Creative activity – what is it? Definition. Creative activity: meaning, types

It is almost impossible to imagine a person’s life without creativity. Even in the Stone Age, people were drawn to everything beautiful and created objects that became an integral part of culture. Humanity has come a long way - from rock paintings before development the highest technologies. Creative activity is not just new discoveries and the creation of unique values. This is something without which it is impossible to imagine planet Earth.

What is creative activity?

This term refers to the creation by man of a new, previously non-existent product. Such activities include not only music, painting or poetry, but also a huge variety of other areas. Every person is capable of engaging in creative activities, regardless of their professional skills. This may be passive participation in research or scientific experiments. Anyone who empathizes or expresses other emotions can confidently say that they are engaged in creative activity. This fact does not only apply to humans - even animals are able to demonstrate their talents through unique opportunities.

Types of creative activity

Despite all the negative factors human life, geniuses were born and created their imperishable creations. Even in prison and poverty, people could not live without bringing something new into this world. Every person is born a creator and has the makings of genius. Further development of talents depends only on the individual himself.

This creative activity has always occupied a special place in the life of mankind. Artists' works are considered cultural heritage and are subject to careful analysis. They are stored in rooms with a certain temperature and often in special frames that prevent the destruction of the canvas. The greatest creators have left an indelible mark on art. The smile of the “Mona Lisa” has haunted all connoisseurs of Leonardo da Vinci’s work for 5 centuries. Perhaps the most famous painting in the world causes a lot of talk and gossip. Someone compares the mysterious woman to a predator before the jump. To some, she seems to be the ideal of beauty. And there are those who do not see anything unusual in her and do not understand the hype around this portrait.

Thanks to the artists modern people can imagine how people lived and looked several centuries and even millennia ago. The most significant paintings are not put up for sale, but even less outstanding works by famous authors sometimes cost a fortune. Connoisseurs are willing to pay a lot of money for the right to own a work of art. The same “Mona Lisa” is estimated at a billion dollars, but you will never be able to see it at auction. Da Vinci wasn't the only one who created masterpieces. Paintings by Monet, Rembrandt, Titian, Goya, Salvador Dali. Renoir and Van Gogh are part of the world cultural heritage and are never put up for sale.


This is the biggest source of inspiration and an integral part of any person's life. Marriages are celebrated to the music and people are seen off on their last journey; without it it is impossible to imagine a holiday or a romantic evening. The sight of this creative activity can evoke a variety of emotions - from hatred to love. It was not for nothing that composers wrote music for the marches to which soldiers went to war. It evoked not only patriotic feelings, but also gave confidence in victory. IN modern world More and more often, music is heard in operating rooms and helps surgeons during complex operations. In feature films, compositions can set the viewer in the right mood and even warn about what will happen in the next scene.

Just like artists, composers and musicians convey mood through their creativity. The listener can easily imagine the situation that became the source of inspiration for the author. Lyrics can have the greatest impact on human emotions. Melodies of dramatic and epic kind have their own properties, but the strings in the soul are touched by sensual leitmotifs. It is worth noting that music can influence not only humans. Some animals perceive melodies and even react to them on a physical level.


Humanity treats this creative activity with special trepidation. Reading has always been one of the most the best ways conduct free time with benefit. It develops imagination and makes you experience a variety of emotions. Writers and poets are able to draw with their talent into an unprecedented world of adventure, love or detective puzzles. Creators human souls, teachers and educators, instill a love of reading from childhood, because literature can change any person. The love of poetry is instilled with the goal of turning a little person into a sensual and spiritually developed member of society. Many novels, detective stories and other literary works can give the reader the necessary life experience.


Cinematography has recently become an integral part of life. The desire to show people what they read in books led to the development of creative activity in the field visual arts. IN this moment Feature films and animation rank first among popular entertainment in the world. For over a hundred years, people have been going to cinemas to experience another world and experience unforgettable moments. Thanks to this type of creative activity, humanity can easily travel back in time or look into the future, as well as learn about the details of important historical events. Cinema can develop human feelings such as intuition, compassion, love, hatred and many others.

Arts and crafts

An equally important part of creative activity includes a huge variety of components: sewing, embroidery, knitting, weaving, burning, carving, mosaic, stained glass, decoupage, modeling, sculpture, weaving, painting. A person encounters this type of art every moment. Whole life is filled with patterns on finishing materials, dishes, clothes, and household items. Special attention It is worth paying attention to such a form as sculpture. Monuments that symbolize important events for the country and the world, as well as significant people in history, have always occupied an important place in the life of society. Just a few centuries ago sculpture was the most popular view art, she was admired by everyone - from the common people to the kings. There are different priorities now, but it still has its weight in the culture.

Why is it important to engage in creative activities?

In all centuries, art has played a big role in human life. The craving for everything beautiful has led to the fact that the development of creative activity in children has become widespread. There are a large number of interest groups and various sections in any country. The child has the opportunity to choose what he wants to do in his free time. The choice is truly enormous, and this has significantly influenced the development of many industries over the past few decades. Already from childhood, a child must learn and develop in several directions, in addition to the school curriculum. This will help them achieve success in the future, because such people will be able to express their individuality.

Children and art

Children's creative activities help to reveal all aspects of a child's personality. You should not place high hopes on your baby and expect masterpieces from him - for an adult, these creations may not carry any value. But it is by the work of children that one can easily determine their state of mind and help with choosing a profession in later life. You should not set any tasks for your child in the process of creative activity. Only fantasy and imagination should accompany them on the path to art. For children, the end result is not important - they are interested in the process itself. As in any other aspect of life, you need to praise your child for any achievements and results. This inspires and gives strength for new achievements.

More than a hobby

Organizing creative activities is important for every parent. Even at home, you can always find an interesting activity for your baby. Any game can develop imagination and easily reveal a child’s talents. Drawing can already determine in the first years after birth whether your child has a talent for this type of art. Educational games can answer the question of in which area a child will be most successful.

Educational establishments

Great responsibility falls on the shoulders of educators and teachers. It depends on them how much the child will be developed and able to understand the world. Most educational institutions have hobby groups, and music classes are included in the school curriculum. In addition, there are holiday events, where children can fully reveal their talent in performances, skits and musical performances. Chemistry and physics lessons include practical exercises and experiments, and this is also an integral part of creative activity. Russian language and literature develop imagination through presentations and essays on given topics. It has long been proven that absolutely any child has the ability for creative activity, and the task of teachers is to see them and help develop them. Do not forget that activities chosen and imposed by parents can harm and alienate children from art.

