Tretyakov Gallery Vatican exhibition. What is Pinakothek? Tickets to the Vatican Pinacoteca at the Tretyakov Gallery

Moscow. January 31st. website - The Tretyakov Gallery (Tretyakov Gallery) has extended the exhibition of paintings from the Vatican Pinacoteca until March 1, gallery director Zelfira Tregulova told Interfax on Tuesday.

“Realizing that the exhibition from the Vatican collection is of great interest to viewers, we contacted the Directorate of the Vatican Museums with a request to consider the possibility of extending this exhibition for at least ten days. Because these works, taken from the walls of the Pinacoteca, are extremely in demand by those who come to Rome and comes to the museum. Their absence for 3.5 months is a problem for our colleagues. I am pleased that. new director of the Vatican Museums, Mrs. Barbara Yatta agreed to extend the exhibition from February 20 to March 1 inclusive,” Tregulova told Interfax.

According to the director, given the influx of visitors, the museum decided to work seven days a week - both Mondays, February 20 and 27, the gallery will be open until 21:00.

"This exhibition is not about record attendance. For it we have chosen the best halls in Engineering Corps where we provide the necessary conditions safety and strict adherence to temperature and humidity conditions," the director noted. This is partly why, the director explained, no more than 2 thousand people a day can visit the exhibition.

Ticket selling

A new batch of tickets will arrive at the box office on Krymsky Val on February 10. Five ticket offices will be open; the permanent exhibition of the building will be closed on this day. “We will sell tickets on a first-come, first-served basis, and we will try to get people into the lobby as much as possible so that they don’t freeze in the cold,” Tregulova said.

Online sales will begin on February 17 from 12:00. The Gallery is working to ensure that the website, ticket systems and mail service do not crash due to tens of thousands of people visiting them simultaneously, as happened in early January.

Currently, all tickets for the exhibition "Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca" are completely sold out until February 19.

The fight against resellers

To combat resellers, the State Tretyakov Gallery for the first time introduced the practice of personalized tickets. Now, when purchasing tickets at the box office and on the museum website, visitors must indicate the names of those for whom they are being purchased. The public will be required to have identification with them when entering the museum.

In addition, from December 15, entry to the museum is only possible with pre-purchased tickets - the “live” line at the box office for tickets to the next show in the gallery has been canceled.

The exhibition "Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca" in Lavrushinsky Lane presents 42 paintings XII-XVIII centuries. Among them are works by Giovanni Bellini, Melozzo da Forli, Perugino, Raphael, Caravaggio, Guido Reni, Guercino, Nicolas Poussin. The most early work- the image of “Christ Blessing” from the 12th century, which has never previously been exhibited at temporary exhibitions and has not left the Vatican.

Raphael. Faith. 1507 Vatican Museums.

At the exhibition , curated by Arkady Ipollitov ( State Hermitage Museum), will be presented 42 paintings . Never before have the Vatican Museums, which are among the ten largest collections in the world, taken out such a significant number of outstanding works from the permanent exhibition, so that the exhibition will become an event not only for Russia and Europe, but also for the whole world.

« Roma Aeterna..." - Part big project: in 2017, a reciprocal exhibition will be held in the Vatican, a significant part of its exhibits will be works of Russian painting on gospel subjects from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Carrying out in the State Tretyakov Gallery, largest meeting Russian painting, an exhibition of paintings predominantly Italian and predominantly Roman schools is quite natural. The spiritual connection between Moscow and Rome took shape in the 16th century, and this a joint project- the most important result of the interaction of two cultures: the culture of Rome, as the embodiment of Europeanness, and the culture of Moscow, as the embodiment of Russianness. It is natural that among the great works presented at the exhibition, one can find many analogies and parallels with Russian art.

