pp., ill.

Lot A. In search of the frescoes of Tassilin-Ajjer / Transl. from French-Leningrad: Art, 1973.- 110 pp., ill.

Lyubimov L. D. Art Ancient world: Book. for reading. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1980. - 320 pp., ill.

Mozheiko I.V. 7 out of 37 miracles. - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 395 pp., ill.

Nikulin N. N. Dutch painting XV-XVI centuries in the Hermitage: Essay-guide. - 2nd ed., additional - L.: Art, 1980. - 108 pp., ill.

Polevoy V. M. The Art of Greece: In 3 books - M.: Art, 1970-1975. - Book. 1 - 327 pp., ill.; book 2-349 p., ill.; book 3-445 p., ill.

Polevoy V. M. Art of Latin America. - M.: Art, 1967. - 323 pp., ill.

Rotenberg E.I. Art of Italy (middle Italy during the High Renaissance). - 2nd ed. - M.: Art, 1974. - 213 pp., ill.

Rubinstein R.I. Visiting Khnumhotep: (Stories about ancient Egyptian artists, sculptors and craftsmen). - M.: Education, 1970. - 143 pp., ill.

Avermath R. Peter Paul Rubens / Trans. from French - M.: Art, 1977. - 223 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Beletsky P. A. Obsessed with drawing: The story of Japanese artist Hokusae.- M.: Det. lit., 1970.- 176 pp., ill.

Belousova N. A. Giorgione: Essays on creativity. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1982.- 207 pp., ill.

Betty J. Namatjira / Trans. from English - M.: Art, 1972. - 144 p., ill. - (Life in art).

Weiss D. Auguste Rodin / Trans. from English - M.: Art, 1969. - 579 pp., ill. - (Life in Art).

Gastev A. A. Delacroix.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1966.- 224 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

G astev A. A. Leonardo da Vinci. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1982.- 400 pp., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

German M. Yu. Antoine Watteau. - L.: Art, 1980. - 200 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Grashchenkov V.N. Rafael. - 2nd ed. - M.: Art, 1975. - 213 pp., ill. Grigulevich I. R. Siqueiros. - M.: Art,

1980.-248 p., ill.- (Life in art). Dmitrieva N.A. Picasso. - M.: Nauka, 1971. - 228 p., ill.

Dyakov L.A. Giovanni-Battista Piranesi.- M.: Izob. art, 1980.- 119 pp., ill. Egorova K. S. Jan van Eyck. - M.: Art,

1965.-251 p., ill.

Znamerovskaya T.P. Velazquez. - M.: Izob. art, 1978.- 271 pp., ill.

Znamerovskaya T. P. Jusepe Ribera. - M.: Izob. art, 1981.- 239 pp., ill.

Kalitina N.N. Gustave Courbet: Essay on life and creativity. - M.: Art, 1981. - 183 pp., ill.

Kemenov V.S. Paintings by Velazquez. - M.: Art, 1969. - 384 p., ill.

Kent R. It's me, Lord: The Autobiography of Rockwell Kent / Trans. from English - 2nd ed. - M.: Art,

1966.- 647 p., ill.

Lvov S. L. Pieter Bruegel the Elder. - M.: Art, 1971. - 206 pp., ill. - (Life in Art).

Lvov S. L. Albrecht Durer. - M.: Art, 1977. - 302 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Marche M. Albert Marche. - M.: Art, 1968. - 192 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Murina E. B. Van Gogh. - M.: Art, 1978. - 438 pp., ill.

Plow L. Rafael / Trans. from Hungarian - M.: Art,

1981.- 568 p., ill.- (Life in art). Perrucho A. Paul Gauguin / Trans. from French -

M.: Art, 1979.-319 pp., ill.- (Life in art).

Perryucho A. The Life of Renoir / Trans. from French - M.: Progress, 1979. - 368 pp., ill.

