Transformations of fairy tales. Morphology of a fairy tale" V.Ya

People get acquainted with them from childhood. The main function of fairy tales is educational, because they teach kindness, selflessness, and altruism.

The history of Russian folklore includes a large number of fairy tales. Many of them exist in several versions.

Fairy tale and its genre varieties

Fairy tales can be different. The main classification divides them as follows:

1. A tale about animals. The main characters and actors are animals. In Russian literature, every animal is an allegory of some kind. For example, a fox personifies cunning, a hare - cowardice, etc.

2. It has a rather complex composition. The beginning of such a fairy tale, as a rule, is the beginning. In a fairy tale, this is what expresses the moral, the main thought and idea.

3. Novelistic fairy tale. A hero is a person who does amazing things. Only if they help in magic magic items or unusual animals, then in novelistic characters the character uses only his mind.

4. Everyday fairy tale. It talks about a person's life in ordinary world without magic.

Each fairy tale begins differently. The beginnings of Russian fairy tales deserve great attention, however, before considering them, it is necessary to get acquainted with structural elements traditional fairy tale.

Fairy tale structure

The fairy tale begins with the beginning. After it, the main events begin. The hero finds himself in an unusual situation. Then in the fairy tale there are twists and turns - actions. The characters intersect with each other. The most crucial moment comes - the climax. After the climax there is a decline in events, and subsequently there is a denouement.

This is the structure of an ordinary story.

A little about the beginning

The beginning of a fairy tale is the beginning of the fairy tale. It can be short (consist of one sentence), or it can be a whole paragraph long. The beginning introduces the reader to fairy tale story. He gives initial information about the characters, for example, “once upon a time there was a peasant.”

The beginning of a fairy tale is a small digression that sets the tone of the story. The main goals of the initiative:

1. Attract the attention of listeners. The beginnings of Russian folk tales can be a proverb or a saying. The reader or listener becomes interested in how this fairy tale is connected with the sentence specified in the beginning.

2. Set the tone for the story. The beginning often determines the genre of the work. Russian classics also used a similar technique, for example, Saltykov-Shchedrin fairy tale " The wise minnow“begins with the words: “Once upon a time there was a gudgeon.”

Thus, the beginning is the main structural unit of a fairy tale, which sets the reader up to read the work and determines the genre's originality.

Beginnings in Russian fairy tales

It is difficult to find a person who could not remember at least one beginning. In a fairy tale, this is the main part, so it is difficult to do without it.

Most fairy tales begin with the words “once upon a time...”, “once upon a time...”. The peculiarity of this beginning is the repeated repetition of words with the same root.

No less famous are the beginnings of Russian folk tales, beginning with the words “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”. A similar beginning is “in the distant kingdom, in the thirtieth state...”. Such introductions are typical of fairy tales.

Sometimes fairy tales open with sayings with the word “beginning,” for example, “the beginning is the beauty of the matter” or “every business has a beginning, every tale has a beginning.” After this introduction, the story itself begins.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: the beginning is a special beginning of a fairy tale, characteristic of works of Russian folklore. It can act either as a fairy tale, or carry a certain semantic load.

Topic: Compositional parts of a fairy tale: saying, beginning, ending.

Target: Systematization of knowledge on literary theory (compositional derivatives)

Objectives for students:

1.Know the compositional parts of a fairy tale.

2.Learn to find them in the text.

3. Compose a fairy tale based on its compositional parts.

Expected results:

1. They know what compositional parts a fairy tale consists of and their definition.

2.Able to find compositional parts in the text.

3. Compose your own fairy tale using all its compositional parts.

During the classes.

I . Motivational stage.

1.Psychological mood for the lesson.

Screening of the cartoon “Team Interaction” at interactive whiteboard.

Questions after watching:

2.Formation of groups.

The teacher appoints group commanders:

Each student chooses one student - a speaker, the speaker chooses a secretary, and the secretary - a time speaker.

Show with an emoticon how you feel in this group.

Reviewing the rules for working in groups.

4. Goal setting.


Read the text on the cards and make notes. (Insert method)

Students read the text of the card and make notes:

"!" - I know, I agree;

“-” - I don’t agree;

“+” - interesting and unexpected;

“?” - I don’t know, I want to find out.

After filling out the table, ask the class a question:

What interested you in working with the table? (They answer and stop at “I don’t know, I want to find out”

I want to help you gain new knowledge. Determine the topic of today's lesson.

What is a saying, beginning, ending in a fairy tale.