The purpose of the show is to present both the collection of the Pinacoteca, a section of the Vatican Museums, and the spirit of Rome, the great city. The Pinakothek collection was created as a collection of a state, the head of which is a clergyman, which is reflected in its composition - this is the greatest collection of religious painting. Religion is a form of awareness of the world, so religious art is not reduced to a set of biblical or gospel stories, and the collection of the Vatican Pinakothek tells us exactly this. It is as diverse as the culture of Rome, which is why the title of the exhibition includes Latin expression Roma Aeterna, "Eternal Rome". This means the enormous cultural unity that Rome has become in the history of mankind, a city at the same time ancient and modern, uniting into a single whole such different eras as Antiquity, the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. Rome is the center of empire, the center of religion and the center of art: we can say that the concept of Roma Aeterna is one of the most important ideas of world culture. The exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery is dedicated to this idea.

Each piece presented at the exhibition is exceptional. It begins with a rare example of the Roman school of the 12th century, the image of “Christ Blessing,” which had never before been exhibited at temporary exhibitions and never left the Vatican. This ancient and great work, close to Byzantine painting, is also interesting because it reveals the common roots of Italian and Russian art. This image, which preserves the memory of the unity of Christianity before the schism, is followed by the work of Margaritone d’Arezzo “St. Francis of Assisi” (13th century). It is included in all art history textbooks and is valuable because it is one of the earliest images of a saint who played an important role in the history of the Western church. It was his name that was chosen by the current pope, who became the first Francis in the history of the Vatican. Also presented are works by Gothic masters, which are extremely rare in Russian collections. Among them is “Jesus before Pilate” by Pietro Lorenzetti, which uniquely echoes the famous painting by Nikolai Ge.

Two predella (predella - the lower part of the altar), telling stories from the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, equally revered by Orthodox and Catholic Church, stand on the border of Gothic and Renaissance. One of them belongs to the brush of Gentile da Fabriano, who completed the era of international Gothic in Italy, whose works are not only absent in Russian collections, but were not exhibited in Russia at all, the second is by the brush of Fra Beato Angelico, the great Florentine of the Early Renaissance.

Two paintings date back to the heyday of the Renaissance: "The Miracles of Saint Vincenzo Ferrer" by Ercole de' Roberti , one of the most interesting works the greatest master Ferrara school,

and Lamentation of Christ by Venetian Giovanni Bellini.

There are no works of both in Russia. The greatest success is that the exhibition will show frescoes of angels by Melozzo da Forli , provided by the Pinakothek for exhibition to other museums in isolated cases. Paintings by this artist, considered one of major painters Quattrocento, were removed from the apse dome during the reconstruction of the Church of Santi Apostoli in Rome and now decorate a special room of the Pinacoteca. The works of Melozzo da Forli are so rare that their value is close to the most famous creations of Sandro Botticelli and Piero della Francesca. Having been reproduced in huge numbers on various souvenirs, his angels became business card Rome.

The High Renaissance, that is, the 16th century, is represented by the masterpieces of Perugino, Raphael, Correggio and Paolo Veronese.

Papal Rome reached its greatest power in the 17th century, during the Baroque era, and papal collections represent the painting of this particular century most fully and brilliantly. A masterpiece of this time on display - "Entombment" by Caravaggio.

Altarpiece by Nicolas Poussin “The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus” , the most great work artist, written specifically for St. Peter's Basilica. This work was one of the most famous paintings cathedral and aroused the admiration of many Russian artists who lived in Rome.

The Baroque era also includes works by Caravaggists and artists of the Bolognese school (Lodovico Carracci, Guido Reni, Guercino), beautifully represented in the papal collections. The exhibition ends with a series of paintings from the 18th century, essentially the last century in which the papacy played a state role. This series is Bolognese Donato Creti is dedicated to astronomical observations and logically completes the history of Lo Stato Pontificio, the Papal States, which soon ceased to exist and became the Vatican, Lo Stato della Città del Vaticano.

The exhibition catalog includes articles by the curator and employee of the Vatican Museums and an album part, which includes all the exhibited works with detailed annotations.