Perryucho A. Edouard Manet / Trans. from French - M.: Mol. Guard, 1976.- 319 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Perrucho A. Cezanne / Trans. from French - M.: Mol. Guard, 1966.- 368 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Pozza N. Titian / Trans. from it. - M.: Art, 1981. - 207 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Prokofiev V.N. “Caprichos” by Goya. - M.: Art, 1970. - 181 pp., ill.

Rotenberg E.I. Michelangelo Buonarroti: Album. - M.: Image. art, 1976.- 29 p., ill.

Turchin V.S. Theodore Gericault.- M.: Izor. art, 1982.- 208 pp., ill.

Schmitt G. Rembrandt / Trans. from English - 2nd ed. - M.: Art, 1970. - 616 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Escolier R. Daumier / Trans. from French - M.: Art, 1978. - 158 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Yakimovich A.K. Chardin and the French Enlightenment. - M.: Art, 1981. - 143 pp., ill.


History of the art of the peoples of the USSR: In 9 volumes. T. 1-6.-M.: Image. art, 1971 - 1981.

Alekseeva T.V. Artists of the Venetsianov school. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Art, 1982. - 419 pp., ill.

Alpatov M.V. Sketches on the history of Russian art: In 2 volumes - M.: Art, 1967. - T. 1-214 pp., ill.; vol. 2-234 p., ill.

Vereshchagina A. G. Artist. Time. History: Essays on Russian historical history painting XVIII- beginning of the 20th century. - L.: Art, 1973.- 130 pp., ill.

Golitsyn S. M. Tales of white stones. - 2nd ed., additional. and processed - M.: Mol. Guard, 1980.- 254 pp., ill.

Zotov A.I. Russian art from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century. - M.: Art, 1979. - 415 pp., ill.

Kaganovich A. L. " Bronze Horseman": History of the creation of the monument. - 2nd ed., additional - L.: Art. 1982.- 191 p., ill.

Konchin E.V. Mysteries of old paintings. - M.: Znanie, 1979. - 80 p., ill.

Lyubimov L. D. Art Ancient Rus': Book. for reading.-M.: Education, 1974.-333 p., ill.

Nemilova I. S. Mysteries of old paintings. - 2nd ed. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1974.- 350 pp., ill.

Sturgeon E.I. Living Ancient Russia. - M.: Education, 1976. - 255 pp., ill.

50 short biographies masters of Russian art: Sat.-L.: Aurora, 1971.- 301 p., ill.

Rakova M. M. Russian historical painting mid-19th century.- M.: Art, 1979. - 43 p., ill.

Russian art: Essays on the life and work of artists. Second half of the nineteenth century. In 2 volumes - M.: Art, 1967-1971.

Savitskaya T. A. In search of truth and beauty: Essays on the Peredvizhniki artists. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1976.- 110 pp., ill.

Sarabyanov V.D. Russian painting XIX century among European schools: Comparative experience. research - M.: Sov. artist, 1980.- 261 pp., ill.

Stasov V.V. Selected articles about Russian painting. - M.: Det. lit., 1968.- 256 pp., ill.

Three hundred centuries of art: Art of the European part of the USSR. - M.: Art, 1976. - 327 pp., ill.

Alpatov M.V. Alexander Ivanov.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1959.- 271 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Alpatov M.V. Feofan the Greek. - M.: Image. art, 1979. - 199 pp., ill.

Amshinskaya A. M. Vasily Andreevich Tropinin. - M.: Art, 1976. - 151 p., ill. - (Life in art).

F. A. Vasiliev: Album.- M.: Image. art, 1973.- 4 p., ill.- (Image and color).

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsianov: Articles. Letters. Contemporaries about the artist. - L.: Art, 1980. - 391 pp., ill. - (The World of the Artist).

N. N. Ge: Album. - M.: Image. art,

1974.- 167 p., ill.