The importance of creative activity in the modern world

The beginning of the new century changed the idea of ​​culture. Looking at modern creative people, the average person has ambivalent assessments of their activities. The idea has become firmly established in our minds that these are slackers who simply do not want to physically work and therefore become writers, actors, musicians and fashion designers. But at the same time, these people happily consume the product of their creativity: films, songs, clothes and much more. The 20th century was oversaturated with wars, and the worldview of mankind changed. However, even in the most difficult times, it was art that allowed people to cope with sorrows and troubles.

In the new millennium, human creative activity has become a necessity. Everyone now has the opportunity to do what they love and get a calling in their chosen profession. Without creativity, people would still be living in the Stone Age. Only interest and curiosity made man a rational being. All inventions and discoveries were part of the creative process. In order not to stop there and continue to improve the quality of life, you need to constantly move forward and give free rein to your imagination and fantasy. After all, what was described in science fiction novels fifty years ago and was considered incredible fiction is now accessible to anyone!

Creative activity is a process of creating qualitatively new spiritual and material values ​​with their subsequent interpretation. The result of such actions, as a rule, is the emergence of previously unknown areas of art, science or technology. The result of creativity cannot be deduced from the conditions of the initial cycle. This differs from the results production process, which are always predictable. Creative activity has the main criterion of attractiveness - it is always unique.


The author, in the process of creative research, can achieve a result that he did not expect. This is the main advantage of the free expression of one's ideas by an artist, writer or entertainer. Creative activity, in addition to well-known directions, can be realized in some special way. For example, a world-famous musician, for a number of objective reasons, began to feel a certain limitation in his concert activities and decided to expand his potential. Using personal experience, as well as some technical means, the artist creates a previously unknown musical instrument, which revolutionizes the world of music. This is where true creativity lies. History knows many similar examples.

Application value

Human creative activity is a spiritual and material practice aimed at creating original, non-existent cultural values, the discovery of new patterns, as well as methods for transforming world space. The applied significance of the last category is difficult to overestimate. This is, in essence, a cognitive and creative activity that underlies deep practical application in many areas of public life. Its results in most cases are global in nature.

New achievements

Creative artistic activity occupies a special place in a person’s life, when the creator creates values ​​in the category of fine arts, literature, music, and painting. The process of the emergence of new achievements in the field of high art of various genres always causes a storm of positive emotions: people are constantly waiting for premieres in the theater, new films, opening days and many other events - everything that lives in society. The creative artistic activity of masters of various genres often combines their efforts, and as a result, a certain synthetic masterpiece appears that creates a real sensation. Magnificent opera arias can be complemented by a successful libretto, a wonderful literary work is included in an organic combination with uniquely beautiful illustrations.


Creative activity, the types of which are infinitely diverse, is fertile ground for the development of talents among broad sections of the population. People different ages and professions strive to realize their abilities in all spheres of public life, and when this succeeds, a person receives incomparable moral satisfaction. Particularly pleasing is artistic creative activity, the types of which are also numerous. This includes painting, sculpting, singing, and participation in theatrical performances, and reading poetry, and ballroom dancing.

In fact, a person’s creative activity can be reflected in any area of ​​his life interests: production and technical, scientific, political, artistic. In addition, there are a number of secondary directions. The creative process can be characterized by two main trends:

  • the psychology of the individual, the creator of certain spiritual or material values;
  • philosophical component, revealing the essence of the phenomenon of creation.


In different historical periods, the question of meaning creativity was ambiguously posed. Ancient philosophy linked the process of creation with specific results, without placing them in the mainstream of eternal existence. In other words, creativity was considered a completely earthly matter, without any special contemplative subtleties. However, along with practicality, in the time of Plato, the prerequisites were created for the recognition of human creative aspirations as a phenomenal phenomenon. There were many supporters of this approach.


The Renaissance cultivated the concept of the phenomenon of creative activity, since during that period the ability to create something in the most different areas were huge. The philosophy of the Renaissance did not imply creation at the level of craft or housework. Michelangelo's masterpieces or Leonardo da Vinci's engineering projects cannot be called a creative process - they are so grandiose. These were mega-creations of cosmic significance.

Analytical approach

In the modern world, there is a tendency to study the phenomenon of creativity; scientists are trying to understand the psychology of the process; the state of mind of an artist, engineer or writer is being studied while they are busy creating. Often, the results of such analyzes form the basis of doctoral dissertations, because the observations of scientists are also a creative activity. Scientific interest, based on psychology, always gives unpredictable results, which means that new discoveries can be expected.

Creative activity, when viewed through the prism of philosophy, is interpreted as a personality characteristic formed on the basis of the development of the individual’s special abilities. Provided there is sufficient professional training and a high level of motivation, socio-psychological attitudes are formed that lead the creator to the final result.


In relation to creative activity as such, the desire to achieve original solutions will always be realized subject to a clearly defined goal. In some cases, the goal can be replaced by some stimulus - the result will be the same. The creative activity of an individual is determined by the following criteria:

  1. An attitude in accordance with the assigned tasks: scientific, technical, artistic, managerial, research. Harmony of the task with psychological attitudes. There must be a social, socially significant motivation.
  2. The author’s ability to comprehend the design principle of future work. You will also need receptivity to the new, creative initiative, and rejection of stereotypes.
  3. The ability to define the scope of one's own initiative in searching for the boundaries of a task. Ability to rationally sequence creative techniques.
  4. High level of intelligence, spatial thinking and developed imagination. Ability for systemic associations and generalization.

The creative process can be divided into several parts:

  • the “infancy” stage, when an idea is born, often vague;
  • the appearance of the outlines of the idea - the general picture is visible;
  • the next stage is the opportunity to choose decisions that form the program of action;
  • selection of methods and optimal actions aimed at results;
  • the emergence of creative excitement, often accompanied by “insights” and emotional uplift;
  • the final stage, crystallization of the idea, assessment of the level of work done and the effectiveness of the result;

However, the distribution, and especially the planning of actions, is purely conditional, since any creative process is a fairly spontaneous phenomenon with an elusive subconscious logic that can make adjustments along the way. Nevertheless, creativity is a living process, most interesting in its first phase, when the need to create appears. How it will be implemented depends entirely on the professionalism of the individual.