Holding the exhibition and publishing its catalog would have been impossible without the large-scale support of the A.B. Charitable Foundation. Usmanov “Art, science and sport”. The relationship between the Gallery and the Foundation is long history: in 2006, anniversary events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the museum were supported, in 2006–2007 - a successful experience collaboration over the exhibition of James Whistler, in 2007 - over the retrospective of Dmitry Zhilinsky. This exhibition is the largest and unprecedented international project of the Tretyakov Gallery in recent years.

Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca. Bellini, Raphael, Caravaggio
November 25 - February 19, 2017
Lavrushinsky lane, 12

Ticket prices for the exhibitions "Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca. Bellini, Raphael, Caravaggio" and "Painting and graphics of the 18th-20th centuries from the collection of the Primorsky Art Gallery":

500 rub. - adults

150 rub. - for the following benefit categories:

Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, Full Recipients of the Order of Glory,
students of secondary and secondary special education educational institutions(from 18 years old),
students of higher educational institutions of Russia, including foreign citizens - students of Russian universities (except for student interns)
students of faculties specializing in the field visual arts, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions of Russia, regardless of the form of education (including foreign citizens - students of Russian universities). Does not apply to persons presenting "student trainee" student cards;
artists, architects, designers - members of the relevant creative unions Russia and its subjects;
members and staff Russian Academy arts;
art historians - members of the Association of Art Critics of Russia and its constituent entities;
employees of museums within the system of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Free - for the following benefit categories:

For persons under 18 years of age;
members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War, combatants (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
disabled people of groups I and II (citizens of Russia and CIS countries);
one accompanying person with a group I disability or a disabled child (citizens of Russia and CIS countries)

A visit to the exhibition "Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca. Bellini, Raphael, Caravaggio" is organized by sessions. The number of people in a session is limited for reasons of visitor comfort and proper climatic conditions for displaying valuable masterpieces.

Online tickets for exhibition dates
"Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca. Bellini, Raphael, Caravaggio"
sold out until December 30, 2016.

Tickets for the remaining days of the exhibition will go on sale
approximately December 15th.

The Tretyakov Gallery presents a unique project.
For the first time the Vatican Museums are shown in Russia the best part its collection - masterpieces of the XII-XVIII centuries.

Never before have the Vatican Museums, which are among the ten largest collections in the world, taken outside their borders at the same time such a significant number of outstanding works from the permanent exhibition, so the exhibition will become an event not only for Russia and Europe, but also for the whole world.

"Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca" is part of a large project. In 2017, the Vatican will host a reciprocal exhibition, a significant part of its exhibits will be works of Russian painting on gospel subjects from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

Holding in the State Tretyakov Gallery, the largest collection of Russian painting, an exhibition of paintings predominantly of the Italian and predominantly Roman schools is quite natural.

Gentile da Fabriano "St. Nikolai saves the ship from sinking"

The spiritual connection between Moscow and Rome took shape back in the 16th century, and this joint project is the most important result of the interaction of two cultures: the culture of Rome, as the embodiment of Europeanness, and the culture of Moscow, as the embodiment of Russianness.

It is natural that among the great works presented at the exhibition, one can find many analogies and parallels with Russian art.

The purpose of the show is to present both the collection of the Pinacoteca, a section of the Vatican Museums, and the spirit of Rome, the great city. The Pinakothek collection was created as a collection of a state, the head of which is a clergyman, which is reflected in its composition - this is the greatest collection of religious painting.

Religion is a form of awareness of the world, so religious art is not reduced to a set of biblical or evangelical subjects, and the collection of the Vatican Pinacothek tells us exactly this.

It is as diverse as the culture of Rome, which is why the title of the exhibition includes the Latin expression Roma Aeterna - “Eternal Rome”. This means the enormous cultural unity that Rome has become in the history of mankind, a city at the same time ancient and modern, uniting into a single whole such different eras as Antiquity, the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque.

Guido Reni "Apostle Matthew with the Angel"

Rome is the center of empire, the center of religion and the center of art: we can say that the concept of Roma Aeterna is one of the most important ideas of world culture. The exhibition at the Tretyakov Gallery is dedicated to this idea.

