Interpretation of the dream stranger in dream books. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about an unfamiliar guy?

Dream interpretation of falling in love with a stranger

Falling in love is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For a sleeping person, such a sign plays a big role, and therefore it must be interpreted correctly, and the dream book will help with this.

Uneasy love

New relationships are not built in one day; they can be fraught with many pitfalls that are so difficult to consider through the prism of your euphoria.

As the dream book says, falling in love with a stranger is a favorable symbol that will mean joyful and bright events.

Experience tender feelings in a dream

If you were to experience romantic feelings for a stranger, then in reality your affairs will go uphill. This time will be favorable for your endeavors, and therefore you should take full advantage of it.

What's happened?

Falling in love, which you managed to feel in your dream, is considered one of the positive stories.


It is worth noting that the emotions experienced will be reflected in the emotional state in real life, helping to improve it.

According to the second interpretation, the Universe is trying to give a signal that life can completely change, and soon a quiet harbor will turn into a raging ocean.

If a sleeping person feels mutual attraction, it means he has good health, which helps him overcome various difficulties on the way to his goal. After such a dream, you can really fall in love once and irrevocably.


Dreaming of an unrequited feeling If you dreamed of non-reciprocal love, it means that not the brightest streak is coming in your life. Your task is to work on your behavior, which quite often brings negative consequences.

Such a dream may be the result of your own low self-esteem because you do not accept yourself. In fact, you are worthy of love, and there is no point in constantly humiliating yourself, hiding your own merits.

Who was that?

Falling in love flares up quickly, and no one guarantees that everything will continue as good as it was before.

Stronger sex

  • If you feel like a stranger is falling in love with you, then very soon life will begin to improve:
  • a new source of income will appear;
  • new love adventures will begin, etc.

Of course, such a dream is considered positive, and therefore you need to open your heart to new acquaintances.

A vampire

Loving a vampire in a dream

If the object of your adoration is a vampire, what then? Many dream interpreters say that such a symbol reflects unhappy love, which will poison the soul for a long time.

The problem is that the sleeping person constantly compares his lover to a vampire - a person who constantly sucks energy.

However, you should not interpret the dreamed sign literally; most likely, you will come to the realization that your chosen one has begun to use you for selfish purposes. This dream warns single people that future acquaintances can lead to big problems that are best avoided.

Unusual interpretations

We must not forget that each dream is unique, and it is quite difficult to find repeating scenarios. For this reason, many dream interpreters focus their attention on the dreamer trying to form a complex image consisting of a large number of details, and only then proceeding with decoding.

What does lesbian love mean? It finds its embodiment in the imagination of many people, but not everyone manages to find a logical explanation. There is some possibility that in your subconscious there is a dream of such a sexual experience, but you are afraid to admit it to yourself.

What can love and kisses mean with a deceased person? If you met a person in a dream, and then received disturbing news, it means that in reality you are facing a serious illness, from which it is not so easy to recover.

It is also worth noting that dead bodies seen in a dream are not interpreted literally, and can mean good health and long life.

In any case, the dream interpreter focuses his attention on the fact that you should devote more time to your own health and periodically undergo medical examinations. If you had to kiss a dead stranger, it means that in reality the dreamer misses the old times that remain in his heart. The main thing is not to get upset, but to understand that the best is ahead.
Unfamiliar guy in a dream
If you dreamed that an unfamiliar guy came to visit you, it means that you will soon receive unpleasant news.
If you dreamed of a guy you don’t know, you know that changes are coming.
If you dreamed of an unfamiliar guy who wants to get to know you, this should arouse suspicion. Perhaps in reality you risk being caught in something.
If an unfamiliar guy hugs you, not greedy guests will come.
If an unfamiliar guy kisses you, problems may arise in your personal life.
If in a dream you, frightened, run away from him, then in reality your loved one will turn away from you because of your mercantile interests and great demands on him.
If you sleep with a stranger or just wake up in the same bed, you will lose self-confidence when you need it most.
If a girl kisses an unfamiliar guy in a dream, this means shame and gossip.
If a girl dreamed that she really liked an unfamiliar guy, it means that she will be happy with the young man whom she will soon meet.
If a girl dreamed that the unfamiliar guy she saw was unpleasant to her, it means that she will be disappointed in her beloved.
If a girl dreams that she is talking to an unfamiliar guy, it foretells difficulties for her financially.
If a girl dreamed that she saw an unfamiliar guy, it means that she will soon meet a young man.
If a woman dreams of an unfamiliar guy, then in reality she may hear obscene gossip addressed to her.
If the unfamiliar guy in your dream is handsome, then expect improvements in business; if he is ugly, then on the contrary - troubles.
If this stranger is also good-looking and has a gorgeous body, expect an increase in salary or “easy” money.
For a woman, a dream in which an unfamiliar guy tells her that he is her son promises disappointment in her children.
Sometimes an unfamiliar guy dreams of a vicious pregnancy.
Bald- also indicates trouble.
A stranger who behaves civilly and politely with you, in some way even sympathizes with you, dreams of a pleasant meeting or acquaintance.
Short- you will not have any effort to overcome all the difficulties prepared by fate.
Meet a stranger on the road- to a decline in business and your dissatisfaction.
A dream in which you see yourself in bed next to a naked stranger and enter into an intimate relationship with him means that your behavior will cause concern to your family and friends.
A dream in which you kiss and hug a stranger - foretells unexpected pleasant guests. Another meaning of a dream in which an unfamiliar guy kisses you, and you reciprocate his feelings - in reality, your loved one may lose respect for you.
A dream in which a drunk stranger harasses you in a public place warns that the business you have started will not be profitable and successful.
A fat stranger dreams of prosperity in your endeavors and current affairs.