Creative activities of children

A child aged 4-6 years, as a rule, strives for an active lifestyle. Games, walks in nature, communication with peers - all this gives him the opportunity to use his energy and get emotional release. However, the creative potential inherent in children also often requires realization. IN preschool institutions There are special development programs. Teachers and methodologists in kindergartens devote several hours every day to the creative activities of their charges. Girls and boys turn into little artists and sculptors, design engineers or creators of fantastic transformers.

Future prospects

Creativity in any form is beneficial for personal development. A child who once drew “a circle of the sun and the sky around” on a piece of paper can become a famous artist in the future, and a first-grader who writes an essay on the topic “How I spent the summer in the village” can become a famous writer. The creative possibilities are endless!

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3. Creative personality


The word "creative" is often used both in scientific language and in colloquial language. Often we talk not just about initiative, but about creative initiative, not about thinking, but about creative thinking, not about success, but about creative success. But we don’t always think about what needs to be added so that initiative, thinking and success deserve the definition of “creative”.

Creative activity is amateur activity that embraces changing reality and self-realization of the individual in the process of creating material and spiritual values, expanding the limits of human capabilities. Creative activity is a special form of sensory-emotional perception of the world. In his mind there is no clear line between the real world and the ideal world. The world for a person as a subject of creativity is the only possible reality, in which all the sharp corners are smoothed out, where everything is extremely clear. Creative activity for him is a kind of explanation of the world, even if it has no connection with reality.

Creative thinking and creative activity are a human characteristic. Without this quality of our behavior, the development of humanity and human society would be unthinkable. Everything that surrounds us in everyday life is connected with the products of creative thinking and human activity: tools and machines, houses, household items, clothes, shoes, television and radio, watches and telephones, refrigerators and cars.

But also public and even private life people are historically based on creative achievements. This is absolutely true for both the current and future development of social life. At any stage of development of society and in any field, people are faced with tasks, the solution of which requires an informal creative approach.

Probably every person has the ability to think creatively to some extent. In childhood, when imaginative thinking predominates, this ability often manifests itself in drawings, modeling, constructions from scrap materials, adolescence many write poetry, and in adulthood it usually helps solve applied problems different levels from everyday to scientific and technical. However, we cannot call every person a creative person.

What characterizes creativity? Fundamentally, the creative process is a process that results in something not contained in the original conditions. In the most significant manifestations of the development of human intelligence, it can be seen that certain patterns underlie the creative process.

1. Theoretical and methodological approaches of psychologists to the study of individual creative abilities

Creative is usually called a person who has made a scientific discovery, a brilliant invention or created a work of art, that is, who has performed a creative act that was highly appreciated by the majority, as well as a person who is extraordinary in his perception of reality and reaction to it.

The last formulation is quite incorrect, because this definition also includes people with mental disabilities. However, the presence of mental illness does not exclude the possibility of demonstrating high creative abilities, which is confirmed by the examples of Napoleon, Gogol and other famous creative personalities. At one time, a hypothesis was even put forward about the existence of a direct relationship between genius and madness by C. Lombroso and D. Carlson, but later studies, for example, by T. Simonton, did not confirm it.

For a long time, the ability to intellectual creativity was studied as suggested by common sense: The higher the level of mental abilities, the greater the creative output of a person.

The founder of the empirical approach to the study of individual qualities creative personality is F. Galton, who, together with C. Pearson, laid the foundations of psychometrics and psychodiagnostics. And for the first time, the psychometric method was used to study creativity by J. Guilford and E.P. Torrance. They conducted a series of studies on the relationship between intelligence and creativity using tests, where creativity was understood primarily as the ability for divergent thinking. As a result of empirical research by J. Guilford and E.P. Torrens concluded that there is a positive correlation between IQ and creativity levels. At the same time, they argued that a higher level of intelligence makes it more likely that the subject will have higher scores on creativity tests, although individuals who have demonstrated highly developed intelligence may also have low scores on creativity. At the same time, their research showed that high divergent productivity was never found with low IQ. E.P. Torrance even proposed the theory of the intellectual threshold, which is that with an IQ below 115 - 120 points, intelligence and creativity are indistinguishable and form a single factor, and with an IQ above 120 - Creative skills and intelligence become independent factors. However, the results of studies by Getzels and Jackson, published soon, provided data indicating that there is no correlation between indicators of intelligence and creativity.

Later studies by M. Wollach and N. Kogan, who also used test method research on the dependence of creative thinking on the level of intelligence, but at the same time modified it in accordance with their understanding of the conditions favorable for the manifestation of creativity: they removed time restrictions, minimized the competition of participants during the tests and removed the restriction of the only criterion for the correctness of the answer. As a result of testing, they came to the conclusion that if the conditions closest to the usual ones are observed during the study life situations, the correlation between creativity and test intelligence will be close to zero.

2. Creativity and activity, the main qualities of a creative personality

Indeed, a person can be an intellectual and not be creative, and vice versa. For example, Levinson-Lessing distinguished between creatively unproductive erudite scientists, calling them “walking libraries,” and creatively productive scientists, not burdened by an overabundance of operational knowledge, possessing a powerfully developed imagination and brilliantly responding to all kinds of hints.

Don't be limited, blinded by habits;

Do not simply and slavishly repeat what you have been taught;

Do not act mechanically;

Do not take a partial position;

Do not act with attention focused on a limited part of the problem structure;

Do not act with partial operations, but freely, with a mind open to new ideas, operate with the situation, trying to find its internal relationships.

Guilford identified four main qualities inherent in a creative person:

* Originality, non-triviality, unusual ideas expressed, a pronounced desire for intellectual novelty. A creative person almost always and everywhere strives to find his own solution, different from others.

* Semantic flexibility, that is, the ability to see an object from a new angle, discover its new use, and expand its functional application in practice.

* Figurative adaptive flexibility, that is, the ability to change the perception of an object in such a way as to see its new, hidden sides.

* Semantic spontaneous flexibility, that is, the ability to produce a variety of ideas in an uncertain situation, in particular in one that does not contain guidelines for these ideas.