Grabar I. E. Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov: Life and creativity. 1865-1911. - 2nd ed. - M.: Art, 1980. - 547 pp., ill.

Zhuravleva E.V. Konstantin Andreevich Somov. - M.: Art, 1980. - 231 p., ill.

Kemenov V.S. History painting Surikov. 1870-1880s - M.: Art, 1963. - 507 pp., ill. Kogan D. 3. M. A. Vrubel. - M.: Art.

1980.- 351 p., ill.- (Life in art). Konichev K.I. The Tale of Fedot Shubin.-

The Tale of Voronikhin. - L.: Lenizdat, 1975. - 679 pp., ill.

Konchalovskaya N.I. Priceless gift: Romantic true story about V.I. Surikov. - 3rd ed. - M.: Det. lit., 1974.- 334 pp., ill.

Konstantin Korovin remembers...- M.: Image. art, 1971.-912 pp., ill.

Kurochkina T.I. Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.- M.: Icon. art, 1980.- 207 pp., ill.

Lazuko A.K. Vasily Maksimov. 1844-1911.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1982.- 79 p., ill.

Lebedev A.K. Vasily Vasilievich Vereshchagin: Life and creativity. 1842-1904.- 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Art, 1972. - 395 pp., ill. Lebedeva T. A. Ivan Nikitin. - M.: Art,

1975.- 167 p., ill.

Lenyashin V. A. Portrait painting V. A. Serov of the 1900s: Main problems. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1980. - 258 pp., ill. Leontyeva G.K. Karl Bryullov.- L“: Art,

1976.- 326 p., ill.- (Life in art). Lyaskovskaya O. A. V. G. Perov: Features

creative the path of an artist. - M.: Art, 1979. - 175 p., ill.

Maltseva F. S. Alexey Kovdratievich Savrasov: Life and creativity. - M.: Art, 1977.-406 pp., ill.

Moleva N. M. Dmitry Grigorievich Levitsky. - M.: Art, 1980. - 233 pp., ill. - (Life in art).

Ptslipenko V. I. I. K. Aivazovsky. 1817-1900.-L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1980.- 71 p., ill.

Repin I. E. Distant and Close. - 8th ed., revised. and add.-L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1982.- 520 pp., ill.

Roerich N.K. Life and creativity: Sat. articles.- M.: Izobraz. art, 1978.- 306 pp., ill.

Rosiner F. #. Hymn to the sun: (Ciurlionis). Art critic. story.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1974.- 192 pp., ill.- (Pioneer means first).

Sarabyanov V.D.P.A. Fedotov.- M.: Icon. art, 1969.- 294 pp., ill.

Sakharova I. M. Alexey Petrovich Antropov. 1716-1795.-M.: Art, 1974.- 274 p., ill.

Semenova G. A. Ivan Petrovich Argunov. - M.: Art, 1973. - 207 pp., ill.

Sergeev V.N. Rublev.- M.: Mol. guard,

1981.- 254 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people). Smirnova-Rakitina V. A. Valentin Serov.-

M.: Mol. Guard, 1961.- 336 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Suchkov S.V. Fedor Stepanovich Rokotov. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1976. - 31 p., ill.

Turchin V.S. Orest Kiprensky.- M.: Izobraz. art, 1975.- 166 pp., ill.

Fedorov-Davydov A. A. Isaac Ilyich Levitan: Life and Creativity. 1860-1900.- M.: Art, 1976.- 571 p., ill.

Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin: Correspondence. Diary. Contemporaries about the artist. - L.: Art, 1978. - 463 pp., ill. - (The World of the Artist).


The art of the peoples of the USSR: In 9 volumes. T. 7-9.- M.: Izobraz. art, 1972-1982.

Art of the peoples of the USSR. 1917-1970s: Works of Sov. artists. Painting. Sculpture. Graphics / Comp. album and auto. will enter, articles by O.I. Sopotsinsky. - L.: Aurora, 1977. - 502 pp., ill.

