Types of activities to familiarize yourself with fiction. Methodology for working with a book in the process of becoming familiar with fiction (senior preschool age)


for educators on the topic:

“Methodology for introducing preschoolers to fiction”

Prepared by:


Sapieva N.M.

I. Introduction.

1. Relevance of the topic. Its meaning.

2. Objectives of the work to familiarize children with fiction.

II. Methods of working with fiction in kindergarten.

1. Methodology artistic reading and telling stories to children.

2. Methods of memorizing poems.

3. Use of fiction outside of class.

4. Methodology for teaching retelling.

5. Subject development environment.

III. Used Books.

I. Introduction

    Relevance of the topic. Its meaning.

The child begins to get acquainted with literature at an early age. A child's interest in books appears early. At first, he is interested in turning the pages, listening to an adult read, and looking at the illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise. One of the features of children’s perception of a literary work is empathy for the characters. Perception is extremely active. The child puts himself in the place of the hero, mentally acts, fights his enemies.

But not everyone can construct a detailed and coherent story, come up with their own fairy tale, or compose a poem. Not everyone can even understand the author’s idea and answer questions about the content of what they read.

How can I help him?

One of the researchers children's creativity noticed that a child will never compose his own fairy tale if he has not become acquainted with at least one of the existing ones.

Works of art in symbolic form reveal to children the meaning of human relationships and experiences.

Children's books are considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental basis of education. Fiction shapes moral feelings and assessments, norms of moral behavior, educates aesthetic perception.

Works of literature contribute to the development of speech and provide examples of the Russian literary language. E.A. Flerina noted that a literary work provides ready-made linguistic forms, verbal characteristics of the image, definitions with which the child operates.

N.S. Karpinskaya believes that fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expressiveness when familiarizing themselves with a book, the connection between speech and aesthetic development, language is acquired in its aesthetic function. Mastery of linguistic and visual-expressive means serves to develop the artistic perception of literary works.

The educational function of literature is carried out in a special way, inherent only to art - by the power of influence artistic image. To fully realize the educational potential of literature, you need to know psychological characteristics perception and understanding of this type of art by preschoolers.

2. Objectives of the work to familiarize children with fiction.

Based on perception, the following tasks are put forward to familiarize children with fiction:

    Cultivate interest in fiction, develop the ability to holistically perceive works of different genres, ensure the assimilation of the content of works and emotional responsiveness to it;

    To form initial ideas about the features of fiction: about genres (prose, poetry), about their specific features, about composition, about the simplest elements of imagery in language.

    To cultivate literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of a work, to capture the musicality, sonority, rhythm, beauty and poetry of stories, fairy tales, poems, to develop a poetic ear.

The task of the kindergarten, as noted by L.M. Gurovich, is to prepare for the long-term literary education which starts at school. A kindergarten can provide a fairly extensive literary baggage, literary erudition, since in preschool age a child gets acquainted with a variety of folklore genres (fairy tale, riddle, proverb, fable...). During these same years, children get acquainted with Russian and foreign classics - with the works of A.S. Pushkina, L.N. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky, Brothers Grimm, H.K. Andersen et al.

Solving the problem of preparing children for literary education, it is proposed to give them knowledge about writers and poets, folk art, books and illustrations.

To solve the problems of comprehensive education through the means of fiction, the formation of the child’s personality, his artistic development, a significant role is played by the correct selection of works of literature both for reading and storytelling, and for performing activities. The selection is based on pedagogical principles developed on the basis general provisions aesthetics. When selecting a book, it must be taken into account that a literary work must have cognitive, aesthetic and moral functions, i.e. it should be a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education.

II. Methods of working with fiction in kindergarten.

1. Methods of artistic reading and storytelling.

MM. Konina distinguishes several types of activities:

1. Reading and telling one work.

2. Reading several works united by a single theme (reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or unity of images (two fairy tales about a fox). You can combine works of one genre (two stories with moral content) or several genres (a riddle, a story, a poem). These classes combine new and already familiar material.

3. Combining works belonging to different types of art:

a) Reading a literary work and looking at reproductions of a painting

famous artist.

b) Reading combined with music. In such classes, strength is taken into account

the impact of works on the child’s emotions.

4. Reading and storytelling using visual material.

a) Reading and storytelling with toys (re-telling the tale “Three

bear" is accompanied by a display of toys and actions with them).

b) Tabletop theater(cardboard or plywood, for example, according to the fairy tale “Turnip”).

c) Puppet and shadow theater, flannelograph.

d) Filmstrips, transparencies, films, television shows.

5. Reading as part of a speech development lesson.

a) It can be logically related to the content of the lesson (during the conversation

about school, reading poetry, asking riddles).

b) Reading can be an independent part of the lesson (repeated reading

poems, consolidation of material).

Let us briefly discuss the methods of familiarization with fiction.

Main the methods are the following:

1.Reading by the teacher from a book or by heart. This is a literal rendering of the text. The reader, preserving the author’s language, conveys all the shades of the writer’s thoughts and influences the mind and feelings of the listeners.

2.Teacher's story. This is a relatively free transmission of text (words may be rearranged, replaced, or interpreted). Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract children's attention.

3.Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with a work of art.

4. Learning by heart. The choice of method of conveying the work (reading or storytelling) depends on the genre and age of the listener.

Traditionally, in the methodology of speech development, it is customary to distinguish two forms of working with books in kindergarten: reading and storytelling.

Introductory conversation.

A short introductory conversation prepares children to perceive the work. Such a conversation may include: a short story about the writer, a reminder of his other books that are already familiar to children. If children have been prepared by previous work to perceive a book, you can arouse their interest with the help of a riddle, a poem, or a picture. Next, you need to name the work, its genre (story, fairy tale, poem), and the name of the author.

Familiarization with fiction books at different age stages.

Children are taught a love and interest in books and illustrations, the ability to focus attention on the text, hear it to the end, understand the content and respond emotionally to it. Starting from the younger group, children are introduced to the distinction between genres. The teacher himself calls the genre of fiction “I’ll tell a fairy tale, read a poem.” At this age, children are able to understand and remember a fairy tale and repeat a song, but their speech is not expressive enough.

    Middle preschool age.

In middle preschool age, the work of instilling in children the ability to perceive a literary work and the desire to respond emotionally to the events described becomes more intense. In the classroom, children's attention is drawn to both the content and the poem, prose) form of the work that is easily distinguishable by ear, as well as to some features of the literary language (comparisons, epithets). As in junior groups, the teacher names the genre of the work, a small analysis of the work becomes possible, i.e., a conversation about what was read. Children are taught to answer questions about whether they liked the fairy tale or the story, what it is about, what words it begins and ends with. The conversation develops the ability to think, express one’s attitude towards the characters, correctly evaluate their actions, characterize moral qualities, and makes it possible to maintain interest in the literary word.

    Senior preschool age.

In older preschool age, a steady interest in books arises and a desire to listen to them read. The accumulated life and literary experience gives the child the opportunity to understand the idea of ​​the work, the actions of the characters, and the motives of behavior. Children begin to consciously relate to the author's word, notice the features of language, figurative speech and reproduce it.

2. Methods of memorizing poems.

In the methodology of speech development, a special place is occupied by work aimed at cultivating in people a love of poetry, familiarizing them with a poetic work, and developing the ability to perceive and expressively reproduce poetry. Memorizing a poem is one of the means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children.