Guilford later identified six dimensions of creativity:

Ability to identify and pose problems;

Generating ability large number ideas;

Flexibility - the ability to produce a variety of ideas;

Originality - the ability to respond to stimuli in a non-standard way;

The ability to improve an object by adding details;

The ability to solve problems, that is, the ability to synthesize and analyze.

According to Sternberg, a creative person must have the following individual traits:

Ability to take reasonable risks;

Willingness to overcome obstacles;

Tolerance of uncertainty;

Willingness to confront the opinions of others.

A. Olah points out the following personal traits inherent in creative people:

Independence - personal standards are more important than group standards, non-conformity of assessments and judgments;

Openness of mind - willingness to believe one’s own and others’ fantasies, receptivity to the new and unusual;

High tolerance to uncertain and insoluble situations, constructive activity in these situations;

Developed aesthetic sense, desire for beauty.

Such a special form cannot be ignored human psyche like imagination.

Imagination is especially vivid in children's games. They build a car, an airplane or something else from chairs and scrap materials and go on a trip. In a dark room, in a pantry, they have unprecedented animals with whom they are friends or, on the contrary, afraid of them. In adulthood, thanks to the imagination, a person creates, creates something new. Almost all human material and spiritual culture is the result of people's imagination and creativity.

Imagination can be of four main types: active, passive, productive and reproductive. Active imagination is characterized by the fact that, using it, a person at will, by an effort of will, evokes the corresponding images. With passive imagination, images arise against the will of a person, that is, spontaneously. Productive imagination consciously constructs reality, and does not simply copy it, but at the same time it is creatively transformed in the image. In the reproductive imagination, reality is reproduced as it is. Such imagination is more like perception or memory, although it also contains an element of fantasy.

The process of artistic creativity is primarily associated with imagination in the practical life of people. So naturalism, realism in the art of artists can be attributed to the reproductive imagination, and abstraction, modernism, impressionism to the productive imagination.

Most often, the creative process in art is associated with active imagination. By exerting volitional efforts, the master creates an image of his creation, first mentally in his imagination, in order to then bring it to life. Less often, the impulse of the creative process becomes passive imagination. Spontaneous images appear to the creator regardless of his will and are rather a product of the subconscious. So many creative people clearly see in their dreams the final result of their work or the image of the plot of a painting, or do something in their dreams scientific discoveries. So Mendeleev saw his table of chemical elements in a dream.

According to Ya.A. Ponomarev creativity is associated with two personal qualities namely: the intensity of search motivation and sensitivity to by-products that arise during the thinking process (since Ponomarev believes that thinking is initially logical, he considers the creative product of thinking as a by-product). In particular, Ya.A. Ponamarev considers the main feature of activity as a form of activity to be the potential correspondence of the goal of the activity to its result. Whereas the creative act is characterized by the opposite: a mismatch between the goal (plan, program, etc.) and the result. Creative activity, in contrast to activity, can arise in the process of implementation of the latter and is associated with the generation of a “by-product”, which is ultimately the creative result. The essence of creativity as a psychological property comes down, according to Ya.A. Ponamarev, to intellectual activity and sensitivity (sensitivity) to the by-products of his activities. For a creative person, the most valuable are the by-products of an activity, something new and unusual; for a non-creative person, the results of achieving a goal (expedient results), and not novelty, are important.

Many philosophers and psychologists have paid attention to the fundamental difference between creativity and objective activity. Creativity, unlike various forms adaptive behavior occurs not according to the principles “because” or “in order to,” but “in spite of everything,” that is, the creative process is a reality that spontaneously arises and also ends.

Attitudes towards creativity have changed radically in different eras. IN Ancient Rome in the book, only the material and the work of the bookbinder were valued, and the author had no rights. Copyright was not protected, neither plagiarism nor forgery was prosecuted. IN Ancient Greece Outstanding people were considered those whose activities covered many areas of application of the mind at once. The universality of the genius personality in early period history was connected with the fact that the science of antiquity was developed mainly by single geniuses, who were equally strong “specialists” in various sciences. The sages, famous in ancient times, left in the centuries not only a trace of their discoveries and prophecies, but also gave the world an example of versatile talent. The universal ideas of Greek thinkers gave rise to an integrated approach that modern era experiencing a rebirth. The desire of early Greek thinkers to understand the essence of nature, space and the world as a whole led the development of various sciences parallel to each other, and the discoveries of antiquity were intuitive insights of approximately the same time. In Greece there was not a single major philosopher who, in addition to philosophy, did not also manifest himself in ethics, education, oratory, and mathematics. The universality of the thinking of Plato and his brilliant student Aristotle still amazes the imagination. But, apparently, the most unique case in world history is the incomprehensible universality of the talents of Leonardo da Vinci, whose genius left creations for humanity in art, science, architecture, medicine, and even in the invention of military equipment .

In the Middle Ages, as well as much later, the creator was equated with a craftsman, and if he dared to show creative independence, then it was not encouraged in any way. The creator had to earn a living in a different way:

Spinoza polished lenses, and the great Lomonosov was valued for his utilitarian products - court odes and the creation of festive fireworks.

Exist different approaches to determine the origins of creativity. Let's name three of them:

1. Most often, creativity is identified with intellectual achievements. Creativity is considered by many authors (F. Barron, E.P. Torrance, D. Guilford, S. Mednik, etc.) to be one of the components of intellectual giftedness, and an aspect of intelligence.

2. A personality-oriented approach is identified as a separate area of ​​creativity research, within which the characterological, emotional, motivational, and communicative personality traits of creative people are studied. The works of K. Taylor, K. Koss, E. Rowe and others can be attributed to this direction.

3. B modern conditions an attempt is being made to overcome the limitations of these approaches and recognize creativity as a “multifaceted” phenomenon, including both intellectual and non-intellectual (personal, social) factors.

This approach to creativity as an integral phenomenon was carried out by A.M. Matyushkin, L.V. Finkevich, O.S. Tikhonovich, who put forward the concept of creativity as a general psychological and pedagogical prerequisite creative development. In accordance with this concept, the following structural components of creativity are distinguished: the dominant role of internal motivation; the ability to achieve original decisions and actions; the ability to create standards that provide high aesthetic, moral, intellectual assessments; research creative activity, expressed in posing and solving problems.

