Timur Kizyakov, host of the program “While Everyone is Home”: biography, personal life. Timur Kizyakov: his job is special - to go to visit Timur Kizyakov year of birth

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Biography, life story of Timur Borisovich Kizyakov

Kizyakov Timur Borisovich - Soviet and Russian TV presenter.

Childhood and youth. Education

Timur Kizyakov was born near Moscow, in the city of Reutov, on August 30, 1967. The boy’s mother was an engineer, his father was a military man, a colonel. Timur himself dreamed of a career in the military - apparently, he wanted to be like his father. From the very early years Timur prepared himself for service - he went in for sports, cultivated self-discipline, perseverance, and confidence. After graduating high school, Kizyakov entered the Yegoryevsk Aviation School at DOSAAF. In 1986, he received a Mi-2 helicopter pilot's license.

However, the service and profession of a pilot turned out to be not as sweet and interesting as Timur saw in his childhood. Therefore, the young man decided to get another specialty. After thinking, Kizyakov submitted documents to the Moscow Energy Institute. Soon he became a student at this university and began to study automation and telemechanics. In 1992, Timur successfully defended his diploma. By the way, by that time he had already worked on television for several years.

Labor activity

In 1988, Timur Kizyakov got a job at the Main Editorial Office of Broadcasting for Children of the USSR Central Television. A young man with no work experience, but with enthusiasm and zeal for work, was accepted to the position of co-author and host of the “Early in the Morning” program.

On November 8, 1992, the show began on Ostankino Channel 1 entertainment program“For now everyone is at home.” Timur Borisovich became both the author and permanent host of this show. The program includes several sections. The main one is Timur’s communication with families famous personalities. The presenter comes to the stars (of show business, sports, politics or another field) at home, sits down at their table, drinks tea and asks about everything in the world. All members of the celebrity's family gather at the table. The remaining sections are “My Beast” (about pets), “Crazy Hands” (about home inventions and life hacks), “You will have a child” (about children from orphanages who need loving and caring parents). Since 1995, the program “While Everyone is Home” began airing on ORT, and since 2002 – on Channel One.


In 2016, a serious scandal broke out with the “You’re Having a Child” column. The fact is that Timur Borisovich, being a co-owner of the Videopassport company and co-founder of the You Will Have a Child company, has been filming videos with orphans for his program since 2006. For each video profile, according to the decision of the ministers of the Russian Federation, the company received 100 thousand rubles. In total, 350 questionnaires were filmed and mounted. At the same time, Kizyakov’s company was suing other companies for the right to use the trademark “Child’s Video Passport” and demanded that they stop filming profiles. In fact, Timur Borisovich tried to monopolize this area of ​​activity. In other words, the Videopassport company tried by all available means to eliminate competitors and acquire the exclusive right to create videos with orphans and, accordingly, to receive government subsidies (tender per year - 10 million rubles). In total, the company received about 110 million rubles.

The media and charitable foundations were extremely outraged by this behavior of Kizyakov. In August 2017, the management of Channel One refused to broadcast the program “While Everyone is Home” due to a financial scandal with video passports of orphans. At that very moment General Prosecutor's Office Russian Federation began checking information about violations committed during the filming of “While Everyone Is Home.” Representatives of the prosecutor's office said that they will pay special attention to the moment of targeted use of funds allocated to the program by the state. After this, Timur Kizyakov and his film crew began working on the Rossiya-1 TV channel.

Politics and social activities

In 2012, Timur Borisovich became a member of the Public Chamber of the Central Federal District.

In 2016, Kizyakov entered the high society of the United Russia party. The TV presenter was invited there to help deal with the problems of children left without the care of parents and guardians, as well as with the difficulties regarding children's programs on domestic TV (more precisely, their meager number).

Timur Kizyakov is a member of the Russian Television Academy.