Poems affect the child with the power and charm of rhythm and melody; Children are attracted to the world of sounds. The poem examines two main aspects: the content of the artistic image and the poetic form (musicality, rhythm). Memorizing poetry involves two processes: listening to a poetic work and reproducing it, i.e. reading a poem by heart. Reproduction of a poetic text depends on how deeply and fully the child understands the poem and feels it. When memorizing poetry with children, the teacher faces two tasks:

Achieve good memorization of verses, i.e. develop the ability to retain a poem in memory for a long time.

Learn to read expressively. Expressive reading is a reading that clearly and distinctly conveys the thoughts and feelings expressed in the work. It requires literal knowledge of the text, because omitting or changing the order of words violates the art form.

Both problems are solved simultaneously. If you first work on memorizing the text, and then on expressiveness, the child will have to be retrained, because he will acquire the habit of reading inexpressively. On the other hand, the text holds the child captive. Therefore, the task of memorizing the poem comes to the fore, then reading it expressively.

Let's consider the methodological requirements for memorizing poetry.

    You should not require complete memorization of the poem in one lesson. For better memorization, it is recommended to change the form of repetition, read by role, and repeat under suitable circumstances.

    In the process of memorization, individual characteristics, their inclinations and tastes should be taken into account. Silent children are offered rhythmic poems, nursery rhymes, and songs. Shy people like to hear their name in a nursery rhyme, to put themselves in the place of the character.

    It is necessary to create an atmosphere of poetry in kindergarten, when the poetic word is heard on a walk, in everyday communication, in nature.

The structure of a lesson on memorizing a poem is special. At the beginning of the lesson, it is necessary to create an emotional mood, induce a state favorable for the perception and memorization of a poetic work. A short conversation is held related to the theme of the poem. After the conversation, an expressive reading of the poem takes place (by heart) without a focus on memorization, so as not to distract children from perceiving the musicality, melodiousness, and beauty of the poem. A pause after the teacher’s reading provides an opportunity to experience a moment of emotional empathy when the child is in the power of poetry. For the purpose of a deeper perception of the poem and preparation for its reproduction, its analysis is carried out. This is a conversation about a poem, which is conducted based on the text. It is necessary to help children understand difficult passages and give them the opportunity to listen to them again. It is better to formulate questions so that children can answer with the words of the text. The work is read again with the intention of memorizing. Such things contribute to better memorization of poems: techniques:

    Gaming (reading a poem with acting out).

    Children's completion of a rhyming word.

    Reading by roles.

    Partial reproduction of the text by the entire group, if speaking on behalf of the group.

    Dramatization with toys.

    Reproduction of game poems using the game method (“Telephone” by K. Chukovsky).

The following are aimed at developing expressiveness: techniques:

    Sample expressive reading.

    An example of a child's expressive reading.

    Reading assessment.

    Hint of the required intonation.

Memorizing poetry at different age stages has its own characteristics.

Junior group

In early preschool age, short poems and nursery rhymes are used (A. Barto “Toys”). They describe well-known toys, animals, children. The presence of playful moments in short poems makes it possible to frequently repeat the text and use playful techniques in memorizing poetry. Since children under 4 years of age have not yet developed their ability to memorize, the task is not to memorize the poem in classes. At the same time, poems are learned by heart through repeated repetition.

Middle group

In middle preschool age, work continues to cultivate interest in poetry, the desire to remember and read poetry expressively, using natural intonations. Memorizing poetry is carried out as a special lesson, or as part of it, where the task is to remember the work. Poems that are more complex in content and form are recommended (E. Blaginina “Mother’s Day”).

Senior group

In older preschool age, the ability to meaningfully, distinctly, clearly and expressively read poetry by heart is improved, showing initiative and independence. For memorization, poems that are quite complex in content and artistic means are recommended (A.S. Pushkin “The Spruce Grows in Front of the Palace”). In the preparatory group for school, fables are given to memorize (I.A. Krylov “The Dragonfly and the Ant”).

3. Use of fiction outside of class.

the main role in teaching belongs to special classes. Classes are complemented and interact with special educational games outside of class.

The leading form of training is collective (rather than individual) lessons with children. The team is a strong factor of mutual influence for children. In collective classes, work productivity increases and fatigue decreases.

Acquaintance with fiction cannot be limited to classes. Reading and storytelling of books is organized at all moments of the life of children in kindergarten; it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities and work. The bibliography is recommended by the program, and the forms of activity that include artistic expression are more varied than in the classroom.

When using literary works outside of class, the following tasks are solved:

1. Implementation of a program for familiarization with fiction, cultivating a positive aesthetic attitude towards a work, the ability to feel the figurative language of poems, fairy tales, stories in the education of artistic taste.

2. Comprehensive education and development of the child with the help of works of literature and folk art.

Reading outside of class provides an opportunity to revisit the book. When planning to read fiction, you should take into account the repetition or primary presentation of the material. Repeated reading is given outside of class.

4. Methodology for teaching retelling.

Preschool childhood is the period when Special attention focuses on the development of coherent speech in children. A properly organized retelling will provide invaluable assistance in working on speech skills. Learning to retell helps enrich vocabulary, develop perception, memory, attention, and thinking. At the same time, pronunciation is improved, norms for constructing sentences and the entire text are learned. The use of highly artistic texts of children's literature makes it possible to effectively work on the development of a “sense of language” - attention to the lexical, grammatical and syntactic aspects of speech, the ability to evaluate the correctness of statements in terms of compliance with their language norm. In addition, it brings up in the child positive traits personality: kindness, responsiveness, tolerance, etc.
Retelling literary works in kindergarten is a means of developing speech based on a model; a type of work for children, the essence of which is a coherent presentation of the text they have listened to. This is an easier type of monologue speech compared to storytelling, as it adheres to author's composition works, it uses a ready-made author's plot and ready-made speech forms and techniques.
Retelling should be taught to children only after 5 years of age, since at this time the foundations of monologue speech are laid in children. Before this age, it is necessary to carry out preparatory exercises.
Already in the second junior group, the teacher teaches children to follow the development of action in a fairy tale or story; name and sympathize with the heroes of the work. The speech activity of children associated with retelling appears initially in the form of answers to questions; you can also involve children in a joint retelling with the teacher, encouraging them to pronounce individual words or sentences (when the teacher re-tells the fairy tale). This work is carried out in classes on familiarization with fiction.
Starting from the middle group, specially organized retelling classes are held. Retelling is a new type of speech activity. Therefore, it is important to arouse in children a keen interest in the retelling, to support the manifestations of activity and independence. It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of children's perception of literary works of art, as well as features of the processes of thinking, speech, level of development of attention. At the very first lessons, children are asked to retell fairy tales that are well known to them before, and in subsequent lessons - new texts that they have just listened to. In order to perceive a literary work and reproduce it in a retelling, children 4-5 years old need the help of a teacher. It is difficult for them to understand the essence of the events described, to trace the logical connection between parts of a story or fairy tale. Therefore, in children's presentation, omissions, distortions, and rearrangements of material may occur, and then the retelling will not correspond to the content and structure of the original. The child does not yet know how to independently isolate figurative descriptions and comparisons and omits them.