This concept most fully represents all the important aspects contained in the structure of creativity. With all the available diversity of approaches to studying, its overall characteristics are the following:

1. “Creativity is a person’s ability to create something new, opposite to the stereotyped, frozen, stereotyped one. At the same time, a person masters and processes existing information and experience in his own way, creating himself as a person” (Kirnos D. Individuality and creative thinking. - M., 1992.).

2. “The starting point of creativity is activity and independence, originality and flexibility, the tendency and ability to fantasize, a person’s ability to direct his internal energy to solve any problematic problems, the ability to independently set new tasks.” (Ershov A. A psychologist’s view of human activity. - M., 1991.).

3. Creativity is manifested in any activity. Without activity there can be no creativity. S. Rubinstein notes: “The subject in his actions, in acts of his creative initiative, is not only revealed and manifested, he is created and defined in them. Therefore, by what he does, one can define what he is; by the direction of his activity, one can define and shape him. In creativity, the creator himself is created” (Rubinstein S. Principles of creative amateur performance // Questions of psychology. - 1997. - No. 4).

3. Creative personality

Many researchers reduce the problem of human abilities to the problem of a creative personality. They believe that there is no special creative ability, but rather an individual with certain motivations and traits. However, when considering any historical period, a scientist, no matter from what angle he studies a particular era, first of all analyzes the activities of specific individuals, individuals who were the creators of a given era. The idea of ​​the era, both at the scientific and everyday levels, is based on the results of this analysis. Thus, antiquity is strongly associated with Plato and Aristotle, Homer and Sophocles, Socrates and Pythagoras. The Middle Ages are the geniuses Omar Khayyam, Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca. The Renaissance, as a period of creative universalism, is the brightest time period when a special type of personality, the “Renaissance man,” is formed. The era when Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Erasmus of Rotterdam, Nicolaus Copernicus and Giordano Bruno worked. Thus, it is possible to “illustrate” any era; the entire world history is created by such brilliant individuals, the presence of multifunctional talents in which ensures the development of human society. A talented personality is a vector directed to the future, therefore it is of particular interest to consider the phenomenon talented personality as a multifunctional manifestation of talents from historical, cultural and psychological and social perspectives.

In the psychology of creativity, it is conventionally believed that various degrees of development of abilities can be arranged in the form of a hierarchy: genius ( highest degree); talent; giftedness; capabilities; natural inclinations.

General abilities that provide relative ease and productivity in mastering knowledge in various types of activities are often called giftedness. One of the dominant points of view, dating back to Plato, argues that abilities are biologically determined and their manifestation depends entirely on the inherited gene pool. Training and education can only change the speed of their appearance, but they will always manifest themselves in one way or another. As evidence of innate abilities, they usually point to the facts of individual differences manifested in childhood, when the influence of training and education, it would seem, could not yet be decisive. For example, Mozart’s musical talent was discovered at three years old, Haydn at four years old. Talent in painting and sculpture manifests itself somewhat later: for Raphael - at the age of eight, for Van Dyck - at ten, for Dürer - at fifteen.

The existing numerous dynasties of artists, painters, sailors, and doctors also testify in favor of the heredity of abilities. Giftedness can manifest itself in various areas of activity: intellectual, academic (educational), artistic, in the field of communication (leadership) and psychomotor skills. Gifted people are distinguished, first of all, by attentiveness, composure, and constant readiness for activity; They are characterized by persistence in achieving goals, an indefatigable need to work, as well as intelligence that exceeds the average level. Gifted people show tremendous persistence in their areas of interest. Therefore, one of the earliest indicators of giftedness is the time during which a two to three year old child can concentrate on one activity. Gifted children are absorbed in their work for several hours at a time and return to it within a few days, unlike a normal child of the same age. Giftedness is not the only factor determining the choice of activity, just as it is not the only factor determining the success of the activity. In addition to talent, a person, at a minimum, must have the appropriate knowledge and skills.

Talent is a high level of a person’s ability to perform a specific activity. This is a combination of abilities that give a person the opportunity to successfully, independently and originally perform certain complex work activities. The word “talent” itself comes from the weight measure “talent”. In the New Testament there is a parable about three slaves who were given a coin called “talent” by their master. One slave buried his talent in the ground, the second slave exchanged it, and the third slave multiplied his talent. Hence the three expressions: buried, exchanged and multiplied (developed) his talent. From the Bible, the word “talent” has spread in a figurative sense: as a gift of God, that is, the ability to create, and create something new, without neglecting it.

The combination of abilities, which are the basis of talent, in each case is special, characteristic only of a certain person. The presence of talent should be inferred from the results of a person’s activities, which should be distinguished by their fundamental novelty and originality of approach. Human talent is directed by the need for creativity. thinking creative talent

The highest level of individual talent is embodied in creativity, which has historical meaning for the life of society is called genius. Genius, figuratively speaking, creates new era in your area of ​​expertise. A genius is characterized by creative productivity, mastery of the cultural heritage of the past and, at the same time, decisive overcoming of old norms and traditions. The etymology of the word “genius” goes back to the ancient cultural tradition. Each Roman had his own genius - a deity that accompanied him throughout his life - from cradle to grave, prompting a person to take the actions that he performed along the path of life. Hence modern interpretation genius - as the maximum permissible demonstration of the creative potential of an individual. Traditionally expressed in new and unique creations, belatedly recognized as “masterpieces”. Sometimes genius is explained in the new and unexpected methodological approach to the creative process. But one thing is certain: a brilliant personality, through his creative activity, contributes to the progressive development of society.

Indeed, if intellectual talent does not directly affect creative success of a person, if in the course of the development of creativity the formation of certain motivation and personality traits precedes creative manifestations, then we can draw a conclusion about a special type of personality - “A creative person.”

Psychologists owe their knowledge of the characteristics of a creative personality not so much to their own efforts as to the work of writers, historians of science and culture, and art historians, who in one way or another touched on the problem of a creative personality, for there is no creation without a creator.

A creative personality has the following traits:

1) independence - personal standards are more important than group standards, non-conformity of assessments and judgments;

2) openness of mind - willingness to believe one’s own and others’ fantasies, receptivity to the new and unusual;

3) high tolerance to uncertain and insoluble situations, constructive activity in these situations;

4) highly developed aesthetic sense, desire for beauty.