Personal life

In 1997, Timur Kizyakov married Elena, a graduate of the journalism department of the Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In 1998, the couple had a daughter, Elena. In 2003, the Kizyakovs’ second daughter, Valentina, was born. In 2012, a boy Timur appeared in the family.

In 2006, Elena Kizyakova began working under the supervision of her husband - she began hosting a column in his author’s program “While everyone is at home” “You will have a child.”

Awards and prizes

Kizyakov Timur Borisov has repeatedly received professional awards for his activities. So, in 1995 he received the Golden Ostap award as the best presenter. In 1999 he reached the final in the competition for TEFI, and in 2000 he received a statuette. In the same 2000 he became a laureate of the “Face” competition.

In 2006, Kizyakov was awarded the Order of Friendship, in 2012 - the Order of Honor. In 2015, the presenter received the Russian Government Prize in the field of mass media.

On orphans. The scandal then turned out to be significant! They wrote that the touching section “You will have a child” in the program “While everyone is at home” is not only a gesture of goodwill by Kizyakov and his wife Elena, but also a way to earn money.

“I have always considered video stories about orphans to be a great useful thing,” correspondent Tatyana Vinogradova wrote on her Facebook page. - But I thought it was a charity project of Channel One. How surprised I was to learn that, it turns out, Kizyakov makes video passports for orphans at the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science. One video passport - 100 thousand rubles. Tender per year - 10 million rubles. And at the same time, as a representative of the Ministry of Education said at the meeting, Kizyakov is suing other charitable organizations that are trying, at their own expense, with the help of volunteers, to make such video passports for other children from orphanages...

Timur Kizyakov then had to make excuses, and six months later he was escorted out of Channel One. Rumor has it that the reason was precisely the scandal that ruined the TV presenter’s reputation.

The other day, Kizyakov addressed the public from his Facebook page. In a huge article, he outlined all his thoughts about the conflict.

Sane People! “I am addressing you specifically, because it is on you that the world rests,” the TV presenter began his letter. - Please read carefully, checking everything said with your own common sense And life experience. At the same time, each time asking yourself the question: what is the final, true goal of organized bullying. And you, dear reader, will be absolutely convinced that the goal is not at all to improve the children’s lot, but to get rid of us as dangerous competitors interfering with their business. And the methods fully correspond to the purity of their hands and souls.

The investigation of any crime must, of course, begin with motives. As you know, the main motives of swindlers for doing charity are financial or political capital.

So, 10 years ago, and that’s when VideoPassport began, the “While everyone is at home” program was already 15, i.e. there was already something to live on and there was no shortage of fame. I will add that I did not participate in any elections (contrary to rumors).

They accuse us of registering our name “video passport”. An absolutely normal, correct, legal step, when starting serious work, is to register your individual distinctive sign, further marking all their actions with a quality mark and bearing full responsibility for them. As soon as the "video passport" earned itself a good reputation, the businessmen's appetite awoke. A certain St. Petersburg company, previously involved in apartment renovation, suddenly won a competition to create videos, and the terms of the competition implied such a disproportionate waste of government money on meaningless props that we refused to participate. They warned us verbally and in writing that the word “video passport” was not the answer, choose something else and disgrace yourself under it. The attackers got to work and produced a video that caused bitterness, shame and indignation, a wretched hack called a video passport!

What was left for us? We turned to the famous lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, famous for his reputation and for accepting two children into the family. This man would never defend a wrong cause. The formidable amount of the claim (10 million) was calculated so that all victims dirty hands children could be given video passports and punished not only the performers, but also the officials who patronized them.

And now attention to all who can count! So that the defendants do not look like unhappy sheep. For each 40-second (less than a minute) video, 25,000 rubles were spent, despite the fact that full version Video passports can be up to 40 minutes! That is, 1 second of their “video concoction” cost about 10 times more than 1 second of a video passport. Please re-read and think about it!

We, of course, won the lawsuit, and compensation was also awarded as much as 20 thousand. This was the only court in our practice! About 10 years ago.