Children aged 5-6 years when retelling literary works are able to show greater independence and activity than younger preschoolers. At this age, the process of perception and emotional development of works of art is improved. Older preschoolers are more free to navigate literary material, their vocabulary expands, their linguistic sense, attention and interest in figurative words increases. The role of voluntary actions also increases - children make efforts to better remember and more accurately reproduce what they read. Children can already use their own, successfully found figurative expressions that are lexically and syntactically close to the language of the work of art. Fairy tales and stories recommended for retelling in the older group are somewhat more complex in their structure, language material and quantity characters than texts for the average group.

In the preparatory group for school, retelling classes consolidate and improve the speech skills acquired by children in the senior group. Preschoolers continue to learn to express thoughts coherently, consistently, completely, without distortion, omissions, or repetitions. Children are improving their ability to convey the dialogues of characters emotionally, with different intonations, and to use semantic stresses, pauses, and certain artistic media, characteristic of fairy tales (beginnings, repetitions, etc.). Children learn to speak slowly, loudly enough, without tension. Children's independence increases.
Retelling is not an end in itself, but a means of speech development for preschool children. Therefore, there are certain requirements for a literary text for retelling, the essence of which is as follows:

    accessible, understandable content for children;

    variety of genres;

    clear composition;

    simple and literate language using a variety of linguistic means;

    small volume.

In addition, each work should teach something useful, develop in the child positive features personality (kindness, responsiveness, tolerance).
It is advisable to use several genres for retelling: story and description, folk and author's tales. You can choose different fairy tales: short (“The Fox and the Jug”) and long (“Geese and Swans”) - each has its own characteristics and its own possibilities for educational impact.
The poem is not suitable for retelling - the unity of form and content should not be violated, or inattention to poetic form should be cultivated. This is evidenced by numerous studies. Experience shows that children strive to recite a poetic text by heart.
Preschoolers retell a literary work well if the story captivates them, causes strong emotions, and becomes close to them, even if the content does not relate to their direct experience. Therefore, for retelling, it is better to select texts related to situations familiar to children, or those that can activate their imagination and influence their feelings. At the same time, the work of imagination should be based on the ideas and simple concepts that preschoolers have.
It is easier for children to comprehend a story if it is structured in such a way that a logical connection can be traced between its parts, one part leads to and explains the other, and unnecessary details do not interfere with understanding the main thing in the work.
The language of the works that we read and offer for retelling to children should be a model for them. The works of L.N. are very good in this sense. Tolstoy, K.D. Ushinsky. Stories by L.N. Tolstoy is especially suitable for retelling also because their language gradually becomes more complex: the text of stories for little ones is much simpler, the sentences are shorter than in such works as “The Bone”, “The Lion and the Dog”, etc. You can also use the works of V. Oseeva , V. Bianchi, M. Prishvina.
If there are new words in the text proposed for retelling, then first the children try to replace them with familiar, familiar ones. Subsequently, as observations have shown, they tend to use the new word when retelling and are even proud of it.
It is very important to pay attention to the grammatical structure of the work chosen for retelling. Preschool children are still inaccessible to complex and long sentences, participles and participial phrases, introductory sentences, complex metaphors. Thus, stories in prose that are accessible to a preschooler in content, language and grammatical structure.
This type of speech such as description is very difficult for children. Often older preschoolers begin the retelling with the beginning, omitting various kinds of descriptions. This is explained by the fact that children remember more vividly what hurt their feelings more strongly. This does not at all contradict the fact that children, if there is a vivid image in their ideas, sometimes supplement their retelling with a description that may not exist, for example, in a fairy tale. During the observation process, it turned out that if children have an idea about the object or phenomenon described in the story, then they describe it without difficulty and with interest. If children's attention is focused on the plot, then they miss the descriptive passages. Consequently, for retelling it is necessary to offer works in which the descriptions do not coincide with the moment of particularly strong plot tension.
In the theoretical and methodological literature, the requirements for the size of texts for retelling are contradictory. Some researchers of children's speech believe that it is not the size that is important, but the content and structure of the story. Others suggest giving children only short works. When selecting literary texts for retelling, one should, first of all, take into account their content, accessibility, dynamism and emotionality. It is also important to remember that the size of the work affects the perception, digestibility and quality of the retelling. Regarding this parameter of the work selected for retelling, the following must be taken into account:

    if the retelling was already carried out in middle group, then in the older group in the second half of the year, after a second reading by the teacher of the work, children can correctly, consistently and sufficiently fully reproduce a long story or fairy tale without additional questions from the teacher;

    At the beginning of work, the quality of children's retellings depends on the size of the work. As practice shows, children retell shorter works of equal complexity and dynamism more consistently, more accurately and more fully than longer ones.

Thus, work on teaching retelling should be carried out systematically (about 1–2 times a month as part of a lesson). You should start with short tales and stories, as the child retells them more confidently.
Children should not be required to retell the work immediately after reading it. Preschoolers need to be prepared for this type of activity.
The structure of a lesson is determined by the variety of its tasks.

The retelling lesson has the following typical structure :

1. Introductory part.

Preparing children to perceive a new work, mainly its ideas (revival of a similar personal experience children, showing pictures, etc.).

    find out children’s knowledge on the topic of the work;

    ensure understanding of words and expressions that will be in the text;

    expand children's understanding of the subject about which we're talking about in the work;

    ensure the emotional mood of children before listening to the work.

2. Primary reading without warning about subsequent retelling

In order to ensure free artistic perception. These two stages are omitted if the work is already well known to the children.

3. Preparatory conversation (analysis of the work).

    drawing attention to the language (unobtrusively emphasizing precise definitions, comparisons, phraseological units);

    active preparation for expressive retelling (work on the direct speech of the characters, understanding intonation, stress, tempo, especially in important compositional moments).

All these goals are solved in unity, with a consistent analysis of the text along the course of its plot.

4. Repeated reading, summarizing the results of the analysis.

In this case, a retelling attitude is appropriate, for example: “Listen to how I read.” The secondary reading should be slower than the first.

5. Pause to prepare children for answers, to memorize the text (a few seconds).

6. Retelling (3-7 people).

Active teacher leadership. At the end, call the child with the most vivid speech or use emotional techniques (role-playing, dramatization).

7. Analysis of children's retellings.

The first retelling is analyzed in detail, the rest - in less detail; in the preparatory group, the children themselves are involved in the analysis).
It must be remembered that the assessment of creative artistic activity, which is a retelling, should be especially tactful, allowing for variability in execution. Children should be given appropriate wording for their value judgments: “It seems to me...”, “I advise Seryozha...”, “Or maybe it’s better...”

Let us dwell in more detail on the methods of teaching children to retell.

1. Techniques that contribute to the effectiveness of the perception of a work of art:

    examination of paintings, illustrations, objects that will be discussed in the story;

    lexical and grammatical exercises on the lexical and grammatical material of the story;

    the use of riddles, proverbs, nursery rhymes, poems, etc., to promote understanding of the content of the story;

    observations in nature and surrounding life, appeal to the personal experience of children.

2. Techniques, work on the text of the work:

    conversation on the work (reveals what the work is about, the main characters, the actions of the characters and their assessment, questions to analyze the language of the work);

    arranging in a logical sequence a series of plot pictures for a story or fairy tale;

    extracting phrases from the text for each picture;

    coming up with additional and missing pictures for individual text fragments;

    partial retelling during a conversation (particularly difficult parts of the text are retold, where there is a description, dialogues of the characters);

    drawing up a plan for the work (series of plot pictures or subject pictures selected for each part of the text, as well as symbols and pictograms can be used as auxiliary tools).