Roman school, 12th century “Blessing Christ” and Margaritone d’Arezzo “St. Francis of Assisi"

Each piece presented at the exhibition is exceptional. It begins with a rare example of the Roman school of the 12th century, the image of “Christ Blessing,” which had never before been exhibited at temporary exhibitions and never left the Vatican. This ancient and great work, close to Byzantine painting, is also interesting because it reveals the common roots of Italian and Russian art.

This image, which preserves the memory of the unity of Christianity before the schism, is followed by the work of Margaritone d’Arezzo “St. Francis of Assisi” (13th century). It is included in all art history textbooks and is valuable because it is one of the earliest images of a saint who played an important role in the history of the Western church.

It was his name that was chosen by the current pope, who became the first Francis in the history of the Vatican.

Giovanni Bellini "Lamentation"

Two paintings date back to the heyday of the Renaissance: “The Miracles of Saint Vincenzo Ferrer” by Ercole de Roberti, one of the most interesting works by the greatest master of the Ferrara school, and “The Lamentation” by the Venetian Giovanni Bellini. There are no works of both in Russia.

The greatest success is that the exhibition will show the frescoes of angels by Melozzo da Forlì, which the Pinacoteca provides for exhibition to other museums on rare occasions. The paintings of this artist, considered one of the greatest painters of the Quattrocento, were removed from the apse dome during the reconstruction of the Church of Santi Apostoli in Rome and now decorate a special room of the Pinacoteca.

The works of Melozzo da Forli are so rare that their value is close to the most famous creations of Sandro Botticelli and Piero della Francesca.

Having been reproduced in large numbers on various souvenirs, his angels became the hallmark of Rome. The High Renaissance, that is, the 16th century, is represented by the masterpieces of Perugino, Raphael, Correggio and Paolo Veronese.

Papal Rome reached its greatest power in the 17th century, during the Baroque era, and papal collections represent the painting of this particular century most fully and brilliantly. The masterpiece of this time on display is “Entombment” by Caravaggio.

Caravaggio “Entombment” and Nicolas Poussin “Martyrdom of St. Erasmus”

Nicolas Poussin's altarpiece "The Martyrdom of St. Erasmus", the artist's largest work, was painted specifically for St. Peter's Basilica. This work was one of the most famous paintings of the cathedral and was admired by many Russian artists living in Rome.

Paolo Veronese "St. Elena"

The Baroque era also includes works by Caravaggists and artists of the Bolognese school (Lodovico Carracci, Guido Reni, Guercino), beautifully represented in the papal collections.

The exhibition ends with a series of paintings from the 18th century, essentially the last century in which the papacy played a state role. This series by Bolognese Donato Creti is dedicated to astronomical observations and logically completes the history of Lo Stato Pontificio, the Papal States that soon ceased to exist and turned into the Vatican, Lo Stato della Città del Vaticano.

Mariotto di Nardo. "Predella's Christmas" Around 1385 and Melozzo da Forli. "Angel playing the lute." 1480

The exhibition catalog includes articles by the curator and employee of the Vatican Museums and an album part, which includes all the exhibited works with detailed annotations.

Holding the exhibition and publishing its catalog would have been impossible without the large-scale support of the A.B. Charitable Foundation. Usmanov “Art, science and sport”.

The relationship between the Gallery and the Foundation has a long history: in 2006, anniversary events dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the museum were supported, in 2006–2007 - successful experience of joint work on the James Whistler exhibition, in 2007 - on the retrospective of Dmitry Zhilinsky.

If you have time and desire, take a look documentary"Vatican Museums. Between heaven and earth". By spending just an hour of your time, you will find out whose works are kept in the Vatican Museums, and about the papacy that created them. At the same time, the film is about ourselves. Will be shown best works Leonardo da Vinci, Giotto di Bondone, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Vincent Van Gogh, Marc Chagall, Lucio Fontana, Salvador Dali.

It is safe to say that this exhibition is the largest and unprecedented international project of the Tretyakov Gallery in recent years.