And the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the ministries of more than thirty regions of Russia and not a single violation, emergency, not a single scandal, not a stain. Plus the Order of the Badge of Honor, plus a prize from the Russian Government, dozens of certificates and thanks. Is it all out of ignorance? And your bonus is 1 million rubles. We also gave away video passports to make money?

We have wonderful, thoughtful and selective colleagues, and no one turned away from us after the December stuffing! Thanks for the insight!

I say clearly and distinctly, the “You’re Having a Baby” section has never been funded by anyone at all, but was created exclusively by the “While Everyone Is Home” program!

Now judge for yourself what is happening? And who is to blame? And we answer the question of what to do - continue! The main judges for us are people who have children and children who have families. It is especially interesting to show these children, when they grow up, those who believed that their fate and life were not worth a hundred thousand...”

Let us remind you that Timur Kizyakov’s dismissal from Channel One became known a week ago. Television workers associated the cessation of filming new episodes of the “While Everyone is Home” program with the scandalous story with video passports. The TV presenter himself, however,

Timur Kizyakov is a famous Russian TV presenter, whose fame was brought to him by the morning entertainment program “While Everyone is Home.” It is this project that has been associated with the name of our today’s hero for many years. Since the early 90s, every Sunday viewers have watched him visit celebrities and their families. The program was twice awarded the TEFI Prize as the best educational program on Russian TV. In February 2016, Kizyakov joined the Supreme Council of United Russia.

Childhood and family

Timur was born on August 30, 1967 in the small town of Reutov near Moscow, a couple of kilometers from Moscow. Timur Kizyakov’s family was an ordinary Soviet family: his father was a military man, sent to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel, his mother worked most of her life as an engineer.

Timur was also an ordinary child: he loved to play with friends and, on the advice of his father, paid great attention to physical training. After graduating from high school, the young man, who was seriously thinking about a military career, submitted documents to Yegoryevskoe military school, where he began to study to become an MI-2 helicopter pilot. It was no coincidence that Timur chose his specialization: already in adolescence he dreamed of the sky and flights.

However, already at the military school, Timur changed his priorities. Army life turned out to be completely different from what the creative guy had once imagined. As a result, already in his second year he began to doubt the correctness of his chosen specialty. No, no, he did not give up flying and eventually graduated from the Yegoryevsk Military School with honors, but at some point he decided to also get a civilian specialty. After leaving school, Kizyakov entered the Moscow Energy Institute (specialty “Automation and Remote Control”).

Timur Kizyakov's career on TV

Timur Kizyakov first appeared on television almost by accident. Also in student years his friend from the Moscow VGIK invited him to participate in the creation of a script for the children's entertainment television show “Early in the Morning.” Timur agreed, and very soon the finished script concept was on the table of the head of the morning broadcasting directorate of the TV channel.

The work of the novice screenwriter received very high reviews from the masters Soviet television. Timur was offered a job. So in 1988 he joined the staff of the central television of the Soviet Union.

At first, Timur Kizyakov worked as a co-author of scripts in the Main Editorial Office of Children's Broadcasting, then tried himself as a host of the same program, “Early in the Morning.” And after that everything began to take shape as if by itself.

In the early nineties, the editorial office smoothly transformed into the television company “Class”, which was engaged in creating programs for children and teenagers. At first, Timur Kizyakov worked on creating programs on a wide variety of topics, but later he focused on implementing his own project - a morning entertainment program that could be of interest to all family members. While developing the project, the talented young TV presenter decided to focus on communicating with celebrities in their circle of households.

Timur Kizyakov and “While everyone is at home”

On November 8, 1992, the first episode of the program entitled “While Everyone is Home” was released on the ORT channel. The first guest of the project was Oleg Tabakov. Timur Kizyakov was the producer, scriptwriter and presenter of the program. He also drew the well-known “While everyone is at home” screensaver using a light pen and a Quantel Paintbox graphics station.