3. Techniques that help improve children's retellings:

    To achieve coherence and smoothness of retellings, it is most appropriate for the teacher to suggest a word or phrase. At the initial stages of education, a joint retelling of the teacher and the child is practiced (the child finishes the phrase he has begun, alternately pronouncing successive sentences), as well as reflected retelling (the child repeats what the teacher said, especially the initial phrases). By the way, even in a confident retelling, a hint is useful for immediately correcting a child’s grammatical or semantic error.

    In cases where the work is divided into logical parts and is quite long (fairy tales “Teremok”, “On the Car” by N. Pavlova, etc.), a retelling in parts is used, and the teacher guides the change of storytellers, stopping the child at the end of the part and sometimes emphasizing this is a circumstance.

    If there is dialogue in the work, then retelling by roles (in persons) comes to the aid of the teacher, especially in developing the expressiveness of children's speech.

    In older groups, methods of conveying the text from the first person or from the faces of its various characters are possible, as well as constructing a retelling by analogy with what was read, with the inclusion of another character. I would like to emphasize the need for a particularly tactful, reasonable implementation of these techniques, and careful treatment of the author’s text, especially the classic, not adapted one. Educational syntactic exercises for children in the modification of direct and indirect speech are more appropriate in didactic and training texts.

    gaming techniques (eg: retelling while sitting in front of a model TV).

5. Subject development environment.

In order to develop children's interest in fiction and cultivate a caring attitude towards books, a literary center is created in each group, this is a calm, comfortable, aesthetically designed place where children have the opportunity to communicate with books, look at illustrations, magazines, and albums. There are a number of requirements for the installation of a corner:

Convenient location - a quiet place, away from the doors to avoid foot traffic and noise.

Good lighting during the day and evening.

Aesthetic design - the literary center should be cozy and attractive.

The literary center should have shelves or display cases on which books and reproductions of paintings are displayed.

IN junior groups The literary center is not organized right away, since children do not have the skill to use a book and often use it as a toy. The literary center should have 3–4 books, individual pictures, and thematic albums. Books must be with big amount text, bright illustrations. The teacher accustoms children to using the book independently, looks at the illustrations, reads the text, talks about the rules of use (do not tear, do not wrinkle, do not draw).

IN middle group The literary center is organized from the very beginning of the year with the participation of children. On the display shelves there are 4 - 5 books, materials for repair (paper, glue, scissors, etc.), different types theater, filmstrips, a tape recorder with audio cassettes, a collection of tongue twisters and tongue twisters. The requirements for books are the same. In the literary center you can exhibit children's drawings on the themes of works of art. The teacher continues to teach children to look at books, illustrations, and pay attention to the sequence of events. Conversations about books are held. Children develop skills in handling books.

IN senior and preparatory groups the content becomes more diversified. The number of books on display increases to 8–10; children can use the library independently. This includes Russian folk tales, and fairy tales of the peoples of the world, children's magazines, works of Russian classics, works about nature, educational literature, maps, atlases, encyclopedias. In addition to reading and storytelling, such forms of work as conversations about books are also used, exhibitions, conversations about writers and artists, and literary matinees are organized.

Thus, all forms of work to introduce children to fiction foster interest and love for books and shape future readers.

III. Used Books:

    Bogolyubskaya M.K., Shevchenko V.V. Artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed.-3-v. M., "Enlightenment", 1970.

    Borodich, A. M. Methods of developing children's speech [Text] / A. M. Borodich. – M.: Education, 1981/

    Gurovich, L. Child and book [Text] / L. Gurovich, L. Beregovaya, V. Loginova. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 1996.

    Korotkova, E. P. Teaching preschool children storytelling. [Text] /E. P. Korotkova. - M.: Education, 1982/

    Tikheyeva E.I. Development of children's speech. – M., 1967.

Introducing fiction to preschool children

The child begins to get acquainted with literature at an early age. A child's interest in books appears early. At first, he is interested in turning the pages, listening to an adult read, and looking at the illustrations. With the advent of interest in the picture, interest in the text begins to arise.

N.S. Karpinskaya believes that a fiction book provides excellent examples of literary language. In stories, children learn laconicism and precision of language; in poetry - musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; in fairy tales - accuracy, expressiveness. From the book, the child learns many new words and figurative expressions, his speech is enriched with emotional and poetic vocabulary. Literature helps children express their attitude to what they have heard, using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other means of figurative expression.

Unfortunately, today society is faced with the problem of maintaining interest in books, in reading as a process and leading human activity. Our society, especially its younger generation, has turned away from books. Interest in reading both domestic and foreign literature falls. Audio and video technology, which provides ready-made auditory and visual images, weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it. Therefore, modern children prefer watching TV to books, computer games. But fiction plays a huge role in comprehensive development child.

Thus, the problem of introducing children to books, forming“a competent, thoughtful and sensitive reader”especially relevant in modern society.

With the approval and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard to the structure of the main educational program preschool education acquaintance with fiction is allocated to the educational field"Speech development".

Objectives of work to familiarize children

with fiction

The tasks for introducing children to fiction can be formulated as follows:

1. cultivate interest in fiction, develop the ability to holistically perceive works of different genres, ensure the assimilation of the content of works and emotional responsiveness to it;

2. to form initial ideas about the features of fiction: about genres (prose, poetry, their specific features; about composition; about the simplest elements of imagery in language;

3. cultivate literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of a work;

4. capture the musicality, sonority, rhythm, beauty and poetry of stories, fairy tales, poems; develop a poetic ear.

Methods of working with fiction in kindergarten

MM. Horse meat distinguishes several types of GCD:

  1. Reading and storytelling of one work.
  2. Reading several works united by a common theme(reading poems and stories about spring, about the life of animals) or the unity of images (two tales about a fox). You can combine works of one genre (two stories with moral content) or several genres (a riddle, a story, a poem). Such GCDs combine new and already familiar material (senior preschool age).
  3. Combining works belonging to different types of art(middle, senior preschool age):

A) reading a literary work and looking at reproductions of a painting by a famous artist.

B) Reading combined with music. Such GCDs take into account the power of the works’ impact on the child’s emotions.

  1. Reading and storytelling using visual materials.

A) Reading and storytelling with toys (re-telling the tale “The Three Bears” is accompanied by showing toys and actions with them).

B) Tabletop theater (cardboard or plywood, for example, based on the fairy tale “Turnip”).

B) Puppet and shadow theater, flannelgraph.

D) Filmstrips, transparencies, films, television shows.

  1. Reading as part of ECD for speech development.

A) It can be logically connected with the content of GCD (during a conversation about school, reading poetry, asking riddles).

B) Reading can be an independent part of ECD (re-reading poetry, consolidating material).

When working with children, it is important to remember that familiarization with fiction at different age stages is different.

In children junior preschool agefoster love and interest in books and illustrations, the ability to focus attention on the text, hear it to the end, understand the content and respond emotionally to it. Starting from the younger group, children are introduced to the distinction between genres. The teacher himself calls the genre of fiction “I’ll tell a fairy tale, read a poem.” At this age, children are able to understand and remember a fairy tale and repeat a song, but their speech is not expressive enough.