At the opening of the exhibition “Roma Aeterna. Masterpieces of the Vatican Pinacoteca” was personally delivered by the President of the Governorate of the Vatican City State, Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello. He noted that some of the works that visitors to the Tretyakov Gallery can see have never left the Vatican Museums until now.

November 23rd, 2016 , 04:20 pm

On November 25, one of the most significant and unique exhibitions opens in the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery recent years. 42 works of art from the Vatican Pinacoteca will be presented in Moscow for three months.

The popularity of various exhibitions with masterpieces from different eras in Moscow in Lately incredibly high. Tickets must be purchased in advance. People dress warmly and stand in long lines to look at unique paintings. What can you see this time? The answer is in the report.

1. The exhibition is located in the Engineering Building of the Tretyakov Gallery. This is the closest building to Tretyakovskaya metro station. Three halls on the third floor. Large, medium and small.

2. The middle hall greets visitors first. A short introduction to the Vatican Museums and the plan of St. Peter's Basilica with the square in front of it.

3. It all starts with an exhibit that has never left the Vatican before. "Christ the Blesser." 12th century, Roman school.

4. The middle room is filled with small-sized paintings. In addition to the works of Bellini, Raphael and Caravaggio, mentioned in the title of the exhibition, you will be able to see Margaritone d’Arezzo, Pietro Lorenzetti, Gentile da Fabriano, Fra Beato Angelico.

5. The Vatican Pinacoteca was founded by Pope Pius VI in the second half of the 18th century. By order of Napoleon Bonaparte, they were taken to Paris, but later returned to their place. For many years, the collection was replenished and decorated only the pope’s chambers and some rooms. Only in 1908 did the collection join the ranks of museum exhibits available to the public. At first it was located in the premises of the Belvedere Palace, and later received its own building.

6. Most of the works in the Vatican Pinacotene are by Italians. The smaller part is the purchased collection Byzantine art, more fewer works from other countries.

7. 42 works arrived in Moscow. This is almost 10% of the entire collection. Previously, such a large number of works had never been exported from the Vatican. The decision to hold temporary exhibitions Russian works in the Vatican and the Vatican collection in Russia was accepted at the very high level. Financial support for this project was provided charitable foundation Alisher Usmanov “Art, Science and Sports”, who have repeatedly supported exhibitions at the Tretyakov Gallery.

8. The importance of the event is emphasized by the visit of Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello. He is the governor of the Vatican City State, which is roughly equivalent to the position of prime minister in Russia.

9. The second hall in line is large. Here are the most large works collections.

10. All paintings are signed in Russian and English language. The inscriptions are under your feet. emphasizing the large threshold.

11. And don't forget to look into the small hall at the far end from the entrance. These 8 works feature the series "Astronomical Observations" by Donato Creti.


In my unprofessional opinion, this is a very interesting exhibition. Small, but even in this form it looks complete. The religious themes of all the works are not surprising, but they are not striking either. We all understand that the Vatican is the center of Catholicism in the world. His collections of religious themes are very diverse.

Will you go to this exhibition?

Thank you for your attention! Stay in touch!

Last modified: September 20, 2018

Falling into the arms of one of the most famous museums world, you involuntarily begin to lose your head from the beauty that lies beyond its walls. Vatican Art Gallery is replete with works of art, carefully preserved by museum workers for many decades. Pinacoteca Vatican, whose history begins with a small collection of Pope Pius VI (1775-1799), today contains about half a thousand works of art religious themes of the 12th-19th centuries, exhibited in chronological order in 18 halls. In this article we will talk about the most famous paintings galleries that are definitely worth seeing.

Art of the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance

In the first six halls art gallery The Vatican presents works of medieval artists of the Siena, Umbrian, Florentine schools, as well as some works of the early Renaissance. Among the most famous are “ Last Judgment"Niccolò and Giovanni (mid-12th century), triptych "Stephaneschi", works by Giotto, works by Gentile da Fabriano - Polyptych "Quaratesi" and "Annunciation", as well as works by Pietro Lorenzetti, Filippo Lippi, Giovanni di Paolo, Beato Angelico and others .