The first screensaver “While everyone is at home”

Over the many years of its existence, Timur Kizyakov’s morning show has become very popular among viewers, who invariably turned on the Channel One button at 10:30 every Sunday. Creative group The project produced over a thousand different episodes dedicated to various celebrities. IN different years the guests of the program “While everyone is at home” were Tamara Gverdtsiteli, Dmitry Dibrov, Stas Mikhailov, as well as many other stars Russian show business, some received Timur at home several times. The host always came to visit with his slippers. Conversations with the owners were conducted, as a rule, at the dinner table, in a cozy and understanding atmosphere. Accordingly, the topics were dedicated to family, funny incidents from life, stories of how spouses met.

The “Crazy Hands” section, in which Timur Kizyakov and inventor Andrei Bakhmetyev collected useful things from recyclables and scrap materials, gained popular love. Unfortunately, in 2010, Kizyakov’s colleague decided to focus on his own educational projects and left the program, the section was closed.

"Crazy hands"

But the “My Beast” section, which told about the pets of the program’s heroes, has not disappeared anywhere. And in 2006, the program was supplemented with another section - “You will have a child.” Its presenter Elena Kizyakova, Timur’s wife, told viewers about orphans and promoted their adoption. For the implementation of this project in 2015, the program was awarded a prize from the Russian government.

For creation morning show Timur Kizyakov was awarded the “Golden Ostap” prize, two “TEFI” statuettes (in 1996 and 2006), the prize of the “Person of the Year” competition, as well as state awards Order of Honor and Order of Friendship.

Political activities of Timur Kizyakov

Since 2012, the presenter is an elected member of the Public Chamber of the Central federal district. In 2016, representatives of the General Council of United Russia Olga Batalina and Sergei Neverov, who collaborated with the Kizyakov couple on issues of adoption of orphans, invited Timur to join the Supreme Council of the party as a person savvy in two industries at once - television and “orphans”.

Personal life of Timur Kizyakov

In 1997, Timur Kizyakov married his beloved named Elena. The TV presenter’s wife graduated from the Patrice Lumumba People’s Friendship University Faculty of Journalism and currently also works on television.

Timur Kizyakov denied this information, noting that the creators of the show themselves decided to break with the channel because of “ unacceptable methods» manuals. The presenter of “While everyone is at home” also announced the transition to the “Russia 1” channel. On September 10, 2017, the program first aired under the new title “When everyone is at home.”

Russian TV presenter Timur Kizyakov is familiar to most TV viewers in the country as the author and host of the program “While Everyone is Home.” He is the deputy director of the Limited Liability Company "Bye All Doma.Ru" and regularly appears on silver screens with stories about privacy many famous people. He has been hosting this program since 1992 and is close to the public as a well-known and even close person. Timur Kizyakov's wife is Elena, his colleague on TV and a faithful ally for many years.

They met on Ostankino television in 1997. Having graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at the Institute of Friendship of Peoples, Elena at that time worked as the editor of the “Time” program and was married. Seeing her, Timur immediately realized that it was with her that he wanted to live his whole life and made a lot of efforts to please his young colleague. It was difficult to resist his onslaught, especially since he said that “he does not take away someone else’s wife, but takes his own.” Elena divorced her husband and she and Timur got married. Since then they have been together for 19 years.

This married couple not only employees on TV: practically, they are now employed in general project. Since 2006, the “While Everyone is Home” program has featured the “You’re Having a Baby” section, hosted by Elena. Although this section may take only 4-5 minutes in time, it takes a long time and purposefully to prepare all day long and can require a lot of effort and effort. It is not easy to work with children; they need to be involved in communication and this must be done skillfully and carefully.