IN middle preschool ageThe work of instilling in children the ability to perceive a literary work and the desire to respond emotionally to the events described is intensified. In the classroom, children's attention is drawn to both the content and the poem, prose) form of the work that is easily distinguishable by ear, as well as to some features of the literary language (comparisons, epithets). As in younger groups, the teacher names the genre of the work, and a small analysis of the work becomes possible, i.e., a conversation about what was read. Children are taught to answer questions about whether they liked the fairy tale or the story, what it is about, what words it begins and ends with. The conversation develops the ability to think, express one’s attitude towards the characters, correctly evaluate their actions, characterize moral qualities, and makes it possible to maintain interest in the literary word.

IN senior preschool agea steady interest in books arises, a desire to listen to them read. The accumulated life and literary experience gives the child the opportunity to understand the idea of ​​the work, the actions of the characters, and the motives of behavior. Children begin to consciously relate to the author's word, notice the features of language, figurative speech and reproduce it.

Educators need to remember that familiarity with fiction should not be limited only to GCD.

Reading and storytelling of books should be organized at all moments in the life of children in kindergarten. It is associated with games and walks, with household activities and work.

In order to familiarize children with fiction as an art and a means of developing intelligence, speech, a positive attitude towards the world, love and interest in books, the following are used forms of work:

Decorating book corners in kindergarten groups.

– design of thematic exhibitions, dedicated to creativity writers.

GCD for familiarization with biographies of writers.

Creation "Knizhkina Hospital"in groups, will help instill in children a caring attitude towards books.

Exhibitions of children's drawings and crafts based on the works they have read. You can create a wall newspaper on a specific topic, where children will post their drawings and crafts.

- creating homemade books based on the works of children's writers, or based on fairy tales that children invent themselves.

Celebrating the name day of the work.

A visit to the city library to get acquainted with the latest fiction.

Principles for selecting works for a circle children's reading

It is very important what books we select for our kids, how diverse they are in genre and design. Books should not be perceived only as entertainment or only as education. The world of fiction is very rich and multifaceted, in it there is a place for both serious conversation and fun game. The correct selection of books can have a beneficial effect on the moral development of a child’s personality and on the formation of his spiritual values.

The selection of books for children's reading should be carried out according to certain principles:

Psychological principles.It is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children.Age characteristics: rapid fatigue, poor concentration and difficulty switching attention, insufficient memory, lack of personal experience. Literature must be adapted for children's reading: the book is shortened, the volume of the text is reduced, old words that have fallen out of use are replaced by new ones that are understandable to modern people.

Pedagogical principles.The educational value of the work, its accessibility, clarity, entertaining, dynamic plot. The works must be imbued with humanistic ideas, carrying Eternal values goodness, justice, equality, labor, health and happiness, peace and quiet for one and all.

Literary principles.Availability of all types of literature: prose, poetry, drama.

Historical and literary principles.Availability of works of Russian literature and literature of the peoples of the world in the library.

Subject development environment.

In order to develop children's interest in fiction and cultivate a caring attitude towards books, a literary center should be created in each group; this is a calm, comfortable, aesthetically designed place where children have the opportunity to communicate with books, look at illustrations, magazines, and albums.

There are a number of requirements for setting up a book corner:

  • Convenient location - a quiet place, away from the doors to avoid foot traffic and noise.
  • Good lighting during the day and evening.
  • Aesthetic design - the literary center should be cozy and attractive.
  • The literary center should have shelves or display cases on which books and reproductions of paintings are displayed.

In younger groups The literary center is not organized right away, since children do not have the skill to use a book and often use it as a toy. The literary center should have 3–4 books, individual pictures, and thematic albums. Books should have a small amount of text and bright illustrations. The teacher accustoms children to using the book independently, looks at the illustrations, reads the text, talks about the rules of use (do not tear, do not crumple, do not draw).

In the middle group The literary center is organized from the very beginning of the year with the participation of children. On the display shelves there are 4 - 5 books, materials for repair (paper, glue, scissors, etc.), different types of theater, filmstrips, a tape recorder with audio cassettes, a collection of tongue twisters and tongue twisters. The requirements for books are the same. In the literary center you can exhibit children's drawings on the themes of works of art. The teacher continues to teach children to look at books, illustrations, and pay attention to the sequence of events. Conversations about books are held. Children develop skills in handling books.

IN senior and preparatory groupsthe content becomes more diversified. The number of books on display increases to 8–10; children can use the library independently. This includes Russian folk tales and fairy tales of the peoples of the world, children's magazines, works of Russian classics, works about nature, educational literature, maps, atlases, encyclopedias. In addition to reading and storytelling, such forms of work as conversations about books are also used, exhibitions, conversations about writers and artists, and literary matinees are organized.

Thus, all forms of work to introduce children to fiction foster interest and love for books and shape future readers.

Used Books:

1. Andreev, N. P. Russian folklore / N. P. Andreev. – M., 2013

2. Zaporozhets, A. V. Neverovich, Ya. Z. Development of social emotions in preschool children / A. V. Zaporozhets, Ya. Z. Neverovich. – M., 2012.

3. Gurovich L. M. Child and book: A book for a kindergarten teacher. M.: Education, 2002. 64 p.

4. Loginova, V. I. Samorukova, P. G. Preschool pedagogy/ V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova. – M., 2012.

5. Mukhina, V. S. Age psychology / V. S. Mukhina. – M., 2010.

6. Sokolov, Yu. M. Russian folklore / Yu. M. Sokolov. – M., 2009

7. Ushakova O. G. Introducing literature to preschoolers. M., 2008

8. Fedorenko L. P. Methods of speech development for preschool children. M., Education, 2007. 239 p.

9. https://ru.wikipedia.org

10. http://site/shkola/obshchepedagogicheskie-tekhnologii/library/2014/12/26/metodika-oznakomleniya-detey-s

13. Bogolyubskaya M.K., Shevchenko V.V. Artistic reading and storytelling in kindergarten. Ed. -3-in. M., “Enlightenment”, 2013.

14. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. M., 1990.

15. Gerasimova A. S. A unique guide to speech development / Ed. B.F. Sergeeva. – 2nd ed. – M.: Iris – Press, 2012.

16. Loginova V.I., Maksakov A.I., Popova M.I., Development of speech in preschool children: A manual for kindergarten teachers. M.: Education, 2014., 223 p.

17. Ushakova O. S., Strunina E. M. Methods of speech development for preschool children. Educational and methodological manual for preschool teachers. – M.: Publishing House Center VLADOS, 2014.

18. http://skyclipart.ru/

children literature fairy tale creative

The tasks of kindergarten in introducing children to fiction

The importance of fiction in raising children is determined by its social, as well as educational role in the life of our entire people.

The art of words reflects reality through artistic images, shows the most typical, comprehending and generalizing real life facts. This helps the child learn about life and shapes his attitude towards the environment. Works of fiction, revealing the inner world of the heroes, make children worry and experience the joys and sorrows of the heroes as if they were their own.

The kindergarten introduces preschoolers to the best works for children and, on this basis, solves a whole complex of interrelated problems of moral, mental, and aesthetic education.

A work of art attracts a child not only with its bright figurative form, but also with its semantic content. Direct empathy for the characters, the ability to follow the development of the plot, comparison of the events described in the work with those that he had to observe in life, help the child relatively quickly and correctly understand realistic stories, fairy tales, and by the end of preschool age - shapeshifters, fables.