Art Soviet Union: Album. - JL: Aurora, 1982.-688 p.

Soviet fine art: Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture. Monumental art / Comp. V.V. Vanslov, M.T. Kuzmina. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1982.- 424 pp., ill.

Gapeeva V.I., Kuznetsova E.V. Conversations about Soviet artists: A manual for students. - M.; L.: Education, 1964.- 198 pp., ill.

Zimenko V. M. Soviet historical painting. - M.: Sov. artist, 1970.- 151 pp., ill.

Ladur M. F. Art for millions: Notes from an artist. - M.: Sov. artist, 1983.- 191 pp., ill.

Lebedev P.I. Russian Soviet painting: A brief history.-M.: Sov. artist, 1963.- 276 pp., ill.

Lenin. Revolution. Art: Protection of art monuments. - Monumental propaganda. - V.I. Lenin in the drawings of artists. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977. - 102 pp., ill.

V.I. Lenin in Soviet fine art: Album / Comp. V. Shabelnikov; Enter, article by P. M. Sysoev. - M.: Pravda, 1976. - 6 p., 43 p. ill.

Leninian in the homeland of Ilyich: Ulyanov. Regional artist museum. Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture / Author. will enter, articles by A. Shefov. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1980.- 154 pp., ill.

Young Soviet artists: Painting. Graphic arts. Sculpture / Comp. V. P. Sysoev. - M.: Image. art, 1982.- 176 pp., ill.

Essays on the history of Soviet art: Architecture. Painting. Sculpture. Graphics.- M.: Sov. artist, 1980.- 263 pp., ill.

Pavlovsky B.V.V.I. Lenin and fine art.-L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1974.- 84 p., ill.

Paramonov A.V., Chervonnaya S.M. Soviet painting. - M.: Education, 1981. - 287 pp., ill.

Feat of the people: Monuments of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 - M.: Politizdat, 1980. - 318 pp., ill.

Suzdalev P.K. Soviet art of the period of the Great Patriotic War. - M.: Sov. artist, 1965.- 468 pp., ill.

Khan Magomedov S. Lenin Mausoleum: History of creation and architecture. - M.: Education, 1973. - 128 pp., ill.

Alekseeva A. Sun on a frosty day: Kustodiev. Tale.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1978.- 174 p., ill.- (Pioneer means first).

Bychkov Yu. A. S. T. Konenkov.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1982.- 315 p., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Vladich L. V. Alexey Alekseevich Shovkunenko - folk artist USSR.- Kyiv, 1960.- 31 p., ill.

Voronova O.P. Shadr.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1969.- 190 pp., ill.- (Life of remarkable people).

Vuchetich E.V. Artist and life. - M.: Publishing House Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1963.- 446 pp., ill.

Golubkov D.N. Good sun: The story of the artist M. Saryan. - M.: Det. lit., 1970.- 134 pp., ill.

Deineka A. A. Life, art, time: Literary art. heritage.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1974.- 341 p., ill.

Dubovitskaya N.N.N. Andreev.- M.: Icon. art, 1970.- 43 pp., ill.

Zamoshkin A.I.M.K. Anikushin.- J1.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979.- 343 pp., ill.

Zotov B.I. The Tale of Mitrofan Grekov. - M.: Voenizdat, 1982. - 207 pp., ill.

Kamensky A. A. Knightly feat: A book about the sculptor Anna Golubkina. - M.: Icon. art, 1978.- 246 pp., ill.

Kekusheva-Novosadyuk G. V. E. E. Moiseenko.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977.- 68 p., ill.

Konenkov S. T. My century / Comp. Yu. A. Bychkov. - 2nd ed. - M.: Politizdat, 1972. - 368 pp., ill.

Konchylovsky P.P. Artistic heritage. - M.: Art, 1964. - 302 p., ill.

Korotkevich E. G. Tatyana Yablonskaya: Painting. Graphics.- M.: Sov. artist, 1980.- 111 p., ill.