The dream came true

Oh, these night dreams! How unusual their plot is sometimes structured, how strange the people look and how many different signs and symbols there are in the visions! Sometimes, by analyzing just one dream, you learn a lot of new things about yourself.

Often in our dreams we are visited by people we know, our relatives and friends, colleagues and comrades in a common cause, and sometimes strangers come into visions. For each of us, a stranger can conceal a lot of things - from danger to interest.

Therefore, it is important to study this issue in detail and find out why the stranger is dreaming. As the dream book says, a stranger can be anyone, because in the guise of a stranger both higher powers and evil spirits can visit you. The analysis of such visions should be carried out in detail and extremely carefully, because a lot will depend on it.

So, here's what you should pay attention to when interpreting this image:

  • Age.
  • Appearance.
  • Hugs and kisses?
  • Your feelings.

Unknown man

So, in order to compile a full analysis of the vision, first of all you need to remember how old your stranger was. A very young guy in a vision means that pleasant news or a long-awaited letter awaits you. This news will lift your spirits and give you another reason to rejoice.

in the prime of life in a vision means that an interesting person will soon appear in your environment, capable of telling you something new. Be attentive to all the information that comes to you, it will help you achieve your goals and realize your dreams.

If you dreamed of an elderly man, then know: this is a good sign! Soon you will be able to meet a real sage who will help you look at your life from a slightly different angle. Remember that it is always good to bring something new into your life.

Next, you should examine the person's appearance. A handsome, attractive man or guy in a vision means that good luck will soon smile on you. The main thing is not to miss your chance, be open to everything new, new acquaintances and new situations, try something you haven’t tried before, and then you will see yourself and the world around you from a different perspective.

An ugly, strange or scary unfamiliar man or guy means that change scares you. There is no need to be afraid of the new, because it only seems scary to us - as soon as you get to know this world better, you will understand that “the devil is not as scary as he is painted.”

An elusive appearance, such that you could not see the face of this person, suggests that there are not enough clear goals and plans in your life. You should understand what you want from life, what needs you have and how you can achieve these goals.

You and him

It is also important how the stranger behaved towards you. If this handsome man or guy tried to get you, then such a vision may indicate that you are the real lucky one. You will definitely be lucky in love, and you will also receive support from people important to you.

If you dreamed of an ugly, intimidating man who tried to pull you close and hug you, this means that you are not yet ready for a relationship. You are too afraid and worried about your future, which is why you are not ready to get close to new people.

If a stranger hugs you in a vision, then such a vision indicates that you need intimacy. It is important for you to feel important, needed and tender. Be weaker and more feminine in real life, and then others will treat you exactly the way you want.

If in your night dreams you saw the man you dislike kissing you, then this speaks of your inner closeness. You should open up more, show yourself to the world, but if you don’t yet feel the strength to do this, then it’s better to save it up instead of wasting it in vain.

If you dreamed of a stranger in love, then such a vision indicates that you need attention. Also, as the Women's Dream Book says, a stranger who is inspired and in love with you may indicate that you have a secret admirer who is not yet ready to open his heart to you. Let you be flattered by the fact that there is a person in love with you in the world who dreams of making you happy, hugging and kissing you.

If you dreamed of a guy who is angry and indignant, then such a dream may indicate that a small conflict awaits you. You shouldn’t worry about this, just remember that you don’t need to provoke people and fuel their aggression, but on the contrary, you need to soften your interlocutor and tactfully reduce all misunderstandings to “nothing.”

If you dreamed of a strange guy who was chasing you in order to attack you, or trying to hug you so that you felt pain, then you should spend some time alone. It is advisable to spend the next few days at home, if possible, this will help you calm down, relax after a long day of work and find inner harmony.

  • If a stranger makes you happy and you experience an emotional upsurge, this means that an emotional upsurge awaits you in real life.
  • Anxiety because a stranger tried to communicate with you suggests that you are not yet ready for new acquaintances. Don't worry about it, just enjoy the solitude.
  • Dejection or indifference indicates that it is difficult to surprise you with anything. Therefore, you need to try to be more surprised by the world, because there are so many interesting and unusual things in it.

Night dreams are an opportunity to experience and experience some new emotions. And it doesn’t matter whether you dreamed of a person you know or a stranger, what matters is how you feel after such a dream.