The section “You will have a child” is of particular importance for childless people married couples who dream of adopting a child. Within its framework, viewers are introduced to children from “Children’s Homes” who need parental love and care. You can see them, get information about their age, health, and draw conclusions about the possibility of having children despite the injustices of fate. The transfer increases the opportunity for many children to become needed and dear to someone.

The Kizyakovs themselves can be considered a father and mother of many children: they already have three children: daughters Elena, born in 1998, and Valentina, born in 2003, and little son Timur, who is now only 4 years old. When parents chose names for their newborn children, it was immediately decided to name the girl in honor of the mother, and the son in honor of the father. Therefore, it so happened that their second daughter, Valentina, is alone in the house with the same name.

In the Kizyakov house, the head of everything is the father. He, according to Elena, insists on patriarchy and very conscientiously fulfills his duties in lovingly and strictly raising children. Both daughters and son were taught order and responsibility for their actions and the confidence that they are the most precious thing in the lives of their parents. The girls, following the example of their mother, are fond of choreography and dancing, keep cleanliness and order, and enjoy babysitting their brother.

Using the interests of his family as an example, Timur is expanding his “While everyone is at home” program, adding several interesting sections like Elena's column. Over the 25 years of existence of this television project, both its host and Timur Kizyakov’s wife have become real experts in family improvement, thanks to their own happiness and harmony.

The host of the program “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov, told RBC that the creators of the program themselves terminated the contract with Channel One. Kizyakov said that the working methods of the channel’s management have become “unacceptable” for the project team

Timur Kizyakov (Photo: Sergey Kuznetsov / RIA Novosti)
The host of “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov, told RBC that the Dom television company, which was producing the program, itself decided to stop collaborating with Channel One.
According to him, official letter The Dom television company sent a message to Channel One on May 28 about the termination of cooperation. “[The letter] is official. We have it in our outgoing papers, with an outgoing number registered when received by Channel One,” he clarified.
“The brief content of the letter can be formulated as follows: the methods that the management of Channel One began to adhere to are unacceptable to us, so we are stopping cooperation,” Kizyakov said in a conversation with RBC.
He also added that the decision to no longer film the program for Channel One was made due to the fact that “it became unbearable to work.” “We made this decision, it’s not my personal decision, the team supports it,” said Kizyakov.
Earlier, RBC reported that Channel One decided to stop showing the program While Everyone Is Home, which has been airing since 1992, due to a scandal involving the financing of filming videos about orphans, in which the Dom television company was involved, as well as its owners Timur and Elena Kizyakov. " main reason- damaged reputation of the program. And everyone was waiting for some action from Channel One,” said RBC’s interlocutor.
At the same time, Timur Kizyakov, during the preparation of the material, told RBC earlier today that he knew nothing about the termination of cooperation with Channel One. “I don’t have such information, I’m away,” he said during his first conversation with RBC.
Later, in a conversation with RBC, Kizyakov said that he had a “different” interpretation of the “story” that the channel made its decision “on the basis of some scandals.”

“I interpret it differently. The channel now needs to save face at all costs and find reasons so that the reason is in them,” said the TV presenter.

Airtime: long-lived programs on Russian television
According to Kizyakov himself, in December 2016 he and his colleagues became victims of a “colossal hoax” that they were making money by filming videos about children in need of adoption.
He noted that at that time Channel One simply stepped aside and pretended not to know them, and only now found a way to “somehow save face.”
The fact that the companies Videopassport of the Child LLC, Videopassport-Tula LLC and charitable foundation“Video Passport,” which belongs to the creators of the “While Everyone is Home” program, received funding in the amount of about 110 million rubles. for the creation of videos about orphans from the Ministry of Education and Science and at the same time from regional authorities, the Vedomosti newspaper reported at the end of December 2016.
The videos, which were called video passports, were shown in the “You’re Having a Baby” section of the “While Everyone is Home” program and posted on the Channel One website. The section talked about children from orphanages in need of adoption.
According to procurement documents studied by Vedomosti, the production of one such video passport costs 100 thousand rubles. Vedomosti also found out then that the creators of “While Everyone is Home” were suing other charitable organizations that tried to use the term video passport and obtain government contracts for their production.
The representative of Channel One Larisa Krymova then stated that the channel did not know that the company producing the program was filming video passports with money received from the state. Krymova also added that the TV channel intends to look into whether this violates the terms of the contract.
In June 2017, Dom LLC entered into a contract with the Ministry of Education and Science for 10 million rubles. for the production of at least 100 new videos about children in need of adoption. The contract stipulates that at least 100 videos lasting 30 minutes must be posted on an Internet site “dedicated to the family arrangement of children without parental care,” with an average monthly traffic of at least 15 thousand unique users. Another “at least six” videos, each with a running time of at least six minutes, must be shown “on a federal television channel.”