Kukryniksy: Three of us. - M.: Sov. artist, 1975.- 295 pp., ill.

A. T. Matveev: Album / Author. articles and comp.

E. B. Murina. - M.: Sov. artist, 1979.- 383 pp., ill.

Minina V.B. Nikolay Tomsky. - M.: Art, 1980. - 327 pp., ill.

Moore D. I am a Bolshevik! - M.: Sov. artist, 1967.- 255 pp., ill.

Nenarokomova I. S. Solar palette of Abram Arkhipov. - M.: Sov. artist, 1982.- 167 pp., ill.

Nesterov M.V. Days of old. - 2nd ed. - M.: Art, 1959. - 399 pp., ill.

Nikonova I. I. Mikhail Vasilyevich Nesterov. - M.: Art, 1979. - 231 p. - (Life in art).

Ostroumova-Lebedeva A.P. Autobiographical notes: In 3 volumes. - M.: Izobraz. art,

1974.-T. I-II-632 e.; Vol. III-494 p.

Pakhomov A.F. About his work. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1971. - 306 pp., ill.

Petrov-Vodkin K. S. Khlynovsk. Euclidean space. Samarkandia.- L.: Art, 1969.- 631 p., ill.

Yu. I. Pimenov: Album. - L.: Aurora, 1972. - 37 p., ill.

A. A. Plastov: Album / Comp. N. A. Plastov. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979.-311 pp., ill.

Prorokov B.I. About time and about myself. - M.: Izobraz. art, 1979.- 447 pp., ill.

Razgonov S.N. Height: The Life and Affairs of P. Korin. - 4th ed. - M.: Sov. artist, 1978.- 159 pp., ill.- (Stories about artists).

Rylov A. A. Memoirs. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977. - 288 p., ill.

Salakhov T. Rhythms of the New.- M.: Sov. artist, 1975.-32 pp., ill.

Samokhvalov A. N. My creative path. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1977. - 318 pp., ill.

Saryan M.S. From my life. - 2nd ed. - M.: Image. art, 1971.- 382 pp., ill.

Stankevich N. I. B. V. Ioganson. 1893-1973.- L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1978.- 38 p., ill.

Suzdalev P.K. Vera Ignatievna Mukhina. - M.: Art, 1981. - 168 p., ill.

Ural Tansykbaev: Album / Author. will enter, articles and comp. I. V. Ginsburg. - L.: Aurora, 1977. - 15 p., ill.

Tomsky N.V. Notes of the sculptor.- M.: Mol. Guard, 1965.- 144 p.

Chaupova R. N. Theodor Eduardovich Zalkaln. - M.: Izob. art, 1974.- 46 pp., ill.


School of Fine Arts: In 10 issues. - M.: Publishing House Acad. arts of the USSR, 1960-1963.

Abrosimova A. A. et al. Artistic carving on wood, bone and horn. - M.: Higher. school, 1981.- 151 p., ill.

Alekseev S. About color and paints. - M.: Iskusstvo, 1964. - 53 p., ill. - (B-book for a beginning artist).

Barshch A. O. Sketches and sketches. - M.: Art, 1970. - 166 p., ill.

Beda G.V. Painting: To help beginners and amateur artists. - M.: Art. 1971.- 128 p., ill.

Bogolyubov N.S. Modeling in class in a school club. - M.: Education, 1979. - 144 p., ill.

Bulanin V.D. Mosaic work on wood. - M.: Lesnaya prom-st, 1981. - 181 p., ill.

Gusakova M. A. Application: Textbook. manual for teachers schools. - M.: Education, 1977. - 129 p., ill.

Gusarchuk D. M. 300 answers to an amateur artwork on wood. - M.: Lesnaya prom-st, 1977. - 245 p., ill.