  • Strangers in dreams can present quite a difficult puzzle. In most cases, these are simply faces and images taken from a list of persons whom we know by sight and name (sometimes they represent our own INTERNAL ESSENCE or INTERNAL ENTITIES). Images of strangers can open our eyes to how we perceive the world. Various theorists offer numerous explanations for who these characters are and how they entered our souls. To interpret any dream, it will be useful to organize the list of participants in the action.
  • The inner being/inner beings are like strangers. CARL JUNG theorized that in the Self there is a feminine complement to the masculine PERSONALITY and a masculine complement to the feminine personality. These additions are psychic projections that come to us in dreams. When a stranger appears in a man’s dream, her behavior may be a projection of the feminine side of the dreamer’s personality. This, quite the opposite, is true for women who dream of male strangers. These strangers quite rarely have SEXUAL desire towards the dreamer, although, in principle, this is possible. More common is intimate friendship. Understanding these characters is useful because in this way we learn how we want others (especially members of the opposite sex) to perceive us, and therefore what we fear in their perception.
  • The second aspect of such a character embodying the inner self/s is the desire to express what we probably cannot express in real life. Women in their dreams can see a character personifying their inner essence, who, as compensation for feelings that he cannot show in real life, shows terrible ANGER. Likewise, men may have characters who embody their inner selves and cry from the pain that life has caused them, a manifestation of emotions that they do not consider it possible to express in reality. These strangers are often benevolent towards us: they can provide assistance, protection, or information to solve problems. If they cause trouble, it is often because they act in ways we ourselves would like to be able to act.
  • Displaced strangers. In this case, your dream moves the person from one type of relationship with you to another. Example: A well-known celebrity becomes your brother or sister. A more common example is a boss or teacher as a parent. In addition to personal roles, emotions can shift. This especially applies to cases of anger or sexual desire that are repressed in real life.
  • Strangers personifying an incubus/succubus (male and female demon). These are strangers-lovers who appear in a dream to have sex with the dreamer (an incubus comes to a woman; a succubus comes to a man). They often represent the extremes of sexual experience. These are either idealized lovers, in an emotional and physical sense, or demonic and repulsive personalities used to keep you from doing what you believe is bad for you in reality.
  • Shadow strangers are strangers of the same gender as the dreamer, who have the negative qualities of the dreamer. Most often, these negative qualities are presented in extreme form. This is a very useful situation for understanding ourselves. Each of us has negative traits that we try not to show in public. Sometimes we even develop negative objections in our EGO, refuting the presence of base sides of our PERSONALITY. These shadow strangers appear in our dreams to point out our weaknesses.

Sometimes, waking up in the morning, women wonder why strange guys dream about them? And in general, are night visions an accident or not? Recent research by scientists has shown that in our sleep our brain works much more intensely than during the day, and like a computer analyzes everything that happens to us (in real life), sometimes producing a result that we did not expect. Various dream books will help us understand our night visions; lately there have been quite a lot of them; we will present the main ones. So, why do you dream about unfamiliar guys or men?

Miller's dream book tells us that if you see a handsome man, this is a good sign that promises pleasure and fun. An unpleasant young man predicts disappointment and depression. A man with a physical disability means that you run the risk of having trouble with your friends.

Guy, according to Vanga’s dream book? If a young woman sees a male image, she should be respected by everyone. A good-natured fat man predicts a carefree life, and a short stranger predicts some obstacles. A guy with physical defects talks about deception and betrayal of loved ones.

Freud wrote that for a man to see an unknown young man in a dream means that he is constantly thinking about some rival, he is haunted by the fear of leaving a woman unsatisfied.

Why a girl dreams of unfamiliar guys is even easier to explain - this is her idea of ​​the ideal.

According to Nostradamus's dream book, a young man symbolizes a new business that will end successfully, an old man means wisdom and all sorts of honors. If a man calls a girl, she will be deceived. When there are a lot of guys, this means patronage.

Loff's dream book tells us that if you see a stranger, you have to make a choice between wealth and your honor. A gift from him to a girl means a long-awaited meeting.

The following interpretation: for a woman to see a man - to receive pleasure, a bearded man - to illness, naked - to condemnation.

Why do unfamiliar guys dream according to Hasse’s dream book? According to him, this is certainly a good sign that promises protection and support in difficult times. If a man is bald, this is to everyone's respect and profit. with a young man - to the loss of any property.

According to Meneghetti’s dream book, a guy in a dream means psychological “discord,” disagreement with oneself. If you dream of an older man, he symbolizes your attitude towards your father. A naked young man tells you about the danger that is following you.

Also one of the most popular is Longo's dream book. He tells you that seeing a nice man will make you successful in all your endeavors. These are very auspicious dreams. If this is an unpleasant stranger, then you should think it over carefully before you start planning a new business.

Why there are many interpretations. According to one of them, seeing strangers who evoke sympathy is a sign of positive changes in life. If strangers are unpleasant to you, events with a minus sign are most likely coming.

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