Children of senior preschool age, under the influence of the purposeful guidance of teachers, are able to see the unity of the content of the work and its artistic form, find figurative words and expressions in it, feel the rhythm and rhyme of the poem, even remember the figurative means used by other poets. Currently, in pedagogy, to define speech activity that has a pronounced aesthetic orientation, the term “artistic speech activity of children” has been adopted. In terms of its content, this is an activity related to the perception of literary works and their execution, including the development of initial forms of verbal creativity (inventing stories and fairy tales, riddles, rhymed lines), as well as imagery and expressiveness of speech.

It is clearly seen that this concept also includes the formation of coherent speech, vocabulary work and etc.

In kindergarten, the child also develops some basic skills in analyzing a work (its content and form). By the time each child enters school, he should be able to identify the main characters (who the work is about), express his attitude towards them (who he likes and why), determine the genre of the work (poem, story, fairy tale), and catch the most striking examples of figurative language ( definitions, comparisons, etc.).

Children must memorize some of the program works (poems, short folklore genres), part - to be able to convey close to the text (retell). In addition, the child masters ways of playing roles in dramatization, in play-dramatization according to literary subjects. One of the important tasks is to form the independence of children in artistic, speech and theatrical play activities, to develop them Creative skills.

It is also necessary to cultivate in children a selective attitude towards works of art and the ability to navigate the world of books. It is necessary to develop the right attitude towards books and reading; develop the skill of joint listening, the ability to answer questions in an organized manner and ask about what has been read, carefully examine illustrations, and relate them to familiar text; develop skills in handling books carefully.

Determining the objectives of literary education in kindergarten is essential. The purpose of introducing preschoolers to fiction, as defined by S. Ya. Marshak, is the formation of a future great “talented reader”, a culturally educated person.

Generally speaking, these tasks can be formulated as follows:

1. cultivate interest in fiction, develop the ability to holistically perceive works of different genres, ensure the assimilation of the content of works and emotional responsiveness to it;

2. to form initial ideas about the features of fiction: about genres (prose, poetry), about their specific features; about composition; about the simplest elements of imagery in language;

3. cultivate literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of a work,

4. capture the musicality, sonority, rhythm, beauty and poetry of stories, fairy tales, poems; develop a poetic ear.

Children also develop the ability to elementary analyze the content and form of a work. A child in a pre-school group should be able to: identify the main characters; express your opinion based on an analysis of the characters’ actions emotional attitude to them (who you like and why); determine the genre (poem, story, fairy tale); capture the most striking examples of language figurativeness (definitions, comparisons).

The task of the kindergarten, as L. M. Gurovich notes, is to prepare for long-term literary education, which begins at school. A kindergarten can provide a fairly extensive literary background and literary erudition, since in preschool childhood a child becomes acquainted with a variety of folklore genres (fairy tales, riddles, proverbs, fables, etc.). During these same years, children become acquainted with Russian and foreign classics - with the works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, the Brothers Grimm, H. C. Andersen, C. Perrault and others.

When choosing books, the unity of content and form is also taken into account. Literary criticism distinguishes thematic, problematic and ideological-emotional assessment in the content. In literary and artistic form - subject representation (characters, events, actions, dialogues, monologues, portraits and psychological characteristics heroes), speech structure and composition.

The problem of selecting books to read and tell to preschoolers is revealed in the works of O. I. Solovyova, V. M. Fedyaevskaya, N. S. Karpinskaya, L. M. Gurovich and others.

Several criteria have been developed:

1. ideological orientation of a children's book. Ideology determines compliance with tasks moral education, fostering love for the Motherland, for people, for nature. The moral character of the hero also determines the ideological character of the book;

2. high artistic skill, literary value. The criterion of artistry is the unity of the content of the work and its form. Exemplary literary language is important;

3. accessibility of a literary work, compliance with the age and psychological characteristics of children. When selecting books, the characteristics of attention, memory, thinking, the range of interests of children, and their life experience are taken into account;

4. entertaining plot, simplicity and clarity of composition;

5. specific pedagogical tasks.

The selection criteria make it possible to determine the range of children's reading and storytelling. It includes several groups of works.

1. Works of Russian folk art and creativity of the peoples of the world. Small forms of folklore: riddles, proverbs, sayings, songs, nursery rhymes, pesters, fables and shifters; fairy tales.

2. Works of Russian and foreign classical literature.

3. Works of modern Russian and foreign literature.

The demands of modern life and pedagogical science force us to constantly reconsider the range of children's reading, supplementing it with new works.

Children's reading range consists of works of different genres: stories, tales, fairy tales, poems, lyrical and comic poems, riddles, etc.

Every year, a lot of new literature for children is published, the release of which the teacher needs to monitor and independently replenish the children's library, guided by the criteria discussed above and a creative approach to choosing books.





Department of Defectology


“Cultivating a culture of speech in preschoolers using

gaming technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education"


“Development of speech when familiarizing yourself with fiction”


Avanyan I. V.


MADO No. 12 “Birch”



Ph.D., Associate Professor

Gaifullina L.K.



1. Introduction.

2. Goal of the work

3. Objectives and content of work on speech development.

4. Summary of GCD for familiarizing yourself with fiction

5. List of references.


In our age of new information technologies the role of the book has changed. According to numerous studies, already in preschool age children prefer other sources of information to books: television, video production, computer - therefore my role as a teacher is to interest preschoolers, arouse their interest in literary works, instill a love for the literary word, respect for the book. The book gives you the opportunity to speculate, to “imagine.” It teaches you to think about new information, develops creativity, artistic abilities, and the ability to think independently.

Fiction serves as an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. It develops the child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. The role of fiction in the development of a child’s speech is great, without which successful schooling is impossible. Therefore, my goal pedagogical activity determined the development of speech of preschool children when familiarizing themselves with fiction.

During the preschool period, speech formation and its formation occur . During these years, the child learns sounds native language, learns to pronounce words and phrases clearly and grammatically correctly, and quickly accumulates vocabulary. With the development of speech in preschoolers, the need for communication increases. The rules of communication are gradually being clarified, and children are mastering new formulas of speech etiquette. But in some situations, children refuse to use generally accepted speech forms. There may be several reasons for this. The most important thing is the lack of communication, reading and listening to fiction and, as a result, the preschooler’s poor vocabulary. The most important way to solve this problem is to teach speech etiquette to children, especially older preschool children, through reading fiction, since it is during this period that the foundation is laid moral principles, moral culture, the emotional-volitional sphere of the personality develops, the productive experience of everyday communication is formed .

Unfortunately, in our time there is a “deficit” of respectful attitude towards the interlocutor or just a stranger: it is not necessary to greet your neighbor, you don’t have to thank him for the service rendered, you can interrupt. Therefore, I believe that this topic is quite relevant at the moment.

The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction is one of the most pressing, since, having entered the third millennium, society came into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, it is children who suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading. In this regard, pedagogy faces the problem of rethinking the value guidelines of the educational system, especially the system of preschool education. And here mastering the folk heritage, which naturally introduces the child to the basics of fiction, becomes of great importance. According to V. A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.”