For what purpose do you want to know this?

To find sayings, beginnings, endings in fairy tales. To correctly compose an interesting, beautiful fairy tale.

Let's write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

II . Operational stage.

1.Definition of compositional parts. Work in pairs. Method "Forecasting".

Teacher: Each pair has a card. Consider and try to determine the saying, beginning, and ending using the arrows. (Cards of two options are used)

1 option


1) Oh doo-doo! On the oak tree

The raven thundered into the chimney.

And miracles began:

The skies turned blue

The sails set out to sea,

Dark forests stood up.

2) There lived a grandfather and a woman. Grandfather says to grandma:

You, woman, bake pies, and I will harness the sleigh and go get fish...

3) So they began to live - to live and make good things.




Option 2.


1) And in a forest hut

The stove flooded -

Cloudberry pies

The bunny started baking.

Eat some pies

Listen to the story.

2) In the old days, one king had three sons. So, when the sons became old, the king gathered them and said:

My dear sons, while I am not yet old, I would like to marry you, to look at your children, at my grandchildren...

3) And I was there. I drank honey and beer, it ran down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth.




2.Check. Mutual checking of pairs using the key in the textbook (pp. 39-40. Literary reading, 2nd grade)

Who determined it correctly? For those who didn’t succeed, don’t be upset, now you’ll read precise definition concepts and will be able to correctly find the saying, beginning and ending in fairy tales. (Independent reading of the rules in the textbook pp. 39-40. Work in groups)

How is a fairy tale different from a story?

The story has no saying, beginning or ending.

By what features do we distinguish a fairy tale?

The words “once upon a time”, “once upon a time”. Positive and negative heroes. Good and evil. Good wins.

3. Determination of the sequence of compositional parts of a fairy tale. (Work in groups)

Arrange the cards with the names of the compositional parts in the order in which you think the compositional parts are located in the fairy tale.



the beginning


4.Check using the “Delegation” method. Delegates from groups go to other groups and see the work done. Leave your thoughts, ratings and suggestions on a sticker. Each group retains a speaker who presents the work of his group.


the beginning


5. Physical exercise “Fun exercise” on the interactive board.

6. Consolidation of the studied material.

Cards with multi-level tasks. (Justify your choice)

Level 1.

Assignment: Read the fairy tale and divide it into compositional parts.

The fairy tale will be entertaining. Listen to her carefully. Whoever opens his ears wide will learn a lot of all sorts of things. And whoever accidentally falls asleep will leave with nothing.

One spring there lived on the roof of a house an icicle who really wanted to have a scarf.

And then one morning a little girl ran past. The baby was in a hurry to kindergarten and did not notice how the scarf fell from her shoulders straight onto the asphalt. Icicle, being young and inexperienced, thought that the scarf had been left as a gift for her. All morning she thought about how to get to the scarf. The day came, the sun shone brightly and strongly. The icicle, carried away by her thoughts, slowly melted and dripped down drop by drop, right onto the scarf... She didn’t even notice how it had all melted... The scarf, wet from the water, dried under the evening sun rays. And in the evening, the girl, returning home from kindergarten, found it in the very place where she left it in the morning. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened!

Level 2.

Cards with cut text.

Assignment: Read the fairy tale, putting its parts together correctly.

In that ancient time, when the world of God was filled with goblins, witches and mermaids, when the rivers flowed milky, the banks were jelly, and fried partridges flew across the fields, at that time there lived a king named Pea...

In ancient times, King Pea fought with mushrooms.

The boletus mushroom, the colonel sitting above the mushrooms, sitting under the oak tree, looking at all the mushrooms, began to order:
- Come, you little whites, to my war!
The whites refused:
- We - pillar noblewomen! Let's not go to war!
- Come, you saffron milk caps, to my war! The saffron milk caps refused:
- We are rich men! Let's not go to war!
- Come, little girls, to my war! The waves refused.
- We, little girls, are old ladies! Let's not go to war!
- Come, honey mushrooms, to my war! Openings refused:
- Our legs are very thin! Let's not go to war!
- Come, milk mushrooms, to my war!
- We, milk mushrooms, are friendly guys! Let's go to war!

And so the mushrooms defeated King Pea!

And I was there. I drank honey and beer for the victory. It flowed down my mustache, but didn’t get into my mouth.

Level 3 (talented and gifted)

Assignment: Orally compose a fairy tale using all the compositional parts.

7.Presentation of completed work by group speakers.