Creativity is going beyond the generally accepted. This is only a negative definition of creativity, but the first thing that catches your eye when you get to know a gifted person closely is the analogy between the behavior of a creative person and a person with mental disorders.

There are two points of view: talent is a disease and talent is maximum health.

Caesar Lombroso characterizes geniuses as lonely, cold people, indifferent to family and social responsibilities.

A person of genius is always painfully sensitive, in particular, he does not tolerate weather fluctuations well. They experience sharp declines and rises in activity, sudden changes in mood from irrepressible cheerfulness to gloomy depressive states. They commit actions and actions that are understandable only to them, strange and unacceptable to others. They find reasons for thought in everything, they are hypersensitive to social reward and punishment, and so on. The list of geniuses, mental illnesses, psychopaths and neurotics is endless.

If we proceed from the above interpretation of creativity as a process, then a genius is a person who creates on the basis of unconscious activity, who can experience the widest range of states due to the fact that the unconscious creative subject goes beyond the control of the rational principle and self-regulation.

Surprisingly, C. Lombroso gave precisely this definition of genius, consistent with modern ideas about the nature of creativity: “The features of genius compared to talent are that it is something unconscious and manifests itself unexpectedly.” Consequently, genius primarily creates unconsciously, or more precisely, through the activity of the unconscious creative subject. Talent creates rationally, on the basis of an invented plan. Genius is primarily creative, talent is intellectual, although both have a common ability. There are also other signs of genius that distinguish it from talent: originality, versatility, longevity.

Research has shown that gifted children whose actual achievements are below their capabilities experience serious problems in the personal, emotional, and interpersonal spheres.

Similar conclusions about high anxiety and low adaptability of creative people are presented in a number of other studies. A specialist like F. Barron argues that in order to be creative, you need to be a little neurotic. The consequence of this is emotional disturbances that distort the “normal” vision of the world, creating the preconditions for a new approach to reality.

A creative person is in constant struggle with the world around him and with himself. Perhaps this struggle predetermines the features creative path: the victory of the unconscious principle means the triumph of creativity and - death.

Features of the interaction between consciousness and the unconscious determine the typology of creative individuals and the features of their life path.


Personality is the ultimate and, therefore, the most complex object of psychology. In a certain sense, it unites all of psychology into one whole, and there is no research in this science that does not contribute to the knowledge of personality. Anyone who studies personality cannot ignore other areas of psychology. There are a huge number of approaches to studying personality. You can consider personality through structure, from the point of view of physiological reactions, or through the connection between the physical and mental aspects of personality. In my work, I tried not to rely on any specific approach to considering personality, but tried to summarize all the thoughts that arose in me while studying a variety of techniques. It is likely that my approach was initially incorrect, it is possible that I misunderstood the problem, but nevertheless, for myself I came to certain conclusions and they look something like this: an initially born individual, having only natural mental functions, gradually, through entry into society, starting with family and friends, he is socialized and becomes an individual. At the same time, the sociocultural environment influences the development of the individual, instills in him social norms, values, moral and spiritual accepted in this society. That is why children in families of doctors often grow up to become doctors, in families of artists and painters, respectively, they become artists and painters, etc. And, finally, the individual who himself begins to influence society is an individual. The entry of an individual into society and his formation there as an individual can be called “survival” or adaptation. Depending on how easily an individual manages to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period, we get a self-confident or conforming personality. At this stage, the individual chooses motivation and responsibility, his locus of control becomes either external or internal. If during this period an individual, presenting to his reference group the personal properties that characterize his individuality, does not find mutual understanding, this can contribute to the formation of aggressiveness, suspicion, otherwise - trust and justice. A person either becomes an internal “artificer of his own happiness,” or an external person who believes that nothing depends on him.

The age-specific stages of personality development are quite interesting. The body has an amazing memory and, problems that arose in infancy and early childhood remain in the subconscious all their lives, that is, everything that was “not given” to the child after birth will definitely appear later.

A particularly significant period in the age development of the individual is adolescence and early youth, when the individual begins to distinguish himself as an object of self-knowledge and self-education. At this age, the judgments of other people, and above all the assessment of parents, teachers and peers, play a significant role. The young man determines his capabilities and needs, and if there is a large discrepancy between them, acute experiences arise. The next and, in my opinion, the last stage in the formation of personality is the age of generativity, when a person learns to deny himself something in favor of children. It seems to me that throughout one’s life, a person, while remaining practically unchanged, acquires more and more individual traits.

In my opinion, the practical goal of psychology as a science is the education of a highly moral and highly moral integral personality, an “ideal” person. The task of psychology is to cultivate individuality in a person and develop the abilities received at birth. Talent, inspiration, skill are the most important factors in creative activity.

General human abilities such as intelligence, creativity, determine the productivity of the corresponding types of activity that he exhibits. creative person. However, life observations and special studies indicate that the natural prerequisites for abilities cannot be denied. Without recognizing the innateness of abilities, psychology does not deny the innateness of the structural features of the human body, which may turn out to be conditions for the successful performance of certain activities. These innate anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the brain, sensory organs and movement, which form the natural basis for the development of abilities, are called inclinations. In fact, natural differences between people are differences not in ready-made abilities, but in inclinations. Since inclinations are only a prerequisite for the development of abilities that influence the process of personal development.

The development of inclinations is a socially conditioned process, and if in society there is a need for such professions where a subtle ear for music is needed, and if this particular person has the corresponding innate inclinations, then it is easier for him than for anyone else to develop the corresponding abilities.

Creative achievements in the modern world are possible only by mastering knowledge and skills in the area where the individual is active. The success of mastering this knowledge determines general intelligence. The further humanity develops, the greater will be the role of intellectual mediation in creativity.