Giotto. Stefaneschi triptych

Particularly noteworthy are the frescoes of Melozzo da Forli “Musician Angels”, painted for the vault of the apse of the Basilica of the Holy 12 Apostles in Rome in the second half of the 15th century. The surviving fragments of the painting are presented in room IV.

Among the most famous works artists early Renaissance, exhibited in the Vatican Gallery, you can see paintings by Ercole de Roberti, Bartolomeo Montagna, Marco Bazaiti, as well as the German painter Lucas Cranach the Elder.

Works by Perugino and Giovanni di Pietro

Works famous representatives The Umbrian school - Pietro Perugino and his student Giovanni di Pietro - can be admired in Hall VII of the Vatican Pinacoteca. The following paintings are presented here:

  • Altar of the Decemvirs. Pietro Perugino. Late 15th century
  • Saint Benedict, Saint Flavia and Saint Placis (fragments of the polyptych “Annunciation”). Perugino. Beginning of the 16th century.
  • Resurrection of San Francesco al Prato. Perugino. 1499

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Pinacoteca Vatican: Raphael Hall

One of the most famous halls artistic Vatican galleries is a room where exclusively works by Rafael Santi are presented. In the central part of the room, three altar paintings are exhibited, and along its perimeter are tapestries made according to the drawings of the master and his students.

General view of the exhibition of paintings in the Raphael Hall. Vatican Art Gallery

Altar of Oddi

At the top of the picture are Jesus and the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels playing the musical instruments. At the bottom are the apostles gathered around a flowering sarcophagus. The Predella consists of three scenes: “The Annunciation”, “Adoration of the Magi” and “Introduction to the Temple”.

The work was painted in 1503 by order of Maglalena Oddi as an altar image for the church of San Francesco a Prati in Perugda. At the end of the 18th century it was taken to Paris, but in early XIX century returned to Italy, and thanks to Pope Pius VII it became part of the collection of the Vatican Pinacoteca.

Madonna di Foligno

The Virgin Mary is represented in the painting in a robe of two traditional colors: red, characterizing her as the Mother, and blue, as the Queen of Heaven. At her feet, against the background of the landscape, are depicted in pairs St. John the Baptist and Francis of Assisi on the left and St. Jerome and the kneeling customer of this work- Sigismondo de Conti, dressed in a purple robe trimmed with fur.

The painting was painted in 1511 and for a long time decorated the main altar of the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.


Obna from the most valuable paintings Pinacothecae of the Vatican - last work Raphael, painted in 1520 by order of Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, who later became Pope, known as Clement VII.

The plot of the work combines two unrelated episodes described in the Gospel: the Transfiguration of Christ and the expulsion of the unclean spirit from the young man by the apostles. At the top of the picture is Jesus floating in the air, next to him are the prophets Moses and Elijah. The stricken lie at the feet of the Savior bright light Peter, John and James in traditional robes symbolizing faith, hope and love.
At the bottom of the picture are the apostles trying to heal a young man from an unclean spirit that had entered him.

Faith, Charity and Hope

Three small paintings, personifying faith, mercy and hope, are the lower part of the altar image - the predella. They were painted in 1507 by order of representatives of the noble Peruginian family of Baglioni for the family chapel, as well as the main altarpiece “Entombment”, which today is kept in the Borghese Gallery.

Leonardo da Vinci, Titian and Caravaggio in the Vatican Gallery

Works by famous Renaissance painters are displayed in several rooms of the Vatican Art Gallery. In addition to paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Titian and Caravaggio, in the museum you can admire works by Giovanni Bellini, Correggio, Benvenuto Tisi, Paolo Veronese, Moretto, Guido Reni, Federico Barocci, Giorgio Vasari, Domenichino and many others. No less interesting are the works of Raphael’s students, presented in Hall X.

Giovanni Bellini "Pieta". Second half of the 15th century

Leonardo da Vinci. "Saint Jerome". 1480 g

Titian. "Madonna". 1533-35

Titian. "Portrait of Doge Nicolo Marcello"

Veronese. "Vision of Saint Helena". 1580 g

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