III .Reflection.

1.Checking the mastery of the topic.

You have a test in front of you. Remember what you learned today and answer the questions.

Mini test.

1. Saying

a) the idea of ​​a fairy tale, its heroes

b) lure to listen

c) good conquers evil.

2. Beginning

a) the idea of ​​a fairy tale, its heroes

b) lure to listen

c) good conquers evil.


a) the idea of ​​a fairy tale, its heroes

b) lure to listen

c) good conquers evil.


Look at the board and check your work (key on the interactive whiteboard)

Please rate your test.


all answers are correct – “smiling” emoticon

one or two answers are incorrect - “sad” emoticon

3. Lesson summary - “Unfinished sentences” technique

In a circle they speak in one sentence, choosing the beginning of a phrase from the reflective screen on the board.

Today I found out.....

It was interesting…..

It was difficult….

I did the tasks.....

I realized that.....
Now I can….

I felt that...

I purchased...

I learned….

I managed…


Repeat the rule on pages 39-40.

Compose a saying, beginning or ending - your choice.

The beginning of a fairy tale, a saying, an epic chorus, a prayerful introduction, an ending - these are the parts included in the structure of a folklore work. They must be distinguished from each other. Complex compositional structure folk tales is not accidental. Each of the parts they contain plays a specific role.

What is a saying

Most fairy tales, especially fairy tales, begin with a saying. Thanks to its existence, the listener is gradually immersed in a special world and thereby prepares to perceive everything

When reading or listening to a saying, both a child and an adult create in their imagination the image of the cat Bayun, they see an island in the middle of the ocean, on it rises a mighty oak tree with golden chains and a mysterious chest on mighty branches, and in the distance a city from an unknown kingdom-state is visible.

The peculiarity that distinguishes a saying is that the beginning of a fairy tale, despite its small size (sometimes just a few words), is able to immediately immerse the reader in the world of magic and enchantment. And this is very important, because a person is determined not only to receive pleasure from what he reads, but also to comprehend the deep folk wisdom, which is contained in the content of the fairy tale. And without a special attitude, it can be very difficult to achieve this.

Very often a saying has a humorous character with elements of confusion, gibberish, confusion, and puns. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to avoid excessive edification, but at the same time maintain the educational role of the work.

Functions of the initiator

To fully understand a fairy tale, you need to understand its purpose. It consists of performing several tasks at once:

  • introduce the reader to the main works;
  • talk about the time the described action was performed;
  • give an idea of ​​the place where the events take place.

Young readers should understand that the beginning of a fairy tale is very important. Already at the very beginning of the work, you can get a lot of information, which in the future will help you fully understand the image of the characters, their characters and actions.

The beginning of a fairy tale will certainly indicate that the language of the work that you are about to get acquainted with is completely different from everyday speech. An example of this can be the following expressions: “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state”, “golden domes”, “there is a tree”, “a fairy tale is told”, “sea-okiyan” and many other “fairytale” words.

The beginning of fairy tales, their diversity

The beginnings and endings of fairy tales have a huge variety; they are distinguished by structure, language, and semantic content. Only about 36% have a traditional onset folklore works. It is known to every person brought up in the traditions of early childhood When a child is told a fairy tale, he hears the following words: “Once upon a time...” In total, at least nine types of openings are used when telling fairy tales.


“This is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!” - traditional form the endings of many folk tales. In addition to the above example, there are at least five other options that a storyteller can use to finish the story he tells. Knowing what the beginning is in a fairy tale and what it is used for, it is not difficult to guess for what purpose the ending is used. Fairytale actions must be brought to logical conclusion. A well-composed ending to the work helps to achieve this. For example, a storyteller can end the story like this: “They live and live and make good things!”, “This often happens!”, “They live and chew bread!” Sometimes the storyteller may end the story completely unexpectedly, but he must remember that the ending sums up everything that has been said.

Other features of the structure of a folklore work

Fairy tales, their main part, and the ending may contain repetitions. Each new repetition is somewhat different from the previous one, and thanks to this, the reader can guess how the whole story will end.

Into the structure of folk tales naturally poetic parts fit in, which gives the work musicality and tunes the reader to a special poetic wave.

The poems used by the storyteller have their own characteristics. Arouse great interest among readers fairy tales, entirely written in such verse. Writers call it fantastic.

In the process of presenting the content of a fairy tale, the narrator sometimes has to not only speak, but even sing, since the heroes often use just that among themselves. Suffice it to recall the fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Cat, Rooster and Fox”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats” and others.