Deineka A. A. Learn to draw: Conversations with students of drawing. - M.: Publishing House Acad. Arts of the USSR, 1961.- 224 pp., ill.

Zernova E. S. To the future artist about the art of painting. - M.: Sov. artist, 1976.- 239 pp., ill.

Kameneva E. O. Your palette. - M.: Det. lit., 1977.- 96 p., ill.

Kuzin V.S. Sketches and sketches: A manual for teachers. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Education, 1981. - 160 pp., ill.

Lebedeva E. VChernykh R. M. The art of a graphic designer: Practical work. DIY advice. artist.- M.: Sov. artist, 1981.- 343 pp., ill.

Matveeva T. A. Mosaic and wood carving: Textbook

nickname for Wednesday Vocational school.- M.: Higher. school, 1981.- 80 p., ill.

Meliksetyan A. S. To a young mosaic lover: Book. for students.-M.: Education, 1979.- 158 p., ill.

Mikhailov A. M. For lovers of drawing. - M.: Mol. Guard, 1963.- 86 p., ill.

Odnoralov N.V. Sculpture and sculptural craftsmanship: Textbook. allowance.- M.: Image. art, 1982.-224 pp., ill.

Fundamentals of artistic craft. - M.: Education, 1979. - 352 pp., ill.

Pavlinov P. I Everyone can learn to draw: Advice from a draftsman. - M.: Sov. artist, 1966.- 104 pp., ill.

Beautiful - with your own hands: Nar. artist crafts.- M.: Det. lit., 1979.- 158 pp., ill.

Radlov N. E. Drawing from life. - L.: Artist of the RSFSR, 1978. - 130 p., ill.

Drawing: Pract. a guide for beginners and amateur artists. - M.: Art, 1965.- 272 p., ill.

Drawing and painting: A guide for amateur artists. - 3rd ed. - M.: Art, 1976. - 143 pp., ill.

Semerak GBogman K. Artistic forging and metalworking art / Transl. from Czech. - M.: Mashinostroenie, 1982.-232 p., ill.

Advice from the masters: Painting and graphics. - 2nd ed. - Leningrad: Artist of the RSFSR, 1979. - 376 pp., ill.

Khvorostov A. S. Chasing. Inlay. Wood carving: A manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 1977. - 143 p., ill.

To make the walls come to life...: (Sb.).-2nd ed.-M.: Mol. Guard, 1977.- 96 p., ill.

Shchipanoe A. S. For young lovers of brushes and chisels. - 2nd ed., additional. and revised - M.: Education. 1981.-416 p., ill.

Literature on general theory art is collected in the section 87.8 Aesthetics, and books on aesthetic problems individual species art - in the relevant departments 85 . For example, art and the problem of beauty - 87.8 , beauty in painting - 85.14.

Books on psychology artistic creativity and perceptions of art are collected in the section 88.8 .

Literature about creative process(work, methods and techniques of work, etc.) of an architect, sculptor, artist, composer, actor, the attitude of the viewer and listener to their art is collected in the relevant divisions of department 85.

In the department 85 literature is collected that examines works of art from the point of view of figurative content and artistic skill, books about musical instruments and the history of their manufacture, and to the department 3 includes literature on the industrial production of artistic products, works on technology and organization of industrial production musical instruments, stage equipment, etc.

Literature on technical aesthetics, artistic design and design of industrial products is collected in section 30.18.

Literature on the theory, technology and history of individual types of fine art belongs respectively to divisions 85.13 Sculpture, 85.14 Painting, 85.15 Graphics.

Publications devoted to any topic in the work of individual artists are collected in the relevant departments of the art department and can be re-recorded in the relevant industry classification departments. For example, the book Pyotr Fomenko rehearses Pushkin will receive the index 85.334.3(2)6-8Fomenko P. + 83.3(2=411.2)5-8Pushkin A.S., however, the book Leo Tolstoy in the fine arts must first be reflected in the personality of L. N. Tolstoy - 83.3(2=411.2)5-8 Tolstoy L.N., and only again - under the index 85.103(2).