List of used literature

1. V.M. Bekhterev “Objective psychology” Moscow “Science”, 1.

2. L.S. Vygotsky, Collected Works vol. 6 Moscow “Pedagogy”, 1982.

3. J. Godefroy “What is psychology” Moscow “Mir”, 1992.

4. B.F. Lomov “Methodological and theoretical problems of psychology.” Moscow "Science", 1984.

5. Karl Leonhard “Accentuated Personalities” Kyiv “Higher School”, 1989.

6. R.S. Nemov, “Psychology”, volume 1, Moscow, 1995.

7. Orlov Yu.M. “Ascent to Individuality”, Moscow, 1991.

8. Psychological Dictionary. Moscow "Pedagogy-press", 1996.

9. V.I. Slobodchikov, G.A. Tsukerman “Periodization of general mental development.”

10. E.T. Sokolov “Self-awareness and self-esteem in personality anomalies.” Moscow, MSU, 1989.

11. Paul Fresse, Jean Piaget “Experimental Psychology” Moscow “Progress” 1975.

12. G.V. Shchekin “Fundamentals of psychological knowledge” Kyiv, MAUP, 1996.

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Currently, issues of creativity are discussed by many people: specialists, teachers, scientists, creative professionals and other specialties.

The problem of creativity in human activity remains relevant and important, and the understanding of the structure of human and society development depends on the study of this topic, since the rapid development social system implies an increase in the importance of creativity in activity. In addition, the emergence of new technologies, on which comfort and efficiency depend, is the result of creative activity. Nowadays, human activity is increasingly increasing in the field of “technical and social creativity that creates the technosphere.”

There are various factors that influence the success of an individual. Such as health status, Family status, age, level of pre-university training; possession of skills of self-organization, planning and control of one’s activities; motives for choosing the main activity; adequacy of initial ideas about the main activity; Nature of activity; external conditions for organizing activities; material base; qualification level; prestige and, importantly, individual psychological characteristics personality.

Much depends on what place abilities occupy in the personality structure of a particular person, in the system of his life values ​​and how they affect the development of other personal qualities. First, the structure of abilities should highlight intelligence, special abilities and creativity. Definitely, the success of an activity is associated with relatively special abilities. These include such abilities as: phonemic hearing for a linguist, pitch hearing for a musician, sensitivity to distinguish colors for an artist, etc., in general, they are called sensory. In addition to the above, there are motor abilities - these are plasticity and fine coordination of movements for athletes, dancers, circus performers, etc. It is impossible to do without professional abilities. These include technical thinking, spatial thinking, and mathematical thinking.

Another important factor successful work personality is creativity. Creativity ensures that a person creates something new (primarily new for himself, which is often new for others as well).

An activity is creativity to the extent that its result is new. The desire for something new, or “creativity of life,” sometimes manifests itself in small things, for example, from two stores, a buyer chooses the one that he has not visited before. But the choice may relate to more than just the purchasing situation. In scientific creativity, novelty manifests itself in working with new complexities, new groups of methods, or in considering a known subject in a new way. In a narrow sense, creativity is the creation of cultural products (science, art, technology, etc.).

Creativity is exceeding the initial level of activity in a unique and very effective way.

Many professions are essentially creative. Those professions in which there is the possibility of productive implementation of professional functions not only on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills. In other words, these are those professions in which it is possible and simply necessary to go beyond the limits of existing experience.

One of such professions is the profession of a process engineer precisely due to the fact that without this constant going beyond the limits of existing knowledge and experience, it is impossible to introduce processes and modes of production, establish the order of work, the sequence of labor operations. Despite the existence of standardized procedures, it is impossible to provide for everything in the technological process. The occurrence of emergency situations requires non-standard, creative solutions.

The profession of a technologist is a very popular and very difficult profession. If the designer decides and creatively creates a project for something that has not yet been invented, then the technologist decides how to reproduce this something at the factory in the most accessible, simple and cheap way, quickly and in the required quantity. To do this, you need to know a lot and provide for various subtleties. In this sense, the creative orientation in this profession has an extensive nature of creativity, which helps to design and transform the material world that surrounds us, to transform physical space. This type of creativity is most associated with scientific and technical creativity.

Development occurs in the process of self-organization. The ability to change oneself reveals a person’s ability to effectively build his or her life strategy. This efficiency is achieved by simplifying activities. It is impossible not to note that animals in their evolution followed the development of specialization of organs and systems, which led to a simplification of function. The man took a different path. And this path made it necessary to purposefully create means that would make it possible to obtain a product that would help preserve the human population and increase the safety of life.

It turns out that creativity is an integral characteristic human world. And if creativity disappears from a person’s life, then we are talking about a serious crisis. We can agree with the opinion that the presence of creativity in a person’s activity and his personality are closely related. Personality is impossible without creative effort. And the lack of creativity has a negative impact not only on productivity, but also on personal growth. And a shortage of bright personalities may be a sign of problems in some area. And we can say that there is not much difference whether a person is engaged in professional activities or devotes his time to hobbies and personal interests. Both contribute to the creation and growth of his personality, the development of new abilities and qualities, which, in turn, helps a person in his profession.


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  2. Lukmanova R.Kh., Stoletov A.I. On the transformation of the understanding of creativity in philosophy // Bulletin of the Bashkir University. 2013. T. 18. No. 4.S. 1237-1243.
  3. Simonov V.P., Ershov P.M. Creativity is the basis of development. M.: Nauka, 1991.
  4. Stoletov A.I. The essence of creativity and its types // Creativity in the space of tradition and innovation. Third Russian Cultural Congress with international participation: Abstracts of reports and messages. St. Petersburg: Eidos, 2010. pp. 6-7.
  5. Stoletov A.I. Creativity as the basis of personality. Ufa: BashGAU, 2005. 228 p.

The activities are varied. It can be playful, educational and educational, educational and transformative, creative and destructive, production and consumer, economic, socio-political and spiritual. Special activities are creativity and communication. Finally, as an activity one can analyze language, the human psyche and the culture of society.

Material and spiritual activities

Activities are usually divided into material and spiritual.

Material activities are aimed at changing the world around us. Since the surrounding world consists of nature and society, it can be productive (changing nature) and socially transformative (changing the structure of society). An example of a material production activity is the production of goods; Examples of social transformation are government reforms and revolutionary activities.

Spiritual activities are aimed at changing individual and public consciousness. It is realized in the spheres of art, religion, scientific creativity, in moral actions, organizing collective life and orienting a person to solve problems of the meaning of life, happiness, and well-being. Spiritual activity includes cognitive activity (gaining knowledge about the world), value activity (determining norms and principles of life), predictive activity (building models of the future), etc.