Who else wanted to produce videos?

In addition to Dom LLC, the competition included Studio Morning LLC, registered in 2015, whose owner is listed as Marina Vladimirovna Romantsova. In addition, she is a co-owner of New Company Master LLC, New Company TV Plus LLC and New Company Image LLC. The New Company television group is part of the Transcontinental Media Company of Alexander Mitroshenkov. On the website of the Academy Foundation Russian television"It is said that Marina Vladimirovna Romantsova works for a television company" New company"and participated in the creation of the program "Subbotnik" on the TV channel "Russia 1", the plot of which is reminiscent of the plot of "While everyone is at home": the presenters come to visit the star and talk about life over breakfast. Studio Morning LLC is engaged in the production of the program “Business Morning” about the global economy, the family budget and exchange rates on the NTV channel. In March 2017, VTB Bank entered into a contract with Studio Morning LLC for the placement of sponsorship advertising in the Business Morning program for 130 million rubles.
When asked by RBC about where 100 new videos about orphans, the production of which is provided for by this contract, will now be broadcast, Kizyakov explained that according to the contract, only a small part of the stories are aired. “According to the agreement, we do not have to show 100 passports, but we have to show a much smaller number on air and make an on-air version. According to the agreement, the Ministry of Education pays for the production of video passports, we undertake information support for video passports, which includes broadcasts, but not necessarily in the program “While everyone is at home”, the main thing is that it reaches a large audience. And we guarantee it. We will definitely show [the video clips provided for in the contract], they will go on air,” Kizyakov explained. Kizyakov could not answer the question about which channel the stories would be broadcast on. “We’ll think about it now,” he said.

"While everyone is at home"

The program “While Everyone is Home” has been on the air since November 1992. As part of the program, its author and presenter Timur Kizyakov comes to visit families famous artists, writers, musicians and athletes. In addition, the program had several permanent sections. The “Crazy Hands” column was published in 1992–2010, but was closed due to the departure of the presenter Andrei Bakhmetyev. The section “My Beast” tells about the heroes’ pets.
Since September 2006, the section “You will have a child” was broadcast, which talked about children from orphanages who need adoptive parents. It was hosted by the wife of the main presenter of the program, Elena Kizyakova.
In December 2016, it became known that companies that belong to the creators of the program “While Everyone is Home” have received about 110 million rubles from tenders of the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as regional authorities, since 2011. to create videos about orphans. Kizyakov himself told Vedomosti that since 2006, together with his wife and film crew“While everyone is at home,” they created about 3 thousand such videos.
The producer of the program is the structures of the Transcontinental Media Company Alexandra Mitroshenkov, Dom LLC, registered in Moscow in November 2015. According to the United state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities), 49.50% of the LLC belongs to Timur Kizyakov, the same share belongs to his long-time business partner Alexander Mitroshenkov, another 1% belongs to the head of the company Nina Podkolzina.
The program is a three-time winner of the TEFI television award. In July 2017, it was included several times in the Mediascope ranking of the 100 most popular programs among Russians over four years of age, ranking 39-56 in it.
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