Application of computer technologies in different types art, as well as literature on media art in general is collected under the index 85c. Literature on the use of computer technology in certain types of art is collected under the indices of these types of art and can also be identified using OTD. For example, using Photoshop to create works of art, including theatrical scenery- 85.14s.

Network art (net art), network interactive art belongs to division 85.7. Publications about collections of fine art objects presented on the Internet are reflected under the indices of the relevant types of art. Books about interactive exhibitions of art museums are reflected, depending on the content, under the index 85.101 Protection of art monuments. Art museums, collections and collections or in related art forms.

In sections of the history of individual types of art within individual territories, the periodization divisions disclosed in section 63.3 may be used.

Literature on decorative and applied arts, on various artistic products, on manual methods artistic treatment and material finishing, about folk arts and crafts, about the history of costume and issues of style and fashion as aesthetic norms of clothing of past eras and our time, is collected in units 85.12.

Art history literature about folk items of artistic value is collected in division 85.12 and can be re-reflected in section 63.5 Ethnology (ethnography).

Literature on use natural materials in interior design (phytodesign, biodesign, etc.) is reflected under the index 85.12ft, publications on the creation of “green sculpture” are collected under the index 85.118.7 Green construction (greening of populated areas).

Literature about collage, kinetic art, installation and other forms and techniques of fine art that are not related to traditional types of fine art is collected under the index 85.19. Publications on the use of, for example, collage techniques in traditional types arts are collected in the relevant departments 85.12 - 85.16. Thus, collage in painting is reflected under the index 85.14, photo collage - 85.16.

Subsection 85.3 Music and the Performing Arts serves to reflect literature that examines music in general and all or more of the performing arts. Units 85.31 collect musicological literature and texts for musical works. Music publications are allocated to a special section - 85.9 Musical works (music publications).

Works on music theory and musical performance in general are collected under index 85.31, history musical art- in divisions 85.313. Books about individual composers, individual musical works, or musical works of the same genre, belonging to the work of one composer, are collected in the relevant departments 85.313(2) Musical culture Russia and 85.313(3) Musical culture of foreign countries.

Literature on the theory, history and practice of certain types of musical performance, on masters of musical performing arts is collected in the relevant divisions of index 85.31. For example, a book on the fundamentals of vocal art will be classified under heading 85.314 Vocal music, as well as books on chamber singers and the performance of chamber concert repertoire opera singers. Books about life and creativity opera singers, operetta artists and pop singers belong to the corresponding divisions of indexes 85.335 Musical theater and 85.36 Variety. Works on the technique of recording and reproducing music are collected under the index 32.871 Recording and reproducing sound.

Index 85.32 Dance (choreography) and its subdivisions collect works of a general nature, including choreography in general, pop dance types, ice ballet, etc. Section 85.32 is closely related to ballet theater(85.335.42), under the index of which literature on ballet as a performing art, as well as on the problems of implementing choreographic art on stage, is collected.

basis theatrical performance is dramaturgy, which is like literary genre presented in fiction. Section 85.33 Theater collects literature that considers the implementation of dramatic and other literary works on the stage. This issue is resolved somewhat differently for section 85.37 Cinematography, where, due to the specific features of this art form, both the theory of film scripts and the texts of film scripts are collected.

A common problem for the visual arts and theater is stage design. Literature on theatrical and decorative painting and decorative artists is collected under the index 85.14, and works on scenography, where theatrical and decorative painting is included as one of the components of the visual design of the performance, belong to section 85.33. Research on the genres of stage music and its dramaturgy, on composers writing for the theater, belongs to section 85.31, and works on the role of music in the theater, on the musical design of a performance, on creative activity musical theaters - to section 85.33. Literature on stage architecture and technology, the use of lighting equipment, and computers in the theater is also reflected in units 85.33.

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