The division of activity into spiritual and material is arbitrary. In reality, the spiritual and the material cannot be separated from each other. Any activity has a material side, since in one way or another it relates to the outside world, and an ideal side, since it involves goal setting, planning, choice of means, etc.

Creativity and communication

Creativity and communication has a special place in the system of activities.

Creation- this is the emergence of something new in the process of human transformative activity. The signs of creative activity are originality, unusualness, originality, and its result is inventions, new knowledge, values, works of art.

When talking about creativity, we usually mean the unity of the creative personality and the creative process.

Creative person represents a person endowed with special abilities. The actual creative abilities include imagination and fantasy, i.e. the ability to create new sensory or mental images. However, often these images are so divorced from life that they practical use becomes impossible. Therefore, other, more “down-to-earth” abilities are also important - erudition, critical thinking, observation, desire for self-improvement. But even the presence of all these abilities does not guarantee that they will be embodied in activity. This requires will, perseverance, efficiency, and activity in defending your opinion. Creative process includes four stages: preparation, maturation, insight and verification. The actual creative act, or insight, is associated with intuition - a sudden transition from ignorance to knowledge, the reasons for which are not realized. Nevertheless, one cannot assume that creativity is something that comes without effort, work and experience. Insight can only come to someone who has thought hard about the problem; a positive result is impossible without a long process of preparation and maturation. The results of the creative process require mandatory critical examination, since not all creativity leads to the desired result.

There are various techniques for creative problem solving, for example, the use of associations and analogies, searches for similar processes in other areas, recombination of elements of what is already known, an attempt to present something alien as understandable, and something understandable as alien, etc.

Since creative abilities can be developed, and creative techniques and the elements of the creative process can be studied, any person is capable of becoming a creator of new knowledge, values, and works of art. All that is needed for this is the desire to create and the willingness to work.

Communication there is a way of being a person in relationship with other people. If ordinary activity is defined as a subject-object process, i.e. a process during which a person (subject) creatively transforms the world around him (object), then communication is a specific form of activity that can be defined as a subject-subject relationship, where a person (subject) interacts with another person (subject).

Communication is often equated with communication. However, these concepts should be separated. Communication is an activity of a material and spiritual nature. Communication is a purely informational process and is not an activity in the full sense of the word. For example, communication is possible between a person and a machine or between animals (animal communication). We can say that communication is a dialogue where each participant is active and independent, and communication is a monologue, a simple transmission of a message from the sender to the recipient.

Rice. 2.3. Communication structure

During communication (Fig. 2.3), the addressee (sender) will transmit information (message) to the addressee (recipient). To do this, it is necessary that the interlocutors have information sufficient to understand each other (context), and that the information is transmitted in signs and symbols that both understand (code) and that contact is established between them. Thus, communication is a one-way process of transmitting a message from the sender to the addressee. Communication is a two-way process. Even if the second subject in communication is not a real person, the characteristics of a person are still attributed to him.

Communication can be considered as one of the sides of communication, namely its information component. In addition to communication, communication includes social interaction, and the process of subjects learning each other, and the changes that occur with subjects in this process.

Language, which performs a communicative function in society, is closely related to communication. The purpose of language is not only to ensure human understanding and transmit experience from generation to generation. Language is also a social activity to form a picture of the world, an expression of the spirit of the people. The German linguist Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), emphasizing the procedural nature of language, wrote that “language is not a product of activity, but an activity.”

Play, communication and work as types of activity

Under labor understand the expedient human activity to transform nature and society for the satisfaction of personal and social needs. Labor activity is aimed at a practically useful result - various benefits: material (food, clothing, housing, services), spiritual ( scientific ideas and inventions, achievements of art, etc.), as well as the reproduction of man himself in the totality of social relations.

The labor process is manifested by the interaction and complex interweaving of three elements: living labor itself (as human activity); means of labor (tools used by humans); objects of labor (material transformed in the labor process). Living labor It can be mental (such is the work of a scientist - philosopher or economist, etc.) and physical (any muscular work). However, even muscular work is usually intellectually loaded, since everything that a person does, he does consciously.

In the course of work, they improve and change, resulting in increasingly higher labor efficiency. As a rule, the evolution of means of labor is considered in the following sequence: natural-tool stage (for example, stone as a tool); tool-artifact stage (appearance of artificial tools); machine stage; stage of automation and robotics; information stage.

Subject of work - a thing to which human labor is directed (material, raw materials, semi-finished product). Labor ultimately materializes and is fixed in its object. A person adapts an object to his needs, turning it into something useful.

Labor is considered leading original form human activity. The development of labor contributed to the development of mutual support among members of society, its unity; it was in the process of labor that communication and creative abilities developed. In other words, thanks to work, man himself was formed.

Understand activities aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills, the development of thinking and consciousness of the individual. Thus, learning acts both as an activity and as a transmission of activity. The famous psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky (1896-1934) noted the activity-based nature of learning: “The basis educational process the personal activity of the student must be based, and all the art of the educator should be reduced only to directing and regulating this activity.”

The main feature of educational activity is that its goal is to change not the surrounding world, but the subject of the activity itself. Although a person changes both in the process of communication and in work activity, this change is not the immediate goal of these types of activities, but only one of their additional consequences. In training, all means are specifically aimed at changing a person.

Under game understand the form of free self-expression of a person aimed at the reproduction and assimilation of social experience. As the constitutive characteristics of the game, the Dutch cultural theorist Johan Huizinga (1872-1945) identifies freedom, positive emotionality, isolation in time and space, and the presence of voluntarily accepted rules. To these characteristics we can add virtuality (the game world is two-dimensional - it is both real and imaginary), as well as the role-playing nature of the game.

During the game, norms, traditions, customs, and values ​​are learned as necessary elements of the spiritual life of society. Unlike work activity, the purpose of which is outside the process, the goals and means of gaming communication coincide: people rejoice for the sake of joy, create for the sake of creativity, communicate for the sake of communication. On early stages development of humanity, beauty is only in game time the holiday could only be felt as beauty, outside of relations of utility, which gave rise to an artistic attitude towards the world.

Occurs mainly during play, learning and work. In the process of growing up, each of these activities consistently acts as a leader. In play (before school), the child tries on different social roles, at more adult stages (at school, college, university) he acquires the knowledge, teachings, and skills necessary for adult life. The final stage of personality formation takes place in the process of joint labor activity.

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