Onomatopoeia, live dialogue between epithets, comparisons, hyperboles make the works folk art bright and inimitable. It’s not for nothing that everyone, young and old, loves Russian fairy tales: folklore contains not only wisdom, but also true beauty Russian word.

The study of fairy tales can in many respects be compared with the study of organic formations in nature. Both the naturalist and the folklorist deal with types and varieties of phenomena that are identical in essence. The question of the “origin of species” posed by Darwin can be posed in our field.

The similarity of phenomena both in the kingdom of nature and in ours does not lend itself to direct, precisely objective and absolutely convincing explanation. It poses a problem. Both here and there, two points of view are possible: either the internal similarity of two externally unrelated and unconnected phenomena cannot be raised to a common genetic root- the theory of independent generation of species, or this morphological similarity is the result of a known genetic connection- the theory of origin through metamorphoses and transformations traced to certain causes.

In order to resolve this issue, first of all it is necessary to illuminate the question of the nature of the similarities between fairy tales. Until now, this similarity has always been determined by the plot and its variations. This method is acceptable only if one takes the point of view of the independent origin of species. Proponents of this method do not compare stories with each other and consider such a comparison impossible or, in any case, erroneous.

Without denying the benefits of plot-by-plot study and comparison only from the point of view of plot similarity, one can put forward another method, another unit of comparison. Fairy tales can be compared in terms of composition or structure, and then their similarities will appear in a new light.

It can be observed that the characters of fairy tales, no matter how diverse they are in their appearance, age, gender, occupation, their nomenclature and other static, attributive features, do the same thing during the action. This determines the ratio of constant quantities to variable quantities. The functions of the actors are constants; everything else can change.

  1. The Tsar sends Ivan for the princess. Ivan leaves.
  2. The Tsar sends Ivan for a curiosity. Ivan leaves.
  3. The sister sends her brother for medicine. Brother is leaving.
  4. The stepmother sends her stepdaughter to fetch fire. The stepdaughter is leaving.
  5. The blacksmith sends a farm laborer to fetch the cow. The farmhand leaves. etc.

Sending and exiting searches are constants.

The sending and leaving characters, the motivation for sending, etc. are variable quantities. In the future, the stages of the search, obstacles, etc., can again coincide in essence, but do not coincide in their design in images. The functions of the actors can be distinguished.

Fairy tales have 31 functions. Not all fairy tales provide all functions, but the absence of some does not affect the order of alternation of others. Their combination forms one system, one composition. This system is found to be extremely stable and extremely widespread.

The researcher has the opportunity to determine absolutely precisely that, for example, the ancient Egyptian tale of two brothers, the tale of the Firebird, the tale of Frost, the fisherman and the fish, as well as a number of myths, admit general concept. This is confirmed by analysis of the details. 31 functions do not exhaust the system. A motif such as “Baba Yaga gives Ivan a horse” consists of four elements, of which only one is a function, and the other three elements are static in nature.

All elements, all components the fairy tale knows about 150. Each of these elements can be titled according to its significance for the course of action. So, in the above example, Baba Yaga is the character giving the gift, the word “transmits” represents the moment of supply, Ivan is the character being gifted, the horse is the gift.

If titles are written out for all 150 elements fairy tale in the order in which it is dictated by the fairy tale itself, then all fairy tales will be written under such a table, and vice versa: everything that is subscribed to such a table is a fairy tale, everything that is not signed is fairy tales of a different formation, a different discharge.

These components are subject to comparison. This would correspond in zoology to the comparison of vertebrae with vertebrae, teeth with teeth, etc. But there is one big difference between organic formations and a fairy tale, which makes our task easier.

While there a change in one part or one attribute leads to a change in another attribute, in a fairy tale each part can change independently of the other parts.

This phenomenon has been noted by many researchers, although there are still no attempts to draw all methodological and other conclusions from it. Thus, Krohn, agreeing with Spies on the issue of the movability of component parts, still considers it necessary to study the fairy tale in whole formations, and not in parts, without putting forward compelling arguments for his position (typical of a representative of the Finnish school). We draw the conclusion from this that we can study the components of a fairy tale, regardless of what plot they are included in. Studying vertical headings reveals norms and paths of transformation.

What is true for each element separately will be true for entire formations due to the mechanical nature of the connection of the component parts.