Addressing the problem of introducing preschool children to fiction as a means of speech development is due to a number of reasons: firstly, as an analysis of the practice of introducing children to fiction has shown, in the education of preschool children, familiarity with fiction is used insufficiently, and only its surface layer; secondly, there is a public need for the preservation and transmission of family reading; thirdly, educating preschoolers with fiction not only brings them joy, emotional and creative inspiration, but also becomes an integral part of the Russian literary language.

When working with children, turning to fiction is of particular importance. Nursery rhymes, chants, sayings, jokes, flip-flops, etc. that have come down from the depths of centuries, the best way open and explain to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. Fiction develops a child’s thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions.

The value of reading fiction is that with its help an adult can easily establish emotional contact with a child. The attitude towards fiction as cultural value oral creativity is the defining position of my work.


Such domestic teachers as K. D. Ushinsky, A. P. Usova, E. I. Tikheeva, E. N. Vodovozova, O. S. Ushakova dealt with issues of speech development in preschoolers. The basis modern techniques based on the research of domestic scientists D. B. Elkonin, A. V. Zaporozhets, N. S. Rozhdestvensky, Yu. K. Babansky, L. P. Fedorenko and others. At the origins of self-development, pedagogy of children's creativity, word creation stood amazing scientists, child psychologists and teachers: A. V. Zaporozhets, N. A. Vetlugina, F. A. Sokhin, E. A. Flerina, M. M. Konina. Games and exercises for the development of speech in preschoolers were developed by O. S. Ushakova and E. M. Strunina, as well as by researchers and teachers from pedagogical universities who conducted their research under the guidance of F. A. Sokhin and O. S. Ushakova (L. G. Shadrina, A. A. Smaga, A. I. Lavrentieva, G. I. Nikolaychuk, L. A. Kolunova). The authors conducted experimental studies in Moscow preschool institutions and found that children experience difficulties communicating with peers.

Target: speech development of preschool children when familiarizing themselves with fiction.

To achieve the goal, I highlighted the followingtasks:

Develop an interest in fiction.

Expand and activate children's vocabulary.

Introduce the main genre features fairy tales, stories, poems.

To improve children's artistic and speech performing skills when reading poems and dramatizations.

Draw children's attention to visual and expressive means; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Develop creativity in children.

When building a system of work on the development of speech in preschoolers, I identified the main areas of activity:

creation of a speech development environment;

work with children; working with parents;

work with society (city children's library, city museum, municipal theater, etc.).

Having studied the scientific and methodological literature on this issue,

amounted to forward planning for children from 2 to 7 years old, including activities, excursions, games, quizzes and parties;

* developed lesson notes on speech development and familiarization with fiction;

* selected and systematized didactic games that enrich and activate vocabulary, improve the sound culture of speech, develop coherent speech, memory, thinking, and imagination in preschoolers; made a collection of expressive means of language “The Magic Box”

purchased visual and didactic aids “Stories from Pictures”, “Portraits of Children’s Writers. 19th Century”, “Portraits of Children’s Writers. 20th Century”, with the help of her parents, she created a library in the group, which contains books of various genres.

The degree of novelty of the experience.

In terms of its novelty, the experience can be considered reproductive-creative, since

based on the program for the speech development of preschoolers, in it I propose

non-standard techniques, methods, forms and means of developing children's speech

using fiction, modeling techniques, mnemonic tables

the use of which contributes to the development of monologue, dialogic speech, and the emergence of children’s interest in reading


The main result of the work carried out is that children love books, read, look at them, exchange their impressions, actively use expressive means of language in speech, compose, fantasize and can independently stage mini-plays.

But one of the children remained at a low level. Reason: problems in pronunciation of many sounds. The work of a specialist - a speech therapist - is required. Significant changes were also identified in the development indicators “Retelling a text using a mnemonic table, using expressive means in speech.”

Summarized my teaching experience on the development of speech of preschool children when familiarizing themselves with fiction and presented it in 2011. at a meeting of the methodological association of teachers of senior groups of preschool educational institutions, holding a workshop “Didactic games for the development of intonation expressiveness of preschool children’s speech”; in 2012 she made a presentation at a seminar on the topic “Formation grammatical structure speech through the means of theater”, in 2012. developed a system of exercises for speech development using gaming methods", in 2013 - open lesson on familiarization with fiction with children of the middle group on the topic "Spring"; in 2013 participated in the week of pedagogical excellence on the issue of experience, developed questionnaires for parents, conducted Parent meeting on the topic “The role of family in speech development child."

Targeting. The idea of ​​experience involves working with preschoolers of different age periods.

The experience is acceptable for a creative educator who strives for each child to be an individual.

The complexity of the experience.

The development of speech has its own specifics (features, structure, types, types, forms), unfortunately, they have not been sufficiently studied in modern literature; The levels and dynamics of speech development in preschool children have not been described. Insufficient knowledge of parents about the role of fiction in the development of the speech of their children, underestimation of the importance of reading in the speech development of children.

Program content :

Summary of educational activities for introducing children to fiction

Introduce children to the content of the fairy tale;

Continue to develop the skill of assessing the characters’ characters, conveying the intonation of the voice and the character of the characters;

Bring up emotional perception fairy tale content.

GCD move:

1. Preparation for perception.


Let's play riddle words. Guess what I will say these words about:

A) Pink, thick, clumsy, crocheted tail. (Pig)

(A picture of a pig is displayed).

B) Gray, angry, toothy. (Wolf)

C) Loud, tailed, bright, colorful. (Rooster)

Remember in which fairy tale about animals the animals lived together in harmony. (“Teremok”, “Mitten”).

Listen to another fairy tale about this, it’s called “The Winter Lodge of Animals.”

2. Expressive storytelling by the teacher.

3. Identification of the level of perception.

4. Discussion of primary impressions:

What is this tale about?

How did you understand what the word “winter hut” means? (A house for the winter, where you can spend the winter and survive the cold).

Why did the animals decide to build themselves a house?

Tell us how they built their house? Who did what?

(Children repeat words from the text, the teacher selectively retells the fairy tale).

Consider how the animals spent the winter? What happened one day?

How did the animals manage to escape?

5. Physical education minute.

The animals were happy that everything ended so well.

The cockerel walks especially proudly, let's all portray him together:

Oh, handsome cockerel,

(Children spread their hands and show)

There is a comb on the top of the head,

And under the beak there is a beard,

Very proud gait

(Children walk, raising their knees high).

Raises his paws up

Nods his head importantly.

The rooster gets up before everyone else,

Sings loudly at dawn:

Ku-ka-re-ku! Stop sleeping!

It's time for everyone to get up!

6. Continuation of the conversation, explanation of the figurative content of the proverb “Fear has big eyes.”

7. There is a proverb: “Fear has big eyes.”

How do you understand it?

Who in our history can this be said about? (About the wolf).

What seemed to the wolf when he entered the winter hut? Listen, I'll tell you again.

(Explanation: it’s scary when you don’t know the truth; fear makes everything seem exaggerated and terrible).

This is where the proverb “Fear has big eyes” comes from.

8. Drawing from an idea.

Capturing the impressions received.

Children, draw how you imagine a hut - a winter hut for animals.

(Children are given stencils of houses: they complete the windows, the chimney, and decorate the hut).

8. Finger gymnastics

There is a tower in a field.

There's a lock on the door,

How can we open the lock?

Let the animals into the mansion.

On the left is a pig, on the right is a bear,

Pull back the bolt!