V.Ya. Propp. Poetics of folklore - M., 1998


A fairy tale, like any other literary genre, has a clear structure. If you follow it, you can easily create an entertaining story for children and adults. And the famous linguist V. Ya. Propp developed a model for constructing magical stories. Based on his works, we can say that the structure of a fairy tale is based on the following rules:

1. The main and constant element is the functions or actions of the main characters. They connect the plot parts. A novice storyteller needs to remember that all the actions of the heroes should influence the course of history. Otherwise they are simply not needed.
2. The number of functions itself is limited. Propp identified only 31 actions, known to the world fairy tale
3. The sequence of functions is the same regardless of the storyline.

In the fairy tale, there are only 7 roles for the characters. These are: the sender, the princess or her father, the hero, the false hero, the helper, the giver and the antagonist. However, all characters involved can transform and change roles.

The structure of a folk tale: details

Any magical story begins with a preparatory part. The following options are possible here:
1. Absenteeism. One of the characters leaves, goes to war, etc.
2. Prohibition. The hero receives some instructions. For example, do not go off the path or enter the room.
3. Violation. The hero forgets about the ban.
4. Scouting. The antagonist is trying to get information.
5. Providing information.
6. The catch. Actor tries on himself new image. As an example, we can recall how the Wolf imitated the voice of the Mother Goat.
7. Aiding. The hero performs an action with the participation of another character (for example, eats poisoned food).
8. Initial trouble or shortage. The hero disappears or falls ill, the princess is kidnapped, etc.
The preparatory part is followed by the beginning. In the structure of a fairy tale, it is expressed by the following functions:
1. Mediation. The hero receives information or guidance from another character.
2. Beginning opposition. Main character receives permission to “try his luck” in an action that is unusual for him.
3. Dispatch. The hero sets off on his journey.

The main part involves the appearance of the donor. Establishing contact with him requires a reaction from the hero. Then he receives a magical remedy (potion, horse, magic phrase, etc.). Together with the gift, the hero moves to another kingdom. Here he will definitely face a struggle and branding (receiving a special sign by which he can always be recognized). After the hero’s victory, the shortage from the preparatory part is eliminated: the king recovers, the maiden king comes out of prison. Then the hero returns home. At this stage, pursuit and rescue from it are possible.

Sometimes a fairy tale can continue with an additional line. There is already a false hero operating within her. He commits sabotage (stealing prey, for example) and a real hero Once again forced to hit the road and find a new magical remedy. The following functions are possible here:
1. Secret arrival in hometown.
2. Another character claims the hero’s victories.
3. The hero is given a difficult task.
4. Finding a solution.
5. Recognition of the hero by other characters.
6. Revelation, or revealing the truth.
7. Transfiguration. The hero changes due to some action. For example, he bathes in a magical spring and becomes more beautiful than before.
8. Punishment of the guilty.
9. Wedding or accession.

All the described functions do not have to be present in a fairy tale. A magical story is a puzzle that you can put together as your heart desires. If you prepare cards with functions in advance, you can “assemble” the fairy tale together with your child. For clarity, be sure to take a playing field on which to mark the plot parts, for example, the plot, a special circumstance (prohibition, illness, etc.), the test and appearance of an assistant, the victory of the hero, the punishment of the guilty and a happy, instructive ending. And then expand on the story parts with other features, making up the story as you go.

Features of a fairy tale story

Earlier fairy tale images were drawn from myths. Therefore, magical stories are universal for any nation. They are based on primitive ideas about the world, and most of the constructive elements were born from the idea of ​​​​initiation and thoughts about the other world. Initially, fairy tales rarely had a happy ending. Such a denouement became possible when the roles of helper and giver appeared.

From the fairy tale it is easy to determine how people lived, what they dreamed about and what they were afraid of. She always reflects existing traditions. So, in one of the first versions of Little Red Riding Hood, the girl ate the remains of her grandmother. The very mention of this takes us back to a time when cannibalism was not yet a strict taboo. And in the girl’s basket there could be not only pies and a pot of butter, but also a bottle of wine, fresh fish and a whole wheel of young cheese. A novice storyteller should pay attention to this. A good story contains familiar cultural codes. The clearer you are Magic world, the closer the narrative and the more effective it is.

The main purpose of a fairy tale is to convey knowledge. It has not lost its educational component even today. But it is very important that didactic material was hidden deep. The child should not have to guess what he is being taught. This is the most important feature of a fairy tale story.

Knowing the structure folk tale, you can easily create your own stories. This can be done not only to entertain the child, but also to answer his most difficult questions.

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