On the left is a hedgehog, on the right is a wolf,

Press the lock!

Pig, bear, hedgehog, wolf

The mansion is opened.



1. Andreasova M. Folk game as a means of developing the readiness of preschool children for verbal communication.//Preschool education 2007, No. 3
2. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children of primary preschool age. – M.: Education, 1991.

3. Grizik T., Timoshchuk L. Articulatory gymnastics. // Child in kindergarten 2001, No. 3.

4. Grizik T., Timoshchuk L. Speech development in children 4-7 years old. // Child in kindergarten 2002, No. 2.

5. Epifantseva T.B., Kiselenko T.E., Mogileva I.A., Solovyova I.G., Titkov T.V. Handbook for a teacher-defectologist. – Rostov-on-Don.: Phoenix, 2005.

6. Classes on speech development in kindergarten. Edited by: Ushakova O.S. – M.: Education, 1993.

7. Preschooler’s game./ Ed. Novoselova S.L. - M.: Education, 1989.

8. Kataeva A.A.. Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities. M.: Vlados, 2004.

9. Shvaiko G.S. Games and exercises for speech development. – M.: Education, 1988.

10. Shvetsova I. formation of phonemic perception and sound analysis in preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment. // Preschool education 2007, No. 5

Natalia Somova
Methods and techniques for working with children to familiarize themselves with fiction.

Methods and techniques for working with children to familiarize themselves with fiction.

Children's literature in Russia arose on the basis of oral folk art. Fairy tales, epics, songs, proverbs, riddles from the times ancient Rus' contributed to the ideological, aesthetic and moral formation of many generations. Works fiction is revealed to children the world of human feelings, causing interest in personality, in inner world heroes. Learning to empathize with heroes works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and people around them. They develop humane feelings, the ability to show participation, kindness, and distinguish between injustice. This is the basis on which integrity, honesty, and true citizenship are fostered.

Introducing children to fiction helps to actively master speech, feel the beauty and expressiveness of the native word.

The child uses speech to express his thoughts and feelings, that is, to influence the world around him. Speech small child is formed in communication with the adults around him, and in preschool institution and at pedagogical events with children.

Speech development is a complex, creative process, and therefore it is necessary that children, perhaps earlier, master their native speech well, speak correctly and beautifully. Speech development in progress familiarization with fiction takes great place in the general system working with children. Fiction is the most important source and means of developing all aspects of children’s speech and a unique means of education.

Today the problem of introducing children to fiction is one of the current ones. The problem is caused by a number of reasons:

Joining fiction underused;

There is no need to preserve and transmit family reading;

Formation of coherent speech in children.

Educational function literature carried out in a special way, inherent only to art - by the force of influence artistic image. To fully realize educational opportunities literature, it is necessary to know the psychological characteristics of the perception and understanding of this type of art by preschoolers.

Tasks work to introduce children to fiction.

Based on the perception, the following are put forward: tasks:

Cultivate interest in fiction, develop the ability to holistically perceive works of different genres, ensure the assimilation of the content of the works and emotional responsiveness to it;

Form initial ideas about the features fiction:

About genres (prose, poetry, about their specific features.

About the composition.

About the simplest elements of imagery in language.

Bring up literary and artistic taste, the ability to understand and feel the mood of a work, to capture the musicality, sonority, rhythm, beauty and poetry of stories, fairy tales, poems, to develop a poetic ear.

The task of the kindergarten, as noted by L. M. Gurovich, is to prepare for the long-term literary education which starts at school. Kindergarten can provide quite extensive literary baggage, literary erudition, since in preschool age a child gets acquainted with a variety of folklore genres. During these same years, children get acquainted with Russian and foreign classics - with the works of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, K. D. Ushinsky, the Brothers Grimm, H. C. Andersen and others.

Solving the problem of preparing children for literary education, it is proposed to give them knowledge about writers and poets, about folk art, about books and illustrations.

To solve the problems of comprehensive education by means fiction, formation of the child’s personality, his artistic development, the correct selection of works plays a significant role literature both for reading and storytelling, and for performing activities. When selecting a book, it is necessary to take into account that literary the work must carry educational, aesthetic and moral functions, i.e. it should be a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education.

Artistic methodology reading and storytelling.

There are several types classes:

Reading and storytelling of one work.

Reading several works united by a common theme or unity of images (two tales about a fox). You can combine works of the same genre or several genres. In such classes, new and already familiar material is combined.

Combining works belonging to different types art:

Reading literary works and viewing reproductions of famous paintings artist.

Reading combined with music.

Reading and storytelling using visual materials.

Reading and storytelling with toys.

Tabletop theater.

Puppet and shadow theater, flannelgraph.

Filmstrips, movies, TV shows.

Reading as part of a speech development lesson.

It can be logically related to the content of the lesson.

Reading can be an independent part of the lesson.

Main methods are the following:

1. Reading by the teacher from a book or by heart. This is a literal rendering of the text.

2. The teacher's story. This is a relatively free transfer of text. Storytelling provides great opportunities to attract children's attention.

3. Staging. This method can be considered as a means of secondary familiarization with a work of art.

4. Learning by heart. The choice of transmission method depends on the genre and age of the listener.

Traditionally in methodology It is customary to distinguish two forms of speech development work with a book in the nursery garden: reading and storytelling.

Children of primary preschool age are taught a love and interest in books and illustrations, the ability to focus attention on the text, hear it to the end, understand the content and respond emotionally to it. Starting from the younger group, children are introduced to the distinction between genres. At this age, children are able to understand and remember a fairy tale and repeat a song, but their speech is not expressive enough.

In middle preschool age it worsens Job on nurturing children's ability to perceive literary work, the desire to respond emotionally to the description of the event. Children are taught to answer questions about whether they liked the fairy tale or the story, what it is about, what words it begins and ends with.

In older preschool age, a steady interest in books arises and a desire to listen to them read. Accumulated life and literary experience gives the child the opportunity to understand the idea of ​​the work, the actions of the characters, and the motives of behavior. Children start consciously relate to the author's word, notice the features of language, figurative speech and reproduce it.

The main role in training belongs to special classes. Classes are supplemented and interact with special didactic games outside of class.

Getting to know fiction cannot be limited to classes. Reading and storytelling of books is organized at all moments of the life of children in kindergarten; it is associated with games and walks, with everyday activities, and work.

In order to develop children's interest in fiction and instilling a caring attitude toward books, each group creates literary center, this is a calm, comfortable, aesthetically designed place where children have the opportunity to communicate with a book, look at illustrations, magazines, and albums. For the construction of the corner, a number of requirements:

Convenient location - a quiet place, away from the doors to avoid foot traffic and noise.

Good lighting during the day and evening.

Aesthetic design.

IN literary in the center there should be shelves or display cases on which books and reproductions of paintings are displayed.

In younger groups in literary the center should contain 3-4 books, individual pictures, thematic albums. Books should have a small amount of text and bright illustrations.

In the middle group, on display shelves there are 4-5 books, materials for repairs, different types of theater, a tape recorder with audio cassettes, a collection of tongue twisters and tongue twisters.

In the senior and preparatory groups, the content becomes more diverse. The number of books increases to 8-10. This includes Russian folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, children's magazines, works of Russian classics, works about nature, educational literature, maps, atlases, encyclopedias.

So all forms work on introducing children to fiction foster interest and love for the book, form future readers.

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